last executing test programs: 2.270575776s ago: executing program 2 (id=1084): syz_mount_image$exfat(&(0x7f0000000040), &(0x7f0000000180)='\xe9\x1fq\x89Y\x1e\x923aK\x00', 0xa1000a, &(0x7f00000003c0)=ANY=[], 0x21, 0x1521, &(0x7f0000001740)="$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") 1.965732244s ago: executing program 2 (id=1085): syz_usb_connect$uac1(0x0, 0xa5, &(0x7f0000000080)={{0x12, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x1d6b, 0x101, 0x40, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x1, [{{0x9, 0x2, 0x93, 0x3, 0x1, 0xfe, 0x0, 0x0, {{0x9, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, {{}, [@feature_unit={0x13, 0x24, 0x6, 0x0, 0xfc, 0x6, [0x0, 0x0, 0x6, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0]}, @processing_unit={0x9, 0x24, 0x7, 0xa, 0x1, 0xa4, "c106"}, @processing_unit={0x9, 0x24, 0x7, 0x4, 0x3, 0x5, "fd92"}, @output_terminal={0x9, 0x24, 0x3, 0x0, 0x307, 0x0, 0x4, 0x3}, @selector_unit={0x6, 0x24, 0x5, 0x4, 0x0, "fd"}]}}, {}, {0x9, 0x4, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, {}, {{0x9, 0x5, 0x1, 0x9, 0x0, 0x0, 0x6, 0x0, {0x7}}}}, {}, {0x9, 0x4, 0x2, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, {}, {{0x9, 0x5, 0x82, 0x9, 0x0, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, {0x7}}}}}}}]}}, 0x0) 1.085787986s ago: executing program 1 (id=1102): bpf$PROG_LOAD(0x5, &(0x7f00000054c0)={0x3, 0x16, &(0x7f0000001180)=ANY=[@ANYBLOB="61154c000000000061138c0000000000bfa00000000000001503000008004e002d35010000000000950041000000000069163a0000000000bf67000000000000350605000fff07206706000005000000160302000ee60060bf500000000000000f650000000000006507f9ff0100000007070000cddfffff1e75000000000000bf54000000000000070400000400f9ff3d4301000000000095000000000000001500000000000000950000000000000032ed3c12dc8c27df8ecf264e0f84f9f17d3c30e32f1754558f2278af6d71d79a5e12814cb1d8a5d4601d295c45a6a0b9bdb7dd3997f9c9c4f6f3be4b369289aa6812b8e007e733a9a4f1b0af3dda82ee45a010fb94fe9de57b9d8a814261bdb94a05000000c6c60bf70d742a81762bab8395fa64810b5b40d893ea8fe01c5473d51b546cad3f1d5ab2af27546e7c955ccefa1f6ab689b555202da2e0ec2871b4a7e65836429a527dc47ebe84a423b6c8d345dc8da3085b0ab71ca1b901627b562ed04ae76002d4519af619e3cca4d69e88158f0200000000c8fb730a5c1bf2b2bb71a629361997a75fd552bdc2300000008ac86d8a297dff0445a15f21dce4de9f29eff65aadc841848c9b562a31e56723888fb126a163f16f920ae2fb494059bba8e3b680324a188076ebae3f55c4e9b2ad9bc1172ba7cbebe174aba210d739a018f9bbec63222d20cecac4d03723f1c932c9a6aa57f1ad2e99e0e67ab93716d20000009fbb0f53acbb40b4f8e2739670b31562ed834f2af97787f696649a462e7ee4bcf8b07a10d6735154beb4000000000000000000000000004000bc00f679629709e7e78f4ddc211bc3ebe6bd9d42ca0140a7afaab43176e65ec1118d50d1e827f3472f4445d253880800000000000000690884f800031e03a651bb96589a7e2e509bcc1d161347623cb5e7ac4629c8ab04871bc401000000cc43010000207b40407d000000210000000000000000005f37d83f84e98a523d80bd970d703f37ca364a601ae899a56715a0a62a34c6c94cce6994521629ab028acfc1d926a0f6a5489af8dc2f17923f3c40dfd1970a55c22fe3a5ac000000f4000000000000000000000000c1eb2d91fb79ea00000000000000bb0d00000000000000000000e4007be511fe32fbc90e2364a55e9bb66ac64423d2d00fea2594e190deae46e26c596f84eba9000000000000003cc3aa39ee4b1386bab561cda886fa642994cacd473b543ccb5f0d7b63924f17c67b13631d22a11dc3c6939628950000000000000001c7205a6b068fff496d2da7d632bd1f61b007e1ff5f1be19637302f3b41eae50509fd05d12f6186f117b062df67d3a63f3265dd1410eea68208a3f26b2989b832d8b34a34a4f08b34b30410856e858d27adee7daf32903d3fc78700d429a2d4c8b6d803eb83eecfe4c7ff9e6ab5a52e83d089dad7a8710e0254f1b11cced7bc3c8da0c44d2ebf9f6f3ff3be4d1458077c2253b0c7c7a0a9fdd63bf910dc20e5cb2a88e59febc47f1212a21f631dbaa74f22bad050e9856b48ae3a03a497c37758537650fe6db88aa3c41fdc3d78e046f6160e1741299e8dc29906870e6431ed1eab5d067a183f064b060a8ec12725d42e3a74863d66bee966b1574f8e01b3f34a267ff0afa1e1c758a0079b747067312e9815a21cb3f1f8150d999d788535a4d3114dbc7e2bf2402a75fd7a55733360040855ed5d1c0d634fb9fb38f84d9d87b27f8a5d91217b728f13e3ee20e69e0ffb2780b1a7af137ff7b4ff010404faf0a4da65396174b4563d54b52f06c870edf0c5d744b5272b44c23488b2bdbff947c4dfa108cbb88202ee1192b81f428a5b3c299848649e1a6bff52f657a67463d7dbf85ae9321fc2b517dc4a29b9b5a8ded5de8206c812439ab129ae818837ee1562078fc524a3baf49a0be9bb7d958d5e87c6c09bf71a894bad62934782cc308e936d7637e07c4a2a3bc87b0da23c00d9ef418cf19e7a8c4c328be0ce95798adc2dca871073f6bd61dc18402cde8b0100010000000000abc86b94f8cbde4d470667bee722a6a2af483ad0d3415ed0f9db059acaba9eaea93f811d434e00000000000000000000d154ba10a8e51489a614e69722bac30000000000000000000000000000c5dfd188ff555285b9743d3aac000583f42d168613151d681a2f71373f20d92c9048407c91fabecfe8b3f2d545ffffffff00000000a1cfc4336324c86f3dcb43e9a58208077e90f6ec1c7ac756f61dcc372cdd30b82507489f0bbfbd3c3f21752e81319c0161e154ceb16e00bc7f5a6962dff317f4d014786e432817064874d69a39cb0da31bcc5f81894d8a80756447322207b4007dff12eb95066cc6bc256f0a12282224d718b06ca80b57aa183dd0c3eee45891441f2b89b4c67aa9882281393954972046974f18df232cd7fca610e33f51c2d062020f403d85ff36c26e2f6bd1d82f4d3ceb3472d9a77e0057a3bfe697d9ab7585f4a1b381343d2cf857689232f4fc5135790662dc1419a374be9d7b3e5be2886d23add90d862f1a682ff11c798e338af3e5bb0f9d3952b15bf3e0c618c89d20ca1e18a031397693bf3cfbd8417e5b55e641c898c280356f2da222d5d68919d98158578dcf18efa404e508bcbbb8cfcf70086821ebdf34c9a1dff45af873df904c2bdbef81f246d26f4b40df949e12bdac18533d4e11c608cc31d60cb591c40a7b386fa1c753336d7220a35118d4919b45eff32aab684ee54c0a263c806aabac2f66cb052f847c62c6691de14e97aa7e9dc8ecf0cd50540246d2b746e41e5b4e2c095039dfe0f71db6265f7580d098be40ef36faee5d1695830d4242a23e541e6ce9fa1998d8961ef4fe3c8e8fbb566f148c8befc229614a4b7f80d237b8abc6fc0407de31d6e5532f360d379f20f054692b47207922fe6c14eba96c9a7ae906abc1ae1ae8c4fae92883cfa1978a04bb000000000000000000000000000000884efcecca45ea4ab2ec097668456a6ff12854997f5aed737d5205ace5c0b64f87ef10784d0479cb44ca077e0c4ce6ff880e2ce3de63853a9740e9233683bfc8636bee293aeeb680b399a296e6f44c07b5fc5d9d359af007f23004a7acb6df23664ea209620b4fe0f4df81c33bd8ca2335cb4b50881937379b45a301175c3e8eb32970564ec8e25c46ee3bae079faedaad94276cfa251be8256c4c37fc84a25c3a2feb39e94a5266a10716d4a3cef499fa176018054e9149a1c9d20a809ce3"], &(0x7f0000000100)='GPL\x00', 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, '\x00', 0x0, @sched_cls, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x8, &(0x7f0000000000), 0xffffffffffffffd2, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, @void, @value}, 0x54) 1.066870647s ago: executing program 1 (id=1104): syz_emit_ethernet(0x7a, &(0x7f00000006c0)={@multicast, @random="70bd06d47c1b", @void, {@ipv6={0x86dd, @gre_packet={0x0, 0x6, "dd690b", 0x44, 0x2f, 0x1, @private0, @mcast2, {[], {{0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x88ca}}}}}}}, 0x0) 1.053708257s ago: executing program 1 (id=1106): bpf$MAP_CREATE(0x0, &(0x7f0000000000)=@base={0x14, 0x4, 0x4, 0x8, 0x4, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0, '\x00', 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, @void, @value, @void, @value}, 0x50) 1.028295909s ago: executing program 1 (id=1108): syz_mount_image$ext4(&(0x7f00000007c0)='ext4\x00', &(0x7f0000000000)='./file1\x00', 0x2000005, &(0x7f0000000080), 0x0, 0x4d4, &(0x7f0000000f00)="$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") 1.026946529s ago: executing program 3 (id=1110): bpf$BPF_PROG_RAW_TRACEPOINT_LOAD(0x5, &(0x7f0000000440)={0x11, 0x13, &(0x7f0000000080)=@framed={{0x18, 0x8, 0x0, 0xd0}, [@func={0x85, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x6}, @map_fd={0x18, 0x0, 0x0}, @generic={0x66}, @initr0, @exit, @alu={0x6, 0x0, 0x3, 0xa, 0x0, 0x0, 0xfff8}, @printk={@x, {}, {}, {}, {}, {0x5, 0x0, 0xb, 0xa}}]}, &(0x7f0000000000)='GPL\x00', 0x2, 0xff5c, &(0x7f0000000340)=""/222, 0x0, 0x8, '\x00', 0x0, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, @void, @value}, 0x78) 987.647341ms ago: executing program 3 (id=1112): bpf$PROG_LOAD(0x5, &(0x7f0000000200)={0x3, 0xe, &(0x7f0000001540)=ANY=[@ANYBLOB="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"], &(0x7f0000000340)='syzkaller\x00', 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, '\x00', 0x0, @sched_cls, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x8, &(0x7f0000000000), 0x200000, 0x10, &(0x7f0000000000), 0x143, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, @void, @value}, 0x48) 908.939086ms ago: executing program 1 (id=1114): syz_mount_image$ext4(&(0x7f00000000c0)='ext4\x00', &(0x7f0000000200)='./bus\x00', 0x8011, &(0x7f0000000280)={[{@abort}, {@nojournal_checksum}, {@nogrpid}, {@nouid32}, {@block_validity}]}, 0x0, 0x60c, &(0x7f0000001b40)="$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") 677.448629ms ago: executing program 1 (id=1121): syz_usb_connect$cdc_ecm(0x5, 0x5a, &(0x7f0000000480)={{0x12, 0x1, 0x0, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x525, 0xa4a1, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0xffffffffffff8001, 0x1, [{{0x9, 0x2, 0x48, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x20, 0x0, [{{0x9, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, {{0x5}, {0x5, 0x24, 0x0, 0x4}, {0xd, 0x24, 0xf, 0x1, 0x9}, [@acm={0x4, 0x24, 0x2, 0xa}]}, {[{{0x9, 0x5, 0x81, 0x3, 0x20, 0x3, 0x7f, 0xff}}], {{0x9, 0x5, 0x82, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1}}, {{0x9, 0x5, 0x3, 0x2, 0x8, 0x5}}}}}]}}]}}, 0x0) 606.736484ms ago: executing program 4 (id=1124): bpf$PROG_LOAD_XDP(0x5, &(0x7f0000000280)={0x12, 0x4, &(0x7f0000001300)=@framed={{}, [@ldst={0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x2, 0x1, 0xa}]}, &(0x7f0000000040)='syzkaller\x00', 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, '\x00', 0x0, 0xb, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, @void, @value}, 0x80) 587.017545ms ago: executing program 4 (id=1125): futex(&(0x7f0000000080), 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, &(0x7f0000000100), 0x8ffffffe) 542.736478ms ago: executing program 4 (id=1127): syz_mount_image$msdos(&(0x7f0000000440), &(0x7f0000000200)='./file0\x00', 0x1085c, &(0x7f0000000640)=ANY=[], 0x1, 0x22b, &(0x7f0000000a40)="$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") 525.761688ms ago: executing program 0 (id=1128): bpf$PROG_LOAD(0x5, &(0x7f00000054c0)={0x3, 0x16, &(0x7f0000000140)=ANY=[@ANYBLOB="61123400000000006113500000000000bf200000000000001500000008ffffffbd0301000000000095000000000000006916320000000000bf67000000000000a406000007ff07006706000002000000070600000ee60000bf050000000000002e650000000000006507000002000000070700004c0000001f75000000000000bf54000000000000070500000419311f2d4301000000000095000000000000000500000000000000950000000000000032ed3c5be95e76b67754bb12dc8c27df8ecf264e0f84f9f17d3c30e3c72fe9755ba08554bb4f2278af6d71d79a5e12810a089dc1d4681d295c45a674f888a08034b7dd399703d6c4f633a9a4f16d0a3e1282ee45a010fb94fa9de56c9d8a814261bdb94a6538b89dc6c60bf70d742a81b72bab8395fa64810b5b1bfd3782519518c51231422bb8fab4d4d897db2c544c0ec50b8eac8c63d2b1cd06a39702bd547f5ebaa6954f01cef3c9bacec15e2e3b2bd352e93a2aadfe8efe33ff2f8ee5476d4ef7a6f0c4704403b9bad2b648e90fff24f69a5ef05f5408ea197ed09a9510ee6063229de2984abdd46ea3ec78e3127002ed37c2564b8f8a621483fb2a5ff221e0d831d64759d17b8c59d0f2b0727f6b7958fb5b939af4be5e55a95f8c6d785a91c7c3f0c17ae7f9ac5ff05f5ecddf0cef90d50e763be96496661c749e21ab63a1f50b30a65a9027ba357bf8c614497ee59b68bf6a5d45c81c567e347d54574164bbea3e7b7f8a13cce7014137f250370b8a70ae3eaf736f17759c3886871e97d063b7f26eed3226bb0b9ee6320a2b02fea7a06a0e37182adf4b1be6f29358d4f5dfec405bde000000000000000000000000000000902e647cc5962eccaad64429335f3ce2a10ce72da82875427c1d16db24dca08487ba41a3fb337f8432d8176a515229e32ee11a1dd23dac038f989eafdd67f60b63f7be4d1bf325b57335b9973c73bfa89517a98b1fc15f8a2713718feb01059d8b570a0000e3b2a93bd745a74f9bf7f7abc5d15d56331055cc0820c5c9d676d92557c4e47cfbe27f91f0eb18e21dfdab3c84ec11377fbbfd1e000000000000b542a536559eed87b58edcfee83a50077ee0e8fb6e787cb3076dfeeb79f55927fef9651e176b40e64740a01944577caea4ceb9e907cec36a8429445c833b9d24d53dc91f15af1f4a1db9fa452fa3f0b812355aab5b58659ffd56034fdbb169f3e86660acdc65dc699d3e6364a80f45e54d6efcb99b41a080494f842706f3c1716d2e252bf89663393356296d89fbf95aa7966fa700b710008311d6f25e05f77d68799e671d90cb04131742790941d83ffdfa857e9e085a59a78e7a17f008ce55866fcc4de388f270a1ba675f43481bd2"], &(0x7f0000000100)='GPL\x00', 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, '\x00', 0x0, @sched_cls, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, @void, @value}, 0x48) 437.972023ms ago: executing program 0 (id=1129): unlink(0x0) 437.442554ms ago: executing program 4 (id=1130): syz_mount_image$ext4(&(0x7f00000004c0)='ext2\x00', &(0x7f0000000180)='./file1\x00', 0x0, &(0x7f0000000080)={[{@block_validity}, {@bh}, {@noquota}, {@usrjquota}, {@init_itable_val={'init_itable', 0x3d, 0x4}}, {@errors_remount}]}, 0x1, 0x54b, &(0x7f0000000800)="$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") 387.395437ms ago: executing program 2 (id=1131): syz_mount_image$vfat(&(0x7f0000000280), &(0x7f00000002c0)='./file0\x00', 0x0, &(0x7f0000001100)=ANY=[@ANYRES16=0x0, @ANYBLOB, @ANYRES8], 0x1, 0x27f, &(0x7f0000000600)="$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") 387.333026ms ago: executing program 0 (id=1132): bpf$MAP_CREATE(0x0, &(0x7f0000000640)=ANY=[@ANYBLOB="170000000000000004000000ff00000000000000", @ANYRES32=0x1, @ANYBLOB="009a00a4652e1a"], 0x50) 339.387469ms ago: executing program 0 (id=1133): bpf$PROG_LOAD(0x5, &(0x7f000000e000)={0x1, 0x4, &(0x7f0000000080)=@framed={{0xffffffb4, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x61, 0x10, 0x6a}, [@ldst={0x6, 0x0, 0x3}]}, &(0x7f0000003ff6)='GPL\x00', 0x5, 0xfd90, &(0x7f000000cf3d)=""/195, 0x0, 0x0, '\x00', 0x0, @fallback, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x8, &(0x7f00000000c0), 0x366, 0x10, &(0x7f0000000000), 0x2b2, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, @void, @value}, 0x48) 231.687755ms ago: executing program 4 (id=1134): bpf$BPF_BTF_LOAD(0x12, &(0x7f0000000280)={&(0x7f0000000000)=ANY=[@ANYBLOB="9feb0100180000000000000038000000380000000300000000000000000000030000000003000000020000000200000000000000000000010500000010000000010000000000000e01000000000000000061"], 0x0, 0x53, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, @void, @value}, 0x20) 225.846256ms ago: executing program 2 (id=1135): bpf$PROG_LOAD(0x5, &(0x7f0000000440)={0xb, 0x6, &(0x7f0000000000)=@framed={{0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x7b, 0x11, 0x38}, [@func={0x85, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x2}, @call={0x85, 0x0, 0x0, 0x5}, @exit={0x95, 0x0, 0x33}], {0x95, 0x0, 0x5a5}}, &(0x7f0000000080)='GPL\x00', 0x5, 0x29e, &(0x7f000000cf3d)=""/195, 0x0, 0x5, '\x00', 0x0, @fallback, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x6, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xb8000000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, @void, @value}, 0x70) 214.793407ms ago: executing program 0 (id=1136): syz_mount_image$ext4(&(0x7f0000000080)='ext4\x00', &(0x7f0000000500)='./file1\x00', 0x0, &(0x7f0000000180)={[{@errors_remount}, {@sysvgroups}, {@dioread_lock}, {@nolazytime}, {@noauto_da_alloc}, {@resgid}, {@barrier}, {@init_itable_val={'init_itable', 0x3d, 0x100}}, {@usrquota}]}, 0x12, 0x4cb, &(0x7f0000000a00)="$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") 160.320599ms ago: executing program 3 (id=1137): prctl$PR_SET_VMA(0x53564d41, 0x0, &(0x7f0000ffc000/0x4000)=nil, 0x5bbf91a1e7f99074, &(0x7f0000000000)) 160.21815ms ago: executing program 2 (id=1138): syz_mount_image$fuse(&(0x7f0000000040), &(0x7f0000002180)='./file0\x00', 0x0, &(0x7f0000008380)=ANY=[@ANYBLOB='fd=', @ANYRESHEX, @ANYRESDEC=0x0], 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) 160.012ms ago: executing program 4 (id=1139): syz_mount_image$vfat(&(0x7f00000000c0), &(0x7f0000000000)='./file0\x00', 0x0, &(0x7f00000005c0)=ANY=[@ANYBLOB="73686f72746e616d653d77696e39352c74696d655f6f66667365743d3078666666666666666666666666666661612c6e6f6e756d7461696c3d302c73686f72746e616d653d6c6f7765722c73686f72746e616d653d77696e39352c6e6f6e756d7461696c3d302c756e695f786c6174653d312c646f733178666c6f7070792c726f6469722c73686f72746e616d653d77696e6e742c726f6469722c000000803d302c756e695f786c6174653d312c74696d655f6f66667365743d3078303030303030303030303030303461382c726f6469722c73686f72746e616d653d6c6f7765722c00"], 0xf5, 0x305, &(0x7f00000006c0)="$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") 153.077231ms ago: executing program 3 (id=1140): bpf$BPF_PROG_RAW_TRACEPOINT_LOAD(0x5, &(0x7f0000000300)={0x1f, 0x5, &(0x7f00000000c0)=ANY=[@ANYBLOB="180000000000000000000000ff010000850000000e000000040000005000000095"], &(0x7f0000000100)='syzkaller\x00', 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, '\x00', 0x0, 0x2, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, @void, @value}, 0x80) 126.246152ms ago: executing program 3 (id=1141): bpf$BPF_PROG_RAW_TRACEPOINT_LOAD(0x5, &(0x7f0000000140)={0x10, 0x4, &(0x7f0000000040)=@framed={{}, [@ldst={0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x0, 0x1, 0x43}], {0x95, 0x0, 0x700}}, &(0x7f0000000100)='GPL\x00', 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, '\x00', 0x0, 0xd, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, @void, @value}, 0x80) 123.914512ms ago: executing program 2 (id=1142): syz_mount_image$ext4(&(0x7f0000000080)='ext4\x00', &(0x7f0000000140)='./file1\x00', 0x2000040, &(0x7f0000000340)={[{@errors_remount}, {@nodiscard}, {@noquota}, {@init_itable}, {@stripe={'stripe', 0x3d, 0x79}}, {@resgid}, {@sysvgroups}, {@delalloc}, {@usrquota}]}, 0x10, 0x4dc, &(0x7f0000000d80)="$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") 63.538295ms ago: executing program 3 (id=1143): syz_mount_image$ext4(&(0x7f0000000040)='ext4\x00', &(0x7f0000000000)='./file0\x00', 0x4517, &(0x7f0000000d40), 0x12, 0x4b3, &(0x7f0000001b00)="$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") 0s ago: executing program 0 (id=1144): bpf$PROG_LOAD(0x5, &(0x7f0000000880)={0x8, 0x3, &(0x7f0000000000)=@framed={{0x18, 0x6}}, &(0x7f0000000980)='GPL\x00', 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, '\x00', 0x0, @cgroup_skb, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, @void, @value}, 0x94) kernel console output (not intermixed with test programs): _r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=dir permissive=1 [ 57.841790][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826682.713:129): avc: denied { add_name } for pid=1360 comm="syz.0.422" name="pfkey" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=dir permissive=1 [ 57.888509][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826682.713:130): avc: denied { create } for pid=1360 comm="syz.0.422" name="pfkey" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:object_r:sysadm_t tclass=file permissive=1 [ 57.904072][ T1376] cgroup: none used incorrectly [ 57.911782][ T308] usb 4-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0525, idProduct=a4a1, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 57.923899][ T308] usb 4-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 57.932394][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826682.713:131): avc: denied { associate } for pid=1360 comm="syz.0.422" name="pfkey" scontext=root:object_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:proc_t tclass=filesystem permissive=1 [ 57.941383][ T308] usb 4-1: Product: syz [ 57.960061][ T308] usb 4-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 57.965274][ T308] usb 4-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 57.969918][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826682.713:132): avc: denied { write } for pid=1360 comm="syz.0.422" name="pfkey" dev="proc" ino=4026532342 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:proc_net_t tclass=file permissive=1 [ 57.977795][ T308] usb 4-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 57.993043][ T320] usb 3-1: unable to get BOS descriptor or descriptor too short [ 58.014845][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826682.766:133): avc: denied { mounton } for pid=1375 comm="syz.4.429" path="/syzcgroup/cpu/syz4/cpuset.cpus" dev="cgroup" ino=61 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:cgroup_t tclass=file permissive=1 [ 58.058880][ T53] usb 2-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1908, idProduct=1315, bcdDevice= 0.00 [ 58.067886][ T53] usb 2-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 58.075715][ T53] usb 2-1: Product: syz [ 58.080001][ T53] usb 2-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 58.084398][ T53] usb 2-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 58.090270][ T1381] Alternate GPT is invalid, using primary GPT. [ 58.096710][ T53] usb 2-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 58.101625][ T1381] loop4: p1 p2 p3 [ 58.105382][ T320] usb 3-1: config 1 interface 0 has no altsetting 0 [ 58.142763][ T53] usb-storage 2-1:0.0: USB Mass Storage device detected [ 58.151522][ T53] usb-storage 2-1:0.0: Quirks match for vid 1908 pid 1315: 20000 [ 58.207513][ T372] udevd[372]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop4p3, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 58.216269][ T321] udevd[321]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop4p1, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 58.227936][ T469] udevd[469]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop4p2, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 58.243876][ T1386] FAT-fs (loop4): Directory bread(block 162) failed [ 58.254852][ T1386] FAT-fs (loop4): Directory bread(block 163) failed [ 58.261288][ T1386] FAT-fs (loop4): Directory bread(block 164) failed [ 58.268224][ T320] usb 3-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0525, idProduct=a4a8, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 58.273842][ T308] cdc_ncm 4-1:0.1: bind() failure [ 58.277191][ T320] usb 3-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 58.290460][ T1386] FAT-fs (loop4): Directory bread(block 165) failed [ 58.294919][ T308] usb 4-1: USB disconnect, device number 11 [ 58.297891][ T1386] FAT-fs (loop4): Directory bread(block 166) failed [ 58.309195][ T320] usb 3-1: Product: syz [ 58.316940][ T1386] FAT-fs (loop4): Directory bread(block 167) failed [ 58.323554][ T1386] FAT-fs (loop4): Directory bread(block 168) failed [ 58.330038][ T1386] FAT-fs (loop4): Directory bread(block 169) failed [ 58.334160][ T320] usb 3-1: Manufacturer: 凖円闇뾀恺㴢쩸윙⣥㺞훷ࡍ [ 58.357849][ T320] usb 3-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 58.362891][ T53] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, device number 10 [ 58.442241][ T1377] F2FS-fs (loop0): Wrong CP boundary, start(512) end(512) blocks(1024) [ 58.461813][ T1377] F2FS-fs (loop0): Can't find valid F2FS filesystem in 1th superblock [ 58.470060][ T1377] F2FS-fs (loop0): Test dummy encryption mode enabled [ 58.477580][ T1377] F2FS-fs (loop0): invalid crc value [ 58.484063][ T1377] F2FS-fs (loop0): Found nat_bits in checkpoint [ 58.519713][ T1377] F2FS-fs (loop0): Try to recover 1th superblock, ret: 0 [ 58.526766][ T1377] F2FS-fs (loop0): Mounted with checkpoint version = 48b305e5 [ 58.605153][ T1393] F2FS-fs (loop4): Invalid log blocks per segment (83886089) [ 58.617127][ T1393] F2FS-fs (loop4): Can't find valid F2FS filesystem in 2th superblock [ 58.627376][ T1393] F2FS-fs (loop4): invalid crc value [ 58.633557][ T1393] F2FS-fs (loop4): Found nat_bits in checkpoint [ 58.668374][ T1393] F2FS-fs (loop4): Start checkpoint disabled! [ 58.679217][ T320] usb 3-1: USB disconnect, device number 10 [ 58.687527][ T1393] F2FS-fs (loop4): Try to recover 2th superblock, ret: 0 [ 58.702299][ T1393] F2FS-fs (loop4): Mounted with checkpoint version = 48b305e6 [ 58.861463][ T1411] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_quota_enable:6423: comm syz.3.441: inode #50331648: comm syz.3.441: iget: illegal inode # [ 58.884220][ T1411] EXT4-fs (loop3): Remounting filesystem read-only [ 58.907277][ T1411] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_quota_enable:6426: comm syz.3.441: Bad quota inode: 50331648, type: 2 [ 58.919212][ T1411] EXT4-fs warning (device loop3): ext4_enable_quotas:6467: Failed to enable quota tracking (type=2, err=-117, ino=50331648). Please run e2fsck to fix. [ 58.962367][ T1411] EXT4-fs (loop3): mount failed [ 59.019941][ T1430] EXT4-fs (loop0): revision level too high, forcing read-only mode [ 59.028223][ T1430] EXT4-fs (loop0): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 59.034821][ T1430] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4437: comm syz.0.447: Invalid inode table block 0 in block_group 0 [ 59.047758][ T1430] EXT4-fs error (device loop0) in ext4_reserve_inode_write:5900: Corrupt filesystem [ 59.057773][ T1430] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_quota_write:6627: inode #3: comm syz.0.447: mark_inode_dirty error [ 59.078057][ T1430] Quota error (device loop0): write_blk: dquota write failed [ 59.085521][ T1430] Quota error (device loop0): qtree_write_dquot: Error -117 occurred while creating quota [ 59.100913][ T1430] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_acquire_dquot:6219: comm syz.0.447: Failed to acquire dquot type 0 [ 59.112734][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826684.086:134): avc: denied { mounton } for pid=1432 comm="syz.4.448" path="/syzcgroup/unified/syz4" dev="cgroup2" ino=24 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:cgroup_t tclass=dir permissive=1 [ 59.136163][ T1430] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4437: comm syz.0.447: Invalid inode table block 0 in block_group 0 [ 59.148763][ T1430] EXT4-fs error (device loop0) in ext4_reserve_inode_write:5900: Corrupt filesystem [ 59.174054][ T1430] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_ext_truncate:4448: inode #15: comm syz.0.447: mark_inode_dirty error [ 59.186353][ T1430] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4437: comm syz.0.447: Invalid inode table block 0 in block_group 0 [ 59.199263][ T1430] EXT4-fs error (device loop0) in ext4_reserve_inode_write:5900: Corrupt filesystem [ 59.213585][ T1438] EXT4-fs (loop2): feature flags set on rev 0 fs, running e2fsck is recommended [ 59.231131][ T1430] EXT4-fs error (device loop0) in ext4_orphan_del:3292: Corrupt filesystem [ 59.232548][ T1438] EXT4-fs (loop2): couldn't mount as ext2 due to feature incompatibilities [ 59.239927][ T1430] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4437: comm syz.0.447: Invalid inode table block 0 in block_group 0 [ 59.260680][ T1430] EXT4-fs error (device loop0) in ext4_reserve_inode_write:5900: Corrupt filesystem [ 59.282066][ T1430] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_truncate:4389: inode #15: comm syz.0.447: mark_inode_dirty error [ 59.293170][ T1430] EXT4-fs error (device loop0) in ext4_orphan_cleanup:3108: Corrupt filesystem [ 59.302140][ T1430] EXT4-fs (loop0): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 59.307720][ T1430] EXT4-fs (loop0): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: max_dir_size_kb=0x0000000000000000,stripe=0x0000000000000008,grpid,noquota,noblock_validity,block_validity,nobarrier,noauto_da_alloc,,errors=continue [ 59.352006][ T24] audit: type=1326 audit(1739826684.333:135): auid=4294967295 uid=0 gid=0 ses=4294967295 subj=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t pid=1446 comm="syz.3.452" exe="/root/syz-executor" sig=0 arch=c000003e syscall=202 compat=0 ip=0x7fc887dd0de9 code=0x7ffc0000 [ 59.442702][ T1457] EXT4-fs (loop4): invalid inodes per group: 2424864 [ 59.442702][ T1457] [ 59.729642][ T1463] EXT4-fs (loop3): Cannot turn on journaled quota: type 0: error -2 [ 59.744665][ T1463] EXT4-fs (loop3): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 59.751956][ T1481] FAT-fs (loop2): error, fat_get_cluster: invalid start cluster (i_pos 1, start 00000001) [ 59.752098][ T1463] EXT4-fs (loop3): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: jqfmt=vfsold,usrjquota="errors=continue,noload,data_err=ignore,usrjquota="errors=continue,errors=remount-ro,noblock_validity, [ 59.776869][ T1420] F2FS-fs (loop1): invalid crc value [ 59.787829][ T1420] F2FS-fs (loop1): Found nat_bits in checkpoint [ 59.823020][ T1420] F2FS-fs (loop1): Mounted with checkpoint version = 48b305e4 [ 59.914793][ T1502] erofs: (device loop4): erofs_load_compr_cfgs: try to load compressed fs with unsupported algorithms fffc [ 59.941260][ T53] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 12 using dummy_hcd [ 60.038662][ T1514] EXT4-fs (loop3): feature flags set on rev 0 fs, running e2fsck is recommended [ 60.054591][ T1514] EXT4-fs (loop3): warning: maximal mount count reached, running e2fsck is recommended [ 60.064885][ T1514] EXT4-fs warning (device loop3): ext4_update_dynamic_rev:1047: updating to rev 1 because of new feature flag, running e2fsck is recommended [ 60.079402][ T1514] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_validate_block_bitmap:429: comm syz.3.481: bg 0: block 19: invalid block bitmap [ 60.091650][ T1514] EXT4-fs (loop3): Remounting filesystem read-only [ 60.097968][ T1514] EXT4-fs error (device loop3) in ext4_mb_clear_bb:5645: Corrupt filesystem [ 60.106047][ T1519] EXT4-fs (loop1): ext4_check_descriptors: Checksum for group 0 failed (29950!=20869) [ 60.118703][ T1514] EXT4-fs (loop3): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 60.118896][ T1519] EXT4-fs (loop1): can't mount with commit=7, fs mounted w/o journal [ 60.124168][ T1514] EXT4-fs (loop3): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: errors=remount-ro,noblock_validity, [ 60.174741][ T53] usb 1-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 16 [ 60.286330][ T53] usb 1-1: too many endpoints for config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0: 254, using maximum allowed: 30 [ 60.303949][ T53] usb 1-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 bulk endpoint 0x3 has invalid maxpacket 8 [ 60.314200][ T53] usb 1-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 has 3 endpoint descriptors, different from the interface descriptor's value: 254 [ 60.336894][ T1556] incfs: Options parsing error. -22 [ 60.342080][ T1556] incfs: mount failed -22 [ 60.388689][ T5] usb 3-1: new high-speed USB device number 11 using dummy_hcd [ 60.416563][ T53] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0525, idProduct=a4a1, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 60.425461][ T53] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=1 [ 60.434204][ T1567] EXT4-fs (loop4): can't read group descriptor 0 [ 60.440513][ T53] usb 1-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 60.463793][ T1473] raw-gadget.0 gadget: fail, usb_ep_enable returned -22 [ 60.484675][ T53] cdc_acm 1-1:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device [ 60.594064][ T25] usb 2-1: new high-speed USB device number 11 using dummy_hcd [ 60.612252][ T5] usb 3-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 8 [ 60.688696][ T53] usb 1-1: USB disconnect, device number 12 [ 60.724680][ T5] usb 3-1: config 1 has 2 interfaces, different from the descriptor's value: 3 [ 60.734125][ T5] usb 3-1: config 1 has no interface number 1 [ 60.740004][ T5] usb 3-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 has 1 endpoint descriptor, different from the interface descriptor's value: 0 [ 60.752760][ T5] usb 3-1: config 1 interface 2 altsetting 1 endpoint 0x82 has an invalid bInterval 0, changing to 7 [ 60.761900][ T545] usb 4-1: new high-speed USB device number 12 using dummy_hcd [ 60.901480][ T308] usb 5-1: new high-speed USB device number 12 using dummy_hcd [ 60.910910][ T5] usb 3-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0101, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 60.919870][ T5] usb 3-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 60.927817][ T5] usb 3-1: Product: syz [ 60.931956][ T5] usb 3-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 60.936346][ T5] usb 3-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 60.976504][ T25] usb 2-1: config 0 has an invalid interface number: 156 but max is 0 [ 60.984562][ T25] usb 2-1: config 0 has no interface number 0 [ 60.990431][ T25] usb 2-1: config 0 interface 156 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x3 has an invalid bInterval 0, changing to 7 [ 61.001185][ T25] usb 2-1: config 0 interface 156 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x3 has invalid wMaxPacketSize 0 [ 61.010823][ T25] usb 2-1: config 0 interface 156 altsetting 0 endpoint 0xF has invalid wMaxPacketSize 0 [ 61.020465][ T25] usb 2-1: New USB device found, idVendor=abcd, idProduct=cdee, bcdDevice= 5.b9 [ 61.029355][ T25] usb 2-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=0 [ 61.037786][ T25] usb 2-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 61.115955][ T545] usb 4-1: config 0 has an invalid interface number: 1 but max is 0 [ 61.123788][ T545] usb 4-1: config 0 has no interface number 0 [ 61.129706][ T545] usb 4-1: config 0 interface 1 altsetting 3 endpoint 0x3 has an invalid bInterval 0, changing to 7 [ 61.140279][ T545] usb 4-1: config 0 interface 1 altsetting 3 endpoint 0xA has an invalid bInterval 45, changing to 9 [ 61.150981][ T545] usb 4-1: config 0 interface 1 altsetting 3 bulk endpoint 0xD has invalid maxpacket 1023 [ 61.160682][ T545] usb 4-1: config 0 interface 1 has no altsetting 0 [ 61.237421][ T5] usb 3-1: 2:1 : unsupported sample bitwidth 4 in 7 bytes [ 61.244487][ T308] usb 5-1: config 1 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 61.254374][ T308] usb 5-1: config 1 has 2 interfaces, different from the descriptor's value: 3 [ 61.263140][ T308] usb 5-1: config 1 has no interface number 1 [ 61.270134][ T25] usb 2-1: MIDIStreaming interface descriptor not found [ 61.273082][ T5] usb 3-1: USB disconnect, device number 11 [ 61.282852][ T1603] F2FS-fs (loop0): invalid crc value [ 61.284986][ T308] usb 5-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 has 2 endpoint descriptors, different from the interface descriptor's value: 0 [ 61.297477][ T25] snd-usb-audio: probe of 2-1:0.156 failed with error -12 [ 61.309180][ T25] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, device number 11 [ 61.317079][ T1603] F2FS-fs (loop0): Disable nat_bits due to incorrect cp_ver (10241045589465957861, 10241044815247771109) [ 61.324053][ T308] usb 5-1: config 1 interface 2 altsetting 1 endpoint 0x6 has an invalid bInterval 0, changing to 7 [ 61.339918][ T545] usb 4-1: New USB device found, idVendor=05ac, idProduct=921c, bcdDevice=f1.71 [ 61.343073][ T1603] F2FS-fs (loop0): f2fs_check_nid_range: out-of-range nid=78000000, run fsck to fix. [ 61.348768][ T545] usb 4-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 61.358537][ T1603] F2FS-fs (loop0): sanity_check_inode: inode (ino=3) has corrupted i_xattr_nid: 2013265920, run fsck to fix. [ 61.376174][ T545] usb 4-1: Product: syz [ 61.377493][ T1603] F2FS-fs (loop0): Failed to read root inode [ 61.381576][ T545] usb 4-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 61.391627][ T545] usb 4-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 61.399936][ T545] usb 4-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 61.414649][ T1577] raw-gadget.3 gadget: fail, usb_ep_enable returned -22 [ 61.488876][ T308] usb 5-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0101, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 61.499718][ T308] usb 5-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 61.507525][ T308] usb 5-1: Product: syz [ 61.513935][ T308] usb 5-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 61.526048][ T308] usb 5-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 61.544818][ T1600] raw-gadget.4 gadget: fail, usb_ep_enable returned -22 [ 61.656997][ T545] usbhid 4-1:0.1: couldn't find an input interrupt endpoint [ 61.671788][ T545] usb 4-1: USB disconnect, device number 12 [ 61.782405][ T1634] exFAT-fs (loop2): failed to load upcase table (idx : 0x00010000, chksum : 0x205ad3fc, utbl_chksum : 0xe619d30d) [ 61.843208][ T578] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 13 using dummy_hcd [ 61.861904][ T308] usb 5-1: 2:1 : no or invalid class specific endpoint descriptor [ 61.869615][ T308] usb 5-1: 2:1 : no or invalid class specific endpoint descriptor [ 61.940832][ T308] usb 5-1: USB disconnect, device number 12 [ 62.107740][ T1695] EXT4-fs (loop1): #clusters per group too big: 151011328 [ 62.150918][ T469] udevd[469]: error opening ATTR{/sys/devices/platform/dummy_hcd.4/usb5/5-1/5-1:1.0/sound/card0/controlC0/../uevent} for writing: No such file or directory [ 62.216425][ T578] usb 1-1: config index 0 descriptor too short (expected 64575, got 68) [ 62.218462][ T1703] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_free_branches:1026: inode #13: comm syz.3.569: invalid indirect mapped block 10 (level 1) [ 62.226070][ T578] usb 1-1: config 1 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 62.250101][ T1703] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_free_branches:1026: inode #13: comm syz.3.569: invalid indirect mapped block 8 (level 1) [ 62.268418][ T1703] EXT4-fs (loop3): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 62.274680][ T1703] EXT4-fs (loop3): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: acl,user_xattr,,errors=continue [ 62.277745][ T578] usb 1-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 has an invalid endpoint descriptor of length 3, skipping [ 62.294532][ T1703] SELinux: security_context_str_to_sid(unconfined_u) failed for (dev loop3, type ext4) errno=-22 [ 62.316434][ T578] usb 1-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 has 1 endpoint descriptor, different from the interface descriptor's value: 6 [ 62.329203][ T5] usb 3-1: new high-speed USB device number 12 using dummy_hcd [ 62.421021][ T578] usb 1-1: config index 1 descriptor too short (expected 64575, got 68) [ 62.429222][ T578] usb 1-1: config 1 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 62.439458][ T578] usb 1-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 has an invalid endpoint descriptor of length 3, skipping [ 62.450370][ T578] usb 1-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 has 1 endpoint descriptor, different from the interface descriptor's value: 6 [ 62.514129][ T578] usb 1-1: string descriptor 0 read error: -71 [ 62.520170][ T578] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0cf3, idProduct=9271, bcdDevice= 1.08 [ 62.529037][ T578] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 62.551585][ T578] usb 1-1: can't set config #1, error -71 [ 62.560217][ T578] usb 1-1: USB disconnect, device number 13 [ 62.569675][ T545] usb 5-1: new high-speed USB device number 13 using dummy_hcd [ 62.598111][ T490] usb 2-1: new high-speed USB device number 12 using dummy_hcd [ 62.663343][ T53] usb 4-1: new high-speed USB device number 13 using dummy_hcd [ 62.830780][ T490] usb 2-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 16 [ 62.858700][ T5] usb 3-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1de1, idProduct=c102, bcdDevice=7d.08 [ 62.867578][ T5] usb 3-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 62.875481][ T5] usb 3-1: Product: syz [ 62.879486][ T5] usb 3-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 62.883912][ T5] usb 