D1215 01:24:53.234511 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 1: 1] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:53.235021 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 1: 1] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:53.235142 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 1: 1] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:53.239751 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 1: 4] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:53.241334 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 1: 4] Signal 23: delivering to handler I1215 01:24:53.372404 842376 calibrated_clock.go:74] CalibratedClock(Monotonic): ready I1215 01:24:53.372602 842376 calibrated_clock.go:74] CalibratedClock(Realtime): ready I1215 01:24:53.419509 842454 main.go:216] *************************** I1215 01:24:53.419629 842454 main.go:217] Args: [/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover/current/image -root /syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover/workdir/gvisor_root -watchdog-action=panic -network=none -debug -debug-log=/dev/stderr -platform=ptrace -file-access=exclusive -network=sandbox -num-network-channels=3 -net-raw -watchdog-action=panic -TESTONLY-unsafe-nonroot exec -user=0:0 -cap CAP_CHOWN -cap CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE -cap CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH -cap CAP_FOWNER -cap CAP_FSETID -cap CAP_KILL -cap CAP_SETGID -cap CAP_SETUID -cap CAP_SETPCAP -cap CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE -cap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE -cap CAP_NET_BROADCAST -cap CAP_NET_ADMIN -cap CAP_NET_RAW -cap CAP_IPC_LOCK -cap CAP_IPC_OWNER -cap CAP_SYS_MODULE -cap CAP_SYS_RAWIO -cap CAP_SYS_CHROOT -cap CAP_SYS_PTRACE -cap CAP_SYS_PACCT -cap CAP_SYS_ADMIN -cap CAP_SYS_BOOT -cap CAP_SYS_NICE -cap CAP_SYS_RESOURCE -cap CAP_SYS_TIME -cap CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG -cap CAP_MKNOD -cap CAP_LEASE -cap CAP_AUDIT_WRITE -cap CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL -cap CAP_SETFCAP -cap CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE -cap CAP_MAC_ADMIN -cap CAP_SYSLOG -cap CAP_WAKE_ALARM -cap CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND -cap CAP_AUDIT_READ ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0 /syz-fuzzer -executor=/syz-executor -name=vm-0 -arch=amd64 -manager=stdin -sandbox=none -procs=1 -cover=true -debug=false -test=false -optional=slowdown=10:raw_cover=false:sandbox_arg=0] I1215 01:24:53.419808 842454 main.go:218] Version release-20221205.0-35-g4c7561da986f I1215 01:24:53.419856 842454 main.go:219] GOOS: linux I1215 01:24:53.419892 842454 main.go:220] GOARCH: amd64 I1215 01:24:53.419947 842454 main.go:221] PID: 842454 I1215 01:24:53.420099 842454 main.go:222] UID: 0, GID: 0 I1215 01:24:53.420181 842454 main.go:223] Configuration: I1215 01:24:53.420232 842454 main.go:224] RootDir: /syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover/workdir/gvisor_root I1215 01:24:53.420286 842454 main.go:225] Platform: ptrace I1215 01:24:53.420336 842454 main.go:226] FileAccess: exclusive I1215 01:24:53.420382 842454 main.go:228] Overlay: Root=false, SubMounts=false, FilestoreDir="" I1215 01:24:53.420425 842454 main.go:229] Network: sandbox, logging: false I1215 01:24:53.420468 842454 main.go:230] Strace: false, max size: 1024, syscalls: I1215 01:24:53.420521 842454 main.go:231] Debug: true I1215 01:24:53.420571 842454 main.go:232] Systemd: false I1215 01:24:53.420602 842454 main.go:233] *************************** W1215 01:24:53.420643 842454 main.go:238] Block the TERM signal. This is only safe in tests! D1215 01:24:53.420993 842454 state_file.go:57] Load container, rootDir: "/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover/workdir/gvisor_root", id: {SandboxID: ContainerID:ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0}, opts: {Exact:false SkipCheck:false RootContainer:false} D1215 01:24:53.428567 842454 container.go:594] Signal container, cid: ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0, signal: signal 0 (0) D1215 01:24:53.428748 842454 sandbox.go:1024] Signal sandbox "ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0" D1215 01:24:53.428816 842454 sandbox.go:523] Connecting to sandbox "ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0" D1215 01:24:53.429251 842454 urpc.go:568] urpc: successfully marshalled 111 bytes. D1215 01:24:53.429879 842376 urpc.go:611] urpc: unmarshal success. D1215 01:24:53.430368 842376 controller.go:570] containerManager.Signal: cid: ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0, PID: 0, signal: 0, mode: Process D1215 01:24:53.430727 842376 urpc.go:568] urpc: successfully marshalled 37 bytes. D1215 01:24:53.431371 842454 urpc.go:611] urpc: unmarshal success. D1215 01:24:53.431534 842454 exec.go:121] Exec arguments: /syz-fuzzer -executor=/syz-executor -name=vm-0 -arch=amd64 -manager=stdin -sandbox=none -procs=1 -cover=true -debug=false -test=false -optional=slowdown=10:raw_cover=false:sandbox_arg=0 D1215 01:24:53.431622 842454 exec.go:122] Exec capabilities: &{PermittedCaps:274877906943 InheritableCaps:274877906943 EffectiveCaps:274877906943 BoundingCaps:274877906943 AmbientCaps:0} D1215 01:24:53.431707 842454 container.go:522] Execute in container, cid: ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0, args: /syz-fuzzer -executor=/syz-executor -name=vm-0 -arch=amd64 -manager=stdin -sandbox=none -procs=1 -cover=true -debug=false -test=false -optional=slowdown=10:raw_cover=false:sandbox_arg=0 D1215 01:24:53.431754 842454 sandbox.go:483] Executing new process in container "ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0" in sandbox "ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0" D1215 01:24:53.431809 842454 sandbox.go:523] Connecting to sandbox "ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0" D1215 01:24:53.432636 842454 urpc.go:568] urpc: successfully marshalled 630 bytes. D1215 01:24:53.433072 842376 urpc.go:611] urpc: unmarshal success. D1215 01:24:53.434056 842376 controller.go:342] containerManager.ExecuteAsync, cid: ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0, args: /syz-fuzzer -executor=/syz-executor -name=vm-0 -arch=amd64 -manager=stdin -sandbox=none -procs=1 -cover=true -debug=false -test=false -optional=slowdown=10:raw_cover=false:sandbox_arg=0 I1215 01:24:53.435393 842376 kernel.go:791] EXEC: [/syz-fuzzer -executor=/syz-executor -name=vm-0 -arch=amd64 -manager=stdin -sandbox=none -procs=1 -cover=true -debug=false -test=false -optional=slowdown=10:raw_cover=false:sandbox_arg=0] D1215 01:24:53.438120 842376 client.go:400] send [channel 0xc000822000] WalkReq{DirFD: 1, Path: [syz-fuzzer, ]} D1215 01:24:53.439441 842376 client.go:400] recv [channel 0xc000822000] WalkResp{Status: 0, Inodes: [{ControlFD:6 Stat:{Mask:2047 Blksize:4096 Attributes:0 Nlink:1 UID:0 GID:0 Mode:33261 _:0 Ino:14035502 Size:28598272 Blocks:55856 AttributesMask:0 Atime:{Sec:1671015832 Nsec:480359736 _:0} Btime:{Sec:0 Nsec:0 _:0} Ctime:{Sec:1671067493 Nsec:253062699 _:0} Mtime:{Sec:1671015832 Nsec:480359736 _:0} RdevMajor:0 RdevMinor:0 DevMajor:8 DevMinor:16}}, ]} D1215 01:24:53.439947 842376 client.go:400] send [channel 0xc000822000] OpenAtReq{FD: 6, Flags: 0} D1215 01:24:53.440554 842376 client.go:400] recv [channel 0xc000822000] OpenAtResp{OpenFD: 7} D1215 01:24:53.449697 842376 syscalls.go:262] Allocating stack with size of 8388608 bytes D1215 01:24:53.452322 842376 loader.go:1023] updated processes: map[{ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0 0}:0xc0005b14d0 {ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0 12}:0xc0007c2c60] D1215 01:24:53.452546 842376 urpc.go:568] urpc: successfully marshalled 37 bytes. D1215 01:24:53.452742 842454 urpc.go:611] urpc: unmarshal success. D1215 01:24:53.452896 842454 container.go:582] Wait on process 12 in container, cid: ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0 D1215 01:24:53.452959 842454 sandbox.go:978] Waiting for PID 12 in sandbox "ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0" D1215 01:24:53.452994 842454 sandbox.go:523] Connecting to sandbox "ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0" D1215 01:24:53.453284 842454 urpc.go:568] urpc: successfully marshalled 94 bytes. D1215 01:24:53.453492 842376 urpc.go:611] urpc: unmarshal success. D1215 01:24:53.453707 842376 controller.go:509] containerManager.Wait, cid: ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0, pid: 12 D1215 01:24:53.555866 842376 task_signals.go:481] [ 12: 12] No task notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:53.557643 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:53.577042 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:53.577364 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:53.579624 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:53.580160 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:53.594749 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:53.607561 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:53.609997 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:53.610361 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:53.750643 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:53.750949 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 14] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:53.751228 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:53.751902 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 14] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:53.751969 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 14] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:53.753324 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:53.753713 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 15] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:53.753774 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:53.755033 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:53.755357 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 12] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:53.755454 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:53.759176 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:53.759528 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 12] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:53.759616 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:53.761828 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:53.761998 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:53.765393 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:53.766365 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:53.775812 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:53.776150 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 16] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:53.776250 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:53 fuzzer started D1215 01:24:54.004180 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.005863 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 14] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.006396 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.006763 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 18] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.006967 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.007382 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 14] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.007606 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.010344 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.010608 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.013365 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 14] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.013716 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 14] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.013815 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 14] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.018120 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 14] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.018705 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 14] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.021574 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 14] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.021962 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 14] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.022037 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 14] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.027046 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.027918 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.041720 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.042097 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.042910 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.043265 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.044755 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.045383 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 20] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.045555 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.048160 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.048621 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.051205 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 14] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.054112 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 14] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.057791 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 14] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.063586 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 14] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.067492 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 21] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.068013 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 21] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.070536 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 21] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.070928 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 21] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.072867 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 21] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.073229 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 21] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.088450 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.088809 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.089119 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.089417 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.089895 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 15] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.090077 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.090508 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.091426 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 21] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.092070 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 21] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.092196 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 21] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.092279 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.093412 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.097331 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.097690 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 20] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.097777 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.100770 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.101846 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 20] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.101935 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.106244 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.107455 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.115683 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 21] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.116296 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 14] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.116659 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.116882 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.117462 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 21] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.117510 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 20] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.117616 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.117627 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 16] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.117743 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.118733 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 14] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.121969 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.122336 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.125394 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.125934 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.126107 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 18] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.126191 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.126231 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.128611 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.128836 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.129333 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.129743 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 22] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.129824 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.130868 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.131160 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.132876 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.133104 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.134829 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.135154 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 18] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.135224 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.148259 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.148493 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.148772 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 14] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.149056 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.149373 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 14] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.149762 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.150069 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.150349 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.150866 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 22] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.150963 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.151255 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 21] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.151680 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.152301 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 21] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.152476 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 21] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.154617 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.154990 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.174436 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.174978 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.175545 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.175872 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.176144 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 12] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.176280 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.176375 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.176615 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.176944 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.177153 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 16] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.177249 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.177356 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.180597 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.181539 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 19] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.181665 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.184540 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.184914 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 19] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.184997 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.187480 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.187804 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 19] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.187893 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.205825 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.208992 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.209441 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.209602 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.211384 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.211749 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.213494 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.213966 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 19] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.214183 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.217280 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.218075 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 19] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.218307 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.222920 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.223661 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 20] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.223776 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.235623 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.236156 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.238911 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 14] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.239809 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 14] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.240315 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.240892 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.241843 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.243477 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 20] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.243736 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.244878 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 15] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.244984 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 12] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.244997 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.245130 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.250422 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.251084 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 14] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.251484 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 18] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.251608 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.251904 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 14] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.256220 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 14] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.256626 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 14] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.259055 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 14] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.259421 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.259861 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 14] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.260010 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 23] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.260097 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.263679 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 14] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.264276 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 14] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.275623 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 14] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.276119 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 14] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.282321 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 14] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.282748 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.283113 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.283423 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.283834 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 14] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.284034 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 21] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.284386 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 21] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.284681 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.284953 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.285187 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.285351 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.285760 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.289256 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.289740 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 18] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.289829 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.290616 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.292078 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 19] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.292165 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.295495 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.296026 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 19] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.296154 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.298750 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 21] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.299039 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 21] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.300757 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.301207 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 19] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.301279 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 21] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.301366 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.302044 842376 task_signals.go:176] [ 12: 21] Not restarting syscall 202 after errno &{516 %!d(string=interrupted by signal)}: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.302183 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 21] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.306471 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 21] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.307251 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 21] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.307347 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 21] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.317985 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.318394 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.336411 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.336815 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.339535 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.339949 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.341847 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.343101 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.360099 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.361748 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:54 dialing manager at stdin D1215 01:24:54.396190 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.396768 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.399385 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.399814 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.400406 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.400799 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.401169 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 16] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.401301 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.401347 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 19] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.401444 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.403464 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.404294 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.409759 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.411108 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.413246 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.413850 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.430493 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.430900 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.441633 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.442172 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.443933 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.444373 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.445743 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.446363 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.447212 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.447578 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.449542 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.450127 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 23] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.450234 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.452835 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.453331 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 23] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.453447 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.456078 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.456534 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 23] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.456688 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.472913 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.473642 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.474094 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.474257 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.475889 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.476158 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.477725 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.478007 842376 task_signals.go:481] [ 12: 15] No task notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.478344 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.479165 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.479621 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.480187 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.496076 842376 task_stop.go:118] [ 12: 17] Entering internal stop (*kernel.vforkStop)(nil) D1215 01:24:54.503153 842376 task_signals.go:481] [ 12: 17] No task notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.526246 842376 client.go:400] send [channel 0xc000822000] WalkReq{DirFD: 1, Path: [syz-executor, ]} D1215 01:24:54.527045 842376 client.go:400] recv [channel 0xc000822000] WalkResp{Status: 0, Inodes: [{ControlFD:8 Stat:{Mask:2047 Blksize:4096 Attributes:0 Nlink:1 UID:0 GID:0 Mode:33261 _:0 Ino:14035533 Size:2048616 Blocks:4008 AttributesMask:0 Atime:{Sec:1671015833 Nsec:332359255 _:0} Btime:{Sec:0 Nsec:0 _:0} Ctime:{Sec:1671067493 Nsec:257062697 _:0} Mtime:{Sec:1671015833 Nsec:332359255 _:0} RdevMajor:0 RdevMinor:0 DevMajor:8 DevMinor:16}}, ]} D1215 01:24:54.527529 842376 client.go:400] send [channel 0xc000822000] OpenAtReq{FD: 8, Flags: 0} D1215 01:24:54.528181 842376 client.go:400] recv [channel 0xc000822000] OpenAtResp{OpenFD: 9} D1215 01:24:54.535865 842376 syscalls.go:262] [ 26: 26] Allocating stack with size of 8388608 bytes D1215 01:24:54.541956 842376 task_stop.go:138] [ 12: 17] Leaving internal stop (*kernel.vforkStop)(nil) D1215 01:24:54.542971 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.549155 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.549681 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.629051 842376 client.go:400] send [channel 0xc000822000] WalkReq{DirFD: 1, Path: [syzcgroup, ]} D1215 01:24:54.629628 842376 client.go:400] recv [channel 0xc000822000] WalkResp{Status: 1, Inodes: []} D1215 01:24:54.643741 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 26: 26] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:24:54.651705 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 26: 26] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:24:54.651931 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 17 D1215 01:24:54.652297 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 12] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 17 D1215 01:24:54.652407 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 17: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.653180 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 26: 26] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 2022/12/15 01:24:54 syscalls: 1288 2022/12/15 01:24:54 code coverage: enabled 2022/12/15 01:24:54 comparison tracing: ioctl(KCOV_TRACE_CMP) failed: operation not supported 2022/12/15 01:24:54 extra coverage: extra coverage is not supported by the kernel 2022/12/15 01:24:54 delay kcov mmap: enabled 2022/12/15 01:24:54 setuid sandbox: enabled 2022/12/15 01:24:54 namespace sandbox: enabled 2022/12/15 01:24:54 Android sandbox: /sys/fs/selinux/policy does not exist 2022/12/15 01:24:54 fault injection: CONFIG_FAULT_INJECTION is not enabled 2022/12/15 01:24:54 leak checking: CONFIG_DEBUG_KMEMLEAK is not enabled 2022/12/15 01:24:54 net packet injection: enabled 2022/12/15 01:24:54 net device setup: enabled 2022/12/15 01:24:54 concurrency sanitizer: /sys/kernel/debug/kcsan does not exist 2022/12/15 01:24:54 devlink PCI setup: PCI device 0000:00:10.0 is not available 2022/12/15 01:24:54 NIC VF setup: PCI device 0000:00:11.0 is not available 2022/12/15 01:24:54 USB emulation: /dev/raw-gadget does not exist 2022/12/15 01:24:54 hci packet injection: /dev/vhci does not exist 2022/12/15 01:24:54 wifi device emulation: /sys/class/mac80211_hwsim/ does not exist 2022/12/15 01:24:54 802.15.4 emulation: /sys/bus/platform/devices/mac802154_hwsim does not exist 2022/12/15 01:24:54 fetching corpus: 0, signal 0/2000 (executing program) D1215 01:24:54.700694 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.701531 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.716420 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.716848 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.731764 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.732139 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.777551 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.778003 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.779031 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.779439 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.779773 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.780004 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.780389 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.788389 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.788955 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.789456 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.789759 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.790905 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.793344 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.794089 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.794852 842376 task_signals.go:481] [ 12: 15] No task notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.795320 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.798522 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.798837 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 19] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.798992 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.799457 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.799654 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.799897 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.800115 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 12] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.800214 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.803730 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.803996 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 12] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.804065 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.807659 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.807955 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 12] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.808022 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:54 fetching corpus: 50, signal 7281/10124 (executing program) D1215 01:24:54.899928 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.900375 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:54 fetching corpus: 100, signal 9558/13263 (executing program) D1215 01:24:54.929300 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.930113 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.930206 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.930527 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.931760 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.932359 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.933204 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.933750 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 22] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.933840 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.943856 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.945259 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.960643 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.961351 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.979106 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.979795 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:54.995652 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:54.997406 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.002634 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.003203 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.015671 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.016205 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:55 fetching corpus: 150, signal 10560/15110 (executing program) D1215 01:24:55.103867 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.106512 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.106833 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.108910 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.109442 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.109642 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.110757 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.111220 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.111673 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.112032 842376 task_signals.go:481] [ 12: 12] No task notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.112259 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.113352 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.113435 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.114187 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.114208 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.114478 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 22] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.114582 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.116904 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.117495 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 19] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.117613 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.121043 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.122050 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.125333 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.125684 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 23] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.125774 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.133520 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.133882 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:55 fetching corpus: 200, signal 11526/16805 (executing program) D1215 01:24:55.237047 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.237385 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:55 fetching corpus: 250, signal 12655/18428 (executing program) D1215 01:24:55.242167 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.242576 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.243068 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.243404 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.243600 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.244408 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.244624 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.244754 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.248846 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.250501 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.273087 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.273367 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:55 fetching corpus: 300, signal 13166/19608 (executing program) D1215 01:24:55.379562 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.379904 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.392312 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.393323 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.394929 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.395245 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.395741 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.396707 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.397236 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.397458 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.397633 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.398017 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.398063 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.398546 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.398841 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.399035 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 16] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.399103 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.399477 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.400419 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.400589 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.401654 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.402469 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.402955 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.405190 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.405604 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 20] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.405705 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.408849 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.409366 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.416509 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.417260 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 23] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.417416 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:55 fetching corpus: 350, signal 13631/20680 (executing program) D1215 01:24:55.460193 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.464668 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.477673 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.478251 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.490446 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.491048 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:55 fetching corpus: 400, signal 14191/21682 (executing program) D1215 01:24:55.549192 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.555701 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.614942 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.617362 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.628608 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.629449 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.643934 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.644767 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.650419 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.653091 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.659674 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.660401 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.660658 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.661535 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.662817 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.664114 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.668552 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.669171 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 19] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.669305 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.673426 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 2022/12/15 01:24:55 fetching corpus: 450, signal 14616/22604 (executing program) D1215 01:24:55.674023 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 20] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.674133 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.735137 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.735638 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.746873 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.747357 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:55 fetching corpus: 500, signal 15275/23445 (executing program) 2022/12/15 01:24:55 fetching corpus: 550, signal 15680/24208 (executing program) D1215 01:24:55.861491 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.861938 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.862192 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.863087 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.865512 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.870541 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.872419 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.872989 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.873562 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.874098 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.874485 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.874884 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.886972 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.887389 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.887825 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 16] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.887932 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.889443 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.891014 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.892346 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 18] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.892423 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.909342 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.910395 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.928134 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.928565 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:55.950218 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:55.950853 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:55 fetching corpus: 600, signal 16449/24285 (executing program) D1215 01:24:56.000269 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.000765 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.048926 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.049718 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.061717 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.062487 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.073371 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.073809 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.073965 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.074411 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.074618 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.075426 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.076631 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.076838 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.081725 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.082652 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.083524 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 2022/12/15 01:24:56 fetching corpus: 650, signal 16729/24285 (executing program) D1215 01:24:56.090560 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.090872 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.091369 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.091777 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.091849 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.092870 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.094337 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.094812 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 16] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.094903 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.099968 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.100633 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.100856 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.101354 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.102299 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.102978 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.103540 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.104256 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.106203 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.107129 842376 task_signals.go:481] [ 12: 25] No task notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.107727 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.110976 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.111285 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 25] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.111379 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.112294 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.112910 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.137590 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.137911 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.153478 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.153686 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:56 fetching corpus: 700, signal 17129/24329 (executing program) D1215 01:24:56.232139 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.232845 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.255892 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.256670 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.278150 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.278583 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.279479 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.280104 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.281252 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.281661 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.282034 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.282419 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.283126 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.284065 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 16] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.284139 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.286622 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.286958 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 12] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.287032 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.287385 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.287642 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.291873 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.292297 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 22] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.292424 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:56 fetching corpus: 750, signal 17658/24330 (executing program) 2022/12/15 01:24:56 fetching corpus: 800, signal 17974/24330 (executing program) D1215 01:24:56.454135 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.454575 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.466275 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.466756 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.478993 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.479730 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.480991 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.482043 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.482175 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.484074 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.484980 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.485714 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:56 fetching corpus: 850, signal 18216/24330 (executing program) D1215 01:24:56.572234 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.572706 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:56 fetching corpus: 900, signal 18469/24330 (executing program) D1215 01:24:56.647072 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.652695 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.662000 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.662449 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.676688 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.677469 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.677775 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.678209 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.678523 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.678595 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.679012 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.679488 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.681162 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.682332 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 28] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.682423 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.683775 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.684390 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.684427 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.685283 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.685522 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.685661 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.685960 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 12] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.686034 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.686194 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.687287 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.688173 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.689675 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.689999 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 17] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.690110 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.690260 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.690575 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.692861 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.693595 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.695298 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.695903 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.699271 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.699887 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 15] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.700007 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.703080 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.703459 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:56 fetching corpus: 949, signal 18789/24330 (executing program) 2022/12/15 01:24:56 fetching corpus: 999, signal 19004/24330 (executing program) D1215 01:24:56.876068 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.880958 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.890532 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.890981 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.891323 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.891812 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.891911 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.892386 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.892729 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.893111 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.893421 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.893559 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.893762 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.894162 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 12] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.894271 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.894431 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.894548 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 19] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.894823 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.894689 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.896708 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.900207 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.900920 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.901659 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 2022/12/15 01:24:56 fetching corpus: 1049, signal 19191/24330 (executing program) D1215 01:24:56.901935 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.902329 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 17] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.902487 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.903220 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.903927 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 15] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.904025 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.904343 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.954582 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.954966 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:56.978021 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:56.978735 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:56 fetching corpus: 1099, signal 19410/24330 (executing program) D1215 01:24:57.057371 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.059386 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.070603 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.070952 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:57 fetching corpus: 1149, signal 19542/24330 (executing program) D1215 01:24:57.160660 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.161042 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.161371 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.161580 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.162002 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.162109 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.162441 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.163919 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.164456 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.165041 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.165143 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.166516 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.166904 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.167909 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.168411 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.168839 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.169172 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.169456 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.169961 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.170569 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.173129 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.173262 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.173733 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.175919 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.176391 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.177817 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.178343 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 23] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.178492 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.178628 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:57 fetching corpus: 1199, signal 19788/24330 (executing program) D1215 01:24:57.181321 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.181865 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 25] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.181981 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:57 fetching corpus: 1249, signal 19998/24330 (executing program) D1215 01:24:57.335383 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.335854 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:57 fetching corpus: 1299, signal 20213/24332 (executing program) D1215 01:24:57.400586 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.400953 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.412641 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.413133 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.413784 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.414007 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.414259 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.414708 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.416392 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.417163 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.417531 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 29] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.418043 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 15] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.418200 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.418524 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.418679 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.419565 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.420392 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.420540 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.420905 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.424783 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.425296 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.425725 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.426083 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.426443 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 29] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.427198 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.427812 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.428124 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.428545 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.429100 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.430230 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.430551 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.430679 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.432140 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 20] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.432344 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.433247 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 29] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.434061 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 29] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.434219 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.435620 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.436220 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 15] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.436348 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.443448 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.443918 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 15] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.444029 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.445407 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.446110 842376 task_signals.go:176] [ 12: 12] Not restarting syscall 202 after errno &{516 %!d(string=interrupted by signal)}: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.446248 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.450256 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.451748 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.457262 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.458041 842376 task_signals.go:176] [ 12: 12] Not restarting syscall 202 after errno &{516 %!d(string=interrupted by signal)}: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.458268 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.461353 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.461944 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.462155 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.462728 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:57 fetching corpus: 1349, signal 20428/24332 (executing program) D1215 01:24:57.508859 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.509270 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.546212 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.546746 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:57 fetching corpus: 1399, signal 20629/24332 (executing program) D1215 01:24:57.645644 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.646159 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.657621 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.658039 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:57 fetching corpus: 1449, signal 20759/24332 (executing program) D1215 01:24:57.743970 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.744594 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.744930 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.745364 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.748470 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.748688 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.748992 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.749366 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 29] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.749978 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.750011 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.750032 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.750419 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.750537 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 29] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.750738 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.751451 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.752057 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 25] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.752269 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.752128 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 15] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.752514 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.754970 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.755370 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 20] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.755463 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.758636 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.759164 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 20] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.759359 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.764547 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.766859 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.768805 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.769229 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 20] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.769345 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:57 fetching corpus: 1499, signal 20918/24332 (executing program) D1215 01:24:57.860102 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.861357 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:57 fetching corpus: 1549, signal 21109/24332 (executing program) D1215 01:24:57.966647 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.967162 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.970528 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.970962 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.971943 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 29] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.972400 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.972580 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.973154 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.973448 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 17] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.973542 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.973920 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.974206 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.974569 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 25] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.974644 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.976841 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.977176 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 29] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.977520 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:57.977710 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 27] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:57.977912 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:57 fetching corpus: 1599, signal 21241/24333 (executing program) 2022/12/15 01:24:58 fetching corpus: 1649, signal 21411/24333 (executing program) D1215 01:24:58.135887 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.136365 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:58 fetching corpus: 1699, signal 21580/24333 (executing program) D1215 01:24:58.170253 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.170877 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.224109 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.224331 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.224577 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.224666 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.226285 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.226670 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.227026 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.227205 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.227490 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.227635 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.227981 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.228109 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.228410 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.228560 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.230198 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.230700 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 27] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.230782 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.230809 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.231277 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 25] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.231364 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.233999 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 29] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.234213 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.234824 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.235108 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.235270 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.235532 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.235707 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.236179 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 28] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.236247 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.238082 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.238357 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 28] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.238474 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.243728 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.243957 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 28] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.244051 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:58 fetching corpus: 1749, signal 21746/24333 (executing program) 2022/12/15 01:24:58 fetching corpus: 1799, signal 21927/24333 (executing program) D1215 01:24:58.411879 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.412395 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:58 fetching corpus: 1849, signal 22015/24334 (executing program) D1215 01:24:58.461850 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.462555 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.474859 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.475466 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.495891 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.496429 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.505047 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.505463 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.505796 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.506355 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.507920 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.508301 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 29] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.508699 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 22] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.508816 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.508994 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.509845 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.510710 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 15] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.510777 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.518662 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.519401 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.521339 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.521694 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.523946 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.524438 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 25] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.524521 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:58 fetching corpus: 1899, signal 22124/24334 (executing program) 2022/12/15 01:24:58 fetching corpus: 1949, signal 22249/24334 (executing program) D1215 01:24:58.648604 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.650743 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.660890 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.661237 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.686331 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.688307 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:58 fetching corpus: 1999, signal 22407/24334 (executing program) D1215 01:24:58.778803 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.779103 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.779821 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.780042 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 29] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.780165 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.780318 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.781471 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.782236 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.782575 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.783120 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.783442 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.783554 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.783813 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.784125 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.784418 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.784530 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.785347 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.785895 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.786061 842376 task_signals.go:481] [ 12: 29] No task notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.786517 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.786770 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 16] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.786855 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.789389 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.789572 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.790289 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.790859 842376 task_signals.go:481] [ 12: 27] No task notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.791140 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.791988 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 15] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.792101 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.794723 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.795316 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.795653 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.796010 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.796128 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.796806 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.797123 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.797673 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.798218 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 17] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.798305 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.798427 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.798630 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.798953 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.799212 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.799696 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.800468 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 27] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.800555 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.800844 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 29] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.801484 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.802755 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.803410 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 25] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.803502 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.805155 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 29] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.805713 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.807893 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 29] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.808251 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.810716 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 29] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.811203 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.813808 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 29] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.814161 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 29] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.814267 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:58 fetching corpus: 2049, signal 22496/24334 (executing program) D1215 01:24:58.894888 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.895590 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:58 fetching corpus: 2099, signal 22673/24334 (executing program) D1215 01:24:58.963112 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 29] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.963649 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.974396 842376 task_signals.go:481] [ 12: 29] No task notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.975015 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:58.982633 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 29] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:58.983149 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.000837 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 29] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.002028 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:59 fetching corpus: 2149, signal 22776/24334 (executing program) D1215 01:24:59.057287 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.057582 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.068903 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.069331 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.080869 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.081185 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:59 fetching corpus: 2199, signal 22907/24335 (executing program) D1215 01:24:59.094587 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.095800 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.095877 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.096271 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.096620 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.096996 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.098066 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.098375 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.098816 842376 task_signals.go:481] [ 12: 19] No task notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.099307 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.099546 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.099909 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 16] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.100164 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.101972 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 16] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.102139 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 16] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.102127 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.102854 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.103379 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.103525 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.104455 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.104505 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.104955 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.106223 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.106747 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 29] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.107038 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.107661 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 29] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.107761 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.108678 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.108982 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.109367 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.109742 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.109988 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 23] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.110128 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.110165 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.111284 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.111264 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 20] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.111439 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.111953 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 19] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.112021 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.115570 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.116768 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.120570 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.120977 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.158168 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.158631 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.170379 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.172010 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.195455 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.196118 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:59 fetching corpus: 2249, signal 22984/24335 (executing program) D1215 01:24:59.286012 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 31] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.286403 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 31] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:59 fetching corpus: 2299, signal 23084/24335 (executing program) D1215 01:24:59.367761 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 31] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.369121 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 31] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.389557 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.389929 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 2022/12/15 01:24:59 fetching corpus: 2349, signal 23208/24335 (executing program) D1215 01:24:59.390162 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.390558 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.390696 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.391431 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.392269 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.392949 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.394006 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.394436 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.397456 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 31] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.397784 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.397984 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.398255 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 31] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.398706 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.398749 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.399081 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.399405 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.399439 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.399634 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.400004 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.400345 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.400344 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.400802 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.401044 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.401472 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.401503 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.401602 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 22] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.401701 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.401866 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.402368 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 18] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.402440 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.403484 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.403852 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 15] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.403923 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.404681 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.405372 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 12] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.405470 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.437296 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.438716 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.467062 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.467409 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:59 fetching corpus: 2399, signal 23320/24336 (executing program) D1215 01:24:59.530894 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.531361 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.544744 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.545246 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:59 fetching corpus: 2449, signal 23419/24336 (executing program) D1215 01:24:59.639575 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.639976 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.647457 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.647714 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.648039 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.648316 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.649451 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.649743 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.649905 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.650587 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.658136 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.658596 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.659038 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 28] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.659145 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 23] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.659218 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.659209 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.661062 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 31] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.661369 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.661587 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 31] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.662023 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.662333 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.662429 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:59 fetching corpus: 2499, signal 23535/24337 (executing program) D1215 01:24:59.668972 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.669892 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.729211 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.730059 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:59 fetching corpus: 2549, signal 23657/24337 (executing program) D1215 01:24:59.810905 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.811253 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:24:59 fetching corpus: 2599, signal 23770/24337 (executing program) D1215 01:24:59.923645 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 2022/12/15 01:24:59 fetching corpus: 2649, signal 23887/24337 (executing program) D1215 01:24:59.924586 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.924900 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.925703 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.927218 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.927436 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.927510 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.928762 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.929520 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.930334 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.932966 842376 task_signals.go:481] [ 12: 27] No task notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.933206 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.934231 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.935569 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.937948 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 31] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.938422 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.938677 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 31] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:24:59.938755 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 31] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:24:59.938768 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.018292 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.018773 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:25:00 fetching corpus: 2699, signal 23997/24337 (executing program) 2022/12/15 01:25:00 fetching corpus: 2749, signal 24129/24337 (executing program) 2022/12/15 01:25:00 fetching corpus: 2799, signal 24229/24337 (executing program) D1215 01:25:00.246297 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.246540 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.246794 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.246988 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.247104 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.247819 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.248937 842376 task_signals.go:481] [ 12: 23] No task notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.249508 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.249628 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.251069 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.251293 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.251681 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.251899 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.252040 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.252305 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 30] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.252413 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.257348 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.258796 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.259123 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 12] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.259195 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.263164 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.263673 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.263829 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 31] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.265776 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 31] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.266366 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.266679 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.267238 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.267513 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.267661 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.268002 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 20] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.268076 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.268163 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.268578 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.268878 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 27] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.268943 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:25:00 fetching corpus: 2849, signal 24314/24337 (executing program) D1215 01:25:00.273046 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.274588 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.274837 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 23] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.274904 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:25:00 fetching corpus: 2864, signal 24330/24337 (executing program) 2022/12/15 01:25:00 fetching corpus: 2864, signal 24330/24337 (executing program) D1215 01:25:00.323517 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.323850 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.337528 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.337791 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.338069 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.338211 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.338672 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.338907 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.342430 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.342648 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.342889 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.342923 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 31] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.343245 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.343489 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.343731 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.344115 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 30] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.344205 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.344279 842376 task_signals.go:481] [ 12: 28] No task notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.344542 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.344635 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.346072 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 31] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.346156 