last executing test programs: 797.347731ms ago: executing program 4 (id=1378): mount$9p_rdma(&(0x7f00000000c0), &(0x7f0000000100)='.\x00', &(0x7f0000000140), 0x4, &(0x7f0000000240)=ANY=[@ANYBLOB='trans=rdma']) 730.364887ms ago: executing program 4 (id=1382): syz_mount_image$ext4(&(0x7f0000000080)='ext4\x00', &(0x7f0000000100)='./file0\x00', 0x80a, &(0x7f0000000240)={[{@user_xattr}, {@lazytime}, {@nodioread_nolock}, {@errors_remount}, {@user_xattr}, {@nodelalloc}, {@noquota}, {@auto_da_alloc_val={'auto_da_alloc', 0x3d, 0x101}}]}, 0x1, 0x7b7, &(0x7f00000005c0)="$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") 596.795496ms ago: executing program 4 (id=1389): syz_clone(0x40104400, 0x0, 0x0, &(0x7f0000000940), 0x0, 0x0) 445.828837ms ago: executing program 1 (id=1402): bpf$PROG_LOAD(0x5, &(0x7f000000e000)={0x1, 0x4, &(0x7f0000000080)=ANY=[@ANYBLOB="b4050000000000007112180000000000bf201000000200009500000000000000"], &(0x7f0000003ff6)='GPL\x00', 0xa, 0xfd90, &(0x7f000000cf3d)=""/195, 0x0, 0x0, '\x00', 0x0, @fallback, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x8, &(0x7f00000000c0), 0x366, 0x10, &(0x7f0000000000), 0x2b2, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, @void, @value}, 0x48) 445.355477ms ago: executing program 1 (id=1405): syz_mount_image$ext4(&(0x7f00000000c0)='ext4\x00', &(0x7f0000000580)='./file1\x00', 0x800040, &(0x7f0000000340), 0x1, 0x590, &(0x7f00000011c0)="$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") 407.86754ms ago: executing program 3 (id=1407): mount_setattr(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0, 0x0, &(0x7f0000000340)={0x1, 0x100093}, 0x20) 358.765954ms ago: executing program 1 (id=1410): lsm_get_self_attr(0x68, 0x0, &(0x7f0000000480)=0xfeff, 0x0) 350.938244ms ago: executing program 3 (id=1411): prctl$PR_GET_TIMERSLACK(0x1e) 350.554615ms ago: executing program 0 (id=1412): bpf$PROG_LOAD(0x5, &(0x7f000000e000)={0x10, 0x4, &(0x7f0000000040)=ANY=[@ANYBLOB="b4000000000000007910480000000000710433000000000095000000"], &(0x7f0000003ff6)='GPL\x00', 0x2, 0xfd90, &(0x7f000000cf3d)=""/195, 0x0, 0x0, '\x00', 0x0, @sk_msg, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, @void, @value}, 0x48) 320.113967ms ago: executing program 0 (id=1413): bpf$BPF_PROG_RAW_TRACEPOINT_LOAD(0x5, &(0x7f0000000640)={0x1e, 0x4, &(0x7f0000000040)=ANY=[@ANYBLOB="1800000000000000000000000000008061121c000000000095"], &(0x7f0000000000)='GPL\x00', 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, '\x00', 0x0, 0x24, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, @void, @value}, 0x94) 307.878988ms ago: executing program 1 (id=1414): clock_adjtime(0x0, &(0x7f0000000000)={0x66b9, 0x80000002, 0x0, 0x2, 0x2, 0x20800, 0x3, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2, 0x248a, 0xa, 0x0, 0xfffffffffffffffe, 0x0, 0x1, 0xf, 0x0, 0x9, 0x5999, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2be}) 307.549598ms ago: executing program 2 (id=1415): bpf$BPF_BTF_LOAD(0x12, &(0x7f0000000280)={&(0x7f0000000140)={{0xeb9f, 0x1, 0x0, 0x18, 0x0, 0x24, 0x24, 0x8, [@fwd={0x6}, @union={0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, [{0x0, 0x1}]}]}, {0x0, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x5f]}}, 0x0, 0x44, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, @void, @value}, 0x28) 275.09581ms ago: executing program 3 (id=1416): utime(&(0x7f0000000000)='./cgroup.cpu/cgroup.procs\x00', 0x0) 274.72989ms ago: executing program 0 (id=1417): bpf$BPF_PROG_TEST_RUN(0xa, &(0x7f0000000240)={0xffffffffffffffff, 0x1f2f, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x23b, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, &(0x7f0000000700)="389ceff6"}, 0x50) 258.389641ms ago: executing program 2 (id=1418): bpf$BPF_PROG_RAW_TRACEPOINT_LOAD(0x5, &(0x7f0000000000)={0x1, 0x2, &(0x7f0000000140)=@raw=[@ldst={0x1, 0x0, 0x3, 0x0, 0x1, 0x5b}, @exit], &(0x7f0000000200)='GPL\x00', 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, '\x00', 0x0, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, @void, @value}, 0x94) 258.197951ms ago: executing program 1 (id=1419): syz_mount_image$ext4(&(0x7f0000000040)='ext4\x00', &(0x7f00000000c0)='./file1\x00', 0x207, &(0x7f0000000000), 0x1, 0x469, &(0x7f0000000100)="$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") 257.950451ms ago: executing program 3 (id=1420): mlockall(0x6) 191.882337ms ago: executing program 0 (id=1421): openat$sysfs(0xffffffffffffff9c, &(0x7f00000000c0)='/sys/kernel/address_bits', 0x121000, 0x42) 191.607746ms ago: executing program 3 (id=1422): syz_emit_ethernet(0x1ee, &(0x7f0000000640)={@multicast, @remote, @void, {@ipv6={0x86dd, @icmpv6={0x0, 0x6, "000210", 0x1b8, 0x3a, 0x0, @remote, @mcast2, {[], @param_prob={0x4, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, {0x0, 0x6, "8bb91d", 0x0, 0x11, 0x0, @local, @empty, [@fragment, @hopopts={0x0, 0x2f, '\x00', [@ra={0x5, 0x2, 0xffff}, @padn={0x1, 0x3, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0]}, @generic={0x0, 0x9d, "a17e9ab13f6e142b20582c8d220c698a74dbf13dfc0ad1f526dfc43313759300929090dd4792ce67ea9f8769d3246f94412c56e0247939ed4b318e4b6066b72d91d9aff97fcf30977dfd4028dea535a8e9d1682c4794d255d62089716f2f97577f9bef264da3cfd3e5511fb253122f61808a73cc2e760f93ceb68a0db2613cf0956b23235f057c2f980a19266a6bb4a33a17f550a571c5b4211c6fa371"}, @ra, @generic={0x0, 0x8c, "65fd1a52737fa1ec91495f4d25a766a5dd36bcffb376f4b35d4a5bc51b0f8fb9a273282a9c8ef192a4de26c8732765dbeb6ce083e81cebf0612d1cc7956b78fb34ce0e4a867c8b4094bab04b23680ba97ad5c624055e8504a7a121cf38a402a7aa80e05dbe56fecab8b014420231c0e997cbfda9bdc7f29e3a8b13dcfc396cf6ff1fcd8a7f43a107871fdd7e"}, @generic={0x0, 0x32, "8b168e4b48529453d91cea424030c8b200632af95e7c30322241dd567db14507f8b523b418a0edc41397a2f639f9f6c3b379"}, @calipso={0x7, 0x8}]}]}}}}}}}, 0x0) 190.781766ms ago: executing program 4 (id=1423): kexec_load(0x0, 0x2, &(0x7f00000002c0)=[{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10000}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x3e0000}], 0x0) 178.182057ms ago: executing program 2 (id=1424): bpf$BPF_PROG_RAW_TRACEPOINT_LOAD(0x5, &(0x7f0000000400)={0x18, 0x4, &(0x7f0000000200)=@framed={{0x18, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1000}, [@call={0x85, 0x0, 0x0, 0xad}]}, &(0x7f0000000300)='GPL\x00', 0xc, 0xff8, &(0x7f0000001e00)=""/4088, 0x40f00, 0x0, '\x00', 0x0, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, @void, @value}, 0x94) 147.952749ms ago: executing program 3 (id=1425): syz_mount_image$ext4(&(0x7f0000000440)='ext4\x00', &(0x7f0000000000)='./file0\x00', 0x1004410, &(0x7f0000000180), 0x84, 0x46e, &(0x7f0000000900)="$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") 147.64192ms ago: executing program 2 (id=1426): syz_emit_ethernet(0x42, &(0x7f0000000380)={@multicast, @broadcast, @void, {@ipv6={0x86dd, @udp={0x0, 0x6, "010700", 0x3, 0x11, 0x0, @private1, @mcast2, {[], {0x0, 0x0, 0xc, 0x0, @gue={{0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, @void}}}}}}}}, 0x0) 114.735392ms ago: executing program 0 (id=1427): syz_emit_ethernet(0xae, &(0x7f0000000440)=ANY=[@ANYBLOB="bbbbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaa86dd60f4adf700382900000000ffffffffffff00000000000000ff020000000000000000000000000001"], 0x0) 114.298522ms ago: executing program 4 (id=1428): mq_open(&(0x7f00000000c0)='\')@![\xa1%\x00', 0x40, 0xaa, &(0x7f0000000100)={0x81, 0x7fff, 0xc, 0x6}) 66.315666ms ago: executing program 2 (id=1429): syz_emit_ethernet(0x86, &(0x7f0000000000)={@broadcast, @link_local={0x1, 0x80, 0xc2, 0x0, 0x0, 0xe}, @void, {@ipv6={0x86dd, @icmpv6={0x0, 0x6, "120008", 0x50, 0x3a, 0x0, @remote, @local, {[], @pkt_toobig={0x8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, {0x0, 0x6, "000810", 0x0, 0x11, 0x0, @ipv4={'\x00', '\xff\xff', @empty}, @remote, [@dstopts={0x80, 0x1, '\x00', [@ra={0x5, 0x3a}, @generic={0x8, 0x3, "054fc5"}]}], "fb36eeca6fad50b3"}}}}}}}, 0x0) 54.690746ms ago: executing program 0 (id=1430): mq_open(&(0x7f0000000b40)='eth0\x00\xdd\xad4=2k\xf1\x05\x9b\x91y\xe1;F\xa2\x8df\xe9\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0078z=\x8f\xd5F\xa4AR\xc7\x9f.\xdc\xdb\"A\x16\xd8\x19\xf1lZ\xc8\x93\xda\xf2\xc9\xe8h[u8\xc6\xfa\x9ep\xbe\a\xe2\xf5\xa3Y\x9f\xe1\x04gM\x99K$\r\xf1G\xee\xe1\xbd\x1e\xdf\xe1\x9c\x19\xda\xd3\x94EL\xca\x88\x85Q\x02\xd9L\x90\xeb%/\xb1\xeb\x11uP7\x1f\xd9b\xebF\xf8\x88\xf0\xac.\x94\xfc\v\xb1W\xef~+n\xb1\x9b\x02n]xr\xb3\x80\xbc>\xe8XX\xe6\x12\xf3\xc9\xd5\xf8\xd1\x8d\xcb9\xbf\xb0(<\xeb\x92\x8a\x16\xb7\x11^\xb6\xb7n\xd5\xb5\x00[\xdf\x94\x00\r\x95\x17\xa1h\xf8\x00\x00\x00\"\xa0\x05\xcc^\x90c\xc9}\xb8\ny\xf4\xe1\xb4.\xa4\a\x05\xbb}\x91\xf4C\xf5O\xf1a\x12\b\x86\xa16\xbb}C\xc9\x1d\\\xedD\x14\xb1w\x1e\xa0\xc1E\xb5\xf8\xab\xfb\xd9\x93\xb8vJ\x85p\xb5n\x1b\xe4\xd5g\xae\xe4\xeb\xca\xae\x1bs\xd4\xf0\xc0\xdag\x19R4\xd4\xd4\x04\xfc\x04Zb\xf6\xba\xf8B\xf6YU\xcd\xf2\xdb\xb5\xa2\xda\xdf\x8dD\xef`\x13\x15$\xceq\xd7j\xd7\xe3V\xf2\xa2\x95\xcf\x18T\xf1\xb0\xf3\xf8O', 0x1, 0x0, 0x0) 8.89754ms ago: executing program 1 (id=1431): syz_emit_ethernet(0x46, &(0x7f0000000f00)={@multicast, @remote, @void, {@ipv6={0x86dd, @icmpv6={0x0, 0x6, "0200", 0x10, 0x3a, 0xff, @remote, @mcast2, {[], @ndisc_ra={0x86, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x15, 0xd}}}}}}, 0x0) 495.52µs ago: executing program 2 (id=1432): futex(&(0x7f0000004000), 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, &(0x7f0000004000), 0xb0024000) 0s ago: executing program 4 (id=1433): syz_usb_connect(0x5, 0x24, &(0x7f0000000040)={{0x12, 0x1, 0x0, 0xb7, 0x5c, 0x7f, 0x40, 0x547, 0x201, 0x1164, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x1, [{{0x9, 0x2, 0x12, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, [{{0x9, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xa2, 0xcd, 0xd2}}]}}]}}, 0x0) kernel console output (not intermixed with test programs): Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. [ 33.268317][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355749.570:81): avc: denied { mounton } for pid=3290 comm="syz-executor" path="/syzcgroup/unified" dev="sda1" ino=1925 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:object_r:root_t tclass=dir permissive=1 [ 33.269321][ T3290] cgroup: Unknown subsys name 'net' [ 33.291073][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355749.580:82): avc: denied { mount } for pid=3290 comm="syz-executor" name="/" dev="cgroup2" ino=1 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:cgroup_t tclass=filesystem permissive=1 [ 33.318466][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355749.600:83): avc: denied { unmount } for pid=3290 comm="syz-executor" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:cgroup_t tclass=filesystem permissive=1 [ 33.338330][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355749.610:84): avc: denied { read } for pid=2982 comm="syslogd" name="log" dev="sda1" ino=1915 scontext=system_u:system_r:syslogd_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:var_t tclass=lnk_file permissive=1 [ 33.539415][ T3290] cgroup: Unknown subsys name 'cpuset' [ 33.545571][ T3290] cgroup: Unknown subsys name 'rlimit' [ 33.676707][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355749.980:85): avc: denied { setattr } for pid=3290 comm="syz-executor" name="raw-gadget" dev="devtmpfs" ino=142 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:device_t tclass=chr_file permissive=1 [ 33.699987][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355749.980:86): avc: denied { create } for pid=3290 comm="syz-executor" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=netlink_generic_socket permissive=1 [ 33.720496][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355749.980:87): avc: denied { write } for pid=3290 comm="syz-executor" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=netlink_generic_socket permissive=1 [ 33.740941][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355749.990:88): avc: denied { read } for pid=3290 comm="syz-executor" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=netlink_generic_socket permissive=1 Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 127995904 bytes [ 33.761242][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355749.990:89): avc: denied { mounton } for pid=3290 comm="syz-executor" path="/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc" dev="binfmt_misc" ino=1 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:binfmt_misc_fs_t tclass=dir permissive=1 [ 33.768980][ T3293] SELinux: Context root:object_r:swapfile_t is not valid (left unmapped). [ 33.786130][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355749.990:90): avc: denied { mount } for pid=3290 comm="syz-executor" name="/" dev="binfmt_misc" ino=1 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:binfmt_misc_fs_t tclass=filesystem permissive=1 [ 33.825493][ T3290] Adding 124996k swap on ./swap-file. Priority:0 extents:1 across:124996k [ 40.293537][ T29] kauditd_printk_skb: 5 callbacks suppressed [ 40.293552][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355756.600:96): avc: denied { read } for pid=3301 comm="syz-executor" dev="nsfs" ino=4026531840 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:nsfs_t tclass=file permissive=1 [ 40.320741][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355756.600:97): avc: denied { open } for pid=3301 comm="syz-executor" path="net:[4026531840]" dev="nsfs" ino=4026531840 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:nsfs_t tclass=file permissive=1 [ 40.344043][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355756.600:98): avc: denied { mounton } for pid=3301 comm="syz-executor" path="/" dev="sda1" ino=2 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:root_t tclass=dir permissive=1 [ 40.365596][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355756.600:99): avc: denied { module_request } for pid=3301 comm="syz-executor" kmod="netdev-nr0" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:system_r:kernel_t tclass=system permissive=1 [ 40.404615][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355756.660:100): avc: denied { sys_module } for pid=3304 comm="syz-executor" capability=16 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=capability permissive=1 [ 40.686297][ T3304] chnl_net:caif_netlink_parms(): no params data found [ 40.698635][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355757.010:101): avc: denied { append } for pid=2982 comm="syslogd" name="messages" dev="tmpfs" ino=2 scontext=system_u:system_r:syslogd_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:tmpfs_t tclass=file permissive=1 [ 40.721124][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355757.010:102): avc: denied { open } for pid=2982 comm="syslogd" path="/tmp/messages" dev="tmpfs" ino=2 scontext=system_u:system_r:syslogd_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:tmpfs_t tclass=file permissive=1 [ 40.743836][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355757.010:103): avc: denied { getattr } for pid=2982 comm="syslogd" path="/tmp/messages" dev="tmpfs" ino=2 scontext=system_u:system_r:syslogd_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:tmpfs_t tclass=file permissive=1 [ 40.769389][ T3303] chnl_net:caif_netlink_parms(): no params data found [ 40.835995][ T3301] chnl_net:caif_netlink_parms(): no params data found [ 40.849164][ T3314] chnl_net:caif_netlink_parms(): no params data found [ 40.872445][ T3304] bridge0: port 1(bridge_slave_0) entered blocking state [ 40.879661][ T3304] bridge0: port 1(bridge_slave_0) entered disabled state [ 40.886856][ T3304] bridge_slave_0: entered allmulticast mode [ 40.893525][ T3304] bridge_slave_0: entered promiscuous mode [ 40.902224][ T3304] bridge0: port 2(bridge_slave_1) entered blocking state [ 40.909407][ T3304] bridge0: port 2(bridge_slave_1) entered disabled state [ 40.916579][ T3304] bridge_slave_1: entered allmulticast mode [ 40.923952][ T3304] bridge_slave_1: entered promiscuous mode [ 40.932656][ T3305] chnl_net:caif_netlink_parms(): no params data found [ 40.978007][ T3304] bond0: (slave bond_slave_0): Enslaving as an active interface with an up link [ 40.998358][ T3304] bond0: (slave bond_slave_1): Enslaving as an active interface with an up link [ 41.012777][ T3303] bridge0: port 1(bridge_slave_0) entered blocking state [ 41.019951][ T3303] bridge0: port 1(bridge_slave_0) entered disabled state [ 41.027110][ T3303] bridge_slave_0: entered allmulticast mode [ 41.033570][ T3303] bridge_slave_0: entered promiscuous mode [ 41.058458][ T3303] bridge0: port 2(bridge_slave_1) entered blocking state [ 41.065598][ T3303] bridge0: port 2(bridge_slave_1) entered disabled state [ 41.072957][ T3303] bridge_slave_1: entered allmulticast mode [ 41.079540][ T3303] bridge_slave_1: entered promiscuous mode [ 41.095625][ T3304] team0: Port device team_slave_0 added [ 41.117703][ T3304] team0: Port device team_slave_1 added [ 41.123461][ T3301] bridge0: port 1(bridge_slave_0) entered blocking state [ 41.130560][ T3301] bridge0: port 1(bridge_slave_0) entered disabled state [ 41.138395][ T3301] bridge_slave_0: entered allmulticast mode [ 41.144772][ T3301] bridge_slave_0: entered promiscuous mode [ 41.160541][ T3314] bridge0: port 1(bridge_slave_0) entered blocking state [ 41.167608][ T3314] bridge0: port 1(bridge_slave_0) entered disabled state [ 41.175479][ T3314] bridge_slave_0: entered allmulticast mode [ 41.182239][ T3314] bridge_slave_0: entered promiscuous mode [ 41.188911][ T3314] bridge0: port 2(bridge_slave_1) entered blocking state [ 41.196040][ T3314] bridge0: port 2(bridge_slave_1) entered disabled state [ 41.203238][ T3314] bridge_slave_1: entered allmulticast mode [ 41.210135][ T3314] bridge_slave_1: entered promiscuous mode [ 41.220934][ T3301] bridge0: port 2(bridge_slave_1) entered blocking state [ 41.227991][ T3301] bridge0: port 2(bridge_slave_1) entered disabled state [ 41.235221][ T3301] bridge_slave_1: entered allmulticast mode [ 41.241517][ T3301] bridge_slave_1: entered promiscuous mode [ 41.254194][ T3303] bond0: (slave bond_slave_0): Enslaving as an active interface with an up link [ 41.277379][ T3305] bridge0: port 1(bridge_slave_0) entered blocking state [ 41.284488][ T3305] bridge0: port 1(bridge_slave_0) entered disabled state [ 41.291781][ T3305] bridge_slave_0: entered allmulticast mode [ 41.298125][ T3305] bridge_slave_0: entered promiscuous mode [ 41.305432][ T3303] bond0: (slave bond_slave_1): Enslaving as an active interface with an up link [ 41.314619][ T3305] bridge0: port 2(bridge_slave_1) entered blocking state [ 41.321709][ T3305] bridge0: port 2(bridge_slave_1) entered disabled state [ 41.328943][ T3305] bridge_slave_1: entered allmulticast mode [ 41.335286][ T3305] bridge_slave_1: entered promiscuous mode [ 41.346506][ T3304] batman_adv: batadv0: Adding interface: batadv_slave_0 [ 41.353493][ T3304] batman_adv: batadv0: The MTU of interface batadv_slave_0 is too small (1500) to handle the transport of batman-adv packets. Packets going over this interface will be fragmented on layer2 which could impact the performance. Setting the MTU to 1560 would solve the problem. [ 41.379397][ T3304] batman_adv: batadv0: Not using interface batadv_slave_0 (retrying later): interface not active [ 41.405166][ T3314] bond0: (slave bond_slave_0): Enslaving as an active interface with an up link [ 41.414415][ T3304] batman_adv: batadv0: Adding interface: batadv_slave_1 [ 41.421491][ T3304] batman_adv: batadv0: The MTU of interface batadv_slave_1 is too small (1500) to handle the transport of batman-adv packets. Packets going over this interface will be fragmented on layer2 which could impact the performance. Setting the MTU to 1560 would solve the problem. [ 41.447455][ T3304] batman_adv: batadv0: Not using interface batadv_slave_1 (retrying later): interface not active [ 41.460115][ T3301] bond0: (slave bond_slave_0): Enslaving as an active interface with an up link [ 41.478488][ T3314] bond0: (slave bond_slave_1): Enslaving as an active interface with an up link [ 41.491082][ T3301] bond0: (slave bond_slave_1): Enslaving as an active interface with an up link [ 41.505710][ T3303] team0: Port device team_slave_0 added [ 41.512637][ T3305] bond0: (slave bond_slave_0): Enslaving as an active interface with an up link [ 41.531920][ T3301] team0: Port device team_slave_0 added [ 41.538213][ T3303] team0: Port device team_slave_1 added [ 41.544687][ T3301] team0: Port device team_slave_1 added [ 41.551714][ T3305] bond0: (slave bond_slave_1): Enslaving as an active interface with an up link [ 41.571517][ T3314] team0: Port device team_slave_0 added [ 41.596416][ T3314] team0: Port device team_slave_1 added [ 41.620138][ T3305] team0: Port device team_slave_0 added [ 41.626069][ T3301] batman_adv: batadv0: Adding interface: batadv_slave_0 [ 41.633153][ T3301] batman_adv: batadv0: The MTU of interface batadv_slave_0 is too small (1500) to handle the transport of batman-adv packets. Packets going over this interface will be fragmented on layer2 which could impact the performance. Setting the MTU to 1560 would solve the problem. [ 41.659198][ T3301] batman_adv: batadv0: Not using interface batadv_slave_0 (retrying later): interface not active [ 41.677642][ T3304] hsr_slave_0: entered promiscuous mode [ 41.683712][ T3304] hsr_slave_1: entered promiscuous mode [ 41.690173][ T3303] batman_adv: batadv0: Adding interface: batadv_slave_0 [ 41.697131][ T3303] batman_adv: batadv0: The MTU of interface batadv_slave_0 is too small (1500) to handle the transport of batman-adv packets. Packets going over this interface will be fragmented on layer2 which could impact the performance. Setting the MTU to 1560 would solve the problem. [ 41.723135][ T3303] batman_adv: batadv0: Not using interface batadv_slave_0 (retrying later): interface not active [ 41.734649][ T3305] team0: Port device team_slave_1 added [ 41.751397][ T3301] batman_adv: batadv0: Adding interface: batadv_slave_1 [ 41.758393][ T3301] batman_adv: batadv0: The MTU of interface batadv_slave_1 is too small (1500) to handle the transport of batman-adv packets. Packets going over this interface will be fragmented on layer2 which could impact the performance. Setting the MTU to 1560 would solve the problem. [ 41.784386][ T3301] batman_adv: batadv0: Not using interface batadv_slave_1 (retrying later): interface not active [ 41.795475][ T3314] batman_adv: batadv0: Adding interface: batadv_slave_0 [ 41.802504][ T3314] batman_adv: batadv0: The MTU of interface batadv_slave_0 is too small (1500) to handle the transport of batman-adv packets. Packets going over this interface will be fragmented on layer2 which could impact the performance. Setting the MTU to 1560 would solve the problem. [ 41.828401][ T3314] batman_adv: batadv0: Not using interface batadv_slave_0 (retrying later): interface not active [ 41.839596][ T3314] batman_adv: batadv0: Adding interface: batadv_slave_1 [ 41.846590][ T3314] batman_adv: batadv0: The MTU of interface batadv_slave_1 is too small (1500) to handle the transport of batman-adv packets. Packets going over this interface will be fragmented on layer2 which could impact the performance. Setting the MTU to 1560 would solve the problem. [ 41.872610][ T3314] batman_adv: batadv0: Not using interface batadv_slave_1 (retrying later): interface not active [ 41.884026][ T3303] batman_adv: batadv0: Adding interface: batadv_slave_1 [ 41.891016][ T3303] batman_adv: batadv0: The MTU of interface batadv_slave_1 is too small (1500) to handle the transport of batman-adv packets. Packets going over this interface will be fragmented on layer2 which could impact the performance. Setting the MTU to 1560 would solve the problem. [ 41.916969][ T3303] batman_adv: batadv0: Not using interface batadv_slave_1 (retrying later): interface not active [ 41.936783][ T3305] batman_adv: batadv0: Adding interface: batadv_slave_0 [ 41.943780][ T3305] batman_adv: batadv0: The MTU of interface batadv_slave_0 is too small (1500) to handle the transport of batman-adv packets. Packets going over this interface will be fragmented on layer2 which could impact the performance. Setting the MTU to 1560 would solve the problem. [ 41.969775][ T3305] batman_adv: batadv0: Not using interface batadv_slave_0 (retrying later): interface not active [ 41.981888][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355758.290:104): avc: denied { remove_name } for pid=2982 comm="syslogd" name="messages" dev="tmpfs" ino=2 scontext=system_u:system_r:syslogd_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:tmpfs_t tclass=dir permissive=1 [ 42.004514][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355758.290:105): avc: denied { rename } for pid=2982 comm="syslogd" name="messages" dev="tmpfs" ino=2 scontext=system_u:system_r:syslogd_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:tmpfs_t tclass=file permissive=1 [ 42.040836][ T3305] batman_adv: batadv0: Adding interface: batadv_slave_1 [ 42.047818][ T3305] batman_adv: batadv0: The MTU of interface batadv_slave_1 is too small (1500) to handle the transport of batman-adv packets. Packets going over this interface will be fragmented on layer2 which could impact the performance. Setting the MTU to 1560 would solve the problem. [ 42.073742][ T3305] batman_adv: batadv0: Not using interface batadv_slave_1 (retrying later): interface not active [ 42.108212][ T3314] hsr_slave_0: entered promiscuous mode [ 42.114209][ T3314] hsr_slave_1: entered promiscuous mode [ 42.120056][ T3314] debugfs: Directory 'hsr0' with parent 'hsr' already present! [ 42.127641][ T3314] Cannot create hsr debugfs directory [ 42.140538][ T3301] hsr_slave_0: entered promiscuous mode [ 42.146455][ T3301] hsr_slave_1: entered promiscuous mode [ 42.152329][ T3301] debugfs: Directory 'hsr0' with parent 'hsr' already present! [ 42.159934][ T3301] Cannot create hsr debugfs directory [ 42.177998][ T3303] hsr_slave_0: entered promiscuous mode [ 42.184179][ T3303] hsr_slave_1: entered promiscuous mode [ 42.190159][ T3303] debugfs: Directory 'hsr0' with parent 'hsr' already present! [ 42.197732][ T3303] Cannot create hsr debugfs directory [ 42.227859][ T3305] hsr_slave_0: entered promiscuous mode [ 42.233753][ T3305] hsr_slave_1: entered promiscuous mode [ 42.239551][ T3305] debugfs: Directory 'hsr0' with parent 'hsr' already present! [ 42.247171][ T3305] Cannot create hsr debugfs directory [ 42.387909][ T3304] netdevsim netdevsim2 netdevsim0: renamed from eth0 [ 42.405943][ T3304] netdevsim netdevsim2 netdevsim1: renamed from eth1 [ 42.428547][ T3304] netdevsim netdevsim2 netdevsim2: renamed from eth2 [ 42.442178][ T3304] netdevsim netdevsim2 netdevsim3: renamed from eth3 [ 42.461648][ T3303] netdevsim netdevsim1 netdevsim0: renamed from eth0 [ 42.471795][ T3303] netdevsim netdevsim1 netdevsim1: renamed from eth1 [ 42.481508][ T3303] netdevsim netdevsim1 netdevsim2: renamed from eth2 [ 42.493658][ T3303] netdevsim netdevsim1 netdevsim3: renamed from eth3 [ 42.520175][ T3314] netdevsim netdevsim4 netdevsim0: renamed from eth0 [ 42.535670][ T3314] netdevsim netdevsim4 netdevsim1: renamed from eth1 [ 42.557778][ T3301] netdevsim netdevsim0 netdevsim0: renamed from eth0 [ 42.566881][ T3301] netdevsim netdevsim0 netdevsim1: renamed from eth1 [ 42.577993][ T3314] netdevsim netdevsim4 netdevsim2: renamed from eth2 [ 42.587333][ T3314] netdevsim netdevsim4 netdevsim3: renamed from eth3 [ 42.597513][ T3301] netdevsim netdevsim0 netdevsim2: renamed from eth2 [ 42.624014][ T3301] netdevsim netdevsim0 netdevsim3: renamed from eth3 [ 42.642191][ T3305] netdevsim netdevsim3 netdevsim0: renamed from eth0 [ 42.653341][ T3304] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device bond0 [ 42.664865][ T3305] netdevsim netdevsim3 netdevsim1: renamed from eth1 [ 42.683227][ T3305] netdevsim netdevsim3 netdevsim2: renamed from eth2 [ 42.692284][ T3305] netdevsim netdevsim3 netdevsim3: renamed from eth3 [ 42.717082][ T3304] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device team0 [ 42.730427][ T50] bridge0: port 1(bridge_slave_0) entered blocking state [ 42.737521][ T50] bridge0: port 1(bridge_slave_0) entered forwarding state [ 42.768944][ T3303] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device bond0 [ 42.780788][ T136] bridge0: port 2(bridge_slave_1) entered blocking state [ 42.787839][ T136] bridge0: port 2(bridge_slave_1) entered forwarding state [ 42.834753][ T3301] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device bond0 [ 42.846469][ T3303] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device team0 [ 42.866333][ T11] bridge0: port 1(bridge_slave_0) entered blocking state [ 42.873412][ T11] bridge0: port 1(bridge_slave_0) entered forwarding state [ 42.892172][ T3301] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device team0 [ 42.903045][ T3314] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device bond0 [ 42.912530][ T55] bridge0: port 1(bridge_slave_0) entered blocking state [ 42.919638][ T55] bridge0: port 1(bridge_slave_0) entered forwarding state [ 42.935282][ T3305] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device bond0 [ 42.947354][ T3314] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device team0 [ 42.958421][ T55] bridge0: port 2(bridge_slave_1) entered blocking state [ 42.965497][ T55] bridge0: port 2(bridge_slave_1) entered forwarding state [ 42.982854][ T28] bridge0: port 2(bridge_slave_1) entered blocking state [ 42.990001][ T28] bridge0: port 2(bridge_slave_1) entered forwarding state [ 43.004577][ T177] bridge0: port 1(bridge_slave_0) entered blocking state [ 43.011793][ T177] bridge0: port 1(bridge_slave_0) entered forwarding state [ 43.026879][ T3305] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device team0 [ 43.038311][ T3304] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device batadv0 [ 43.053859][ T50] bridge0: port 2(bridge_slave_1) entered blocking state [ 43.060920][ T50] bridge0: port 2(bridge_slave_1) entered forwarding state [ 43.077662][ T50] bridge0: port 1(bridge_slave_0) entered blocking state [ 43.084738][ T50] bridge0: port 1(bridge_slave_0) entered forwarding state [ 43.108099][ T50] bridge0: port 2(bridge_slave_1) entered blocking state [ 43.115339][ T50] bridge0: port 2(bridge_slave_1) entered forwarding state [ 43.182492][ T3303] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device batadv0 [ 43.268035][ T3301] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device batadv0 [ 43.279945][ T3304] veth0_vlan: entered promiscuous mode [ 43.299014][ T3304] veth1_vlan: entered promiscuous mode [ 43.305833][ T3314] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device batadv0 [ 43.331085][ T3305] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device batadv0 [ 43.349010][ T3304] veth0_macvtap: entered promiscuous mode [ 43.363018][ T3304] veth1_macvtap: entered promiscuous mode [ 43.400498][ T3304] batman_adv: batadv0: Interface activated: batadv_slave_0 [ 43.425796][ T3304] batman_adv: batadv0: Interface activated: batadv_slave_1 [ 43.438831][ T3303] veth0_vlan: entered promiscuous mode [ 