3-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 62.886584][ T53] usb 4-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 16 [ 62.889083][ T5] usb 3-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 62.942811][ T545] usb 5-1: unable to get BOS descriptor or descriptor too short [ 62.943253][ T5] usb-storage 3-1:0.0: USB Mass Storage device detected [ 62.957677][ T5] usb-storage 3-1:0.0: device ignored [ 62.962970][ T490] usb 2-1: config 8 has an invalid interface number: 39 but max is 0 [ 62.971128][ T490] usb 2-1: config 8 has no interface number 0 [ 62.977214][ T490] usb 2-1: config 8 interface 39 altsetting 1 has an invalid endpoint with address 0xDF, skipping [ 62.987941][ T490] usb 2-1: config 8 interface 39 altsetting 1 has 1 endpoint descriptor, different from the interface descriptor's value: 2 [ 62.998749][ T53] usb 4-1: config index 0 descriptor too short (expected 58, got 36) [ 63.000682][ T490] usb 2-1: config 8 interface 39 has no altsetting 0 [ 63.008849][ T53] usb 4-1: config 255 has too many interfaces: 238, using maximum allowed: 32 [ 63.023856][ T545] usb 5-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 6 endpoint 0x81 has invalid wMaxPacketSize 0 [ 63.034041][ T53] usb 4-1: config 255 contains an unexpected descriptor of type 0x1, skipping [ 63.043503][ T545] usb 5-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 6 has 1 endpoint descriptor, different from the interface descriptor's value: 2 [ 63.056140][ T53] usb 4-1: config 255 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 63.066181][ T545] usb 5-1: config 1 interface 0 has no altsetting 0 [ 63.072751][ T53] usb 4-1: config 255 has 0 interfaces, different from the descriptor's value: 238 [ 63.081881][ T53] usb 4-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0b05, idProduct=17e0, bcdDevice= 0.00 [ 63.090711][ T53] usb 4-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=0 [ 63.139464][ T5] usb 3-1: USB disconnect, device number 12 [ 63.194618][ T490] usb 2-1: New USB device found, idVendor=05ac, idProduct=c704, bcdDevice=62.77 [ 63.203586][ T490] usb 2-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 63.211271][ T490] usb 2-1: Product: syz [ 63.213132][ T545] usb 5-1: New USB device found, idVendor=6253, idProduct=0100, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 63.215482][ T490] usb 2-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 63.224891][ T545] usb 5-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 63.228877][ T490] usb 2-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 63.236919][ T25] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 14 using dummy_hcd [ 63.248473][ T545] usb 5-1: Manufacturer: ᰊ [ 63.252844][ T545] usb 5-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 63.353067][ T53] usb 4-1: string descriptor 0 read error: -71 [ 63.361650][ T53] usb 4-1: USB disconnect, device number 13 [ 63.530050][ T490] ipheth 2-1:8.39: Unable to find endpoints [ 63.539778][ T490] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, device number 12 [ 63.623026][ T25] usb 1-1: unable to get BOS descriptor or descriptor too short [ 63.678946][ T545] usbhid 5-1:1.0: can't add hid device: -71 [ 63.684796][ T545] usbhid: probe of 5-1:1.0 failed with error -71 [ 63.693565][ T545] usb 5-1: USB disconnect, device number 13 [ 63.699395][ T25] usb 1-1: config 4 has an invalid interface number: 114 but max is 0 [ 63.707959][ T25] usb 1-1: config 4 has no interface number 0 [ 63.713854][ T25] usb 1-1: config 4 interface 114 altsetting 6 endpoint 0xE has an invalid bInterval 0, changing to 7 [ 63.725135][ T25] usb 1-1: config 4 interface 114 has no altsetting 0 [ 63.828622][ T1744] exfat: Deprecated parameter 'namecase' [ 63.834194][ T1744] exfat: Deprecated parameter 'utf8' [ 63.874540][ T25] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=6189, idProduct=2068, bcdDevice=5a.c9 [ 63.883461][ T25] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 63.891268][ T25] usb 1-1: Product: syz [ 63.895250][ T25] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 63.899610][ T25] usb 1-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 63.904158][ T53] usb 3-1: new high-speed USB device number 13 using dummy_hcd [ 63.914051][ T1744] exFAT-fs (loop3): failed to load upcase table (idx : 0x00010000, chksum : 0xdc42f586, utbl_chksum : 0xe619d30d) [ 64.036752][ T1749] EXT4-fs (loop4): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 64.043749][ T1749] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_validate_block_bitmap:438: comm syz.4.589: bg 0: block 97: padding at end of block bitmap is not set [ 64.058086][ T1749] __quota_error: 2 callbacks suppressed [ 64.058096][ T1749] Quota error (device loop4): write_blk: dquota write failed [ 64.070871][ T1749] Quota error (device loop4): qtree_write_dquot: Error -117 occurred while creating quota [ 64.080837][ T1749] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_acquire_dquot:6219: comm syz.4.589: Failed to acquire dquot type 0 [ 64.093647][ T1754] erofs: (device loop1): erofs_fc_fill_super: rootino(nid 36) is not a directory(i_mode 127766) [ 64.099399][ T1749] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_xattr_delete_inode:2921: inode #15: comm syz.4.589: corrupted xattr block 19 [ 64.116280][ T1749] EXT4-fs warning (device loop4): ext4_evict_inode:303: xattr delete (err -117) [ 64.125294][ T1749] EXT4-fs (loop4): 1 orphan inode deleted [ 64.131180][ T7] Quota error (device loop4): remove_tree: Getting block too big (0 >= 6) [ 64.141347][ T7] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_release_dquot:6242: comm kworker/u4:0: Failed to release dquot type 0 [ 64.152796][ T53] usb 3-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 16 [ 64.158305][ T1749] EXT4-fs (loop4): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: ,errors=continue [ 64.173568][ T25] pl2303 1-1:4.114: required endpoints missing [ 64.196992][ T25] usb 1-1: USB disconnect, device number 14 [ 64.266359][ T53] usb 3-1: config 1 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 64.276548][ T53] usb 3-1: config 1 has 1 interface, different from the descriptor's value: 3 [ 64.285376][ T53] usb 3-1: New USB device found, idVendor=046b, idProduct=0000, bcdDevice= 0.00 [ 64.294206][ T53] usb 3-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=0 [ 64.331941][ T53] usb 3-1: 0:2 : does not exist [ 64.364115][ T1759] F2FS-fs (loop3): invalid crc value [ 64.364504][ T1761] exFAT-fs (loop1): failed to load upcase table (idx : 0x00011bf5, chksum : 0xcea91b8a, utbl_chksum : 0xe619d30d) [ 64.382142][ T1761] exFAT-fs (loop1): bogus allocation bitmap size(need : 2, cur : 17179869186) [ 64.395602][ T1759] F2FS-fs (loop3): Disable nat_bits due to incorrect cp_ver (10241045589465957861, 10241044815247771109) [ 64.430855][ T1759] F2FS-fs (loop3): Start checkpoint disabled! [ 64.437566][ T1759] F2FS-fs (loop3): Mounted with checkpoint version = 48b305e6 [ 64.445202][ T1759] SELinux: security_context_str_to_sid() failed for (dev loop3, type f2fs) errno=-22 [ 64.461968][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826689.815:138): avc: denied { create } for pid=1775 comm="syz.4.599" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=rawip_socket permissive=1 [ 64.555816][ T53] usb 3-1: string descriptor 0 read error: -71 [ 64.565754][ T53] usb 3-1: USB disconnect, device number 13 [ 64.575474][ T1785] EXT4-fs (loop4): mounting ext3 file system using the ext4 subsystem [ 64.613273][ T1785] [EXT4 FS bs=1024, gc=1, bpg=8192, ipg=32, mo=a002c118, mo2=0002] [ 64.629658][ T1785] System zones: 1-12 [ 64.639726][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826690.019:139): avc: denied { append } for pid=76 comm="syslogd" name="messages" dev="tmpfs" ino=6 scontext=system_u:system_r:syslogd_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:tmpfs_t tclass=file permissive=1 [ 64.665270][ T1785] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_xattr_ibody_find:2210: inode #15: comm syz.4.603: corrupted in-inode xattr [ 64.668785][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826690.019:140): avc: denied { open } for pid=76 comm="syslogd" path="/tmp/messages" dev="tmpfs" ino=6 scontext=system_u:system_r:syslogd_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:tmpfs_t tclass=file permissive=1 [ 64.700765][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826690.019:141): avc: denied { getattr } for pid=76 comm="syslogd" path="/tmp/messages" dev="tmpfs" ino=6 scontext=system_u:system_r:syslogd_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:tmpfs_t tclass=file permissive=1 [ 64.716139][ T1785] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_orphan_get:1400: comm syz.4.603: couldn't read orphan inode 15 (err -117) [ 64.760266][ T1785] EXT4-fs (loop4): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: jqfmt=vfsold,nolazytime,debug,noload,min_batch_time=0x000000000000d23b,commit=0x0000000000000005,lazytime,acl,,errors=continue [ 64.767144][ T1811] FAT-fs (loop1): Directory bread(block 64) failed [ 64.785031][ T1811] FAT-fs (loop1): Directory bread(block 65) failed [ 64.800521][ T321] udevd[321]: error opening ATTR{/sys/devices/platform/dummy_hcd.2/usb3/3-1/3-1:1.0/sound/card0/controlC0/../uevent} for writing: No such file or directory [ 64.806149][ T1811] FAT-fs (loop1): Directory bread(block 66) failed [ 64.822720][ T1811] FAT-fs (loop1): Directory bread(block 67) failed [ 64.829942][ T1811] FAT-fs (loop1): Directory bread(block 68) failed [ 64.836316][ T1811] FAT-fs (loop1): Directory bread(block 69) failed [ 64.842627][ T1811] FAT-fs (loop1): Directory bread(block 70) failed [ 64.849015][ T1811] FAT-fs (loop1): Directory bread(block 71) failed [ 64.855506][ T1811] FAT-fs (loop1): Directory bread(block 72) failed [ 64.861903][ T1811] FAT-fs (loop1): Directory bread(block 73) failed [ 64.881184][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826690.277:142): avc: denied { create } for pid=1819 comm="syz.4.618" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=bluetooth_socket permissive=1 [ 64.918954][ T5] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 15 using dummy_hcd [ 65.040091][ T578] usb 4-1: new full-speed USB device number 14 using dummy_hcd [ 65.061689][ T1842] EXT4-fs (loop2): warning: mounting unchecked fs, running e2fsck is recommended [ 65.075627][ T1842] [EXT4 FS bs=2048, gc=1, bpg=16384, ipg=32, mo=a002e01c, mo2=0006] [ 65.083533][ T1842] System zones: 0-2, 18-18, 34-35 [ 65.089449][ T1842] EXT4-fs (loop2): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: resgid=0x0000000000000000,data_err=ignore,,errors=continue [ 65.161016][ T5] usb 1-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 32 [ 65.188178][ T1840] loop1: p2 p3 < > [ 65.196019][ T1840] loop1: p2 start 4294967295 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 65.211668][ T1853] syz.2.632 calls setitimer() with new_value NULL pointer. Misfeature support will be removed [ 65.235365][ T53] usb 5-1: new high-speed USB device number 14 using dummy_hcd [ 65.288202][ T1865] tmpfs: Bad value for 'size' [ 65.295354][ T321] udevd[321]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop1p3, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 65.310797][ T5] usb 1-1: config 0 has an invalid interface number: 132 but max is 0 [ 65.318796][ T5] usb 1-1: config 0 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 65.338075][ T5] usb 1-1: config 0 has no interface number 0 [ 65.421969][ T578] usb 4-1: config 0 has an invalid interface number: 151 but max is 0 [ 65.430270][ T578] usb 4-1: config 0 has no interface number 0 [ 65.436417][ T578] usb 4-1: config 0 interface 151 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x85 has an invalid bInterval 0, changing to 10 [ 65.447628][ T578] usb 4-1: config 0 interface 151 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x85 has invalid wMaxPacketSize 0 [ 65.458234][ T1877] EXT4-fs (loop2): ext4_check_descriptors: Inode bitmap for group 0 overlaps block group descriptors [ 65.468948][ T53] usb 5-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 16 [ 65.469002][ T1877] EXT4-fs (loop2): ext4_check_descriptors: Checksum for group 0 failed (51554!