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.347127 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.349890 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.350248 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 23] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.350370 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.351288 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.352469 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.352836 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.353260 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 31] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.353654 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 18] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.353854 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.354362 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 31] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.354412 842376 task_signals.go:481] [ 12: 28] No task notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.354468 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 31] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.355385 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.357958 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.358296 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.358598 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.358931 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.364299 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.364741 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 17] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.364851 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.368132 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.368583 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 17] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.368690 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.374053 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.374420 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 17] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.374506 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.380882 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.385533 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.393622 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.394055 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.408038 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.409550 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.409904 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.410058 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.410467 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.410932 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.411357 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.413798 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.414600 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.414721 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.415056 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.415393 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.415670 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 31] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.416453 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.416759 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 31] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.417109 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 19] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.417191 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.417385 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.417845 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.419452 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.419893 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.420371 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 15] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.420461 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.420447 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.430328 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.431017 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 12] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.431092 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.436384 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.436847 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.438167 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.438619 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.444120 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.444755 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.444972 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.445566 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.446011 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.446255 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 31] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.446574 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.446823 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.447071 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.447764 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.447945 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.447964 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.448312 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.448400 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.449865 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.450158 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.451106 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 15] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.451424 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 31] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.452178 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.452651 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.453731 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.454053 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.454183 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.455200 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.456415 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.462975 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.463845 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 28] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.463971 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.465979 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.466442 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.468815 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.469353 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 18] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.469528 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.478054 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.478288 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.478668 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.478745 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.478892 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.479859 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.480560 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.481468 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.481591 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.481641 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 31] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.482227 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.483800 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 31] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.483903 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 31] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.484149 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.484670 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.485052 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.487168 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 12] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.487294 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.491859 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.492322 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.492600 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.493312 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.497334 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.497971 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.498294 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.498955 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.502194 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.502767 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.504873 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.505572 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.507490 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.507908 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.520979 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.521389 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.526754 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.526952 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.527165 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.527466 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.527808 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 31] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.528160 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 31] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.528253 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.528496 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.528930 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.529194 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.529255 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.529440 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.529585 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.529265 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.530326 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.530771 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.532209 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.532352 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.535388 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.535890 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 15] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.536035 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.537807 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.538303 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.538696 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.539021 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.539530 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.539621 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 25] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.539732 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.544140 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.544920 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.547719 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.548011 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.552234 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.552623 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.576775 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.577253 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.599917 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.600256 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.625617 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.626324 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.648980 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.649483 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.672367 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.672791 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.695300 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.695805 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.719558 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.720136 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.742757 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.743229 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.765927 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.766268 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.788971 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.789494 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.811874 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.812297 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.823670 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.826358 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.852393 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.854582 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.881684 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.885514 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.913555 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.914046 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.937246 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.937637 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.960188 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.960537 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:00.983677 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:00.984027 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.013480 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.013823 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.051555 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.052407 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.077165 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.077628 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.102861 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.103158 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.126833 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.129987 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.158876 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.162170 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.187231 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.187728 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.210952 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.211379 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.234812 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.235219 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.258131 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.258839 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.280617 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.281181 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.303401 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.304360 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.332818 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.333230 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.356447 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.357372 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.357692 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 31] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.358082 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 31] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.358865 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 18] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.359335 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 18] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.359478 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.359814 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.360516 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 15] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.360939 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 15] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.361480 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 23] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.361656 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.361994 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.362085 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.364227 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 20] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.364650 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 23] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.364985 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 29] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.365844 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.366155 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 20] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.366347 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 27] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.366808 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.367199 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.367702 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 27] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.367792 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 27] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.368643 842376 task_signals.go:481] [ 12: 17] No task notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.369338 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.369974 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 25] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.371917 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.372725 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 29] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.372819 842376 sampler.go:191] Time: Adjusting syscall overhead down to 875 D1215 01:25:01.373107 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.373238 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 25] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.373345 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 25] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.375097 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.375895 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.377295 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 28] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.377426 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.377719 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.377918 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 28] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.378037 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 28] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.382329 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.382886 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 30] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.383212 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 30] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.383353 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 30] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.383926 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 12] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.384007 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.385674 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 22] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.391966 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 29] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.392347 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 22] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.394084 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 29] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.394179 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 29] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.395934 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 17] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.396184 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 17] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.424213 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.426160 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.449050 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.449550 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.475376 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.475793 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.497867 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.498308 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.522049 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.523463 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.545896 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.546235 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.569856 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.571920 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.595976 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.596353 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.619658 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.620116 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.645331 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.645858 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.669049 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.669539 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.692976 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.693469 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.720191 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.720587 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.745704 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.747492 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.773299 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.773820 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.797358 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.797868 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.822202 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.822635 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.846429 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.846842 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.870627 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.875202 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.893747 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.894146 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.917836 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.918238 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler 2022/12/15 01:25:01 starting 1 fuzzer processes D1215 01:25:01.941865 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.942127 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.946908 842376 client.go:400] send [channel 0xc000822000] WalkReq{DirFD: 1, Path: [syz-executor.0, ]} D1215 01:25:01.947764 842376 client.go:400] recv [channel 0xc000822000] WalkResp{Status: 1, Inodes: []} 01:25:01 executing program 0: r0 = socket$unix(0x1, 0x1, 0x0) accept$unix(r0, 0x0, &(0x7f0000000100)) D1215 01:25:01.956030 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.956585 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.968143 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:01.968391 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:01.976668 842376 task_stop.go:118] [ 12: 19] Entering internal stop (*kernel.vforkStop)(nil) D1215 01:25:01.980876 842376 task_signals.go:481] [ 12: 19] No task notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:02.006480 842376 syscalls.go:262] [ 33: 33] Allocating stack with size of 8388608 bytes D1215 01:25:02.010875 842376 task_stop.go:138] [ 12: 19] Leaving internal stop (*kernel.vforkStop)(nil) D1215 01:25:02.011843 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:02.017093 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 19] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:02.018064 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 19] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:02.094193 842376 client.go:400] send [channel 0xc000822000] WalkReq{DirFD: 1, Path: [syz-cover-bitmap, ]} D1215 01:25:02.095079 842376 client.go:400] recv [channel 0xc000822000] WalkResp{Status: 1, Inodes: []} D1215 01:25:04.634705 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 35: 35] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:04.635528 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 35: 35] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:04.635551 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 35: 36] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:04.635715 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 35, TID: 36, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:04.635905 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 35: 36] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:04.641705 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 35: 36] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:04.641809 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 35: 36] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:04.642056 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:04.643045 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 35: 35] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:04 executing program 0: r0 = socket$inet_icmp_raw(0x2, 0x3, 0x1) getsockopt$IPT_SO_GET_ENTRIES(r0, 0x0, 0x41, &(0x7f00000000c0)={'raw\x00', 0x4, "4eb5f3cf"}, &(0x7f0000000000)=0x28) D1215 01:25:04.800627 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 37: 38] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:04.800940 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 37, TID: 38, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:04.801150 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 37: 38] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:04.801963 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 37: 38] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:04.802057 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 37: 38] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:04.802526 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 37: 37] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:04.811748 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 37: 37] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:04.811907 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:04.813901 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 37: 37] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:04 executing program 0: syz_open_procfs(0xffffffffffffffff, &(0x7f0000000040)='mounts\x00') exit(0x0) syz_open_procfs(0x0, &(0x7f00000000c0)='fd/3\x00') D1215 01:25:04.944197 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 39: 40] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:04.945237 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 39: 40] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:04.945323 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 39: 40] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:07.396731 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 39: 41] Signal 9: terminating thread group D1215 01:25:07.396811 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 39: 39] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated I1215 01:25:07.397688 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 39, TID: 41, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:07.397900 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 39: 39] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:07.398045 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 39: 41] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:07.405430 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 39: 41] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:07.405558 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 39: 41] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:07.405811 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:07.410876 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 39: 39] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:07 executing program 0: mkdir(&(0x7f0000000080)='./file0\x00', 0x0) r0 = creat(&(0x7f0000000140)='./file0/bus\x00', 0x0) fcntl$lock(r0, 0x7, &(0x7f0000027000)={0x1}) unshare(0x40600) fcntl$lock(r0, 0x5, &(0x7f0000000100)={0x1}) D1215 01:25:07.635902 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 42: 42] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:07.638003 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 42: 42] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:07.638017 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 42: 43] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:07.638209 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 42, TID: 43, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:07.638387 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 42: 43] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:07.646390 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 42: 43] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:07.646549 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 42: 43] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:07.646779 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:07.647026 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 42: 42] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:07 executing program 0: r0 = shmget$private(0x0, 0x3000, 0x0, &(0x7f0000ffa000/0x3000)=nil) shmat(r0, &(0x7f0000ffb000/0x1000)=nil, 0x0) syz_clone(0x0, &(0x7f00000002c0), 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) D1215 01:25:07.800691 842376 task_run.go:296] [ 46: 46] Unhandled user fault: addr=0 ip=0 access=r-x sig=11 err=bad address D1215 01:25:07.800889 842376 task_log.go:87] [ 46: 46] Registers: D1215 01:25:07.800978 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] Cs = 0000000000000033 D1215 01:25:07.801090 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] Ds = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:07.801140 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] Eflags = 0000000000010217 D1215 01:25:07.801172 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] Es = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:07.801203 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] Fs = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:07.801271 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] Fs_base = 00007f9b5e455700 D1215 01:25:07.801314 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] Gs = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:07.801355 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] Gs_base = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:07.801421 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] Orig_rax = ffffffffffffffff D1215 01:25:07.801483 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] R10 = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:07.801562 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] R11 = 0000000000000246 D1215 01:25:07.801622 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] R12 = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:07.801692 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] R13 = 00007f893c99e35f D1215 01:25:07.801760 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] R14 = 00007f9b5e455300 D1215 01:25:07.801811 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] R15 = 0000000000022000 D1215 01:25:07.801883 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] R8 = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:07.801951 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] R9 = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:07.802015 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] Rax = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:07.802110 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] Rbp = 000055a502ac9ae9 D1215 01:25:07.802208 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] Rbx = 000055a502b8df80 D1215 01:25:07.802277 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] Rcx = 000055a502a6e0d9 D1215 01:25:07.802333 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] Rdi = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:07.802406 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] Rdx = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:07.802486 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] Rip = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:07.802540 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] Rsi = 00000000200002c0 D1215 01:25:07.802591 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] Rsp = 00000000200002c8 D1215 01:25:07.802663 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 46: 46] Ss = 000000000000002b D1215 01:25:07.802746 842376 task_log.go:111] [ 46: 46] Stack: D1215 01:25:07.803269 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200002c0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.803457 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200002d0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.803613 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200002e0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.803714 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200002f0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.803903 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000300: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.804090 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000310: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.804226 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000320: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.804436 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000330: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.804596 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000340: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.804789 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000350: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.805041 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000360: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.805174 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000370: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.805288 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000380: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.805409 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000390: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.805529 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200003a0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.805639 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200003b0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.805903 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200003c0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.806052 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200003d0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.806217 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200003e0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.806395 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200003f0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.806584 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000400: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.806767 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000410: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.806935 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000420: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.807058 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000430: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.807203 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000440: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.807315 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000450: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.807430 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000460: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.807538 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000470: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.807658 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000480: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.807864 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000490: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.807994 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200004a0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.808141 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200004b0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.808349 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200004c0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.808493 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200004d0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.808688 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200004e0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.808837 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200004f0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.808976 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000500: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.809181 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000510: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.809273 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000520: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.809352 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000530: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.809455 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000540: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.809559 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000550: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.809665 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000560: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.809767 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000570: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.809912 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000580: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.810105 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000590: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.810242 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200005a0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.810452 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200005b0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.810739 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200005c0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.810961 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200005d0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.811101 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200005e0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.811270 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200005f0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.811398 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000600: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.811556 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000610: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.811668 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000620: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.811808 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000630: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.811911 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000640: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.812010 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000650: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.812159 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000660: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.812330 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000670: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.812532 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000680: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.812653 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 20000690: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.812817 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200006a0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.813160 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 46: 46] 200006b0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:07.814820 842376 task_log.go:149] [ 46: 46] Code: D1215 01:25:07.814900 842376 task_log.go:170] [ 46: 46] Error reading stack at address ffffffffffffffc0: bad address D1215 01:25:07.814964 842376 task_log.go:71] [ 46: 46] Mappings: VMAs: 1ffff000-20000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 20000000-21000000 rwxp 00000000 00:00 0 21000000-21001000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 1b2dd20000-1b2e120000 rw-s 00000000 00:04 3 /memfd:syz-shared-mem (deleted) 55a5029e2000-55a502a06000 r--p 00000000 00:08 8 /syz-executor 55a502a06000-55a502ab8000 r-xp 00024000 00:08 8 /syz-executor 55a502ab8000-55a502b0a000 r--p 000d6000 00:08 8 /syz-executor 55a502b0b000-55a502b64000 r--p 00128000 00:08 8 /syz-executor 55a502b64000-55a502b6d000 rw-p 00181000 00:08 8 /syz-executor 55a502b72000-55a5036be000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 55a5036be000-55a5036e0000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [heap] 7f893c19f000-7f893c99f000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack] 7f9b5d800000-7f9b5da00000 rw-s 00000000 00:00 0 [kcov:33] 7f9b5da00000-7f9b5dc00000 rw-s 00000000 00:00 0 [kcov:33] 7f9b5dc00000-7f9b5de00000 rw-s 00000000 00:00 0 [kcov:33] 7f9b5de00000-7f9b5e000000 rw-s 00000000 00:00 0 [kcov:33] 7f9b5e000000-7f9b5e400000 r--p 00000000 00:04 2 /memfd:syz-shared-mem (deleted) 7f9b5e432000-7f9b5e435000 rw-s 00000000 00:01 1 SYSV00000000 7f9b5e435000-7f9b5e436000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 7f9b5e436000-7f9b5e456000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 7f9b5e456000-7f9b5e457000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0 [vvar] 7f9b5e457000-7f9b5e459000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0 PMAs: 20000000-20200000 rwxp 11200000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a502a00000-55a502a06000 r--p 057b8000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a502a06000-55a502ab7000 r-xs 00024000 *gofer.dentryPlatformFile 55a502ab7000-55a502ab8000 r-xp 00fff000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a502ab8000-55a502b0a000 r--p 07640000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a502b0b000-55a502b6d000 r--p 1100a000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a502b72000-55a502c00000 r--p 1106c000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a503600000-55a5036be000 r--p 10f4c000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a5036be000-55a5036bf000 r--p 049fe000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a5036bf000-55a5036e0000 r--p 1111a000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 7f893c800000-7f893c99b000 r--p 10400000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 7f893c99b000-7f893c99d000 r--p 049fc000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 7f893c99d000-7f893c99f000 r--p 05a28000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 7f9b5e436000-7f9b5e456000 r--p 110fa000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile D1215 01:25:07.817209 842376 task_log.go:73] [ 46: 46] FDTable: fd:219 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:220 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:222 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:226 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:2 => name pipe:[5] fd:201 => name / fd:200 => name /dev/net/tun fd:225 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:227 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:0 => name pipe:[5] fd:1 => name pipe:[5] fd:223 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:224 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:215 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:218 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:221 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:216 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:217 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov D1215 01:25:07.832073 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 46: 46] Notified of signal 11 D1215 01:25:07.832689 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 46: 46] Signal 11: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:07.833644 842376 task_signals.go:223] [ 46: 46] Failed to deliver signal &{Signo:11 Errno:0 Code:1 _:0 Fields:[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]} to user handler: bad address D1215 01:25:07.834421 842376 task_signals.go:481] [ 46: 46] No task notified of signal 11 D1215 01:25:07.834634 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 46: 46] Signal 11: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:07.835187 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "segmentation fault" (11), PID: 46, TID: 46, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:07.835468 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 46: 46] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:07.843359 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 46: 46] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:07.924644 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 44: 44] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:07.925220 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 44: 45] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:07.925483 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 44, TID: 45, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:07.925808 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 44: 45] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:07.926364 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 44: 44] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:07.933680 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:07.933847 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 44: 45] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:07.933900 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 44: 45] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:07.934088 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:07.934469 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 44: 44] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:07 executing program 0: syz_clone(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) wait4(0x0, 0x0, 0x40000000, 0x0) r0 = syz_clone(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) tkill(r0, 0x3c) r1 = msgget$private(0x0, 0x0) msgrcv(r1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x800) D1215 01:25:07.981716 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 46: 46] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:08.373107 842376 sampler.go:191] Time: Adjusting syscall overhead down to 766 D1215 01:25:08.782167 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 51: 51] Notified of signal 60 D1215 01:25:08.782648 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 51: 51] Signal 60: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:08.782896 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "signal 60" (60), PID: 51, TID: 51, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:08.783175 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 51: 51] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:08.789640 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 51: 51] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:08.790052 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 51: 51] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:08.880539 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 47: 48] Signal 9: terminating thread group D1215 01:25:08.880720 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 47: 50] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:08.880851 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 47, TID: 48, fault addr: 0x0 I1215 01:25:08.881105 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 47, TID: 50, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:08.881197 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 47: 48] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:08.881567 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 47: 50] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:08.882834 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 47: 48] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:08.882948 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 47: 48] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:08.883159 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 47: 50] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:08.883211 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 47: 50] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:08.885257 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 47: 47] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:08.892220 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 47: 47] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:08.892590 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:08.892774 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 47: 47] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:08 executing program 0: syz_clone(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) wait4(0x0, 0x0, 0x40000000, 0x0) r0 = openat$sysfs(0xffffffffffffff9c, &(0x7f0000002f00)='/sys/devices/virtual', 0x0, 0x0) r1 = syz_clone(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) tkill(r1, 0x2c) fcntl$lock(r0, 0x6, &(0x7f0000000100)={0x1}) D1215 01:25:09.565994 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 49: 49] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:09.572063 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 49: 49] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:09.572346 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:09.573741 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 49: 49] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:09.760366 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 56: 56] Notified of signal 44 D1215 01:25:09.760995 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 56: 56] Signal 44: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:09.761300 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "signal 44" (44), PID: 56, TID: 56, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:09.761565 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 56: 56] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:09.767664 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 56: 56] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:09.768190 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 56: 56] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:09.835037 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 52: 52] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:09.835459 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 52: 53] Signal 9: terminating thread group D1215 01:25:09.835534 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 52: 55] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:09.835770 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 52, TID: 53, fault addr: 0x0 I1215 01:25:09.836030 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 52, TID: 55, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:09.836101 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 52: 53] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:09.836266 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 52: 55] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:09.836772 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 52: 52] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:09.837217 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 52: 53] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:09.837280 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 52: 53] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:09.843323 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 52: 55] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:09.843421 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 52: 55] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:09.843607 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:09.845853 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 52: 52] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:09 executing program 0: r0 = socket$inet6_udp(0xa, 0x2, 0x0) sendmmsg$inet6(r0, &(0x7f0000000340)=[{{&(0x7f0000000000)={0xa, 0x4c23, 0x0, @remote}, 0x1c, 0x0}}, {{&(0x7f0000000040)={0xa, 0x4e24, 0x0, @remote}, 0x1c, &(0x7f0000000300)=[{&(0x7f0000000080)="767da166ca7f9bd1a7f3569caf99f839363b79f50f2e1376ebbb4cf7e75237669412b5c5b92d29c3d9e5676368c6520d3bd537e619696fe2bc6af70929fac90c161cc4ebc627cfda987f630f6a3d7767a4f0e06584576b042263f7bc5c4dc99ec53dce5c040489887dc3c76014333c2746c0dbc959d4f0cf57a45f1f1ed4e3fefce66c1a1225f67b983668de2cda8bb75a31919ab27121fb9f95e24e1a08be622cd87b771b451d63c1f316c2fe66f8fd19157b14", 0xb4}, {&(0x7f0000000140)="76132bd2c16955b90f19111060ce397e685362cda1991054b08664df80311aba51f291eba6139d9ab0c325f137a6ddb3cb078de3b4d825730775e0b6d8baa7c8cc0eea1ae40001bc8aa5ffeac32afb79b377b7784196c284d15441d1ede8d1e3ff8705f41eb58f36bba0f3", 0x6b}, {&(0x7f0000000480)="96017654593d2dd93b05804d1aa2dc42ebdd0d1ffa098430e25e5f433273961b7b5b869140ae6cc00e9a4ab0a0b6e1035f5a848ae0116b0ae3f9218e39ada239cb2868ee31b27b9f6aca3ce76c56f60000000000", 0x4f}, {&(0x7f0000000240)="c88ecd29e8817554058fe64f22337e3e2f09a9e8813de04c25a17f59fa50554f17327bf641320cd92b1db90199604027edb69182ad42c89ab794a3177cdc21d759fdf20ea6cc352910d3a887162a85a84ba51d172539941adc5067b732ecd245d94ebad8d3a62add0994479b2efe3f60a6c0df4fa4e2c68c0d7e738eb072c1c5c58c4ea11f7a9ca6dc46e2bb76525867d09cf1b36e758ebca55e47a28740bb959d4ddfd36e562cfc2939a8f22c26f206", 0xfffffcef}], 0x4}}], 0x2, 0x0) D1215 01:25:10.089546 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 57: 57] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:10.090185 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 57: 58] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:10.090491 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 57, TID: 58, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:10.090981 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 57: 57] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:10.091184 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 57: 58] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:10.099800 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 57: 58] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:10.099978 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 57: 58] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:10.100218 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:10.101234 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 57: 57] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:10 executing program 0: symlink(&(0x7f0000000040)='./file0\x00', &(0x7f0000000080)='./file0\x00') mount(&(0x7f00000001c0)=ANY=[], &(0x7f0000000000)='./file0\x00', &(0x7f0000000180)='cgroup\x00', 0x800043, 0x0) faccessat2(0xffffffffffffff9c, &(0x7f00000000c0)='./file0\x00', 0x6, 0x0) D1215 01:25:10.300020 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 59: 59] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:10.300404 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 59: 60] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:10.300701 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 59, TID: 60, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:10.300948 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 59: 60] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:10.302224 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 59: 59] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:10.310884 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 59: 60] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:10.311045 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 59: 60] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:10.311263 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:10.311810 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 59: 59] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:10 executing program 0: r0 = semget$private(0x0, 0x4, 0x0) semtimedop(r0, &(0x7f0000000000)=[{0x0, 0x0, 0x3800}, {0x0, 0x4}, {}], 0x3, &(0x7f0000000040)={0x77359400}) semtimedop(r0, &(0x7f0000000000)=[{0x0, 0x3}], 0x1, 0x0) D1215 01:25:10.495593 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 54: 54] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:10.503094 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 54: 54] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:10.503402 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:10.505191 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 54: 54] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:11.002936 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 61: 61] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:11.003748 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 61: 61] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:11.004066 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 61: 63] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:11.004253 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 61, TID: 63, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:11.004483 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 61: 63] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:11.005191 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 61: 62] Signal 9: terminating thread group D1215 01:25:11.005330 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 61: 63] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:11.005388 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 61: 63] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead I1215 01:25:11.005649 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 61, TID: 62, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:11.005786 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 61: 62] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:11.013338 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 61: 62] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:11.013529 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 61: 62] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:11.013749 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:11.014381 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 61: 61] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:11 executing program 0: mkdirat(0xffffffffffffff9c, &(0x7f0000000040)='./file0\x00', 0x0) umount2(&(0x7f00000002c0)='./file0\x00', 0x0) D1215 01:25:11.136459 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 64: 64] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:11.136753 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 64: 65] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:11.136970 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 64, TID: 65, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:11.137275 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 64: 65] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:11.138210 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 64: 64] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:11.144540 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 64: 65] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:11.144667 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 64: 65] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:11.144918 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:11.145610 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 64: 64] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:11 executing program 0: r0 = syz_open_procfs(0x0, &(0x7f0000000000)='task\x00') mkdirat(r0, &(0x7f0000000000)='./file0\x00', 0x0) D1215 01:25:11.302843 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 66: 66] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:11.303375 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 66: 67] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:11.303525 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 66, TID: 67, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:11.303726 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 66: 67] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:11.305251 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 66: 67] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:11.305419 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 66: 67] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:11.311470 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 66: 66] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:11.311704 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:11.313669 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 66: 66] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:11 executing program 0: syz_emit_ethernet(0x6e, &(0x7f00000000c0)={@broadcast, @dev, @void, {@ipv4={0x800, @gre={{0x7, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x60, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2f, 0x0, @remote, @local, {[@ssrr={0x89, 0x3, 0x46}, @ssrr={0x89, 0x3, 0xcb}]}}, {{0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1}}}}}}, 0x0) D1215 01:25:11.467094 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 68: 68] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:11.467465 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 68: 69] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:11.467683 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 68, TID: 69, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:11.467808 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 68: 68] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:11.468052 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 68: 69] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:11.474864 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 68: 69] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:11.474979 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 68: 69] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:11.475202 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:11.475391 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 68: 68] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:11 executing program 0: mount$tmpfs(0x20100000, &(0x7f00000001c0)='.\x00', &(0x7f0000000200), 0x0, &(0x7f0000000240)={[{@mode}], [{@uid_eq}]}) D1215 01:25:11.603472 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 70: 70] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:11.603979 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 70: 71] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:11.604246 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 70, TID: 71, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:11.604470 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 70: 71] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:11.605167 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 70: 70] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:11.612256 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 70: 71] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:11.612414 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 70: 71] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:11.612696 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:11.614275 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 70: 70] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:11 executing program 0: mount$tmpfs(0x20100000, &(0x7f00000001c0)='.\x00', &(0x7f0000000200), 0x0, &(0x7f0000000240)={[{@mode}], [{@uid_eq}]}) D1215 01:25:11.740335 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 72: 72] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:11.741235 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 72: 72] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:11.741397 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 72: 73] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:11.741585 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 72, TID: 73, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:11.741757 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 72: 73] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:11.748656 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 72: 73] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:11.748822 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 72: 73] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:11.749133 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:11.749353 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 72: 72] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:11 executing program 0: mount$tmpfs(0x20100000, &(0x7f00000001c0)='.\x00', &(0x7f0000000200), 0x0, &(0x7f0000000240)={[{@mode}], [{@uid_eq}]}) D1215 01:25:11.871677 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 74: 74] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:11.871978 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 74: 75] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:11.872225 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 74, TID: 75, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:11.872459 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 74: 75] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:11.872691 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 74: 74] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:11.878947 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 74: 75] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:11.879054 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 74: 75] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:11.879213 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:11.879626 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 74: 74] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:11 executing program 0: mount$tmpfs(0x20100000, &(0x7f00000001c0)='.\x00', &(0x7f0000000200), 0x0, &(0x7f0000000240)={[{@mode}], [{@uid_eq}]}) D1215 01:25:11.972472 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 76: 76] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:11.973241 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 76: 77] Signal 9: terminating thread group D1215 01:25:11.973436 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 76: 76] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie I1215 01:25:11.973660 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 76, TID: 77, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:11.973950 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 76: 77] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:11.981400 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 76: 77] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:11.981524 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 76: 77] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:11.981754 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:11.981990 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 76: 76] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:11.997490 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 12] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:11.997919 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 12] Signal 23: delivering to handler 01:25:12 executing program 0: r0 = socket$inet_tcp(0x2, 0x1, 0x0) getsockopt$inet_tcp_int(r0, 0x6, 0x7, &(0x7f0000000000), &(0x7f0000000080)=0x4) D1215 01:25:12.124735 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 78: 78] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:12.125242 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 78: 79] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:12.125446 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 78, TID: 79, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:12.125650 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 78: 79] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:12.126765 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 78: 78] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:12.133576 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 78: 79] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:12.133749 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 78: 79] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:12.134025 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:12.134536 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 78: 78] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:12 executing program 0: r0 = syz_io_uring_setup(0x5ad, &(0x7f0000000100), &(0x7f0000000000/0x4000)=nil, &(0x7f0000000000/0x4000)=nil, &(0x7f0000000040), &(0x7f00000000c0)) splice(0xffffffffffffffff, &(0x7f0000000000)=0x3, 0xffffffffffffffff, &(0x7f0000000080)=0x1, 0x8, 0x0) io_uring_enter(r0, 0x3414, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) D1215 01:25:13.100789 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 80: 80] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:13.101451 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 80: 81] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:13.101838 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 80, TID: 81, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:13.102123 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 80: 81] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:13.102799 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 80: 80] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:13.110394 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 80: 81] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:13.110526 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 80: 81] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:13.110808 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:13.112488 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 80: 80] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:13 executing program 0: r0 = syz_clone(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) ptrace(0x10, r0) ptrace(0x1, r0) D1215 01:25:13.344253 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 84: 84] Notified of signal 19 D1215 01:25:13.348303 842376 ptrace.go:669] [ 84: 84] Entering signal-delivery-stop for signal 19 D1215 01:25:13.348822 842376 task_stop.go:118] [ 84: 84] Entering internal stop &kernel.ptraceStop{frozen:false, listen:false} D1215 01:25:13.349395 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 82: 83] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:13.399776 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 82: 82] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:13.400238 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 82: 83] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:13.400719 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 82, TID: 83, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:13.401316 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 82: 83] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:13.401994 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 82: 82] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:13.409723 842376 task_stop.go:138] [ 84: 84] Leaving internal stop &kernel.ptraceStop{frozen:false, listen:false} D1215 01:25:13.409939 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 82: 83] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:13.410045 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 82: 83] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:13.410257 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:13.410593 842376 task_signals.go:779] [ 84: 84] Signal 19: stopping 1 threads in thread group D1215 01:25:13.410689 842376 task_signals.go:856] [ 84: 84] Completing group stop D1215 01:25:13.410778 842376 task_stop.go:118] [ 84: 84] Entering internal stop (*kernel.groupStop)(nil) D1215 01:25:13.410884 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:13.413549 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 82: 82] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:13.413965 842376 task_signals.go:481] [ 84: 84] No task notified of signal 1 D1215 01:25:13.414093 842376 task_signals.go:799] [ 84: 84] Ending complete group stop with 0 threads pending D1215 01:25:13.414155 842376 task_stop.go:138] [ 84: 84] Leaving internal stop (*kernel.groupStop)(nil) D1215 01:25:13.414287 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 84: 84] Discarding ignored signal 18 D1215 01:25:13.414650 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:13.414851 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 84: 84] Signal 1: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:13.415003 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "hangup" (1), PID: 84, TID: 84, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:13.415173 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 84: 84] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:13.421621 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 84: 84] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:13.421976 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 01:25:13 executing program 0: fdatasync(0xffffffffffffffff) D1215 01:25:13.466480 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 84: 84] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:13.535452 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 85: 85] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:13.536233 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 85: 85] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:13.536625 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 85: 86] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:13.536787 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 85, TID: 86, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:13.536970 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 85: 86] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:13.542584 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 85: 86] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:13.542711 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 85: 86] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:13.542953 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:13.543145 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 85: 85] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:13 executing program 0: syz_clone(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) wait4(0x0, 0x0, 0x40000000, 0x0) r0 = syz_clone(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) tkill(r0, 0x3c) r1 = openat$sysfs(0xffffffffffffff9c, &(0x7f0000000040)='/sys/devices/system', 0x0, 0x0) fchown(r1, 0xee00, 0x0) D1215 01:25:14.389704 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 91: 91] Notified of signal 60 D1215 01:25:14.390383 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 91: 91] Signal 60: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:14.390753 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "signal 60" (60), PID: 91, TID: 91, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:14.391020 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 91: 91] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:14.396588 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 91: 91] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:14.396944 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 91: 91] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:14.481549 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 87: 87] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:14.482025 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 87: 90] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:14.482262 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 87, TID: 90, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:14.482481 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 87: 90] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:14.483220 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 87: 90] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:14.483295 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 87: 90] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:14.483720 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 87: 87] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:14.490565 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 87: 88] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:14.490799 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 87, TID: 88, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:14.491018 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 87: 88] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:14.498162 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 87: 88] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:14.498295 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 87: 88] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:14.498498 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:14.498937 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 87: 87] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:14 executing program 0: syz_clone(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) wait4(0x0, 0x0, 0x40000000, 0x0) r0 = syz_clone(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) tkill(r0, 0x3c) r1 = openat$sysfs(0xffffffffffffff9c, &(0x7f0000000000)='/sys/devices/system', 0x288400, 0x0) fchown(r1, 0xee00, 0x0) D1215 01:25:15.147827 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 89: 89] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:15.154288 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 89: 89] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:15.155002 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:15.155215 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 89: 89] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:15.347491 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 96: 96] Notified of signal 60 D1215 01:25:15.347920 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 96: 96] Signal 60: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:15.348120 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "signal 60" (60), PID: 96, TID: 96, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:15.348323 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 96: 96] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:15.354842 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 96: 96] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:15.355180 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 96: 96] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:15.448576 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 92: 92] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:15.448803 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 92: 95] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:15.448940 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 92, TID: 95, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:15.449056 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 92: 93] Signal 9: terminating thread group D1215 01:25:15.449234 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 92: 95] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated I1215 01:25:15.449569 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 92, TID: 93, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:15.450075 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 92: 92] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:15.450457 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 92: 95] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:15.450534 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 92: 95] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:15.456906 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 92: 93] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:15.465154 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 92: 93] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:15.465280 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 92: 93] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:15.465522 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:15.466483 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 92: 92] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:15 executing program 0: r0 = openat(0xffffffffffffff9c, &(0x7f0000000000)='/proc/self/exe\x00', 0x0, 0x0) mmap(&(0x7f0000000000/0x800000)=nil, 0x800000, 0x1800007, 0x12, r0, 0x0) preadv(r0, &(0x7f0000000280), 0x1, 0x0, 0x0) r1 = openat$ptmx(0xffffffffffffff9c, &(0x7f0000000080), 0x80000000008a01, 0x0) ioctl$KDFONTOP_SET_DEF(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x4b72, &(0x7f0000000040)={0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, &(0x7f0000000140)="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"}) write$binfmt_aout(r1, &(0x7f00000000c0)=ANY=[], 0xffffff78) ioctl$TCSETS(r1, 0x5402, &(0x7f0000000100)={0xfffffff8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, "4e51b4639791a72f7b56ae4cce34c00fc30138"}) D1215 01:25:15.691475 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 97: 97] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:15.691905 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 97: 98] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:15.692171 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 97, TID: 98, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:15.692407 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 97: 98] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:15.693999 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 97: 98] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:15.694117 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 97: 98] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:15.703568 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 97: 97] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:15.704007 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:15.704229 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 97: 97] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:15 executing program 0: openat$full(0xffffffffffffff9c, &(0x7f00000000c0), 0x410380, 0x0) D1215 01:25:15.807602 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 99: 99] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:15.808006 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 99: 100] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:15.808316 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 99, TID: 100, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:15.808785 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 99: 100] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:15.809047 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 99: 99] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:15.815975 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 99: 100] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:15.816114 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 99: 100] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:15.816341 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:15.816540 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 99: 99] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:15 executing program 0: r0 = creat(&(0x7f0000000140)='./file0\x00', 0x85) r1 = openat(0xffffffffffffff9c, &(0x7f0000000000)='/proc/self/exe\x00', 0x0, 0x0) mmap(&(0x7f0000000000/0x800000)=nil, 0x800000, 0x2800006, 0x12, r1, 0x0) write$binfmt_elf64(r0, &(0x7f0000000000)=ANY=[], 0x78) r2 = inotify_init() inotify_add_watch(r2, &(0x7f0000000000)='.