43.450057][ T3303] veth1_vlan: entered promiscuous mode [ 43.461813][ T3301] veth0_vlan: entered promiscuous mode [ 43.471958][ T3304] netdevsim netdevsim2 netdevsim0: set [1, 0] type 2 family 0 port 6081 - 0 [ 43.480778][ T3304] netdevsim netdevsim2 netdevsim1: set [1, 0] type 2 family 0 port 6081 - 0 [ 43.489535][ T3304] netdevsim netdevsim2 netdevsim2: set [1, 0] type 2 family 0 port 6081 - 0 [ 43.498435][ T3304] netdevsim netdevsim2 netdevsim3: set [1, 0] type 2 family 0 port 6081 - 0 [ 43.516468][ T3303] veth0_macvtap: entered promiscuous mode [ 43.524327][ T3303] veth1_macvtap: entered promiscuous mode [ 43.539841][ T3301] veth1_vlan: entered promiscuous mode [ 43.561329][ T3305] veth0_vlan: entered promiscuous mode [ 43.567034][ T3303] batman_adv: The newly added mac address (aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:3e) already exists on: batadv_slave_0 [ 43.577611][ T3303] batman_adv: It is strongly recommended to keep mac addresses unique to avoid problems! [ 43.589047][ T3303] batman_adv: batadv0: Interface activated: batadv_slave_0 [ 43.597786][ T3303] batman_adv: The newly added mac address (aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:3f) already exists on: batadv_slave_1 [ 43.608355][ T3303] batman_adv: It is strongly recommended to keep mac addresses unique to avoid problems! [ 43.621374][ T3303] batman_adv: batadv0: Interface activated: batadv_slave_1 [ 43.633326][ T3301] veth0_macvtap: entered promiscuous mode [ 43.647466][ T3301] veth1_macvtap: entered promiscuous mode [ 43.658042][ T3305] veth1_vlan: entered promiscuous mode [ 43.665663][ T3303] netdevsim netdevsim1 netdevsim0: set [1, 0] type 2 family 0 port 6081 - 0 [ 43.674501][ T3303] netdevsim netdevsim1 netdevsim1: set [1, 0] type 2 family 0 port 6081 - 0 [ 43.683358][ T3303] netdevsim netdevsim1 netdevsim2: set [1, 0] type 2 family 0 port 6081 - 0 [ 43.692168][ T3303] netdevsim netdevsim1 netdevsim3: set [1, 0] type 2 family 0 port 6081 - 0 [ 43.703142][ T3304] soft_limit_in_bytes is deprecated and will be removed. Please report your usecase to if you depend on this functionality. [ 43.712540][ T3314] veth0_vlan: entered promiscuous mode [ 43.730025][ T3301] batman_adv: The newly added mac address (aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:3e) already exists on: batadv_slave_0 [ 43.740534][ T3301] batman_adv: It is strongly recommended to keep mac addresses unique to avoid problems! [ 43.750372][ T3301] batman_adv: The newly added mac address (aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:3e) already exists on: batadv_slave_0 [ 43.760817][ T3301] batman_adv: It is strongly recommended to keep mac addresses unique to avoid problems! [ 43.771829][ T3301] batman_adv: batadv0: Interface activated: batadv_slave_0 [ 43.801708][ T3314] veth1_vlan: entered promiscuous mode [ 43.810269][ T3301] batman_adv: The newly added mac address (aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:3f) already exists on: batadv_slave_1 [ 43.820785][ T3301] batman_adv: It is strongly recommended to keep mac addresses unique to avoid problems! [ 43.830700][ T3301] batman_adv: The newly added mac address (aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:3f) already exists on: batadv_slave_1 [ 43.841199][ T3301] batman_adv: It is strongly recommended to keep mac addresses unique to avoid problems! [ 43.853334][ T3301] batman_adv: batadv0: Interface activated: batadv_slave_1 [ 43.871812][ T3314] veth0_macvtap: entered promiscuous mode [ 43.889240][ T3301] netdevsim netdevsim0 netdevsim0: set [1, 0] type 2 family 0 port 6081 - 0 [ 43.898058][ T3301] netdevsim netdevsim0 netdevsim1: set [1, 0] type 2 family 0 port 6081 - 0 [ 43.906862][ T3301] netdevsim netdevsim0 netdevsim2: set [1, 0] type 2 family 0 port 6081 - 0 [ 43.915591][ T3301] netdevsim netdevsim0 netdevsim3: set [1, 0] type 2 family 0 port 6081 - 0 [ 43.933159][ T3314] veth1_macvtap: entered promiscuous mode [ 43.945367][ T3305] veth0_macvtap: entered promiscuous mode [ 43.960877][ T3305] veth1_macvtap: entered promiscuous mode [ 43.980937][ T3314] batman_adv: The newly added mac address (aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:3e) already exists on: batadv_slave_0 [ 43.991456][ T3314] batman_adv: It is strongly recommended to keep mac addresses unique to avoid problems! [ 44.001421][ T3314] batman_adv: The newly added mac address (aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:3e) already exists on: batadv_slave_0 [ 44.011962][ T3314] batman_adv: It is strongly recommended to keep mac addresses unique to avoid problems! [ 44.021927][ T3314] batman_adv: The newly added mac address (aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:3e) already exists on: batadv_slave_0 [ 44.032387][ T3314] batman_adv: It is strongly recommended to keep mac addresses unique to avoid problems! [ 44.046584][ T3314] batman_adv: batadv0: Interface activated: batadv_slave_0 [ 44.061339][ T3314] batman_adv: The newly added mac address (aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:3f) already exists on: batadv_slave_1 [ 44.071905][ T3314] batman_adv: It is strongly recommended to keep mac addresses unique to avoid problems! [ 44.081813][ T3314] batman_adv: The newly added mac address (aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:3f) already exists on: batadv_slave_1 [ 44.092300][ T3314] batman_adv: It is strongly recommended to keep mac addresses unique to avoid problems! [ 44.102209][ T3314] batman_adv: The newly added mac address (aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:3f) already exists on: batadv_slave_1 [ 44.112698][ T3314] batman_adv: It is strongly recommended to keep mac addresses unique to avoid problems! [ 44.124060][ T3314] batman_adv: batadv0: Interface activated: batadv_slave_1 [ 44.131511][ T3305] batman_adv: The newly added mac address (aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:3e) already exists on: batadv_slave_0 [ 44.142018][ T3305] batman_adv: It is strongly recommended to keep mac addresses unique to avoid problems! [ 44.151888][ T3305] batman_adv: The newly added mac address (aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:3e) already exists on: batadv_slave_0 [ 44.162355][ T3305] batman_adv: It is strongly recommended to keep mac addresses unique to avoid problems! [ 44.172233][ T3305] batman_adv: The newly added mac address (aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:3e) already exists on: batadv_slave_0 [ 44.175959][ T3454] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 256 [ 44.182697][ T3305] batman_adv: It is strongly recommended to keep mac addresses unique to avoid problems! [ 44.182710][ T3305] batman_adv: The newly added mac address (aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:3e) already exists on: batadv_slave_0 [ 44.182727][ T3305] batman_adv: It is strongly recommended to keep mac addresses unique to avoid problems! [ 44.186156][ T3305] batman_adv: batadv0: Interface activated: batadv_slave_0 [ 44.210565][ T3454] FAT-fs (loop1): bogus logical sector size 128 [ 44.221764][ T3305] batman_adv: The newly added mac address (aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:3f) already exists on: batadv_slave_1 [ 44.226596][ T3454] FAT-fs (loop1): Can't find a valid FAT filesystem [ 44.232807][ T3305] batman_adv: It is strongly recommended to keep mac addresses unique to avoid problems! [ 44.259835][ T3305] batman_adv: The newly added mac address (aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:3f) already exists on: batadv_slave_1 [ 44.270400][ T3305] batman_adv: It is strongly recommended to keep mac addresses unique to avoid problems! [ 44.280264][ T3305] batman_adv: The newly added mac address (aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:3f) already exists on: batadv_slave_1 [ 44.290722][ T3305] batman_adv: It is strongly recommended to keep mac addresses unique to avoid problems! [ 44.300591][ T3305] batman_adv: The newly added mac address (aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:3f) already exists on: batadv_slave_1 [ 44.311048][ T3305] batman_adv: It is strongly recommended to keep mac addresses unique to avoid problems! [ 44.345823][ T3305] batman_adv: batadv0: Interface activated: batadv_slave_1 [ 44.354073][ T3461] dccp_invalid_packet: P.Data Offset(0) too small [ 44.383518][ T3305] netdevsim netdevsim3 netdevsim0: set [1, 0] type 2 family 0 port 6081 - 0 [ 44.392380][ T3305] netdevsim netdevsim3 netdevsim1: set [1, 0] type 2 family 0 port 6081 - 0 [ 44.401253][ T3305] netdevsim netdevsim3 netdevsim2: set [1, 0] type 2 family 0 port 6081 - 0 [ 44.410080][ T3305] netdevsim netdevsim3 netdevsim3: set [1, 0] type 2 family 0 port 6081 - 0 [ 44.436066][ T3314] netdevsim netdevsim4 netdevsim0: set [1, 0] type 2 family 0 port 6081 - 0 [ 44.444941][ T3314] netdevsim netdevsim4 netdevsim1: set [1, 0] type 2 family 0 port 6081 - 0 [ 44.453694][ T3314] netdevsim netdevsim4 netdevsim2: set [1, 0] type 2 family 0 port 6081 - 0 [ 44.462445][ T3314] netdevsim netdevsim4 netdevsim3: set [1, 0] type 2 family 0 port 6081 - 0 [ 44.572924][ T3478] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 44.602495][ T3478] EXT4-fs (loop2): bad geometry: first data block 0 is beyond end of filesystem (0) [ 44.728124][ T3500] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 44.755676][ T3500] ======================================================= [ 44.755676][ T3500] WARNING: The mand mount option has been deprecated and [ 44.755676][ T3500] and is ignored by this kernel. Remove the mand [ 44.755676][ T3500] option from the mount to silence this warning. [ 44.755676][ T3500] ======================================================= [ 44.807192][ T3500] EXT4-fs: Project quota feature not enabled. Cannot enable project quota enforcement. [ 44.878769][ T3515] ICMPv6: NA: fd:f9:a6:84:a5:1b advertised our address fe80::aa on syz_tun! [ 44.927242][ T3519] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 2048 [ 45.002341][ T3519] loop2: p3 < > p4 < > [ 45.006533][ T3519] loop2: partition table partially beyond EOD, truncated [ 45.037219][ T3519] loop2: p3 start 4284289 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 45.128037][ T3547] loop4: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 45.153750][ T3547] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed orlov option [ 45.159558][ T3547] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed nomblk_io_submit option [ 45.179710][ T3547] EXT4-fs (loop4): can't mount with commit=8, fs mounted w/o journal [ 45.291348][ T3569] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 45.328620][ T3569] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_ext_check_inode:524: inode #2: comm syz.0.61: pblk 0 bad header/extent: invalid extent entries - magic f30a, entries 1, max 4(4), depth 0(0) [ 45.365674][ T3569] EXT4-fs (loop0): get root inode failed [ 45.371421][ T3569] EXT4-fs (loop0): mount failed [ 45.533406][ T3606] loop4: detected capacity change from 0 to 128 [ 45.553056][ T3606] FAT-fs (loop4): bogus number of reserved sectors [ 45.559689][ T3606] FAT-fs (loop4): This doesn't look like a DOS 1.x volume; DOS 2.x BPB is non-zero [ 45.569099][ T3606] FAT-fs (loop4): Can't find a valid FAT filesystem [ 45.577120][ T29] kauditd_printk_skb: 25 callbacks suppressed [ 45.577133][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355761.880:131): avc: denied { create } for pid=3608 comm="syz.0.81" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=rawip_socket permissive=1 [ 45.672021][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355761.980:132): avc: denied { execute } for pid=3620 comm="syz.0.86" path=2F616E6F6E5F6875676570616765202864656C6574656429 dev="hugetlbfs" ino=4877 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:object_r:hugetlbfs_t tclass=file permissive=1 [ 45.752071][ T3630] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 45.774930][ T3630] EXT4-fs (loop2): ext4_check_descriptors: Inode bitmap for group 0 overlaps block group descriptors [ 45.785891][ T3630] EXT4-fs (loop2): ext4_check_descriptors: Checksum for group 0 failed (51554!=20869) [ 45.832104][ T3630] JBD2: no valid journal superblock found [ 45.837889][ T3630] EXT4-fs (loop2): Could not load journal inode [ 45.866474][ T3647] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 256 [ 45.892520][ T3647] FAT-fs (loop0): bogus logical sector size 128 [ 45.898990][ T3647] FAT-fs (loop0): Can't find a valid FAT filesystem [ 46.132019][ T3684] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 46.160313][ T3671] loop4: detected capacity change from 0 to 8192 [ 46.171789][ T3684] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_free_branches:1023: inode #11: comm syz.3.118: invalid indirect mapped block 4294967295 (level 1) [ 46.190750][ T3684] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_free_branches:1023: inode #11: comm syz.3.118: invalid indirect mapped block 4294967295 (level 1) [ 46.205605][ T3684] EXT4-fs (loop3): 2 truncates cleaned up [ 46.213812][ T3671] loop4: p1 < > p3 < > p4 < > [ 46.218668][ T3671] loop4: partition table partially beyond EOD, truncated [ 46.218807][ T3693] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 256 [ 46.232895][ T3684] EXT4-fs (loop3): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 r/w without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 46.234564][ T3671] loop4: p3 start 327168 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 46.252427][ T3693] FAT-fs (loop2): bogus logical sector size 128 [ 46.258895][ T3693] FAT-fs (loop2): Can't find a valid FAT filesystem [ 46.260421][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355762.560:133): avc: denied { mount } for pid=3683 comm="syz.3.118" name="/" dev="loop3" ino=2 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:fs_t tclass=filesystem permissive=1 [ 46.310305][ T3305] EXT4-fs (loop3): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 46.435959][ T3711] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 46.457066][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355762.760:134): avc: denied { mounton } for pid=3712 comm="syz.0.131" path="/syzcgroup/unified/syz0" dev="cgroup2" ino=75 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:cgroup_t tclass=dir permissive=1 [ 46.480750][ T3711] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed i_version option [ 46.480778][ T3711] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed mblk_io_submit option [ 46.482444][ T3711] EXT4-fs (loop1): unable to read superblock [ 46.562247][ T3728] delete_channel: no stack [ 46.566744][ T3728] delete_channel: no stack [ 46.571459][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355762.870:135): avc: denied { create } for pid=3726 comm="syz.2.138" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=isdn_socket permissive=1 [ 46.882449][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355762.187:136): avc: denied { mounton } for pid=3777 comm="syz.2.163" path="/syzcgroup/cpu/syz2/cgroup.procs" dev="cgroup" ino=53 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:cgroup_t tclass=file permissive=1 [ 46.882531][ T3779] tmpfs: Bad value for 'mpol' [ 46.973396][ T3785] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 46.990216][ T3785] EXT4-fs (loop1): ext4_check_descriptors: Inode bitmap for group 0 overlaps block group descriptors [ 47.001170][ T3785] EXT4-fs (loop1): ext4_check_descriptors: Checksum for group 0 failed (51554!