=20869) [ 65.487094][ T1873] F2FS-fs (loop1): Invalid log blocks per segment (83886089) [ 65.491188][ T1877] jbd2_journal_init_inode: Cannot locate journal superblock [ 65.499260][ T1873] F2FS-fs (loop1): Can't find valid F2FS filesystem in 2th superblock [ 65.501631][ T1877] EXT4-fs (loop2): Could not load journal inode [ 65.511260][ T1873] F2FS-fs (loop1): invalid crc value [ 65.515941][ T5] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=12d1, idProduct=1c1f, bcdDevice=e7.78 [ 65.530148][ T5] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 65.531195][ T1873] F2FS-fs (loop1): Found nat_bits in checkpoint [ 65.538320][ T5] usb 1-1: Product: syz [ 65.548231][ T5] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 65.552923][ T5] usb 1-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 65.557925][ T5] usb 1-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 65.570046][ T1873] F2FS-fs (loop1): Start checkpoint disabled! [ 65.577185][ T1873] F2FS-fs (loop1): Try to recover 2th superblock, ret: 0 [ 65.584232][ T1873] F2FS-fs (loop1): Mounted with checkpoint version = 48b305e6 [ 65.620361][ T578] usb 4-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0499, idProduct=6bb7, bcdDevice=68.2f [ 65.629691][ T5] usb 1-1: bad CDC descriptors [ 65.640768][ T578] usb 4-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 65.649230][ T578] usb 4-1: Product: syz [ 65.653428][ T578] usb 4-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 65.658295][ T578] usb 4-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 65.663233][ T578] usb 4-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 65.729501][ T53] usb 5-1: New USB device found, idVendor=133e, idProduct=0815, bcdDevice=94.d7 [ 65.740007][ T53] usb 5-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 65.747815][ T53] usb 5-1: Product: syz [ 65.766062][ T53] usb 5-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 65.770885][ T53] usb 5-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 65.777427][ T53] usb 5-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 65.814284][ T53] snd-usb-audio: probe of 5-1:0.0 failed with error -22 [ 65.847727][ T490] usb 1-1: USB disconnect, device number 15 [ 65.953604][ T578] usb 4-1: USB disconnect, device number 14 [ 65.981340][ T1917] F2FS-fs (loop1): Invalid log_blocksize (268), supports only 12 [ 65.988898][ T1917] F2FS-fs (loop1): Can't find valid F2FS filesystem in 1th superblock [ 65.998038][ T1917] F2FS-fs (loop1): invalid crc_offset: 33558524 [ 66.005376][ T1917] F2FS-fs (loop1): Found nat_bits in checkpoint [ 66.007330][ T308] usb 5-1: USB disconnect, device number 14 [ 66.032699][ T1917] F2FS-fs (loop1): Try to recover 1th superblock, ret: 0 [ 66.037144][ T5] usb 3-1: new high-speed USB device number 14 using dummy_hcd [ 66.039626][ T1917] F2FS-fs (loop1): Mounted with checkpoint version = 48b305e5 [ 66.155575][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826691.639:143): avc: denied { wake_alarm } for pid=1925 comm="syz.1.663" capability=35 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=capability2 permissive=1 [ 66.288620][ T5] usb 3-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 8 [ 66.368624][ T1948] EXT4-fs (loop1): filesystem is read-only [ 66.376550][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826691.875:144): avc: denied { write } for pid=1952 comm="syz.0.676" name="/" dev="binder" ino=1 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:unlabeled_t tclass=dir permissive=1 [ 66.400376][ T5] usb 3-1: config 128 has an invalid interface number: 80 but max is 0 [ 66.408854][ T5] usb 3-1: config 128 has no interface number 0 [ 66.530915][ T1971] EXT4-fs (loop0): unsupported descriptor size 0 [ 66.558817][ T5] usb 3-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0f94, idProduct=0005, bcdDevice= a.b3 [ 66.567912][ T5] usb 3-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 66.576444][ T5] usb 3-1: Product: syz [ 66.591767][ T5] usb 3-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 66.605219][ T5] usb 3-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 66.628492][ T1996] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_orphan_get:1395: inode #15: comm syz.4.697: iget: bad extended attribute block 1 [ 66.641727][ T1996] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_orphan_get:1400: comm syz.4.697: couldn't read orphan inode 15 (err -117) [ 66.654120][ T1996] EXT4-fs (loop4): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: bsddf,resgid=0x0000000000000000,auto_da_alloc=0x000000000000007e,noload,inode_readahead_blks=0x0000000000000000,nombcache,,errors=continue [ 66.866420][ T578] usb 4-1: new high-speed USB device number 15 using dummy_hcd [ 66.874022][ T491] usb 2-1: new high-speed USB device number 13 using dummy_hcd [ 66.881797][ T5] ftdi_sio 3-1:128.80: FTDI USB Serial Device converter detected [ 66.889766][ T5] usb 3-1: Detected FT232H [ 66.903964][ T5] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: Unable to read latency timer: -71 [ 66.923132][ T5] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: Unable to write latency timer: -71 [ 66.941826][ T5] ftdi_sio 3-1:128.80: GPIO initialisation failed: -71 [ 66.948851][ T5] usb 3-1: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0 [ 66.957481][ T5] usb 3-1: USB disconnect, device number 14 [ 66.963876][ T5] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now disconnected from ttyUSB0 [ 66.973211][ T5] ftdi_sio 3-1:128.80: device disconnected [ 67.006772][ T545] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 16 using dummy_hcd [ 67.014234][ T53] usb 5-1: new high-speed USB device number 15 using dummy_hcd [ 67.109066][ T578] usb 4-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 32 [ 67.257994][ T545] usb 1-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 16 [ 67.258000][ T578] usb 4-1: unable to get BOS descriptor or descriptor too short [ 67.332602][ T578] usb 4-1: config 151 has an invalid interface number: 193 but max is 0 [ 67.341061][ T578] usb 4-1: config 151 has no interface number 0 [ 67.347825][ T578] usb 4-1: config 151 interface 193 has no altsetting 0 [ 67.370137][ T491] usb 2-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1c9e, idProduct=9801, bcdDevice=25.d8 [ 67.379401][ T491] usb 2-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 67.387385][ T491] usb 2-1: Product: syz [ 67.391746][ T578] usb 4-1: language id specifier not provided by device, defaulting to English [ 67.398251][ T545] usb 1-1: config 1 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 67.400774][ T491] usb 2-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 67.410803][ T53] usb 5-1: config 253 has an invalid interface number: 154 but max is 0 [ 67.415514][ T491] usb 2-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 67.431561][ T491] usb 2-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 67.435494][ T545] usb 1-1: too many endpoints for config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0: 254, using maximum allowed: 30 [ 67.446986][ T53] usb 5-1: config 253 has no interface number 0 [ 67.453057][ T545] usb 1-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 has 0 endpoint descriptors, different from the interface descriptor's value: 254 [ 67.472887][ T491] rndis_host: probe of 2-1:0.0 failed with error -22 [ 67.511093][ T2019] F2FS-fs (loop2): invalid crc value [ 67.517796][ T2019] F2FS-fs (loop2): Found nat_bits in checkpoint [ 67.519445][ T578] usb 4-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0499, idProduct=101c, bcdDevice=7c.77 [ 67.533995][ T578] usb 4-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 67.542282][ T578] usb 4-1: Product: syz [ 67.546315][ T578] usb 4-1: Manufacturer: 긕涥囎౏嬮탤㴽誗嵀ቂ좷ૄ뇾୧賥詎ᄷ쭔婦䅫崭㶮⬵횢⯘㗰횽ⶽ௘凅߅⧷⾭౑掦Ⓟ꼩鼦뾱鋫ㅍく쌲⏅璘ᡜ힂㔃㿼㞑䃣㫋뒹茸▼﷍褃䴲녔鋇秔󌁢䁪貱⽰⼎ [ 67.547112][ T545] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0525, idProduct=a4a5, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 67.570593][ T578] usb 4-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 67.586689][ T2019] F2FS-fs (loop2): recover fsync data on readonly fs [ 67.593356][ T545] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=1 [ 67.593484][ T2019] F2FS-fs (loop2): Mounted with checkpoint version = 48b305e5 [ 67.601139][ T545] usb 1-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 67.621361][ T53] usb 5-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1a0a, idProduct=0104, bcdDevice=bb.94 [ 67.630826][ T53] usb 5-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 67.638652][ T53] usb 5-1: Product: syz [ 67.643159][ T53] usb 5-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 67.647672][ T53] usb 5-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 67.663655][ T25] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, device number 13 [ 67.855082][ T545] usb 1-1: bad CDC descriptors [ 67.859958][ T545] usb-storage 1-1:1.0: USB Mass Storage device detected [ 67.867533][ T545] usb-storage 1-1:1.0: Quirks match for vid 0525 pid a4a5: 10000 [ 67.882885][ T578] snd-usb-audio: probe of 4-1:151.193 failed with error -2 [ 67.891237][ T578] usb 4-1: USB disconnect, device number 15 [ 67.901205][ T53] usb_ehset_test: probe of 5-1:253.154 failed with error -32 [ 67.915749][ T53] usb 5-1: USB disconnect, device number 15 [ 67.921610][ T545] usb 1-1: USB disconnect, device number 16 [ 67.948027][ T320] usb 3-1: new full-speed USB device number 15 using dummy_hcd [ 68.173180][ T2029] EXT4-fs error (device loop1) in ext4_do_update_inode:5303: error 27 [ 68.181555][ T2029] EXT4-fs (loop1): Remounting filesystem read-only [ 68.188147][ T2029] EXT4-fs error (device loop1): ext4_dirty_inode:6110: inode #3: comm syz.1.710: mark_inode_dirty error [ 68.200380][ T2029] EXT4-fs error (device loop1) in ext4_do_update_inode:5303: error 27 [ 68.208613][ T2029] EXT4-fs error (device loop1): __ext4_ext_dirty:182: inode #3: comm syz.1.710: mark_inode_dirty error [ 68.220367][ T2029] EXT4-fs error (device loop1): ext4_acquire_dquot:6219: comm syz.1.710: Failed to acquire dquot type 0 [ 68.231708][ T2029] EXT4-fs (loop1): 1 orphan inode deleted [ 68.237300][ T2029] EXT4-fs (loop1): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: nolazytime,usrjquota=,minixdf,errors=remount-ro,sysvgroups, [ 68.249805][ T2029] SELinux: security_context_str_to_sid(system_u) failed for (dev loop1, type ext4) errno=-22 [ 68.301935][ T320] usb 3-1: config 8 has an invalid interface number: 101 but max is 0 [ 68.309992][ T320] usb 3-1: config 8 has no interface number 0 [ 68.318581][ T320] usb 3-1: config 8 interface 101 altsetting 0 has a duplicate endpoint with address 0x3, skipping [ 68.329163][ T320] usb 3-1: config 8 interface 101 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x1 has invalid maxpacket 1023, setting to 64 [ 68.340784][ T320] usb 3-1: config 8 interface 101 altsetting 0 has an invalid endpoint with address 0x80, skipping [ 68.363069][ T320] usb 3-1: config 8 interface 101 altsetting 0 endpoint 0xD has invalid maxpacket 512, setting to 64 [ 68.389147][ T2037] erofs: (device loop4): erofs_fc_fill_super: rootino(nid 36) is not a directory(i_mode 16700) [ 68.413772][ T320] usb 3-1: config 8 interface 101 altsetting 0 has a duplicate endpoint with address 0xC, skipping [ 68.539380][ T2055] EXT4-fs (loop4): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 68.547742][ T2055] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_ext_check_inode:500: inode #4: comm syz.4.721: pblk 0 bad header/extent: invalid eh_max - magic f30a, entries 32767, max 0(0), depth 0(0) [ 68.565401][ T2055] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_quota_enable:6426: comm syz.4.721: Bad quota inode: 4, type: 1 [ 68.576453][ T2055] EXT4-fs warning (device loop4): ext4_enable_quotas:6467: Failed to enable quota tracking (type=1, err=-117, ino=4). Please run e2fsck to fix. [ 68.591380][ T320] usb 3-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1b3d, idProduct=9302, bcdDevice=a6.0f [ 68.600233][ T320] usb 3-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 68.608912][ T2055] EXT4-fs (loop4): Cannot turn on quotas: error -117 [ 68.615517][ T2055] EXT4-fs (loop4): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: ,errors=continue [ 68.624256][ T320] usb 3-1: Product: syz [ 68.628956][ T320] usb 3-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 68.633383][ T320] usb 3-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 68.656709][ T2052] F2FS-fs (loop3): fault_injection options not supported [ 68.664788][ T2052] F2FS-fs (loop3): invalid crc value [ 68.671377][ T2052] F2FS-fs (loop3): Found nat_bits in checkpoint [ 68.678197][ T320] ftdi_sio 3-1:8.101: FTDI USB Serial Device converter detected [ 68.704038][ T320] usb 3-1: Detected FT-X [ 68.707903][ T2052] F2FS-fs (loop3): Start checkpoint disabled! [ 68.715069][ T2052] F2FS-fs (loop3): Mounted with checkpoint version = 48b305e6 [ 68.716489][ T2063] EXT4-fs (loop4): revision level too high, forcing read-only mode [ 68.730529][ T2063] EXT4-fs (loop4): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 68.737964][ T2063] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_orphan_get:1395: inode #15: comm syz.4.723: casefold flag without casefold feature [ 68.740094][ T5] usb 1-1: new full-speed USB device number 17 using dummy_hcd [ 68.751158][ T2063] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_ext_check_inode:500: inode #12: comm syz.4.723: pblk 0 bad header/extent: invalid magic - magic 2, entries 0, max 13(0), depth 0(0) [ 68.757902][ T578] usb 2-1: new full-speed USB device number 14 using dummy_hcd [ 68.774663][ T2063] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_xattr_inode_iget:409: comm syz.4.723: error while reading EA inode 12 err=-117 [ 68.793890][ T2063] EXT4-fs (loop4): 1 orphan inode deleted [ 68.799485][ T2063] EXT4-fs (loop4): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: prjquota,delalloc,,errors=continue [ 68.883525][ T320] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: Unable to read latency timer: -71 [ 68.909875][ T320] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: Unable to write latency timer: -71 [ 68.917257][ T24] kauditd_printk_skb: 7 callbacks suppressed [ 68.917266][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826694.600:150): avc: denied { create } for pid=2074 comm="syz.4.728" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=netlink_generic_socket permissive=1 [ 68.948649][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826694.600:151): avc: denied { write } for pid=2074 comm="syz.4.728" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=netlink_generic_socket permissive=1 [ 68.949931][ T320] ftdi_sio 3-1:8.101: GPIO initialisation failed: -71 [ 68.969495][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826694.600:152): avc: denied { read } for pid=2074 comm="syz.4.728" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=netlink_generic_socket permissive=1 [ 68.979125][ T320] usb 3-1: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0 [ 69.009621][ T320] usb 3-1: USB disconnect, device number 15 [ 69.017690][ T320] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now disconnected from ttyUSB0 [ 69.027117][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826694.665:153): avc: denied { create } for pid=2077 comm="syz.4.729" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=icmp_socket permissive=1 [ 69.052052][ T320] ftdi_sio 3-1:8.101: device disconnected [ 69.150029][ T578] usb 2-1: config 1 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 69.162663][ T2084] EXT4-fs (loop3): ext4_check_descriptors: Checksum for group 0 failed (62631!