\x00', 0x400017e) read(r2, &(0x7f0000000180)=""/62, 0x3e) execveat(0xffffffffffffff9c, &(0x7f0000000280)='./file0\x00', 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) D1215 01:25:16.136649 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 94: 94] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:16.145990 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 94: 94] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:16.146241 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:16.148328 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 94: 94] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead I1215 01:25:16.524399 842376 elf.go:198] Error reading ELF phdrs: unexpected EOF I1215 01:25:16.524580 842376 elf.go:580] [ 101: 103] Failed to parse initial ELF: exec format error I1215 01:25:16.524639 842376 elf.go:647] [ 101: 103] Error loading binary: exec format error I1215 01:25:16.524709 842376 loader.go:209] [ 101: 103] Error loading ELF: exec format error D1215 01:25:16.567464 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 101: 101] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:16.568107 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 101: 103] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:16.568485 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 101, TID: 103, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:16.568543 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 101: 102] Signal 9: terminating thread group D1215 01:25:16.568768 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 101: 103] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated I1215 01:25:16.568787 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 101, TID: 102, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:16.569389 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 101: 102] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:16.570474 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 101: 102] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:16.570583 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 101: 102] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:16.571004 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 101: 103] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:16.571097 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 101: 103] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:16.583366 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 101: 101] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:16.583607 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:16.584982 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 101: 101] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:16 executing program 0: r0 = socket$inet6_icmp_raw(0xa, 0x3, 0x3a) getsockopt$IP6T_SO_GET_ENTRIES(r0, 0x29, 0x41, 0x0, &(0x7f0000000040)=0x33) D1215 01:25:16.743098 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 104: 104] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:16.743607 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 104: 105] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:16.743936 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 104, TID: 105, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:16.744424 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 104: 105] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:16.744898 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 104: 104] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:16.752852 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 104: 105] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:16.753048 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 104: 105] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:16.753394 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:16.754007 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 104: 104] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:16 executing program 0: mlockall(0x0) r0 = shmget$private(0x0, 0x400000, 0x0, &(0x7f000000e000/0x400000)=nil) shmat(r0, &(0x7f0000244000/0xc000)=nil, 0x1000) mlockall(0x0) r1 = shmget(0x3, 0x1000, 0x800, &(0x7f0000087000/0x1000)=nil) shmat(0x0, &(0x7f000011e000/0x3000)=nil, 0x0) shmat(r1, &(0x7f0000076000/0x1000)=nil, 0x3000) r2 = shmat(0x0, &(0x7f0000ffd000/0x1000)=nil, 0x7000) shmat(r0, &(0x7f000020b000/0x2000)=nil, 0x5000) shmctl$IPC_RMID(r1, 0x0) shmat(r0, &(0x7f00000f5000/0x4000)=nil, 0x6000) mlockall(0x4) shmctl$IPC_RMID(r0, 0x0) mlockall(0x4) shmat(r0, &(0x7f00000dd000/0x2000)=nil, 0x1000) shmat(0x0, &(0x7f0000000000/0x13000)=nil, 0x4000) mlockall(0x1) shmdt(r2) shmat(r0, &(0x7f00003b7000/0x1000)=nil, 0x1000) mlockall(0x5) r3 = shmget$private(0x0, 0x400000, 0x0, &(0x7f000000e000/0x400000)=nil) shmctl$SHM_LOCK(0x0, 0xb) mlockall(0x0) shmctl$SHM_UNLOCK(0x0, 0xc) mlockall(0x5) shmat(r3, &(0x7f0000005000/0x1000)=nil, 0x4000) shmat(r3, &(0x7f0000072000/0x4000)=nil, 0x6000) shmget$private(0x0, 0x3000, 0x8, &(0x7f0000347000/0x3000)=nil) mlockall(0x0) D1215 01:25:17.339668 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 106: 106] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:17.340413 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 106: 107] Signal 9: terminating thread group D1215 01:25:17.340689 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 106: 106] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie I1215 01:25:17.340686 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 106, TID: 107, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:17.340903 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 106: 107] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:17.351959 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 106: 107] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:17.352119 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 106: 107] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:17.352394 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:17.353562 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 106: 106] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:17 executing program 0: r0 = signalfd4(0xffffffffffffffff, &(0x7f0000000080), 0x8, 0x0) r1 = signalfd4(0xffffffffffffffff, &(0x7f0000000300), 0x8, 0x0) close_range(r0, r1, 0x0) r2 = socket$inet_udp(0x2, 0x2, 0x0) ioctl$sock_SIOCGIFINDEX(r2, 0x8933, &(0x7f0000000100)={'syz_tun\x00', 0x0}) bind$packet(r0, &(0x7f0000000000)={0x11, 0x0, r3}, 0x14) connect$inet(r0, &(0x7f0000006780)={0x2, 0x0, @local}, 0x10) D1215 01:25:17.372436 842376 sampler.go:191] Time: Adjusting syscall overhead down to 875 D1215 01:25:17.600870 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 108: 108] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:17.602065 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 108: 108] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:17.602547 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 108: 109] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:17.602748 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 108, TID: 109, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:17.602943 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 108: 109] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:17.612470 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 108: 109] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:17.612639 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 108: 109] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:17.612907 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:17.614176 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 108: 108] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:17 executing program 0: seccomp$SECCOMP_SET_MODE_FILTER_LISTENER(0x1, 0x0, &(0x7f0000000080)={0x3, &(0x7f0000000000)=[{0x74}, {0x84}, {0x6, 0x0, 0x0, 0x7fff8000}]}) pipe(&(0x7f0000000100)={0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff}) r2 = socket$nl_route(0x10, 0x3, 0x0) splice(r0, 0x0, r2, 0x0, 0x7fffffff, 0x0) r3 = openat(0xffffffffffffff9c, &(0x7f0000000080)='/proc/self/exe\x00', 0x0, 0x0) mmap(&(0x7f0000000000/0x800000)=nil, 0x800000, 0x1800003, 0x12, r3, 0x0) preadv(r3, &(0x7f0000000280), 0x18, 0xd9f, 0x0) write$binfmt_elf64(r1, &(0x7f0000000000)=ANY=[], 0xfffffd88) D1215 01:25:18.372402 842376 sampler.go:191] Time: Adjusting syscall overhead down to 671 D1215 01:25:20.187708 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 110: 111] Notified of signal 13 D1215 01:25:20.188169 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 110: 111] Signal 13: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:20.188352 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "broken pipe" (13), PID: 110, TID: 111, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:20.188630 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 110: 110] Signal 9: terminating thread group D1215 01:25:20.188663 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 110: 111] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated I1215 01:25:20.189336 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 110, TID: 110, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:20.189870 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 110: 110] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:20.190535 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 110: 111] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:20.191050 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 110: 111] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:20.198743 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 110: 110] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:20.199004 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:20.199256 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 110: 110] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:20 executing program 0: r0 = epoll_create(0x3fcc) r1 = getpid() fcntl$setownex(r0, 0xf, &(0x7f0000000000)={0x2, r1}) fcntl$getownex(r0, 0x9, 0x0) D1215 01:25:20.366141 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 112: 113] Signal 9: terminating thread group D1215 01:25:20.366141 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 112: 112] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated I1215 01:25:20.367182 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 112, TID: 113, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:20.367395 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 112: 113] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:20.368210 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 112: 112] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:20.376527 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 112: 113] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:20.376912 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 112: 113] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:20.377274 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:20.377578 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 112: 112] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:20 executing program 0: mkdir(&(0x7f0000000000)='./file0\x00', 0x0) futimesat(0xffffffffffffff9c, &(0x7f00000000c0)='./file0\x00', &(0x7f0000000100)={{}, {0x40000000000000}}) D1215 01:25:20.511505 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 114: 114] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:20.511790 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 114: 115] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:20.511981 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 114, TID: 115, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:20.512181 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 114: 115] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:20.515130 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 114: 114] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:20.520145 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 114: 115] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:20.520259 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 114: 115] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:20.520504 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:20.521407 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 114: 114] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:20 executing program 0: socketpair$unix(0x1, 0x1, 0x0, &(0x7f0000000000)={0xffffffffffffffff}) fchown(r0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff) D1215 01:25:20.682445 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 116: 116] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:20.682959 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 116: 117] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:20.683319 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 116, TID: 117, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:20.683406 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 116: 116] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:20.683580 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 116: 117] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:20.690674 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 116: 117] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:20.690795 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 116: 117] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:20.690977 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:20.691505 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 116: 116] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:20 executing program 0: openat$sysfs(0xffffffffffffff9c, &(0x7f0000000340)='/sys/class/net', 0x151040, 0x0) D1215 01:25:20.793055 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 118: 118] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:20.793468 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 118: 119] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:20.794174 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 118, TID: 119, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:20.794462 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 118: 119] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:20.794830 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 118: 118] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:20.804329 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 118: 119] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:20.804618 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 118: 119] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:20.804908 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:20.805690 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 118: 118] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:20 executing program 0: mmap(&(0x7f0000ffc000/0x2000)=nil, 0x2000, 0x0, 0x95a44e3a55cd09f9, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0) D1215 01:25:20.920247 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 120: 120] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:20.921090 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 120: 121] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:20.921341 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 120, TID: 121, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:20.921583 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 120: 121] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:20.922785 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 120: 120] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:20.931701 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 120: 121] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:20.931850 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 120: 121] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:20.932113 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:20.932670 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 120: 120] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:20 executing program 0: socketpair$unix(0x1, 0x5, 0x0, &(0x7f0000000800)={0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff}) recvmsg$unix(r0, &(0x7f0000000640)={0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, 0x124) sendmsg$inet(r1, &(0x7f0000000080)={0x0, 0x0, &(0x7f0000000440)=[{&(0x7f0000000000)="63ed50c74e89acc68e356f0afe84ee620bf9f669340ef25e", 0x18}, {&(0x7f0000000040)='%', 0x1}, {&(0x7f0000000100)="5befb5ba48f8d44b22cb3cf43f80251d56ac0100e75cec77eae48092318edb63d47f09f51b1107ec6a3101e04e5acc0d8b1d6b539ceb3ef00867516f18713f9fabf291436d827165", 0x48}, {&(0x7f0000000180)="46bfc1c1c0e288cfc93bdcabb8e56f77f694ab3a64e27694ff4df22aa1a68c7358e648c53ee860fec6b91952b4a96465fea4cd434385317b6ef9ca986f17e322c372c00f0d5fdfcdfa23bf9d115de1c6a1655013ae1739c1ae3480f0447733225eece6dd609aad08f99b7cc3fddfd7b544c8985d7ee245c82f67c20984b37287e567599486dde3d58553881e5cf0860b3b69112d11a6c069d58af950689903191c1b5040af23825282b81badafde3c72128be8ce7722d148733472631e0c013cca9a3d9bbaca3d38e283c2c409a17dcbac1837387bca715370391dcb3f8642f716176623f30b7e07029f1f76abf2d0", 0xef}, {&(0x7f0000000280)="3522fbabf007ac0abddfa06b84b4a3cb23c56b145824d0020c89432c00bb5b83064a9badf6a9195036783f1726d7fecbef59a028beded97c054119924cef8c26e417487e121f9b22442057b984b466efab8e76f17adcafd100894cd86b3a0cf368e1e2fe9090bd2b3e551df4f61125b0bd87c5e6df1e060741fa5418aa55c02047e51edde1783f2481f48d30b80d38b3d384672cdec130b5ed98563354d7", 0x9e}, {&(0x7f0000000340)="b67dd44298b5a6a806c49987ad6932ac0dfcd04f7592946d16c5df8ff2f804f1d047bea41c6c0c1574ee4fdffe894fe26b1da1306ca09faf7eda29d458905a03db880072d725b8bd067e9da6d9a8d05e398127c86e9c5fc63899871a454d51358724e1f453666d0058b85f15af895f22238406a5e671e119b03ecb8f86d93d626b215ac9126dc8d757ab0e69f5fbdca923a148aff691763dad632498b9088ca6532d1f31b4f9ea83f1ac4b932d3de7f2f1a365e966bb87613528bf0af4cdd82e4a396883be49324366e4bbc8b2faceb529c46acd5acc99d6f63a8d6beda6d1ea22693b7ade6bf831e3a1e18b033c08e585", 0xfc19}], 0x6}, 0x0) D1215 01:25:21.597924 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 122: 122] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:21.598188 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 122: 124] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:21.598351 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 122, TID: 124, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:21.598528 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 122: 124] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:21.599180 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 122: 124] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:21.599262 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 122: 124] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:21.599684 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 122: 122] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:21.601044 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 122: 123] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:21.601200 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 122, TID: 123, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:21.601363 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 122: 123] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:21.610838 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 122: 123] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:21.611005 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 122: 123] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:21.611368 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:21.611594 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 122: 122] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:21 executing program 0: getgroups(0x1, &(0x7f0000002040)=[0xffffffffffffffff]) setgroups(0x2, &(0x7f0000004240)=[0x0, r0]) D1215 01:25:21.626532 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 12: 32] Notified of signal 23 D1215 01:25:21.627213 842376 task_signals.go:179] [ 12: 32] Restarting syscall 202: interrupted by signal 23 D1215 01:25:21.627417 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 12: 32] Signal 23: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:21.764285 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 125: 125] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:21.764591 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 125: 126] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:21.764991 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 125, TID: 126, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:21.765458 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 125: 125] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:21.765713 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 125: 126] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:21.775140 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 125: 126] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:21.775265 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 125: 126] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:21.775498 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:21.775712 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 125: 125] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:21 executing program 0: socketpair$unix(0x1, 0x5, 0x0, &(0x7f0000000580)={0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff}) fcntl$lock(r0, 0x7, &(0x7f0000000000)={0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1}) fcntl$lock(r0, 0x7, &(0x7f00000002c0)) D1215 01:25:21.918958 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 127: 127] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:21.919456 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 127: 128] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:21.919906 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 127, TID: 128, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:21.920167 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 127: 128] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:21.920455 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 127: 127] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:21.928545 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 127: 128] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:21.928671 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 127: 128] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:21.928900 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:21.929654 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 127: 127] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:21 executing program 0: mmap(&(0x7f0000ffc000/0x1000)=nil, 0xfffffffffffff000, 0x0, 0xb171, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0) D1215 01:25:22.036382 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 129: 129] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:22.036927 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 129: 130] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:22.037510 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 129, TID: 130, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:22.037721 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 129: 130] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:22.038078 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 129: 129] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:22.045562 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 129: 130] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:22.045698 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 129: 130] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:22.045924 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:22.047013 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 129: 129] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:22 executing program 0: r0 = socket$nl_route(0x10, 0x3, 0x0) ioctl$BTRFS_IOC_GET_SUBVOL_INFO(r0, 0x81f8943c, 0x0) D1215 01:25:22.172555 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 131: 131] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:22.172894 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 131: 132] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:22.173191 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 131, TID: 132, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:22.173393 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 131: 132] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:22.174145 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 131: 131] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:22.181798 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 131: 132] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:22.181965 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 131: 132] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:22.182280 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:22.183047 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 131: 131] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:22 executing program 0: r0 = syz_open_procfs(0x0, &(0x7f0000000000)='fdinfo\x00') getdents64(r0, &(0x7f0000000200)=""/255, 0xfffffffffffffee8) getdents64(r0, &(0x7f0000000040)=""/73, 0x49) D1215 01:25:22.394759 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 133: 133] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:22.395678 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 133: 133] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:22.395736 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 133: 134] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:22.395904 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 133, TID: 134, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:22.396135 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 133: 134] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:22.404630 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 133: 134] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:22.404818 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 133: 134] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:22.405251 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:22.405749 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 133: 133] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:22 executing program 0: r0 = creat(&(0x7f0000000040)='./bus\x00', 0x0) r1 = openat(0xffffffffffffffff, &(0x7f0000000080)='/proc/self/exe\x00', 0x4e000, 0x0) dup3(r1, r0, 0x0) io_setup(0x204, &(0x7f0000000100)=0x0) io_submit(r2, 0x1e00, &(0x7f0000000540)=[&(0x7f00000000c0)={0x1042a, 0xe6c3, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, r0, &(0x7f0000000000), 0x100000}]) D1215 01:25:22.608176 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 135: 135] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:22.608590 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 135: 136] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:22.609051 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 135, TID: 136, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:22.609349 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 135: 136] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:22.610140 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 135: 135] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:22.619913 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 135: 136] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:22.620059 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 135: 136] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:22.620380 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:22.621289 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 135: 135] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:22 executing program 0: mount$9p_fd(0x0, &(0x7f0000001a40)='./file0\x00', 0x0, 0x1000, 0x0) D1215 01:25:22.742975 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 137: 137] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:22.743489 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 137: 138] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:22.743932 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 137, TID: 138, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:22.744159 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 137: 137] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:22.744451 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 137: 138] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:22.753986 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 137: 138] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:22.754189 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 137: 138] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:22.754427 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:22.755116 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 137: 137] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:22 executing program 0: creat(&(0x7f00000005c0)='./file0\x00', 0x3936887f0ca4f628) r0 = creat(&(0x7f0000000040)='./file0\x00', 0x0) writev(r0, &(0x7f0000000440)=[{&(0x7f0000000080)='1', 0x1}], 0x1) D1215 01:25:22.904270 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 139: 139] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:22.904571 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 139: 140] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:22.904831 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 139, TID: 140, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:22.905128 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 139: 140] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:22.905798 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 139: 139] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:22.914385 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 139: 140] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:22.914579 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 139: 140] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:22.914972 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:22.915776 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 139: 139] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:22 executing program 0: r0 = socket$inet_tcp(0x2, 0x1, 0x0) setsockopt$inet_tcp_buf(r0, 0x6, 0x24, &(0x7f0000000340)="632d499e118bba1779edd241d94bead85a7639c0f793afe1127b2e4b33b319e4ca10a6c88db9ee94864a2287d379d9cf7762151b6f7378d8d88c53273c08b7", 0x3f) getsockopt$inet_tcp_buf(r0, 0x6, 0x24, 0x0, &(0x7f0000000000)=0x18) D1215 01:25:23.064134 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 141: 141] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:23.064848 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 141: 142] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:23.065751 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 141, TID: 142, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:23.065947 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 141: 141] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:23.066296 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 141: 142] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:23.075893 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 141: 142] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:23.076071 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 141: 142] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:23.076299 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:23.077649 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 141: 141] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:23 executing program 0: socket$inet6_tcp(0xa, 0x1, 0x0) setsockopt$inet6_tcp_TLS_RX(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x6, 0x2, &(0x7f00000003c0)=@gcm_256={{}, "c265b18e7b9cc75a", "7b27099442b1693967c8af496e2e6de731b6c63db5f18f056189786b0e1b52c9", "7cf1bfa7", "08114570920d419e"}, 0x38) D1215 01:25:23.207398 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 143: 143] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:23.207866 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 143: 144] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:23.208559 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 143, TID: 144, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:23.209956 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 143: 143] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:23.210183 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 143: 144] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:23.218914 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 143: 144] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:23.219049 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 143: 144] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:23.219325 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:23.222831 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 143: 143] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:23 executing program 0: r0 = openat$dir(0xffffffffffffff9c, &(0x7f00000001c0)='.\x00', 0x0, 0x0) r1 = openat(0xffffffffffffffff, &(0x7f00000002c0)='/proc/self/exe\x00', 0x0, 0x0) mmap(&(0x7f0000000000/0x800000)=nil, 0x800000, 0x1800003, 0x12, r1, 0x0) preadv(r1, &(0x7f0000000280), 0x18, 0xd9f, 0x0) getdents(r0, &(0x7f0000000000)=""/71, 0x47) lseek(r0, 0x185, 0x0) D1215 01:25:23.450454 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 145: 145] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:23.451089 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 145: 146] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:23.451444 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 145, TID: 146, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:23.451720 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 145: 146] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:23.451951 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 145: 145] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:23.461876 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 145: 146] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:23.462005 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 145: 146] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:23.462456 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:23.462875 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 145: 145] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:23 executing program 0: clock_nanosleep(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) D1215 01:25:23.572929 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 147: 147] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:23.573558 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 147: 148] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:23.573712 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 147, TID: 148, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:23.574068 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 147: 147] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:23.574742 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 147: 148] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:23.582293 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 147: 148] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:23.582417 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 147: 148] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:23.582616 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:23.583045 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 147: 147] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:23 executing program 0: r0 = semget$private(0x0, 0x3, 0x100) semctl$GETPID(r0, 0x0, 0xb, 0x0) D1215 01:25:23.720247 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 149: 149] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:23.720781 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 149: 150] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:23.721556 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 149, TID: 150, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:23.721607 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 149: 149] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:23.721910 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 149: 150] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:23.729372 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 149: 150] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:23.729521 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 149: 150] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:23.729749 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:23.731752 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 149: 149] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:23 executing program 0: syz_clone(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) wait4(0x0, 0x0, 0x40000000, 0x0) r0 = syz_clone(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) tkill(r0, 0x3c) statfs(&(0x7f0000000040)='./file0/file0\x00', 0x0) D1215 01:25:24.640885 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 155: 155] Notified of signal 60 D1215 01:25:24.641659 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 155: 155] Signal 60: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:24.641934 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "signal 60" (60), PID: 155, TID: 155, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:24.642154 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 155: 155] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:24.654625 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 155: 155] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:24.655333 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 155: 155] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:24.734281 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 151: 151] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:24.735462 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 151: 151] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:24.735499 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 151: 152] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:24.736095 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 151, TID: 152, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:24.736151 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 151: 154] Signal 9: terminating thread group D1215 01:25:24.736537 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 151: 152] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated I1215 01:25:24.736908 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 151, TID: 154, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:24.737156 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 151: 154] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:24.738559 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 151: 152] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:24.738847 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 151: 152] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:24.750309 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 151: 154] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:24.750422 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 151: 154] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:24.750652 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:24.752636 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 151: 151] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:24 executing program 0: sigaltstack(&(0x7f0000000340)={0x0, 0x0, 0xfffffffffffffdeb}, 0x0) sigaltstack(0x0, &(0x7f00000001c0)={0x0}) D1215 01:25:24.898253 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 156: 156] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:24.899076 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 156: 157] Signal 9: terminating thread group D1215 01:25:24.899326 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 156: 156] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie I1215 01:25:24.899345 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 156, TID: 157, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:24.899510 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 156: 157] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:24.908705 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 156: 157] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:24.908851 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 156: 157] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:24.909145 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:24.910073 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 156: 156] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:24 executing program 0: r0 = memfd_create(&(0x7f00000001c0)='+\x8b\x8a\xa9\x16\x11O\xdd\xdfk(F\x99\xdf\x92\xd56oJ\x02u\x9b\x94a\xac~_w)\"\x12_\xe4\bw\xa3$$*+6I\x96\xd6|\xa6:#fA\xff\xe5%\x040\xe7\x012`\xc0\xafTH\xe7%~h', 0x3) write$binfmt_misc(r0, &(0x7f0000000540)=ANY=[], 0xff67) r1 = dup(r0) sendfile(r1, r0, &(0x7f0000000000), 0x100000fff7) fcntl$addseals(r0, 0x409, 0x8) D1215 01:25:25.371515 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 153: 153] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:25.381246 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 153: 153] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:25.381497 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:25.382773 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 153: 153] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:25.595468 842376 sys_splice.go:464] sendfile completed a partial write with error: operation not permitted D1215 01:25:25.634556 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 158: 158] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:25.635678 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 158: 158] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:25.635658 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 158: 160] Signal 9: terminating thread group D1215 01:25:25.636008 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 158: 159] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:25.636059 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 158, TID: 160, fault addr: 0x0 I1215 01:25:25.636222 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 158, TID: 159, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:25.636385 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 158: 160] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:25.637465 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 158: 159] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:25.638720 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 158: 160] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:25.638834 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 158: 160] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:25.649199 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 158: 159] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:25.649349 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 158: 159] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:25.649672 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:25.650087 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 158: 158] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:25 executing program 0: socketpair$nbd(0x1, 0x1, 0x0, &(0x7f0000000040)={0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff}) getsockopt$sock_int(r0, 0x1, 0x7, 0x0, &(0x7f00000000c0)) D1215 01:25:25.813758 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 161: 161] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:25.814537 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 161: 162] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:25.815020 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 161, TID: 162, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:25.815255 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 161: 161] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:25.815457 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 161: 162] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:25.825112 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 161: 162] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:25.825249 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 161: 162] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:25.825496 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:25.827960 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 161: 161] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:25 executing program 0: creat(&(0x7f0000000140)='./file0\x00', 0x89) r0 = creat(&(0x7f0000000040)='./file0\x00', 0x0) r1 = inotify_init() inotify_add_watch(r1, &(0x7f0000000000)='.\x00', 0x400017e) fallocate(r0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x3) execve(&(0x7f0000000080)='./file0\x00', 0x0, 0x0) read(r1, &(0x7f0000000180)=""/62, 0x3e) I1215 01:25:26.007173 842376 loader.go:229] [ 163: 164] Unknown magic: [0 0 0 0] D1215 01:25:26.043409 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 163: 163] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:26.044135 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 163: 164] Signal 9: terminating thread group D1215 01:25:26.044268 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 163: 163] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie I1215 01:25:26.044581 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 163, TID: 164, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:26.044784 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 163: 164] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:26.053455 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 163: 164] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:26.053595 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 163: 164] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:26.053953 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:26.054170 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 163: 163] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:26 executing program 0: syz_emit_ethernet(0x42, &(0x7f0000000040)={@local, @local, @void, {@ipv4={0x800, @tcp={{0x7, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x34, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x6, 0x0, @remote, @local, {[@noop, @timestamp_prespec={0x44, 0x4, 0x4a}]}}, {{0x0, 0x0, 0x41424344, 0x41424344, 0x0, 0x0, 0x6, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, {[@window={0x3, 0x3}]}}}}}}}, 0x0) D1215 01:25:26.205609 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 165: 165] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:26.206546 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 165: 165] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:26.206940 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 165: 166] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:26.207122 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 165, TID: 166, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:26.207334 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 165: 166] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:26.215753 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 165: 166] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:26.216129 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 165: 166] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:26.216342 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:26.217107 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 165: 165] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:26 executing program 0: r0 = creat(&(0x7f0000000280)='./file0\x00', 0xecf86c37d53049cc) write$binfmt_script(r0, &(0x7f0000000100)=ANY=[@ANYBLOB='#!\n'], 0x10) r1 = inotify_init() inotify_add_watch(r1, &(0x7f0000000000)='.\x00', 0x400017e) read(r1, &(0x7f0000000180)=""/62, 0x3e) execveat(0xffffffffffffff9c, &(0x7f0000000040)='./file0\x00', 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) I1215 01:25:26.909350 842376 interpreter.go:84] [ 167: 169] Interpreter script contains no interpreter: [] I1215 01:25:26.909565 842376 loader.go:222] [ 167: 169] Error loading interpreter script: exec format error D1215 01:25:26.941118 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 167: 167] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:26.941552 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 167: 168] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:26.941914 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 167, TID: 168, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:26.942059 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 167: 169] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:26.942312 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 167, TID: 169, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:26.942324 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 167: 168] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:26.943463 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 167: 167] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:26.943963 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 167: 169] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:26.944711 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 167: 168] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:26.945295 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 167: 168] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:26.954177 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 167: 169] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:26.954322 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 167: 169] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:26.954601 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:26.954892 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 167: 167] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:26 executing program 0: seccomp$SECCOMP_SET_MODE_FILTER(0x1, 0x0, &(0x7f0000000080)={0x2, &(0x7f0000000000)=[{0xd1}, {0x6}]}) D1215 01:25:27.058878 842376 sys_seccomp.go:68] [ 170: 171] Invalid seccomp-bpf filter: at l0: invalid instruction opcode D1215 01:25:27.078020 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 170: 170] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:27.078743 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 170: 171] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:27.078998 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 170, TID: 171, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:27.079267 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 170: 171] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:27.081764 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 170: 170] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:27.087925 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 170: 171] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:27.088069 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 170: 171] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:27.088364 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:27.088606 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 170: 170] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:27 executing program 0: r0 = memfd_create(&(0x7f0000000480)='\x00\xac=\x9d\xd2\xdb\x1a\'\xf8\n\xedcJ\x8e\x84\xd4N\x00\x9b\x1f\t\xbd\x11+\x86T\x16\xa3\xb3\xae0\x9f9?\xefo\xa4k\x012>\xa1\x9c\x86x\x1c\x9f\x84\x195\xde\x97_\t~\xf3Y\x12\"p^\x00\x02\xb4\xfd\xde\xe4\xb6\xbcK#^\x00}2\xc6:|R\x04\xc2\xb8I\xa3\xb9\xe2\xa2\xebw^I\x0f7i$\xf1\xd4\x9b\xc7\xb2\xbeD`\x8f\xc3\x96\xbc#4\x17\xf5\xb3\xc9\xb2\x94\xa8_f!\xdf\x90}\xba\xa3\x01\xe2\xcf\xb7\"S\a\x04ry\x00#4\x87m\xf7\xe3\xf5\xa7\xda\xb9\xcbU\xbe\x06]\xa9\xb6R~\xc9l}\xb7I\xfeH\xb3\x15\x8c\x06d\xf8c\xc0{\v\xd2\x9d\x8e\\\xae>\xf6qucC\xd42e9\xe0\xbf\xdd\xdc\x99\xf4\\\xd0\x96:\xfb\x8c\x12o\xcc-\x13\x14\xbev\xae\x80Zp\x95c]\x98\x8c\x01\x8fo\xafjN\xcb\x98\xdf\xd3[V\xbd[\xb9\x10v\xee\xdc\xc8G\xd0\xdc9\xccO\xf7\xb5\xbc\xcf\xfb\xe9\x14\x00\x00dU\x00\x00\x00\b\xfb\xb5Z\xb0-\xc8\xdb\xa3f\xf4W\xeb\x06\xc2\xd1\xb6\xd1%\xca\x8f\x013|\x8ez\x1eo\x18\xb6#@P&[\xad\xda\nmU\x823\\&P\xdc\xbcS\x80\xc1dJ!LH\xaa\a\x82\xf3\xde\x96\x85\xc5\xdd\xa8\x92\xc7\xcb\x91\xf2[Y\x06\x8a\x9fN\x10\xb9\xf4\xecq\xce\xd2\x17\x88\xae\xcc7r\xd7\xeaz\xcevR\xcau\r\xf1\t\xc2$k\xdf\x8f\xe2\xbe\xfe\x14AN\xf8\xc6\xa8`Fs[6kYH+\xa5\xdcxUY3 name /memfd: (deleted) fd:216 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:218 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:226 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:200 => name /dev/net/tun fd:215 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:217 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:221 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:227 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:0 => name pipe:[5] fd:1 => name pipe:[5] fd:2 => name pipe:[5] fd:201 => name / fd:220 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:222 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:219 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:223 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:224 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:225 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov D1215 01:25:27.782052 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 172: 172] Notified of signal 11 D1215 01:25:27.782491 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 172: 172] Signal 11: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:28.197304 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 172: 172] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:28.197897 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 172: 173] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:28.198203 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 172, TID: 173, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:28.198480 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 172: 173] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:28.198764 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 172: 174] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:28.199152 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 172, TID: 174, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:28.199629 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 172: 174] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:28.200678 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 172: 173] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:28.200844 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 172: 173] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:28.201385 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 172: 172] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:28.212611 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 172: 174] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:28.212773 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 172: 174] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:28.213159 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:28.213588 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 172: 172] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:28 executing program 0: syz_clone(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) wait4(0x0, 0x0, 0x40000000, 0x0) r0 = syz_clone(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) tkill(r0, 0x3c) wait4(0x0, 0x0, 0xe0000000, 0x0) D1215 01:25:28.372836 842376 sampler.go:191] Time: Adjusting syscall overhead down to 766 D1215 01:25:29.099556 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 179: 179] Notified of signal 60 D1215 01:25:29.100269 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 179: 179] Signal 60: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:29.101219 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "signal 60" (60), PID: 179, TID: 179, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:29.101566 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 179: 179] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:29.111291 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 179: 179] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:29.111938 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 179: 179] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:29.186045 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 175: 175] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:29.186433 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 175: 178] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:29.186653 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 175, TID: 178, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:29.186926 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 175: 178] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:29.187223 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 175: 176] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:29.187567 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 175, TID: 176, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:29.188218 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 175: 176] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:29.188491 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 175: 175] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:29.189367 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 175: 178] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:29.189483 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 175: 178] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:29.197741 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 175: 176] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:29.197876 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 175: 176] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:29.198127 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:29.200574 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 175: 175] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:29 executing program 0: r0 = openat$dir(0xffffffffffffff9c, &(0x7f0000000000)='.\x00', 0x0, 0x0) mknodat$loop(r0, &(0x7f0000000640)='./file0\x00', 0x6000, 0x0) r1 = dup(r0) getdents(r1, &(0x7f0000000240)=""/211, 0xd3) D1215 01:25:29.359347 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 180: 180] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:29.359852 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 180: 181] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:29.360043 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 180, TID: 181, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:29.360210 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 180: 181] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:29.361048 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 180: 181] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:29.361133 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 180: 181] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:29.371511 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 180: 180] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:29.371737 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:29.373764 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 180: 180] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:29 executing program 0: shutdown(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0) r0 = socket$inet6_tcp(0xa, 0x1, 0x0) setsockopt$sock_int(r0, 0x1, 0xf, &(0x7f0000000000)=0x5, 0x4) bind$inet6(r0, &(0x7f0000000080)={0xa, 0x14e22, 0x0, @ipv4}, 0x1c) listen(r0, 0x0) r1 = socket$inet6_tcp(0xa, 0x1, 0x0) setsockopt$sock_int(r1, 0x1, 0xf, &(0x7f0000000000)=0x5, 0x4) bind$inet6(r1, &(0x7f0000000080)={0xa, 0x14e22, 0x0, @ipv4}, 0x1c) listen(r1, 0x0) r2 = socket$inet6_tcp(0xa, 0x1, 0x0) setsockopt$sock_int(r2, 0x1, 0xf, &(0x7f0000000000)=0x5, 0x4) bind$inet6(r2, &(0x7f0000000080)={0xa, 0x14e22, 0x0, @ipv4}, 0x1c) listen(r2, 0x0) D1215 01:25:29.680769 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 182: 182] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:29.681724 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 182: 182] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:29.681976 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 182: 183] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:29.682152 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 182, TID: 183, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:29.682338 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 182: 183] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:29.690580 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 182: 183] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:29.690703 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 182: 183] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:29.690912 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:29.691632 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 182: 182] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:29 executing program 0: r0 = syz_clone(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) wait4(0x0, 0x0, 0x40000000, 0x0) r1 = syz_clone(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) tkill(r1, 0x3c) rt_tgsigqueueinfo(r0, r0, 0x0, 0x0) D1215 01:25:29.837517 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 177: 177] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:29.845334 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 177: 177] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:29.845592 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:29.845814 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 177: 177] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:30.563669 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 188: 188] Notified of signal 60 D1215 01:25:30.564409 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 188: 188] Signal 60: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:30.564850 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "signal 60" (60), PID: 188, TID: 188, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:30.565151 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 188: 188] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:30.575728 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 188: 188] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:30.576450 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 188: 188] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:30.650193 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 184: 184] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:30.651038 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 184: 184] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:30.650981 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 184: 185] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:30.651255 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 184, TID: 185, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:30.651327 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 184: 187] Signal 9: terminating thread group D1215 01:25:30.651561 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 184: 185] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated I1215 01:25:30.652198 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 184, TID: 187, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:30.652944 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 184: 185] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:30.653120 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 184: 185] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:30.653412 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 184: 187] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:30.666823 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 184: 187] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:30.666983 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 184: 187] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:30.667220 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:30.667747 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 184: 184] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:30 executing program 0: syz_emit_ethernet(0x46, &(0x7f0000000040)={@link_local, @link_local, @void, {@ipv6={0x86dd, @icmpv6={0x0, 0x6, "aae082", 0x10, 0x3a, 0x0, @initdev={0xfe, 0x88, '\x00', 0x0, 0x0}, @loopback, {[], @ndisc_ra}}}}}, 0x0) D1215 01:25:30.787478 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 189: 189] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:30.787907 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 189: 190] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:30.788454 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 189, TID: 190, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:30.788700 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 189: 190] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:30.789141 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 189: 189] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:30.797995 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 189: 190] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:30.798133 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 189: 190] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:30.798400 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:30.798558 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 189: 189] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:30 executing program 0: syz_clone(0x0, &(0x7f0000000000)="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", 0x5a7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) D1215 01:25:30.904102 842376 task_run.go:296] [ 193: 193] Unhandled user fault: addr=0 ip=55a502a6e0e1 access=r-- sig=11 err=bad address D1215 01:25:30.904307 842376 task_log.go:87] [ 193: 193] Registers: D1215 01:25:30.904431 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] Cs = 0000000000000033 D1215 01:25:30.904555 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] Ds = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:30.904598 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] Eflags = 0000000000010217 D1215 01:25:30.904640 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] Es = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:30.904677 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] Fs = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:30.904738 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] Fs_base = 00007f9b5e455700 D1215 01:25:30.904778 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] Gs = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:30.904806 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] Gs_base = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:30.904856 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] Orig_rax = ffffffffffffffff D1215 01:25:30.904900 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] R10 = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:30.904955 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] R11 = 0000000000000246 D1215 01:25:30.905072 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] R12 = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:30.905161 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] R13 = 00007f893c99e35f D1215 01:25:30.905239 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] R14 = 00007f9b5e455300 D1215 01:25:30.905386 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] R15 = 0000000000022000 D1215 01:25:30.905495 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] R8 = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:30.909203 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] R9 = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:30.909526 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] Rax = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:30.909644 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] Rbp = 000055a502ac9ae9 D1215 01:25:30.909791 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] Rbx = 000055a502b8df80 D1215 01:25:30.909973 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] Rcx = 000055a502a6e0d9 D1215 01:25:30.910074 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] Rdi = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:30.910198 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] Rdx = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:30.910276 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] Rip = 000055a502a6e0e1 D1215 01:25:30.910412 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] Rsi = 00000000200005a0 D1215 01:25:30.910482 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] Rsp = 00000000200005a0 D1215 01:25:30.910563 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 193: 193] Ss = 000000000000002b D1215 01:25:30.910639 842376 task_log.go:111] [ 193: 193] Stack: D1215 01:25:30.911136 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200005a0: 77 35 b1 8a c5 18 cf 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.911852 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200005b0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.912050 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200005c0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.912221 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200005d0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.912404 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200005e0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.912571 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200005f0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.912703 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000600: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.912813 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000610: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.912947 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000620: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.913115 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000630: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.913224 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000640: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.913338 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000650: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.913459 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000660: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.913602 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000670: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.913745 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000680: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.913880 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000690: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.914027 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200006a0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.914175 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200006b0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.914281 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200006c0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.914435 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200006d0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.914633 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200006e0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.914878 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200006f0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.915018 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000700: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.915173 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000710: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.915332 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000720: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.915442 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000730: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.915618 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000740: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.915733 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000750: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.915846 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000760: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.915983 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000770: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.916195 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000780: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.916407 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000790: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.916625 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200007a0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.916804 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200007b0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.916980 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200007c0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.917178 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200007d0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.917368 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200007e0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.917565 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200007f0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.917758 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000800: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.917934 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000810: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.918142 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000820: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.918317 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000830: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.918511 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000840: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.918773 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000850: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.919038 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000860: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.919257 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000870: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.919446 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000880: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.919624 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000890: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.919801 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200008a0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.920007 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200008b0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.920188 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200008c0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.920391 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200008d0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.920558 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200008e0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.920738 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 200008f0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.920931 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000900: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.921162 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000910: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.921295 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000920: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.921439 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000930: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.921607 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000940: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.921765 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000950: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.921888 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000960: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.922024 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000970: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.922151 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000980: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.922274 842376 task_log.go:128] [ 193: 193] 20000990: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.922398 842376 task_log.go:149] [ 193: 193] Code: D1215 01:25:30.922583 842376 task_log.go:167] [ 193: 193] 55a502a6e0a0: e8 db dc ff ff 48 8b 4c 24 18 64 48 2b 0c 25 28 D1215 01:25:30.922770 842376 task_log.go:167] [ 193: 193] 55a502a6e0b0: 00 00 00 75 05 48 83 c4 28 c3 e8 f1 19 00 00 90 D1215 01:25:30.922991 842376 task_log.go:167] [ 193: 193] 55a502a6e0c0: 48 89 f8 48 89 f7 48 89 d6 48 89 ca 4d 89 c2 4d D1215 01:25:30.923184 842376 task_log.go:167] [ 193: 193] 55a502a6e0d0: 89 c8 4c 8b 4c 24 08 0f 05 48 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 D1215 01:25:30.923378 842376 task_log.go:167] [ 193: 193] 55a502a6e0e0: 01 c3 48 c7 c1 b8 ff ff ff f7 d8 64 89 01 48 83 D1215 01:25:30.923592 842376 task_log.go:167] [ 193: 193] 55a502a6e0f0: c8 ff c3 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 0f 1f 00 D1215 01:25:30.923792 842376 task_log.go:167] [ 193: 193] 55a502a6e100: 41 f7 c1 ff 0f 00 00 75 27 55 48 89 fd 53 89 cb D1215 01:25:30.924044 842376 task_log.go:167] [ 193: 193] 55a502a6e110: 48 85 ff 74 3b 41 89 da 48 89 ef b8 09 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:30.924129 842376 task_log.go:71] [ 193: 193] Mappings: VMAs: 1ffff000-20000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 20000000-21000000 rwxp 00000000 00:00 0 21000000-21001000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 1b2dd20000-1b2e120000 rw-s 00000000 00:04 3 /memfd:syz-shared-mem (deleted) 55a5029e2000-55a502a06000 r--p 00000000 00:08 8 /syz-executor 55a502a06000-55a502ab8000 r-xp 00024000 00:08 8 /syz-executor 55a502ab8000-55a502b0a000 r--p 000d6000 00:08 8 /syz-executor 55a502b0b000-55a502b64000 r--p 00128000 00:08 8 /syz-executor 55a502b64000-55a502b6d000 rw-p 00181000 00:08 8 /syz-executor 55a502b72000-55a5036be000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 55a5036be000-55a5036e0000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [heap] 7f893c19f000-7f893c99f000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack] 7f9b5d800000-7f9b5da00000 rw-s 00000000 00:00 0 [kcov:33] 7f9b5da00000-7f9b5dc00000 rw-s 00000000 00:00 0 [kcov:33] 7f9b5dc00000-7f9b5de00000 rw-s 00000000 00:00 0 [kcov:33] 7f9b5de00000-7f9b5e000000 rw-s 00000000 00:00 0 [kcov:33] 7f9b5e000000-7f9b5e400000 r--p 00000000 00:04 2 /memfd:syz-shared-mem (deleted) 7f9b5e435000-7f9b5e436000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 7f9b5e436000-7f9b5e456000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 7f9b5e456000-7f9b5e457000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0 [vvar] 7f9b5e457000-7f9b5e459000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0 PMAs: 20000000-20200000 r-xp 11400000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a502a00000-55a502a06000 r--p 057b8000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a502a06000-55a502ab7000 r-xs 00024000 *gofer.dentryPlatformFile 55a502ab7000-55a502ab8000 r-xp 00fff000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a502ab8000-55a502b0a000 r--p 07640000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a502b0b000-55a502b6d000 r--p 1100a000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a502b72000-55a502c00000 r--p 1106c000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a503600000-55a5036be000 r--p 10f4c000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a5036be000-55a5036bf000 r--p 049fc000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a5036bf000-55a5036e0000 r--p 1111a000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 7f893c800000-7f893c99b000 r--p 10400000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 7f893c99b000-7f893c99d000 r--p 057be000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 7f893c99d000-7f893c99f000 r--p 05bc6000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 7f9b5e436000-7f9b5e456000 r--p 110fa000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile D1215 01:25:30.926041 842376 task_log.go:73] [ 193: 193] FDTable: fd:200 => name /dev/net/tun fd:218 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:221 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:224 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:227 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:0 => name pipe:[5] fd:223 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:1 => name pipe:[5] fd:215 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:217 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:219 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:222 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:225 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:226 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:2 => name pipe:[5] fd:216 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:220 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:201 => name / D1215 01:25:30.928421 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 193: 193] Notified of signal 11 D1215 01:25:30.928666 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 193: 193] Signal 11: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:30.931383 842376 task_signals.go:223] [ 193: 193] Failed to deliver signal &{Signo:11 Errno:0 Code:128 _:0 Fields:[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]} to user handler: bad address D1215 01:25:30.932186 842376 task_signals.go:481] [ 193: 193] No task notified of signal 11 D1215 01:25:30.932428 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 193: 193] Signal 11: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:30.932619 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "segmentation fault" (11), PID: 193, TID: 193, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:30.932882 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 193: 193] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:30.941838 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 193: 193] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:31.015567 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 191: 191] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:31.015894 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 191: 192] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:31.016102 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 191, TID: 192, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:31.016292 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 191: 192] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:31.017676 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:31.017852 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 191: 192] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:31.017918 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 191: 192] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:31.021169 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 193: 193] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:31.027573 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 191: 191] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:31.027760 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:31.028904 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 191: 191] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:31 executing program 0: r0 = creat(&(0x7f0000000000)='./file0\x00', 0x10a) write$binfmt_script(r0, &(0x7f0000000280)=ANY=[], 0x8) r1 = inotify_init() read(r1, &(0x7f0000000180)=""/230, 0xe6) r2 = dup(r1) inotify_add_watch(r2, &(0x7f0000000000)='.\x00', 0x400017e) execve(&(0x7f0000000080)='./file0\x00', 0x0, 0x0) D1215 01:25:31.304005 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 186: 186] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:31.312199 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 186: 186] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:31.312418 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:31.313354 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 186: 186] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead I1215 01:25:31.718173 842376 loader.go:229] [ 194: 196] Unknown magic: [0 0 0 0] D1215 01:25:31.750134 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 194: 194] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:31.751135 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 194: 196] Signal 9: terminating thread group D1215 01:25:31.751281 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 194: 195] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:31.751616 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 194, TID: 196, fault addr: 0x0 I1215 01:25:31.751831 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 194, TID: 195, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:31.751980 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 194: 196] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:31.752216 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 194: 194] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:31.752497 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 194: 195] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:31.753578 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 194: 195] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:31.753689 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 194: 195] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:31.762609 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 194: 196] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:31.762740 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 194: 196] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:31.762992 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:31.763155 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 194: 194] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:31 executing program 0: r0 = socket(0x1, 0x1, 0x0) getsockopt$inet6_tcp_int(r0, 0x6, 0x9, &(0x7f0000000000), &(0x7f0000000040)=0x4) W1215 01:25:31.872181 842376 unix.go:953] Unsupported socket option: *tcpip.TCPDeferAcceptOption D1215 01:25:31.893915 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 197: 197] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:31.894598 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 197: 198] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:31.894951 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 197, TID: 198, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:31.895354 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 197: 198] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:31.896555 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 197: 197] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:31.903642 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 197: 198] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:31.903772 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 197: 198] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:31.903949 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:31.905345 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 197: 197] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:31 executing program 0: prctl$PR_SET_KEEPCAPS(0x8, 0x0) D1215 01:25:32.036912 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 199: 199] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:32.037310 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 199: 200] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:32.037605 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 199, TID: 200, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:32.038020 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 199: 200] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:32.039482 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 199: 199] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:32.046926 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 199: 200] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:32.047041 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 199: 200] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:32.047288 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:32.048601 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 199: 199] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:32 executing program 0: r0 = msgget(0x0, 0x0) msgctl$MSG_STAT_ANY(r0, 0xd, &(0x7f0000000000)=""/4096) msgctl$MSG_STAT_ANY(r0, 0xd, &(0x7f0000001000)=""/243) r1 = msgget(0x2, 0x80) msgrcv(r1, &(0x7f0000001100)={0x0, ""/164}, 0xac, 0x2, 0x3000) r2 = msgget(0x3, 0x2ae) msgctl$IPC_STAT(r2, 0x2, &(0x7f00000011c0)=""/127) r3 = msgget(0x2, 0x104) msgctl$MSG_STAT_ANY(r3, 0xd, &(0x7f0000001240)=""/48) r4 = msgget$private(0x0, 0x20) msgctl$MSG_INFO(r4, 0xc, &(0x7f0000001280)=""/4096) msgctl$MSG_STAT(r4, 0xb, &(0x7f0000002280)=""/92) statx(0xffffffffffffff9c, &(0x7f0000002300)='./file0\x00', 0x6000, 0x80, &(0x7f0000002340)={0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) r6 = getpid() msgctl$IPC_SET(r1, 0x1, &(0x7f0000002440)={{0x3, 0xee00, 0xee01, r5, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x1e4, 0x7f}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1000, 0xf51, 0x6, 0x1ff, 0xee, 0x6421, 0x8000, 0x1, r6, 0xffffffffffffffff}) msgget(0x0, 0x202) r7 = msgget$private(0x0, 0x12c) msgctl$MSG_INFO(r7, 0xc, &(0x7f00000024c0)=""/187) r8 = shmget(0x1, 0x3000, 0x78000800, &(0x7f0000ffb000/0x3000)=nil) shmctl$IPC_SET(r8, 0x1, &(0x7f0000002840)={{0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x84, 0x7ff}, 0x5, 0x2d, 0x80000000, 0x5, r6, 0x0, 0x7}) D1215 01:25:32.402933 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 201: 201] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:32.403419 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 201: 202] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:32.403784 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 201, TID: 202, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:32.404111 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 201: 202] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:32.404426 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 201: 201] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:32.413610 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 201: 202] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:32.413752 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 201: 202] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:32.414119 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:32.414853 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 201: 201] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:32 executing program 0: r0 = socket(0x2, 0x400000000002, 0x0) setsockopt(r0, 0x0, 0x23, &(0x7f0000000040)="b1f5d915", 0x4) D1215 01:25:32.534658 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 203: 203] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:32.534980 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 203: 204] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:32.535286 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 203, TID: 204, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:32.535589 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 203: 204] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:32.536742 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 203: 203] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:32.545686 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 203: 204] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:32.545954 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 203: 204] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:32.546345 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:32.548097 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 203: 203] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:32 executing program 0: r0 = creat(&(0x7f0000000040)='./bus\x00', 0x0) ftruncate(r0, 0x800) lseek(r0, 0x200, 0x0) r1 = open(&(0x7f0000000440)='./bus\x00', 0x0, 0x0) sendfile(r0, r1, 0x0, 0x10000) fremovexattr(r1, &(0x7f00000000c0)=@random={'security.', '^!\\\x00'}) D1215 01:25:32.777823 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 205: 205] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:32.778580 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 205: 205] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:32.778784 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 205: 206] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:32.778923 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 205, TID: 206, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:32.779068 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 205: 206] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:32.788790 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 205: 206] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:32.788951 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 205: 206] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:32.789234 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:32.790923 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 205: 205] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:32 executing program 0: r0 = creat(&(0x7f0000000040)='./bus\x00', 0x0) ftruncate(r0, 0x800) lseek(r0, 0x200, 0x0) r1 = open(&(0x7f0000000440)='./bus\x00', 0x0, 0x0) sendfile(r0, r1, 0x0, 0x10000) fremovexattr(r1, &(0x7f00000000c0)=@random={'security.', '^!\\\x00'}) D1215 01:25:33.000883 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 207: 207] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:33.001217 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 207: 208] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:33.001475 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 207, TID: 208, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:33.001685 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 207: 208] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:33.002478 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 207: 207] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:33.009440 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 207: 208] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:33.009548 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 207: 208] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:33.009720 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:33.010799 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 207: 207] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:33 executing program 0: r0 = creat(&(0x7f0000000040)='./bus\x00', 0x0) ftruncate(r0, 0x800) lseek(r0, 0x200, 0x0) r1 = open(&(0x7f0000000440)='./bus\x00', 0x0, 0x0) sendfile(r0, r1, 0x0, 0x10000) fremovexattr(r1, &(0x7f00000000c0)=@random={'security.', '^!\\\x00'}) D1215 01:25:33.229809 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 209: 210] Signal 9: terminating thread group D1215 01:25:33.229773 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 209: 209] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated I1215 01:25:33.230826 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 209, TID: 210, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:33.231200 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 209: 210] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:33.232584 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 209: 209] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:33.240053 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 209: 210] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:33.240187 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 209: 210] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:33.240453 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:33.241437 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 209: 209] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:33 executing program 0: r0 = creat(&(0x7f0000000040)='./bus\x00', 0x0) ftruncate(r0, 0x800) lseek(r0, 0x200, 0x0) r1 = open(&(0x7f0000000440)='./bus\x00', 0x0, 0x0) sendfile(r0, r1, 0x0, 0x10000) fremovexattr(r1, &(0x7f00000000c0)=@random={'security.', '^!\\\x00'}) D1215 01:25:33.475754 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 211: 211] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:33.476416 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 211: 212] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:33.476789 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 211, TID: 212, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:33.476967 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 211: 211] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:33.477397 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 211: 212] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:33.487941 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 211: 212] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:33.488084 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 211: 212] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:33.488295 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:33.488475 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 211: 211] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:33 executing program 0: r0 = socket$inet6_udp(0xa, 0x2, 0x0) sendmmsg$inet6(r0, &(0x7f0000004300)=[{{&(0x7f00000000c0)={0xa, 0x4e21, 0x0, @ipv4={'\x00', '\xff\xff', @empty}}, 0x1c, 0x0}}, {{&(0x7f0000000740)={0xa, 0x4e21, 0x0, @dev}, 0x1c, 0x0}}], 0x2, 0x0) D1215 01:25:33.664557 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 213: 213] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:33.665327 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 213: 214] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:33.665558 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 213, TID: 214, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:33.665684 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 213: 213] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:33.665904 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 213: 214] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:33.673590 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 213: 214] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:33.673722 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 213: 214] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:33.673972 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:33.675925 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 213: 213] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:33 executing program 0: r0 = socket$inet6_tcp(0xa, 0x1, 0x0) setsockopt$inet6_tcp_TLS_RX(r0, 0x6, 0x2, &(0x7f00000003c0)=@gcm_256={{}, "c265b18e7b9cc75a", "7b27099442b1693967c8af496e2e6de731b6c63db5f18f056189786b0e1b52c9", "7cf1bfa7", "08114570920d419e"}, 0x38) D1215 01:25:33.846741 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 215: 215] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:33.847125 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 215: 216] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:33.847367 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 215, TID: 216, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:33.847887 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 215: 216] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:33.848632 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 215: 215] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:33.855598 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 215: 216] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:33.855719 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 215: 216] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:33.855942 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:33.858724 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 215: 215] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:33 executing program 0: shmctl$IPC_STAT(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x2, 0x0) D1215 01:25:34.052395 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 217: 217] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:34.052756 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 217: 218] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:34.053040 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 217, TID: 218, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:34.053241 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 217: 218] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:34.054081 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 217: 217] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:34.061117 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 217: 218] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:34.061223 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 217: 218] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:34.061457 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:34.066357 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 217: 217] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:34 executing program 0: fchownat(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0, 0xee01, 0xee00, 0x0) D1215 01:25:34.184642 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 219: 219] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:34.184949 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 219: 220] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:34.185177 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 219, TID: 220, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:34.185369 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 219: 220] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:34.186105 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 219: 219] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:34.192242 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 219: 220] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:34.192355 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 219: 220] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:34.192514 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:34.193385 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 219: 219] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:34 executing program 0: r0 = socket$inet6_udp(0xa, 0x2, 0x0) setsockopt$inet6_IPV6_ADDRFORM(r0, 0x29, 0x43, &(0x7f0000000040), 0x4) D1215 01:25:34.334379 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 221: 221] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:34.334732 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 221: 222] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:34.335006 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 221, TID: 222, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:34.335299 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 221: 222] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:34.335926 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 221: 221] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:34.344462 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 221: 222] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:34.344803 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 221: 222] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:34.345140 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:34.345357 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 221: 221] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:34 executing program 0: r0 = openat$pidfd(0xffffffffffffff9c, &(0x7f0000000000), 0x0, 0x0) fchmod(r0, 0x0) D1215 01:25:34.496703 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 223: 223] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:34.497545 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 223: 224] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:34.497798 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 223, TID: 224, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:34.497850 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 223: 223] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:34.497988 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 223: 224] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:34.506480 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 223: 224] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:34.506607 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 223: 224] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:34.506858 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:34.507040 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 223: 223] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:34 executing program 0: rt_sigprocmask(0x0, &(0x7f000078b000)={[0xfffffffffffffffd]}, 0x0, 0x8) r0 = signalfd(0xffffffffffffffff, &(0x7f00007aeff8)={[0xfffffffffffffffc]}, 0x8) r1 = openat(0xffffffffffffffff, &(0x7f00000001c0)='/proc/self/exe\x00', 0x0, 0x0) mmap(&(0x7f0000000000/0x800000)=nil, 0x800000, 0x1800007, 0x12, r1, 0x0) preadv(r1, &(0x7f0000000280), 0x18, 0xd9f, 0x0) r2 = gettid() tkill(r2, 0x34) r3 = gettid() tkill(r3, 0x34) read(r0, 0x0, 0x0) D1215 01:25:34.698003 842376 task_signals.go:481] [ 225: 226] No task notified of signal 52 D1215 01:25:34.724870 842376 task_signals.go:481] [ 225: 226] No task notified of signal 52 D1215 01:25:34.758710 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 225: 225] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:34.759049 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 225: 226] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:34.759302 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 225, TID: 226, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:34.759559 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 225: 226] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:34.760550 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 225: 225] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:34.769315 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 225: 226] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:34.769478 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 225: 226] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:34.769693 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:34.769928 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 225: 225] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:34 executing program 0: r0 = syz_clone(0x0, 0x0, 0x61, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) ptrace$getregs(0xffffffffffffffff, r0, 0x8, 0x0) ptrace$setopts(0x4206, r0, 0x0, 0x0) wait4(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) ptrace$setregs(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) ptrace$getregs(0xc, r0, 0x0, &(0x7f0000000140)=""/143) bind$inet(0xffffffffffffffff, &(0x7f0000000240)={0x2, 0x0, @multicast1}, 0x10) connect$inet(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0, 0x0) D1215 01:25:34.881732 842376 task_run.go:296] [ 229: 229] Unhandled user fault: addr=60 ip=55a502a6e0e1 access=r-- sig=11 err=bad address D1215 01:25:34.882053 842376 task_log.go:87] [ 229: 229] Registers: D1215 01:25:34.882175 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] Cs = 0000000000000033 D1215 01:25:34.882364 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] Ds = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:34.882457 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] Eflags = 0000000000010217 D1215 01:25:34.882558 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] Es = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:34.882654 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] Fs = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:34.882746 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] Fs_base = 00007f9b5e455700 D1215 01:25:34.882854 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] Gs = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:34.882989 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] Gs_base = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:34.883159 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] Orig_rax = ffffffffffffffff D1215 01:25:34.883264 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] R10 = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:34.883378 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] R11 = 0000000000000246 D1215 01:25:34.883465 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] R12 = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:34.883546 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] R13 = 00007f893c99e35f D1215 01:25:34.883587 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] R14 = 00007f9b5e455300 D1215 01:25:34.883640 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] R15 = 0000000000022000 D1215 01:25:34.883692 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] R8 = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:34.883742 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] R9 = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:34.883804 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] Rax = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:34.883849 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] Rbp = 000055a502ac9ae9 D1215 01:25:34.883909 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] Rbx = 000055a502b8df80 D1215 01:25:34.883947 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] Rcx = 000055a502a6e0d9 D1215 01:25:34.884024 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] Rdi = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:34.884065 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] Rdx = 0000000000000000 D1215 01:25:34.884113 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] Rip = 000055a502a6e0e1 D1215 01:25:34.884155 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] Rsi = 0000000000000060 D1215 01:25:34.884201 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] Rsp = 0000000000000060 D1215 01:25:34.884239 842376 task_log.go:94] [ 229: 229] Ss = 000000000000002b D1215 01:25:34.884282 842376 task_log.go:111] [ 229: 229] Stack: D1215 01:25:34.884431 842376 task_log.go:131] [ 229: 229] Error reading stack at address 60: bad address D1215 01:25:34.884486 842376 task_log.go:149] [ 229: 229] Code: D1215 01:25:34.884599 842376 task_log.go:167] [ 229: 229] 55a502a6e0a0: e8 db dc ff ff 48 8b 4c 24 18 64 48 2b 0c 25 28 D1215 01:25:34.884732 842376 task_log.go:167] [ 229: 229] 55a502a6e0b0: 00 00 00 75 05 48 83 c4 28 c3 e8 f1 19 00 00 90 D1215 01:25:34.884855 842376 task_log.go:167] [ 229: 229] 55a502a6e0c0: 48 89 f8 48 89 f7 48 89 d6 48 89 ca 4d 89 c2 4d D1215 01:25:34.885002 842376 task_log.go:167] [ 229: 229] 55a502a6e0d0: 89 c8 4c 8b 4c 24 08 0f 05 48 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 D1215 01:25:34.885145 842376 task_log.go:167] [ 229: 229] 55a502a6e0e0: 01 c3 48 c7 c1 b8 ff ff ff f7 d8 64 89 01 48 83 D1215 01:25:34.885264 842376 task_log.go:167] [ 229: 229] 55a502a6e0f0: c8 ff c3 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 0f 1f 00 D1215 01:25:34.885393 842376 task_log.go:167] [ 229: 229] 55a502a6e100: 41 f7 c1 ff 0f 00 00 75 27 55 48 89 fd 53 89 cb D1215 01:25:34.885495 842376 task_log.go:167] [ 229: 229] 55a502a6e110: 48 85 ff 74 3b 41 89 da 48 89 ef b8 09 00 00 00 D1215 01:25:34.885552 842376 task_log.go:71] [ 229: 229] Mappings: VMAs: 1ffff000-20000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 20000000-21000000 rwxp 00000000 00:00 0 21000000-21001000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 1b2dd20000-1b2e120000 rw-s 00000000 00:04 3 /memfd:syz-shared-mem (deleted) 55a5029e2000-55a502a06000 r--p 00000000 00:08 8 /syz-executor 55a502a06000-55a502ab8000 r-xp 00024000 00:08 8 /syz-executor 55a502ab8000-55a502b0a000 r--p 000d6000 00:08 8 /syz-executor 55a502b0b000-55a502b64000 r--p 00128000 00:08 8 /syz-executor 55a502b64000-55a502b6d000 rw-p 00181000 00:08 8 /syz-executor 55a502b72000-55a5036be000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 55a5036be000-55a5036e0000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [heap] 7f893c19f000-7f893c99f000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack] 7f9b5d800000-7f9b5da00000 rw-s 00000000 00:00 0 [kcov:33] 7f9b5da00000-7f9b5dc00000 rw-s 00000000 00:00 0 [kcov:33] 7f9b5dc00000-7f9b5de00000 rw-s 00000000 00:00 0 [kcov:33] 7f9b5de00000-7f9b5e000000 rw-s 00000000 00:00 0 [kcov:33] 7f9b5e000000-7f9b5e400000 r--p 00000000 00:04 2 /memfd:syz-shared-mem (deleted) 7f9b5e435000-7f9b5e436000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 7f9b5e436000-7f9b5e456000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 7f9b5e456000-7f9b5e457000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0 [vvar] 7f9b5e457000-7f9b5e459000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0 PMAs: 55a502a00000-55a502a06000 r--p 057b8000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a502a06000-55a502ab7000 r-xs 00024000 *gofer.dentryPlatformFile 55a502ab7000-55a502ab8000 r-xp 00fff000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a502ab8000-55a502b0a000 r--p 07640000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a502b0b000-55a502b6d000 r--p 1100a000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a502b72000-55a502c00000 r--p 1106c000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a503600000-55a5036be000 r--p 10f4c000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a5036be000-55a5036bf000 r--p 049fc000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 55a5036bf000-55a5036e0000 r--p 1111a000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 7f893c800000-7f893c99b000 r--p 10400000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 7f893c99b000-7f893c99d000 r--p 057be000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 7f893c99d000-7f893c99f000 r--p 049fd000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile 7f9b5e436000-7f9b5e456000 r--p 110fa000 *pgalloc.MemoryFile D1215 01:25:34.887748 842376 task_log.go:73] [ 229: 229] FDTable: fd:200 => name /dev/net/tun fd:216 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:219 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:227 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:0 => name pipe:[5] fd:218 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:220 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:221 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:223 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:225 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:217 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:215 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:222 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:224 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:226 => name /sys/kernel/debug/kcov fd:1 => name pipe:[5] fd:201 => name / fd:2 => name pipe:[5] D1215 01:25:34.890648 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 229: 229] Notified of signal 11 D1215 01:25:34.890828 842376 task_signals.go:220] [ 229: 229] Signal 11: delivering to handler D1215 01:25:34.891016 842376 task_signals.go:223] [ 229: 229] Failed to deliver signal &{Signo:11 Errno:0 Code:1 _:0 Fields:[96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]} to user handler: bad address D1215 01:25:34.891477 842376 task_signals.go:481] [ 229: 229] No task notified of signal 11 D1215 01:25:34.891657 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 229: 229] Signal 11: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:34.891962 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "segmentation fault" (11), PID: 229, TID: 229, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:34.892221 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 229: 229] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:34.900235 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 229: 229] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:35.065107 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 227: 227] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:35.065560 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 227: 228] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:35.066120 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 227, TID: 228, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:35.066195 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 227: 227] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:35.066351 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 227: 228] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:35.075695 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:35.075892 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 227: 228] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:35.075974 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 227: 228] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:35.076184 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:35.076908 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 227: 227] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:35 executing program 0: symlinkat(0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0) D1215 01:25:35.115059 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 229: 229] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:35.177157 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 230: 230] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:35.177675 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 230: 231] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:35.178021 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 230, TID: 231, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:35.178316 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 230: 231] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:35.178513 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 230: 230] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:35.186762 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 230: 231] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:35.186868 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 230: 231] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:35.187072 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:35.187245 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 230: 230] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:35 executing program 0: sched_getparam(0x0, &(0x7f0000000180)) D1215 01:25:35.300143 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 232: 232] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:35.300667 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 232: 233] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:35.300836 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 232, TID: 233, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:35.300905 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 232: 232] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:35.301126 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 232: 233] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:35.309515 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 232: 233] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:35.309636 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 232: 233] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:35.309891 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:35.311659 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 232: 232] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:35 executing program 0: semctl$SEM_STAT_ANY(0x0, 0x0, 0x14, &(0x7f0000000040)=""/27) D1215 01:25:35.412437 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 234: 234] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:35.413393 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 234: 234] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:35.413426 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 234: 235] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:35.413825 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 234, TID: 235, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:35.414060 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 234: 235] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:35.423162 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 234: 235] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:35.423295 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 234: 235] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:35.423524 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:35.423723 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 234: 234] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:35 executing program 0: setitimer(0x2, 0x0, 0x0) D1215 01:25:35.537051 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 236: 236] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:35.537345 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 236: 237] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:35.537585 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 236, TID: 237, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:35.537837 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 236: 237] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:35.538589 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 236: 236] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:35.547632 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 236: 237] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:35.547788 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 236: 237] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:35.548039 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:35.548542 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 236: 236] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead 01:25:35 executing program 0: epoll_create(0x7) newfstatat(0xffffffffffffff9c, 0x0, &(0x7f0000003400), 0x400) creat(&(0x7f0000003540)='./file0\x00', 0x0) syz_clone(0x976d8fb2e3067433, 0x0, 0x0, &(0x7f0000003dc0), &(0x7f0000003e00), &(0x7f0000003e40)="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") epoll_create1(0x0) r0 = creat(0x0, 0x0) getsockopt$inet_pktinfo(r0, 0x0, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0) syz_clone(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, &(0x7f0000004ec0), &(0x7f0000004f00), &(0x7f0000004f40)="ff78d5f9076777494c1b4e1868c44b1c94320a4e36512414a4bdd2142e1c396a2ae2190a07483660e95cfb8a84882e021248e389f5be9c2c71d0ff169c84104b5431be194490bf16676f8e9e1a9e13620361926d03d96fb38873a4758e669645972a8af12f70f2d032bf1fb996c82ca9125836e9d48e3c655bddafe5508ba45953ddabcbbdd9480b00f7f7736c7758209bba") D1215 01:25:35.722892 842376 task_stop.go:118] [ 238: 239] Entering internal stop (*kernel.vforkStop)(nil) D1215 01:25:37.230840 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 240: 240] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:37.241958 842376 task_stop.go:138] [ 238: 239] Leaving internal stop (*kernel.vforkStop)(nil) D1215 01:25:37.250359 842376 task_exit.go:358] [ 240: 240] Init process terminating, killing namespace D1215 01:25:37.250604 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 240: 240] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:37.253280 842376 task_signals.go:470] [ 238: 238] Notified of signal 51 D1215 01:25:37.253613 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 238: 238] Signal 51: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:37.255054 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "signal 51" (51), PID: 238, TID: 238, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:37.255304 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 238: 238] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:37.256447 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 238: 241] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:37.256587 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 238, TID: 241, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:37.256652 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 238: 238] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:37.256898 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 238: 241] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:37.257519 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 238: 241] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:37.257581 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 238: 241] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:37.272651 842376 task_signals.go:189] [ 238: 239] Signal 9: terminating thread group I1215 01:25:37.272997 842376 compat.go:135] Uncaught signal: "killed" (9), PID: 238, TID: 239, fault addr: 0x0 D1215 01:25:37.273348 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 238: 239] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitNone to TaskExitInitiated D1215 01:25:37.294914 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:37.295212 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 238: 239] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitInitiated to TaskExitZombie D1215 01:25:37.295321 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 238: 239] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:37.295644 842376 task_signals.go:443] [ 34: 34] Discarding ignored signal 17 D1215 01:25:37.296104 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 240: 240] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead D1215 01:25:37.298920 842376 task_exit.go:204] [ 238: 238] Transitioning from exit state TaskExitZombie to TaskExitDead panic: WARNING: circular locking detected: stack.nicRWMutex -> stack.packetsPendingLinkResolutionMutex: goroutine 15702 [running]: gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sync/locking.