=20869) [ 47.023369][ T3785] JBD2: no valid journal superblock found [ 47.029177][ T3785] EXT4-fs (loop1): Could not load journal inode [ 47.040020][ T3795] tmpfs: Bad value for 'mpol' [ 47.107000][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355762.407:137): avc: denied { sqpoll } for pid=3801 comm="syz.1.174" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=io_uring permissive=1 [ 47.126361][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355762.407:138): avc: denied { create } for pid=3801 comm="syz.1.174" anonclass=[io_uring] scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:object_r:sysadm_t tclass=anon_inode permissive=1 [ 47.147526][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355762.407:139): avc: denied { map } for pid=3801 comm="syz.1.174" path="anon_inode:[io_uring]" dev="anon_inodefs" ino=5378 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:object_r:sysadm_t tclass=anon_inode permissive=1 [ 47.147699][ T3806] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 2048 [ 47.171651][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739355762.407:140): avc: denied { read write } for pid=3801 comm="syz.1.174" path="anon_inode:[io_uring]" dev="anon_inodefs" ino=5378 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:object_r:sysadm_t tclass=anon_inode permissive=1 [ 47.234267][ T3806] loop0: p3 < > p4 < > [ 47.238496][ T3806] loop0: partition table partially beyond EOD, truncated [ 47.263286][ T3806] loop0: p3 start 4284289 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 47.311184][ T3000] loop0: p3 < > p4 < > [ 47.315395][ T3000] loop0: partition table partially beyond EOD, truncated [ 47.338429][ T3000] loop0: p3 start 4284289 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 47.350585][ T3827] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 47.359358][ T3827] EXT4-fs (loop3): ext4_check_descriptors: Checksum for group 0 failed (62631!=20869) [ 47.369394][ T3827] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_get_journal_inode:5798: comm syz.3.187: inode #98: comm syz.3.187: iget: illegal inode # [ 47.396692][ T3827] EXT4-fs (loop3): no journal found [ 47.402158][ T3827] EXT4-fs (loop3): can't get journal size [ 47.428426][ T3827] [EXT4 FS bs=1024, gc=1, bpg=131072, ipg=32, mo=a840e12d, mo2=0002] [ 47.437835][ T3827] EXT4-fs (loop3): failed to initialize system zone (-22) [ 47.449458][ T3827] EXT4-fs (loop3): mount failed [ 47.457994][ T3840] loop4: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 47.512749][ T3840] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.4.193: Failed to acquire dquot type 0 [ 47.542772][ T3840] EXT4-fs (loop4): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 47.559617][ T3300] udevd[3300]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop0p4, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 47.588514][ T3840] EXT4-fs (loop4): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 r/w without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 47.651688][ T3300] udevd[3300]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop0p4, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 47.670994][ T3865] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 2048 [ 47.678067][ T3314] EXT4-fs (loop4): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 47.731300][ T3466] loop1: p1 < > p4 [ 47.741342][ T3466] loop1: p4 size 8388608 extends beyond EOD, truncated [ 47.778604][ T3865] loop1: p1 < > p4 [ 47.785651][ T3865] loop1: p4 size 8388608 extends beyond EOD, truncated [ 47.853751][ T3881] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 2048 [ 47.887994][ T3300] udevd[3300]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop1p1, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 47.900089][ T3466] udevd[3466]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop1p4, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 47.959801][ T3881] GPT:first_usable_lbas don't match. [ 47.965128][ T3881] GPT:34 != 290 [ 47.968682][ T3881] GPT: Use GNU Parted to correct GPT errors. [ 47.974969][ T3881] loop0: p1 p2 p3 [ 47.984087][ T3904] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 128 [ 48.015120][ T3904] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed i_version option [ 48.050986][ T3904] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed orlov option [ 48.087412][ T3904] EXT4-fs (loop1): VFS: Found ext4 filesystem with invalid superblock checksum. Run e2fsck? [ 48.221638][ T3937] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 48.228243][ T3937] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed orlov option [ 48.245516][ T3937] EXT4-fs: Journaled quota options ignored when QUOTA feature is enabled [ 48.256259][ T3937] EXT4-fs (loop3): revision level too high, forcing read-only mode [ 48.274128][ T3937] EXT4-fs (loop3): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 48.312835][ T3937] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_validate_block_bitmap:441: comm syz.3.242: bg 0: block 248: padding at end of block bitmap is not set [ 48.335930][ T3952] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 48.342639][ T3954] 9pnet_fd: Insufficient options for proto=fd [ 48.351951][ T3937] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.3.242: Failed to acquire dquot type 1 [ 48.368141][ T3952] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_free_branches:1023: inode #11: comm syz.2.248: invalid indirect mapped block 4294967295 (level 1) [ 48.398806][ T3937] EXT4-fs (loop3): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 48.419091][ T3937] EXT4-fs (loop3): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 ro without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 48.437330][ T3952] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_free_branches:1023: inode #11: comm syz.2.248: invalid indirect mapped block 4294967295 (level 1) [ 48.453071][ T3952] EXT4-fs (loop2): 2 truncates cleaned up [ 48.461531][ T3952] EXT4-fs (loop2): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 r/w without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 48.490267][ T3937] syz.3.242 (3937) used greatest stack depth: 9192 bytes left [ 48.525806][ T3305] EXT4-fs (loop3): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 48.531590][ T3304] EXT4-fs (loop2): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 48.680069][ T3994] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 48.694477][ T3994] EXT4-fs (loop0): invalid inodes per group: 7 [ 48.694477][ T3994] [ 48.791748][ T4002] loop4: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 48.809165][ T4002] EXT4-fs (loop4): ext4_check_descriptors: Checksum for group 0 failed (62631!=20869) [ 48.821998][ T4002] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_get_journal_inode:5798: comm syz.4.272: inode #98: comm syz.4.272: iget: illegal inode # [ 48.852522][ T4002] EXT4-fs (loop4): no journal found [ 48.857771][ T4002] EXT4-fs (loop4): can't get journal size [ 48.912604][ T4002] [EXT4 FS bs=1024, gc=1, bpg=131072, ipg=32, mo=a840e12d, mo2=0002] [ 48.956984][ T4002] EXT4-fs (loop4): failed to initialize system zone (-22) [ 48.964361][ T4002] EXT4-fs (loop4): mount failed [ 49.188046][ T4046] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 8192 [ 49.212578][ T4063] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 49.234952][ T4063] EXT4-fs (loop0): ext4_check_descriptors: Checksum for group 0 failed (62631!=20869) [ 49.246762][ T4046] loop2: p1 < > p3 < > p4 < > [ 49.247877][ T4063] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_get_journal_inode:5798: comm syz.0.302: inode #98: comm syz.0.302: iget: illegal inode # [ 49.251648][ T4046] loop2: partition table partially beyond EOD, truncated [ 49.265098][ T4046] loop2: p3 start 327168 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 49.285112][ T3000] loop2: p1 < > p3 < > p4 < > [ 49.290015][ T3000] loop2: partition table partially beyond EOD, truncated [ 49.299118][ T3000] loop2: p3 start 327168 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 49.305834][ T4063] EXT4-fs (loop0): no journal found [ 49.311097][ T4063] EXT4-fs (loop0): can't get journal size [ 49.348463][ T4063] [EXT4 FS bs=1024, gc=1, bpg=131072, ipg=32, mo=a840e12d, mo2=0002] [ 49.356629][ T4063] EXT4-fs (loop0): failed to initialize system zone (-22) [ 49.365451][ T4081] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 49.389895][ T4063] EXT4-fs (loop0): mount failed [ 49.390882][ T3300] udevd[3300]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop2p1, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 49.417227][ T3466] udevd[3466]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop2p4, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 49.437536][ T4081] [EXT4 FS bs=1024, gc=1, bpg=8192, ipg=32, mo=a842e01c, mo2=0002] [ 49.449067][ T4081] System zones: 1-12 [ 49.456938][ T4081] EXT4-fs error (device loop1): ext4_free_branches:1023: inode #13: comm syz.1.309: invalid indirect mapped block 1819239214 (level 1) [ 49.475257][ T3300] udevd[3300]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop2p1, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 49.486330][ T3466] udevd[3466]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop2p4, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 49.497641][ T4081] EXT4-fs error (device loop1): ext4_validate_block_bitmap:441: comm syz.1.309: bg 0: block 361: padding at end of block bitmap is not set [ 49.555005][ T4081] EXT4-fs error (device loop1) in ext4_mb_clear_bb:6550: Corrupt filesystem [ 49.575474][ T4081] EXT4-fs error (device loop1): ext4_clear_blocks:876: inode #13: comm syz.1.309: attempt to clear invalid blocks 33619980 len 1 [ 49.619286][ T4100] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 8192 [ 49.637867][ T4081] EXT4-fs error (device loop1): ext4_free_branches:1023: inode #13: comm syz.1.309: invalid indirect mapped block 1819239214 (level 0) [ 49.672067][ T4081] EXT4-fs (loop1): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 49.678217][ T4081] EXT4-fs (loop1): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 r/w without journal. Quota mode: none. [ 49.693076][ T4113] loop4: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 49.700018][ T4100] loop0: p1 < > p3 < > p4 < > [ 49.704802][ T4100] loop0: partition table partially beyond EOD, truncated [ 49.716083][ T4113] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed orlov option [ 49.744116][ T4113] EXT4-fs: Journaled quota options ignored when QUOTA feature is enabled [ 49.754206][ T3303] EXT4-fs (loop1): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 49.755544][ T4100] loop0: p3 start 327168 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 49.775861][ T4119] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 49.790806][ T4119] EXT4-fs (loop2): can't read group descriptor 0 [ 49.824851][ T4113] EXT4-fs (loop4): revision level too high, forcing read-only mode [ 49.878658][ T4113] EXT4-fs (loop4): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 49.889733][ T4113] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_validate_block_bitmap:441: comm syz.4.325: bg 0: block 248: padding at end of block bitmap is not set [ 49.911772][ T4113] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.4.325: Failed to acquire dquot type 1 [ 49.944701][ T4135] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 49.948944][ T4113] EXT4-fs (loop4): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 49.960111][ T4113] EXT4-fs (loop4): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 ro without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 49.968022][ T4135] EXT4-fs: Warning: mounting with data=journal disables delayed allocation, dioread_nolock, O_DIRECT and fast_commit support! [ 49.985705][ T4135] EXT4-fs (loop1): encrypted files will use data=ordered instead of data journaling mode [ 50.034021][ T4113] syz.4.325 (4113) used greatest stack depth: 9120 bytes left [ 50.075877][ T3314] EXT4-fs (loop4): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 50.078360][ T4135] EXT4-fs error (device loop1): ext4_free_branches:1023: inode #16: comm syz.1.335: invalid indirect mapped block 4294967295 (level 0) [ 50.161112][ T4135] EXT4-fs error (device loop1): ext4_free_branches:1023: inode #16: comm syz.1.335: invalid indirect mapped block 4294967295 (level 1) [ 50.212293][ T4167] loop4: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 50.220005][ T4135] EXT4-fs (loop1): 1 orphan inode deleted [ 50.225804][ T4135] EXT4-fs (loop1): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 50.225914][ T4169] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 50.231964][ T4135] EXT4-fs (loop1): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 r/w without journal. Quota mode: none. [ 50.276263][ T4167] EXT4-fs: Journaled quota options ignored when QUOTA feature is enabled [ 50.300120][ T4169] EXT4-fs (loop2): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 50.306705][ T4169] EXT4-fs warning (device loop2): ext4_enable_quotas:7145: Failed to enable quota tracking (type=1, err=-117, ino=4). Please run e2fsck to fix. [ 50.338011][ T4167] EXT4-fs (loop4): ext4_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group 0 overlaps block group descriptors [ 50.348958][ T4167] EXT4-fs (loop4): ext4_check_descriptors: Checksum for group 0 failed (53380!