=20869) [ 69.162934][ T578] usb 2-1: config 1 has 1 interface, different from the descriptor's value: 3 [ 69.175475][ T2084] EXT4-fs (loop3): barriers disabled [ 69.180836][ T5] usb 1-1: unable to get BOS descriptor or descriptor too short [ 69.186157][ T2084] JBD2: no valid journal superblock found [ 69.194909][ T2082] loop4: p1 < > p3 < > p4 < > [ 69.199203][ T2084] EXT4-fs (loop3): error loading journal [ 69.203482][ T2082] loop4: partition table partially beyond EOD, truncated [ 69.216731][ T2082] loop4: p3 start 327168 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 69.225133][ T5] usb 1-1: not running at top speed; connect to a high speed hub [ 69.299078][ T5] usb 1-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 11 has 1 endpoint descriptor, different from the interface descriptor's value: 2 [ 69.312097][ T5] usb 1-1: config 1 interface 0 has no altsetting 0 [ 69.336675][ T578] usb 2-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0101, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 69.349224][ T578] usb 2-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 69.359956][ T578] usb 2-1: Product: syz [ 69.363977][ T578] usb 2-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 69.368758][ T578] usb 2-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 69.464345][ T2091] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_xattr_ibody_find:2210: inode #15: comm syz.2.735: corrupted in-inode xattr [ 69.476142][ T5] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0c45, idProduct=5112, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 69.485165][ T5] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 69.488100][ T2091] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_orphan_get:1400: comm syz.2.735: couldn't read orphan inode 15 (err -117) [ 69.495984][ T5] usb 1-1: Product: syz [ 69.508746][ T5] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 69.508916][ T2091] EXT4-fs (loop2): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: ,errors=continue [ 69.513184][ T5] usb 1-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 69.663141][ T578] usb 2-1: 0:2 : does not exist [ 69.704472][ T578] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, device number 14 [ 69.784088][ T491] usb 5-1: new high-speed USB device number 16 using dummy_hcd [ 69.840201][ T320] usb 4-1: new high-speed USB device number 16 using dummy_hcd [ 69.867670][ T490] usb 3-1: new high-speed USB device number 16 using dummy_hcd [ 69.961292][ T5] usbhid 1-1:1.0: can't add hid device: -71 [ 69.967248][ T5] usbhid: probe of 1-1:1.0 failed with error -71 [ 69.976097][ T5] usb 1-1: USB disconnect, device number 17 [ 70.016733][ T491] usb 5-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 32 [ 70.072805][ T320] usb 4-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 8 [ 70.100713][ T490] usb 3-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 8 [ 70.138013][ T491] usb 5-1: config 0 has an invalid interface number: 250 but max is 2 [ 70.146167][ T491] usb 5-1: config 0 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 70.156738][ T491] usb 5-1: config 0 has 1 interface, different from the descriptor's value: 3 [ 70.165947][ T491] usb 5-1: config 0 has no interface number 0 [ 70.185139][ T320] usb 4-1: New USB device found, idVendor=2833, idProduct=0201, bcdDevice=2a.d5 [ 70.194300][ T320] usb 4-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=0 [ 70.203398][ T320] usb 4-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 70.231308][ T490] usb 3-1: config 0 has an invalid interface number: 31 but max is 0 [ 70.239259][ T490] usb 3-1: config 0 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 70.249201][ T490] usb 3-1: config 0 has no interface number 0 [ 70.334294][ T491] usb 5-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0408, idProduct=3090, bcdDevice=a6.3f [ 70.343509][ T491] usb 5-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 70.351383][ T491] usb 5-1: Product: syz [ 70.355522][ T491] usb 5-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 70.359917][ T491] usb 5-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 70.364555][ T578] usb 2-1: new full-speed USB device number 15 using dummy_hcd [ 70.372757][ T491] usb 5-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 70.418001][ T490] usb 3-1: New USB device found, idVendor=046d, idProduct=08c3, bcdDevice=6b.16 [ 70.426920][ T490] usb 3-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 70.430020][ T53] usb 4-1: USB disconnect, device number 16 [ 70.434654][ T490] usb 3-1: Product: syz [ 70.444379][ T490] usb 3-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 70.448903][ T490] usb 3-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 70.453767][ T490] usb 3-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 70.585790][ T320] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 18 using dummy_hcd [ 70.597526][ T490] usb 5-1: USB disconnect, device number 16 [ 70.685090][ T5] usb 3-1: USB disconnect, device number 16 [ 70.706634][ T578] usb 2-1: config 1 has 2 interfaces, different from the descriptor's value: 3 [ 70.715583][ T578] usb 2-1: config 1 has no interface number 1 [ 70.721513][ T578] usb 2-1: config 1 interface 2 altsetting 1 endpoint 0x82 has an invalid bInterval 0, changing to 4 [ 70.818586][ T320] usb 1-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 16 [ 70.874495][ T578] usb 2-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0101, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 70.883456][ T578] usb 2-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 70.891266][ T578] usb 2-1: Product: syz [ 70.895330][ T578] usb 2-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 70.899674][ T578] usb 2-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 70.930523][ T320] usb 1-1: config 0 has an invalid interface number: 64 but max is 0 [ 70.938491][ T320] usb 1-1: config 0 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 70.948710][ T320] usb 1-1: config 0 has no interface number 0 [ 70.954606][ T320] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0bd3, idProduct=0555, bcdDevice= 0.5b [ 70.963761][ T320] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=0 [ 70.972342][ T320] usb 1-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 71.016133][ T320] uvcvideo: Found UVC 0.00 device (0bd3:0555) [ 71.022917][ T320] uvcvideo: No valid video chain found. [ 71.029196][ T2137] EXT4-fs (loop3): can't mount with commit=184467440737095504, fs mounted w/o journal [ 71.121693][ T2140] EXT4-fs (loop4): can't mount with commit=9, fs mounted w/o journal [ 71.124809][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826696.961:154): avc: denied { read write } for pid=2142 comm="syz.3.757" name="uinput" dev="devtmpfs" ino=253 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:event_device_t tclass=chr_file permissive=1 [ 71.153307][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826696.993:155): avc: denied { open } for pid=2142 comm="syz.3.757" path="/dev/uinput" dev="devtmpfs" ino=253 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:event_device_t tclass=chr_file permissive=1 [ 71.203057][ T491] usb 1-1: USB disconnect, device number 18 [ 71.228765][ T578] usb 2-1: 2:1 : format type 0 is detected, processed as PCM [ 71.236120][ T578] usb 2-1: 2:1 : invalid UAC_FORMAT_TYPE desc [ 71.260799][ T2153] cgroup: No subsys list or none specified [ 71.279449][ T578] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, device number 15 [ 71.492074][ T2189] F2FS-fs (loop2): Corrupted extension count (64 + 1 > 64) [ 71.499186][ T2189] F2FS-fs (loop2): Can't find valid F2FS filesystem in 1th superblock [ 71.499887][ T321] udevd[321]: error opening ATTR{/sys/devices/platform/dummy_hcd.1/usb2/2-1/2-1:1.0/sound/card0/controlC0/../uevent} for writing: No such file or directory [ 71.509789][ T2189] F2FS-fs (loop2): Found nat_bits in checkpoint [ 71.546265][ T2189] F2FS-fs (loop2): Try to recover 1th superblock, ret: 0 [ 71.553218][ T2189] F2FS-fs (loop2): Mounted with checkpoint version = 48b305e5 [ 71.560687][ T2189] SELinux: (dev loop2, type f2fs) getxattr errno 2 [ 71.567141][ T5] usb 5-1: new high-speed USB device number 17 using dummy_hcd [ 71.573199][ T320] usb 4-1: new high-speed USB device number 17 using dummy_hcd [ 71.646814][ T24] audit: type=1326 audit(1739826697.530:156): auid=4294967295 uid=0 gid=0 ses=4294967295 subj=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t pid=2196 comm="syz.1.781" exe="/root/syz-executor" sig=31 arch=c000003e syscall=202 compat=0 ip=0x7f98d844cde9 code=0x0 [ 71.816005][ T5] usb 5-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 16 [ 71.881812][ T2247] EXT4-fs (loop2): revision level too high, forcing read-only mode [ 71.889735][ T2247] EXT4-fs (loop2): too many log groups per flexible block group [ 71.897750][ T2247] EXT4-fs (loop2): failed to initialize mballoc (-12) [ 71.904979][ T2247] EXT4-fs (loop2): mount failed [ 71.909760][ T320] usb 4-1: config 1 has an invalid interface number: 154 but max is 1 [ 71.917857][ T320] usb 4-1: config 1 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 71.927841][ T320] usb 4-1: config 1 has 3 interfaces, different from the descriptor's value: 2 [ 71.936585][ T320] usb 4-1: config 1 has no interface number 2 [ 71.942634][ T320] usb 4-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x81 has an invalid bInterval 0, changing to 7 [ 71.953617][ T320] usb 4-1: config 1 interface 1 altsetting 1 has 0 endpoint descriptors, different from the interface descriptor's value: 2 [ 71.955703][ T5] usb 5-1: config 0 has an invalid interface number: 2 but max is 0 [ 71.966756][ T320] usb 4-1: config 1 interface 154 has no altsetting 0 [ 71.981056][ T320] usb 4-1: config 1 interface 1 has no altsetting 0 [ 71.981232][ T5] usb 5-1: config 0 has an invalid interface number: 3 but max is 0 [ 71.995810][ T5] usb 5-1: config 0 descriptor has 1 excess byte, ignoring [ 72.003072][ T5] usb 5-1: config 0 has 2 interfaces, different from the descriptor's value: 1 [ 72.012048][ T5] usb 5-1: config 0 has no interface number 0 [ 72.017926][ T5] usb 5-1: config 0 has no interface number 1 [ 72.024129][ T5] usb 5-1: config 0 interface 2 altsetting 0 has 0 endpoint descriptors, different from the interface descriptor's value: 2 [ 72.037254][ T5] usb 5-1: too many endpoints for config 0 interface 3 altsetting 7: 74, using maximum allowed: 30 [ 72.048080][ T5] usb 5-1: config 0 interface 3 altsetting 7 has 0 endpoint descriptors, different from the interface descriptor's value: 74 [ 72.061030][ T578] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 19 using dummy_hcd [ 72.068529][ T5] usb 5-1: config 0 interface 3 has no altsetting 0 [ 72.125711][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826698.045:157): avc: denied { create } for pid=2260 comm="syz.2.812" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=decnet_socket permissive=1 [ 72.132612][ T320] usb 4-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0525, idProduct=a4a1, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 72.158375][ T320] usb 4-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 72.166339][ T320] usb 4-1: Product: syz [ 72.170498][ T320] usb 4-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 72.174993][ T320] usb 