(*ancestorsAtomicPtrMap).RangeRepeatable(0xc00033e140, 0xc000dbd858) bazel-out/k8-fastbuild-ST-3dcbe13c9b87/bin/pkg/sync/locking/atomicptrmap_ancestors_unsafe.go:441 +0x314 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sync/locking.checkLock(0xc00033e2d0, 0xc00033e120, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) pkg/sync/locking/lockdep.go:98 +0x3a9 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sync/locking.AddGLock(0xc00033e2d0, 0xffffffffffffffff) pkg/sync/locking/lockdep.go:126 +0x2df gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*packetsPendingLinkResolutionMutex).Lock(0xc000d60dc0) bazel-out/k8-fastbuild-ST-3dcbe13c9b87/bin/pkg/tcpip/stack/packets_pending_link_resolution_mutex.go:33 +0x58 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*packetsPendingLinkResolution).cancel(0xc000d60db8) pkg/tcpip/stack/pending_packets.go:75 +0x6d gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*nic).remove(0xc000d60c00) pkg/tcpip/stack/nic.go:314 +0x205 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*Stack).removeNICLocked(0xc000d3ca00, 0x17a) pkg/tcpip/stack/stack.go:976 +0x225 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*Stack).Wait(0xc000d3ca00) pkg/tcpip/stack/stack.go:1764 +0x3bf gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/socket/netstack.(*Stack).Destroy.func1() pkg/sentry/socket/netstack/stack.go:47 +0x52 created by gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/socket/netstack.(*Stack).Destroy pkg/sentry/socket/netstack/stack.go:46 +0xcf known lock chain: stack.packetsPendingLinkResolutionMutex -> stack.routeRWMutex -> stack.nicRWMutex ====== stack.packetsPendingLinkResolutionMutex -> stack.routeRWMutex ===== goroutine 3366 [running]: gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*routeRWMutex).RLock(0xc00083a550) bazel-out/k8-fastbuild-ST-3dcbe13c9b87/bin/pkg/tcpip/stack/route_mutex.go:59 +0x58 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*Route).resolvedFields(0xc00083a500, 0x0) pkg/tcpip/stack/route.go:379 +0xa5 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*packetsPendingLinkResolution).enqueue(0xc000d5e7b8, 0x10?, {0xc0005561f0?}) pkg/tcpip/stack/pending_packets.go:128 +0xc5 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*nic).WritePacket(0xc000d5e600, 0x5b4?, {0x14671e5?}) pkg/tcpip/stack/nic.go:363 +0x174 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/network/ipv6.(*endpoint).writePacket(0xc0004fe400, 0xc00083a500, {0x10?}, 0x4c4099?, 0x0) pkg/tcpip/network/ipv6/ipv6.go:863 +0x4e6 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/network/ipv6.(*endpoint).WritePacket(0xc0004fe400, 0xc00083a500, {0x22cd964?, 0x0?, 0x0?}, {0x1?}) pkg/tcpip/network/ipv6/ipv6.go:814 +0x3d9 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*Route).WritePacket(0xc00083a500, {0x8?, 0x0?, 0x0?}, {0x0?}) pkg/tcpip/stack/route.go:495 +0xe9 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/internal/network.(*WriteContext).WritePacket(0xc0012661a8, {0x8?}, 0x0) pkg/tcpip/transport/internal/network/endpoint.go:320 +0x20a gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/udp.(*endpoint).write(0xc000774700, {0x6a2188, 0xc0008213b0}, {0xc000041960, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...}}) pkg/tcpip/transport/udp/endpoint.go:529 +0x58d gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/udp.(*endpoint).Write(0xc000774700, {0x6a2188, 0xc0008213b0}, {0xc000041960, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...}}) pkg/tcpip/transport/udp/endpoint.go:366 +0x8b gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/socket/netstack.(*Socket).SendMsg(0xc0010221c0, 0xc000778000, {{0x6a9b78, 0xc000e50000}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x1}}, ...) pkg/sentry/socket/netstack/netstack.go:2936 +0x819 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/syscalls/linux.sendSingleMsg(0xc000778000, {0x6bdca0, 0xc0010221c0}, 0xc00079f5b0?, 0x1000000000001?, 0x0) pkg/sentry/syscalls/linux/sys_socket.go:1111 +0x6de gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/syscalls/linux.SendMMsg(0xc000778000, {{0x3}, {0x20000340}, {0x2}, {0x0}, {0x0}, {0x0}}) pkg/sentry/syscalls/linux/sys_socket.go:1035 +0x675 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/kernel.(*Task).executeSyscall(0xc000778000, 0x133, {{0x3}, {0x20000340}, {0x2}, {0x0}, {0x0}, {0x0}}) pkg/sentry/kernel/task_syscall.go:142 +0xab8 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/kernel.(*Task).doSyscallInvoke(0xc000778000, 0x1?, {{0x3}, {0x20000340}, {0x2}, {0x0}, {0x0}, {0x0}}) pkg/sentry/kernel/task_syscall.go:322 +0x8e gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/kernel.(*Task).doSyscallEnter(0xc0009f45a0?, 0x105a34c?, {{0x3}, {0x20000340}, {0x2}, {0x0}, {0x0}, {0x0}}) pkg/sentry/kernel/task_syscall.go:282 +0xc5 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/kernel.(*Task).doSyscall(0xc000778000) pkg/sentry/kernel/task_syscall.go:257 +0x53b gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/kernel.(*runApp).execute(0xc000778000?, 0xc000778000) pkg/sentry/kernel/task_run.go:253 +0x1e94 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/kernel.(*Task).run(0xc000778000, 0x3a) pkg/sentry/kernel/task_run.go:94 +0x2cc created by gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/kernel.(*Task).Start pkg/sentry/kernel/task_start.go:377 +0x1da ====== stack.routeRWMutex -> stack.nicRWMutex ===== goroutine 3878 [running]: gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*nicRWMutex).RLock(0xc000d5e778) bazel-out/k8-fastbuild-ST-3dcbe13c9b87/bin/pkg/tcpip/stack/nic_mutex.go:59 +0x58 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*nic).getNetworkEndpoint(0xc000d5e600, 0x17c5b25?) pkg/tcpip/stack/nic.go:211 +0x74 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*nic).forwarding(0xc000000640?, 0x105b817?) pkg/tcpip/stack/nic.go:1020 +0x4a gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.isNICForwarding(0xc000d5e600, 0xb8182698?) pkg/tcpip/stack/stack.go:1282 +0x65 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*Route).isValidForOutgoingRLocked(0xc000000a00) pkg/tcpip/stack/route.go:482 +0x1a5 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*Route).isValidForOutgoing(0xc000000a00) pkg/tcpip/stack/route.go:466 +0xa6 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*Route).WritePacket(0xc000000a00, {0x8?, 0x0?, 0x0?}, {0x36?}) pkg/tcpip/stack/route.go:491 +0x54 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/network/ipv4.(*protocol).returnError(0xc0009423c0, {0x697b20, 0xc00072a4df}, {0x8?}, 0x1) pkg/tcpip/network/ipv4/icmp.go:672 +0xa85 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/network/ipv4.(*endpoint).deliverPacketLocally(0xc00094c800, {0xc00089010e, 0x1c, 0x32}, {0xc0004b6200?}, {0xc0004c4099, 0x7}) pkg/tcpip/network/ipv4/ipv4.go:1237 +0xc92 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/network/ipv4.(*endpoint).handleValidatedPacket(0xc00094c800, {0xc00089010e, 0x1c, 0x32}, {0xc0004c4099?}, {0xc0004c4099, 0x7}) pkg/tcpip/network/ipv4/ipv4.go:1096 +0x77c gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/network/ipv4.(*endpoint).HandlePacket(0xc00094c800, {0x1032fa8?}) pkg/tcpip/network/ipv4/ipv4.go:831 +0x5ec gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*groDispatcher).dispatch(0xc000d5e818, {0x105bb5b?}, 0x800, {0x6ada90, 0xc00094c800}) pkg/tcpip/stack/gro.go:297 +0x13dd gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*nic).DeliverNetworkPacket(0xc000d5e600, 0x800, {0x1?}) pkg/tcpip/stack/nic.go:736 +0x150 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/link/nested.(*Endpoint).DeliverNetworkPacket(0xc000820410, 0x105a34c?, {0x105bb5b?}) pkg/tcpip/link/nested/nested.go:59 +0xc6 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/link/packetsocket.(*endpoint).DeliverNetworkPacket(0xc000820410, 0x1?, {0xe?}) pkg/tcpip/link/packetsocket/packetsocket.go:46 +0x6a gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/link/channel.(*Endpoint).InjectInbound(0xc0006c6000, 0x0?, {0xc000a8eb00?}) pkg/tcpip/link/channel/channel.go:194 +0x67 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/link/tun.(*Device).Write(0xc0007445a8, 0xc0008f9290?) pkg/tcpip/link/tun/device.go:249 +0x7e6 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/devices/tundev.(*tunFD).Write(0xc000744540, {0x6aef98?, 0xc000fca000}, {{0x6a9b78, 0xc001000000}, {0x0, 0x1, 0x200000c0, 0x6e}, {0x0, ...}}, ...) pkg/sentry/devices/tundev/tundev.go:164 +0x55f gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/vfs.(*FileDescription).Write(0xc000744540, {0x6aef98, 0xc000fca000}, {{0x6a9b78, 0xc001000000}, {0x0, 0x1, 0x200000c0, 0x6e}, {0x0, ...}}, ...) pkg/sentry/vfs/file_description.go:674 +0x152 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/syscalls/linux.write(0x0?, 0x0?, {{0x6a9b78, 0xc001000000}, {0x0, 0x1, 0x200000c0, 0x6e}, {0x0, 0x1}}, ...) pkg/sentry/syscalls/linux/sys_read_write.go:347 +0xae gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/syscalls/linux.Write(0xc000fca000, {{0xc8}, {0x200000c0}, {0x6e}, {0x6e}, {0x0}, {0x0}}) pkg/sentry/syscalls/linux/sys_read_write.go:316 +0x34f gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/kernel.(*Task).executeSyscall(0xc000fca000, 0x1, {{0xc8}, {0x200000c0}, {0x6e}, {0x6e}, {0x0}, {0x0}}) pkg/sentry/kernel/task_syscall.go:142 +0xab8 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/kernel.(*Task).doSyscallInvoke(0xc000fca000, 0x1?, {{0xc8}, {0x200000c0}, {0x6e}, {0x6e}, {0x0}, {0x0}}) pkg/sentry/kernel/task_syscall.go:322 +0x8e gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/kernel.(*Task).doSyscallEnter(0xc0007281e0?, 0x105a34c?, {{0xc8}, {0x200000c0}, {0x6e}, {0x6e}, {0x0}, {0x0}}) pkg/sentry/kernel/task_syscall.go:282 +0xc5 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/kernel.(*Task).doSyscall(0xc000fca000) pkg/sentry/kernel/task_syscall.go:257 +0x53b gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/kernel.(*runApp).execute(0xc000fca000?, 0xc000fca000) pkg/sentry/kernel/task_run.go:253 +0x1e94 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/kernel.(*Task).run(0xc000fca000, 0x45) pkg/sentry/kernel/task_run.go:94 +0x2cc created by gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/kernel.(*Task).Start pkg/sentry/kernel/task_start.go:377 +0x1da goroutine 15702 [running]: panic({0x29c440, 0xc003083030}) GOROOT/src/runtime/panic.go:987 +0x3ba fp=0xc000dbd590 sp=0xc000dbd4d0 pc=0x102165a gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sync/locking.checkLock(0xc00033e2d0, 0xc00033e360, {0xc0006567c8, 0x1, 0x1}) pkg/sync/locking/lockdep.go:96 +0x6f6 fp=0xc000dbd6b8 sp=0xc000dbd590 pc=0x14cfab6 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sync/locking.checkLock.func1(0xc00033e160?, 0xc000dbd780?) pkg/sync/locking/lockdep.go:101 +0x7a fp=0xc000dbd718 sp=0xc000dbd6b8 pc=0x14cfb9a gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sync/locking.(*ancestorsAtomicPtrMap).RangeRepeatable(0xc00033e140, 0xc000dbd858) bazel-out/k8-fastbuild-ST-3dcbe13c9b87/bin/pkg/sync/locking/atomicptrmap_ancestors_unsafe.go:441 +0x314 fp=0xc000dbd798 sp=0xc000dbd718 pc=0x14cd4f4 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sync/locking.checkLock(0xc00033e2d0, 0xc00033e120, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) pkg/sync/locking/lockdep.go:98 +0x3a9 fp=0xc000dbd8c0 sp=0xc000dbd798 pc=0x14cf769 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sync/locking.AddGLock(0xc00033e2d0, 0xffffffffffffffff) pkg/sync/locking/lockdep.go:126 +0x2df fp=0xc000dbd9e0 sp=0xc000dbd8c0 pc=0x14cfebf gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*packetsPendingLinkResolutionMutex).Lock(0xc000d60dc0) bazel-out/k8-fastbuild-ST-3dcbe13c9b87/bin/pkg/tcpip/stack/packets_pending_link_resolution_mutex.go:33 +0x58 fp=0xc000dbda00 sp=0xc000dbd9e0 pc=0x17feb78 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*packetsPendingLinkResolution).cancel(0xc000d60db8) pkg/tcpip/stack/pending_packets.go:75 +0x6d fp=0xc000dbdb90 sp=0xc000dbda00 pc=0x17ff38d gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*nic).remove(0xc000d60c00) pkg/tcpip/stack/nic.go:314 +0x205 fp=0xc000dbdca0 sp=0xc000dbdb90 pc=0x17ef1a5 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*Stack).removeNICLocked(0xc000d3ca00, 0x17a) pkg/tcpip/stack/stack.go:976 +0x225 fp=0xc000dbdd88 sp=0xc000dbdca0 pc=0x180e1c5 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/stack.(*Stack).Wait(0xc000d3ca00) pkg/tcpip/stack/stack.go:1764 +0x3bf fp=0xc000dbdfb8 sp=0xc000dbdd88 pc=0x181609f gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/socket/netstack.(*Stack).Destroy.func1() pkg/sentry/socket/netstack/stack.go:47 +0x52 fp=0xc000dbdfe0 sp=0xc000dbdfb8 pc=0x1aa6a72 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000dbdfe8 sp=0xc000dbdfe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/socket/netstack.(*Stack).Destroy pkg/sentry/socket/netstack/stack.go:46 +0xcf goroutine 1 [semacquire]: runtime.gopark(0xc000652540?, 0xc000200360?, 0xc0?, 0x5e?, 0xc0002dcad0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc0006aaa60 sp=0xc0006aaa40 pc=0x1024776 runtime.goparkunlock(...) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:369 runtime.semacquire1(0xc0005a8190, 0x0?, 0x1, 0x0) GOROOT/src/runtime/sema.go:150 +0x1fe fp=0xc0006aaac8 sp=0xc0006aaa60 pc=0x10371fe sync.runtime_Semacquire(0xc0005a8190?) GOROOT/src/runtime/sema.go:62 +0x25 fp=0xc0006aaaf8 sp=0xc0006aaac8 pc=0x1053ea5 sync.(*WaitGroup).Wait(0xc0005a8188) GOROOT/src/sync/waitgroup.go:139 +0xa6 fp=0xc0006aab30 sp=0xc0006aaaf8 pc=0x106abe6 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/kernel.(*Kernel).WaitExited(0xc0005aa000) pkg/sentry/kernel/kernel.go:1108 +0x5d fp=0xc0006aab50 sp=0xc0006aab30 pc=0x188485d gvisor.dev/gvisor/runsc/boot.(*Loader).WaitExit(0xc00046a000) runsc/boot/loader.go:1105 +0x3e fp=0xc0006aab70 sp=0xc0006aab50 pc=0x1ff455e gvisor.dev/gvisor/runsc/cmd.(*Boot).Execute(0xc000330200, {0xc000007ac0?, 0xe?}, 0xc0005a48a0, {0xc0000412e0, 0x2, 0x0?}) runsc/cmd/boot.go:376 +0x1ba6 fp=0xc0006ab1a0 sp=0xc0006aab70 pc=0x2158aa6 github.com/google/subcommands.(*Commander).Execute(0xc000202000, {0x6a4d28, 0xc000042058}, {0xc0000412e0, 0x2, 0x2}) external/com_github_google_subcommands/subcommands.go:200 +0x722 fp=0xc0006ab2b8 sp=0xc0006ab1a0 pc=0x1149282 github.com/google/subcommands.Execute(...) external/com_github_google_subcommands/subcommands.go:481 gvisor.dev/gvisor/runsc/cli.Main({0x698f20, 0x23}) runsc/cli/main.go:261 +0xa8f0 fp=0xc0006abf60 sp=0xc0006ab2b8 pc=0x219d7b0 main.main() runsc/main.go:23 +0x3d fp=0xc0006abf80 sp=0xc0006abf60 pc=0x219e05d runtime.main() GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:250 +0x212 fp=0xc0006abfe0 sp=0xc0006abf80 pc=0x10243b2 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0006abfe8 sp=0xc0006abfe0 pc=0x10586e1 goroutine 2 [force gc (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x4e1d60?, 0x24090c0?, 0x11?, 0x14?, 0x1?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000132fb0 sp=0xc000132f90 pc=0x1024776 runtime.goparkunlock(...) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:369 runtime.forcegchelper() GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:302 +0xad fp=0xc000132fe0 sp=0xc000132fb0 pc=0x102460d runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000132fe8 sp=0xc000132fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.init.6 GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:290 +0x25 goroutine 18 [GC sweep wait]: runtime.gopark(0x1?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00012e790 sp=0xc00012e770 pc=0x1024776 runtime.goparkunlock(...) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:369 runtime.bgsweep(0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/mgcsweep.go:297 +0xd7 fp=0xc00012e7c8 sp=0xc00012e790 pc=0x100ef17 runtime.gcenable.func1() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:178 +0x26 fp=0xc00012e7e0 sp=0xc00012e7c8 pc=0x1003ba6 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00012e7e8 sp=0xc00012e7e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcenable GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:178 +0x6b goroutine 19 [GC scavenge wait]: runtime.gopark(0x2771d8fa1a2fbf?, 0x8ad751?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00012ef70 sp=0xc00012ef50 pc=0x1024776 runtime.goparkunlock(...) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:369 runtime.(*scavengerState).park(0x2409f20) GOROOT/src/runtime/mgcscavenge.go:389 +0x53 fp=0xc00012efa0 sp=0xc00012ef70 pc=0x100cf93 runtime.bgscavenge(0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/mgcscavenge.go:622 +0x65 fp=0xc00012efc8 sp=0xc00012efa0 pc=0x100d565 runtime.gcenable.func2() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:179 +0x26 fp=0xc00012efe0 sp=0xc00012efc8 pc=0x1003b46 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00012efe8 sp=0xc00012efe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcenable GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:179 +0xaa goroutine 3 [finalizer wait]: runtime.gopark(0xc0000076c0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x5?, 0xc000132770?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000132628 sp=0xc000132608 pc=0x1024776 runtime.goparkunlock(...) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:369 runtime.runfinq() GOROOT/src/runtime/mfinal.go:180 +0x145 fp=0xc0001327e0 sp=0xc000132628 pc=0x1002c45 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0001327e8 sp=0xc0001327e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.createfing GOROOT/src/runtime/mfinal.go:157 +0x45 goroutine 4 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000133750 sp=0xc000133730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0001337e0 sp=0xc000133750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0001337e8 sp=0xc0001337e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 20 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00012f750 sp=0xc00012f730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00012f7e0 sp=0xc00012f750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00012f7e8 sp=0xc00012f7e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 5 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000133f50 sp=0xc000133f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000133fe0 sp=0xc000133f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000133fe8 sp=0xc000133fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 21 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00012ff50 sp=0xc00012ff30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00012ffe0 sp=0xc00012ff50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00012ffe8 sp=0xc00012ffe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 22 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000130750 sp=0xc000130730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0001307e0 sp=0xc000130750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0001307e8 sp=0xc0001307e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 23 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000130f50 sp=0xc000130f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000130fe0 sp=0xc000130f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000130fe8 sp=0xc000130fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 24 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000131750 sp=0xc000131730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0001317e0 sp=0xc000131750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0001317e8 sp=0xc0001317e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 25 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000131f50 sp=0xc000131f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000131fe0 sp=0xc000131f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000131fe8 sp=0xc000131fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 26 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00019c750 sp=0xc00019c730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00019c7e0 sp=0xc00019c750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00019c7e8 sp=0xc00019c7e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 27 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00019cf50 sp=0xc00019cf30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00019cfe0 sp=0xc00019cf50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00019cfe8 sp=0xc00019cfe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 28 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00019d750 sp=0xc00019d730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00019d7e0 sp=0xc00019d750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00019d7e8 sp=0xc00019d7e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 29 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00019df50 sp=0xc00019df30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00019dfe0 sp=0xc00019df50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00019dfe8 sp=0xc00019dfe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 30 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00019e750 sp=0xc00019e730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00019e7e0 sp=0xc00019e750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00019e7e8 sp=0xc00019e7e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 31 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00019ef50 sp=0xc00019ef30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00019efe0 sp=0xc00019ef50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00019efe8 sp=0xc00019efe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 32 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00019f750 sp=0xc00019f730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00019f7e0 sp=0xc00019f750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00019f7e8 sp=0xc00019f7e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 33 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00019ff50 sp=0xc00019ff30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00019ffe0 sp=0xc00019ff50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00019ffe8 sp=0xc00019ffe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 34 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000198750 sp=0xc000198730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0001987e0 sp=0xc000198750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0001987e8 sp=0xc0001987e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 35 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000198f50 sp=0xc000198f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000198fe0 sp=0xc000198f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000198fe8 sp=0xc000198fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 36 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000199750 sp=0xc000199730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0001997e0 sp=0xc000199750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0001997e8 sp=0xc0001997e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 37 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000199f50 sp=0xc000199f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000199fe0 sp=0xc000199f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000199fe8 sp=0xc000199fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 38 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00019a750 sp=0xc00019a730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00019a7e0 sp=0xc00019a750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00019a7e8 sp=0xc00019a7e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 39 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00019af50 sp=0xc00019af30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00019afe0 sp=0xc00019af50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00019afe8 sp=0xc00019afe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 50 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000506750 sp=0xc000506730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0005067e0 sp=0xc000506750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005067e8 sp=0xc0005067e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 6 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000134750 sp=0xc000134730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0001347e0 sp=0xc000134750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0001347e8 sp=0xc0001347e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 7 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000134f50 sp=0xc000134f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000134fe0 sp=0xc000134f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000134fe8 sp=0xc000134fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 51 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000506f50 sp=0xc000506f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000506fe0 sp=0xc000506f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000506fe8 sp=0xc000506fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 66 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000502750 sp=0xc000502730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0005027e0 sp=0xc000502750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005027e8 sp=0xc0005027e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 67 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000502f50 sp=0xc000502f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000502fe0 sp=0xc000502f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000502fe8 sp=0xc000502fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 68 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000503750 sp=0xc000503730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0005037e0 sp=0xc000503750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005037e8 sp=0xc0005037e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 8 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000135750 sp=0xc000135730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0001357e0 sp=0xc000135750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0001357e8 sp=0xc0001357e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 9 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000135f50 sp=0xc000135f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000135fe0 sp=0xc000135f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000135fe8 sp=0xc000135fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 10 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00048e750 sp=0xc00048e730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00048e7e0 sp=0xc00048e750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00048e7e8 sp=0xc00048e7e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 11 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00048ef50 sp=0xc00048ef30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00048efe0 sp=0xc00048ef50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00048efe8 sp=0xc00048efe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 12 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00048f750 sp=0xc00048f730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00048f7e0 sp=0xc00048f750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00048f7e8 sp=0xc00048f7e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 13 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00048ff50 sp=0xc00048ff30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00048ffe0 sp=0xc00048ff50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00048ffe8 sp=0xc00048ffe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 14 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000490750 sp=0xc000490730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0004907e0 sp=0xc000490750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0004907e8 sp=0xc0004907e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 15 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000490f50 sp=0xc000490f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000490fe0 sp=0xc000490f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000490fe8 sp=0xc000490fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 16 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000491750 sp=0xc000491730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0004917e0 sp=0xc000491750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0004917e8 sp=0xc0004917e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 69 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000503f50 sp=0xc000503f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000503fe0 sp=0xc000503f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000503fe8 sp=0xc000503fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 52 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000507750 sp=0xc000507730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0005077e0 sp=0xc000507750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005077e8 sp=0xc0005077e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 82 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000491f50 sp=0xc000491f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000491fe0 sp=0xc000491f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000491fe8 sp=0xc000491fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 83 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00048a750 sp=0xc00048a730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00048a7e0 sp=0xc00048a750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00048a7e8 sp=0xc00048a7e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 84 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00048af50 sp=0xc00048af30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00048afe0 sp=0xc00048af50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00048afe8 sp=0xc00048afe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 53 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000507f50 sp=0xc000507f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000507fe0 sp=0xc000507f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000507fe8 sp=0xc000507fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 70 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000504750 sp=0xc000504730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0005047e0 sp=0xc000504750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005047e8 sp=0xc0005047e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 71 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000504f50 sp=0xc000504f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000504fe0 sp=0xc000504f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000504fe8 sp=0xc000504fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 72 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000505750 sp=0xc000505730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0005057e0 sp=0xc000505750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005057e8 sp=0xc0005057e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 73 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000505f50 sp=0xc000505f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000505fe0 sp=0xc000505f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000505fe8 sp=0xc000505fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 74 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00058a750 sp=0xc00058a730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00058a7e0 sp=0xc00058a750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00058a7e8 sp=0xc00058a7e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 85 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00048b750 sp=0xc00048b730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00048b7e0 sp=0xc00048b750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00048b7e8 sp=0xc00048b7e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 86 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00048bf50 sp=0xc00048bf30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00048bfe0 sp=0xc00048bf50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00048bfe8 sp=0xc00048bfe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 87 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00048c750 sp=0xc00048c730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00048c7e0 sp=0xc00048c750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00048c7e8 sp=0xc00048c7e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 88 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00048cf50 sp=0xc00048cf30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00048cfe0 sp=0xc00048cf50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00048cfe8 sp=0xc00048cfe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 89 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00048d750 sp=0xc00048d730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00048d7e0 sp=0xc00048d750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00048d7e8 sp=0xc00048d7e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 90 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00048df50 sp=0xc00048df30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00048dfe0 sp=0xc00048df50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00048dfe8 sp=0xc00048dfe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 91 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000586750 sp=0xc000586730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0005867e0 sp=0xc000586750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005867e8 sp=0xc0005867e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 92 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000586f50 sp=0xc000586f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000586fe0 sp=0xc000586f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000586fe8 sp=0xc000586fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 93 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000587750 sp=0xc000587730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0005877e0 sp=0xc000587750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005877e8 sp=0xc0005877e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 94 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000587f50 sp=0xc000587f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000587fe0 sp=0xc000587f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000587fe8 sp=0xc000587fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 95 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000588750 sp=0xc000588730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0005887e0 sp=0xc000588750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005887e8 sp=0xc0005887e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 96 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000588f50 sp=0xc000588f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000588fe0 sp=0xc000588f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000588fe8 sp=0xc000588fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 54 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000508750 sp=0xc000508730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0005087e0 sp=0xc000508750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005087e8 sp=0xc0005087e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 55 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000508f50 sp=0xc000508f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000508fe0 sp=0xc000508f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000508fe8 sp=0xc000508fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 56 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000509750 sp=0xc000509730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0005097e0 sp=0xc000509750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005097e8 sp=0xc0005097e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 57 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000509f50 sp=0xc000509f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000509fe0 sp=0xc000509f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000509fe8 sp=0xc000509fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 58 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000510750 sp=0xc000510730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0005107e0 sp=0xc000510750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005107e8 sp=0xc0005107e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 59 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000510f50 sp=0xc000510f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000510fe0 sp=0xc000510f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000510fe8 sp=0xc000510fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 60 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000511750 sp=0xc000511730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0005117e0 sp=0xc000511750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005117e8 sp=0xc0005117e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 61 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000511f50 sp=0xc000511f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000511fe0 sp=0xc000511f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000511fe8 sp=0xc000511fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 62 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000512750 sp=0xc000512730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0005127e0 sp=0xc000512750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005127e8 sp=0xc0005127e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 75 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00058af50 sp=0xc00058af30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00058afe0 sp=0xc00058af50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00058afe8 sp=0xc00058afe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 76 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00058b750 sp=0xc00058b730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00058b7e0 sp=0xc00058b750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00058b7e8 sp=0xc00058b7e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 77 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00058bf50 sp=0xc00058bf30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00058bfe0 sp=0xc00058bf50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00058bfe8 sp=0xc00058bfe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 78 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00058c750 sp=0xc00058c730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00058c7e0 sp=0xc00058c750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00058c7e8 sp=0xc00058c7e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 79 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00058cf50 sp=0xc00058cf30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00058cfe0 sp=0xc00058cf50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00058cfe8 sp=0xc00058cfe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 80 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00058d750 sp=0xc00058d730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00058d7e0 sp=0xc00058d750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00058d7e8 sp=0xc00058d7e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 81 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00058df50 sp=0xc00058df30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00058dfe0 sp=0xc00058df50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00058dfe8 sp=0xc00058dfe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 98 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00050c750 sp=0xc00050c730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00050c7e0 sp=0xc00050c750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00050c7e8 sp=0xc00050c7e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 99 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00050cf50 sp=0xc00050cf30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00050cfe0 sp=0xc00050cf50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00050cfe8 sp=0xc00050cfe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 100 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00050d750 sp=0xc00050d730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00050d7e0 sp=0xc00050d750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00050d7e8 sp=0xc00050d7e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 101 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00050df50 sp=0xc00050df30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00050dfe0 sp=0xc00050df50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00050dfe8 sp=0xc00050dfe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 102 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00050e750 sp=0xc00050e730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00050e7e0 sp=0xc00050e750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00050e7e8 sp=0xc00050e7e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 103 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x337a660?, 0x1?, 0xca?, 0x2e?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00050ef50 sp=0xc00050ef30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00050efe0 sp=0xc00050ef50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00050efe8 sp=0xc00050efe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 104 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x337a660?, 0x1?, 0x8e?, 0xa8?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00050f750 sp=0xc00050f730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00050f7e0 sp=0xc00050f750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00050f7e8 sp=0xc00050f7e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 105 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x337a660?, 0x1?, 0x6c?, 0xc0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00050ff50 sp=0xc00050ff30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc00050ffe0 sp=0xc00050ff50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00050ffe8 sp=0xc00050ffe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 106 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x337a660?, 0x1?, 0xb4?, 0xe7?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000594750 sp=0xc000594730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0005947e0 sp=0xc000594750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005947e8 sp=0xc0005947e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 107 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x337a660?, 0x1?, 0xcc?, 0x1?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000594f50 sp=0xc000594f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000594fe0 sp=0xc000594f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000594fe8 sp=0xc000594fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 108 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x337a660?, 0x1?, 0x70?, 0x3e?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000595750 sp=0xc000595730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0005957e0 sp=0xc000595750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005957e8 sp=0xc0005957e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 109 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x337a660?, 0x1?, 0xa8?, 0x4b?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000595f50 sp=0xc000595f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000595fe0 sp=0xc000595f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000595fe8 sp=0xc000595fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 110 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x337a660?, 0x1?, 0x6b?, 0xf5?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000596750 sp=0xc000596730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0005967e0 sp=0xc000596750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005967e8 sp=0xc0005967e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 111 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x337a660?, 0x1?, 0xab?, 0x84?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000596f50 sp=0xc000596f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000596fe0 sp=0xc000596f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000596fe8 sp=0xc000596fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 112 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x337a660?, 0x1?, 0xba?, 0xe?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000597750 sp=0xc000597730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0005977e0 sp=0xc000597750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005977e8 sp=0xc0005977e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 113 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x337a660?, 0x1?, 0x1?, 0x98?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000597f50 sp=0xc000597f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000597fe0 sp=0xc000597f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000597fe8 sp=0xc000597fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 114 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x337a660?, 0x1?, 0xac?, 0xf2?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000590750 sp=0xc000590730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0005907e0 sp=0xc000590750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005907e8 sp=0xc0005907e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 115 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x337a660?, 0x1?, 0xe2?, 0x2e?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000590f50 sp=0xc000590f30 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc000590fe0 sp=0xc000590f50 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000590fe8 sp=0xc000590fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 97 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x2771d842910db8?, 0x1?, 0x77?, 0x88?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000589750 sp=0xc000589730 pc=0x1024776 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1235 +0xf1 fp=0xc0005897e0 sp=0xc000589750 pc=0x1005cf1 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005897e8 sp=0xc0005897e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1159 +0x25 goroutine 130 [chan receive, locked to thread]: runtime.gopark(0xc0001be540?, 0xfeed40?, 0x98?, 0xce?, 0x3?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc0001dce30 sp=0xc0001dce10 pc=0x1024776 runtime.chanrecv(0xc00041e4e0, 0xc0001dcfa8, 0x1) GOROOT/src/runtime/chan.go:583 +0x42c fp=0xc0001dcec0 sp=0xc0001dce30 pc=0xff002c runtime.chanrecv2(0xc000791590?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/chan.go:447 +0x18 fp=0xc0001dcee8 sp=0xc0001dcec0 pc=0xfefbd8 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/platform/ptrace.newSubprocess.func1() pkg/sentry/platform/ptrace/subprocess.go:188 +0x210 fp=0xc0001dcfe0 sp=0xc0001dcee8 pc=0x1d416f0 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0001dcfe8 sp=0xc0001dcfe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/platform/ptrace.newSubprocess pkg/sentry/platform/ptrace/subprocess.go:172 +0x2a8 goroutine 116 [sync.Cond.Wait]: runtime.gopark(0x11d864a?, 0xc0005b2018?, 0x2b?, 0x1?, 0x105b665?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000894cb0 sp=0xc000894c90 pc=0x1024776 runtime.goparkunlock(...) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:369 sync.runtime_notifyListWait(0xc0005b2630, 0x1fc) GOROOT/src/runtime/sema.go:517 +0x14c fp=0xc000894cf8 sp=0xc000894cb0 pc=0x10541ac sync.(*Cond).Wait(0xc0005b2620) GOROOT/src/sync/cond.go:70 +0xa5 fp=0xc000894d40 sp=0xc000894cf8 pc=0x10667a5 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/pgalloc.(*MemoryFile).findReclaimable(0xc0005b2000) pkg/sentry/pgalloc/pgalloc.go:1256 +0x1d6 fp=0xc000894e18 sp=0xc000894d40 pc=0x15d6f36 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/pgalloc.(*MemoryFile).runReclaim(0xc0005b2000) pkg/sentry/pgalloc/pgalloc.go:1171 +0xc5 fp=0xc000894fc0 sp=0xc000894e18 pc=0x15d6245 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/pgalloc.NewMemoryFile.func2() pkg/sentry/pgalloc/pgalloc.go:353 +0x3a fp=0xc000894fe0 sp=0xc000894fc0 pc=0x15cebfa runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000894fe8 sp=0xc000894fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/pgalloc.NewMemoryFile pkg/sentry/pgalloc/pgalloc.go:353 +0x67e goroutine 117 [select]: runtime.gopark(0xc000d9afb0?, 0x2?, 0x1?, 0x0?, 0xc000d9aefc?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000d9ad60 sp=0xc000d9ad40 pc=0x1024776 runtime.selectgo(0xc000d9afb0, 0xc000d9aef8, 0x0?, 0x0, 0x0?, 0x1) GOROOT/src/runtime/select.go:328 +0x8bc fp=0xc000d9aec0 sp=0xc000d9ad60 pc=0x1035e7c gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/kernel.(*Timekeeper).startUpdater.func1() pkg/sentry/kernel/timekeeper.go:254 +0x2cb fp=0xc000d9afe0 sp=0xc000d9aec0 pc=0x18fe64b runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000d9afe8 sp=0xc000d9afe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/kernel.(*Timekeeper).startUpdater pkg/sentry/kernel/timekeeper.go:224 +0x18f goroutine 131 [select]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000513d90 sp=0xc000513d70 pc=0x1024776 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sync.Gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sync/runtime_unsafe.go:41 +0x65 fp=0xc000513de0 sp=0xc000513d90 pc=0x11d8f85 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).nextWaker(0xc000612018, 0x1, 0x0) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:209 +0x105 fp=0xc000513e50 sp=0xc000513de0 pc=0x19937a5 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).fetch(0xc000513ed8?, 0xca?, 0x62?) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:256 +0x39 fp=0xc000513e88 sp=0xc000513e50 pc=0x1993999 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).Fetch(...) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:279 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*processor).start(0xc000612000, 0xc0004d81f8) pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:287 +0x14a fp=0xc000513fb0 sp=0xc000513e88 pc=0x19c860a gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init.func2() pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x48 fp=0xc000513fe0 sp=0xc000513fb0 pc=0x19c91a8 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000513fe8 sp=0xc000513fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x1f2 goroutine 132 [select]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000591590 sp=0xc000591570 pc=0x1024776 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sync.Gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sync/runtime_unsafe.go:41 +0x65 fp=0xc0005915e0 sp=0xc000591590 pc=0x11d8f85 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).nextWaker(0xc0006120a8, 0x1, 0x0) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:209 +0x105 fp=0xc000591650 sp=0xc0005915e0 pc=0x19937a5 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).fetch(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:256 +0x39 fp=0xc000591688 sp=0xc000591650 pc=0x1993999 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).Fetch(...) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:279 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*processor).start(0xc000612090, 0xc0004d81f8) pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:287 +0x14a fp=0xc0005917b0 sp=0xc000591688 pc=0x19c860a gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init.func2() pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x48 fp=0xc0005917e0 sp=0xc0005917b0 pc=0x19c91a8 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005917e8 sp=0xc0005917e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x1f2 goroutine 133 [select]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000591d90 sp=0xc000591d70 pc=0x1024776 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sync.Gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sync/runtime_unsafe.go:41 +0x65 fp=0xc000591de0 sp=0xc000591d90 pc=0x11d8f85 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).nextWaker(0xc000612138, 0x1, 0x0) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:209 +0x105 fp=0xc000591e50 sp=0xc000591de0 pc=0x19937a5 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).fetch(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:256 +0x39 fp=0xc000591e88 sp=0xc000591e50 pc=0x1993999 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).Fetch(...) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:279 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*processor).start(0xc000612120, 0xc0004d81f8) pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:287 +0x14a fp=0xc000591fb0 sp=0xc000591e88 pc=0x19c860a gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init.func2() pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x48 fp=0xc000591fe0 sp=0xc000591fb0 pc=0x19c91a8 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000591fe8 sp=0xc000591fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x1f2 goroutine 134 [select]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000592590 sp=0xc000592570 pc=0x1024776 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sync.Gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sync/runtime_unsafe.go:41 +0x65 fp=0xc0005925e0 sp=0xc000592590 pc=0x11d8f85 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).nextWaker(0xc0006121c8, 0x1, 0x0) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:209 +0x105 fp=0xc000592650 sp=0xc0005925e0 pc=0x19937a5 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).fetch(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:256 +0x39 fp=0xc000592688 sp=0xc000592650 pc=0x1993999 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).Fetch(...) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:279 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*processor).start(0xc0006121b0, 0xc0004d81f8) pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:287 +0x14a fp=0xc0005927b0 sp=0xc000592688 pc=0x19c860a gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init.func2() pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x48 fp=0xc0005927e0 sp=0xc0005927b0 pc=0x19c91a8 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005927e8 sp=0xc0005927e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x1f2 goroutine 135 [select]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000592d90 sp=0xc000592d70 pc=0x1024776 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sync.Gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sync/runtime_unsafe.go:41 +0x65 fp=0xc000592de0 sp=0xc000592d90 pc=0x11d8f85 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).nextWaker(0xc000612258, 0x1, 0x0) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:209 +0x105 fp=0xc000592e50 sp=0xc000592de0 pc=0x19937a5 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).fetch(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:256 +0x39 fp=0xc000592e88 sp=0xc000592e50 pc=0x1993999 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).Fetch(...) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:279 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*processor).start(0xc000612240, 0xc0004d81f8) pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:287 +0x14a fp=0xc000592fb0 sp=0xc000592e88 pc=0x19c860a gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init.func2() pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x48 fp=0xc000592fe0 sp=0xc000592fb0 pc=0x19c91a8 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000592fe8 sp=0xc000592fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x1f2 goroutine 136 [select]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000593590 sp=0xc000593570 pc=0x1024776 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sync.Gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sync/runtime_unsafe.go:41 +0x65 fp=0xc0005935e0 sp=0xc000593590 pc=0x11d8f85 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).nextWaker(0xc0006122e8, 0x1, 0x0) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:209 +0x105 fp=0xc000593650 sp=0xc0005935e0 pc=0x19937a5 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).fetch(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:256 +0x39 fp=0xc000593688 sp=0xc000593650 pc=0x1993999 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).Fetch(...) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:279 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*processor).start(0xc0006122d0, 0xc0004d81f8) pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:287 +0x14a fp=0xc0005937b0 sp=0xc000593688 pc=0x19c860a gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init.func2() pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x48 fp=0xc0005937e0 sp=0xc0005937b0 pc=0x19c91a8 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005937e8 sp=0xc0005937e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x1f2 goroutine 137 [select]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000593d90 sp=0xc000593d70 pc=0x1024776 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sync.Gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sync/runtime_unsafe.go:41 +0x65 fp=0xc000593de0 sp=0xc000593d90 pc=0x11d8f85 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).nextWaker(0xc000612378, 0x1, 0x0) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:209 +0x105 fp=0xc000593e50 sp=0xc000593de0 pc=0x19937a5 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).fetch(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:256 +0x39 fp=0xc000593e88 sp=0xc000593e50 pc=0x1993999 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).Fetch(...) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:279 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*processor).start(0xc000612360, 0xc0004d81f8) pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:287 +0x14a fp=0xc000593fb0 sp=0xc000593e88 pc=0x19c860a gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init.func2() pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x48 fp=0xc000593fe0 sp=0xc000593fb0 pc=0x19c91a8 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000593fe8 sp=0xc000593fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x1f2 goroutine 138 [select]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc000589d90 sp=0xc000589d70 pc=0x1024776 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sync.Gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sync/runtime_unsafe.go:41 +0x65 fp=0xc000589de0 sp=0xc000589d90 pc=0x11d8f85 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).nextWaker(0xc000612408, 0x1, 0x0) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:209 +0x105 fp=0xc000589e50 sp=0xc000589de0 pc=0x19937a5 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).fetch(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:256 +0x39 fp=0xc000589e88 sp=0xc000589e50 pc=0x1993999 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).Fetch(...) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:279 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*processor).start(0xc0006123f0, 0xc0004d81f8) pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:287 +0x14a fp=0xc000589fb0 sp=0xc000589e88 pc=0x19c860a gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init.func2() pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x48 fp=0xc000589fe0 sp=0xc000589fb0 pc=0x19c91a8 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc000589fe8 sp=0xc000589fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x1f2 goroutine 139 [select]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc0005bfd90 sp=0xc0005bfd70 pc=0x1024776 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sync.Gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sync/runtime_unsafe.go:41 +0x65 fp=0xc0005bfde0 sp=0xc0005bfd90 pc=0x11d8f85 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).nextWaker(0xc000612498, 0x1, 0x0) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:209 +0x105 fp=0xc0005bfe50 sp=0xc0005bfde0 pc=0x19937a5 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).fetch(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:256 +0x39 fp=0xc0005bfe88 sp=0xc0005bfe50 pc=0x1993999 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).Fetch(...) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:279 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*processor).start(0xc000612480, 0xc0004d81f8) pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:287 +0x14a fp=0xc0005bffb0 sp=0xc0005bfe88 pc=0x19c860a gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init.func2() pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x48 fp=0xc0005bffe0 sp=0xc0005bffb0 pc=0x19c91a8 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005bffe8 sp=0xc0005bffe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x1f2 goroutine 140 [select]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc0005c0d90 sp=0xc0005c0d70 pc=0x1024776 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sync.Gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sync/runtime_unsafe.go:41 +0x65 fp=0xc0005c0de0 sp=0xc0005c0d90 pc=0x11d8f85 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).nextWaker(0xc000612528, 0x1, 0x0) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:209 +0x105 fp=0xc0005c0e50 sp=0xc0005c0de0 pc=0x19937a5 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).fetch(0x105a34c?, 0x5b?, 0xbb?) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:256 +0x39 fp=0xc0005c0e88 sp=0xc0005c0e50 pc=0x1993999 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).Fetch(...) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:279 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*processor).start(0xc000612510, 0xc0004d81f8) pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:287 +0x14a fp=0xc0005c0fb0 sp=0xc0005c0e88 pc=0x19c860a gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init.func2() pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x48 fp=0xc0005c0fe0 sp=0xc0005c0fb0 pc=0x19c91a8 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005c0fe8 sp=0xc0005c0fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x1f2 goroutine 141 [select]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc0005c1590 sp=0xc0005c1570 pc=0x1024776 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sync.Gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sync/runtime_unsafe.go:41 +0x65 fp=0xc0005c15e0 sp=0xc0005c1590 pc=0x11d8f85 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).nextWaker(0xc0006125b8, 0x1, 0x0) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:209 +0x105 fp=0xc0005c1650 sp=0xc0005c15e0 pc=0x19937a5 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).fetch(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:256 +0x39 fp=0xc0005c1688 sp=0xc0005c1650 pc=0x1993999 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).Fetch(...) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:279 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*processor).start(0xc0006125a0, 0xc0004d81f8) pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:287 +0x14a fp=0xc0005c17b0 sp=0xc0005c1688 pc=0x19c860a gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init.func2() pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x48 fp=0xc0005c17e0 sp=0xc0005c17b0 pc=0x19c91a8 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005c17e8 sp=0xc0005c17e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x1f2 goroutine 142 [select]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc0005c1d90 sp=0xc0005c1d70 pc=0x1024776 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sync.Gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sync/runtime_unsafe.go:41 +0x65 fp=0xc0005c1de0 sp=0xc0005c1d90 pc=0x11d8f85 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).nextWaker(0xc000612648, 0x1, 0x0) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:209 +0x105 fp=0xc0005c1e50 sp=0xc0005c1de0 pc=0x19937a5 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).fetch(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:256 +0x39 fp=0xc0005c1e88 sp=0xc0005c1e50 pc=0x1993999 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).Fetch(...) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:279 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*processor).start(0xc000612630, 0xc0004d81f8) pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:287 +0x14a fp=0xc0005c1fb0 sp=0xc0005c1e88 pc=0x19c860a gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init.func2() pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x48 fp=0xc0005c1fe0 sp=0xc0005c1fb0 pc=0x19c91a8 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc0005c1fe8 sp=0xc0005c1fe0 pc=0x10586e1 created by gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x1f2 goroutine 143 [select]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00019b590 sp=0xc00019b570 pc=0x1024776 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sync.Gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sync/runtime_unsafe.go:41 +0x65 fp=0xc00019b5e0 sp=0xc00019b590 pc=0x11d8f85 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).nextWaker(0xc0006126d8, 0x1, 0x0) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:209 +0x105 fp=0xc00019b650 sp=0xc00019b5e0 pc=0x19937a5 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).fetch(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:256 +0x39 fp=0xc00019b688 sp=0xc00019b650 pc=0x1993999 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).Fetch(...) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:279 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*processor).start(0xc0006126c0, 0xc0004d81f8) pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:287 +0x14a fp=0xc00019b7b0 sp=0xc00019b688 pc=0x19c860a gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init.func2() pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x48 fp=0xc00019b7e0 sp=0xc00019b7b0 pc=0x19c91a8 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594 +0x1 fp=0xc00019b7e8 sp=0xc00019b7e0 pc=0x10586e1 created by gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp.(*dispatcher).init pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dispatcher.go:391 +0x1f2 goroutine 144 [select]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:363 +0xd6 fp=0xc00019bd90 sp=0xc00019bd70 pc=0x1024776 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sync.Gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) pkg/sync/runtime_unsafe.go:41 +0x65 fp=0xc00019bde0 sp=0xc00019bd90 pc=0x11d8f85 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sleep.(*Sleeper).nextWaker(0xc000612768, 0x1, 0x0) pkg/sleep/sleep_unsafe.go:209 +0x105 fp=0xc00019be50 sp=0xc00019bde0 pc=0x19937a5 D1215 01:25:37.490929 1 connection.go:127] sock read failed, closing connection: EOF W1215 01:25:37.491092 842365 sandbox.go:957] Wait RPC to container "ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0" failed: urpc method "containerManager.Wait" failed: EOF. Will try waiting on the sandbox process instead. I1215 01:25:37.491734 1 gofer.go:307] All lisafs servers exited. I1215 01:25:37.491790 1 main.go:266] Exiting with status: 0 D1215 01:25:37.496066 842365 container.go:711] Destroy container, cid: ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0 D1215 01:25:37.496201 842365 container.go:822] Destroying container, cid: ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0 D1215 01:25:37.496248 842365 sandbox.go:1320] Destroying root container by destroying sandbox, cid: ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0 D1215 01:25:37.496301 842365 sandbox.go:1005] Destroy sandbox "ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0" D1215 01:25:37.496385 842365 container.go:836] Killing gofer for container, cid: ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0, PID: 842375 I1215 01:25:37.511954 842365 main.go:266] Exiting with status: 512 VM DIAGNOSIS: I1215 01:25:37.437267 843428 main.go:216] *************************** I1215 01:25:37.437416 843428 main.go:217] Args: [/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover/current/image -root /syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover/workdir/gvisor_root -watchdog-action=panic -network=none -debug -debug-log=/dev/stderr -platform=ptrace -file-access=exclusive -network=sandbox -num-network-channels=3 -net-raw -watchdog-action=panic -TESTONLY-unsafe-nonroot debug -stacks --ps ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0] I1215 01:25:37.437515 843428 main.go:218] Version release-20221205.0-35-g4c7561da986f I1215 01:25:37.437567 843428 main.go:219] GOOS: linux I1215 01:25:37.437607 843428 main.go:220] GOARCH: amd64 I1215 01:25:37.437647 843428 main.go:221] PID: 843428 I1215 01:25:37.437697 843428 main.go:222] UID: 0, GID: 0 I1215 01:25:37.437735 843428 main.go:223] Configuration: I1215 01:25:37.437783 843428 main.go:224] RootDir: /syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover/workdir/gvisor_root I1215 01:25:37.437821 843428 main.go:225] Platform: ptrace I1215 01:25:37.437876 843428 main.go:226] FileAccess: exclusive I1215 01:25:37.437924 843428 main.go:228] Overlay: Root=false, SubMounts=false, FilestoreDir="" I1215 01:25:37.437981 843428 main.go:229] Network: sandbox, logging: false I1215 01:25:37.438043 843428 main.go:230] Strace: false, max size: 1024, syscalls: I1215 01:25:37.438094 843428 main.go:231] Debug: true I1215 01:25:37.438155 843428 main.go:232] Systemd: false I1215 01:25:37.438218 843428 main.go:233] *************************** W1215 01:25:37.438275 843428 main.go:238] Block the TERM signal. This is only safe in tests! D1215 01:25:37.438412 843428 state_file.go:57] Load container, rootDir: "/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover/workdir/gvisor_root", id: {SandboxID: ContainerID:ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0}, opts: {Exact:false SkipCheck:false RootContainer:false} D1215 01:25:37.443944 843428 container.go:594] Signal container, cid: ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0, signal: signal 0 (0) D1215 01:25:37.444041 843428 sandbox.go:1024] Signal sandbox "ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0" D1215 01:25:37.444101 843428 sandbox.go:523] Connecting to sandbox "ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0" D1215 01:25:37.444396 843428 urpc.go:568] urpc: successfully marshalled 111 bytes. I1215 01:25:37.445397 843428 util.go:51] Found sandbox ["ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0" '\U000cda88'], PID: %!d(MISSING) Found sandbox ["ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0" '\U000cda88'], PID: %!d(MISSING) I1215 01:25:37.445491 843428 util.go:51] Retrieving sandbox stacks%!(EXTRA []interface {}=[]) Retrieving sandbox stacks %!(EXTRA []interface {}=[])D1215 01:25:37.445539 843428 sandbox.go:1196] Stacks sandbox "ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0" D1215 01:25:37.445576 843428 sandbox.go:523] Connecting to sandbox "ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0" W1215 01:25:37.445706 843428 util.go:64] FATAL ERROR: retrieving stacks: connecting to control server at PID 842376: connection refused retrieving stacks: connecting to control server at PID 842376: connection refused W1215 01:25:37.445901 843428 main.go:275] Failure to execute command, err: 1 Error collecting stacks: failed to run ["/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover/current/image" "-root" "/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover/workdir/gvisor_root" "-watchdog-action=panic" "-network=none" "-debug" "-debug-log=/dev/stderr" "-platform=ptrace" "-file-access=exclusive" "-network=sandbox" "-num-network-channels=3" "-net-raw" "-watchdog-action=panic" "-TESTONLY-unsafe-nonroot" "debug" "-stacks" "--ps" "ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0"]: exit status 128 I1215 01:25:37.437267 843428 main.go:216] *************************** I1215 01:25:37.437416 843428 main.go:217] Args: [/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover/current/image -root /syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover/workdir/gvisor_root -watchdog-action=panic -network=none -debug -debug-log=/dev/stderr -platform=ptrace -file-access=exclusive -network=sandbox -num-network-channels=3 -net-raw -watchdog-action=panic -TESTONLY-unsafe-nonroot debug -stacks --ps ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0] I1215 01:25:37.437515 843428 main.go:218] Version release-20221205.0-35-g4c7561da986f I1215 01:25:37.437567 843428 main.go:219] GOOS: linux I1215 01:25:37.437607 843428 main.go:220] GOARCH: amd64 I1215 01:25:37.437647 843428 main.go:221] PID: 843428 I1215 01:25:37.437697 843428 main.go:222] UID: 0, GID: 0 I1215 01:25:37.437735 843428 main.go:223] Configuration: I1215 01:25:37.437783 843428 main.go:224] RootDir: /syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover/workdir/gvisor_root I1215 01:25:37.437821 843428 main.go:225] Platform: ptrace I1215 01:25:37.437876 843428 main.go:226] FileAccess: exclusive I1215 01:25:37.437924 843428 main.go:228] Overlay: Root=false, SubMounts=false, FilestoreDir="" I1215 01:25:37.437981 843428 main.go:229] Network: sandbox, logging: false I1215 01:25:37.438043 843428 main.go:230] Strace: false, max size: 1024, syscalls: I1215 01:25:37.438094 843428 main.go:231] Debug: true I1215 01:25:37.438155 843428 main.go:232] Systemd: false I1215 01:25:37.438218 843428 main.go:233] *************************** W1215 01:25:37.438275 843428 main.go:238] Block the TERM signal. This is only safe in tests! D1215 01:25:37.438412 843428 state_file.go:57] Load container, rootDir: "/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover/workdir/gvisor_root", id: {SandboxID: ContainerID:ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0}, opts: {Exact:false SkipCheck:false RootContainer:false} D1215 01:25:37.443944 843428 container.go:594] Signal container, cid: ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0, signal: signal 0 (0) D1215 01:25:37.444041 843428 sandbox.go:1024] Signal sandbox "ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0" D1215 01:25:37.444101 843428 sandbox.go:523] Connecting to sandbox "ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0" D1215 01:25:37.444396 843428 urpc.go:568] urpc: successfully marshalled 111 bytes. I1215 01:25:37.445397 843428 util.go:51] Found sandbox ["ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0" '\U000cda88'], PID: %!d(MISSING) Found sandbox ["ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0" '\U000cda88'], PID: %!d(MISSING) I1215 01:25:37.445491 843428 util.go:51] Retrieving sandbox stacks%!(EXTRA []interface {}=[]) Retrieving sandbox stacks %!