=20869) [ 50.352653][ T4169] EXT4-fs (loop2): Cannot turn on quotas: error -117 [ 50.359079][ T4167] EXT4-fs (loop4): stripe (65535) is not aligned with cluster size (16), stripe is disabled [ 50.381311][ T4167] EXT4-fs (loop4): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 ro without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 50.412965][ T3303] EXT4-fs (loop1): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 50.428399][ T4169] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_ext_check_inode:524: inode #13: comm syz.2.351: pblk 0 bad header/extent: invalid extent entries - magic f30a, entries 1, max 4(4), depth 0(0) [ 50.446611][ T4169] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_orphan_get:1394: comm syz.2.351: couldn't read orphan inode 13 (err -117) [ 50.458773][ T3314] EXT4-fs (loop4): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 50.499124][ T4169] EXT4-fs (loop2): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0b00-0000-000000000000 ro without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 50.545362][ T4199] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 50.565656][ T4199] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed oldalloc option [ 50.582501][ T3304] EXT4-fs (loop2): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0b00-0000-000000000000. [ 50.604281][ T4199] [EXT4 FS bs=1024, gc=1, bpg=8192, ipg=32, mo=a842c01c, mo2=0002] [ 50.629342][ T4199] System zones: 1-12 [ 50.652074][ T4199] EXT4-fs error (device loop1): ext4_xattr_inode_iget:436: comm syz.1.365: Parent and EA inode have the same ino 15 [ 50.699167][ T4199] EXT4-fs warning (device loop1): ext4_expand_extra_isize_ea:2863: Unable to expand inode 15. Delete some EAs or run e2fsck. [ 50.725763][ T4199] EXT4-fs error (device loop1): ext4_xattr_inode_iget:436: comm syz.1.365: Parent and EA inode have the same ino 15 [ 50.778720][ T4199] EXT4-fs (loop1): 1 orphan inode deleted [ 50.795431][ T4199] EXT4-fs (loop1): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 r/w without journal. Quota mode: none. [ 50.855192][ T3303] EXT4-fs (loop1): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 50.971887][ T4243] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 50.984744][ T4243] EXT4-fs warning (device loop0): ext4_multi_mount_protect:318: fsck is running on the filesystem [ 50.995556][ T4243] EXT4-fs warning (device loop0): ext4_multi_mount_protect:318: MMP failure info: last update time: 1669132791, last update node:, last update device: loop14 [ 51.117878][ T4262] dccp_invalid_packet: P.type (RESET) not Data || [Data]Ack, while P.X == 0 [ 51.218590][ T4274] SELinux: Context system_u:object_r:net_conf_t:s0 is not valid (left unmapped). [ 51.228030][ T29] kauditd_printk_skb: 15 callbacks suppressed [ 51.228046][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739356022.525:149): avc: denied { relabelto } for pid=4272 comm="syz.4.402" name="cgroup.procs" dev="cgroup" ino=249 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:unlabeled_t tclass=file permissive=1 trawcon="system_u:object_r:net_conf_t:s0" [ 51.313990][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739356022.525:150): avc: denied { associate } for pid=4272 comm="syz.4.402" name="cgroup.procs" dev="cgroup" ino=249 scontext=system_u:object_r:unlabeled_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:cgroup_t tclass=filesystem permissive=1 srawcon="system_u:object_r:net_conf_t:s0" [ 51.516775][ T4308] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 51.549926][ T4308] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed oldalloc option [ 51.575537][ T4308] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_find_inline_data_nolock:164: inode #15: comm syz.0.417: inline data xattr refers to an external xattr inode [ 51.605256][ T4308] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_orphan_get:1394: comm syz.0.417: couldn't read orphan inode 15 (err -117) [ 51.621146][ T4308] EXT4-fs (loop0): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 r/w without journal. Quota mode: none. [ 51.648870][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739356022.955:151): avc: denied { mount } for pid=4307 comm="syz.0.417" name="/" dev="loop0" ino=2 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:fs_t tclass=filesystem permissive=1 [ 51.682016][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739356022.985:152): avc: denied { unmount } for pid=3301 comm="syz-executor" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:fs_t tclass=filesystem permissive=1 [ 51.703466][ T3301] EXT4-fs (loop0): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 51.721323][ T4325] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 51.731267][ T4324] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 51.738090][ T4325] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed orlov option [ 51.753046][ T4325] EXT4-fs: Journaled quota options ignored when QUOTA feature is enabled [ 51.781936][ T4325] EXT4-fs (loop1): revision level too high, forcing read-only mode [ 51.792720][ T4325] EXT4-fs (loop1): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 51.793695][ T4324] EXT4-fs (loop2): Invalid log cluster size: 1284 [ 51.800229][ T4325] EXT4-fs error (device loop1): ext4_validate_block_bitmap:441: comm syz.1.426: bg 0: block 248: padding at end of block bitmap is not set [ 51.823584][ T4325] Quota error (device loop1): write_blk: dquota write failed [ 51.831041][ T4325] Quota error (device loop1): qtree_write_dquot: Error -117 occurred while creating quota [ 51.841002][ T4325] EXT4-fs error (device loop1): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.1.426: Failed to acquire dquot type 1 [ 51.876183][ T4330] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 2048 [ 51.888493][ T4325] EXT4-fs (loop1): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 51.896382][ T4325] EXT4-fs (loop1): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 ro without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 51.918828][ T4330] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed bh option [ 51.925039][ T4330] EXT4-fs (loop3): bad geometry: block count 12884902400 exceeds size of device (512 blocks) [ 51.986150][ T4336] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 51.997866][ T4338] loop4: detected capacity change from 0 to 128 [ 52.010437][ T3303] EXT4-fs (loop1): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 52.066195][ T4336] Quota error (device loop0): v2_read_file_info: Can't read info structure [ 52.098412][ T4336] EXT4-fs warning (device loop0): ext4_enable_quotas:7145: Failed to enable quota tracking (type=0, err=-5, ino=3). Please run e2fsck to fix. [ 52.159404][ T4350] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 8192 [ 52.168823][ T4336] EXT4-fs (loop0): mount failed [ 52.169788][ T4350] FAT-fs (loop1): bogus number of directory entries (3) [ 52.180781][ T4350] FAT-fs (loop1): Can't find a valid FAT filesystem [ 52.299594][ T4366] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 52.326334][ T4371] loop4: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 52.334004][ T4366] EXT4-fs (loop3): ext4_check_descriptors: Inode bitmap for group 0 not in group (block 131091)! [ 52.344707][ T4366] EXT4-fs (loop3): group descriptors corrupted! [ 52.363284][ T4371] SELinux: security_context_str_to_sid (unconfined_u) failed with errno=-22 [ 52.498509][ T4393] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 128 [ 52.576894][ T4403] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 52.609812][ T4403] SELinux: security_context_str_to_sid (unconfined_u) failed with errno=-22 [ 52.658421][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739356023.955:153): avc: denied { create } for pid=4414 comm="syz.4.470" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=pppox_socket permissive=1 [ 52.768641][ T4431] tmpfs: Bad value for 'mpol' [ 52.883588][ T4426] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 8192 [ 52.910552][ T29] audit: type=1326 audit(1739356024.215:154): auid=4294967295 uid=0 gid=0 ses=4294967295 subj=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t pid=4449 comm="syz.4.487" exe="/root/syz-executor" sig=31 arch=c000003e syscall=202 compat=0 ip=0x7fabd1cbcde9 code=0x0 [ 53.059714][ T4467] syz.4.495 calls setitimer() with new_value NULL pointer. Misfeature support will be removed [ 53.205879][ T4483] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 2048 [ 53.307503][ T4483] loop1: p3 < > p4 < > [ 53.311829][ T4483] loop1: partition table partially beyond EOD, truncated [ 53.327456][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739356024.625:155): avc: denied { map_read map_write } for pid=4500 comm="syz.3.512" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=bpf permissive=1 [ 53.347227][ T4483] loop1: p3 start 4284289 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 53.372644][ T3000] loop1: p3 < > p4 < > [ 53.376821][ T3000] loop1: partition table partially beyond EOD, truncated [ 53.387731][ T4504] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 53.393618][ T3000] loop1: p3 start 4284289 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 53.408895][ T4504] EXT4-fs (loop0): filesystem is read-only [ 53.418675][ T3300] udevd[3300]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop1p4, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 53.447793][ T3300] udevd[3300]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop1p4, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 53.532768][ T4516] loop4: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 53.622679][ T4516] EXT4-fs (loop4): ext4_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group 0 overlaps block group descriptors [ 53.633685][ T4516] EXT4-fs (loop4): ext4_check_descriptors: Checksum for group 0 failed (14919!=20869) [ 53.675266][ T4516] EXT4-fs (loop4): stripe (65535) is not aligned with cluster size (16), stripe is disabled [ 53.689644][ T4516] EXT4-fs (loop4): invalid journal inode [ 53.695340][ T4516] EXT4-fs (loop4): can't get journal size [ 53.718472][ T4516] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_protect_reserved_inode:182: inode #3: comm syz.4.519: blocks 2-2 from inode overlap system zone [ 53.758470][ T4516] EXT4-fs (loop4): failed to initialize system zone (-117) [ 53.765783][ T4516] EXT4-fs (loop4): mount failed [ 53.794552][ T4527] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 53.794911][ T4529] IPv6: addrconf: prefix option has invalid lifetime [ 53.809651][ T4527] EXT4-fs: Journaled quota options ignored when QUOTA feature is enabled [ 53.835769][ T4527] EXT4-fs (loop0): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 53.889208][ T4527] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.0.534: Failed to acquire dquot type 1 [ 53.948237][ T4527] EXT4-fs (loop0): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 53.955870][ T4527] EXT4-fs (loop0): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 ro without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 54.058805][ T3301] EXT4-fs (loop0): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 54.077599][ T4545] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 54.110604][ T4545] EXT4-fs (loop1): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 54.114002][ T4548] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 54.138535][ T4545] EXT4-fs warning (device loop1): ext4_enable_quotas:7145: Failed to enable quota tracking (type=1, err=-117, ino=4). Please run e2fsck to fix. [ 54.175139][ T4548] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed orlov option [ 54.198492][ T4545] EXT4-fs (loop1): Cannot turn on quotas: error -117 [ 54.229677][ T4545] EXT4-fs error (device loop1): ext4_ext_check_inode:524: inode #13: comm syz.1.532: pblk 0 bad header/extent: invalid extent entries - magic f30a, entries 1, max 4(4), depth 0(0) [ 54.251862][ T4548] EXT4-fs: Journaled quota options ignored when QUOTA feature is enabled [ 54.262648][ T4555] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 54.279138][ T4548] EXT4-fs (loop0): revision level too high, forcing read-only mode [ 54.287145][ T4548] EXT4-fs (loop0): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 54.289763][ T4545] EXT4-fs error (device loop1): ext4_orphan_get:1394: comm syz.1.532: couldn't read orphan inode 13 (err -117) [ 54.311936][ T4545] EXT4-fs (loop1): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0b00-0000-000000000000 ro without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 54.347156][ T4560] loop4: detected capacity change from 0 to 2048 [ 54.351264][ T4548] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_validate_block_bitmap:441: comm syz.0.531: bg 0: block 248: padding at end of block bitmap is not set [ 54.354249][ T4555] EXT4-fs (loop3): ext4_check_descriptors: Checksum for group 0 failed (51269!=20869) [ 54.409398][ T3303] EXT4-fs (loop1): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0b00-0000-000000000000. [ 54.418672][ T4548] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.0.531: Failed to acquire dquot type 1 [ 54.440675][ T4560] loop4: p3 < > p4 < > [ 54.444878][ T4560] loop4: partition table partially beyond EOD, truncated [ 54.458723][ T4560] loop4: p3 start 4284289 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 54.467388][ T4548] EXT4-fs (loop0): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 54.467556][ T4555] EXT4-fs (loop3): stripe (65535) is not aligned with cluster size (16), stripe is disabled [ 54.483321][ T3000] loop4: p3 < > p4 < > [ 54.487480][ T3000] loop4: partition table partially beyond EOD, truncated [ 54.495166][ T4548] EXT4-fs (loop0): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 ro without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 54.517327][ T3000] loop4: p3 start 4284289 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 54.560251][ T4548] syz.0.531 (4548) used greatest stack depth: 9112 bytes left [ 54.569596][ T3300] udevd[3300]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop4p4, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 54.584437][ T4555] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_get_journal_inode:5798: inode #32: comm syz.3.537: iget: special inode unallocated [ 54.602671][ T3301] EXT4-fs (loop0): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 54.624279][ T4555] EXT4-fs (loop3): no journal found [ 54.629566][ T4555] EXT4-fs (loop3): can't get journal size [ 54.710070][ T4555] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_protect_reserved_inode:160: inode #32: comm syz.3.537: iget: special inode unallocated [ 54.741966][ T4579] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 54.772490][ T4555] EXT4-fs (loop3): failed to initialize system zone (-117) [ 54.786990][ T4579] EXT4-fs (loop0): feature flags set on rev 0 fs, running e2fsck is recommended [ 54.800060][ T4555] EXT4-fs (loop3): mount failed [ 54.815814][ T4583] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 54.835051][ T4583] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed bh option [ 54.850183][ T4579] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.0.548: Failed to acquire dquot type 0 [ 54.861738][ T4583] EXT4-fs (loop1): can't mount with journal_async_commit, fs mounted w/o journal [ 54.945552][ T4579] EXT4-fs warning (device loop0): ext4_update_dynamic_rev:1145: updating to rev 1 because of new feature flag, running e2fsck is recommended [ 54.974301][ T4579] EXT4-fs (loop0): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 55.012121][ T4579] EXT4-fs (loop0): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 r/w without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 55.079883][ T3301] EXT4-fs (loop0): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 55.475263][ T4663] tmpfs: Bad value for 'mpol' [ 55.501993][ T4661] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 764 [ 55.550397][ T4669] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 55.577428][ T4669] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed nomblk_io_submit option [ 55.584265][ T4671] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 55.670708][ T4671] EXT4-fs: Journaled quota options ignored when QUOTA feature is enabled [ 55.681116][ T4669] [EXT4 FS bs=1024, gc=1, bpg=8192, ipg=32, mo=a843e01c, mo2=0002] [ 55.696128][ T4671] EXT4-fs (loop2): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 55.711833][ T4669] System zones: 1-12 [ 55.721215][ T4671] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.2.592: Failed to acquire dquot type 1 [ 55.743523][ T4669] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_free_branches:1023: inode #11: comm syz.0.591: invalid indirect mapped block 8 (level 2) [ 55.774992][ T4684] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 256 [ 55.786234][ T4671] EXT4-fs (loop2): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 55.798747][ T4671] EXT4-fs (loop2): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 ro without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 55.817868][ T4669] EXT4-fs (loop0): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 55.824183][ T4669] EXT4-fs (loop0): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 r/w without journal. Quota mode: none. [ 55.873346][ T3301] EXT4-fs (loop0): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 55.901273][ T3304] EXT4-fs (loop2): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 55.988196][ T4698] loop4: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 56.022727][ T4702] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 56.045159][ T4702] EXT4-fs (loop2): feature flags set on rev 0 fs, running e2fsck is recommended [ 56.049222][ T4698] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_validate_block_bitmap:441: comm syz.4.604: bg 0: block 248: padding at end of block bitmap is not set [ 56.093457][ T4698] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.4.604: Failed to acquire dquot type 1 [ 56.118078][ T4702] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.2.606: Failed to acquire dquot type 0 [ 56.178501][ T4698] EXT4-fs (loop4): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 56.189805][ T4702] EXT4-fs warning (device loop2): ext4_update_dynamic_rev:1145: updating to rev 1 because of new feature flag, running e2fsck is recommended [ 56.208657][ T4698] EXT4-fs (loop4): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 r/w without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 56.223136][ T4698] ext4 filesystem being mounted at /127/file0 supports timestamps until 2038-01-19 (0x7fffffff) [ 56.248621][ T4702] EXT4-fs (loop2): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 56.278737][ T4702] EXT4-fs (loop2): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 r/w without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 56.332771][ T3304] EXT4-fs (loop2): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 56.370047][ T4724] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 2048 [ 56.390125][ T3314] EXT4-fs (loop4): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 56.401933][ T4728] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 56.415943][ T4724] loop3: p3 p4 < > [ 56.424703][ T4728] EXT4-fs (loop2): stripe (65535) is not aligned with cluster size (4096), stripe is disabled [ 56.464027][ T4728] EXT4-fs (loop2): revision level too high, forcing read-only mode [ 56.476178][ T4728] EXT4-fs (loop2): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 56.484297][ T4728] EXT4-fs error (device loop2) in ext4_reserve_inode_write:5838: Corrupt filesystem [ 56.493908][ T4728] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_dirty_inode:6042: inode #3: comm syz.2.616: mark_inode_dirty error [ 56.507556][ T4728] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_read_block_bitmap_nowait:483: comm syz.2.616: Invalid block bitmap block 3 in block_group 0 [ 56.526223][ T4728] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_read_block_bitmap_nowait:483: comm syz.2.616: Invalid block bitmap block 3 in block_group 0 [ 56.548885][ T3466] udevd[3466]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop3p4, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 56.558897][ T4728] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_read_block_bitmap_nowait:483: comm syz.2.616: Invalid block bitmap block 3 in block_group 0 [ 56.560098][ T3300] udevd[3300]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop3p3, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 56.576974][ T4728] EXT4-fs error (device loop2) in ext4_reserve_inode_write:5838: Corrupt filesystem [ 56.591784][ T4728] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_dirty_inode:6042: inode #3: comm syz.2.616: mark_inode_dirty error [ 56.604470][ T4728] __quota_error: 19 callbacks suppressed [ 56.604484][ T4728] Quota error (device loop2): write_blk: dquota write failed [ 56.617632][ T4728] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_map_blocks:671: inode #3: block 1: comm syz.2.616: lblock 6 mapped to illegal pblock 1 (length 1) [ 56.631800][ T4728] Quota error (device loop2): write_blk: dquota write failed [ 56.639307][ T4728] Quota error (device loop2): qtree_write_dquot: Error -28 occurred while creating quota [ 56.649248][ T4728] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_map_blocks:671: inode #3: block 48: comm syz.2.616: lblock 0 mapped to illegal pblock 48 (length 1) [ 56.663540][ T4728] Quota error (device loop2): v2_write_file_info: Can't write info structure [ 56.672512][ T4728] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.2.616: Failed to acquire dquot type 0 [ 56.683871][ T4728] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_map_blocks:671: inode #3: block 49: comm syz.2.616: lblock 1 mapped to illegal pblock 49 (length 1) [ 56.698037][ T4728] Quota error (device loop2): do_insert_tree: Can't read tree quota block 1 [ 56.706813][ T4728] Quota error (device loop2): qtree_write_dquot: Error -117 occurred while creating quota [ 56.716951][ T4728] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.2.616: Failed to acquire dquot type 0 [ 56.728308][ T4728] EXT4-fs error (device loop2) in ext4_reserve_inode_write:5838: Corrupt filesystem [ 56.737973][ T4728] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_evict_inode:256: inode #15: comm syz.2.616: mark_inode_dirty error [ 56.749620][ T4728] EXT4-fs warning (device loop2): ext4_evict_inode:259: couldn't mark inode dirty (err -117) [ 56.759974][ T4728] EXT4-fs (loop2): 1 orphan inode deleted [ 56.766108][ T4728] EXT4-fs (loop2): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 ro without journal. Quota mode: none. [ 56.792510][ T4728] syz.2.616 (4728) used greatest stack depth: 8912 bytes left [ 56.812316][ T3304] EXT4-fs (loop2): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 56.899408][ T4753] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 56.905793][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739356028.205:162): avc: denied { create } for pid=4756 comm="syz.3.630" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=tipc_socket permissive=1 [ 56.949697][ T4753] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed orlov option [ 56.983110][ T4753] EXT4-fs: Journaled quota options ignored when QUOTA feature is enabled [ 57.011135][ T4753] EXT4-fs (loop2): revision level too high, forcing read-only mode [ 57.036406][ T4753] EXT4-fs (loop2): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 57.054645][ T4753] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_validate_block_bitmap:441: comm syz.2.621: bg 0: block 248: padding at end of block bitmap is not set [ 57.067099][ T4778] loop4: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 57.115284][ T4778] EXT4-fs (loop4): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 r/w without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 57.131263][ T4753] Quota error (device loop2): write_blk: dquota write failed [ 57.138734][ T4753] Quota error (device loop2): qtree_write_dquot: Error -117 occurred while creating quota [ 57.148870][ T4753] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.2.621: Failed to acquire dquot type 1 [ 57.187579][ T4778] ext4 filesystem being mounted at /134/file0 supports timestamps until 2038-01-19 (0x7fffffff) [ 57.204921][ T4753] EXT4-fs (loop2): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 57.211417][ T4753] EXT4-fs (loop2): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 ro without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 57.249617][ T3314] EXT4-fs (loop4): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 57.336043][ T3304] EXT4-fs (loop2): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 57.371432][ T4823] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 57.411502][ T4823] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_validate_block_bitmap:441: comm syz.0.662: bg 0: block 248: padding at end of block bitmap is not set [ 57.428838][ T4823] Quota error (device loop0): write_blk: dquota write failed [ 57.438148][ T4823] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.0.662: Failed to acquire dquot type 1 [ 57.480336][ T4840] loop4: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 57.496254][ T4840] [EXT4 FS bs=1024, gc=1, bpg=8192, ipg=32, mo=a842e01c, mo2=0002] [ 57.507656][ T4823] EXT4-fs (loop0): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 57.515086][ T4823] EXT4-fs (loop0): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 r/w without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 57.527856][ T4840] System zones: 1-12 [ 57.532228][ T4840] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_free_branches:1023: inode #13: comm syz.4.669: invalid indirect mapped block 1819239214 (level 1) [ 57.546348][ T4823] ext4 filesystem being mounted at /146/file0 supports timestamps until 2038-01-19 (0x7fffffff) [ 57.566163][ T4840] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_validate_block_bitmap:441: comm syz.4.669: bg 0: block 361: padding at end of block bitmap is not set [ 57.592720][ T4849] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 57.599407][ T4849] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed orlov option [ 57.605103][ T4849] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed nomblk_io_submit option [ 57.624766][ T4840] EXT4-fs error (device loop4) in ext4_mb_clear_bb:6550: Corrupt filesystem [ 57.645779][ T4849] EXT4-fs (loop2): can't mount with commit=8, fs mounted w/o journal [ 57.654804][ T3301] EXT4-fs (loop0): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 57.668214][ T4840] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_clear_blocks:876: inode #13: comm syz.4.669: attempt to clear invalid blocks 33619980 len 1 [ 57.696346][ T4862] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 57.724220][ T4862] EXT4-fs error (device loop1): ext4_xattr_inode_iget:436: comm syz.1.681: Parent and EA inode have the same ino 15 [ 57.728616][ T4840] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_free_branches:1023: inode #13: comm syz.4.669: invalid indirect mapped block 1819239214 (level 0) [ 57.756801][ T4866] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 57.766088][ T4840] EXT4-fs (loop4): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 57.769965][ T4862] EXT4-fs (loop1): Remounting filesystem read-only [ 57.784496][ T4840] EXT4-fs (loop4): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 r/w without journal. Quota mode: none. [ 57.792600][ T4866] EXT4-fs (loop2): encrypted files will use data=ordered instead of data journaling mode [ 57.815685][ T4871] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 57.823752][ T4862] EXT4-fs (loop1): 1 orphan inode deleted [ 57.836364][ T4862] EXT4-fs (loop1): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 r/w without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 57.850361][ T4862] SELinux: (dev loop1, type ext4) getxattr errno 5 [ 57.857395][ T4862] EXT4-fs (loop1): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 57.859810][ T4866] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_read_block_bitmap_nowait:483: comm syz.2.682: Invalid block bitmap block 0 in block_group 0 [ 57.868681][ T4871] EXT4-fs (loop0): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 r/w without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 57.894692][ T4871] ext4 filesystem being mounted at /148/file0 supports timestamps until 2038-01-19 (0x7fffffff) [ 57.897114][ T3314] EXT4-fs (loop4): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 57.939186][ T4866] EXT4-fs error (device loop2) in ext4_mb_clear_bb:6550: Corrupt filesystem [ 57.965457][ T4866] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_clear_blocks:876: inode #11: comm syz.2.682: attempt to clear invalid blocks 983261 len 1 [ 57.983912][ T3301] EXT4-fs (loop0): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 58.025682][ T4888] loop4: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 58.032279][ T4888] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed oldalloc option [ 58.046782][ T4866] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4435: comm syz.2.682: Invalid inode table block 0 in block_group 0 [ 58.059720][ T4866] EXT4-fs error (device loop2) in ext4_reserve_inode_write:5838: Corrupt filesystem [ 58.070890][ T4890] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 58.073215][ T4888] [EXT4 FS bs=1024, gc=1, bpg=8192, ipg=32, mo=a842c01c, mo2=0002] [ 58.080651][ T4893] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 58.091600][ T4866] EXT4-fs error (device loop2) in ext4_orphan_del:305: Corrupt filesystem [ 58.100921][ T4888] System zones: 1-12 [ 58.107907][ T4866] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4435: comm syz.2.682: Invalid inode table block 0 in block_group 0 [ 58.110091][ T4893] EXT4-fs (loop0): Cannot turn on journaled quota: type 0: error -2 [ 58.129338][ T4893] EXT4-fs (loop0): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 58.130045][ T4890] EXT4-fs (loop3): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 58.135418][ T4893] EXT4-fs (loop0): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 r/w without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 58.156335][ T4888] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_xattr_inode_iget:436: comm syz.4.690: Parent and EA inode have the same ino 15 [ 58.171698][ T4890] EXT4-fs warning (device loop3): ext4_enable_quotas:7145: Failed to enable quota tracking (type=1, err=-117, ino=4). Please run e2fsck to fix. [ 58.186479][ T4866] EXT4-fs error (device loop2) in ext4_reserve_inode_write:5838: Corrupt filesystem [ 58.196940][ T4888] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_xattr_inode_iget:436: comm syz.4.690: Parent and EA inode have the same ino 15 [ 58.215821][ T4890] EXT4-fs (loop3): Cannot turn on quotas: error -117 [ 58.216347][ T3301] EXT4-fs (loop0): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 58.232812][ T4866] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_truncate:4240: inode #11: comm syz.2.682: mark_inode_dirty error [ 58.249138][ T4890] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_ext_check_inode:524: inode #13: comm syz.3.691: pblk 0 bad header/extent: invalid extent entries - magic f30a, entries 1, max 4(4), depth 0(0) [ 58.256077][ T4888] EXT4-fs (loop4): 1 orphan inode deleted [ 58.273338][ T4888] EXT4-fs (loop4): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 r/w without journal. Quota mode: none. [ 58.276043][ T4866] EXT4-fs error (device loop2) in ext4_process_orphan:347: Corrupt filesystem [ 58.312185][ T4905] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 58.323990][ T4866] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4435: comm syz.2.682: Invalid inode table block 0 in block_group 0 [ 58.338356][ T4890] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_orphan_get:1394: comm syz.3.691: couldn't read orphan inode 13 (err -117) [ 58.357315][ T4866] EXT4-fs (loop2): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 58.358150][ T3314] EXT4-fs (loop4): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 58.363804][ T4866] EXT4-fs (loop2): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 r/w without journal. Quota mode: none. [ 58.384459][ T4890] EXT4-fs (loop3): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0b00-0000-000000000000 ro without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 58.393769][ T4905] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.0.693: Failed to acquire dquot type 1 [ 58.418498][ T4905] EXT4-fs (loop0): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 58.424485][ T4905] EXT4-fs (loop0): mounted filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 r/w without journal. Quota mode: writeback. [ 58.438425][ T3305] EXT4-fs (loop3): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0b00-0000-000000000000. [ 58.469084][ T4905] ext4 filesystem being mounted at /150/file0 supports timestamps until 2038-01-19 (0x7fffffff) [ 58.538643][ T3301] EXT4-fs (loop0): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 58.560066][ T3304] EXT4-fs (loop2): unmounting filesystem 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [ 58.579418][ T4929] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 58.596025][ T4929] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_validate_block_bitmap:441: comm syz.3.711: bg 0: block 248: padding at end of block bitmap is not set [ 58.676220][ T4929] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.3.711: Failed to acquire dquot type 1 [ 58.698996][ T4945] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 58.713556][ T4929] EXT4-fs (loop3): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 58.730391][ T4945] EXT4-fs warning (device loop2): ext4_init_metadata_csum:4624: metadata_csum and uninit_bg are redundant flags; please run fsck. [ 58.743896][ T4945] EXT4-fs (loop2): VFS: Found ext4 filesystem with unknown checksum algorithm. [ 58.754360][ T4929] ext4 filesystem being mounted at /153/file0 supports timestamps until 2038-01-19 (0x7fffffff) [ 58.840905][ T4965] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 58.863093][ T4965] EXT4-fs: journaled quota format not specified [ 58.920752][ T4977] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 58.941074][ T4977] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed bh option [ 58.983073][ T4977] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_validate_block_bitmap:441: comm syz.3.731: bg 0: block 131: padding at end of block bitmap is not set [ 59.068960][ T4977] EXT4-fs error (device loop3) in ext4_mb_clear_bb:6550: Corrupt filesystem [ 59.099530][ T4977] EXT4-fs (loop3): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 59.214759][ T5016] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 59.347109][ T5038] tmpfs: Bad value for 'mpol' [ 59.413218][ T5048] loop4: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 59.440349][ T5048] EXT4-fs (loop4): Can't support bigalloc feature without extents feature [ 59.440349][ T5048] [ 59.451123][ T5048] EXT4-fs (loop4): couldn't mount as ext3 due to feature incompatibilities [ 59.577432][ T5074] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 59.649668][ T5074] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.3.780: Failed to acquire dquot type 1 [ 59.673364][ T5089] cgroup: Unknown subsys name '¬§@﬽æì¦4*oäÂÒ£hÓîºoþüíUÜ' [ 59.681388][ T5074] EXT4-fs (loop3): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 59.694291][ T5074] ext4 filesystem being mounted at /165/file0 supports timestamps until 2038-01-19 (0x7fffffff) [ 59.944435][ T5127] cgroup: none used incorrectly [ 59.963160][ T5130] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 59.978235][ T5130] EXT4-fs (loop3): stripe (65535) is not aligned with cluster size (4096), stripe is disabled [ 60.010845][ T5130] EXT4-fs (loop3): revision level too high, forcing read-only mode [ 60.028817][ T5130] EXT4-fs (loop3): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 60.038973][ T5130] EXT4-fs error (device loop3) in ext4_reserve_inode_write:5838: Corrupt filesystem [ 60.043941][ T5143] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 128 [ 60.058253][ T5130] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_dirty_inode:6042: inode #3: comm syz.3.803: mark_inode_dirty error [ 60.069910][ T5143] msdos: Bad value for 'gid' [ 60.074526][ T5143] msdos: Bad value for 'gid' [ 60.080859][ T5130] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_read_block_bitmap_nowait:483: comm syz.3.803: Invalid block bitmap block 3 in block_group 0 [ 60.098312][ T5130] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_read_block_bitmap_nowait:483: comm syz.3.803: Invalid block bitmap block 3 in block_group 0 [ 60.127330][ T5130] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_read_block_bitmap_nowait:483: comm syz.3.803: Invalid block bitmap block 3 in block_group 0 [ 60.145832][ T5130] EXT4-fs error (device loop3) in ext4_reserve_inode_write:5838: Corrupt filesystem [ 60.164311][ T5130] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_dirty_inode:6042: inode #3: comm syz.3.803: mark_inode_dirty error [ 60.178533][ T5130] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_map_blocks:671: inode #3: block 1: comm syz.3.803: lblock 6 mapped to illegal pblock 1 (length 1) [ 60.202775][ T5130] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_map_blocks:671: inode #3: block 48: comm syz.3.803: lblock 0 mapped to illegal pblock 48 (length 1) [ 60.237821][ T5130] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.3.803: Failed to acquire dquot type 0 [ 60.237969][ T5161] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 60.259032][ T5130] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_map_blocks:671: inode #3: block 49: comm syz.3.803: lblock 1 mapped to illegal pblock 49 (length 1) [ 60.274616][ T5130] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.3.803: Failed to acquire dquot type 0 [ 60.307088][ T5161] EXT4-fs (loop0): feature flags set on rev 0 fs, running e2fsck is recommended [ 60.316313][ T5161] EXT4-fs (loop0): mounting ext2 file system using the ext4 subsystem [ 60.318732][ T5130] EXT4-fs error (device loop3) in ext4_reserve_inode_write:5838: Corrupt filesystem [ 60.349452][ T5161] EXT4-fs (loop0): warning: checktime reached, running e2fsck is recommended [ 60.368856][ T5161] [EXT4 FS bs=4096, gc=1, bpg=32768, ipg=32, mo=a042c01c, mo2=0002] [ 60.378628][ T5161] System zones: 0-2, 18-18, 34-34 [ 60.385065][ T5161] EXT4-fs warning (device loop0): ext4_update_dynamic_rev:1145: updating to rev 1 because of new feature flag, running e2fsck is recommended [ 60.406054][ T5130] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_evict_inode:256: inode #15: comm syz.3.803: mark_inode_dirty error [ 60.417763][ T5161] EXT4-fs (loop0): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 60.437415][ T5130] EXT4-fs warning (device loop3): ext4_evict_inode:259: couldn't mark inode dirty (err -117) [ 60.466792][ T5130] EXT4-fs (loop3): 1 orphan inode deleted [ 60.527504][ T5130] syz.3.803 (5130) used greatest stack depth: 8904 bytes left [ 60.613859][ T5198] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 60.628846][ T5198] EXT4-fs (loop3): Can't support bigalloc feature without extents feature [ 60.628846][ T5198] [ 60.639605][ T5198] EXT4-fs (loop3): couldn't mount as ext3 due to feature incompatibilities [ 60.701267][ T5211] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 60.727185][ T5216] ip6_tunnel: non-ECT from fc02:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 with DS=0xf [ 60.738344][ T5211] EXT4-fs (loop0): encrypted files will use data=ordered instead of data journaling mode [ 60.756383][ T5211] [EXT4 FS bs=1024, gc=1, bpg=8192, ipg=32, mo=800ec018, mo2=0002] [ 60.783132][ T5225] dccp_invalid_packet: P.Data Offset(172) too large [ 60.799870][ T5211] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_xattr_ibody_find:2240: inode #15: comm syz.0.847: corrupted in-inode xattr: bad e_name length [ 60.814334][ T5211] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_orphan_get:1394: comm syz.0.847: couldn't read orphan inode 15 (err -117) [ 60.962796][ T5251] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 256 [ 60.970021][ T5247] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 2048 [ 60.990453][ T5247] EXT4-fs (loop0): The Hurd can't support 64-bit file systems [ 61.147251][ T5273] dccp_invalid_packet: P.type (REQUEST) not Data || [Data]Ack, while P.X == 0 [ 61.163569][ T5276] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 128 [ 61.230178][ T5276] EXT4-fs warning (device loop0): ext4_init_metadata_csum:4624: metadata_csum and uninit_bg are redundant flags; please run fsck. [ 61.243850][ T5276] EXT4-fs (loop0): VFS: Found ext4 filesystem with invalid superblock checksum. Run e2fsck? [ 61.358139][ T5303] loop4: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 61.377090][ T5303] EXT4-fs (loop4): stripe (65535) is not aligned with cluster size (4096), stripe is disabled [ 61.432298][ T5303] EXT4-fs (loop4): revision level too high, forcing read-only mode [ 61.476227][ T5303] EXT4-fs (loop4): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 61.494294][ T5303] EXT4-fs error (device loop4) in ext4_reserve_inode_write:5838: Corrupt filesystem [ 61.512973][ T5303] EXT4-fs (loop4): Remounting filesystem read-only [ 61.532835][ T5303] EXT4-fs (loop4): 1 orphan inode deleted [ 61.540020][ T5303] SELinux: (dev loop4, type ext4) getxattr errno 5 [ 61.547794][ T5332] cgroup: Bad value for 'name' [ 61.614537][ T5343] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 61.646409][ T5343] EXT4-fs (loop3): feature flags set on rev 0 fs, running e2fsck is recommended [ 61.655600][ T5343] EXT4-fs (loop3): mounting ext2 file system using the ext4 subsystem [ 61.680675][ T5343] EXT4-fs (loop3): warning: checktime reached, running e2fsck is recommended [ 61.689714][ T5343] [EXT4 FS bs=4096, gc=1, bpg=32768, ipg=32, mo=a042c01c, mo2=0002] [ 61.700684][ T5343] System zones: 0-2, 18-18, 34-34 [ 61.705920][ T5352] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 61.713514][ T5352] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed nobh option [ 61.724327][ T5343] EXT4-fs warning (device loop3): ext4_update_dynamic_rev:1145: updating to rev 1 because of new feature flag, running e2fsck is recommended [ 61.730584][ T5352] EXT4-fs (loop1): Cannot turn on journaled quota: type 0: error -13 [ 61.750137][ T5343] EXT4-fs (loop3): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 61.760377][ T5352] EXT4-fs error (device loop1): ext4_clear_blocks:876: inode #13: comm syz.1.915: attempt to clear invalid blocks 2 len 1 [ 61.774298][ T5352] EXT4-fs (loop1): Remounting filesystem read-only [ 61.781598][ T5352] EXT4-fs (loop1): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 61.787906][ T5352] SELinux: (dev loop1, type ext4) getxattr errno 5 [ 61.847887][ T5367] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 61.891684][ T5372] nfs4: Bad value for 'source' [ 61.896539][ T5367] EXT4-fs (loop1): feature flags set on rev 0 fs, running e2fsck is recommended [ 61.905679][ T5367] EXT4-fs (loop1): mounting ext2 file system using the ext4 subsystem [ 61.934191][ T5367] EXT4-fs (loop1): warning: checktime reached, running e2fsck is recommended [ 61.965585][ T5378] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 61.972215][ T5367] EXT4-fs error (device loop1): ext4_orphan_get:1389: comm syz.1.922: inode #15: comm syz.1.922: iget: illegal inode # [ 61.997745][ T5367] EXT4-fs (loop1): Remounting filesystem read-only [ 62.036110][ T5367] SELinux: (dev loop1, type ext2) getxattr errno 5 [ 62.053961][ T5378] EXT4-fs warning (device loop2): ext4_multi_mount_protect:292: Invalid MMP block in superblock [ 62.253928][ T5414] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 62.274647][ T5414] EXT4-fs (loop0): encrypted files will use data=ordered instead of data journaling mode [ 62.296887][ T5414] EXT4-fs (loop0): failed to initialize system zone (-117) [ 62.315469][ T5414] EXT4-fs (loop0): mount failed [ 62.591136][ T5472] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 62.602629][ T29] kauditd_printk_skb: 25 callbacks suppressed [ 62.602643][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739356033.905:170): avc: denied { read } for pid=5474 comm="syz.2.974" name="usbmon1" dev="devtmpfs" ino=143 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:usbmon_device_t tclass=chr_file permissive=1 [ 62.631968][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739356033.905:171): avc: denied { open } for pid=5474 comm="syz.2.974" path="/dev/usbmon1" dev="devtmpfs" ino=143 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:usbmon_device_t tclass=chr_file permissive=1 [ 62.809128][ T5497] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 62.818565][ T5497] EXT4-fs: Quota format mount options ignored when QUOTA feature is enabled [ 62.841380][ T5497] EXT4-fs (loop2): ext4_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group 0 overlaps superblock [ 62.894793][ T5497] EXT4-fs (loop2): revision level too high, forcing read-only mode [ 62.915608][ T5519] loop4: detected capacity change from 0 to 128 [ 62.922618][ T5497] EXT4-fs (loop2): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 62.931889][ T5497] Quota error (device loop2): do_check_range: Getting dqdh_next_free 196613 out of range 0-5 [ 62.942260][ T5497] Quota error (device loop2): qtree_write_dquot: Error -117 occurred while creating quota [ 62.952209][ T5497] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.2.983: Failed to acquire dquot type 1 [ 62.963719][ T5497] Quota error (device loop2): do_check_range: Getting dqdh_next_free 196613 out of range 0-5 [ 62.972306][ T5519] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): __ext4_fill_super:5497: inode #2: comm syz.4.993: iget: checksum invalid [ 62.974001][ T5497] Quota error (device loop2): qtree_write_dquot: Error -117 occurred while creating quota [ 62.985500][ T5523] tmpfs: Bad value for 'mpol' [ 62.995109][ T5497] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.2.983: Failed to acquire dquot type 1 [ 63.021258][ T5497] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_read_block_bitmap_nowait:483: comm syz.2.983: Invalid block bitmap block 0 in block_group 0 [ 63.023464][ T5519] EXT4-fs (loop4): get root inode failed [ 63.040515][ T5519] EXT4-fs (loop4): mount failed [ 63.051916][ T5497] EXT4-fs error (device loop2) in ext4_mb_clear_bb:6550: Corrupt filesystem [ 63.073684][ T5497] Quota error (device loop2): do_check_range: Getting dqdh_next_free 196613 out of range 0-5 [ 63.084198][ T5497] Quota error (device loop2): qtree_write_dquot: Error -117 occurred while creating quota [ 63.094174][ T5497] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.2.983: Failed to acquire dquot type 1 [ 63.114081][ T5497] EXT4-fs (loop2): 1 orphan inode deleted [ 63.132685][ T5532] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 63.171125][ T5532] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed nobh option [ 63.206943][ T5532] EXT4-fs (loop3): Cannot turn on journaled quota: type 0: error -13 [ 63.225405][ T5532] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_clear_blocks:876: inode #13: comm syz.3.1001: attempt to clear invalid blocks 2 len 1 [ 63.249903][ T5532] EXT4-fs (loop3): Remounting filesystem read-only [ 63.261464][ T5532] EXT4-fs (loop3): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 63.267542][ T5532] SELinux: (dev loop3, type ext4) getxattr errno 5 [ 63.421826][ T5571] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 128 [ 63.436483][ T5574] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 128 [ 63.455108][ T5571] FAT-fs (loop0): bogus number of reserved sectors [ 63.461713][ T5571] FAT-fs (loop0): This doesn't look like a DOS 1.x volume; DOS 2.x BPB is non-zero [ 63.471072][ T5571] FAT-fs (loop0): Can't find a valid FAT filesystem [ 63.631142][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739356034.925:172): avc: denied { create } for pid=5599 comm="syz.4.1036" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=bluetooth_socket permissive=1 [ 63.702318][ T5615] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 63.713726][ T5615] EXT4-fs: Invalid journal IO priority (must be 0-7) [ 63.762322][ T5623] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 164 [ 63.783083][ T5623] ISOFS: unable to read i-node block [ 63.788520][ T5623] ISOFS: root