2020/10/05 05:05:28 parsed 1 programs 2020/10/05 05:05:29 executed programs: 0 2020/10/05 05:05:31 result: hanged=false err=executor 5: EOF ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host bash-4.3$ kernel panic at kern/arch/x86/trap.c:640, from core 0: Damn Damn! Unhandled trap in the kernel! HW TRAP frame at 0xfffffff0010547b0 on core 0 rax 0x000000000000000a rbx 0xffff800002196dc0 rcx 0xffff8000049e7000 rdx 0x0000000000000000 rbp 0xfffffff0010548c8 rsi 0x0000000020000780 rdi 0xffff800002196dc0 r8 0x0000000000000000 r9 0x0000000000000000 r10 0x0000000000000444 r11 0xffff800004e4b55c r12 0x0000000020000780 r13 0x0000000000000000 r14 0xfffffff001054910 r15 0xffff80000219edc1 trap 0x00000000 Divide error gsbs 0xffffffffc8f79b00 fsbs 0x0000000000000000 err 0x--------00000000 rip 0xffffffffc2007c8e cs 0x------------0008 flag 0x0000000000010206 rsp 0xfffffff001054878 ss 0x------------0010 Backtrace of kernel context on Core 0: #01 [<0xffffffffc2007c8e>] in send_event #02 [<0xffffffffc20086f4>] in fire_tap #03 [<0xffffffffc201686b>] in fire_data_taps #04 [<0xffffffffc20168ba>] in ip_wake_cb #05 [<0xffffffffc203bf07>] in __qbwrite #06 [<0xffffffffc203cc0b>] in qpassnolim #07 [<0xffffffffc202f621>] in tcpiput #08 [<0xffffffffc201e902>] in ipiput4 #09 [<0xffffffffc201acc1>] in etherread4 #10 [<0xffffffffc200b994>] in __ktask_wrapper #11 [<0xffffffffc205bfed>] in process_routine_kmsg #12 [<0xffffffffc205597e>] in __smp_idle Entering Nanwan's Dungeon on Core 0 (Ints off): Type 'help' for a list of commands.