(EXTRA []interface {}=[])D1215 01:25:37.445539 843428 sandbox.go:1196] Stacks sandbox "ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0" D1215 01:25:37.445576 843428 sandbox.go:523] Connecting to sandbox "ci-gvisor-ptrace-2-race-cover-0" W1215 01:25:37.445706 843428 util.go:64] FATAL ERROR: retrieving stacks: connecting to control server at PID 842376: connection refused retrieving stacks: connecting to control server at PID 842376: connection refused W1215 01:25:37.445901 843428 main.go:275] Failure to execute command, err: 1 [10837478.893339] exe[299224] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781de878e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781de87e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837478.922015] exe[299224] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781de878e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781de87e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837484.387350] warn_bad_vsyscall: 157 callbacks suppressed [10837484.387354] exe[294964] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837484.470878] exe[312648] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837484.550824] exe[294514] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837484.635262] exe[294579] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837484.721941] exe[294579] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837484.807907] exe[294392] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837484.882450] exe[313906] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837484.913954] exe[312703] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837484.997305] exe[294958] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837485.034958] exe[295513] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837489.876748] warn_bad_vsyscall: 149 callbacks suppressed [10837489.876753] exe[294954] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837489.976118] exe[294423] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837490.058232] exe[294399] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837490.164595] exe[294542] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dea88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dea8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837490.262277] exe[294444] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837490.357960] exe[294579] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837490.455613] exe[297009] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837490.486569] exe[294564] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837490.577890] exe[294564] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837490.651535] exe[294528] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837495.564964] warn_bad_vsyscall: 76 callbacks suppressed [10837495.564967] exe[294860] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837495.660513] exe[295498] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dea88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dea8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837495.746272] exe[294564] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dea88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dea8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837495.822258] exe[294399] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837496.567048] exe[294435] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837496.659418] exe[312646] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dea88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dea8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837496.731803] exe[294848] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837496.830282] exe[295497] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837496.915728] exe[294528] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837496.948763] exe[312654] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837500.659120] warn_bad_vsyscall: 21 callbacks suppressed [10837500.659124] exe[295497] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837500.784907] exe[294402] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837501.138805] exe[313906] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837501.293179] exe[294458] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837501.327444] exe[294958] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dea88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dea8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837501.431607] exe[295323] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837501.470342] exe[294787] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dea88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dea8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837501.645748] exe[295350] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837501.768987] exe[294785] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837501.875650] exe[295622] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837505.726443] warn_bad_vsyscall: 55 callbacks suppressed [10837505.726447] exe[305505] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837505.875115] exe[313913] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837506.023284] exe[294462] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dea88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dea8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837506.151535] exe[294478] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837506.250575] exe[305508] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837506.354985] exe[305505] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837507.060860] exe[300408] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837507.158410] exe[294432] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837507.938934] exe[300410] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837508.024652] exe[294421] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837511.442274] warn_bad_vsyscall: 9 callbacks suppressed [10837511.442278] exe[294375] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837511.607631] exe[294418] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837511.809127] exe[294535] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837511.959503] exe[294867] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837512.049541] exe[295627] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837512.128992] exe[297009] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837512.202225] exe[294530] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837512.288935] exe[295362] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837512.388210] exe[294513] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dea88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dea8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837512.416878] exe[294961] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dea88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dea8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837516.478999] warn_bad_vsyscall: 154 callbacks suppressed [10837516.479002] exe[299224] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837516.588529] exe[294964] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837516.683127] exe[294963] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837516.716372] exe[294395] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837517.365891] exe[295498] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837517.483022] exe[294422] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dea88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dea8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837518.244501] exe[295498] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837518.287424] exe[294839] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837518.379034] exe[294999] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837519.131019] exe[295498] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dea88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dea8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837521.794485] warn_bad_vsyscall: 37 callbacks suppressed [10837521.794488] exe[294868] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dea88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dea8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837521.915394] exe[294801] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837522.211717] exe[294956] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837522.299273] exe[294961] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837522.382040] exe[294952] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837522.476307] exe[294431] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837522.566667] exe[294516] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dea88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dea8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837522.664359] exe[294795] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837522.742169] exe[295350] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837522.837037] exe[294439] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dea88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dea8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837526.880967] warn_bad_vsyscall: 112 callbacks suppressed [10837526.880971] exe[295639] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837526.938871] exe[294952] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837527.035535] exe[294418] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837527.078275] exe[295354] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837527.166585] exe[294787] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837527.251841] exe[294445] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837527.285009] exe[294787] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837527.313658] exe[294787] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837527.342520] exe[294787] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837527.371799] exe[294787] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837531.955516] warn_bad_vsyscall: 72 callbacks suppressed [10837531.955519] exe[295638] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837532.001506] exe[294954] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dea88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dea8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837532.797503] exe[295511] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781de878e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781de87e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837533.673635] exe[294964] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837533.757899] exe[295515] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837534.602604] exe[294795] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837534.732673] exe[294775] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837535.469570] exe[294795] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837535.586205] exe[297013] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837535.623304] exe[294785] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837537.289904] warn_bad_vsyscall: 3 callbacks suppressed [10837537.289907] exe[294785] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dea88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dea8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837537.396561] exe[294785] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837537.474940] exe[294375] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837538.165779] exe[299224] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837538.257690] exe[295643] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837538.363565] exe[294870] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837538.404358] exe[299224] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dea88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dea8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837539.053007] exe[295497] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837539.096288] exe[299224] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dea88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dea8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837539.213302] exe[294860] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10837740.034512] warn_bad_vsyscall: 9 callbacks suppressed [10837740.034515] exe[225222] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b7979270e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:801000 [10837850.983606] exe[318446] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d19a9170e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:801000 [10837854.179449] exe[318373] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56297eaad0e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:801000 [10838265.332955] exe[196420] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10838269.606160] exe[186379] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10838684.226203] exe[295633] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10838684.314867] exe[312650] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10838684.350901] exe[295642] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10838684.430478] exe[294795] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5570e3a854e6 cs:33 sp:7f781dec98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f781dec9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10838919.867458] exe[273454] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10838920.451176] exe[347272] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10838920.900916] exe[348506] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10839198.268757] exe[329578] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f26b5550e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:4060400 [10839198.673285] exe[359679] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f26b5550e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:4060400 [10839199.710102] exe[335468] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f26b5550e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:4060400 [10839374.215333] exe[354664] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a40cff30e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:40000000 [10839374.457087] exe[353680] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a40cff30e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:40000000 [10839374.562957] exe[353262] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a40cff30e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:40000000 [10839375.980364] exe[365006] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a40cff30e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:40000000 [10842017.918197] exe[351267] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607d67b6c2f cs:33 sp:7f69f248e158 ax:10c si:ffffffffff600000 di:10c [10842017.967435] exe[365667] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607d67b6c2f cs:33 sp:7f69f248e158 ax:10c si:ffffffffff600000 di:10c [10842018.025823] exe[351229] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607d67b6c2f cs:33 sp:7f69f248e158 ax:10c si:ffffffffff600000 di:10c [10842018.046015] exe[351229] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607d67b6c2f cs:33 sp:7f69f248e158 ax:10c si:ffffffffff600000 di:10c [10842018.067669] exe[371750] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607d67b6c2f cs:33 sp:7f69f248e158 ax:10c si:ffffffffff600000 di:10c [10842018.088382] exe[350817] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607d67b6c2f cs:33 sp:7f69f248e158 ax:10c si:ffffffffff600000 di:10c [10842018.109555] exe[374434] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607d67b6c2f cs:33 sp:7f69f248e158 ax:10c si:ffffffffff600000 di:10c [10842018.134568] exe[374434] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607d67b6c2f cs:33 sp:7f69f248e158 ax:10c si:ffffffffff600000 di:10c [10842018.155536] exe[374434] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607d67b6c2f cs:33 sp:7f69f248e158 ax:10c si:ffffffffff600000 di:10c [10842018.175968] exe[350816] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607d67b6c2f cs:33 sp:7f69f248e158 ax:10c si:ffffffffff600000 di:10c [10843775.003395] warn_bad_vsyscall: 57 callbacks suppressed [10843775.003399] exe[448108] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5627982854e6 cs:33 sp:7f7cfd0c58e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7cfd0c5e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10843775.181179] exe[448271] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5627982854e6 cs:33 sp:7f7cfd0c58e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7cfd0c5e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10843775.331015] exe[467400] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5627982854e6 cs:33 sp:7f7cfd0c58e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7cfd0c5e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10845415.922127] exe[447497] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a3319334e6 cs:33 sp:7febfbe488e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7febfbe48e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10845416.062464] exe[454291] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a3319334e6 cs:33 sp:7febfbe488e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7febfbe48e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10845416.200520] exe[454291] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a3319334e6 cs:33 sp:7febfbe488e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7febfbe48e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10845416.245327] exe[454291] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a3319334e6 cs:33 sp:7febfbe278e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7febfbe27e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10846217.674351] umip_printk: 1 callbacks suppressed [10846217.674356] umip: exe[533677] ip:200001c0 sp:7f7a3cb45bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10846218.530719] umip: exe[534772] ip:200001c0 sp:7f7a3cb45bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10846218.788297] umip: exe[530240] ip:200001c0 sp:7f7a3cb45bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10846970.511439] umip: exe[538997] ip:20000080 sp:7f6507ffebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10846970.642056] umip: exe[553787] ip:20000080 sp:7f6507ffebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10846970.781134] umip: exe[538997] ip:20000080 sp:7f6507ffebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10847415.328823] umip: exe[562471] ip:20000080 sp:7f2865a99bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10847950.542426] exe[539696] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a09f45c378 cs:33 sp:7f9475895f90 ax:7f9475896020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:55a09f526257 [10847950.726134] exe[539465] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a09f45c378 cs:33 sp:7f9475895f90 ax:7f9475896020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:55a09f526257 [10847950.984194] exe[560534] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a09f45c378 cs:33 sp:7f9475895f90 ax:7f9475896020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:55a09f526257 [10847951.012580] exe[560598] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a09f45c378 cs:33 sp:7f9475895f90 ax:7f9475896020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:55a09f526257 [10847951.040254] exe[560598] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a09f45c378 cs:33 sp:7f9475895f90 ax:7f9475896020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:55a09f526257 [10847951.068199] exe[560598] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a09f45c378 cs:33 sp:7f9475895f90 ax:7f9475896020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:55a09f526257 [10847951.095792] exe[560598] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a09f45c378 cs:33 sp:7f9475895f90 ax:7f9475896020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:55a09f526257 [10847951.126713] exe[560598] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a09f45c378 cs:33 sp:7f9475895f90 ax:7f9475896020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:55a09f526257 [10847951.154982] exe[560598] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a09f45c378 cs:33 sp:7f9475895f90 ax:7f9475896020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:55a09f526257 [10847951.187480] exe[560572] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a09f45c378 cs:33 sp:7f9475895f90 ax:7f9475896020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:55a09f526257 [10848305.611823] warn_bad_vsyscall: 25 callbacks suppressed [10848305.611826] exe[527893] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562f2b5a34e6 cs:33 sp:7f84131548e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8413154e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10848305.762789] exe[568723] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562f2b5a34e6 cs:33 sp:7f84131548e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8413154e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10848305.872630] exe[547935] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562f2b5a34e6 cs:33 sp:7f84131548e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8413154e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10848343.211596] exe[548387] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564dcfa36c2f cs:33 sp:7f9b11b40158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10848343.369543] exe[567451] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564dcfa36c2f cs:33 sp:7f9b11b40158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10848343.550212] exe[550177] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564dcfa36c2f cs:33 sp:7f9b11b1f158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10849232.847088] exe[573535] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559d5a38c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f9a1b8b48e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f9a1b8b4e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10849233.029706] exe[538206] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559d5a38c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f9a1b8b48e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f9a1b8b4e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10849233.242652] exe[558163] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559d5a38c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f9a1b8b48e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f9a1b8b4e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10853086.293013] umip: exe[660619] ip:20000080 sp:7f2b653bebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10853086.412891] umip: exe[693027] ip:20000080 sp:7f2b653bebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10853086.599563] umip: exe[680633] ip:20000080 sp:7f2b653bebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10853277.571016] exe[776097] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55acb55dc0e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:801000 [10853679.922649] exe[788643] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56321d5620e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:801000 [10854017.499756] exe[795319] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f552766c2f cs:33 sp:7f1a21ac1158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10854017.711779] exe[795297] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f552766c2f cs:33 sp:7f1a21aa0158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10854018.003003] exe[803595] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f552766c2f cs:33 sp:7f1a21ac1158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10854139.825933] exe[762323] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55beb80e44e6 cs:33 sp:7fef436c38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fef436c3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10854140.725440] exe[740800] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55beb80e44e6 cs:33 sp:7fef436c38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fef436c3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10854141.690204] exe[773040] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55beb80e44e6 cs:33 sp:7fef436c38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fef436c3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10854750.507097] exe[796583] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a1ddd174e6 cs:33 sp:7f887d3658e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f887d365e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10854751.235060] exe[797386] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a1ddd174e6 cs:33 sp:7f887d3658e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f887d365e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10854751.300875] exe[797679] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a1ddd174e6 cs:33 sp:7f887d3448e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f887d344e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10854751.473236] exe[757215] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a1ddd174e6 cs:33 sp:7f887d3658e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f887d365e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10854751.496165] exe[797381] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a1ddd174e6 cs:33 sp:7f887d3658e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f887d365e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10854751.520528] exe[797381] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a1ddd174e6 cs:33 sp:7f887d3658e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f887d365e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10854751.546221] exe[797381] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a1ddd174e6 cs:33 sp:7f887d3658e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f887d365e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10854751.568979] exe[797381] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a1ddd174e6 cs:33 sp:7f887d3658e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f887d365e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10854751.592323] exe[797381] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a1ddd174e6 cs:33 sp:7f887d3658e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f887d365e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10854751.616468] exe[797381] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a1ddd174e6 cs:33 sp:7f887d3658e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f887d365e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10857304.004418] warn_bad_vsyscall: 58 callbacks suppressed [10857304.004422] exe[877842] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a47e226387 cs:33 sp:7f7492f3e0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:99a [10857304.302774] exe[870469] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a47e226387 cs:33 sp:7f7492f3e0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:99a [10857304.328017] exe[870469] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a47e226387 cs:33 sp:7f7492f3e0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:99a [10857304.351726] exe[870469] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a47e226387 cs:33 sp:7f7492f3e0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:99a [10857304.374911] exe[870469] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a47e226387 cs:33 sp:7f7492f3e0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:99a [10857304.400299] exe[870469] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a47e226387 cs:33 sp:7f7492f3e0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:99a [10857304.422283] exe[870469] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a47e226387 cs:33 sp:7f7492f3e0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:99a [10857304.445497] exe[870469] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a47e226387 cs:33 sp:7f7492f3e0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:99a [10857304.474517] exe[870469] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a47e226387 cs:33 sp:7f7492f3e0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:99a [10857304.498111] exe[870469] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a47e226387 cs:33 sp:7f7492f3e0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:99a [10858203.988667] warn_bad_vsyscall: 57 callbacks suppressed [10858203.988670] exe[828105] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10858204.679907] exe[828105] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10858204.746172] exe[825736] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10858204.814089] exe[835217] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10858204.855244] exe[828105] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10858205.124912] exe[825257] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10858205.241326] exe[825257] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10858261.684163] exe[886979] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5575891b7387 cs:33 sp:7f13d146e0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:3878 [10858261.775517] exe[920231] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5575891b7387 cs:33 sp:7f13d146e0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:3878 [10858261.889733] exe[919956] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5575891b7387 cs:33 sp:7f13d146e0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:3878 [10858388.080321] umip: exe[928614] ip:20000080 sp:7fa33091abb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10858476.218398] exe[920050] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56482c4f7387 cs:33 sp:7fe18186b0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:441d [10858476.334173] exe[891819] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56482c4f7387 cs:33 sp:7fe1818290f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:441d [10858477.019554] exe[920303] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56482c4f7387 cs:33 sp:7fe18186b0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:441d [10858477.074145] exe[920163] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56482c4f7387 cs:33 sp:7fe18184a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:441d [10859139.719214] umip: exe[918539] ip:20000080 sp:7f77c71a1bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10859140.552542] umip: exe[918540] ip:20000080 sp:7f77c71a1bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10859141.392580] umip: exe[918390] ip:20000080 sp:7f77c71a1bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10860026.163746] exe[977195] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c7eb50dc2f cs:33 sp:7faacef4e158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [10860026.588181] exe[977855] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c7eb50dc2f cs:33 sp:7faacef4e158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [10860027.355275] exe[981304] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c7eb50dc2f cs:33 sp:7faacee25158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [10860027.388490] exe[978681] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c7eb50dc2f cs:33 sp:7faacee25158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [10860027.427063] exe[981304] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c7eb50dc2f cs:33 sp:7faacee25158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [10860027.462544] exe[978659] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c7eb50dc2f cs:33 sp:7faacee25158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [10860027.500052] exe[979044] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c7eb50dc2f cs:33 sp:7faacee25158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [10860027.537027] exe[977719] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c7eb50dc2f cs:33 sp:7faacee25158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [10860027.573707] exe[976953] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c7eb50dc2f cs:33 sp:7faacee25158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [10860027.613955] exe[976973] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c7eb50dc2f cs:33 sp:7faacee25158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [10860275.514163] warn_bad_vsyscall: 21 callbacks suppressed [10860275.514166] exe[972608] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562c0189fc2f cs:33 sp:7fa20cf4d158 ax:117 si:ffffffffff600000 di:117 [10860275.682722] exe[974466] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562c0189fc2f cs:33 sp:7fa20cf4d158 ax:117 si:ffffffffff600000 di:117 [10860275.857766] exe[980765] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562c0189fc2f cs:33 sp:7fa20cf4d158 ax:117 si:ffffffffff600000 di:117 [10861364.648982] exe[980420] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562ffac26c2f cs:33 sp:7f7b84aed158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10861364.769093] exe[12595] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562ffac26c2f cs:33 sp:7f7b84aed158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10861365.012839] exe[980487] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562ffac26c2f cs:33 sp:7f7b84aed158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10862357.523820] exe[71334] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a24cc284e6 cs:33 sp:7f386d7be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f386d7bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10862357.644382] exe[71419] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a24cc284e6 cs:33 sp:7f386d7be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f386d7bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10862357.749774] exe[77350] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a24cc284e6 cs:33 sp:7f386d7be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f386d7bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10862357.793246] exe[75064] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a24cc284e6 cs:33 sp:7f386d7be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f386d7bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10862855.643778] exe[978921] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5590b867b387 cs:33 sp:7f4ee0e8a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10862893.469441] exe[60207] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56529516c387 cs:33 sp:7f627e5c60f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10862905.120060] exe[81599] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560edb22e387 cs:33 sp:7f0a9c9e60f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10862908.565220] exe[82732] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560cb1c54387 cs:33 sp:7f95239090f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10863116.671931] exe[42025] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5604006ed387 cs:33 sp:7f237db190f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10863133.000954] exe[18457] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557906782387 cs:33 sp:7f59e9a540f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10863148.851101] exe[13311] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fe50084387 cs:33 sp:7fb0d81280f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10863349.992145] exe[36638] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56219b93d387 cs:33 sp:7ff2b07300f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10863614.148903] exe[107821] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f0cce99387 cs:33 sp:7ff9795e80f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10863688.914702] exe[105724] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563fc5d52387 cs:33 sp:7efccc1ab0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10864249.431743] exe[120035] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5575c0d51387 cs:33 sp:7ff5fa2af0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10864563.432349] exe[129228] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10864563.912801] exe[129284] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10864564.649506] exe[129329] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10864603.198158] exe[72590] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10864603.639023] exe[71718] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10864604.038847] exe[130912] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10864604.141308] exe[71718] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10865142.000679] umip: exe[139090] ip:20000080 sp:7fbbafd01bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10865142.102637] umip: exe[111245] ip:20000080 sp:7fbbafce0bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10865143.052320] umip: exe[111247] ip:20000080 sp:7fbbafd01bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10865874.001077] exe[115918] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10865874.549585] exe[115716] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10865874.599841] exe[115716] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10865874.637994] exe[128856] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10865874.671406] exe[152067] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10865874.711935] exe[159364] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10865874.749542] exe[152067] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10865874.788870] exe[131084] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10865874.821947] exe[127970] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10865874.853850] exe[115918] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10868525.384236] warn_bad_vsyscall: 25 callbacks suppressed [10868525.384238] exe[172698] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55cc1436c387 cs:33 sp:7f17af8630f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:2d9c [10868525.555950] exe[171066] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55cc1436c387 cs:33 sp:7f17af8630f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:2d9c [10868526.135576] exe[222790] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55cc1436c387 cs:33 sp:7f17af8630f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:2d9c [10870612.518739] umip: exe[297400] ip:20000080 sp:7fedee831bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10870612.598347] umip: exe[297387] ip:20000080 sp:7fedee831bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10870612.691009] umip: exe[297396] ip:20000080 sp:7fedee831bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10870707.501501] exe[233486] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b9b09804e6 cs:33 sp:7f69f02e88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f69f02e8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10870707.742786] exe[248956] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b9b09804e6 cs:33 sp:7f69f02e88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f69f02e8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10870707.884864] exe[294472] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b9b09804e6 cs:33 sp:7f69f02858e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f69f0285e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10871622.132388] exe[316299] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557e871874e6 cs:33 sp:7f556004c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f556004ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10871624.866407] exe[316246] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557e871874e6 cs:33 sp:7f556004c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f556004ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10871624.931050] exe[316269] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557e871874e6 cs:33 sp:7f556004c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f556004ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10871996.586435] exe[343648] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10871997.012293] exe[314660] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10871997.117468] exe[343975] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10873156.788324] exe[355832] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5633564a3387 cs:33 sp:7fc11a5670f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:7c5f [10873156.927116] exe[350085] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5633564a3387 cs:33 sp:7fc11a5670f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:7c5f [10873156.954914] exe[350085] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5633564a3387 cs:33 sp:7fc11a5670f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:7c5f [10873156.983382] exe[350085] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5633564a3387 cs:33 sp:7fc11a5670f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:7c5f [10873157.011143] exe[350085] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5633564a3387 cs:33 sp:7fc11a5670f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:7c5f [10873157.037796] exe[350085] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5633564a3387 cs:33 sp:7fc11a5670f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:7c5f [10873157.065010] exe[350085] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5633564a3387 cs:33 sp:7fc11a5670f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:7c5f [10873157.092025] exe[350085] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5633564a3387 cs:33 sp:7fc11a5670f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:7c5f [10873157.119785] exe[375891] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5633564a3387 cs:33 sp:7fc11a5670f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:7c5f [10873157.149204] exe[375891] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5633564a3387 cs:33 sp:7fc11a5670f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:7c5f [10873254.998971] umip: exe[297192] ip:20000080 sp:7f3df04d7bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10873255.858917] umip: exe[308350] ip:20000080 sp:7f3df04d7bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10873865.642024] warn_bad_vsyscall: 58 callbacks suppressed [10873865.642028] exe[360724] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5644a578b4e6 cs:33 sp:7f20fdd9a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f20fdd9ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10873866.359453] exe[362996] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5644a578b4e6 cs:33 sp:7f20fdd798e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f20fdd79e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10873866.494095] exe[384419] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5644a578b4e6 cs:33 sp:7f20fdd9a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f20fdd9ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10873866.539283] exe[376342] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5644a578b4e6 cs:33 sp:7f20fdd588e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f20fdd58e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10874159.298104] umip: exe[397341] ip:20000080 sp:7f61c93aabb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10874159.385283] umip: exe[397395] ip:20000080 sp:7f61c93aabb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10874160.238380] umip: exe[397395] ip:20000080 sp:7f61c93aabb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10876395.028017] exe[436820] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560b6201b4e6 cs:33 sp:7f591af568e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f591af56e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10876395.124255] exe[443702] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560b6201b4e6 cs:33 sp:7f591af568e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f591af56e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10876395.244119] exe[423375] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560b6201b4e6 cs:33 sp:7f591af568e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f591af56e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10876395.280687] exe[423666] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560b6201b4e6 cs:33 sp:7f591af568e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f591af56e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10876895.349678] umip: exe[452788] ip:20000080 sp:7f61c93aabb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10876895.534767] umip: exe[427078] ip:20000080 sp:7f61c93aabb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10876896.688913] umip: exe[452788] ip:20000080 sp:7f61c93aabb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10877389.231019] umip: exe[460720] ip:20000080 sp:7fe6957f4bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10877390.070613] umip: exe[460720] ip:20000080 sp:7fe6957f4bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10877516.792600] umip: exe[460235] ip:20000080 sp:7fe6957f4bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10877516.979116] umip: exe[460704] ip:20000080 sp:7fe6957f4bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10877517.087393] umip: exe[461981] ip:20000080 sp:7fe6957f4bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10878053.590742] exe[313208] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10878054.383691] exe[313363] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10878054.623479] exe[501470] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10878054.965955] exe[314316] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10878055.198796] exe[500741] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10878409.292051] exe[466186] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fc4dfbd4e6 cs:33 sp:7f4699da98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4699da9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10878409.386104] exe[466154] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fc4dfbd4e6 cs:33 sp:7f4699da98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4699da9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10878409.550586] exe[466419] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fc4dfbd4e6 cs:33 sp:7f4699da98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4699da9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10878409.589226] exe[466419] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fc4dfbd4e6 cs:33 sp:7f4699da98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4699da9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10879373.543928] exe[538696] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10879374.057986] exe[466114] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10879374.183485] exe[499938] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10879374.461359] exe[500672] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10879374.589987] exe[470579] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10879579.142495] exe[487292] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564c4797c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f537ee7c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f537ee7ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10879579.567694] exe[521889] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564c4797c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f537ee7c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f537ee7ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10879579.952795] exe[507026] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564c4797c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f537ee5b8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f537ee5be08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10879580.547044] exe[509409] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564c4797c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f537ee7c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f537ee7ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10880508.147301] exe[500902] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5571c892ac2f cs:33 sp:7f5019252158 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10880521.292513] exe[537360] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555c722eec2f cs:33 sp:7f1391111158 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10880526.908073] exe[556833] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564f89cfdc2f cs:33 sp:7f28f8875158 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10880541.315969] exe[314956] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562db5aa1c2f cs:33 sp:7f7124f2c158 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10880598.498846] exe[558465] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d59b9cbc2f cs:33 sp:7f44857ab158 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10880698.453445] exe[559381] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558ddcf57c2f cs:33 sp:7fcd4b63d158 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10880913.792349] exe[564731] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e3ee8f4c2f cs:33 sp:7fc260637158 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10881028.455076] exe[564563] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557157230c2f cs:33 sp:7f76181a8158 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10881115.833091] exe[554626] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e989fe2387 cs:33 sp:7fe44b84b0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:59ab [10881115.940469] exe[543559] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e989fe2387 cs:33 sp:7fe44b82a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:59ab [10881115.968354] exe[545102] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e989fe2387 cs:33 sp:7fe44b82a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:59ab [10881115.998735] exe[545102] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e989fe2387 cs:33 sp:7fe44b82a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:59ab [10881116.029633] exe[545102] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e989fe2387 cs:33 sp:7fe44b82a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:59ab [10881116.058859] exe[545102] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e989fe2387 cs:33 sp:7fe44b82a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:59ab [10881116.090692] exe[545102] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e989fe2387 cs:33 sp:7fe44b82a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:59ab [10881116.125768] exe[545102] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e989fe2387 cs:33 sp:7fe44b82a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:59ab [10881116.155359] exe[545102] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e989fe2387 cs:33 sp:7fe44b82a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:59ab [10881116.184846] exe[545102] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e989fe2387 cs:33 sp:7fe44b82a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:59ab [10881137.215367] warn_bad_vsyscall: 57 callbacks suppressed [10881137.215370] exe[574300] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d31069cc2f cs:33 sp:7f775d909158 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10881208.564523] exe[515205] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d27a585c2f cs:33 sp:7f0971d4b158 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10881473.321934] exe[565433] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55cddda4fc2f cs:33 sp:7fe420bff158 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10881665.230458] umip: exe[587552] ip:20000080 sp:7f05673fdbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10881665.315970] umip: exe[587914] ip:20000080 sp:7f05673fdbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10881665.446598] umip: exe[587552] ip:20000080 sp:7f05673fdbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10883544.365926] exe[682445] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555f81f86c2f cs:33 sp:7fdd691f5158 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10883592.625061] exe[644143] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a53e31ac2f cs:33 sp:7ffa72fff158 ax:108 si:ffffffffff600000 di:108 [10883592.793428] exe[645444] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a53e31ac2f cs:33 sp:7ffa72fde158 ax:108 si:ffffffffff600000 di:108 [10883595.643048] exe[661010] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a53e31ac2f cs:33 sp:7ffa72fff158 ax:108 si:ffffffffff600000 di:108 [10883890.944013] exe[692927] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10884334.743253] exe[696337] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555dad5c74e6 cs:33 sp:7f27363a88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f27363a8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10884334.916627] exe[581415] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555dad5c74e6 cs:33 sp:7f27363668e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2736366e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10884334.946263] exe[696396] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555dad5c74e6 cs:33 sp:7f27363668e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2736366e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10884334.977290] exe[581392] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555dad5c74e6 cs:33 sp:7f27363668e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2736366e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10884335.016469] exe[581392] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555dad5c74e6 cs:33 sp:7f27363668e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2736366e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10884335.052575] exe[581392] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555dad5c74e6 cs:33 sp:7f27363668e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2736366e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10884335.084565] exe[581392] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555dad5c74e6 cs:33 sp:7f27363668e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2736366e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10884335.115207] exe[581392] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555dad5c74e6 cs:33 sp:7f27363668e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2736366e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10884335.144827] exe[581392] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555dad5c74e6 cs:33 sp:7f27363668e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2736366e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10884335.177565] exe[581392] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555dad5c74e6 cs:33 sp:7f27363668e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2736366e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10884974.169699] warn_bad_vsyscall: 25 callbacks suppressed [10884974.169703] exe[670565] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558f67e1ec2f cs:33 sp:7efe8ef8d158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10884974.396225] exe[675838] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558f67e1ec2f cs:33 sp:7efe8ef6c158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10884975.022975] exe[667874] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558f67e1ec2f cs:33 sp:7efe8ef8d158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10885996.086553] umip: exe[780062] ip:20000080 sp:7fe9c79febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10886023.318679] umip: exe[796287] ip:20000080 sp:7fb8929c0bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10886023.411087] umip: exe[796317] ip:20000080 sp:7fb8929c0bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10886023.496127] umip: exe[796287] ip:20000080 sp:7fb8929c0bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10886108.704730] umip: exe[788734] ip:20000080 sp:7fe9c79febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10886311.838993] exe[768256] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560dbe740c2f cs:33 sp:7f83d8a69158 ax:108 si:ffffffffff600000 di:108 [10886311.930476] exe[777541] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560dbe740c2f cs:33 sp:7f83d8a69158 ax:108 si:ffffffffff600000 di:108 [10886312.018367] exe[778207] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560dbe740c2f cs:33 sp:7f83d8a69158 ax:108 si:ffffffffff600000 di:108 [10886539.163882] exe[778557] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5585ae2edc2f cs:33 sp:7f14cd95e158 ax:117 si:ffffffffff600000 di:117 [10886539.273375] exe[776400] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5585ae2edc2f cs:33 sp:7f14cd8fb158 ax:117 si:ffffffffff600000 di:117 [10886539.578527] exe[789151] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5585ae2edc2f cs:33 sp:7f14cd8da158 ax:117 si:ffffffffff600000 di:117 [10886584.778923] umip_printk: 2 callbacks suppressed [10886584.778927] umip: exe[763279] ip:20000080 sp:7fe9c79febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10886584.961075] umip: exe[780078] ip:20000080 sp:7fe9c79bcc78: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10886585.169796] umip: exe[780047] ip:20000080 sp:7fe9c79febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10887009.623780] exe[826139] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f1267054e6 cs:33 sp:7f1388be98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1388be9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887009.763610] exe[826191] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f1267054e6 cs:33 sp:7f1388be98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1388be9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887010.498969] exe[826139] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f1267054e6 cs:33 sp:7f1388be98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1388be9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887010.558783] exe[825765] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f1267054e6 cs:33 sp:7f1388be98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1388be9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887013.346933] exe[792353] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887013.446366] exe[792293] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887013.546816] exe[792531] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887013.650412] exe[794695] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887013.747841] exe[792691] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887013.844907] exe[825850] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887014.663081] warn_bad_vsyscall: 9 callbacks suppressed [10887014.663084] exe[794553] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887014.767814] exe[825690] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887014.862291] exe[826191] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887014.943301] exe[792441] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887015.245364] exe[826139] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887015.348410] exe[792324] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887015.435806] exe[792319] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887015.557704] exe[825765] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887015.645324] exe[809827] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887015.676740] exe[809827] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449db68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449db6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887019.674158] warn_bad_vsyscall: 51 callbacks suppressed [10887019.674162] exe[792139] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449dd78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449dd7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887019.709014] exe[792289] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449dd78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449dd7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887019.737695] exe[792289] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449dd78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449dd7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887019.766441] exe[792098] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449dd78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449dd7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887019.795738] exe[805225] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449dd78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449dd7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887019.825318] exe[794697] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449dd78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449dd7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887019.854110] exe[794697] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449dd78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449dd7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887019.881720] exe[794697] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449dd78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449dd7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887019.909256] exe[794697] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449dd78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449dd7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887019.937004] exe[794697] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449dd78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449dd7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887024.756385] warn_bad_vsyscall: 250 callbacks suppressed [10887024.756389] exe[792179] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887025.474519] exe[792149] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887025.686818] exe[825760] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887025.921978] exe[792294] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887026.132328] exe[800632] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887026.218950] exe[800617] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887026.249610] exe[800617] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887026.345920] exe[825838] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887026.430877] exe[792524] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887026.532805] exe[801012] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887029.950058] warn_bad_vsyscall: 13 callbacks suppressed [10887029.950061] exe[792612] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887030.004307] exe[792430] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887030.102580] exe[794748] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887030.144357] exe[801012] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887030.226873] exe[792191] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887030.318601] exe[825748] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887030.351671] exe[825760] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449dd78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449dd7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887030.456216] exe[792197] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887033.180655] exe[792323] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887033.271161] exe[825747] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887035.023886] warn_bad_vsyscall: 81 callbacks suppressed [10887035.023890] exe[809841] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449dd78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449dd7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887035.124208] exe[801012] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887035.205036] exe[800618] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887035.283711] exe[792566] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887035.367466] exe[825838] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887035.468672] exe[825626] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887035.586341] exe[793082] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887035.638288] exe[792262] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887036.291030] exe[805225] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887036.436634] exe[792531] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887040.091584] warn_bad_vsyscall: 47 callbacks suppressed [10887040.091586] exe[800622] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449dd78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449dd7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887040.191070] exe[792038] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887040.222309] exe[825740] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449db68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449db6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887040.318929] exe[792684] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887040.438961] exe[805244] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887040.481241] exe[792171] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887040.577752] exe[792065] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887040.660707] exe[792228] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887040.767392] exe[792065] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887040.798477] exe[792194] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887045.152608] warn_bad_vsyscall: 109 callbacks suppressed [10887045.152611] exe[792212] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887045.245237] exe[792204] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887045.274734] exe[792294] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887045.388938] exe[792323] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887045.422916] exe[792149] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887045.520809] exe[792155] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887045.610755] exe[792294] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887045.709935] exe[809841] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449dd78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449dd7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887045.847583] exe[793089] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887045.967194] exe[792205] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449dd78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449dd7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887054.300151] warn_bad_vsyscall: 26 callbacks suppressed [10887054.300155] exe[792139] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887054.348203] exe[792139] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887054.431989] exe[792370] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887055.166968] exe[793085] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887055.299291] exe[794748] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887055.458801] exe[792088] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887055.730686] exe[792293] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887055.829147] exe[792581] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449db68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449db6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887055.857263] exe[792581] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449db68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449db6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887055.884782] exe[792581] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449db68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449db6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887059.846733] warn_bad_vsyscall: 87 callbacks suppressed [10887059.846736] exe[801012] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887059.960178] exe[800636] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449db68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449db6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887060.735934] exe[793082] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887060.813688] exe[825748] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887060.903298] exe[792319] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887060.932287] exe[792176] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887061.012078] exe[792212] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887061.097751] exe[825748] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887061.129269] exe[826191] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887061.205282] exe[825742] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887064.851906] warn_bad_vsyscall: 99 callbacks suppressed [10887064.851909] exe[792160] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887064.889068] exe[792160] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887064.919545] exe[792160] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887064.951045] exe[792160] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887064.983963] exe[792160] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887065.014919] exe[792160] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887065.047351] exe[792160] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887065.078015] exe[792160] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887065.109561] exe[792160] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887065.142225] exe[792160] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562b11b394e6 cs:33 sp:7f0449df88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0449df8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887548.085413] warn_bad_vsyscall: 93 callbacks suppressed [10887548.085417] exe[795153] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561a5f2d54e6 cs:33 sp:7f7515b828e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7515b82e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887548.179698] exe[792449] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561a5f2d54e6 cs:33 sp:7f7515b828e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7515b82e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887548.271779] exe[792370] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561a5f2d54e6 cs:33 sp:7f7515b828e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7515b82e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10887548.308818] exe[792987] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561a5f2d54e6 cs:33 sp:7f7515b828e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7515b82e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10888759.283678] exe[846744] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10888759.987312] exe[842197] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10888760.049454] exe[846485] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10888760.106595] exe[846485] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10888760.145841] exe[842197] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10888760.195192] exe[842678] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10888760.227871] exe[842700] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10888760.272356] exe[846744] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10888760.314523] exe[851300] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10888760.371783] exe[846744] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10889017.735020] warn_bad_vsyscall: 26 callbacks suppressed [10889017.735023] exe[801005] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561a5f2d54e6 cs:33 sp:7f7515b828e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7515b82e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889017.857002] exe[792315] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561a5f2d54e6 cs:33 sp:7f7515b828e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7515b82e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889017.978598] exe[792674] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561a5f2d54e6 cs:33 sp:7f7515b828e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7515b82e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889427.830991] exe[809895] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55df69e094e6 cs:33 sp:7f93d8b8c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f93d8b8ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889428.026067] exe[809401] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55df69e094e6 cs:33 sp:7f93d8b8c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f93d8b8ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889428.080091] exe[810197] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55df69e094e6 cs:33 sp:7f93d8b8c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f93d8b8ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889428.322406] exe[809401] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55df69e094e6 cs:33 sp:7f93d8b8c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f93d8b8ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889428.377649] exe[809897] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55df69e094e6 cs:33 sp:7f93d8b8c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f93d8b8ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889435.891542] exe[809097] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55df69e094e6 cs:33 sp:7f93d8b8c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f93d8b8ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889435.986437] exe[809050] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55df69e094e6 cs:33 sp:7f93d8b8c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f93d8b8ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889436.085215] exe[809130] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55df69e094e6 cs:33 sp:7f93d8b8c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f93d8b8ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889436.168690] exe[809101] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55df69e094e6 cs:33 sp:7f93d8b8c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f93d8b8ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889436.246360] exe[820232] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55df69e094e6 cs:33 sp:7f93d8b8c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f93d8b8ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889436.330777] exe[809050] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55df69e094e6 cs:33 sp:7f93d8b8c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f93d8b8ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889436.442535] exe[814472] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55df69e094e6 cs:33 sp:7f93d8b8c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f93d8b8ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889441.672315] exe[809102] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889441.767091] exe[810197] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889441.851826] exe[812748] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889441.879471] exe[812748] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889441.952499] exe[809425] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889442.039168] exe[809102] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889442.208730] exe[813400] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889442.253187] exe[809136] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889443.323188] exe[809064] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889443.421309] exe[809223] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889446.678582] warn_bad_vsyscall: 106 callbacks suppressed [10889446.678585] exe[809130] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f19d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f19de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889446.710412] exe[809130] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f19d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f19de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889446.736300] exe[809130] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f19d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f19de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889446.763213] exe[809130] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f19d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f19de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889446.790404] exe[809130] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f19d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f19de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889446.818502] exe[809130] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f19d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f19de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889446.847586] exe[809130] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f19d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f19de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889446.874850] exe[809130] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f19d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f19de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889446.903586] exe[809130] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f19d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f19de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889446.930593] exe[809130] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f19d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f19de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889451.729919] warn_bad_vsyscall: 126 callbacks suppressed [10889451.729923] exe[809075] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889451.834211] exe[809102] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889451.938666] exe[812954] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889452.025893] exe[809099] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889452.107504] exe[811309] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889452.140657] exe[809121] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889452.230695] exe[809185] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889452.311862] exe[812923] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889452.389431] exe[809075] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889452.427579] exe[809075] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f17c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f17ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889456.756969] warn_bad_vsyscall: 122 callbacks suppressed [10889456.756972] exe[809121] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889456.842236] exe[809131] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889456.926958] exe[842360] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f19d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f19de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889457.012552] exe[809201] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889457.089832] exe[809172] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889457.119177] exe[809172] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889457.149159] exe[842352] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889457.177515] exe[842352] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889457.207260] exe[810044] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889457.234699] exe[812122] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889461.942475] warn_bad_vsyscall: 60 callbacks suppressed [10889461.942479] exe[809066] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889461.979641] exe[809066] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889462.065181] exe[815390] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889462.185114] exe[809183] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889462.219296] exe[810044] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889462.317320] exe[815387] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889462.353542] exe[809385] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889462.486053] exe[813865] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889462.566969] exe[814485] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889462.649118] exe[809075] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889466.980086] warn_bad_vsyscall: 86 callbacks suppressed [10889466.980089] exe[809116] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f19d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f19de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889467.062811] exe[809144] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889467.153614] exe[813233] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889467.191248] exe[809136] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f19d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f19de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889467.603137] exe[809100] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889467.674915] exe[816387] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889467.759790] exe[813228] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889467.851672] exe[812915] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889467.884494] exe[812753] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f19d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f19de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889467.972752] exe[813233] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889472.023592] warn_bad_vsyscall: 75 callbacks suppressed [10889472.023596] exe[809065] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889472.062279] exe[809544] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889472.334808] exe[809183] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889472.414408] exe[809858] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889472.496335] exe[809173] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889472.530081] exe[809895] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889472.639531] exe[809075] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889472.737075] exe[809064] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889472.772755] exe[809059] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889472.870808] exe[814300] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f19d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f19de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889477.034691] warn_bad_vsyscall: 145 callbacks suppressed [10889477.034695] exe[812915] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889477.070792] exe[812915] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889477.166743] exe[814299] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889477.256224] exe[812954] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889477.343735] exe[820228] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889477.434727] exe[809895] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889477.546238] exe[820223] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889477.759695] exe[814479] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889477.853785] exe[814299] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889477.963569] exe[812921] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619fee0e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd36f1be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd36f1bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10889931.985849] warn_bad_vsyscall: 8 callbacks suppressed [10889931.985852] exe[853107] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10889932.502879] exe[853107] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10889932.629423] exe[853107] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10890223.302450] umip: exe[862692] ip:20000080 sp:7f1053d9bbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10890224.170702] umip: exe[863354] ip:20000080 sp:7f1053d7abb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10890225.119102] umip: exe[912557] ip:20000080 sp:7f1053d7abb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10891144.436113] exe[977260] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558d07c4fc2f cs:33 sp:7f80c90bf158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10891144.535749] exe[935792] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558d07c4fc2f cs:33 sp:7f80c909e158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10891144.629369] exe[935924] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558d07c4fc2f cs:33 sp:7f80c909e158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10892419.369447] exe[16713] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5587a8393387 cs:33 sp:7f8cb446c0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10892419.438528] exe[13950] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5587a8393387 cs:33 sp:7f8cb446c0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10892419.471514] exe[16720] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5587a8393387 cs:33 sp:7f8cb442a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10892419.574220] exe[13938] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5587a8393387 cs:33 sp:7f8cb444b0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10892421.579368] exe[14900] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5587a8393387 cs:33 sp:7f8cb446c0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10892421.677755] exe[20218] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5587a8393387 cs:33 sp:7f8cb446c0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10892421.757408] exe[14019] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5587a8393387 cs:33 sp:7f8cb446c0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10892421.835159] exe[13668] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5587a8393387 cs:33 sp:7f8cb446c0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10892421.920159] exe[17956] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5587a8393387 cs:33 sp:7f8cb446c0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10892422.012166] exe[14924] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5587a8393387 cs:33 sp:7f8cb446c0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10892676.212613] warn_bad_vsyscall: 7 callbacks suppressed [10892676.212617] exe[944361] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56414026a387 cs:33 sp:7f1891f950f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10892685.780908] exe[12558] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560743a61387 cs:33 sp:7fa3e18e80f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10892707.993848] exe[22061] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5643a8d7d387 cs:33 sp:7fb8f11c90f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10892710.085593] exe[10400] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561ec1e83387 cs:33 sp:7f9d1399a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10893103.775000] umip: exe[32210] ip:20000080 sp:7f49f257abb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10893104.018058] umip: exe[29404] ip:20000080 sp:7f49f257abb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10893116.762679] umip: exe[36247] ip:20000080 sp:7f49f257abb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10893116.859952] umip: exe[29394] ip:20000080 sp:7f49f257abb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10893191.516339] exe[39254] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ef5e998387 cs:33 sp:7f81143680f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10893237.732114] exe[40938] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55bda7cb1387 cs:33 sp:7f626fac20f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10893238.305514] exe[919226] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e950339387 cs:33 sp:7efe99da60f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10893242.094547] exe[31985] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56048f66b387 cs:33 sp:7fb3fc08b0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10893393.661472] exe[39563] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a9d4ba7387 cs:33 sp:7f49f257b0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10893600.229112] exe[13950] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5587a8393387 cs:33 sp:7f8cb446c0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10893601.038479] exe[17989] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5587a8393387 cs:33 sp:7f8cb446c0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10893601.146611] exe[13841] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5587a8393387 cs:33 sp:7f8cb446c0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10893601.184826] exe[17972] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5587a8393387 cs:33 sp:7f8cb442a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10894201.868441] exe[52382] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564c465f74e6 cs:33 sp:7f5cdd8e18e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f5cdd8e1e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10894201.998016] exe[50752] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564c465f74e6 cs:33 sp:7f5cdd8e18e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f5cdd8e1e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10894202.140363] exe[51837] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564c465f74e6 cs:33 sp:7f5cdd8e18e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f5cdd8e1e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10894342.254715] exe[62325] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b79ec0c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f800e9ac8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f800e9ace08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10894342.348967] exe[65990] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b79ec0c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f800e9ac8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f800e9ace08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10894342.461033] exe[69801] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b79ec0c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f800e96a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f800e96ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10894342.482194] exe[69801] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b79ec0c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f800e96a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f800e96ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10894342.504353] exe[66253] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b79ec0c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f800e96a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f800e96ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10894342.526164] exe[58204] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b79ec0c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f800e96a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f800e96ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10894342.548673] exe[66532] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b79ec0c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f800e96a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f800e96ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10894342.571097] exe[66532] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b79ec0c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f800e96a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f800e96ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10894342.596517] exe[66532] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b79ec0c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f800e96a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f800e96ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10894342.618192] exe[66253] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b79ec0c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f800e96a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f800e96ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10894633.194122] warn_bad_vsyscall: 25 callbacks suppressed [10894633.194125] exe[76909] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564c46602c2f cs:33 sp:7f5cdd8e2158 ax:bf si:ffffffffff600000 di:bf [10894633.424205] exe[50500] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564c46602c2f cs:33 sp:7f5cdd8c1158 ax:bf si:ffffffffff600000 di:bf [10894634.143205] exe[54281] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564c46602c2f cs:33 sp:7f5cdd87f158 ax:bf si:ffffffffff600000 di:bf [10894634.179894] exe[50648] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564c46602c2f cs:33 sp:7f5cdd87f158 ax:bf si:ffffffffff600000 di:bf [10894634.214505] exe[52316] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564c46602c2f cs:33 sp:7f5cdd87f158 ax:bf si:ffffffffff600000 di:bf [10894634.249502] exe[52327] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564c46602c2f cs:33 sp:7f5cdd87f158 ax:bf si:ffffffffff600000 di:bf [10894634.279204] exe[52319] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564c46602c2f cs:33 sp:7f5cdd87f158 ax:bf si:ffffffffff600000 di:bf [10894634.307977] exe[52449] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564c46602c2f cs:33 sp:7f5cdd87f158 ax:bf si:ffffffffff600000 di:bf [10894634.341897] exe[50696] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564c46602c2f cs:33 sp:7f5cdd87f158 ax:bf si:ffffffffff600000 di:bf [10894634.376128] exe[76902] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564c46602c2f cs:33 sp:7f5cdd87f158 ax:bf si:ffffffffff600000 di:bf [10894654.897658] warn_bad_vsyscall: 34 callbacks suppressed [10894654.897691] exe[22223] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559423db8387 cs:33 sp:7f02653470f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10894654.997293] exe[22223] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559423db8387 cs:33 sp:7f02653470f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10894655.035793] exe[13634] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559423db8387 cs:33 sp:7f02653260f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10894655.172079] exe[20155] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559423db8387 cs:33 sp:7f02653470f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10896074.658583] exe[87728] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564c465f74e6 cs:33 sp:7f5cdd8e18e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f5cdd8e1e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10896074.833807] exe[51181] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564c465f74e6 cs:33 sp:7f5cdd8e18e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f5cdd8e1e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10896074.966985] exe[51163] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564c465f74e6 cs:33 sp:7f5cdd8c08e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f5cdd8c0e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10896818.291489] exe[848094] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555a0b550387 cs:33 sp:7f89557160f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:679e [10898261.521482] umip: exe[187319] ip:20000080 sp:7f69eb356bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10898261.695357] umip: exe[187319] ip:20000080 sp:7f69eb356bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10898261.876686] umip: exe[187585] ip:20000080 sp:7f69eb356bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10899305.874045] umip: exe[203717] ip:20000080 sp:7f69eb356bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10899306.114473] umip: exe[213607] ip:20000080 sp:7f69eb356bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10899306.161582] umip: exe[213630] ip:20000080 sp:7f69eb356bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10899306.419037] umip: exe[213537] ip:20000080 sp:7f69eb356bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10899442.012702] exe[157465] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c2cf2cac2f cs:33 sp:7f53e23b6158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10899442.161259] exe[182495] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c2cf2cac2f cs:33 sp:7f53e2374158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10899442.900874] exe[153142] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c2cf2cac2f cs:33 sp:7f53e23b6158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10902659.333827] exe[324836] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5644d2a6e387 cs:33 sp:7faf7813f0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10902662.684982] exe[332176] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608988dd387 cs:33 sp:7f30904ba0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10902735.340847] exe[340094] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56134bb27387 cs:33 sp:7f629dbff0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10902789.485349] exe[330628] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5613d00d7387 cs:33 sp:7f7389a290f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10902803.626694] exe[328225] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556fb6426387 cs:33 sp:7f0be8a530f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10902814.489764] exe[313312] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5578441cb387 cs:33 sp:7f16fb4330f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10902862.146735] exe[336669] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5613c9d62387 cs:33 sp:7f2e5e3890f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10902887.491767] exe[347743] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559ee07b7387 cs:33 sp:7efde0a300f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10903691.150527] exe[318339] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5603f03294e6 cs:33 sp:7ff428be28e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7ff428be2e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10903691.261976] exe[326831] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5603f03294e6 cs:33 sp:7ff428be28e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7ff428be2e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10903691.385788] exe[325629] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5603f03294e6 cs:33 sp:7ff428be28e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7ff428be2e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10904450.605572] exe[335072] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55feab1cc4e6 cs:33 sp:7f533d2398e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f533d239e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10904450.677867] exe[335308] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55feab1cc4e6 cs:33 sp:7f533d2398e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f533d239e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10904450.704355] exe[335752] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55feab1cc4e6 cs:33 sp:7f533d2398e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f533d239e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10904451.417510] exe[335392] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55feab1cc4e6 cs:33 sp:7f533cdfe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f533cdfee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10904475.281523] exe[399399] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55be662c7387 cs:33 sp:7f8157add0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10904538.748024] exe[403435] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56212c508387 cs:33 sp:7fde416a30f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10904756.888940] exe[409709] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f1c3338387 cs:33 sp:7f0df229c0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:228e [10904756.965773] exe[409771] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f1c3338387 cs:33 sp:7f0df229c0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:228e [10904757.000141] exe[410025] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f1c3338387 cs:33 sp:7f0df227b0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:228e [10904757.076732] exe[409718] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f1c3338387 cs:33 sp:7f0df229c0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:228e [10904757.166374] exe[410041] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5640b2e4a387 cs:33 sp:7f0510ad80f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:228e [10904757.241411] exe[409911] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5640b2e4a387 cs:33 sp:7f0510ad80f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:228e [10904757.322220] exe[409723] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5640b2e4a387 cs:33 sp:7f0510ad80f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:228e [10904757.396747] exe[409868] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5640b2e4a387 cs:33 sp:7f0510ad80f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:228e [10904757.473548] exe[409773] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5640b2e4a387 cs:33 sp:7f0510ad80f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:228e [10904757.547380] exe[409715] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5640b2e4a387 cs:33 sp:7f0510ad80f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:228e [10905596.498540] umip: exe[425433] ip:20000080 sp:7f7a361afbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10905596.643274] umip: exe[408363] ip:20000080 sp:7f7a3618ec78: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10905596.775358] umip: exe[408363] ip:20000080 sp:7f7a3618ebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10906688.404767] warn_bad_vsyscall: 6 callbacks suppressed [10906688.404770] exe[410039] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f1c3338387 cs:33 sp:7f0df229c0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:228e [10906688.488772] exe[410018] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f1c3338387 cs:33 sp:7f0df229c0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:228e [10906688.575923] exe[409863] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f1c3338387 cs:33 sp:7f0df229c0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:228e [10906719.016839] exe[417013] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5640b2e4a387 cs:33 sp:7f0510ad80f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:228e [10906719.110314] exe[420746] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5640b2e4a387 cs:33 sp:7f0510ad80f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:228e [10906719.216773] exe[410536] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5640b2e4a387 cs:33 sp:7f0510ad80f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:228e [10907667.208978] exe[409911] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558401159387 cs:33 sp:7fa289b3f0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:228e [10907667.304488] exe[409816] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558401159387 cs:33 sp:7fa289b1e0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:228e [10907667.406801] exe[409803] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558401159387 cs:33 sp:7fa289b3f0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:228e [10907667.439146] exe[417024] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558401159387 cs:33 sp:7fa289b1e0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:228e [10907732.712855] umip: exe[448064] ip:20000080 sp:7ff880f0ebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10908315.488618] exe[480916] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564100cb64e6 cs:33 sp:7f17377d58e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f17377d5e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10908316.427602] exe[488401] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564100cb64e6 cs:33 sp:7f17377d58e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f17377d5e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10908317.273238] exe[482637] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564100cb64e6 cs:33 sp:7f17377d58e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f17377d5e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10908458.599205] exe[462733] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e5679c34e6 cs:33 sp:7f805199a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f805199ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10908458.700400] exe[461520] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e5679c34e6 cs:33 sp:7f805199a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f805199ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10908458.796915] exe[462733] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e5679c34e6 cs:33 sp:7f80519798e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8051979e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10909174.745762] exe[507096] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5634c714c387 cs:33 sp:7fb2ff9c30f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:5557 [10909174.858688] exe[511637] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5634c714c387 cs:33 sp:7fb2ff9c30f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:5557 [10909174.958498] exe[507535] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5634c714c387 cs:33 sp:7fb2ff9c30f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:5557 [10909262.807363] exe[490222] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55bce1217387 cs:33 sp:7f9eae7ff0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:5dd9 [10909262.922682] exe[495463] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55bce1217387 cs:33 sp:7f9eae7ff0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:5dd9 [10909263.044963] exe[489956] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55bce1217387 cs:33 sp:7f9eae7ff0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:5dd9 [10909456.647944] exe[484438] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5571365b94e6 cs:33 sp:7fabd20988e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fabd2098e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10909645.285211] exe[481662] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555e0093c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f3f161a08e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f3f161a0e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10909645.708101] exe[461582] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fa4cf644e6 cs:33 sp:7fcf6eb848e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fcf6eb84e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10909668.646308] exe[520048] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a7ffd794e6 cs:33 sp:7f0bdd2898e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0bdd289e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10909674.084008] exe[466614] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558bf3e274e6 cs:33 sp:7fef7c63c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fef7c63ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10909723.526889] exe[509229] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563ff457b4e6 cs:33 sp:7f8a3a0b68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8a3a0b6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10909861.757223] exe[526291] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a7ffd25387 cs:33 sp:7f0bdd28a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:4905 [10909862.021129] exe[526776] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a7ffd25387 cs:33 sp:7f0bdd28a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:4905 [10909862.154050] exe[522929] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a7ffd25387 cs:33 sp:7f0bdd28a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:4905 [10910005.253879] exe[499389] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a68b6614e6 cs:33 sp:7fc7af1288e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fc7af128e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10910505.075334] umip: exe[531186] ip:20000080 sp:7f06b5fe5bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10910505.955274] umip: exe[482837] ip:20000080 