inode is unusable. Disabling Rock Ridge and switching to Joliet. [ 63.822364][ T5629] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 63.842292][ T5629] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed nobh option [ 63.848527][ T5629] ext4: Bad value for 'mb_optimize_scan' [ 63.856159][ T5633] 9pnet: Could not find request transport: 0xffffffffffffffff017777777777777777777770xffffffffffffffff [ 63.857910][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739356035.155:173): avc: denied { create } for pid=5631 comm="syz.1.1060" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=x25_socket permissive=1 [ 64.051502][ T5661] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 64.063045][ T5661] EXT4-fs (loop3): stripe (65535) is not aligned with cluster size (4096), stripe is disabled [ 64.091357][ T5661] EXT4-fs (loop3): revision level too high, forcing read-only mode [ 64.118949][ T5661] EXT4-fs (loop3): too many log groups per flexible block group [ 64.126677][ T5661] EXT4-fs (loop3): failed to initialize mballoc (-12) [ 64.149457][ T5661] EXT4-fs (loop3): mount failed [ 64.256590][ T5689] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 64.272877][ T5689] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed nomblk_io_submit option [ 64.288867][ T5689] EXT4-fs (loop1): can't mount with data=, fs mounted w/o journal [ 64.370030][ T5702] loop4: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 64.379668][ T5704] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 164 [ 64.388555][ T5702] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed nobh option [ 64.395491][ T5704] ISOFS: unable to read i-node block [ 64.400878][ T5704] ISOFS: root inode is unusable. Disabling Rock Ridge and switching to Joliet. [ 64.432146][ T5702] EXT4-fs (loop4): Cannot turn on journaled quota: type 0: error -13 [ 64.470489][ T5702] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_clear_blocks:876: inode #13: comm syz.4.1083: attempt to clear invalid blocks 2 len 1 [ 64.532782][ T5720] SELinux: security_context_str_to_sid () failed with errno=-22 [ 64.543114][ T5702] EXT4-fs (loop4): Remounting filesystem read-only [ 64.552958][ T5702] EXT4-fs (loop4): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 64.559257][ T5702] SELinux: (dev loop4, type ext4) getxattr errno 5 [ 64.821696][ T5765] dccp_invalid_packet: P.Data Offset(0) too small [ 64.842892][ T5769] loop4: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 64.862310][ T5769] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed bh option [ 64.867850][ T5769] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed mblk_io_submit option [ 64.914134][ T5769] EXT4-fs (loop4): ext4_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group 0 overlaps superblock [ 64.943013][ T5769] EXT4-fs (loop4): revision level too high, forcing read-only mode [ 64.971158][ T5789] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 64.978189][ T5769] EXT4-fs (loop4): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 64.993794][ T5789] EXT4-fs: Invalid want_extra_isize 3182 [ 65.011287][ T5769] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.4.1116: Failed to acquire dquot type 1 [ 65.078712][ T5769] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_read_block_bitmap_nowait:483: comm syz.4.1116: Invalid block bitmap block 0 in block_group 0 [ 65.105752][ T5769] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_read_block_bitmap_nowait:483: comm syz.4.1116: Invalid block bitmap block 0 in block_group 0 [ 65.130281][ T5811] 9pnet_fd: p9_fd_create_tcp (5811): problem connecting socket to [ 65.140217][ T5769] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_read_block_bitmap_nowait:483: comm syz.4.1116: Invalid block bitmap block 0 in block_group 0 [ 65.166006][ T5805] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 65.174349][ T5769] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.4.1116: Failed to acquire dquot type 1 [ 65.186622][ T5805] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed nomblk_io_submit option [ 65.211186][ T5769] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_acquire_dquot:6927: comm syz.4.1116: Failed to acquire dquot type 1 [ 65.228764][ T5769] EXT4-fs (loop4): 1 orphan inode deleted [ 65.244732][ T5805] EXT4-fs (loop2): can't mount with data=, fs mounted w/o journal [ 65.344046][ T5835] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 65.362735][ T5835] FAT-fs (loop1): bogus logical sector size 0 [ 65.368936][ T5835] FAT-fs (loop1): Can't find a valid FAT filesystem [ 65.975878][ T5938] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 66.008430][ T5938] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_orphan_get:1415: comm syz.2.1200: bad orphan inode 15 [ 66.063673][ T5954] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 66.083391][ T5938] ext4_test_bit(bit=14, block=18) = 1 [ 66.088938][ T5938] is_bad_inode(inode)=0 [ 66.093183][ T5938] NEXT_ORPHAN(inode)=1023 [ 66.097530][ T5938] max_ino=32 [ 66.100834][ T5938] i_nlink=0 [ 66.122188][ T5954] EXT4-fs (loop1): encrypted files will use data=ordered instead of data journaling mode [ 66.142093][ T5954] [EXT4 FS bs=1024, gc=1, bpg=8192, ipg=32, mo=a00ec019, mo2=0002] [ 66.144840][ T5938] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_xattr_delete_inode:2977: inode #15: comm syz.2.1200: corrupted xattr block 19: invalid header [ 66.168305][ T5938] EXT4-fs warning (device loop2): ext4_evict_inode:276: xattr delete (err -117) [ 66.170074][ T5954] System zones: 1-12 [ 66.183608][ T5938] ext4 filesystem being mounted at /224/éq‰Y’3aK supports timestamps until 2038-01-19 (0x7fffffff) [ 66.237151][ T5954] EXT4-fs (loop1): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 66.424590][ T6003] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 66.454884][ T6003] EXT4-fs: Ignoring removed oldalloc option [ 66.490725][ T6003] EXT4-fs (loop2): ext4_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group 0 not in group (block 3)! [ 66.501056][ T6003] EXT4-fs (loop2): group descriptors corrupted! [ 66.749836][ T6060] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 164 [ 66.761274][ T6060] Unable to read rock-ridge attributes [ 66.770926][ T6061] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 1764 [ 66.876991][ T6077] cgroup: noprefix used incorrectly [ 66.891364][ T6079] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 128 [ 66.921297][ T6079] FAT-fs (loop0): bogus logical sector size 0 [ 66.927402][ T6079] FAT-fs (loop0): This doesn't look like a DOS 1.x volume; DOS 2.x BPB is non-zero [ 66.936818][ T6079] FAT-fs (loop0): Can't find a valid FAT filesystem [ 66.944176][ T6085] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 128 [ 66.965717][ T6085] FAT-fs (loop3): invalid media value (0x00) [ 66.971864][ T6085] FAT-fs (loop3): This doesn't look like a DOS 1.x volume; DOS 2.x BPB is non-zero [ 66.981398][ T6085] FAT-fs (loop3): Can't find a valid FAT filesystem [ 67.028235][ T6095] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 67.050738][ T6095] EXT4-fs error (device loop1): ext4_get_journal_inode:5798: comm syz.1.1276: inode #1: comm syz.1.1276: iget: illegal inode # [ 67.091064][ T6095] EXT4-fs (loop1): Remounting filesystem read-only [ 67.097933][ T6095] EXT4-fs (loop1): no journal found [ 67.103266][ T6095] EXT4-fs (loop1): can't get journal size [ 67.106053][ T6105] futex_wake_op: syz.3.1282 tries to shift op by 144; fix this program [ 67.110989][ T6095] EXT4-fs (loop1): warning: mounting fs with errors, running e2fsck is recommended [ 67.134525][ T6095] EXT4-fs (loop1): failed to initialize system zone (-22) [ 67.145049][ T6095] EXT4-fs (loop1): mount failed [ 67.405747][ T6141] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 67.415445][ T6143] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 67.437900][ T6141] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_orphan_get:1415: comm syz.3.1299: bad orphan inode 15 [ 67.450570][ T6143] EXT4-fs (loop2): Cannot turn on journaled quota: type 0: error -13 [ 67.458876][ T6141] ext4_test_bit(bit=14, block=18) = 1 [ 67.458994][ T6123] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 32768 [ 67.464253][ T6141] is_bad_inode(inode)=0 [ 67.464264][ T6141] NEXT_ORPHAN(inode)=1023 [ 67.472791][ T6143] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_free_branches:1023: inode #13: comm syz.2.1309: invalid indirect mapped block 2683928664 (level 1) [ 67.474836][ T6141] max_ino=32 [ 67.480172][ T6143] EXT4-fs (loop2): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 67.493177][ T6141] i_nlink=0 [ 67.494421][ T6141] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_xattr_delete_inode:2977: inode #15: comm syz.3.1299: corrupted xattr block 19: invalid header [ 67.519218][ T6141] EXT4-fs warning (device loop3): ext4_evict_inode:276: xattr delete (err -117) [ 67.529900][ T6141] ext4 filesystem being mounted at /275/éq‰Y’3aK supports timestamps until 2038-01-19 (0x7fffffff) [ 67.539268][ T6123] loop0: p1 p3 < p5 p6 > [ 67.554478][ T6123] loop0: p6 start 337920 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 67.707366][ T3300] udevd[3300]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop0p3, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 67.709353][ T3652] udevd[3652]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop0p5, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 68.454346][ T6282] loop4: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 68.480302][ T6282] EXT4-fs: Journaled quota options ignored when QUOTA feature is enabled [ 68.491287][ T6288] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 68.519527][ T6288] EXT4-fs (loop3): mounting ext3 file system using the ext4 subsystem [ 68.542813][ T6282] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_ext_check_inode:524: inode #4: comm syz.4.1363: pblk 0 bad header/extent: invalid eh_max - magic f30a, entries 2047, max 0(0), depth 0(0) [ 68.544676][ T6288] EXT4-fs (loop3): ext4_check_descriptors: Checksum for group 0 failed (20904!=33349) [ 68.562937][ T6282] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_quota_enable:7104: comm syz.4.1363: Bad quota inode: 4, type: 1 [ 68.573464][ T6286] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 8192 [ 68.583883][ T6282] EXT4-fs warning (device loop4): ext4_enable_quotas:7145: Failed to enable quota tracking (type=1, err=-117, ino=4). Please run e2fsck to fix. [ 68.607051][ T6288] EXT4-fs (loop3): revision level too high, forcing read-only mode [ 68.609244][ T6282] EXT4-fs (loop4): mount failed [ 68.630875][ T6288] EXT4-fs (loop3): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 68.637302][ T6288] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_map_blocks:671: inode #2: block 4: comm syz.3.1364: lblock 0 mapped to illegal pblock 4 (length 1) [ 68.652138][ T6288] EXT4-fs (loop3): Cannot turn on journaled quota: type 0: error -117 [ 68.877076][ T6327] loop4: detected capacity change from 0 to 2048 [ 68.918179][ T6327] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_ext_check_inode:524: inode #2: comm syz.4.1382: pblk 0 bad header/extent: too large eh_depth - magic f30a, entries 1, max 4(4), depth 25349(25349) [ 68.948819][ T6327] EXT4-fs (loop4): Remounting filesystem read-only [ 68.955387][ T6327] EXT4-fs (loop4): get root inode failed [ 68.961091][ T6327] EXT4-fs (loop4): mount failed [ 69.168318][ T6375] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 1024 [ 69.183631][ T6375] EXT4-fs (loop1): #clusters per group too big: 1581056 [ 69.348806][ T6402] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 69.377185][ T6402] EXT4-fs (loop1): ext4_check_descriptors: Checksum for group 0 failed (57259!=33349) [ 69.427617][ T6402] EXT4-fs (loop1): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 69.438117][ T6402] EXT4-fs error (device loop1): ext4_read_block_bitmap_nowait:517: comm syz.1.1419: Block bitmap for bg 0 marked uninitialized [ 69.486868][ T6402] EXT4-fs error (device loop1) in ext4_mb_clear_bb:6550: Corrupt filesystem [ 69.498139][ T6402] EXT4-fs (loop1): 1 orphan inode deleted [ 69.500371][ T6417] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 512 [ 69.546121][ T6417] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_clear_blocks:876: inode #13: comm syz.3.1425: attempt to clear invalid blocks 1 len 1 [ 69.562450][ T6417] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_validate_block_bitmap:441: comm syz.3.1425: bg 0: block 343: padding at end of block bitmap is not set [ 69.589220][ T6429] futex_wake_op: syz.2.1432 tries to shift op by 36; fix this program [ 69.600110][ T3000] ================================================================== [ 69.608230][ T3000] BUG: KCSAN: data-race in dont_mount / lookup_fast [ 69.614848][ T3000] [ 69.617181][ T3000] read-write to 0xffff888106494240 of 4 bytes by task 3650 on cpu 1: [ 69.625347][ T3000] dont_mount+0x2a/0x40 [ 69.629516][ T3000] vfs_unlink+0x298/0x430 [ 69.633856][ T3000] do_unlinkat+0x237/0x4d0 [ 69.638451][ T3000] __x64_sys_unlink+0x2e/0x40 [ 69.643136][ T3000] x64_sys_call+0x2329/0x2dc0 [ 69.647825][ T3000] do_syscall_64+0xc9/0x1c0 [ 69.652337][ T3000] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f [ 69.658246][ T3000] [ 69.660569][ T3000] read to 0xffff888106494240 of 4 bytes by task 3000 on cpu 0: [ 69.668110][ T3000] lookup_fast+0xe9/0x320 [ 69.672454][ T3000] walk_component+0x3f/0x230 [ 69.677056][ T3000] path_lookupat+0x10a/0x2b0 [ 69.681663][ T3000] filename_lookup+0x150/0x340 [ 69.686443][ T3000] do_readlinkat+0x89/0x210 [ 69.690969][ T3000] __x64_sys_readlink+0x47/0x60 [ 69.695842][ T3000] x64_sys_call+0x28ba/0x2dc0 [ 69.700529][ T3000] do_syscall_64+0xc9/0x1c0 [ 69.705219][ T3000] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f [ 69.711138][ T3000] [ 69.713469][ T3000] value changed: 0x00600008 -> 0x00008008 [ 69.719222][ T3000] [ 69.721551][ T3000] Reported by Kernel Concurrency Sanitizer on: [ 69.727722][ T3000] CPU: 0 UID: 0 PID: 3000 Comm: udevd Not tainted 6.14.0-rc2-syzkaller-00039-g09fbf3d50205 #0 [ 69.737976][ T3000] Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 12/27/2024 [ 69.748120][ T3000] ================================================================== [ 69.756350][ T6417] EXT4-fs error (device loop3) in ext4_mb_clear_bb:6550: Corrupt filesystem [ 69.774850][ T6432] UDC core: USB Raw Gadget: couldn't find an available UDC or it's busy [ 69.785221][ T6432] misc raw-gadget: fail, usb_gadget_register_driver returned -16 [ 69.790545][ T29] kauditd_printk_skb: 13 callbacks suppressed [ 69.790563][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739356041.054:181): avc: denied { write } for pid=6431 comm="syz.4.1433" name="raw-gadget" dev="devtmpfs" ino=142 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:device_t tclass=chr_file permissive=1 [ 69.822042][ T29] audit: type=1400 audit(1739356041.054:182): avc: denied { ioctl } for pid=6431 comm="syz.4.1433" path="/dev/raw-gadget" dev="devtmpfs" ino=142 ioctlcmd=0x5500 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:device_t tclass=chr_file permissive=1 [ 69.847220][ T6417] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_free_branches:1023: inode #13: comm syz.3.1425: invalid indirect mapped block 1819239214 (level 0) [ 69.861662][ T6417] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_free_branches:1023: inode #13: comm syz.3.1425: invalid indirect mapped block 1819239214 (level 1) [ 69.877359][ T6417] EXT4-fs (loop3): 1 truncate cleaned up