sp:7f06b5fe5bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10910506.968616] umip: exe[521841] ip:20000080 sp:7f06b5fe5bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10910677.350764] umip: exe[533169] ip:20000080 sp:7f80062f6bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10910677.702681] umip: exe[484575] ip:20000080 sp:7f80062f6b78: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10911314.449921] umip: exe[487480] ip:20000180 sp:7f80062f6bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10911314.582522] umip: exe[487543] ip:20000180 sp:7f80062f6bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10911314.766417] umip: exe[501778] ip:20000180 sp:7f80062f6bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10911882.981783] exe[499015] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e1987e5c2f cs:33 sp:7fe8d1453158 ax:104 si:ffffffffff600000 di:104 [10911883.103310] exe[503836] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e1987e5c2f cs:33 sp:7fe8d1453158 ax:104 si:ffffffffff600000 di:104 [10911883.138739] exe[503289] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e1987e5c2f cs:33 sp:7fe8d1453158 ax:104 si:ffffffffff600000 di:104 [10911883.727140] exe[502085] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e1987e5c2f cs:33 sp:7fe8d1453158 ax:104 si:ffffffffff600000 di:104 [10912999.148543] exe[600744] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619958664e6 cs:33 sp:7f31fc3448e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f31fc344e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10912999.316752] exe[600641] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619958664e6 cs:33 sp:7f31fc3448e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f31fc344e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10912999.537797] exe[548409] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5619958664e6 cs:33 sp:7f31fc3448e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f31fc344e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10913124.251412] exe[562702] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fbfae834e6 cs:33 sp:7f76a00af8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f76a00afe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10913124.992311] exe[563159] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fbfae834e6 cs:33 sp:7f76a008e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f76a008ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10913125.023215] exe[553571] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fbfae834e6 cs:33 sp:7f76a008e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f76a008ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10913125.056614] exe[553571] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fbfae834e6 cs:33 sp:7f76a008e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f76a008ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10913125.088443] exe[553571] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fbfae834e6 cs:33 sp:7f76a008e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f76a008ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10913125.118371] exe[553571] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fbfae834e6 cs:33 sp:7f76a008e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f76a008ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10913125.147264] exe[553571] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fbfae834e6 cs:33 sp:7f76a008e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f76a008ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10913125.175060] exe[553571] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fbfae834e6 cs:33 sp:7f76a008e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f76a008ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10913125.204408] exe[553707] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fbfae834e6 cs:33 sp:7f76a008e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f76a008ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10913125.235339] exe[553707] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fbfae834e6 cs:33 sp:7f76a008e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f76a008ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10915284.719946] warn_bad_vsyscall: 54 callbacks suppressed [10915284.719951] exe[592845] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56554942d4e6 cs:33 sp:7f2760b468e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2760b46e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10915393.735848] umip: exe[643958] ip:20000080 sp:7fe0cac7bbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10915394.484344] umip: exe[652675] ip:20000080 sp:7fe0cac7bbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10915395.342231] umip: exe[644575] ip:20000080 sp:7fe0cac7bbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10915525.638565] umip: exe[659802] ip:20000080 sp:7f09f53febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10915526.465295] umip: exe[651876] ip:20000080 sp:7f09f53febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10915527.333558] umip: exe[634370] ip:20000080 sp:7f09f53febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10916328.306067] exe[696486] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5557f64d34e6 cs:33 sp:7f45851a58e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f45851a5e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10916950.006478] exe[697818] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558da770c387 cs:33 sp:7fb16f0a60f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916950.127965] exe[698173] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558da770c387 cs:33 sp:7fb16f0640f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916950.229873] exe[697917] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558da770c387 cs:33 sp:7fb16f0640f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916974.746937] exe[700897] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916974.846834] exe[700892] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916974.951027] exe[697917] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916975.057849] exe[700802] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916975.167819] exe[697920] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916975.271709] exe[699667] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916975.365964] exe[697920] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916975.491224] exe[698085] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916975.588363] exe[698168] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10916975.676902] exe[697987] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10916979.805867] warn_bad_vsyscall: 87 callbacks suppressed [10916979.805871] exe[698082] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:3883 [10916979.963748] exe[697906] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11370f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916980.107926] exe[698065] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11370f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916980.137168] exe[698066] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11370f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916980.257334] exe[697876] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11370f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916980.389601] exe[697700] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:987 [10916980.498057] exe[698089] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:987 [10916980.584002] exe[699676] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:987 [10916980.614781] exe[699676] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:987 [10916980.715684] exe[698218] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c4 [10916984.965662] warn_bad_vsyscall: 54 callbacks suppressed [10916984.965665] exe[700799] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:cec [10916985.103265] exe[699626] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:cec [10916985.134393] exe[697843] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11370f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:cec [10916985.220622] exe[700802] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11370f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:cec [10916985.311343] exe[698124] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916985.598919] exe[699632] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11160f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916985.728142] exe[697716] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916985.761203] exe[697825] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11160f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916985.854652] exe[697916] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916985.952631] exe[698123] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916990.034984] warn_bad_vsyscall: 109 callbacks suppressed [10916990.034987] exe[700481] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916990.075073] exe[700481] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11370f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916990.159900] exe[698065] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916990.190551] exe[698169] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916990.295347] exe[700493] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916990.377964] exe[699626] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11370f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916990.505608] exe[700493] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11160f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916990.602484] exe[698180] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916990.700015] exe[697856] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916990.812397] exe[699660] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916995.117614] warn_bad_vsyscall: 172 callbacks suppressed [10916995.117617] exe[697916] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916995.167236] exe[698082] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916995.262697] exe[699679] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916995.370284] exe[699684] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916995.474635] exe[697855] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916995.568515] exe[697998] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916995.659603] exe[699660] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916995.763553] exe[698111] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916995.796125] exe[699684] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10916995.906128] exe[697802] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917000.199245] warn_bad_vsyscall: 40 callbacks suppressed [10917000.199249] exe[697716] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c5 [10917000.303735] exe[697849] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c5 [10917000.395534] exe[697838] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917000.488809] exe[697983] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917000.516282] exe[704326] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917000.544448] exe[697931] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917000.575459] exe[698069] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917000.603902] exe[697894] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917000.632944] exe[697894] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917000.662418] exe[697983] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917005.250202] warn_bad_vsyscall: 313 callbacks suppressed [10917005.250205] exe[700877] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917006.142942] exe[705372] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917006.228006] exe[698369] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11370f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917007.011353] exe[697860] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917007.886646] exe[700886] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555e4ec2c387 cs:33 sp:7fd68b4240f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917007.903616] exe[697798] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917007.988076] exe[698111] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555e4ec2c387 cs:33 sp:7fd68b4240f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917007.995915] exe[698364] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11160f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917008.099356] exe[700877] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555e4ec2c387 cs:33 sp:7fd68b4240f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917008.104481] exe[699684] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917010.315855] warn_bad_vsyscall: 103 callbacks suppressed [10917010.315859] exe[698221] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:be [10917010.395737] exe[699632] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917010.485337] exe[698092] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917010.560673] exe[697862] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917010.590788] exe[698123] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:c1 [10917010.691012] exe[697700] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:bd [10917010.782614] exe[699666] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:bd [10917010.812477] exe[697860] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:bd [10917010.914802] exe[699666] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:bd [10917010.947356] exe[697700] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5607a6efb387 cs:33 sp:7f7bc11580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:bd [10918744.227079] umip: exe[731967] ip:20000080 sp:7f331b5bcbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10920263.137625] warn_bad_vsyscall: 27 callbacks suppressed [10920263.137628] exe[745634] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55668b519387 cs:33 sp:7fbe360380f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:5ed7 [10920263.290969] exe[732812] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55668b519387 cs:33 sp:7fbe360380f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:5ed7 [10920263.394382] exe[747487] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55668b519387 cs:33 sp:7fbe360380f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:5ed7 [10920263.433885] exe[732926] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55668b519387 cs:33 sp:7fbe360380f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:5ed7 [10920684.236543] exe[783744] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558cdf91b4e6 cs:33 sp:7f595feb68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f595feb6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10920684.356387] exe[787023] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558cdf91b4e6 cs:33 sp:7f595feb68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f595feb6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10920684.394373] exe[785182] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558cdf91b4e6 cs:33 sp:7f595feb68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f595feb6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10920684.497331] exe[783892] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558cdf91b4e6 cs:33 sp:7f595feb68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f595feb6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10920684.537088] exe[783717] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558cdf91b4e6 cs:33 sp:7f595feb68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f595feb6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10920684.750579] exe[783628] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e3648624e6 cs:33 sp:7fc43cec48e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fc43cec4e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10920684.849023] exe[783673] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e3648624e6 cs:33 sp:7fc43cec48e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fc43cec4e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10920684.951956] exe[783744] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e3648624e6 cs:33 sp:7fc43cec48e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fc43cec4e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10920685.039416] exe[783916] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e3648624e6 cs:33 sp:7fc43cec48e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fc43cec4e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10920685.131572] exe[783740] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e3648624e6 cs:33 sp:7fc43cec48e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fc43cec4e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10920952.828800] warn_bad_vsyscall: 5 callbacks suppressed [10920952.828803] exe[769245] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563b3411cc2f cs:33 sp:7f89658c7158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10920953.015408] exe[803777] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563b3411cc2f cs:33 sp:7f89658a6158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10920953.038540] exe[740775] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563b3411cc2f cs:33 sp:7f89658a6158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10920953.060114] exe[730898] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563b3411cc2f cs:33 sp:7f89658a6158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10920953.084638] exe[730654] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563b3411cc2f cs:33 sp:7f89658a6158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10920953.105348] exe[754449] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563b3411cc2f cs:33 sp:7f89658a6158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10920953.135954] exe[733645] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563b3411cc2f cs:33 sp:7f89658a6158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10920953.165602] exe[740758] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563b3411cc2f cs:33 sp:7f89658a6158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10920953.205725] exe[740775] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563b3411cc2f cs:33 sp:7f89658a6158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10920953.230081] exe[803777] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563b3411cc2f cs:33 sp:7f89658a6158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10922399.740699] warn_bad_vsyscall: 57 callbacks suppressed [10922399.740703] exe[822231] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563551c7cc2f cs:33 sp:7fd9e96e4158 ax:110 si:ffffffffff600000 di:110 [10922399.874456] exe[822264] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563551c7cc2f cs:33 sp:7fd9e96c3158 ax:110 si:ffffffffff600000 di:110 [10922400.215215] exe[822402] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563551c7cc2f cs:33 sp:7fd9e96c3158 ax:110 si:ffffffffff600000 di:110 [10922400.252750] exe[823893] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563551c7cc2f cs:33 sp:7fd9e96c3158 ax:110 si:ffffffffff600000 di:110 [10922400.283297] exe[822126] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563551c7cc2f cs:33 sp:7fd9e96c3158 ax:110 si:ffffffffff600000 di:110 [10922400.313889] exe[823639] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563551c7cc2f cs:33 sp:7fd9e96c3158 ax:110 si:ffffffffff600000 di:110 [10922400.344954] exe[823876] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563551c7cc2f cs:33 sp:7fd9e96c3158 ax:110 si:ffffffffff600000 di:110 [10922400.380309] exe[822126] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563551c7cc2f cs:33 sp:7fd9e96c3158 ax:110 si:ffffffffff600000 di:110 [10922400.409862] exe[822265] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563551c7cc2f cs:33 sp:7fd9e96c3158 ax:110 si:ffffffffff600000 di:110 [10922400.444621] exe[822584] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563551c7cc2f cs:33 sp:7fd9e96c3158 ax:110 si:ffffffffff600000 di:110 [10923062.861217] warn_bad_vsyscall: 53 callbacks suppressed [10923062.861220] exe[837186] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e6d608c4e6 cs:33 sp:7fa8f1fc88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fa8f1fc8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10923062.999209] exe[855521] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e6d608c4e6 cs:33 sp:7fa8f1fc88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fa8f1fc8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10923063.127881] exe[829054] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e6d608c4e6 cs:33 sp:7fa8f1fc88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fa8f1fc8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10923160.609880] exe[785191] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e64df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f230f6bc8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f230f6bce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10923160.732376] exe[783697] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e64df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f230f6bc8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f230f6bce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10923160.838507] exe[783972] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e64df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f230f6bc8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f230f6bce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10923209.597707] exe[849212] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55950330a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f04203568e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0420356e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10923209.696899] exe[824623] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55950330a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f04203568e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0420356e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10923209.729250] exe[824587] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55950330a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f04203358e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0420335e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10923209.839897] exe[847117] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55950330a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f04203568e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0420356e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10923413.028989] exe[844286] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c4bb78a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f890e99f8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f890e99fe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10923413.083462] exe[825831] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c4bb78a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f890e97e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f890e97ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10923413.104566] exe[825831] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c4bb78a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f890e97e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f890e97ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10923413.125295] exe[825831] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c4bb78a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f890e97e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f890e97ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10923413.146045] exe[825831] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c4bb78a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f890e97e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f890e97ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10923413.167169] exe[825831] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c4bb78a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f890e97e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f890e97ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10923413.190625] exe[825831] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c4bb78a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f890e97e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f890e97ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10923413.212896] exe[825831] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c4bb78a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f890e97e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f890e97ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10923413.235849] exe[825831] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c4bb78a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f890e97e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f890e97ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10923413.256977] exe[825831] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c4bb78a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f890e97e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f890e97ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10924268.690940] warn_bad_vsyscall: 64 callbacks suppressed [10924268.690945] exe[878639] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10924269.454326] exe[866051] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10924269.832202] exe[866051] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10924269.888892] exe[879008] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10924269.925447] exe[868010] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10924269.976404] exe[898039] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10924270.026454] exe[894873] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10924270.058118] exe[867189] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10924270.101669] exe[868010] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10924270.148885] exe[867334] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10924315.282819] warn_bad_vsyscall: 25 callbacks suppressed [10924315.282823] exe[846603] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fae418c0e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:4900a000 [10924339.563257] exe[889809] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5610919da0e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:4900a000 [10924591.696466] exe[898624] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a49f40f0e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:4900a000 [10924654.116149] exe[837268] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55eee14c80e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:4900a000 [10924665.032745] exe[903507] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5587d2e390e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:4900a000 [10924840.887489] exe[876966] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560a6b4350e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:4900a000 [10925204.311860] exe[881595] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f391c320e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:4900a000 [10925849.332453] exe[914433] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ae148300e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:4900a000 [10925910.186225] exe[829021] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c4bb78a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f890e99f8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f890e99fe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10925910.246546] exe[845928] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c4bb78a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f890e99f8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f890e99fe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10925910.280259] exe[825790] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c4bb78a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f890e99f8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f890e99fe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10925910.321938] exe[829021] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c4bb78a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f890e99f8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f890e99fe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10927472.673395] umip: exe[977359] ip:20000080 sp:7f638b8c5bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10927473.613150] umip: exe[977384] ip:20000080 sp:7f638b8c5bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10927473.846265] umip: exe[977384] ip:20000080 sp:7f638b8c5bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10927720.817985] umip: exe[980997] ip:20000080 sp:7f0f252bbbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10927720.946117] umip: exe[976656] ip:20000080 sp:7f0f252bbbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10927721.964591] umip: exe[967916] ip:20000080 sp:7f0f252bbbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10928671.825261] exe[968921] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d6f03394e6 cs:33 sp:7ff3613fb8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7ff3613fbe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10928671.978823] exe[968771] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d6f03394e6 cs:33 sp:7ff3613fb8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7ff3613fbe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10928672.123106] exe[969964] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d6f03394e6 cs:33 sp:7ff3613b98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7ff3613b9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10932227.421887] exe[74424] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d81f3b14e6 cs:33 sp:7f7f6c8a98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7f6c8a9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10932227.556180] exe[54343] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d81f3b14e6 cs:33 sp:7f7f6c8a98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7f6c8a9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10932227.663845] exe[75693] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d81f3b14e6 cs:33 sp:7f7f6c8a98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7f6c8a9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10932318.060653] exe[72713] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556de60dac2f cs:33 sp:7efc557e0158 ax:11c si:ffffffffff600000 di:11c [10932318.273778] exe[76452] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556de60dac2f cs:33 sp:7efc557bf158 ax:11c si:ffffffffff600000 di:11c [10932318.675506] exe[75362] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556de60dac2f cs:33 sp:7efc557e0158 ax:11c si:ffffffffff600000 di:11c [10933492.287628] umip: exe[87490] ip:20000180 sp:7fdc41f64bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10933493.190442] umip: exe[114569] ip:20000180 sp:7fdc41f64bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10933928.658061] exe[120471] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5621eb4044e6 cs:33 sp:7f9ccd23c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f9ccd23ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10933928.723336] exe[120309] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5621eb4044e6 cs:33 sp:7f9ccd23c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f9ccd23ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10933928.754033] exe[120232] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5621eb4044e6 cs:33 sp:7f9ccd23c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f9ccd23ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10933928.805540] exe[127882] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5621eb4044e6 cs:33 sp:7f9ccd23c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f9ccd23ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10933928.832243] exe[127930] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5621eb4044e6 cs:33 sp:7f9ccd23c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f9ccd23ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10934162.847800] exe[127752] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55deb35cd4e6 cs:33 sp:7eff2c53f8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7eff2c53fe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10934162.900082] exe[123607] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55deb35cd4e6 cs:33 sp:7eff2c53f8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7eff2c53fe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10934162.922995] exe[123607] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55deb35cd4e6 cs:33 sp:7eff2c51e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7eff2c51ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10934162.974700] exe[127752] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55deb35cd4e6 cs:33 sp:7eff2c4fd8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7eff2c4fde08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10934912.236989] umip: exe[126040] ip:20000080 sp:7f2376060bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10934913.116946] umip: exe[143450] ip:20000080 sp:7f2376060bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10934914.071254] umip: exe[125842] ip:20000080 sp:7f2376060bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10935057.433879] exe[122585] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562a3e0d7c2f cs:33 sp:7fee3e7ff158 ax:20ffc118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:20ffc118 [10935057.985261] exe[106381] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562a3e0d7c2f cs:33 sp:7fee3e7ff158 ax:20ffc118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:20ffc118 [10935058.380224] exe[132193] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562a3e0d7c2f cs:33 sp:7fee3e7ff158 ax:20ffc118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:20ffc118 [10935858.424416] umip: exe[128451] ip:20000080 sp:7f2376060bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10935858.585612] umip: exe[128430] ip:20000080 sp:7f2376060bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10935858.820114] umip: exe[128594] ip:20000080 sp:7f2376060bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10935956.550839] exe[172260] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10935956.942956] exe[170187] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10935957.206737] exe[177990] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10935957.287820] exe[172260] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10936138.738443] exe[174798] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10936139.114645] exe[168720] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10936139.418304] exe[168720] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10936616.903255] umip: exe[122715] ip:20000080 sp:7f2376060bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10936617.132328] umip: exe[187887] ip:20000080 sp:7f2376060bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10938571.778765] exe[184884] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10938727.008823] exe[190663] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557bfba544e6 cs:33 sp:7efdd13fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7efdd13fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10938727.089799] exe[190617] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557bfba544e6 cs:33 sp:7efdd13fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7efdd13fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10938727.167857] exe[207014] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557bfba544e6 cs:33 sp:7efdd13fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7efdd13fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10938842.168900] umip: exe[240307] ip:20000080 sp:7f88c507ebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10938842.299351] umip: exe[239113] ip:20000080 sp:7f88c507ebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10938843.302781] umip: exe[252956] ip:20000080 sp:7f88c507ebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10939018.464414] exe[182169] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10939019.050365] exe[185501] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10939019.218859] exe[184710] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10939019.855113] exe[252897] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10939206.571487] exe[215803] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55cca43964e6 cs:33 sp:7fc06c8ee8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fc06c8eee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10939206.663406] exe[193302] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55cca43964e6 cs:33 sp:7fc06c8cd8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fc06c8cde08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10939206.747994] exe[194204] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55cca43964e6 cs:33 sp:7fc06c8ee8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fc06c8eee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10939387.570499] umip: exe[192915] ip:20000080 sp:7f5b911e1bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10939387.704905] umip: exe[247112] ip:20000080 sp:7f5b911e1bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10939387.897316] umip: exe[212945] ip:20000080 sp:7f5b911e1bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10939387.913907] umip: exe[192915] ip:20000080 sp:7f5b911e1bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10940419.054453] exe[284730] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560b3f0d0c2f cs:33 sp:7f7257d32158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10940419.208303] exe[285222] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560b3f0d0c2f cs:33 sp:7f7257cf0158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10940419.436814] exe[284213] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560b3f0d0c2f cs:33 sp:7f7257d11158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10941355.925877] umip: exe[356343] ip:20000080 sp:7f84ff475bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10941356.041991] umip: exe[348218] ip:20000080 sp:7f84ff475bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10941854.406251] umip: exe[368248] ip:20000080 sp:7f84ff475bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10941854.547826] umip: exe[373894] ip:20000080 sp:7f84ff475bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10941855.498832] umip: exe[369342] ip:20000080 sp:7f84ff475bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10942751.691740] exe[336299] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab349a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:3486 [10942751.733949] exe[376674] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34790f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:3486 [10942751.883941] exe[376674] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab349a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:3486 [10942751.907279] exe[324914] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:3486 [10942753.089631] exe[321389] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab349a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:3486 [10942753.188751] exe[336299] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab349a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:3486 [10942753.292827] exe[325546] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab349a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:3486 [10942753.390322] exe[325546] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab349a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:3486 [10942753.489173] exe[321389] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab349a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:3486 [10942753.587353] exe[324914] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab349a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:3486 [10943009.458220] warn_bad_vsyscall: 5 callbacks suppressed [10943009.458224] exe[397931] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557dec9d2387 cs:33 sp:7faec48f30f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943038.872400] exe[399379] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556f170e2387 cs:33 sp:7f3c26b540f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943099.307524] exe[330482] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943099.348163] exe[321648] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943099.389327] exe[357913] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943099.428091] exe[344162] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943099.482851] exe[330482] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943099.525368] exe[330482] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943099.565491] exe[336708] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943099.607204] exe[336710] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943099.666436] exe[336708] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943099.722332] exe[321648] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943104.317174] warn_bad_vsyscall: 156 callbacks suppressed [10943104.317178] exe[330482] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943104.362751] exe[336708] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943104.400222] exe[321435] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943104.480019] exe[330482] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943104.534516] exe[321435] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943104.560311] exe[330482] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943104.612226] exe[336710] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943104.685362] exe[321435] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943104.733837] exe[321435] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943104.782018] exe[336710] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943109.325366] warn_bad_vsyscall: 344 callbacks suppressed [10943109.325370] exe[321979] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943109.373452] exe[336711] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943109.396978] exe[321979] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943109.433834] exe[321395] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943109.456825] exe[376674] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943109.500066] exe[376674] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943109.541895] exe[330482] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943109.579717] exe[321395] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943109.622619] exe[344162] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943109.668091] exe[322232] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943114.341685] warn_bad_vsyscall: 320 callbacks suppressed [10943114.341688] exe[325914] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943114.397512] exe[321347] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943114.424501] exe[322232] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab349a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943114.468539] exe[321435] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943114.489984] exe[321435] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943114.542173] exe[322232] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943114.590811] exe[344162] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34790f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943114.639104] exe[357913] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943114.678242] exe[321347] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:608b [10943114.725573] exe[357913] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab349a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:608b [10943119.347905] warn_bad_vsyscall: 503 callbacks suppressed [10943119.347907] exe[323006] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab349a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943119.398393] exe[321648] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943119.444664] exe[321395] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943119.507650] exe[321648] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943119.535121] exe[336708] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943119.589204] exe[323006] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:20000 [10943119.637721] exe[321648] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34790f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:20000 [10943119.683130] exe[324914] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:20000 [10943119.728047] exe[324914] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943119.780444] exe[321347] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943124.352164] warn_bad_vsyscall: 252 callbacks suppressed [10943124.352168] exe[322575] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab349a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:2 [10943124.378579] exe[322575] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab349a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:2 [10943124.400703] exe[322575] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab349a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:2 [10943124.421812] exe[322575] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab349a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:2 [10943124.443154] exe[322575] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab349a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:2 [10943124.468828] exe[322575] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab349a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:2 [10943124.491555] exe[322575] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab349a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:2 [10943124.515164] exe[322575] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab349a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:2 [10943124.535877] exe[322575] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab349a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:2 [10943124.556834] exe[322575] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab349a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:2 [10943808.067963] warn_bad_vsyscall: 14 callbacks suppressed [10943808.067967] exe[399919] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560b99250387 cs:33 sp:7f78d8b8c0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10943860.251686] exe[412414] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556f170e2387 cs:33 sp:7f3c26b540f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10944047.488626] exe[376992] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55cd9a531387 cs:33 sp:7f089a7740f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10944055.657099] exe[363170] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5652b0a9f387 cs:33 sp:7f2a8fd0b0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10944077.779123] exe[358720] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559bddb4c387 cs:33 sp:7f40384a40f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10944081.317344] exe[339426] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b55b53f387 cs:33 sp:7f8934e250f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10944098.502724] exe[406384] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55af0ac4b387 cs:33 sp:7f8cf49a80f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10944196.827180] exe[321343] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10944196.874343] exe[321435] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10944196.937670] exe[336630] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562638585387 cs:33 sp:7f6ab34bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10944238.585644] exe[409738] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ed2b7ec387 cs:33 sp:7f8b09a520f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10944444.104307] exe[413052] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5636f7611387 cs:33 sp:7f21766240f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10945244.695814] exe[473880] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5575f920a387 cs:33 sp:7f8243ee60f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10946005.200515] exe[493780] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5632d380a4e6 cs:33 sp:7efc7c3328e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7efc7c332e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10946005.296999] exe[493780] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5632d380a4e6 cs:33 sp:7efc7c3118e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7efc7c311e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10946005.373151] exe[486716] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5632d380a4e6 cs:33 sp:7efc7c3328e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7efc7c332e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10946138.266009] umip: exe[471568] ip:20000180 sp:7fc70f149bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10946138.379610] umip: exe[480838] ip:20000180 sp:7fc70f149bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10946138.474003] umip: exe[509900] ip:20000180 sp:7fc70f149c78: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10946286.089773] exe[475013] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5642bfd004e6 cs:33 sp:7f4aae6538e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4aae653e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10946286.202657] exe[458327] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5642bfd004e6 cs:33 sp:7f4aae6538e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4aae653e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10946286.246343] exe[477968] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5642bfd004e6 cs:33 sp:7f4aae6538e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4aae653e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10946286.367536] exe[502991] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5642bfd004e6 cs:33 sp:7f4aae1fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4aae1fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10947536.557559] umip: exe[480853] ip:20000080 sp:7fc70f149bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10947536.736853] umip: exe[500474] ip:20000080 sp:7fc70f149bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10947536.864602] umip: exe[480853] ip:20000080 sp:7fc70f149bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10949593.023053] exe[557199] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563363bb74e6 cs:33 sp:7f17244c08e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f17244c0e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949593.138975] exe[557615] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563363bb74e6 cs:33 sp:7f17244c08e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f17244c0e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949593.253852] exe[565249] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563363bb74e6 cs:33 sp:7f17244c08e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f17244c0e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949609.501462] exe[557312] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949609.614644] exe[557156] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949609.749503] exe[557679] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949609.865288] exe[557675] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949609.975734] exe[561789] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949610.073300] exe[557168] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949610.175110] exe[557701] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949610.285185] exe[557436] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949610.380988] exe[557307] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949610.520126] exe[562539] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949614.508232] warn_bad_vsyscall: 82 callbacks suppressed [10949614.508235] exe[565227] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949614.547377] exe[557168] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949614.629476] exe[557292] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949614.726150] exe[557370] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949614.813532] exe[560397] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949614.847347] exe[557672] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac708e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac70e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949614.947931] exe[562539] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac708e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac70e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949615.044244] exe[574236] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949615.128729] exe[557447] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949615.158156] exe[562548] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949619.570107] warn_bad_vsyscall: 93 callbacks suppressed [10949619.570112] exe[574242] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949619.670037] exe[558670] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949619.698330] exe[565218] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949619.729211] exe[565218] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949619.759059] exe[565218] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949619.788171] exe[565218] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949619.816291] exe[565218] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949619.845963] exe[565218] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949619.874526] exe[565218] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949619.903893] exe[565218] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949624.610574] warn_bad_vsyscall: 146 callbacks suppressed [10949624.610578] exe[557542] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949624.876935] exe[557148] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949624.974962] exe[559917] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949625.006871] exe[560392] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949625.095238] exe[557313] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949625.185130] exe[557370] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949625.286061] exe[557146] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949625.368449] exe[565233] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949625.399975] exe[560397] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac708e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac70e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949625.482346] exe[562515] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949629.623829] warn_bad_vsyscall: 51 callbacks suppressed [10949629.623833] exe[557081] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949629.663127] exe[557081] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949629.759524] exe[557307] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949629.841425] exe[557104] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949629.925944] exe[557612] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949630.027797] exe[557101] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949630.139279] exe[557313] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949630.174944] exe[557672] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac708e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac70e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949630.330826] exe[557427] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac708e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac70e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949630.510453] exe[557295] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949635.207515] warn_bad_vsyscall: 112 callbacks suppressed [10949635.207519] exe[557134] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949635.336011] exe[565268] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949635.428724] exe[557209] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949635.544618] exe[558310] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949635.648454] exe[558305] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949635.751897] exe[565224] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949635.793061] exe[574232] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949635.823272] exe[565252] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949635.857882] exe[561794] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949635.890636] exe[557295] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949640.213978] warn_bad_vsyscall: 187 callbacks suppressed [10949640.213981] exe[565227] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac708e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac70e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949640.250378] exe[565227] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac708e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac70e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949640.279592] exe[565227] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac708e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac70e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949640.309401] exe[565227] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac708e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac70e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949640.339290] exe[565227] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac708e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac70e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949640.368797] exe[565227] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac708e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac70e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949640.397405] exe[565227] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac708e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac70e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949640.427075] exe[565227] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac708e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac70e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949640.546590] exe[557608] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac91e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949640.584396] exe[561808] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ea7b6834e6 cs:33 sp:7f1b2ac708e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f1b2ac70e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10949732.222248] warn_bad_vsyscall: 126 callbacks suppressed [10949732.222252] exe[592781] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56450efaef20 cs:33 sp:7f6486c7c110 ax:56450efaef20 si:4 di:56450f05e278 [10949732.372190] exe[552967] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56450efaef20 cs:33 sp:7f6486c7c110 ax:56450efaef20 si:4 di:56450f05e278 [10949732.474714] exe[554238] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56450efaef20 cs:33 sp:7f6486c7c110 ax:56450efaef20 si:4 di:56450f05e278 [10950237.702272] exe[602493] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562788ce94e6 cs:33 sp:7fa97e8948e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fa97e894e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950238.007252] exe[601546] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562788ce94e6 cs:33 sp:7fa97e8948e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fa97e894e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950238.043770] exe[604091] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562788ce94e6 cs:33 sp:7fa97e8948e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fa97e894e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950238.164167] exe[601546] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562788ce94e6 cs:33 sp:7fa97e8738e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fa97e873e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950273.136917] exe[587379] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950273.278309] exe[588160] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950273.445114] exe[592158] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950273.601161] exe[600984] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950273.765517] exe[585896] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950273.886691] exe[588501] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950274.005381] exe[588616] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950274.156186] exe[588233] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950274.328294] exe[591856] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950274.475210] exe[588616] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950278.223469] warn_bad_vsyscall: 22 callbacks suppressed [10950278.223472] exe[601546] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950278.360333] exe[591863] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950278.395669] exe[591821] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950278.514274] exe[601718] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950278.551083] exe[604672] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950278.722228] exe[588754] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950278.862233] exe[604140] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950279.006186] exe[588511] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950279.038768] exe[587406] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950279.188771] exe[588180] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950283.274341] warn_bad_vsyscall: 32 callbacks suppressed [10950283.274344] exe[602604] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950283.321789] exe[602828] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1578e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f157e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950283.455670] exe[602604] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950283.643972] exe[588849] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950283.697307] exe[587337] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1788e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f178e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950283.883626] exe[604073] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950283.942270] exe[588849] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1788e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f178e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950284.113112] exe[588164] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950284.254746] exe[602610] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950284.400036] exe[601108] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950288.279926] warn_bad_vsyscall: 61 callbacks suppressed [10950288.279929] exe[587379] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1788e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f178e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950288.443541] exe[602678] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950288.594017] exe[588511] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950288.630290] exe[587379] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1788e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f178e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950288.791378] exe[585877] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950288.826257] exe[601108] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1578e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f157e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950289.032184] exe[591822] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950289.208861] exe[602807] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950289.418580] exe[600950] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950290.016702] exe[602610] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950293.666375] warn_bad_vsyscall: 49 callbacks suppressed [10950293.666378] exe[588249] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950293.752922] exe[604095] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950294.178207] exe[604049] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950294.613247] exe[602014] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950294.871626] exe[587500] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950294.947090] exe[601563] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950295.265141] exe[588698] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950295.491871] exe[604049] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950295.533682] exe[605092] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950295.748818] exe[602676] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950298.710668] warn_bad_vsyscall: 78 callbacks suppressed [10950298.710671] exe[601536] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950298.874916] exe[605092] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950299.057696] exe[601536] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1368e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f136e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950299.226052] exe[591863] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950299.367463] exe[605092] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1788e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f178e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950299.507120] exe[587336] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1788e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f178e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950299.657038] exe[588769] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950299.801599] exe[587337] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950299.942846] exe[588618] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950299.977190] exe[588618] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950304.190660] warn_bad_vsyscall: 11 callbacks suppressed [10950304.190663] exe[604062] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950304.329669] exe[601181] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950304.517674] exe[591836] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950307.256464] exe[601825] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950307.425031] exe[588205] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950307.573861] exe[604205] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950307.756330] exe[588769] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1788e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f178e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950307.894410] exe[602676] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950307.936549] exe[604209] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1788e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f178e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950308.088203] exe[588618] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950309.287552] warn_bad_vsyscall: 3 callbacks suppressed [10950309.287555] exe[602599] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950309.334820] exe[602611] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1578e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f157e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950309.502599] exe[604206] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1788e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f178e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950309.531990] exe[602599] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1788e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f178e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950309.562587] exe[604195] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1788e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f178e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950309.590680] exe[604195] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1788e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f178e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950309.618468] exe[602599] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1788e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f178e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950309.646664] exe[604099] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1788e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f178e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950309.675434] exe[604099] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1788e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f178e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950309.702588] exe[604099] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1788e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f178e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950314.317413] warn_bad_vsyscall: 121 callbacks suppressed [10950314.317416] exe[601703] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950314.363597] exe[601181] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1578e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f157e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950315.004562] exe[587337] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950315.149775] exe[602615] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950315.279050] exe[604209] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950315.969415] exe[602490] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950317.042189] exe[601825] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950317.132404] exe[588769] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950317.162337] exe[588732] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950317.287853] exe[602675] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950319.403154] warn_bad_vsyscall: 75 callbacks suppressed [10950319.403157] exe[588497] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950319.566615] exe[601825] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950319.747182] exe[602610] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950320.081590] exe[591856] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950320.175288] exe[604140] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1578e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f157e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950320.388781] exe[588732] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1788e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f178e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950320.529164] exe[587364] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950320.684205] exe[588629] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1788e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f178e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950320.846340] exe[587388] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950320.960468] exe[587336] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950324.408165] warn_bad_vsyscall: 37 callbacks suppressed [10950324.408169] exe[602014] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950324.440347] exe[588732] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950324.469957] exe[601095] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950324.498619] exe[588205] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950324.528718] exe[588205] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950324.557454] exe[588205] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950324.584585] exe[588205] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950324.612008] exe[588205] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950324.640209] exe[588205] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950324.667764] exe[601098] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950329.430741] warn_bad_vsyscall: 111 callbacks suppressed [10950329.430744] exe[602604] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1788e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f178e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950329.635130] exe[601214] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950329.802788] exe[588211] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950329.839630] exe[588629] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950330.127620] exe[588629] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1788e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f178e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950330.313561] exe[601674] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950330.507335] exe[601052] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950330.697627] exe[585870] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1788e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f178e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950330.854761] exe[602604] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10950331.025309] exe[585993] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56375df354e6 cs:33 sp:7f8f8f1998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8f8f199e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10951842.374762] warn_bad_vsyscall: 26 callbacks suppressed [10951842.374766] exe[676647] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c202d074e6 cs:33 sp:7f53113fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f53113fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10952451.676847] umip: exe[698277] ip:20000080 sp:7fb794f3cbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10952451.846841] umip: exe[698603] ip:20000080 sp:7fb794f3cbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10952452.233837] umip: exe[697981] ip:20000080 sp:7fb794f3cbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10953391.670828] umip: exe[667357] ip:20000080 sp:7fae2684fbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10953392.572864] umip: exe[670635] ip:20000080 sp:7fae2684fbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10953392.746450] umip: exe[667247] ip:20000080 sp:7fae2684fbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10953890.269220] exe[715248] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c5a372f4e6 cs:33 sp:7f5c1fb408e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f5c1fb40e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10953890.424886] exe[713962] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c5a372f4e6 cs:33 sp:7f5c1fabc8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f5c1fabce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10953891.087161] exe[638602] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c5a372f4e6 cs:33 sp:7f5c1fb408e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f5c1fb40e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10954403.728387] exe[701333] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556bf2e00387 cs:33 sp:7fecb08b30f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:32a6 [10954404.001066] exe[649566] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556bf2e00387 cs:33 sp:7fecb08920f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:32a6 [10954404.163685] exe[701197] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556bf2e00387 cs:33 sp:7fecb08b30f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:32a6 [10954473.883772] exe[710517] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d3c88e9c2f cs:33 sp:7f5ca8091158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10954474.013242] exe[710516] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d3c88e9c2f cs:33 sp:7f5ca804f158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10954474.034160] exe[705656] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d3c88e9c2f cs:33 sp:7f5ca804f158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10954474.057500] exe[705656] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d3c88e9c2f cs:33 sp:7f5ca804f158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10954474.078037] exe[707201] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d3c88e9c2f cs:33 sp:7f5ca804f158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10954474.097968] exe[707201] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d3c88e9c2f cs:33 sp:7f5ca804f158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10954474.117701] exe[706781] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d3c88e9c2f cs:33 sp:7f5ca804f158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10954474.142633] exe[706781] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d3c88e9c2f cs:33 sp:7f5ca804f158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10954474.163619] exe[706781] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d3c88e9c2f cs:33 sp:7f5ca804f158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10954474.184708] exe[706781] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d3c88e9c2f cs:33 sp:7f5ca804f158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10957187.336187] warn_bad_vsyscall: 57 callbacks suppressed [10957187.336190] exe[775497] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55760b5bbc2f cs:33 sp:7f528a5f2158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10957187.557497] exe[739086] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55760b5bbc2f cs:33 sp:7f528a5b0158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10957188.068536] exe[770775] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55760b5bbc2f cs:33 sp:7f528a58f158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10958029.256593] exe[777190] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d72c0214e6 cs:33 sp:7f38a62db8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f38a62dbe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10958029.327961] exe[752135] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d72c0214e6 cs:33 sp:7f38a62db8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f38a62dbe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10958029.357237] exe[751691] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d72c0214e6 cs:33 sp:7f38a62ba8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f38a62bae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10958029.428251] exe[751684] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d72c0214e6 cs:33 sp:7f38a62ba8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f38a62bae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10958914.418498] exe[842562] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55aae08244e6 cs:33 sp:7f741c3ba8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f741c3bae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10958914.529277] exe[853342] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55aae08244e6 cs:33 sp:7f741c3ba8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f741c3bae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10958914.568755] exe[842374] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55aae08244e6 cs:33 sp:7f741c3ba8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f741c3bae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10958914.662923] exe[842374] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55aae08244e6 cs:33 sp:7f741c3998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f741c399e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10958916.174308] exe[851696] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d2756094e6 cs:33 sp:7f53ccfc38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f53ccfc3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10958916.253400] exe[851696] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d2756094e6 cs:33 sp:7f53ccfc38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f53ccfc3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10958916.371847] exe[842275] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d2756094e6 cs:33 sp:7f53ccfc38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f53ccfc3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10958916.460844] exe[846740] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d2756094e6 cs:33 sp:7f53ccfc38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f53ccfc3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10958916.573624] exe[840805] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d2756094e6 cs:33 sp:7f53ccfc38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f53ccfc3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10958916.699566] exe[851611] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d2756094e6 cs:33 sp:7f53ccfc38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f53ccfc3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10959062.709609] warn_bad_vsyscall: 14 callbacks suppressed [10959062.709613] exe[853335] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55aae08244e6 cs:33 sp:7f741c3ba8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f741c3bae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10959062.798337] exe[846781] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55aae08244e6 cs:33 sp:7f741c3ba8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f741c3bae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10959062.825742] exe[842368] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55aae08244e6 cs:33 sp:7f741c3578e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f741c357e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10959062.900493] exe[842368] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55aae08244e6 cs:33 sp:7f741c3998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f741c399e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10959062.925264] exe[842368] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55aae08244e6 cs:33 sp:7f741c3998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f741c399e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10959062.947161] exe[842368] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55aae08244e6 cs:33 sp:7f741c3998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f741c399e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10959062.968414] exe[842368] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55aae08244e6 cs:33 sp:7f741c3998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f741c399e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10959062.990391] exe[842368] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55aae08244e6 cs:33 sp:7f741c3998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f741c399e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10959063.012639] exe[842368] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55aae08244e6 cs:33 sp:7f741c3998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f741c399e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10959063.035415] exe[842368] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55aae08244e6 cs:33 sp:7f741c3998e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f741c399e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10959445.050706] warn_bad_vsyscall: 26 callbacks suppressed [10959445.050710] exe[851576] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d2756094e6 cs:33 sp:7f53ccfc38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f53ccfc3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10959445.116097] exe[852410] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d2756094e6 cs:33 sp:7f53ccfc38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f53ccfc3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10959445.144064] exe[852421] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d2756094e6 cs:33 sp:7f53ccfc38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f53ccfc3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10959445.227810] exe[842449] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d2756094e6 cs:33 sp:7f53ccfc38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f53ccfc3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10959445.259934] exe[842324] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d2756094e6 cs:33 sp:7f53ccfc38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f53ccfc3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10959496.453893] exe[885999] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56202bcf1c2f cs:33 sp:7f4341877158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10959496.587542] exe[831456] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56202bcf1c2f cs:33 sp:7f43413ff158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10959496.669279] exe[828915] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56202bcf1c2f cs:33 sp:7f4341856158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10961979.310267] exe[921667] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556ea60e7387 cs:33 sp:7f83027900f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10961979.868036] exe[925333] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a28aeda387 cs:33 sp:7f28d22a80f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10962458.472805] exe[936660] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c62be94387 cs:33 sp:7fb09f0bb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10962460.196385] exe[937730] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f1bf122387 cs:33 sp:7f02860490f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10962583.105670] exe[951365] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fa47703387 cs:33 sp:7f40c7c5f0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10962603.512243] exe[955016] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558fea23f387 cs:33 sp:7f8d9ac9a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10962679.442496] exe[881320] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560fcd8b0378 cs:33 sp:7fe3eb7d2f90 ax:7fe3eb7d3020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:560fcd97a257 [10962680.251051] exe[885277] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560fcd8b0378 cs:33 sp:7fe3eb7d2f90 ax:7fe3eb7d3020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:560fcd97a257 [10962680.286562] exe[885277] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560fcd8b0378 cs:33 sp:7fe3eb7b1f90 ax:7fe3eb7b2020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:560fcd97a257 [10962681.130562] exe[881176] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560fcd8b0378 cs:33 sp:7fe3eb7d2f90 ax:7fe3eb7d3020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:560fcd97a257 [10962681.135579] exe[881077] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56191d7bb378 cs:33 sp:7fc73c2e2f90 ax:7fc73c2e3020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:56191d885257 [10962681.169375] exe[881176] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560fcd8b0378 cs:33 sp:7fe3eb790f90 ax:7fe3eb791020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:560fcd97a257 [10962681.247106] exe[885277] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56191d7bb378 cs:33 sp:7fc73c2e2f90 ax:7fc73c2e3020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:56191d885257 [10962681.363847] exe[881331] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56191d7bb378 cs:33 sp:7fc73c2e2f90 ax:7fc73c2e3020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:56191d885257 [10962681.457470] exe[881054] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56191d7bb378 cs:33 sp:7fc73c2e2f90 ax:7fc73c2e3020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:56191d885257 [10962681.570293] exe[881332] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56191d7bb378 cs:33 sp:7fc73c2e2f90 ax:7fc73c2e3020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:56191d885257 [10962740.101604] warn_bad_vsyscall: 21 callbacks suppressed [10962740.101607] exe[919455] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56360a294387 cs:33 sp:7f82d8bb10f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10962794.825688] exe[962336] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559a52627387 cs:33 sp:7f3c7fe920f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10962800.363835] exe[957853] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561518b22387 cs:33 sp:7f18025780f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10962972.336609] exe[969671] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ed943ca387 cs:33 sp:7f42de9ae0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10963223.398276] exe[891604] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56520b9dbc2f cs:33 sp:7f75f3c42158 ax:117 si:ffffffffff600000 di:117 [10963224.271418] exe[889717] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56520b9dbc2f cs:33 sp:7f75f3c21158 ax:117 si:ffffffffff600000 di:117 [10963224.483413] exe[890337] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56520b9dbc2f cs:33 sp:7f75f3c42158 ax:117 si:ffffffffff600000 di:117 [10963559.201715] exe[983456] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561518b22387 cs:33 sp:7f18025780f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10963693.548456] umip: exe[950803] ip:20000080 sp:7f3fa8129bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10963694.435913] umip: exe[967631] ip:20000080 sp:7f3fa8129bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10963694.700175] umip: exe[939518] ip:20000080 sp:7f3fa8129bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10963725.526479] exe[957272] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55775698c387 cs:33 sp:7fabfac6e0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10964399.411486] exe[948130] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56355b1b54e6 cs:33 sp:7f113edc68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f113edc6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10964399.521146] exe[953270] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56355b1b54e6 cs:33 sp:7f113ed848e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f113ed84e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10964400.302769] exe[960970] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56355b1b54e6 cs:33 sp:7f113eda58e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f113eda5e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10965048.986244] umip: exe[935720] ip:20000080 sp:7f69f4439bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10965049.191039] umip: exe[935344] ip:20000080 sp:7f69f4439c78: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10965049.407895] umip: exe[994235] ip:20000080 sp:7f69f4439bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10965073.212000] umip: exe[934888] ip:20000080 sp:7f69f4439bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10965073.438282] umip: exe[935989] ip:20000080 sp:7f69f4439bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10966191.304312] exe[45788] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55924ae704e6 cs:33 sp:7fb4e57048e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fb4e5704e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10966191.591138] exe[61848] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55924ae704e6 cs:33 sp:7fb4e56e38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fb4e56e3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10966191.622620] exe[61848] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55924ae704e6 cs:33 sp:7fb4e56e38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fb4e56e3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10966191.651427] exe[61848] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55924ae704e6 cs:33 sp:7fb4e56e38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fb4e56e3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10966191.682874] exe[61895] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55924ae704e6 cs:33 sp:7fb4e56e38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fb4e56e3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10966191.720263] exe[61895] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55924ae704e6 cs:33 sp:7fb4e56e38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fb4e56e3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10966191.749970] exe[61895] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55924ae704e6 cs:33 sp:7fb4e56e38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fb4e56e3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10966191.782720] exe[42175] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55924ae704e6 cs:33 sp:7fb4e56e38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fb4e56e3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10966191.812277] exe[38891] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55924ae704e6 cs:33 sp:7fb4e56e38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fb4e56e3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10966191.839797] exe[38891] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55924ae704e6 cs:33 sp:7fb4e56e38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fb4e56e3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10966519.346796] umip_printk: 1 callbacks suppressed [10966519.346799] umip: exe[50843] ip:20000080 sp:7f093e078bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10966536.796525] warn_bad_vsyscall: 26 callbacks suppressed [10966536.796529] exe[69400] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b936c55387 cs:33 sp:7f5c17fb10f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:396e [10966536.856977] exe[66110] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b936c55387 cs:33 sp:7f5c17f6d0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:396e [10966536.944168] exe[69517] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b936c55387 cs:33 sp:7f5c17f6d0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:396e [10966579.205043] exe[65726] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b936c55387 cs:33 sp:7f5c17fb10f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:396e [10966580.007427] exe[66069] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b936c55387 cs:33 sp:7f5c17fb10f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:396e [10966580.059025] exe[69336] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b936c55387 cs:33 sp:7f5c17fb10f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:396e [10966580.895485] exe[69481] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b936c55387 cs:33 sp:7f5c17fb10f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:396e [10966580.943457] exe[69357] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56251b22d387 cs:33 sp:7fc8ccffc0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:396e [10966580.977179] exe[65708] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b936c55387 cs:33 sp:7f5c17fb10f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:396e [10966581.762691] exe[66101] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b936c55387 cs:33 sp:7f5c17fb10f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:396e [10966581.766427] exe[69387] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56251b22d387 cs:33 sp:7fc8ccffc0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:396e [10966581.858576] exe[65906] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b936c55387 cs:33 sp:7f5c17fb10f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:396e [10966581.858799] exe[69322] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56251b22d387 cs:33 sp:7fc8ccffc0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:396e [10966584.389751] warn_bad_vsyscall: 7 callbacks suppressed [10966584.389755] exe[65660] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b936c55387 cs:33 sp:7f5c17fb10f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10966584.453775] exe[65905] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b936c55387 cs:33 sp:7f5c17fb10f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:396e [10966585.242161] exe[66197] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b936c55387 cs:33 sp:7f5c17fb10f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:396e [10967142.522838] exe[67911] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5574ff6944e6 cs:33 sp:7f70e9bc78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f70e9bc7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10967142.634828] exe[67962] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5574ff6944e6 cs:33 sp:7f70e9bc78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f70e9bc7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10967142.777925] exe[67877] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5574ff6944e6 cs:33 sp:7f70e9bc78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f70e9bc7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10967508.294234] exe[71317] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557d4c171387 cs:33 sp:7feb5f98a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:55c0 [10967508.560314] exe[72204] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557d4c171387 cs:33 sp:7feb5f98a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:55c0 [10967508.626729] exe[26532] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557d4c171387 cs:33 sp:7feb5f98a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:55c0 [10967508.860526] exe[72961] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557d4c171387 cs:33 sp:7feb5f98a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:55c0 [10967985.107191] exe[66099] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b936c55387 cs:33 sp:7f5c17fb10f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:396e [10967985.203301] exe[67416] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b936c55387 cs:33 sp:7f5c17fb10f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:396e [10967985.309361] exe[66101] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b936c55387 cs:33 sp:7f5c17fb10f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:396e [10968233.385733] exe[94282] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562c20ebb387 cs:33 sp:7fe037fd80f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:4bdb [10968233.502689] exe[98127] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562c20ebb387 cs:33 sp:7fe037fb70f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:4bdb [10968233.630518] exe[94282] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562c20ebb387 cs:33 sp:7fe037fb70f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:4bdb [10969182.404789] exe[137579] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562f48ce24e6 cs:33 sp:7f64b4be2f88 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:20000040 di:ffffffffff600000 [10969182.509272] exe[137436] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562f48ce24e6 cs:33 sp:7f64b4be2f88 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:20000040 di:ffffffffff600000 [10969182.616627] exe[134014] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562f48ce24e6 cs:33 sp:7f64b4be2f88 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:20000040 di:ffffffffff600000 [10969661.203647] umip: exe[147520] ip:20000080 sp:7eff1fd51bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10969661.335995] umip: exe[152534] ip:20000080 sp:7eff1fd51bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10969662.208742] umip: exe[147520] ip:20000080 sp:7eff1fd51bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10971616.277834] umip: exe[196416] ip:20000080 sp:7fbcf474bbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10971616.472185] umip: exe[196416] ip:20000080 sp:7fbcf474bbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10971616.628081] umip: exe[196519] ip:20000080 sp:7fbcf474bbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10972283.806270] exe[189957] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10972284.487465] exe[105173] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10972285.132287] exe[53618] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10973552.079640] exe[261166] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10973552.364566] exe[267222] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10973552.440685] exe[267222] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10973552.675215] exe[266740] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10973552.759977] exe[269307] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10973767.634482] exe[277083] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560793dd34e6 cs:33 sp:7f04fd9f88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f04fd9f8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10973767.749939] exe[241556] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560793dd34e6 cs:33 sp:7f04fd9f88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f04fd9f8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10973767.848113] exe[242015] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560793dd34e6 cs:33 sp:7f04fd9f88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f04fd9f8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10975330.623572] exe[240013] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56517fc404e6 cs:33 sp:7f33ca45c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f33ca45ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10975333.579513] exe[298919] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56517fc404e6 cs:33 sp:7f33ca45c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f33ca45ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10975333.607043] exe[298919] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56517fc404e6 cs:33 sp:7f33ca45c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f33ca45ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10975333.773557] exe[286974] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56517fc404e6 cs:33 sp:7f33ca45c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f33ca45ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10975333.799397] exe[286974] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56517fc404e6 cs:33 sp:7f33ca45c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f33ca45ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10976851.620513] umip: exe[348965] ip:20000080 sp:7f76f3501bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10976852.408262] umip: exe[348930] ip:20000080 sp:7f76f3501bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10978035.743409] umip: exe[364554] ip:20000080 sp:7f600f866bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10980026.660300] exe[385086] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5593d632e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd49bfa88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd49bfa8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10980026.807473] exe[390189] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5593d632e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd49bfa88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd49bfa8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10980026.948655] exe[383248] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5593d632e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd49bfa88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd49bfa8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10980048.415108] exe[394044] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5593d632e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd49bfa88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd49bfa8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10980049.038997] exe[384771] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5593d632e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd49bfa88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd49bfa8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10980049.140428] exe[385421] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5593d632e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd49bfa88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd49bfa8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10980049.934566] exe[384779] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5593d632e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd49bfa88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd49bfa8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10980050.063117] exe[385751] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5593d632e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd49bfa88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd49bfa8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10980050.873113] exe[384008] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5593d632e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd49bfa88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd49bfa8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10980051.030610] exe[383314] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5593d632e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fd49bfa88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd49bfa8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10982096.505919] exe[481949] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55cf55264c2f cs:33 sp:7f3f2243d158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10982099.445552] exe[483735] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55cf55264c2f cs:33 sp:7f3f2243d158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10982099.549983] exe[481646] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55cf55264c2f cs:33 sp:7f3f2243d158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10982253.564964] umip: exe[549980] ip:20000080 sp:7fc07ebddbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10982254.429133] umip: exe[549982] ip:20000080 sp:7fc07ebfebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10982255.459657] umip: exe[549881] ip:20000080 sp:7fc07ebfebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10982592.236403] exe[528661] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f36798bc2f cs:33 sp:7f6bb5eb3158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10982592.398756] exe[532885] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f36798bc2f cs:33 sp:7f6bb5e71158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10982592.596326] exe[525936] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f36798bc2f cs:33 sp:7f6bb5e50158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [10982948.489923] umip: exe[598762] ip:20000080 sp:7f0677368bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10982948.603934] umip: exe[599003] ip:20000080 sp:7f0677368bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10982948.713620] umip: exe[598757] ip:20000080 sp:7f0677368bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10982948.815162] umip: exe[598764] ip:20000080 sp:7f0677368bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10982948.929171] umip: exe[596606] ip:20000080 sp:7f0677368bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10983010.895834] exe[574777] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56106d6554e6 cs:33 sp:7fdb0d4508e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fdb0d450e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10983010.968299] exe[601461] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56106d6554e6 cs:33 sp:7fdb0d4508e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fdb0d450e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10983011.027226] exe[582811] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56106d6554e6 cs:33 sp:7fdb0d4508e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fdb0d450e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10983011.093480] exe[587023] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56106d6554e6 cs:33 sp:7fdb0d4508e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fdb0d450e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10983097.901700] exe[599330] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562a5a67f4e6 cs:33 sp:7fbe8dcda8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbe8dcdae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10983097.991150] exe[599479] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562a5a67f4e6 cs:33 sp:7fbe8dcda8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbe8dcdae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10983098.079358] exe[596565] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562a5a67f4e6 cs:33 sp:7fbe8dcda8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbe8dcdae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10983098.172032] exe[599330] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562a5a67f4e6 cs:33 sp:7fbe8dcda8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbe8dcdae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10983207.172989] exe[602490] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:42061000 [10983207.536279] exe[603076] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:42061000 [10983207.852178] exe[602539] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:42061000 [10983208.183103] exe[603571] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:42061000 [10983208.554863] exe[602450] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:42061000 [10983208.858066] exe[603571] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:42061000 [10983209.173246] exe[603014] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:42061000 [10983509.781344] umip_printk: 2 callbacks suppressed [10983509.781349] umip: exe[614105] ip:20000080 sp:7f7388963bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10983509.937187] umip: exe[614697] ip:20000080 sp:7f7388963bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10983510.070799] umip: exe[614339] ip:20000080 sp:7f7388963bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10983510.199580] umip: exe[614339] ip:20000080 sp:7f7388963bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10983682.215917] exe[586695] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10983682.493372] exe[586695] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10983682.737137] exe[612651] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10983683.000741] exe[587311] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10983683.371272] exe[612651] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10983683.629836] exe[620769] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10983683.872734] exe[587311] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10984450.197056] exe[620189] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e9002314e6 cs:33 sp:7f6c570208e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f6c57020e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10984450.327084] exe[614721] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e9002314e6 cs:33 sp:7f6c570208e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f6c57020e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10984450.435989] exe[614528] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56399f3d74e6 cs:33 sp:7f4032f318e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4032f31e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10984450.446030] exe[614710] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e9002314e6 cs:33 sp:7f6c570208e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f6c57020e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10984450.563827] exe[614577] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56399f3d74e6 cs:33 sp:7f4032f318e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4032f31e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10984450.589405] exe[618330] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e9002314e6 cs:33 sp:7f6c570208e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f6c57020e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10984450.716348] exe[618412] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56399f3d74e6 cs:33 sp:7f4032f318e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4032f31e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10984562.717660] exe[639344] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564198b874e6 cs:33 sp:7fcc8770e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fcc8770ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10984562.905458] exe[639398] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564198b874e6 cs:33 sp:7fcc8770e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fcc8770ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10984562.984828] exe[639399] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564198b874e6 cs:33 sp:7fcc8770e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fcc8770ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10984563.085721] exe[639386] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564198b874e6 cs:33 sp:7fcc8770e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fcc8770ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10984949.231377] exe[632705] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560f052ee4e6 cs:33 sp:7fe452a2f8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fe452a2fe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10985104.649088] exe[649593] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10985104.996784] exe[648950] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10985105.400629] exe[644659] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10985105.744685] exe[644840] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10985831.618539] exe[675542] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10985831.964397] exe[675566] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10985832.227511] exe[675542] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10985832.614582] exe[675937] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10985880.573332] exe[576622] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559d8254f4e6 cs:33 sp:7f7f577228e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7f57722e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10985880.639455] exe[630356] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559d8254f4e6 cs:33 sp:7f7f577228e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7f57722e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10985880.706167] exe[633696] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559d8254f4e6 cs:33 sp:7f7f577228e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7f57722e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10985880.807573] exe[630358] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559d8254f4e6 cs:33 sp:7f7f577228e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7f57722e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10986222.593566] exe[681352] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10986222.900827] exe[681341] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10986223.224193] exe[683874] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10986223.530962] exe[683986] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10986282.711481] exe[695422] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555879e7e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fe0267f28e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fe0267f2e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10986371.185483] exe[669378] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [10986419.320067] exe[684668] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:42061000 [10986432.460431] exe[713505] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10986446.249649] exe[710416] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10986755.010652] exe[731553] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55bc3d5fe4e6 cs:33 sp:7fcc393fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fcc393fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10986837.825451] exe[725204] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5605406db4e6 cs:33 sp:7fe1da2f88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fe1da2f8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10986902.838607] exe[739198] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ed5cb8a4e6 cs:33 sp:7fa36e1cd8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fa36e1cde08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10987130.715471] exe[752421] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [10987805.010807] umip: exe[778014] ip:20000080 sp:7f738091ebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10987805.947005] umip: exe[757603] ip:20000080 sp:7f738091ebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10987806.913111] umip: exe[757603] ip:20000080 sp:7f738091ebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10987807.183426] umip: exe[758244] ip:20000080 sp:7f738091ebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10988447.994665] exe[818744] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558bf0921387 cs:33 sp:7fa3ca4e40f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:6343 [10988448.150280] exe[804758] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558bf0921387 cs:33 sp:7fa3ca4e40f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:6343 [10988448.315331] exe[817426] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558bf0921387 cs:33 sp:7fa3ca4e40f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:6343 [10988549.177765] exe[708593] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555879e7e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fe0267f28e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fe0267f2e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10988549.316701] exe[737205] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555879e7e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fe0267d18e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fe0267d1e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10988549.944563] exe[703082] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555879e7e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fe0267f28e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fe0267f2e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10990086.771822] umip: exe[864534] ip:20000080 sp:7f7832dfebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10990086.897266] umip: exe[864534] ip:20000080 sp:7f7832dfebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10990087.745684] umip: exe[871119] ip:20000080 sp:7f7832dfebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10990891.218988] umip: exe[861183] ip:20000080 sp:7ff633db7bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10990891.386116] umip: exe[893413] ip:20000080 sp:7ff633db7bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10990891.530532] umip: exe[891542] ip:20000080 sp:7ff633db7bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10991221.094996] exe[880247] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559fe5725387 cs:33 sp:7f93869f00f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10991333.156839] exe[868194] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56165bf82387 cs:33 sp:7f55c3b760f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10991355.251892] exe[860871] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555bebb9d387 cs:33 sp:7fbd330e30f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10991359.631588] exe[879898] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55bc6d2a5387 cs:33 sp:7fb622d4a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10991439.397441] exe[784383] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561608e1e387 cs:33 sp:7fd3c308d0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10991464.475645] exe[860393] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556b95bbc387 cs:33 sp:7f97cbbff0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10991468.824856] exe[812132] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ae4237a387 cs:33 sp:7f049168a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:77fc [10991469.025055] exe[821087] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ae4237a387 cs:33 sp:7f049168a0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:77fc [10991469.551046] exe[817372] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ae4237a387 cs:33 sp:7f04916270f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:77fc [10991498.816578] exe[901092] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560f4e0634e6 cs:33 sp:7f39b21fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f39b21fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10991498.912773] exe[898360] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560f4e0634e6 cs:33 sp:7f39b21fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f39b21fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10991499.042673] exe[876503] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560f4e0634e6 cs:33 sp:7f39b21fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f39b21fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10991499.064317] exe[898345] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560f4e0634e6 cs:33 sp:7f39b21fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f39b21fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10991499.103807] exe[898345] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560f4e0634e6 cs:33 sp:7f39b21fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f39b21fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10991499.125445] exe[898345] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560f4e0634e6 cs:33 sp:7f39b21fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f39b21fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10991499.149337] exe[898345] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560f4e0634e6 cs:33 sp:7f39b21fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f39b21fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10991499.171869] exe[869621] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560f4e0634e6 cs:33 sp:7f39b21fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f39b21fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10991499.199552] exe[898255] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560f4e0634e6 cs:33 sp:7f39b21fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f39b21fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10991499.221838] exe[898255] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560f4e0634e6 cs:33 sp:7f39b21fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f39b21fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10991557.538868] warn_bad_vsyscall: 25 callbacks suppressed [10991557.538871] exe[903441] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561c7532a387 cs:33 sp:7f398076d0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10991574.402419] exe[860449] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5646512f1387 cs:33 sp:7f7fd9ed70f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10991723.918407] exe[905959] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555635fe0387 cs:33 sp:7ff78a4ba0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10992039.428962] umip: exe[877394] ip:20000080 sp:7ff633db7bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10992039.599492] umip: exe[888019] ip:20000080 sp:7ff633db7bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10992039.766798] umip: exe[854521] ip:20000080 sp:7ff633db7bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10992436.537143] umip: exe[891400] ip:20000080 sp:7f91cd7b4bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10992436.668379] umip: exe[891400] ip:20000080 sp:7f91cd7b4bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10992436.862503] umip: exe[867555] ip:20000080 sp:7f91cd7b4bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10992630.241425] exe[951318] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556d7d8e9387 cs:33 sp:7efe8a2530f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10994491.766136] umip: exe[993240] ip:20000080 sp:7f921050ebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10994491.855125] umip: exe[1945] ip:20000080 sp:7f921050ebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10994491.964584] umip: exe[993156] ip:20000080 sp:7f921050ebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10994726.172751] exe[957573] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564d9ce5f387 cs:33 sp:7f562a7ff0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10994760.598700] exe[996732] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564b20599387 cs:33 sp:7f921050f0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10995090.940169] exe[944666] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f4f239f387 cs:33 sp:7f059a0750f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10995131.532205] exe[25642] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564ddf4bb387 cs:33 sp:7f6bdaafe0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10995150.508150] exe[942914] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b7ebe60387 cs:33 sp:7f7c597f10f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10995154.792313] exe[981709] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55655b6f3387 cs:33 sp:7fe3db7590f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10995157.143116] exe[25431] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5577491cf387 cs:33 sp:7fd367a870f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10995178.366132] exe[995293] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557ccb446387 cs:33 sp:7f46571c00f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10995214.949996] exe[15295] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f4f239f387 cs:33 sp:7f059a0750f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10995268.866562] exe[963816] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5612b35e1387 cs:33 sp:7f02471ff0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10995272.576132] exe[12726] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56530b691387 cs:33 sp:7fc76952e0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10995274.926490] exe[977727] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562c441a9387 cs:33 sp:7f243f4ce0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10995298.610127] exe[968131] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55bbb774f387 cs:33 sp:7fbf23b030f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10995338.456756] exe[959344] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a8b898e387 cs:33 sp:7f70c0b700f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10995415.764410] exe[19539] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f7c004e387 cs:33 sp:7fee9faeb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10996164.818296] exe[48670] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562171282387 cs:33 sp:7fd0f72e60f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10996190.581866] exe[48992] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55bf989db387 cs:33 sp:7f0ae81f60f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10996477.378963] umip: exe[63316] ip:20000080 sp:7f9353b84bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10996477.558449] umip: exe[63316] ip:20000080 sp:7f9353b84bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10996477.725293] umip: exe[63316] ip:20000080 sp:7f9353b84bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10997113.301854] umip: exe[83797] ip:20000200 sp:7f75fbc2fbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10997113.397136] umip: exe[80947] ip:20000200 sp:7f75fbc2fbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10997113.428463] umip: exe[80947] ip:20000200 sp:7f75fbc2fbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10997143.353584] umip: exe[82714] ip:20000080 sp:7f2927942bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10997143.409361] umip: exe[80134] ip:20000080 sp:7f2927942bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10997265.630824] umip_printk: 1 callbacks suppressed [10997265.630828] umip: exe[86153] ip:20000080 sp:7f2927942bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10997362.727585] umip: exe[88080] ip:20000080 sp:7f2927942bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10997362.798255] umip: exe[89605] ip:20000080 sp:7f2927942bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10997362.812325] umip: exe[89073] ip:20000080 sp:7f2927942bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10997362.945295] umip: exe[89073] ip:20000080 sp:7f2927942bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10997990.426894] umip: exe[88652] ip:20000180 sp:7f7a03438bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10997990.588125] umip: exe[102645] ip:20000180 sp:7f7a03438bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10997990.726576] umip: exe[87055] ip:20000180 sp:7f7a03438bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10998060.882236] umip: exe[88080] ip:20000080 sp:7f2927942bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10998061.816750] umip: exe[88040] ip:20000080 sp:7f2927942bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10998180.910890] exe[107043] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561f24373387 cs:33 sp:7f4edd7ff0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10998187.243429] exe[85807] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56291110d387 cs:33 sp:7fbcb35070f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10998228.456924] exe[106966] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56273e2c1387 cs:33 sp:7fef8076e0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10998279.694899] exe[108628] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5596e3231387 cs:33 sp:7f151e12e0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10998317.101549] exe[78217] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f4f7fe0387 cs:33 sp:7fefed7650f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10998387.174580] exe[103176] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:565551227387 cs:33 sp:7f7a034390f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10998434.308913] exe[105164] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563ba3caa387 cs:33 sp:7fda9a5160f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10998583.307302] umip: exe[102592] ip:20000080 sp:7f7a03438bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10998583.480402] umip: exe[102592] ip:20000080 sp:7f7a03438bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10998667.933689] exe[99461] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559d9467a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f9726ad78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f9726ad7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10998668.066502] exe[109482] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559d9467a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f9726ab68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f9726ab6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10998668.189739] exe[90099] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559d9467a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f9726ad78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f9726ad7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [10998668.365189] exe[113269] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55acb25c8387 cs:33 sp:7f05a9fff0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10998772.474243] umip: exe[96484] ip:20000180 sp:7f7a03438bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10998772.638617] umip: exe[95716] ip:20000180 sp:7f7a03438bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10998773.525132] umip: exe[101649] ip:20000180 sp:7f7a03438bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10998791.380799] exe[115088] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ebbd74bc2f cs:33 sp:7fafec674158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10998791.501532] exe[115129] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ebbd74bc2f cs:33 sp:7fafec674158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10998791.521132] exe[115129] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ebbd74bc2f cs:33 sp:7fafec674158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10998791.545042] exe[115226] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ebbd74bc2f cs:33 sp:7fafec674158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10998791.571314] exe[115226] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ebbd74bc2f cs:33 sp:7fafec674158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10998791.599101] exe[115226] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ebbd74bc2f cs:33 sp:7fafec674158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10998791.620087] exe[115226] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ebbd74bc2f cs:33 sp:7fafec674158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10998791.643341] exe[115226] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ebbd74bc2f cs:33 sp:7fafec674158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10998791.667521] exe[115226] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ebbd74bc2f cs:33 sp:7fafec674158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10998791.690907] exe[115226] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ebbd74bc2f cs:33 sp:7fafec674158 ax:113 si:ffffffffff600000 di:113 [10998953.823551] warn_bad_vsyscall: 57 callbacks suppressed [10998953.823556] exe[106071] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563a0318c387 cs:33 sp:7fbf2336e0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [10999762.195743] umip: exe[111972] ip:20000080 sp:7f60c0fe9bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10999762.408167] umip: exe[111983] ip:20000080 sp:7f60c0fe9bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [10999763.289554] umip: exe[113139] ip:20000080 sp:7f60c0fe9bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11000009.226444] umip: exe[128716] ip:20000080 sp:7f7a03438bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11000010.026462] umip: exe[126378] ip:20000080 sp:7f7a03438bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11000010.942409] umip: exe[123694] ip:20000080 sp:7f7a03438bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11000260.482518] exe[125072] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55948b10a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f2d120f88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2d120f8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11000260.732412] exe[117605] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55948b10a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f2d120958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2d12095e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11000260.753057] exe[117605] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55948b10a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f2d120958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2d12095e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11000260.774195] exe[117605] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55948b10a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f2d120958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2d12095e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11000260.796055] exe[117605] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55948b10a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f2d120958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2d12095e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11000260.817408] exe[117605] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55948b10a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f2d120958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2d12095e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11000260.839515] exe[117605] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55948b10a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f2d120958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2d12095e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11000260.863186] exe[117605] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55948b10a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f2d120958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2d12095e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11000260.885570] exe[117605] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55948b10a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f2d120958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2d12095e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11000260.908837] exe[117605] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55948b10a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f2d120958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2d12095e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11000326.626342] umip: exe[123792] ip:20000080 sp:7f7a03438bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11000326.757579] umip: exe[123792] ip:20000080 sp:7f7a03438bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11000327.746467] umip: exe[103133] ip:20000080 sp:7f7a03438bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11000993.520817] umip: exe[178790] ip:20000080 sp:7f5b92497bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11000993.631089] umip: exe[179268] ip:20000080 sp:7f5b92497bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11000993.736118] umip: exe[178402] ip:20000080 sp:7f5b92497bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11000993.769889] umip: exe[178885] ip:20000080 sp:7f5b92497bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11001904.318155] warn_bad_vsyscall: 57 callbacks suppressed [11001904.318158] exe[129368] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56000f299387 cs:33 sp:7f2abc8930f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:939 [11001904.469163] exe[118951] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56000f299387 cs:33 sp:7f2abc8930f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:939 [11001904.517887] exe[119150] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56000f299387 cs:33 sp:7f2abc8510f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:939 [11001904.636110] exe[157922] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56000f299387 cs:33 sp:7f2abc8720f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:939 [11001951.074044] exe[120630] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f3d3113387 cs:33 sp:7f64894250f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:3a13 [11001951.197327] exe[119098] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f3d3113387 cs:33 sp:7f6488fff0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:3a13 [11001951.344263] exe[137412] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f3d3113387 cs:33 sp:7f6488fff0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:3a13 [11002035.500605] umip: exe[213745] ip:20000080 sp:7f5b92497bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11002035.568905] umip: exe[181267] ip:20000080 sp:7f5b92497bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11002035.693802] umip: exe[183371] ip:20000080 sp:7f5b92497bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11002035.706850] umip: exe[183371] ip:20000080 sp:7f5b92497bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11002035.721587] umip: exe[183371] ip:20000080 sp:7f5b92497bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11002761.496025] exe[132203] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55747386e387 cs:33 sp:7f26c11e50f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11002762.360407] exe[166923] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563c497bd387 cs:33 sp:7f54e07d40f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11002977.343329] exe[273507] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56357ccf94e6 cs:33 sp:7f79319f68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f79319f6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11002977.443775] exe[235261] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56357ccf94e6 cs:33 sp:7f79319f68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f79319f6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11002977.542454] exe[253146] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56357ccf94e6 cs:33 sp:7f79319f68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f79319f6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11002977.654749] exe[288318] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56357ccf94e6 cs:33 sp:7f79319f68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f79319f6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11003259.297185] exe[250702] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e1293144e6 cs:33 sp:7f4b66bf28e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4b66bf2e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11003259.429940] exe[225357] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e1293144e6 cs:33 sp:7f4b66bf28e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4b66bf2e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11003259.611431] exe[316221] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e1293144e6 cs:33 sp:7f4b66bf28e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4b66bf2e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11003259.750759] exe[316219] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e1293144e6 cs:33 sp:7f4b66bf28e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4b66bf2e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11003303.290403] exe[263237] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b20c373387 cs:33 sp:7fe323b330f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11003321.425720] umip_printk: 35 callbacks suppressed [11003321.425724] umip: exe[320457] ip:20000080 sp:7ffb0aa4cbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11003321.551119] umip: exe[320459] ip:20000080 sp:7ffb0aa4cbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11003321.665818] umip: exe[316823] ip:20000080 sp:7ffb0aa4cbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11003321.785162] umip: exe[322176] ip:20000080 sp:7ffb0aa4cbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11003512.104845] umip: exe[341408] ip:20000080 sp:7ffb0aa4cbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11003691.418993] exe[366790] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55dabfcb5387 cs:33 sp:7fb8b54580f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11003887.457979] exe[372469] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562feb400387 cs:33 sp:7ffb0aa4d0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11004226.829216] exe[378791] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11004227.285761] exe[373933] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11004227.710038] exe[373952] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11004228.207120] exe[378791] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11004228.700135] exe[373952] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11004229.197144] exe[373945] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11004229.658255] exe[374722] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11005003.600486] exe[386668] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c7ab51e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f7da9dcd8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7da9dcde08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11005003.686370] exe[340847] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c7ab51e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f7da9dcd8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7da9dcde08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11005003.789231] exe[381368] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c7ab51e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f7da9dcd8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7da9dcde08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11005003.895420] exe[335076] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c7ab51e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f7da9dcd8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7da9dcde08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11005124.799923] exe[302907] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5624eab1e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f55c72478e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f55c7247e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11005124.930771] exe[375210] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5624eab1e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f55c72478e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f55c7247e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11005125.130990] exe[377834] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5624eab1e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f55c72478e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f55c7247e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11005125.292508] exe[375278] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5624eab1e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f55c72478e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f55c7247e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11005138.652311] exe[391097] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11005138.958681] exe[390949] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11005139.325512] exe[391822] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11005139.632710] exe[391803] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11005267.907415] umip: exe[368773] ip:20000080 sp:7f7eddce8bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11005268.046560] umip: exe[368859] ip:20000080 sp:7f7eddce8bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11005268.059573] umip: exe[368859] ip:20000080 sp:7f7eddce8bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11005268.075488] umip: exe[368859] ip:20000080 sp:7f7eddce8bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11005268.092555] umip: exe[368859] ip:20000080 sp:7f7eddce8bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11005520.422382] exe[394290] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c7ab51e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f7da9dcd8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7da9dcde08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11005641.178241] exe[398933] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56242d3384e6 cs:33 sp:7f00276468e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0027646e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11005641.285311] exe[398369] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56242d3384e6 cs:33 sp:7f00276468e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0027646e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11005641.349262] exe[399131] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563c33b7f4e6 cs:33 sp:7f885ae438e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f885ae43e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11005641.395898] exe[398103] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56242d3384e6 cs:33 sp:7f00276468e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0027646e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11005641.434692] exe[397976] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563c33b7f4e6 cs:33 sp:7f885ae438e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f885ae43e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11005641.489507] exe[398015] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56242d3384e6 cs:33 sp:7f00276468e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0027646e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11005641.542459] exe[399049] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563c33b7f4e6 cs:33 sp:7f885ae438e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f885ae43e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11005803.126278] exe[403031] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555b3de074e6 cs:33 sp:7f7f7c7ef8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7f7c7efe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11006162.305267] exe[410549] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [11006162.771414] exe[410601] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [11006163.097094] exe[411039] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [11006163.529206] exe[410601] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [11006163.939475] exe[410601] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [11006164.286049] exe[410601] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [11006164.668826] exe[410599] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [11006279.567668] exe[400849] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563c33b7f4e6 cs:33 sp:7f885ae438e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f885ae43e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11006310.791418] exe[399753] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559f7a8ed4e6 cs:33 sp:7fc9505be8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fc9505bee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11006322.682767] exe[408284] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11006323.184296] exe[407829] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11006323.715568] exe[408190] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11006324.106750] exe[408311] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11006430.704248] exe[415861] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11007087.632406] exe[429855] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:42061000 [11007088.106442] exe[437797] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:42061000 [11007088.474307] exe[424585] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:42061000 [11007088.890166] exe[424585] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:42061000 [11007212.956195] exe[423663] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f9fa69c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f385c9908e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f385c990e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11007488.438051] exe[448295] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11007692.937556] umip_printk: 34 callbacks suppressed [11007692.937560] umip: exe[450025] ip:20000080 sp:7fb6961febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11007693.985972] umip: exe[448677] ip:20000080 sp:7fb6961febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11007833.553758] exe[439491] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56242d3384e6 cs:33 sp:7f00276468e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0027646e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11007833.716368] exe[437447] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56242d3384e6 cs:33 sp:7f00276258e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0027625e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11007833.925386] exe[439478] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56242d3384e6 cs:33 sp:7f00271fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f00271fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11007893.048858] exe[454938] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11007937.040167] exe[454872] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:42061000 [11008129.087755] exe[459259] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [11008550.403026] umip: exe[466778] ip:20000080 sp:7f24506bbbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11008550.589411] umip: exe[466896] ip:20000080 sp:7f24506bbbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11008550.726778] umip: exe[466628] ip:20000080 sp:7f245069abb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11009621.286976] exe[475098] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5594e7fd74e6 cs:33 sp:7f81adf898e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f81adf89e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11009621.400617] exe[475211] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5594e7fd74e6 cs:33 sp:7f81adf688e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f81adf68e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11009621.496903] exe[481885] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5594e7fd74e6 cs:33 sp:7f81adf898e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f81adf89e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11009977.254487] exe[479334] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5591e25724e6 cs:33 sp:7f8df0a778e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8df0a77e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11009977.988332] exe[490259] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5591e25724e6 cs:33 sp:7f8df0a568e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8df0a56e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11009978.195723] exe[490281] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5591e25724e6 cs:33 sp:7f8df0a568e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8df0a56e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11010620.750207] umip: exe[512910] ip:20000080 sp:7f70e0752bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11010621.717491] umip: exe[514015] ip:20000080 sp:7f70e0752bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11010622.622551] umip: exe[512910] ip:20000080 sp:7f70e0752bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11011004.918653] umip: exe[487227] ip:20000080 sp:7f5fee8a3bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11011005.127097] umip: exe[505575] ip:20000080 sp:7f5fee8a3c78: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11011005.325561] umip: exe[504551] ip:20000080 sp:7f5fee8a3bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11011005.345789] umip: exe[523517] ip:20000080 sp:7f5fee8a3bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11011005.500077] umip: exe[487227] ip:20000080 sp:7f5fee8a3bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11012221.012882] umip: exe[520117] ip:20000080 sp:7f57a5989bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11012221.156588] umip: exe[532533] ip:20000080 sp:7f57a5989bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11012222.071192] umip: exe[520117] ip:20000080 sp:7f57a5989bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11012650.941247] exe[536413] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556edef5d387 cs:33 sp:7fa2cadfc0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:37a5 [11012651.096512] exe[536145] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556edef5d387 cs:33 sp:7fa2cadfc0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:37a5 [11012651.204965] exe[533092] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556edef5d387 cs:33 sp:7fa2caddb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:37a5 [11012651.230837] exe[533092] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556edef5d387 cs:33 sp:7fa2caddb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:37a5 [11012651.257048] exe[533092] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556edef5d387 cs:33 sp:7fa2caddb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:37a5 [11012651.281390] exe[533092] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556edef5d387 cs:33 sp:7fa2caddb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:37a5 [11012651.305275] exe[533092] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556edef5d387 cs:33 sp:7fa2caddb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:37a5 [11012651.327360] exe[533092] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556edef5d387 cs:33 sp:7fa2caddb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:37a5 [11012651.349709] exe[533092] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556edef5d387 cs:33 sp:7fa2caddb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:37a5 [11012651.372050] exe[533092] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556edef5d387 cs:33 sp:7fa2caddb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:37a5 [11013434.973898] umip: exe[562502] ip:20000080 sp:7ff392f89bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11013602.026509] warn_bad_vsyscall: 25 callbacks suppressed [11013602.026513] exe[568647] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55776ae354e6 cs:33 sp:7f0f417fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0f417fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11013602.161551] exe[569372] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55776ae354e6 cs:33 sp:7f0f417fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0f417fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11013602.182923] exe[569372] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55776ae354e6 cs:33 sp:7f0f417fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0f417fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11013602.204543] exe[569372] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55776ae354e6 cs:33 sp:7f0f417fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0f417fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11013602.225865] exe[569372] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55776ae354e6 cs:33 sp:7f0f417fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0f417fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11013602.251016] exe[569372] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55776ae354e6 cs:33 sp:7f0f417fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0f417fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11013602.272189] exe[569372] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55776ae354e6 cs:33 sp:7f0f417fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0f417fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11013602.295563] exe[567007] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55776ae354e6 cs:33 sp:7f0f417fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0f417fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11013602.317303] exe[569006] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55776ae354e6 cs:33 sp:7f0f417fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0f417fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11013602.339559] exe[569006] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55776ae354e6 cs:33 sp:7f0f417fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0f417fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11014294.475522] umip: exe[566062] ip:20000080 sp:7f4a7a367bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11015454.494682] umip: exe[613512] ip:20000080 sp:7fbde0c87bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11015455.340779] umip: exe[618408] ip:20000080 sp:7fbde0c87bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11015800.532224] warn_bad_vsyscall: 57 callbacks suppressed [11015800.532227] exe[600370] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d3704df4e6 cs:33 sp:7f0fcca348e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0fcca34e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11015800.657418] exe[599992] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d3704df4e6 cs:33 sp:7f0fcca348e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0fcca34e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11015800.823374] exe[592280] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d3704df4e6 cs:33 sp:7f0fcca348e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0fcca34e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11016273.938147] umip: exe[630709] ip:20000080 sp:7fe5343d9bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11016274.856048] umip: exe[631095] ip:20000080 sp:7fe5343d9bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11016275.796872] umip: exe[625239] ip:20000080 sp:7fe5343d9bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11019733.051310] exe[704200] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559599634c2f cs:33 sp:7f0af4f31158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [11019733.953893] exe[675691] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559599634c2f cs:33 sp:7f0af4f10158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [11019735.000828] exe[676274] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559599634c2f cs:33 sp:7f0af4eef158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [11019823.115091] exe[659483] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c27204d4e6 cs:33 sp:7f35b56598e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f35b5659e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11019823.233186] exe[711478] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c27204d4e6 cs:33 sp:7f35b56598e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f35b5659e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11019823.255524] exe[711478] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c27204d4e6 cs:33 sp:7f35b56598e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f35b5659e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11019823.281947] exe[662395] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c27204d4e6 cs:33 sp:7f35b56598e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f35b5659e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11019823.305431] exe[662395] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c27204d4e6 cs:33 sp:7f35b56598e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f35b5659e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11019823.329323] exe[662395] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c27204d4e6 cs:33 sp:7f35b56598e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f35b5659e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11019823.356284] exe[662395] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c27204d4e6 cs:33 sp:7f35b56598e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f35b5659e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11019823.378862] exe[662395] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c27204d4e6 cs:33 sp:7f35b56598e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f35b5659e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11019823.400085] exe[659591] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c27204d4e6 cs:33 sp:7f35b56598e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f35b5659e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11019823.424724] exe[659591] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c27204d4e6 cs:33 sp:7f35b56598e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f35b5659e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11021990.270897] umip: exe[744521] ip:20000080 sp:7fecec98dbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11021990.449781] umip: exe[765683] ip:20000080 sp:7fecec98dbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11021991.367187] umip: exe[765692] ip:20000080 sp:7fecec98dbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11022085.893249] umip: exe[744481] ip:20000080 sp:7fecec98dbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11022086.039550] umip: exe[767492] ip:20000080 sp:7fecec98dbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11022301.086149] umip_printk: 2 callbacks suppressed [11022301.086153] umip: exe[731336] ip:20000080 sp:7f8285593bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11022974.887297] umip: exe[785960] ip:20000080 sp:7f4a97e7cbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11022975.779813] umip: exe[785430] ip:20000080 sp:7f4a97e7cbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11022976.027283] umip: exe[785965] ip:20000080 sp:7f4a97e7cbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11023873.408275] warn_bad_vsyscall: 25 callbacks suppressed [11023873.408279] exe[799265] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5606acde0387 cs:33 sp:7fea9de620f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:1b51 [11023873.521578] exe[797589] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5606acde0387 cs:33 sp:7fea9de410f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:1b51 [11023873.611463] exe[797434] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5606acde0387 cs:33 sp:7fea9de410f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:1b51 [11024689.276444] umip: exe[828427] ip:20000080 sp:7f5792b21bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11024689.394150] umip: exe[828427] ip:20000080 sp:7f5792b21bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11024689.488155] umip: exe[828588] ip:20000080 sp:7f5792b21bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11025254.773314] exe[844370] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c9f1ad94e6 cs:33 sp:7f2bebe4e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2bebe4ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11025254.919137] exe[851297] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c9f1ad94e6 cs:33 sp:7f2beb9fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2beb9fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11025255.141842] exe[837425] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c9f1ad94e6 cs:33 sp:7f2bebe4e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2bebe4ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11026655.399872] exe[843117] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d89fb53c2f cs:33 sp:7efeb60ea158 ax:100 si:ffffffffff600000 di:100 [11026655.479844] exe[842398] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d89fb53c2f cs:33 sp:7efeb60ea158 ax:100 si:ffffffffff600000 di:100 [11026655.582043] exe[842465] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d89fb53c2f cs:33 sp:7efeb60ea158 ax:100 si:ffffffffff600000 di:100 [11026655.626479] exe[843257] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d89fb53c2f cs:33 sp:7efeb60ea158 ax:100 si:ffffffffff600000 di:100 [11027009.102165] exe[860797] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563a82519c2f cs:33 sp:7fd2b0e4b158 ax:40 si:ffffffffff600000 di:40 [11027009.220549] exe[883371] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563a82519c2f cs:33 sp:7fd2b0e2a158 ax:40 si:ffffffffff600000 di:40 [11027009.302015] exe[883331] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563a82519c2f cs:33 sp:7fd2b0e4b158 ax:40 si:ffffffffff600000 di:40 [11027221.965426] exe[885845] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f0a52d24e6 cs:33 sp:7fdc9138f8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fdc9138fe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11027222.896349] exe[847223] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f0a52d24e6 cs:33 sp:7fdc9138f8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fdc9138fe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11027223.799866] exe[839277] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f0a52d24e6 cs:33 sp:7fdc9138f8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fdc9138fe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11027403.926691] umip: exe[887736] ip:20000080 sp:7f4e15c67bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11027404.093481] umip: exe[865678] ip:20000080 sp:7f4e15c67bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11027404.249591] umip: exe[823323] ip:20000080 sp:7f4e15c67bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11027980.927030] exe[849723] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560b533674e6 cs:33 sp:7f91a57808e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f91a5780e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11027981.017035] exe[840312] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560b533674e6 cs:33 sp:7f91a57808e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f91a5780e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11027981.046908] exe[840163] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560b533674e6 cs:33 sp:7f91a57808e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f91a5780e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11027981.719842] exe[840164] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560b533674e6 cs:33 sp:7f91a57808e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f91a5780e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11028262.491224] exe[911278] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560012a39c2f cs:33 sp:7f5767bff158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11028262.611591] exe[930702] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560012a39c2f cs:33 sp:7f5767bff158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11028262.716689] exe[911040] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560012a39c2f cs:33 sp:7f5767bff158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11029457.037350] exe[931758] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c50fa77c2f cs:33 sp:7f1b10fff158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11029457.818133] exe[974786] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c50fa77c2f cs:33 sp:7f1b10fff158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11029457.847443] exe[931057] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c50fa77c2f cs:33 sp:7f1b10fff158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11029457.874031] exe[974835] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c50fa77c2f cs:33 sp:7f1b10fff158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11029457.896690] exe[974933] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c50fa77c2f cs:33 sp:7f1b10fff158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11029457.923287] exe[974933] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c50fa77c2f cs:33 sp:7f1b10fff158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11029457.944404] exe[974835] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c50fa77c2f cs:33 sp:7f1b10fff158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11029457.965369] exe[974933] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c50fa77c2f cs:33 sp:7f1b10fff158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11029457.985463] exe[974933] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c50fa77c2f cs:33 sp:7f1b10fff158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11029458.005613] exe[974933] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c50fa77c2f cs:33 sp:7f1b10fff158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11029498.799836] warn_bad_vsyscall: 121 callbacks suppressed [11029498.799840] exe[975088] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c683a004e6 cs:33 sp:7f2d833408e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2d83340e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11029499.124324] exe[964215] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c683a004e6 cs:33 sp:7f2d833408e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2d83340e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11029499.257977] exe[964192] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c683a004e6 cs:33 sp:7f2d833408e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f2d83340e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11029519.889405] exe[958748] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5596ca4034e6 cs:33 sp:7f73f523f8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f73f523fe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11029520.015613] exe[973851] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5596ca4034e6 cs:33 sp:7f73f523f8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f73f523fe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11029520.057835] exe[973317] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5596ca4034e6 cs:33 sp:7f73f4dfe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f73f4dfee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11029520.200844] exe[952175] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5596ca4034e6 cs:33 sp:7f73f4dfe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f73f4dfee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11029520.229773] exe[952175] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5596ca4034e6 cs:33 sp:7f73f4dfe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f73f4dfee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11029520.257810] exe[967678] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5596ca4034e6 cs:33 sp:7f73f4dfe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f73f4dfee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11029520.285730] exe[967678] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5596ca4034e6 cs:33 sp:7f73f4dfe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f73f4dfee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11029520.312607] exe[967678] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5596ca4034e6 cs:33 sp:7f73f4dfe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f73f4dfee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11029520.340880] exe[967678] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5596ca4034e6 cs:33 sp:7f73f4dfe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f73f4dfee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11029520.372032] exe[949397] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5596ca4034e6 cs:33 sp:7f73f4dfe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f73f4dfee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11030281.623143] umip: exe[942089] ip:20000080 sp:7fc6d1f80bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11031682.966509] umip: exe[6306] ip:20000080 sp:7f2ee3c85bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11031683.009346] umip: exe[10980] ip:20000080 sp:7f2ee3c85bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11031683.923076] umip: exe[10988] ip:20000080 sp:7f2ee3c85bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11032128.119363] umip: exe[21647] ip:20000080 sp:7fb411bfebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11032128.239530] umip: exe[21647] ip:20000080 sp:7fb411bfebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11032128.370513] umip: exe[23938] ip:20000080 sp:7fb411bfebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11032399.808833] umip: exe[20166] ip:20000080 sp:7f291dd88bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11032910.188664] umip: exe[40790] ip:20000080 sp:7f291dd88bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11032910.312407] umip: exe[42719] ip:20000080 sp:7f291dd88bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11032910.483449] umip: exe[41356] ip:20000080 sp:7f291dd88bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11032961.940745] warn_bad_vsyscall: 26 callbacks suppressed [11032961.940749] exe[39812] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55800cd5e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f4fb1c958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4fb1c95e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11032962.022720] exe[33982] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55800cd5e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f4fb1c958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4fb1c95e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11032962.054708] exe[35927] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55800cd5e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f4fb1c958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4fb1c95e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11032962.154606] exe[35856] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55800cd5e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f4fb1c958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4fb1c95e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11032969.850584] exe[35747] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55800cd5e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f4fb1c958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4fb1c95e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11032969.952888] exe[35865] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55800cd5e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f4fb1c958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4fb1c95e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11032970.031899] exe[39812] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55800cd5e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f4fb1c958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4fb1c95e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11032970.113063] exe[35752] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55800cd5e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f4fb1c958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4fb1c95e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11032970.179053] exe[35752] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55800cd5e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f4fb1c958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4fb1c95e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11032970.234803] exe[35927] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55800cd5e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f4fb1c958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4fb1c95e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11032970.285785] exe[35865] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55800cd5e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f4fb1c958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4fb1c95e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11032970.340270] exe[34104] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55800cd5e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f4fb1c958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f4fb1c95e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11033534.705388] umip: exe[52456] ip:20000080 sp:7f291dd88bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11033534.935604] umip: exe[52631] ip:20000080 sp:7f291dd88bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11033535.134043] umip: exe[52456] ip:20000080 sp:7f291dd88bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11033830.658302] exe[59160] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556523c61387 cs:33 sp:7feccb1970f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11034005.351461] exe[61400] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558fab1c9387 cs:33 sp:7fd7ce3ee0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11034262.051486] exe[64199] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [11034262.390183] exe[64199] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [11034262.652815] exe[32771] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [11034262.843885] exe[64204] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [11034311.469239] exe[999479] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e125169387 cs:33 sp:7f6e432390f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11034347.898031] exe[64766] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d10f950387 cs:33 sp:7f43cc3860f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11034371.188163] exe[995421] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564748881387 cs:33 sp:7f75f47190f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11034371.698644] exe[994133] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ffdb00d387 cs:33 sp:7fbe46f420f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11034391.364812] exe[26785] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556d3052e387 cs:33 sp:7f9bb77d00f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11034406.271119] exe[23671] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b017a8c387 cs:33 sp:7f41996ef0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11034425.985433] exe[55666] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55aaa71db387 cs:33 sp:7fb411bff0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11034546.041687] exe[34159] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d92c260387 cs:33 sp:7fdb4a2310f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11034655.270861] exe[10689] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560b13299387 cs:33 sp:7f139de300f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11034828.316230] umip: exe[72714] ip:20000080 sp:7fb411bfebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11034828.869958] umip: exe[72570] ip:20000080 sp:7fb411bfebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11035262.620557] exe[89806] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56290628a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f62abcbe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f62abcbee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11035262.691259] exe[84939] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56290628a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f62abc7c8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f62abc7ce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11035262.782718] exe[91820] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56290628a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f62abcbe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f62abcbee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11035400.597534] exe[91980] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55957bfeb0e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11035400.687645] exe[100167] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55957bfeb0e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11035400.871422] exe[100167] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55957bfeb0e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11036120.094574] umip: exe[93425] ip:20000080 sp:7f88ff5bebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11036120.275691] umip: exe[97885] ip:20000080 sp:7f88ff5bebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11036120.435487] umip: exe[97885] ip:20000080 sp:7f88ff5bebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11037332.354892] umip: exe[224266] ip:20000080 sp:7ff20cbfebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11037332.448031] umip: exe[224218] ip:20000080 sp:7ff20cbfebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11037332.531660] umip: exe[223192] ip:20000080 sp:7ff20cbfebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11037332.684664] umip: exe[222605] ip:20000080 sp:7ff20cbfebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11037503.122746] exe[213798] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55777499a4e6 cs:33 sp:7fba45f6e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fba45f6ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11037503.217193] exe[228142] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55777499a4e6 cs:33 sp:7fba45f4d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fba45f4de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11037505.870409] exe[228977] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55777499a4e6 cs:33 sp:7fba45f6e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fba45f6ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11039077.682169] umip: exe[265304] ip:20000080 sp:7f0925deabb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11039078.059032] umip: exe[261816] ip:20000080 sp:7f0925deabb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11040953.387375] umip: exe[302196] ip:20000080 sp:7f295d6bfbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11041348.343959] exe[312696] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55631ccc9c2f cs:33 sp:7fd2d9bff158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11041348.419064] exe[312534] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55631ccc9c2f cs:33 sp:7fd2d9bbd158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11041349.141910] exe[303673] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55631ccc9c2f cs:33 sp:7fd2d9bff158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11041570.463402] exe[290798] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560e19e3c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f88735198e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8873519e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11041570.515481] exe[316521] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560e19e3c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f88734f88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f88734f8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11041570.559039] exe[290578] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560e19e3c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f88735198e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8873519e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11041570.579521] exe[321372] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564fd071d4e6 cs:33 sp:7f232ef1d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f232ef1de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11041570.636598] exe[290523] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564fd071d4e6 cs:33 sp:7f232ef1d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f232ef1de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11041570.690636] exe[290611] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564fd071d4e6 cs:33 sp:7f232ef1d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f232ef1de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11041570.758882] exe[321061] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564fd071d4e6 cs:33 sp:7f232ef1d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f232ef1de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11041570.807796] exe[321372] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564fd071d4e6 cs:33 sp:7f232ef1d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f232ef1de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11041570.855471] exe[293114] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564fd071d4e6 cs:33 sp:7f232ef1d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f232ef1de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11041570.904027] exe[290525] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:564fd071d4e6 cs:33 sp:7f232ef1d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f232ef1de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11041626.311413] exe[328169] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11041626.601273] exe[330628] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11041626.685508] exe[330628] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11041626.945418] exe[330660] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11042244.446035] exe[339679] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5651efbd9c2f cs:33 sp:7f01384f0158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [11042244.689099] exe[339919] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5651efbd9c2f cs:33 sp:7f01384f0158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [11042244.858245] exe[303944] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5651efbd9c2f cs:33 sp:7f01384f0158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [11042294.026662] umip: exe[351761] ip:20000080 sp:7ff757352bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11042294.171897] umip: exe[351761] ip:20000080 sp:7ff757331bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11042295.150663] umip: exe[351763] ip:20000080 sp:7ff757331c78: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11042707.983994] umip: exe[346151] ip:20000080 sp:7f3411884bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11042708.863467] umip: exe[346285] ip:20000080 sp:7f3411884bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11042709.119059] umip: exe[346837] ip:20000080 sp:7f3411884bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11043087.000013] exe[300547] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b0682e84e6 cs:33 sp:7f90b96608e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f90b9660e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11043087.153347] exe[296181] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b0682e84e6 cs:33 sp:7f90b96608e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f90b9660e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11043087.913927] exe[300563] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b0682e84e6 cs:33 sp:7f90b96608e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f90b9660e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11043087.942311] exe[300563] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b0682e84e6 cs:33 sp:7f90b96608e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f90b9660e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11043087.971411] exe[295001] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b0682e84e6 cs:33 sp:7f90b96608e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f90b9660e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11043088.001452] exe[295001] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b0682e84e6 cs:33 sp:7f90b96608e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f90b9660e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11043088.031762] exe[299918] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b0682e84e6 cs:33 sp:7f90b96608e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f90b9660e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11043088.059913] exe[299918] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b0682e84e6 cs:33 sp:7f90b96608e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f90b9660e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11043088.090724] exe[299918] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b0682e84e6 cs:33 sp:7f90b96608e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f90b9660e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11043088.118505] exe[299918] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55b0682e84e6 cs:33 sp:7f90b96608e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f90b9660e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11043278.082930] warn_bad_vsyscall: 25 callbacks suppressed [11043278.082933] exe[311893] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5654e54774e6 cs:33 sp:7fec0b6248e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fec0b624e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11043278.750689] exe[313046] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5654e54774e6 cs:33 sp:7fec0b1dd8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fec0b1dde08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11043278.869581] exe[312988] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5654e54774e6 cs:33 sp:7fec0b1dd8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fec0b1dde08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11043504.709056] exe[367349] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55eb361224e6 cs:33 sp:7f07665368e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0766536e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11043505.365810] exe[367329] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55eb361224e6 cs:33 sp:7f07665368e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0766536e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11043505.479565] exe[330274] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55eb361224e6 cs:33 sp:7f07665368e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0766536e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11043505.505623] exe[338073] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55eb361224e6 cs:33 sp:7f07664f48e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f07664f4e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11043842.427144] umip: exe[346041] ip:20000080 sp:7f3411884bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11043842.707218] umip: exe[346548] ip:20000080 sp:7f3411884bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11043842.743449] umip: exe[346041] ip:20000080 sp:7f3411884bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11043842.949226] umip: exe[346645] ip:20000080 sp:7f3411884bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11043842.989154] umip: exe[346593] ip:20000080 sp:7f3411884bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11044204.691751] exe[304687] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d9569c34e6 cs:33 sp:7f5a2df5a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f5a2df5ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11044204.835731] exe[333266] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d9569c34e6 cs:33 sp:7f5a2df5a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f5a2df5ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11044204.871594] exe[342778] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d9569c34e6 cs:33 sp:7f5a2df5a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f5a2df5ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11044204.997792] exe[329309] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d9569c34e6 cs:33 sp:7f5a2df5a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f5a2df5ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11044868.514990] exe[402027] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559e4b1e44e6 cs:33 sp:7f69c5ad18e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f69c5ad1e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11044868.585326] exe[383763] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559e4b1e44e6 cs:33 sp:7f69c5ad18e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f69c5ad1e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11044868.643225] exe[384880] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559e4b1e44e6 cs:33 sp:7f69c5ad18e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f69c5ad1e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11044912.929971] umip: exe[411366] ip:20000080 sp:7fa7ef366bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11044913.071050] umip: exe[411252] ip:20000080 sp:7fa7ef366bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11044913.218158] umip: exe[406267] ip:20000080 sp:7fa7ef366bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11045551.925526] exe[383891] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555731796c2f cs:33 sp:7f11383ff158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11045552.026959] exe[396983] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555731796c2f cs:33 sp:7f11383ff158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11045552.116423] exe[410747] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555731796c2f cs:33 sp:7f11383ff158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11046069.652882] exe[409187] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55778ab244e6 cs:33 sp:7f7def1fa8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7def1fae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11046069.816132] exe[412883] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55778ab244e6 cs:33 sp:7f7def1fa8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7def1fae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11046069.860344] exe[409879] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55778ab244e6 cs:33 sp:7f7def1d98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7def1d9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11046070.013029] exe[408847] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55778ab244e6 cs:33 sp:7f7def1d98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7def1d9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11046070.034334] exe[408847] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55778ab244e6 cs:33 sp:7f7def1d98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7def1d9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11046070.055622] exe[408847] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55778ab244e6 cs:33 sp:7f7def1d98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7def1d9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11046070.081551] exe[409390] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55778ab244e6 cs:33 sp:7f7def1d98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7def1d9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11046070.106914] exe[409390] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55778ab244e6 cs:33 sp:7f7def1d98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7def1d9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11046070.129214] exe[409390] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55778ab244e6 cs:33 sp:7f7def1d98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7def1d9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11046070.151382] exe[409390] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55778ab244e6 cs:33 sp:7f7def1d98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7def1d9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11046100.034111] warn_bad_vsyscall: 58 callbacks suppressed [11046100.034114] exe[408954] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11046100.161726] exe[412883] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11046100.313251] exe[409282] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11046100.390697] exe[408744] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11046100.542044] exe[409366] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11046100.658048] exe[412883] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11046100.756782] exe[409814] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11046100.907228] exe[409282] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11046436.110746] exe[378091] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11046436.744936] exe[360789] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11046437.188356] exe[358880] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11046437.346900] exe[434102] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11046669.341470] exe[392675] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561dab08b387 cs:33 sp:7f7ac96df0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11046702.652007] exe[419861] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563392e1c387 cs:33 sp:7f71a46c80f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11046713.406792] exe[390790] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a5cb4c9387 cs:33 sp:7f00c72e90f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11046722.557880] exe[419268] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557d62846387 cs:33 sp:7fdb509370f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11046748.150090] exe[436396] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559cb05a3387 cs:33 sp:7fd0b13a20f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11046789.004701] umip: exe[412729] ip:20000080 sp:7fef0d7febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11046789.185557] umip: exe[406706] ip:20000080 sp:7fef0d7febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11046789.417601] umip: exe[433624] ip:20000080 sp:7fef0d7febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11046800.366726] exe[439603] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56330c20b387 cs:33 sp:7fd6703c50f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11046831.637238] exe[432612] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557eedd80387 cs:33 sp:7fe90d4710f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11047252.841422] exe[415117] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563da2241387 cs:33 sp:7f18ce3ea0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11047287.534241] exe[423560] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562816f29387 cs:33 sp:7f785fb0d0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11047420.616683] umip: exe[402484] ip:20000080 sp:7f18a972cbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11047420.811666] umip: exe[414743] ip:20000080 sp:7f18a972cbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11047420.921580] umip: exe[414797] ip:20000080 sp:7f18a972cbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11047483.758953] exe[327842] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56530df36387 cs:33 sp:7fc8ed77b0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11047634.676624] umip: exe[427944] ip:20000080 sp:7f785fb0cbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11047634.942037] umip: exe[418721] ip:20000080 sp:7f785fb0cbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11047635.794189] umip: exe[423402] ip:20000080 sp:7f785fb0cbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11047710.241239] exe[410998] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55778ab350e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:20000 [11047710.378530] exe[408466] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55778ab350e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:20000 [11047710.451637] exe[445886] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55778ab350e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:20000 [11047711.212272] exe[408120] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55778ab350e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:20000 [11047777.621044] exe[448264] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:565218c3b387 cs:33 sp:7fcabe35d0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11047901.059058] exe[408452] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047901.198649] exe[409269] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047901.306489] exe[448589] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047901.345045] exe[408441] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047901.509510] exe[408664] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047901.715562] exe[409975] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa29098e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa2909e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047901.871999] exe[408452] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa29098e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa2909e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047902.620801] exe[409876] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047902.823786] exe[409394] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047903.482690] exe[410041] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047906.175884] warn_bad_vsyscall: 15 callbacks suppressed [11047906.175887] exe[409032] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047906.330938] exe[409792] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047906.362943] exe[448589] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa28e88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa28e8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047906.523244] exe[409031] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047906.560811] exe[409015] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa28c78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa28c7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047908.198549] exe[409156] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047908.483123] exe[408448] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047908.826831] exe[409394] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047909.369027] exe[408843] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047909.586189] exe[408843] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047911.261551] warn_bad_vsyscall: 6 callbacks suppressed [11047911.261555] exe[409709] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047911.346625] exe[409307] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047911.504042] exe[408895] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047911.593758] exe[408847] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa29098e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa2909e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047911.697140] exe[411158] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047911.794257] exe[409779] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa29098e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa2909e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047911.889235] exe[409238] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047911.998627] exe[408843] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047912.220955] exe[408636] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047912.403919] exe[446407] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047916.801011] warn_bad_vsyscall: 36 callbacks suppressed [11047916.801015] exe[412879] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047917.770340] exe[408735] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa29098e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa2909e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047918.669283] exe[409975] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047918.786079] exe[408762] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047918.817313] exe[409238] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047918.970114] exe[408843] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047919.133137] exe[446407] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047919.308636] exe[408581] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047919.551169] exe[409363] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047919.726101] exe[409015] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047921.905826] warn_bad_vsyscall: 49 callbacks suppressed [11047921.905830] exe[408636] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047921.995867] exe[409031] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047922.031117] exe[411158] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa28c78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa28c7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047922.185244] exe[409279] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa29098e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa2909e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047923.351758] exe[409829] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047923.499344] exe[409829] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047923.524620] exe[408441] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047923.546215] exe[408441] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047923.566637] exe[408441] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047923.588334] exe[408441] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047927.425371] warn_bad_vsyscall: 140 callbacks suppressed [11047927.425374] exe[446198] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047927.556724] exe[408675] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047928.310050] exe[409518] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047928.385999] exe[408539] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047928.504189] exe[408847] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047928.551616] exe[409805] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047928.671707] exe[409518] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047928.762420] exe[445886] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047928.877837] exe[409238] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa29098e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa2909e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047928.986050] exe[410035] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa29098e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa2909e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047932.493248] warn_bad_vsyscall: 98 callbacks suppressed [11047932.493251] exe[409897] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047932.649101] exe[408642] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047932.686937] exe[446198] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047932.822750] exe[430999] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047932.869443] exe[409814] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047933.034060] exe[445871] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047933.210649] exe[408539] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047933.390708] exe[408847] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047933.554246] exe[412879] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047933.700008] exe[409269] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047937.523444] warn_bad_vsyscall: 24 callbacks suppressed [11047937.523447] exe[413466] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047937.729977] exe[409845] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047938.439161] exe[449943] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047938.726016] exe[409332] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047938.813748] exe[410287] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047938.884543] exe[409685] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047939.085135] exe[409210] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047939.984393] exe[409252] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047940.274999] exe[409870] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa29098e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa2909e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047940.351296] exe[409685] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047942.686386] warn_bad_vsyscall: 51 callbacks suppressed [11047942.686390] exe[409845] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047942.871944] exe[409887] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047942.992981] exe[409887] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047943.022976] exe[409887] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa29098e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa2909e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047943.188947] exe[409738] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047943.300399] exe[410042] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047943.597982] exe[409187] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047943.986066] exe[409491] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047944.160979] exe[406984] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa29098e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa2909e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047944.183252] exe[406984] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa29098e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa2909e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047947.707938] warn_bad_vsyscall: 156 callbacks suppressed [11047947.707941] exe[407040] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047947.968693] exe[408471] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa29098e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa2909e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047948.092566] exe[409390] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047948.131474] exe[409831] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa28648e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa2864e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047948.307874] exe[408431] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047948.419239] exe[409187] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa29098e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa2909e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047948.559571] exe[409831] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047948.596365] exe[413466] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa29098e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa2909e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047948.681946] exe[409879] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11047948.831317] exe[408753] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5608bcb904e6 cs:33 sp:7fbaa292a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbaa292ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11048576.569832] warn_bad_vsyscall: 98 callbacks suppressed [11048576.569835] exe[483582] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d4e0c9a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f743cce58e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f743cce5e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11048576.667097] exe[483300] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d4e0c9a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f743cce58e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f743cce5e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11048576.689834] exe[483300] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d4e0c9a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f743cce58e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f743cce5e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11048576.798884] exe[483827] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d4e0c9a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f743ccc48e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f743ccc4e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11048576.825052] exe[483827] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d4e0c9a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f743ccc48e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f743ccc4e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11048576.847990] exe[483827] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d4e0c9a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f743ccc48e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f743ccc4e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11048576.872157] exe[483827] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d4e0c9a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f743ccc48e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f743ccc4e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11048576.896747] exe[483827] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d4e0c9a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f743ccc48e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f743ccc4e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11048576.919546] exe[483827] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d4e0c9a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f743ccc48e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f743ccc4e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11048576.945729] exe[483827] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d4e0c9a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f743ccc48e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f743ccc4e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11048602.131897] warn_bad_vsyscall: 26 callbacks suppressed [11048602.131900] exe[483445] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555668da74e6 cs:33 sp:7fecab7768e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fecab776e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11048602.241914] exe[483635] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555668da74e6 cs:33 sp:7fecab7768e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fecab776e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11048602.334503] exe[471041] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555668da74e6 cs:33 sp:7fecab7768e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fecab776e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11048602.436186] exe[483635] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555668da74e6 cs:33 sp:7fecab7768e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fecab776e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11048602.524895] exe[483864] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555668da74e6 cs:33 sp:7fecab7768e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fecab776e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11048602.583105] exe[483525] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555668da74e6 cs:33 sp:7fecab7768e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fecab776e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11048667.503701] exe[483824] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11048667.608628] exe[469181] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11048667.697976] exe[483663] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11048667.725274] exe[483663] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11048967.703453] exe[496328] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560867078387 cs:33 sp:7fe98fd7d0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11049699.778793] exe[500079] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049699.909286] exe[483862] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049700.032656] exe[500094] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049718.967476] exe[500077] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555668da74e6 cs:33 sp:7fecab7768e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fecab776e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049719.755383] exe[469540] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555668da74e6 cs:33 sp:7fecab7768e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fecab776e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049719.848698] exe[499836] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555668da74e6 cs:33 sp:7fecab7768e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fecab776e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049720.624849] exe[483640] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555668da74e6 cs:33 sp:7fecab7768e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fecab776e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049720.753593] exe[470356] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555668da74e6 cs:33 sp:7fecab7768e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fecab776e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049720.834893] exe[469181] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555668da74e6 cs:33 sp:7fecab7768e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fecab776e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049720.931518] exe[474705] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555668da74e6 cs:33 sp:7fecab7768e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fecab776e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049721.018740] exe[499980] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555668da74e6 cs:33 sp:7fecab7768e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fecab776e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049721.126980] exe[483325] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555668da74e6 cs:33 sp:7fecab7768e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fecab776e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049721.209306] exe[483481] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555668da74e6 cs:33 sp:7fecab7768e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fecab776e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049737.164742] warn_bad_vsyscall: 4 callbacks suppressed [11049737.164745] exe[521889] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049737.244856] exe[507365] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049737.524250] exe[474724] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049737.605884] exe[457311] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049737.689643] exe[503773] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049737.724714] exe[474757] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049737.804396] exe[471156] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049738.165029] exe[501911] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049738.230006] exe[457311] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049738.305951] exe[474724] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049742.661299] warn_bad_vsyscall: 26 callbacks suppressed [11049742.661302] exe[497700] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049742.888474] exe[497700] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049742.924617] exe[483586] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f0e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f0ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049743.077855] exe[483383] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049744.211859] exe[483819] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049744.305903] exe[483478] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049744.332036] exe[500078] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049744.826534] exe[474724] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049745.409568] exe[495638] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049745.696486] exe[457585] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049747.673150] warn_bad_vsyscall: 26 callbacks suppressed [11049747.673153] exe[471158] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049747.776407] exe[472134] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049747.870592] exe[470796] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049747.893744] exe[470221] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049747.992094] exe[470783] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049748.097929] exe[457650] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049748.193531] exe[471174] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049748.225992] exe[529837] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f508e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f50e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049748.303147] exe[472761] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049748.396777] exe[474724] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049752.758561] warn_bad_vsyscall: 30 callbacks suppressed [11049752.758564] exe[469185] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049752.840204] exe[502145] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049752.864846] exe[472136] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049753.652896] exe[487410] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049753.751129] exe[483451] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049753.842671] exe[483821] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049754.309604] exe[471119] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049754.421564] exe[503773] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049754.601635] exe[483528] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049756.494452] exe[472155] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049758.112272] warn_bad_vsyscall: 6 callbacks suppressed [11049758.112275] exe[483478] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049758.223587] exe[500065] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049758.348410] exe[507409] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049758.381518] exe[500103] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049758.981048] exe[483493] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f2f8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f2fe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049759.103650] exe[501962] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049759.884406] exe[459855] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049759.979669] exe[471169] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049760.053755] exe[469181] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049760.187436] exe[501919] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049763.122777] warn_bad_vsyscall: 58 callbacks suppressed [11049763.122780] exe[460329] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049763.288601] exe[507419] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049763.423929] exe[457501] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049763.588800] exe[470841] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049764.219512] exe[472640] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049764.267077] exe[471174] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049764.567870] exe[457339] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049764.599564] exe[496040] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049764.694053] exe[483358] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049764.752947] exe[500068] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049768.170808] warn_bad_vsyscall: 24 callbacks suppressed [11049768.170811] exe[474757] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049768.201748] exe[474757] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049768.345598] exe[471041] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049768.484437] exe[487407] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049768.664460] exe[488536] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049768.721747] exe[484127] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049768.781840] exe[501903] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049769.004938] exe[499937] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049769.190480] exe[529837] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049769.351612] exe[469243] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049774.837926] warn_bad_vsyscall: 100 callbacks suppressed [11049774.837930] exe[471503] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049774.943853] exe[457339] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049775.089035] exe[499836] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049775.111227] exe[483478] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049775.201475] exe[501921] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049775.311988] exe[500077] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f508e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f50e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049775.408826] exe[500079] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049775.501898] exe[469543] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049775.598403] exe[500050] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049775.627285] exe[499978] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049779.842860] warn_bad_vsyscall: 83 callbacks suppressed [11049779.842864] exe[529837] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049779.870386] exe[529837] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049779.893562] exe[529837] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049779.916237] exe[529837] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049779.938779] exe[529837] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049779.960295] exe[529837] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049779.982890] exe[529837] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049780.003520] exe[529837] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049780.026761] exe[529837] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049780.048275] exe[529837] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049985.172951] warn_bad_vsyscall: 126 callbacks suppressed [11049985.172955] exe[531819] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562269f6c4e6 cs:33 sp:7efffe03b8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7efffe03be08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049985.251509] exe[531815] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562269f6c4e6 cs:33 sp:7efffe03b8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7efffe03be08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049985.315771] exe[527048] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562269f6c4e6 cs:33 sp:7efffe03b8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7efffe03be08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11049985.361808] exe[526375] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562269f6c4e6 cs:33 sp:7efffe03b8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7efffe03be08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11050199.764920] exe[553353] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560362ec14e6 cs:33 sp:7fdd721fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fdd721fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11050199.930887] exe[521580] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560362ec14e6 cs:33 sp:7fdd721fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fdd721fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11050199.941039] exe[543297] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55679be654e6 cs:33 sp:7fbd627538e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbd62753e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11050200.018398] exe[525858] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560362ec14e6 cs:33 sp:7fdd721fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fdd721fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11050200.030551] exe[529039] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55679be654e6 cs:33 sp:7fbd627538e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbd62753e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11050200.044408] exe[554367] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e85851c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f5397cd98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f5397cd9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11050200.111502] exe[521260] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560362ec14e6 cs:33 sp:7fdd721fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fdd721fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11050200.114707] exe[543327] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e47128f4e6 cs:33 sp:7f20c7f648e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f20c7f64e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11050200.148759] exe[554356] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55679be654e6 cs:33 sp:7fbd627538e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fbd62753e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11050200.157270] exe[528728] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e85851c4e6 cs:33 sp:7f5397cd98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f5397cd9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11050508.492037] warn_bad_vsyscall: 3 callbacks suppressed [11050508.492040] exe[560305] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5564f7e6e4e6 cs:33 sp:7feeddb7d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7feeddb7de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11050508.575166] exe[584831] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5564f7e6e4e6 cs:33 sp:7feeddb7d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7feeddb7de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11050508.633272] exe[574202] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5564f7e6e4e6 cs:33 sp:7feeddb7d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7feeddb7de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11050508.684872] exe[582149] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5564f7e6e4e6 cs:33 sp:7feeddb7d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7feeddb7de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11050790.423380] umip: exe[604710] ip:20000080 sp:7f59591bebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11050790.516894] umip: exe[604143] ip:20000080 sp:7f59591bebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11050790.612972] umip: exe[604705] ip:20000080 sp:7f59591bebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11050790.709803] umip: exe[594638] ip:20000080 sp:7f59591bebb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11050827.001906] exe[470847] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11050827.107326] exe[457629] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11050827.177093] exe[483464] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558801bb44e6 cs:33 sp:7fedb7f718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fedb7f71e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11051104.421716] umip: exe[621355] ip:20000080 sp:7f11b38e4bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11051653.355067] umip: exe[648036] ip:20000080 sp:7f4d3744fbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11051653.446822] umip: exe[667182] ip:20000080 sp:7f4d3744fbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11051653.539441] umip: exe[667182] ip:20000080 sp:7f4d3744fbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11051653.634388] umip: exe[669485] ip:20000080 sp:7f4d3744fbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11051747.224188] exe[665434] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11051747.510434] exe[665434] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11051747.752470] exe[667177] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11051747.988012] exe[667214] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11052051.103707] umip: exe[680205] ip:20000080 sp:7fc987071bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11052051.223825] umip: exe[680201] ip:20000080 sp:7fc987071bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11052051.326698] umip: exe[680201] ip:20000080 sp:7fc987071bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11052051.423952] umip: exe[680019] ip:20000080 sp:7fc987071bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11052238.705694] exe[684504] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11052238.974886] exe[684507] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11052239.225562] exe[684507] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11052239.462864] exe[684506] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11052239.783868] exe[684507] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11052240.043578] exe[684335] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11052240.285566] exe[684506] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11052338.850567] exe[670721] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11052339.161000] exe[672311] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11052339.448999] exe[680181] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11052339.770176] exe[675494] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11052340.094322] exe[683878] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11052340.417175] exe[683878] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11052340.686680] exe[675563] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11052384.045306] exe[687350] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555df56614e6 cs:33 sp:7fd0821ce8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd0821cee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11052384.105654] exe[687747] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555df56614e6 cs:33 sp:7fd0821ce8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd0821cee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11052384.217582] exe[650862] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555df56614e6 cs:33 sp:7fd0821ce8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd0821cee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11052384.326764] exe[687746] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555df56614e6 cs:33 sp:7fd0821ce8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fd0821cee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11052536.431406] exe[652915] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562aa0b6a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f9182d5e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f9182d5ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11052536.523563] exe[651260] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562aa0b6a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f9182d5e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f9182d5ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11052536.615537] exe[674448] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562aa0b6a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f9182d5e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f9182d5ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11052536.681090] exe[674448] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:562aa0b6a4e6 cs:33 sp:7f9182d5e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f9182d5ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11052983.783247] exe[677793] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5652e7ce84e6 cs:33 sp:7f0d293448e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0d29344e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11052983.912455] exe[685226] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5652e7ce84e6 cs:33 sp:7f0d293448e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0d29344e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11052984.045587] exe[697205] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5652e7ce84e6 cs:33 sp:7f0d293448e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0d29344e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11052984.079872] exe[685174] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c6f4b0d4e6 cs:33 sp:7f8b7599a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8b7599ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11052984.152926] exe[697904] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5652e7ce84e6 cs:33 sp:7f0d293448e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0d29344e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11052984.164149] exe[677701] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ee2fc814e6 cs:33 sp:7fdaf74288e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fdaf7428e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11052984.215781] exe[697343] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c6f4b0d4e6 cs:33 sp:7f8b7599a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8b7599ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11052984.316410] exe[697351] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ee2fc814e6 cs:33 sp:7fdaf74288e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fdaf7428e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11052984.352895] exe[697354] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55c6f4b0d4e6 cs:33 sp:7f8b7599a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8b7599ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11052984.464391] exe[697254] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ee2fc814e6 cs:33 sp:7fdaf74288e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fdaf7428e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11053077.045571] exe[688539] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557af693e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f7076c5e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7076c5ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11053077.103341] exe[688862] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557af693e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f7076c5e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7076c5ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11053077.204741] exe[688529] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557af693e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f7076c5e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7076c5ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11053077.278129] exe[696362] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557af693e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f7076c5e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7076c5ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11053192.238305] exe[691120] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [11053192.506889] exe[701934] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [11053192.810441] exe[702230] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [11053193.091461] exe[688546] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [11053218.475793] exe[652119] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556b3e2a64e6 cs:33 sp:7f0ca4db38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0ca4db3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11053218.586151] exe[700285] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556b3e2a64e6 cs:33 sp:7f0ca4db38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0ca4db3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11053218.669441] exe[699280] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556b3e2a64e6 cs:33 sp:7f0ca4db38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0ca4db3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11053218.817437] exe[652042] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556b3e2a64e6 cs:33 sp:7f0ca4db38e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f0ca4db3e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11053621.061646] exe[710218] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5614952e84e6 cs:33 sp:7efd94e378e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7efd94e37e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11053723.709683] exe[699514] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e9405dc387 cs:33 sp:7f756b8680f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:e2b [11053723.812614] exe[701228] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e9405dc387 cs:33 sp:7f756b8470f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:e2b [11053723.929765] exe[701455] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e9405dc387 cs:33 sp:7f756b8260f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:e2b [11053801.267759] exe[699029] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:558f255bd4e6 cs:33 sp:7f044dc798e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f044dc79e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11054067.781038] exe[716723] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:42061000 [11054068.133228] exe[716712] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:42061000 [11054068.458532] exe[716829] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:42061000 [11054068.814214] exe[716721] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:42061000 [11054429.528238] exe[721968] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55cde26c24e6 cs:33 sp:7f02e9ced8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f02e9cede08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11054429.758777] exe[718218] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55cde26c24e6 cs:33 sp:7f02e9ced8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f02e9cede08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11054429.915891] exe[718134] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55cde26c24e6 cs:33 sp:7f02e9ced8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f02e9cede08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11054430.168931] exe[721679] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55cde26c24e6 cs:33 sp:7f02e9ced8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f02e9cede08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11054463.163864] umip: exe[708648] ip:20000080 sp:7f0e429febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11054463.309799] umip: exe[708648] ip:20000080 sp:7f0e429febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11054463.429038] umip: exe[708740] ip:20000080 sp:7f0e429fec78: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11054616.933805] exe[717925] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ce517dc4e6 cs:33 sp:7f30b64428e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f30b6442e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11054793.296851] exe[733988] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11054941.283968] exe[736346] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [11054965.340414] exe[736562] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11054973.344564] exe[737917] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:42061000 [11054995.189266] exe[745053] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555a43b404e6 cs:33 sp:7fcc1c2cb8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fcc1c2cbe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11055048.034809] exe[750941] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ab4df224e6 cs:33 sp:7fba867a78e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fba867a7e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11055174.887974] exe[756410] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d8c1f9e4e6 cs:33 sp:7fa1491fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fa1491fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11055625.046127] exe[793326] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11055668.810998] exe[779257] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5602795d94e6 cs:33 sp:7f3f2bc9f8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f3f2bc9fe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11055885.086494] exe[803134] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56355e9af4e6 cs:33 sp:7fc01d5198e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fc01d519e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11056100.200924] umip: exe[820294] ip:20000080 sp:7f1dd43febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11056101.014366] umip: exe[820094] ip:20000080 sp:7f1dd43febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11056102.030927] umip: exe[820252] ip:20000080 sp:7f1dd43febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11058136.989821] exe[753195] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f669dca387 cs:33 sp:7fd4419da0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:5dab [11058137.123323] exe[813237] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f669dca387 cs:33 sp:7fd4419da0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:5dab [11058137.732503] exe[913923] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f669dca387 cs:33 sp:7fd4419b90f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:5dab [11058234.303342] umip: exe[877343] ip:20000080 sp:7f35b133bbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11058234.477410] umip: exe[877343] ip:20000080 sp:7f35b133bbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11058234.675386] umip: exe[878195] ip:20000080 sp:7f35b133bbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11059959.099196] umip: exe[10772] ip:20000080 sp:7fbe54e23bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11059959.929554] umip: exe[9444] ip:20000080 sp:7fbe54e23bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11059960.843278] umip: exe[11107] ip:20000080 sp:7fbe54e23bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11060594.273782] umip: exe[31268] ip:20000080 sp:7fbe54e23bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11060595.133531] umip: exe[16210] ip:20000080 sp:7fbe54e23bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11060595.987961] umip: exe[16445] ip:20000080 sp:7fbe54e23bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11060919.111325] umip: exe[58026] ip:20000080 sp:7f6fc8cc9bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11060919.903425] umip: exe[58026] ip:20000080 sp:7f6fc8cc9bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11061577.896898] umip: exe[74338] ip:20000080 sp:7fe80f8a9bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11061578.041448] umip: exe[69059] ip:20000080 sp:7fe80f8a9bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11061578.998694] umip: exe[66905] ip:20000080 sp:7fe80f8a9bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11062105.463181] umip: exe[90182] ip:20000080 sp:7fe80f8a9bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11062106.371103] umip: exe[90361] ip:20000080 sp:7fe80f8a9bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11062106.383582] umip: exe[90361] ip:20000080 sp:7fe80f8a9bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11062106.582109] umip: exe[90482] ip:20000080 sp:7fe80f8a9bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11062235.293630] umip: exe[90153] ip:20000080 sp:7fe80f8a9bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11062235.474239] umip: exe[94055] ip:20000080 sp:7fe80f8a9bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11062235.488791] umip: exe[90238] ip:20000080 sp:7fe80f8a9bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11062235.770476] umip: exe[90333] ip:20000080 sp:7fe80f8a9bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11062768.977173] umip: exe[89948] ip:20000080 sp:7fe80f8a9bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11062769.263157] umip: exe[90072] ip:20000080 sp:7fe80f8a9bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11063297.827411] umip: exe[141296] ip:20000080 sp:7fe35da9bbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11063297.906889] umip: exe[141129] ip:20000080 sp:7fe35da9bc78: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11063298.010699] umip: exe[141129] ip:20000080 sp:7fe35da9bbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11063721.283473] umip: exe[139304] ip:200000c0 sp:7f83e24f4bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11063722.087165] umip: exe[155249] ip:200000c0 sp:7f83e24f4bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11063722.943484] umip: exe[139303] ip:200000c0 sp:7f83e24f4bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11063880.127375] umip: exe[137182] ip:20000080 sp:7f83e24f4bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11063880.201931] umip: exe[165435] ip:20000080 sp:7f83e24f4c78: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11063880.272418] umip: exe[162296] ip:20000080 sp:7f83e24f4bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11064845.524422] umip: exe[214600] ip:20000080 sp:7f32c9bf0bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11064845.636829] umip: exe[213733] ip:20000080 sp:7f32c9bcfbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11064845.761739] umip: exe[211264] ip:20000080 sp:7f32c9bf0bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11067041.452188] exe[304907] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a373250387 cs:33 sp:7f98b89530f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11067106.382039] exe[233897] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557e0da84387 cs:33 sp:7f6b85c740f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11067114.319335] exe[264440] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5589a8c3b387 cs:33 sp:7f22f83510f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11067353.232607] exe[253034] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5638f2eb9387 cs:33 sp:7f482a8a20f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11067481.024391] exe[325624] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555e407e2387 cs:33 sp:7f719406f0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11067836.214163] exe[320028] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55581c00a387 cs:33 sp:7fe5303b50f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11068367.083578] exe[321103] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11068367.666728] exe[320080] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11068367.818829] exe[320760] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11068368.419728] exe[321438] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11068570.949130] exe[363500] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559958dc6387 cs:33 sp:7f64833830f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11068655.976643] exe[321221] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11068656.614112] exe[319668] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11068657.280444] exe[320468] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11068659.685484] exe[369649] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5586df509387 cs:33 sp:7f6ac895d0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11068829.839479] exe[374755] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5604ca2264e6 cs:33 sp:7f495edb98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f495edb9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11068830.124860] exe[374806] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5604ca2264e6 cs:33 sp:7f495edb98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f495edb9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11068831.401457] exe[374814] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5604ca2264e6 cs:33 sp:7f495edb98e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f495edb9e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11068859.057147] umip: exe[357238] ip:20000080 sp:7f92ab39cbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11068859.361132] umip: exe[377136] ip:20000080 sp:7f92ab39cc78: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11068859.559787] umip: exe[377023] ip:20000080 sp:7f92ab39cbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11069897.535279] exe[400057] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e8a02d10e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:820200 [11069897.696916] exe[389527] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e8a02d10e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:820200 [11069897.857986] exe[400187] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55e8a02d10e1 cs:33 sp:ffffffffff600000 ax:0 si:ffffffffff600000 di:820200 [11069939.610900] umip: exe[356470] ip:20000080 sp:7f9ddd8febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11069939.716404] umip: exe[356448] ip:20000080 sp:7f9ddd8ddc78: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11070069.959686] umip: exe[348136] ip:20000080 sp:7f9ddd8febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11070070.836267] umip: exe[348936] ip:20000080 sp:7f9ddd8febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11070071.798712] umip: exe[345783] ip:20000080 sp:7f9ddd8febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11070553.039722] umip: exe[369490] ip:20000080 sp:7f7717156bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11070554.363994] umip: exe[369490] ip:20000080 sp:7f7717156bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11071033.130406] umip: exe[451016] ip:20000080 sp:7f7717156bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11072429.859027] umip: exe[473672] ip:20000080 sp:7fa1eb65fbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11072430.330372] umip: exe[452452] ip:20000080 sp:7fa1eb65fbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11072431.562141] umip: exe[452452] ip:20000080 sp:7fa1eb65fbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11072443.065708] umip: exe[477694] ip:20000080 sp:7f01e9353bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11072443.937637] umip: exe[508973] ip:20000080 sp:7f01e9353bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11074225.293444] umip_printk: 1 callbacks suppressed [11074225.293447] umip: exe[481342] ip:20000180 sp:7fa199d06bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11074225.437716] umip: exe[599515] ip:20000180 sp:7fa199d06bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11074226.329722] umip: exe[586897] ip:20000180 sp:7fa199d06bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11074269.238049] umip: exe[601345] ip:20000080 sp:7f55165febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11074269.364157] umip: exe[601345] ip:20000080 sp:7f55165fec78: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11074410.184938] umip_printk: 1 callbacks suppressed [11074410.184941] umip: exe[610244] ip:20000080 sp:7f55165febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11074410.342378] umip: exe[610386] ip:20000080 sp:7f55165febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11074410.498002] umip: exe[585310] ip:20000080 sp:7f55165ddbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11074989.244161] exe[612942] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559f90cf14e6 cs:33 sp:7f03d933b8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f03d933be08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11074989.363710] exe[510792] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559f90cf14e6 cs:33 sp:7f03d933b8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f03d933be08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11074990.172034] exe[612918] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559f90cf14e6 cs:33 sp:7f03d92d88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f03d92d8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11074990.202585] exe[612919] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559f90cf14e6 cs:33 sp:7f03d92d88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f03d92d8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11074990.224764] exe[612919] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559f90cf14e6 cs:33 sp:7f03d92d88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f03d92d8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11074990.248565] exe[612965] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559f90cf14e6 cs:33 sp:7f03d92d88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f03d92d8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11074990.278520] exe[612965] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559f90cf14e6 cs:33 sp:7f03d92d88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f03d92d8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11074990.305599] exe[612965] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559f90cf14e6 cs:33 sp:7f03d92d88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f03d92d8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11074990.333170] exe[612965] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559f90cf14e6 cs:33 sp:7f03d92d88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f03d92d8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11074990.362998] exe[538350] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559f90cf14e6 cs:33 sp:7f03d92d88e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f03d92d8e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11075299.640216] warn_bad_vsyscall: 25 callbacks suppressed [11075299.640221] exe[543094] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561974bc2378 cs:33 sp:7f2f6ddb5f90 ax:7f2f6ddb6020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:561974c8c257 [11075299.728221] exe[527035] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561974bc2378 cs:33 sp:7f2f6dd73f90 ax:7f2f6dd74020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:561974c8c257 [11075299.799706] exe[527747] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561974bc2378 cs:33 sp:7f2f6ddb5f90 ax:7f2f6ddb6020 si:ffffffffff600000 di:561974c8c257 [11077310.794061] umip: exe[725966] ip:20000080 sp:7f58fb252bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11077310.932138] umip: exe[726176] ip:20000080 sp:7f58fb252bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11077311.092181] umip: exe[725966] ip:20000080 sp:7f58fb252bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11078202.780269] umip: exe[725838] ip:20000080 sp:7f58fb252bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11078202.982218] umip: exe[725941] ip:20000080 sp:7f58fb252bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11078203.876362] umip: exe[648377] ip:20000080 sp:7f58fb252bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11078991.548258] umip: exe[814757] ip:20000080 sp:7fa333ee3bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11078991.669356] umip: exe[814612] ip:20000080 sp:7fa333ee3bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11078991.724329] umip: exe[814757] ip:20000080 sp:7fa333ee3bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11079016.971800] exe[802874] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55cc786584e6 cs:33 sp:7feb16a3a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7feb16a3ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11079017.049024] exe[806526] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55cc786584e6 cs:33 sp:7feb16a3a8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7feb16a3ae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11079017.132422] exe[806535] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55cc786584e6 cs:33 sp:7feb165fe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7feb165fee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11079129.219202] exe[821709] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f3009be4e6 cs:33 sp:7fc6bbdfe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fc6bbdfee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11079129.328386] exe[795556] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f3009be4e6 cs:33 sp:7fc6bbdfe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fc6bbdfee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11079129.413531] exe[797283] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55f3009be4e6 cs:33 sp:7fc6bbdfe8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fc6bbdfee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11079277.779533] umip: exe[827117] ip:20000080 sp:7fa333ee3bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11079277.890953] umip: exe[825494] ip:20000080 sp:7fa333ee3bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11079277.999801] umip: exe[827117] ip:20000080 sp:7fa333ee3bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11079578.348262] exe[793568] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ac56166387 cs:33 sp:7f293d4730f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:1669 [11079578.411701] exe[793699] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ac56166387 cs:33 sp:7f293d4730f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:1669 [11079578.437572] exe[794543] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ac56166387 cs:33 sp:7f293d4730f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:1669 [11079578.491957] exe[794541] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ac56166387 cs:33 sp:7f293d4730f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:1669 [11079578.516992] exe[793676] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55ac56166387 cs:33 sp:7f293d4310f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:1669 [11079755.482152] umip: exe[770725] ip:20000080 sp:7f92c6727bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11079755.628128] umip: exe[846199] ip:20000080 sp:7f92c6727bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11079755.763447] umip: exe[846372] ip:20000080 sp:7f92c6727bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11079866.075195] umip: exe[770237] ip:20000080 sp:7f92c6727bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11079867.164405] umip: exe[775764] ip:20000080 sp:7f92c6727bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11080452.437182] exe[819790] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a9e9da9387 cs:33 sp:7f3eccea90f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:6c3 [11080452.585801] exe[822498] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a9e9da9387 cs:33 sp:7f3eccea90f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:6c3 [11080452.614061] exe[819790] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a9e9da9387 cs:33 sp:7f3ecce880f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:6c3 [11080452.756289] exe[822498] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a9e9da9387 cs:33 sp:7f3eccea90f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:6c3 [11081684.924270] umip: exe[927740] ip:20000080 sp:7f8d680b6bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11081685.755409] umip: exe[927427] ip:20000080 sp:7f8d680b6bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11081685.869560] umip: exe[957675] ip:20000080 sp:7f8d680b6bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11081782.879201] exe[940954] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55726d56f4e6 cs:33 sp:7f82a65958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f82a6595e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11081783.843291] exe[809077] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55726d56f4e6 cs:33 sp:7f82a65958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f82a6595e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11081784.135899] exe[964376] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55726d56f4e6 cs:33 sp:7f82a65958e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f82a6595e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11082201.541999] exe[967892] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559c591d74e6 cs:33 sp:7f72331518e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7233151e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11082201.616088] exe[968680] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559c591d74e6 cs:33 sp:7f72331308e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7233130e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11082206.533172] exe[968049] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559c591d74e6 cs:33 sp:7f72331518e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7233151e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11082206.627052] exe[968049] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559c591d74e6 cs:33 sp:7f72331518e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7233151e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11082206.719767] exe[970071] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559c591d74e6 cs:33 sp:7f72331518e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7233151e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11082206.805880] exe[990529] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559c591d74e6 cs:33 sp:7f72331518e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7233151e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11082206.888191] exe[990141] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559c591d74e6 cs:33 sp:7f72331518e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7233151e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11082206.963864] exe[978956] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559c591d74e6 cs:33 sp:7f72331518e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7233151e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11082207.035100] exe[990529] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559c591d74e6 cs:33 sp:7f72331518e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7233151e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11082207.104547] exe[990529] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559c591d74e6 cs:33 sp:7f72331518e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7233151e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11082207.166114] exe[968680] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559c591d74e6 cs:33 sp:7f72331518e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7233151e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11082207.226011] exe[968049] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559c591d74e6 cs:33 sp:7f72331518e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7233151e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11082207.298134] exe[990529] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:559c591d74e6 cs:33 sp:7f72331518e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f7233151e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11083609.399376] umip: exe[943646] ip:20000180 sp:7f9ed59b1bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11083609.628235] umip: exe[936385] ip:20000180 sp:7f9ed59b1bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11084461.175821] warn_bad_vsyscall: 21 callbacks suppressed [11084461.175824] exe[49869] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563576efb4e6 cs:33 sp:7f6b969bc8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f6b969bce08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11084461.297407] exe[79947] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563576efb4e6 cs:33 sp:7f6b9699b8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f6b9699be08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11084461.318219] exe[79947] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563576efb4e6 cs:33 sp:7f6b9699b8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f6b9699be08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11084461.338980] exe[79947] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563576efb4e6 cs:33 sp:7f6b9699b8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f6b9699be08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11084461.359682] exe[79927] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563576efb4e6 cs:33 sp:7f6b9699b8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f6b9699be08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11084461.384668] exe[79927] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563576efb4e6 cs:33 sp:7f6b9699b8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f6b9699be08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11084461.406377] exe[79927] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563576efb4e6 cs:33 sp:7f6b9699b8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f6b9699be08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11084461.428870] exe[79927] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563576efb4e6 cs:33 sp:7f6b9699b8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f6b9699be08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11084461.451361] exe[79927] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563576efb4e6 cs:33 sp:7f6b9699b8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f6b9699be08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11084461.472908] exe[84150] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:563576efb4e6 cs:33 sp:7f6b9699b8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f6b9699be08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11085104.013368] umip: exe[96619] ip:20000080 sp:7fdd39ac2bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11085104.276212] umip: exe[27150] ip:20000080 sp:7fdd39aa1bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11087230.074580] warn_bad_vsyscall: 57 callbacks suppressed [11087230.074583] exe[335835] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55d933fda387 cs:33 sp:7f27423140f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:0 [11087854.822781] exe[257320] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555e5e4cbc2f cs:33 sp:7fb60f358158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [11087854.921464] exe[240796] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555e5e4cbc2f cs:33 sp:7fb60f337158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [11087854.998967] exe[321049] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555e5e4cbc2f cs:33 sp:7fb60f358158 ax:114 si:ffffffffff600000 di:114 [11088520.166820] exe[355786] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55dd6696e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f8221eec8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8221eece08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11088520.286528] exe[349552] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55dd6696e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f8221eec8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8221eece08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11088520.365164] exe[347995] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55dd6696e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f8221eec8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8221eece08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11088520.398464] exe[347995] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55dd6696e4e6 cs:33 sp:7f8221eec8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8221eece08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11088521.079823] exe[358023] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556b572e84e6 cs:33 sp:7f8082e6d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8082e6de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11088521.188453] exe[357862] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556b572e84e6 cs:33 sp:7f8082e6d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8082e6de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11088521.306667] exe[357862] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556b572e84e6 cs:33 sp:7f8082e6d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8082e6de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11088521.436411] exe[357365] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556b572e84e6 cs:33 sp:7f8082e6d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8082e6de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11088521.536513] exe[356479] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556b572e84e6 cs:33 sp:7f8082e6d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8082e6de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11088521.623517] exe[353513] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:556b572e84e6 cs:33 sp:7f8082e6d8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8082e6de08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11088582.516519] warn_bad_vsyscall: 1 callbacks suppressed [11088582.516523] exe[365345] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5646177604e6 cs:33 sp:7f06be4248e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f06be424e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11088582.662512] exe[307563] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5646177604e6 cs:33 sp:7f06be4248e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f06be424e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11088582.777622] exe[307563] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5646177604e6 cs:33 sp:7f06be4248e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f06be424e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11089179.272867] exe[369375] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555e13c0b4e6 cs:33 sp:7f86770528e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8677052e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11089180.166574] exe[309922] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555e13c0b4e6 cs:33 sp:7f86770318e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8677031e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11089180.257724] exe[306839] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555e13c0b4e6 cs:33 sp:7f86770528e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f8677052e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11089263.125783] exe[368155] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56245d4a64e6 cs:33 sp:7fe7887568e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fe788756e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11089263.286025] exe[368070] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56245d4a64e6 cs:33 sp:7fe7887358e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fe788735e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11089263.771892] exe[370745] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:56245d4a64e6 cs:33 sp:7fe7887568e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fe788756e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11089303.141612] exe[382196] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a683c374e6 cs:33 sp:7fda3b0718e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fda3b071e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11089349.211138] umip: exe[385656] ip:20000080 sp:7f7f59d2bbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11089350.072792] umip: exe[385646] ip:20000080 sp:7f7f59d0abb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11089350.165992] umip: exe[385649] ip:20000080 sp:7f7f59d0abb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11089711.351618] umip: exe[391969] ip:20000080 sp:7f7f59d2bbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11089711.527016] umip: exe[390243] ip:20000080 sp:7f7f59d2bbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11089953.985283] exe[370451] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555bb01924e6 cs:33 sp:7f165947f8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f165947fe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11089954.128236] exe[370441] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555bb01924e6 cs:33 sp:7f165945e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f165945ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11089954.249637] exe[348423] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:555bb01924e6 cs:33 sp:7f165947f8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f165947fe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11090564.476870] exe[387084] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55bd4906f4e6 cs:33 sp:7f9c08d2e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f9c08d2ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11090564.651217] exe[401483] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55bd4906f4e6 cs:33 sp:7f9c08d2e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f9c08d2ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11090564.842990] exe[387090] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55bd4906f4e6 cs:33 sp:7f9c08d2e8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f9c08d2ee08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11090664.518096] exe[326042] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11091689.406729] umip: exe[487285] ip:20000080 sp:7fd6ba8ddbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11091689.505498] umip: exe[503901] ip:20000080 sp:7fd6ba8ddbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11091689.613891] umip: exe[503897] ip:20000080 sp:7fd6ba8ddbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11092722.271622] exe[447328] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55dfd4b4d387 cs:33 sp:7fce0f71c0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:2bf3 [11092723.076861] exe[446568] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55dfd4b4d387 cs:33 sp:7fce0f71c0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:2bf3 [11092723.959739] exe[450060] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55dfd4b4d387 cs:33 sp:7fce0f6fb0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:2bf3 [11092762.660256] umip: exe[525568] ip:20000080 sp:7fed4765bbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11092763.545296] umip: exe[513296] ip:20000080 sp:7fed4765bbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11092763.692413] umip: exe[525534] ip:20000080 sp:7fed4765bbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11092904.539928] umip: exe[490460] ip:20000080 sp:7fc55bd9dbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11092904.698241] umip: exe[526705] ip:20000080 sp:7fc55bd9dbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11092904.835702] umip: exe[490525] ip:20000080 sp:7fc55bd9dbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11093223.676947] umip: exe[503579] ip:20000080 sp:7fb4d954bbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11093223.921416] umip: exe[503579] ip:20000080 sp:7fb4d954bbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11093224.834754] umip: exe[533345] ip:20000080 sp:7fb4d954bbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11093354.519937] exe[519479] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5592c83514e6 cs:33 sp:7f6eafcc68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f6eafcc6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11093354.658353] exe[519297] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5592c83514e6 cs:33 sp:7f6eafcc68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f6eafcc6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11093354.727431] exe[519213] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5592c83514e6 cs:33 sp:7f6eafca58e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f6eafca5e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11093354.844107] exe[518802] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5592c83514e6 cs:33 sp:7f6eafcc68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f6eafcc6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11093488.100536] umip: exe[529602] ip:20000080 sp:7fc55bd9dbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11093488.374546] umip: exe[529602] ip:20000080 sp:7fc55bd9dbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11093488.615097] umip: exe[530514] ip:20000080 sp:7fc55bd9dbb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11093519.395874] exe[525907] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561c39257c2f cs:33 sp:7f78fd2be158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11093519.963393] exe[537016] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561c39257c2f cs:33 sp:7f78fcdff158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11093520.820736] exe[517102] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561c39257c2f cs:33 sp:7f78fcdbd158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11093520.858709] exe[506476] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561c39257c2f cs:33 sp:7f78fcdbd158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11093520.890617] exe[512359] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561c39257c2f cs:33 sp:7f78fcdbd158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11093520.953478] exe[517102] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561c39257c2f cs:33 sp:7f78fcdbd158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11093520.988166] exe[539750] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561c39257c2f cs:33 sp:7f78fcdbd158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11093521.022508] exe[532572] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561c39257c2f cs:33 sp:7f78fcdbd158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11093521.056527] exe[517102] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561c39257c2f cs:33 sp:7f78fcdbd158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11093521.088741] exe[506476] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561c39257c2f cs:33 sp:7f78fcdbd158 ax:118 si:ffffffffff600000 di:118 [11094219.711896] warn_bad_vsyscall: 28 callbacks suppressed [11094219.711900] exe[520268] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5592c83514e6 cs:33 sp:7f6eafcc68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f6eafcc6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11094219.881621] exe[532669] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5592c83514e6 cs:33 sp:7f6eafcc68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f6eafcc6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11094220.591944] exe[520171] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5592c83514e6 cs:33 sp:7f6eafcc68e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f6eafcc6e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11095023.190141] umip: exe[570267] ip:20000080 sp:7f137a431bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11095023.347939] umip: exe[573628] ip:20000080 sp:7f137a431bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11095023.549977] umip: exe[570267] ip:20000080 sp:7f137a431bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11095911.133354] exe[603468] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fc8e95fc2f cs:33 sp:7ff68aac0158 ax:117 si:ffffffffff600000 di:117 [11095911.382101] exe[582485] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fc8e95fc2f cs:33 sp:7ff68aac0158 ax:117 si:ffffffffff600000 di:117 [11095911.608413] exe[582497] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fc8e95fc2f cs:33 sp:7ff68aac0158 ax:117 si:ffffffffff600000 di:117 [11095911.628564] exe[582497] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fc8e95fc2f cs:33 sp:7ff68aac0158 ax:117 si:ffffffffff600000 di:117 [11095911.651165] exe[582497] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fc8e95fc2f cs:33 sp:7ff68aac0158 ax:117 si:ffffffffff600000 di:117 [11095911.671550] exe[582497] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fc8e95fc2f cs:33 sp:7ff68aac0158 ax:117 si:ffffffffff600000 di:117 [11095911.691727] exe[563409] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fc8e95fc2f cs:33 sp:7ff68aac0158 ax:117 si:ffffffffff600000 di:117 [11095911.728237] exe[563671] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fc8e95fc2f cs:33 sp:7ff68aac0158 ax:117 si:ffffffffff600000 di:117 [11095911.754470] exe[562742] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fc8e95fc2f cs:33 sp:7ff68aac0158 ax:117 si:ffffffffff600000 di:117 [11095911.777512] exe[563671] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55fc8e95fc2f cs:33 sp:7ff68aac0158 ax:117 si:ffffffffff600000 di:117 [11096185.709404] umip: exe[613057] ip:20000080 sp:7f137a431bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11096186.041374] umip: exe[613867] ip:20000080 sp:7f137a431bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11096186.355908] umip: exe[606533] ip:20000080 sp:7f137a431bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11097956.232639] warn_bad_vsyscall: 57 callbacks suppressed [11097956.232647] exe[595487] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557fff30dc2f cs:33 sp:7f5b60186158 ax:117 si:ffffffffff600000 di:117 [11097956.438062] exe[595474] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557fff30dc2f cs:33 sp:7f5b60165158 ax:117 si:ffffffffff600000 di:117 [11097956.857997] exe[595572] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:557fff30dc2f cs:33 sp:7f5b60186158 ax:117 si:ffffffffff600000 di:117 [11098072.404150] umip: exe[633281] ip:20000180 sp:7fd43c7febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11098072.528722] umip: exe[633065] ip:20000180 sp:7fd43c7febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11098072.582604] umip: exe[629400] ip:20000180 sp:7fd43c7febb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11098855.347825] exe[644770] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55835b912387 cs:33 sp:7f0df2cbd0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:2154 [11098855.399165] exe[646679] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55835b912387 cs:33 sp:7f0df2cbd0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:2154 [11098855.429998] exe[647023] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55835b912387 cs:33 sp:7f0df2c7b0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:2154 [11098855.482561] exe[646923] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55835b912387 cs:33 sp:7f0df2cbd0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:2154 [11098855.506258] exe[644298] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55835b912387 cs:33 sp:7f0df2cbd0f0 ax:ffffffffffffffff si:ffffffffff600000 di:2154 [11099139.619749] exe[715865] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11099139.884564] exe[715886] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11099140.155835] exe[715901] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11099140.400192] exe[715912] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11099140.689671] exe[715921] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11099140.968267] exe[715936] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11099141.217312] exe[715936] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11099211.137540] umip: exe[712655] ip:20000080 sp:7fc2f6369bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11099211.228418] umip: exe[720738] ip:20000080 sp:7fc2f6369bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11099211.318837] umip: exe[720738] ip:20000080 sp:7fc2f6369bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11099211.411765] umip: exe[720736] ip:20000080 sp:7fc2f6369bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11099553.717878] umip: exe[751608] ip:20000080 sp:7fee39be9bb8: STR instruction cannot be used by applications. [11099844.788586] exe[734215] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:42061000 [11099845.051560] exe[749228] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:42061000 [11099845.350655] exe[734551] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:42061000 [11099845.621720] exe[734215] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:42061000 [11099880.293819] exe[762968] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a3db65f4e6 cs:33 sp:7efd04bcf8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7efd04bcfe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11099880.384801] exe[766549] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a3db65f4e6 cs:33 sp:7efd04bcf8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7efd04bcfe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11099880.449883] exe[767557] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a3db65f4e6 cs:33 sp:7efd04bcf8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7efd04bcfe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11099880.514065] exe[768404] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55a3db65f4e6 cs:33 sp:7efd04bcf8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7efd04bcfe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11100129.375730] exe[762137] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55cb718ee4e6 cs:33 sp:7f5b268918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f5b26891e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11100129.507619] exe[791357] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55cb718ee4e6 cs:33 sp:7f5b268918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f5b26891e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11100129.584746] exe[765477] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55cb718ee4e6 cs:33 sp:7f5b268918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f5b26891e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11100129.679944] exe[698578] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:55cb718ee4e6 cs:33 sp:7f5b268918e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f5b26891e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11100483.871038] exe[796872] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11100484.195573] exe[796872] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11100484.539622] exe[796872] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11100484.819495] exe[788603] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11100485.129286] exe[787375] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11100485.464616] exe[787375] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11100485.759713] exe[796872] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11101029.188467] exe[801138] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5573e1a034e6 cs:33 sp:7fb6bccea8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fb6bcceae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11101029.266473] exe[790730] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5573e1a034e6 cs:33 sp:7fb6bccea8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fb6bcceae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11101029.363300] exe[802788] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5573e1a034e6 cs:33 sp:7fb6bccea8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fb6bcceae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11101029.424001] exe[804058] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5573e1a034e6 cs:33 sp:7fb6bccea8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fb6bcceae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11101038.533713] exe[800740] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [11101038.842708] exe[803688] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [11101039.180039] exe[800756] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [11101039.549205] exe[800767] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:8800000 [11101165.770305] exe[700597] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:560b925cd4e6 cs:33 sp:7f56de98f8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f56de98fe08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11101432.977966] exe[812785] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561b5533b4e6 cs:33 sp:7f51915e58e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f51915e5e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11101433.076496] exe[785936] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561b5533b4e6 cs:33 sp:7f51915e58e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f51915e5e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11101433.158625] exe[796541] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561b5533b4e6 cs:33 sp:7f51915e58e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f51915e5e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11101433.252791] exe[803773] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:561b5533b4e6 cs:33 sp:7f51915e58e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7f51915e5e08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11102049.577212] exe[826229] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11102444.040888] exe[833723] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11102444.377804] exe[832607] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11102444.708616] exe[831022] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11102445.011126] exe[833721] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:20000008 ax:0 si:20000000 di:0 [11102479.787638] exe[806008] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5573e1a034e6 cs:33 sp:7fb6bccea8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fb6bcceae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11102479.880912] exe[790785] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5573e1a034e6 cs:33 sp:7fb6bccea8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fb6bcceae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11102479.969018] exe[785377] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5573e1a034e6 cs:33 sp:7fb6bccea8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fb6bcceae08 di:ffffffffff600000 [11102480.023564] exe[776060] vsyscall read attempt denied -- look up the vsyscall kernel parameter if you need a workaround ip:5573e1a034e6 cs:33 sp:7fb6bccea8e8 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:7fb6bcceae08 di:ffffffffff600000