4-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 72.183293][ T2263] EXT4-fs (loop2): Ignoring removed orlov option [ 72.197421][ T2263] EXT4-fs (loop2): Warning: mounting with an experimental mount option 'dioread_nolock' for blocksize < PAGE_SIZE [ 72.210609][ T2263] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): dx_probe:796: inode #2: comm syz.2.813: Attempting to read directory block (0) that is past i_size (256) [ 72.225037][ T2263] EXT4-fs (loop2): Cannot turn on journaled quota: type 1: error -117 [ 72.233169][ T2263] EXT4-fs (loop2): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: sysvgroups,orlov,data_err=abort,init_itable,dioread_nolock,grpjquota=.oldalloc,errors=continue,jqfmt=vfsv1,grpid,,,errors=continue [ 72.252203][ T5] usb 5-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0582, idProduct=0047, bcdDevice=35.81 [ 72.271275][ T5] usb 5-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 72.280366][ T5] usb 5-1: Product: syz [ 72.284916][ T5] usb 5-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 72.289332][ T5] usb 5-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 72.297305][ T5] usb 5-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 72.407773][ T2267] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_read_block_bitmap_nowait:476: comm syz.2.814: Invalid block bitmap block 0 in block_group 0 [ 72.421956][ T578] usb 1-1: config 1 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 72.431201][ T320] usb 4-1: selecting invalid altsetting 0 [ 72.436683][ T578] usb 1-1: config 1 has 1 interface, different from the descriptor's value: 2 [ 72.438011][ T2267] Quota error (device loop2): write_blk: dquota write failed [ 72.446768][ T578] usb 1-1: config 1 has no interface number 0 [ 72.458968][ T320] usb 4-1: selecting invalid altsetting 0 [ 72.465299][ T320] cdc_ncm 4-1:1.0: bind() failure [ 72.468534][ T2267] Quota error (device loop2): qtree_write_dquot: Error -117 occurred while creating quota [ 72.472200][ T320] usb 4-1: selecting invalid altsetting 0 [ 72.485569][ T320] cdc_ncm: probe of 4-1:1.1 failed with error -22 [ 72.491886][ T320] usb 4-1: selecting invalid altsetting 0 [ 72.496538][ T578] usb 1-1: config 1 interface 1 altsetting 0 has 0 endpoint descriptors, different from the interface descriptor's value: 1 [ 72.497511][ T320] cdc_mbim: probe of 4-1:1.1 failed with error -22 [ 72.510498][ T2267] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_acquire_dquot:6219: comm syz.2.814: Failed to acquire dquot type 0 [ 72.519764][ T320] usb 4-1: USB disconnect, device number 17 [ 72.533710][ T2267] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_free_blocks:5685: comm syz.2.814: Freeing blocks not in datazone - block = 0, count = 4096 [ 72.548866][ T2267] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_read_inode_bitmap:140: comm syz.2.814: Invalid inode bitmap blk 0 in block_group 0 [ 72.561491][ T2267] EXT4-fs error (device loop2) in ext4_free_inode:360: Corrupt filesystem [ 72.571091][ T9] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_release_dquot:6242: comm kworker/u4:1: Failed to release dquot type 0 [ 72.583003][ T2267] EXT4-fs (loop2): 1 orphan inode deleted [ 72.588718][ T2267] EXT4-fs (loop2): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: ; sysvgroups,stripe=0x0000000000000000,auto_da_alloc,quota,nogrpid,norecovery,bsddf,noinit_itable,,errors=continue [ 72.673659][ T578] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0525, idProduct=a4a1, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 72.682876][ T578] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 72.690845][ T578] usb 1-1: Product: syz [ 72.702873][ T5] hub 5-1:0.3: bad descriptor, ignoring hub [ 72.709546][ T578] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 72.714332][ T5] hub: probe of 5-1:0.3 failed with error -5 [ 72.720404][ T578] usb 1-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 72.760996][ T5] usb 5-1: USB disconnect, device number 17 [ 72.783462][ T578] usb 1-1: selecting invalid altsetting 1 [ 72.790759][ T2280] erofs: (device loop2): erofs_fc_fill_super: rootino(nid 36) is not a directory(i_mode 16700) [ 72.854251][ T2253] F2FS-fs (loop1): Found nat_bits in checkpoint [ 72.881520][ T2253] F2FS-fs (loop1): Mounted with checkpoint version = 48b305e5 [ 72.981062][ T578] cdc_ncm 1-1:1.1: bind() failure [ 72.987563][ T578] usb 1-1: USB disconnect, device number 19 [ 72.995885][ T2290] EXT4-fs (loop3): Ignoring removed bh option [ 73.020042][ T2290] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): __ext4_iget:4986: inode #15: block 1803188595: comm syz.3.822: invalid block [ 73.031815][ T2290] EXT4-fs error (device loop3): ext4_orphan_get:1400: comm syz.3.822: couldn't read orphan inode 15 (err -117) [ 73.044312][ T2290] EXT4-fs (loop3): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: jqfmt=vfsold,resgid=0x000000000000ee00,bh,noload,abort,usrjquota=,,errors=continue [ 73.074142][ T320] usb 3-1: new high-speed USB device number 17 using dummy_hcd [ 73.269968][ T545] usb 5-1: new high-speed USB device number 18 using dummy_hcd [ 73.306778][ T320] usb 3-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 32 [ 73.419215][ T320] usb 3-1: config 0 interface 0 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x88 has an invalid bInterval 0, changing to 7 [ 73.429959][ T320] usb 3-1: config 0 interface 0 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x88 has invalid maxpacket 41542, setting to 1024 [ 73.467815][ T20] usb 2-1: new high-speed USB device number 16 using dummy_hcd [ 73.503370][ T545] usb 5-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 16 [ 73.506872][ T2330] FAT-fs (loop0): Unrecognized mount option "allow_utime=" or missing value [ 73.508385][ T53] usb 4-1: new high-speed USB device number 18 using dummy_hcd [ 73.595905][ T320] usb 3-1: New USB device found, idVendor=084e, idProduct=1001, bcdDevice=33.f9 [ 73.604957][ T320] usb 3-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 73.613181][ T320] usb 3-1: Product: syz [ 73.617266][ T320] usb 3-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 73.621618][ T320] usb 3-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 73.627041][ T320] usb 3-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 73.633569][ T545] usb 5-1: config 0 has an invalid interface number: 105 but max is 0 [ 73.641532][ T545] usb 5-1: config 0 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 73.654119][ T545] usb 5-1: config 0 has no interface number 0 [ 73.663972][ T320] input: KB Gear Tablet as /devices/platform/dummy_hcd.2/usb3/3-1/3-1:0.0/input/input4 [ 73.717320][ T20] usb 2-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 16 [ 73.763574][ T53] usb 4-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 16 [ 73.801524][ T545] usb 5-1: New USB device found, idVendor=046d, idProduct=08d3, bcdDevice= b.28 [ 73.810558][ T545] usb 5-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 73.818349][ T545] usb 5-1: Product: syz [ 73.822367][ T545] usb 5-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 73.826850][ T545] usb 5-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 73.832210][ T545] usb 5-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 73.851047][ T578] usb 3-1: USB disconnect, device number 17 [ 73.885247][ T53] usb 4-1: config 0 has an invalid interface number: 207 but max is 0 [ 73.893605][ T53] usb 4-1: config 0 has no interface number 0 [ 73.899551][ T53] usb 4-1: config 0 interface 207 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x1 has invalid maxpacket 512, setting to 64 [ 73.910679][ T53] usb 4-1: config 0 interface 207 altsetting 0 has a duplicate endpoint with address 0x1, skipping [ 73.978356][ T20] usb 2-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1235, idProduct=0010, bcdDevice=29.82 [ 73.987369][ T490] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 20 using dummy_hcd [ 73.987484][ T20] usb 2-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=83, Product=5, SerialNumber=10 [ 74.002718][ T20] usb 2-1: Product: syz [ 74.006682][ T20] usb 2-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 74.011055][ T20] usb 2-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 74.016285][ T20] usb 2-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 74.056478][ T20] usb 2-1: selecting invalid altsetting 1 [ 74.062397][ T53] usb 4-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0403, idProduct=bca0, bcdDevice=e3.4b [ 74.071308][ T20] snd-usb-audio: probe of 2-1:0.0 failed with error -22 [ 74.078831][ T53] usb 4-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 74.086735][ T53] usb 4-1: Product: syz [ 74.090635][ T53] usb 4-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 74.095031][ T53] usb 4-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 74.100091][ T20] usb 5-1: USB disconnect, device number 18 [ 74.106660][ T53] usb 4-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 74.146771][ T53] ftdi_sio 4-1:0.207: FTDI USB Serial Device converter detected [ 74.154527][ T53] usb 4-1: Detected FT-X [ 74.246747][ T545] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, device number 16 [ 74.341519][ T53] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: Unable to read latency timer: -71 [ 74.360125][ T53] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: Unable to write latency timer: -71 [ 74.369462][ T490] usb 1-1: config 220 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 74.379125][ T53] ftdi_sio 4-1:0.207: GPIO initialisation failed: -71 [ 74.380000][ T490] usb 1-1: config 220 has 1 interface, different from the descriptor's value: 3 [ 74.386787][ T53] usb 4-1: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0 [ 74.395510][ T490] usb 1-1: config 220 interface 0 has no altsetting 0 [ 74.413745][ T53] usb 4-1: USB disconnect, device number 18 [ 74.420016][ T53] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now disconnected from ttyUSB0 [ 74.444281][ T53] ftdi_sio 4-1:0.207: device disconnected [ 74.565727][ T490] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=8086, idProduct=0b07, bcdDevice=6c.b9 [ 74.579767][ T490] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 74.584190][ T545] usb 3-1: new high-speed USB device number 18 using dummy_hcd [ 74.587873][ T490] usb 1-1: Product: syz [ 74.599120][ T490] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 74.603764][ T490] usb 1-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 74.603835][ T2365] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_fill_super:4955: inode #2: comm syz.4.855: iget: checksum invalid [ 74.619662][ T2365] EXT4-fs (loop4): get root inode failed [ 74.625186][ T2365] EXT4-fs (loop4): mount failed [ 74.957142][ T578] usb 5-1: new high-speed USB device number 19 using dummy_hcd [ 74.993906][ T545] usb 3-1: config 1 contains an unexpected descriptor of type 0x1, skipping [ 74.994477][ T491] usb 2-1: new high-speed USB device number 17 using dummy_hcd [ 75.002561][ T545] usb 3-1: config 1 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 75.009902][ T490] uvcvideo: Found UVC 7.01 device syz (8086:0b07) [ 75.020092][ T545] usb 3-1: config 1 has 1 interface, different from the descriptor's value: 2 [ 75.026104][ T490] uvcvideo: No valid video chain found. [ 75.034902][ T545] usb 3-1: config 1 has no interface number 0 [ 75.046937][ T545] usb 3-1: too many endpoints for config 1 interface 1 altsetting 1: 32, using maximum allowed: 30 [ 75.047888][ T490] usb 1-1: USB disconnect, device number 20 [ 75.057918][ T545] usb 3-1: config 1 interface 1 altsetting 1 has 0 endpoint descriptors, different from the interface descriptor's value: 32 [ 75.115476][ T53] usb 4-1: new high-speed USB device number 19 using dummy_hcd [ 75.208760][ T578] usb 5-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 8 [ 75.236389][ T545] usb 3-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0525, idProduct=a4a1, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 75.245333][ T545] usb 3-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 75.253116][ T545] usb 3-1: Product: syz [ 75.257116][ T545] usb 3-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 75.261466][ T545] usb 3-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 75.338991][ T53] usb 4-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 16 [ 75.357454][ T578] usb 5-1: unable to get BOS descriptor or descriptor too short [ 75.395726][ T491] usb 2-1: unable to get BOS descriptor or descriptor too short [ 75.441863][ T578] usb 5-1: config 9 has an invalid interface number: 5 but max is 1 [ 75.449820][ T578] usb 5-1: config 9 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 75.460304][ T578] usb 5-1: config 9 has 1 interface, different from the descriptor's value: 2 [ 75.469016][ T578] usb 5-1: config 9 has no interface number 0 [ 75.475409][ T578] usb 5-1: config 9 interface 5 altsetting 9 has an ignored endpoint with address 0x81, skipping [ 75.485921][ T491] usb 2-1: config 1 has 2 interfaces, different from the descriptor's value: 3 [ 75.494812][ T578] usb 5-1: config 9 interface 5 has no altsetting 0 [ 75.501515][ T491] usb 2-1: config 1 has no interface number 1 [ 75.506537][ T545] cdc_mbim: probe of 3-1:1.1 failed with error -71 [ 75.507662][ T491] usb 2-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 has 1 endpoint descriptor, different from the interface descriptor's value: 0 [ 75.521349][ T545] usb 3-1: USB disconnect, device number 18 [ 75.544357][ T53] usb 4-1: config 1 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 75.655856][ T578] usb 5-1: New USB device found, idVendor=06f8, idProduct=b000, bcdDevice=5d.a8 [ 75.664738][ T578] usb 5-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 75.672796][ T578] usb 5-1: Product: syz [ 75.676956][ T491] usb 2-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0101, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 75.685805][ T578] usb 5-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 75.690194][ T578] usb 5-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 75.694663][ T491] usb 2-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 75.702433][ T491] usb 2-1: Product: syz [ 75.706842][ T491] usb 2-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 75.711461][ T491] usb 2-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 75.721414][ T53] usb 4-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0525, idProduct=a4a1, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 75.730751][ T53] usb 4-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 75.738536][ T53] usb 4-1: Product: syz [ 75.742586][ T53] usb 4-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 75.746959][ T53] usb 4-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 75.879574][ T490] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 21 using dummy_hcd [ 76.001691][ T578] usb 5-1: USB disconnect, device number 19 [ 76.010971][ T53] cdc_ncm 4-1:1.0: skipping garbage [ 76.016099][ T53] cdc_ncm 4-1:1.0: bind() failure [ 76.031144][ T53] usb 4-1: USB disconnect, device number 19 [ 76.047309][ T491] usb 2-1: found format II with max.bitrate = 26774, frame size=1 [ 76.055007][ T491] usb 2-1: found format II with max.bitrate = 26774, frame size=1 [ 76.094058][ T491] usb 2-1: 2:130: cannot set enable PITCH [ 76.101531][ T2419] binder: Unknown parameter 'euid<00000000000000060928' [ 76.108821][ T490] usb 1-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 16 [ 76.127774][ T491] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, device number 17 [ 76.229272][ T490] usb 1-1: config 0 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 76.239292][ T490] usb 1-1: config 0 interface 0 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x7 has invalid wMaxPacketSize 0 [ 76.248797][ T490] usb 1-1: config 0 interface 0 altsetting 0 has 1 endpoint descriptor, different from the interface descriptor's value: 3 [ 76.382961][ T545] usb 3-1: new high-speed USB device number 19 using dummy_hcd [ 76.419869][ T490] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=046d, idProduct=08f0, bcdDevice=50.0d [ 76.429495][ T490] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 76.430038][ T2426] exfat: Deprecated parameter 'utf8' [ 76.437871][ T490] usb 1-1: Product: syz [ 76.449169][ T490] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 76.453975][ T490] usb 1-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 76.458556][ T2426] exfat: Deprecated parameter 'namecase' [ 76.464113][ T2426] exfat: Bad value for 'namecase' [ 76.469659][ T490] usb 1-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 76.606253][ T545] usb 3-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 16 [ 76.718764][ T545] usb 3-1: config 1 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 76.718861][ T491] usb 1-1: USB disconnect, device number 21 [ 76.735350][ T545] usb 3-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 has 0 endpoint descriptors, different from the interface descriptor's value: 22 [ 76.749693][ T24] kauditd_printk_skb: 1 callbacks suppressed [ 76.749704][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826703.012:158): avc: denied { rename } for pid=76 comm="syslogd" name="messages" dev="tmpfs" ino=6 scontext=system_u:system_r:syslogd_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:tmpfs_t tclass=file permissive=1 [ 76.793399][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826703.012:159): avc: denied { unlink } for pid=76 comm="syslogd" name="messages.0" dev="tmpfs" ino=2 scontext=system_u:system_r:syslogd_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:tmpfs_t tclass=file permissive=1 [ 76.815577][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826703.012:160): avc: denied { create } for pid=76 comm="syslogd" name="messages" scontext=system_u:system_r:syslogd_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:tmpfs_t tclass=file permissive=1 [ 76.837487][ T2441] F2FS-fs (loop1): invalid crc value [ 76.843730][ T2441] F2FS-fs (loop1): Disable nat_bits due to incorrect cp_ver (10241045589465957861, 10241044815247771109) [ 76.848799][ T545] usb 3-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0525, idProduct=a4a1, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 76.863925][ T545] usb 3-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=1 [ 76.876572][ T2447] F2FS-fs (loop4): old and new quota format mixing [ 76.883063][ T545] usb 3-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 76.888954][ T2441] F2FS-fs (loop1): Mounted with checkpoint version = 48b305e5 [ 76.924231][ T545] cdc_acm 3-1:1.0: Control and data interfaces are not separated! [ 76.931919][ T545] cdc_acm 3-1:1.0: This needs exactly 3 endpoints [ 76.932994][ T490] usb 4-1: new high-speed USB device number 20 using dummy_hcd [ 76.938452][ T545] cdc_acm: probe of 3-1:1.0 failed with error -22 [ 77.128924][ T53] usb 3-1: USB disconnect, device number 19 [ 77.194084][ T490] usb 4-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 8 [ 77.203744][ T2464] F2FS-fs (loop4): Invalid segment/section count (31 != 24 * 1) [ 77.211339][ T2464] F2FS-fs (loop4): Can't find valid F2FS filesystem in 1th superblock [ 77.220024][ T2464] F2FS-fs (loop4): invalid crc value [ 77.226367][ T2464] F2FS-fs (loop4): Found nat_bits in checkpoint [ 77.260234][ T2464] F2FS-fs (loop4): Try to recover 1th superblock, ret: 0 [ 77.267159][ T2464] F2FS-fs (loop4): Mounted with checkpoint version = 48b305e5 [ 77.305973][ T490] usb 4-1: config index 0 descriptor too short (expected 5924, got 36) [ 77.314073][ T490] usb 4-1: config 250 has an invalid interface number: 228 but max is -1 [ 77.322391][ T490] usb 4-1: config 250 has 1 interface, different from the descriptor's value: 0 [ 77.331196][ T491] usb 2-1: new high-speed USB device number 18 using dummy_hcd [ 77.338680][ T490] usb 4-1: config 250 has no interface number 0 [ 77.342276][ T2471] FAT-fs (loop0): bogus sectors per cluster 0 [ 77.345056][ T490] usb 4-1: config 250 interface 228 altsetting 255 endpoint 0x1 has invalid maxpacket 65280, setting to 1024 [ 77.351087][ T2471] FAT-fs (loop0): Can't find a valid FAT filesystem [ 77.362319][ T490] usb 4-1: config 250 interface 228 altsetting 255 bulk endpoint 0x1 has invalid maxpacket 1024 [ 77.378709][ T490] usb 4-1: config 250 interface 228 altsetting 255 endpoint 0x82 has invalid wMaxPacketSize 0 [ 77.388907][ T490] usb 4-1: config 250 interface 228 altsetting 255 bulk endpoint 0x82 has invalid maxpacket 0 [ 77.398984][ T490] usb 4-1: config 250 interface 228 altsetting 255 has 2 endpoint descriptors, different from the interface descriptor's value: 17 [ 77.412264][ T490] usb 4-1: config 250 interface 228 has no altsetting 0 [ 77.529340][ T490] usb 4-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0525, idProduct=d292, bcdDevice= 0.07 [ 77.541408][ T490] usb 4-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=106, SerialNumber=59 [ 77.542261][ T2480] EXT4-fs warning (device loop0): ext4_fill_super:4099: metadata_csum and uninit_bg are redundant flags; please run fsck. [ 77.549879][ T490] usb 4-1: Product: syz [ 77.562231][ T2480] EXT4-fs (loop0): Encoding requested by superblock is unknown [ 77.566456][ T490] usb 4-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 77.578209][ T491] usb 2-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 32 [ 77.614131][ T490] hub 4-1:250.228: bad descriptor, ignoring hub [ 77.620391][ T490] hub: probe of 4-1:250.228 failed with error -5 [ 77.754646][ T2496] EXT4-fs (loop0): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 77.761417][ T2496] Quota error (device loop0): dq_insert_tree: Quota tree root isn't allocated! [ 77.773032][ T2496] Quota error (device loop0): qtree_write_dquot: Error -5 occurred while creating quota [ 77.783408][ T2496] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_acquire_dquot:6219: comm syz.0.913: Failed to acquire dquot type 0 [ 77.798088][ T2496] Quota error (device loop0): dq_insert_tree: Quota tree root isn't allocated! [ 77.808263][ T2496] Quota error (device loop0): qtree_write_dquot: Error -5 occurred while creating quota [ 77.818273][ T2496] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_acquire_dquot:6219: comm syz.0.913: Failed to acquire dquot type 0 [ 77.818286][ T490] usblp 4-1:250.228: usblp0: USB Bidirectional printer dev 20 if 228 alt 255 proto 3 vid 0x0525 pid 0xD292 [ 77.836595][ T491] usb 2-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1a0a, idProduct=0108, bcdDevice=4d.52 [ 77.840824][ T2496] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_validate_block_bitmap:438: comm syz.0.913: bg 0: block 64: padding at end of block bitmap is not set [ 77.851978][ T490] usb 4-1: USB disconnect, device number 20 [ 77.872327][ T2496] EXT4-fs error (device loop0) in ext4_mb_clear_bb:5645: Corrupt filesystem [ 77.881595][ T2496] Quota error (device loop0): dq_insert_tree: Quota tree root isn't allocated! [ 77.890560][ T2496] Quota error (device loop0): qtree_write_dquot: Error -5 occurred while creating quota [ 77.890692][ T491] usb 2-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 77.900306][ T2496] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_acquire_dquot:6219: comm syz.0.913: Failed to acquire dquot type 0 [ 77.908971][ T491] usb 2-1: Product: syz [ 77.923193][ T491] usb 2-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 77.927602][ T491] usb 2-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 77.932628][ T490] usblp0: removed [ 77.937909][ T2496] EXT4-fs (loop0): 1 orphan inode deleted [ 77.938252][ T491] usb 2-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 77.943776][ T2513] exfat: Deprecated parameter 'utf8' [ 77.953541][ T2513] exfat: Deprecated parameter 'utf8' [ 77.959042][ T2496] EXT4-fs (loop0): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: ,errors=continue [ 77.996134][ T2513] exFAT-fs (loop4): failed to load upcase table (idx : 0x00010000, chksum : 0xb83b7737, utbl_chksum : 0xe619d30d) [ 78.008893][ T491] usb_ehset_test: probe of 2-1:0.0 failed with error -32 [ 78.019894][ T2513] exFAT-fs (loop4): error, invalid access to FAT free cluster (entry 0x00000005) [ 78.028955][ T2513] exFAT-fs (loop4): Filesystem has been set read-only [ 78.035545][ T2513] exFAT-fs (loop4): failed to initialize root inode [ 78.069819][ T578] usb 3-1: new high-speed USB device number 20 using dummy_hcd [ 78.191598][ T2523] EXT4-fs (loop0): inodes count not valid: 37 vs 32 [ 78.220190][ T490] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, device number 18 [ 78.293947][ T578] usb 3-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 32 [ 78.405207][ T578] usb 3-1: config 1 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 78.413377][ T2550] F2FS-fs (loop0): invalid crc value [ 78.415786][ T578] usb 3-1: config 1 interface 1 altsetting 1 endpoint 0x1 has an invalid bInterval 0, changing to 7 [ 78.425903][ T2550] F2FS-fs (loop0): Disable nat_bits due to incorrect cp_ver (10241045589465957861, 10241044815247771109) [ 78.431813][ T578] usb 3-1: config 1 interface 1 altsetting 1 endpoint 0x1 has invalid wMaxPacketSize 0 [ 78.452102][ T578] usb 3-1: config 1 interface 2 altsetting 1 endpoint 0x82 has an invalid bInterval 0, changing to 7 [ 78.458684][ T2550] F2FS-fs (loop0): recover fsync data on readonly fs [ 78.463227][ T578] usb 3-1: config 1 interface 1 has no altsetting 0 [ 78.469440][ T2550] F2FS-fs (loop0): Cannot turn on quotas: -2 on 0 [ 78.482396][ T2550] F2FS-fs (loop0): checkpoint=disable on readonly fs [ 78.591988][ T545] usb 5-1: new high-speed USB device number 20 using dummy_hcd [ 78.619956][ T578] usb 3-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0101, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 78.628981][ T578] usb 3-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 78.629267][ T53] usb 4-1: new high-speed USB device number 21 using dummy_hcd [ 78.636825][ T578] usb 3-1: Product: syz [ 78.636834][ T578] usb 3-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 78.636842][ T578] usb 3-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 78.853031][ T545] usb 5-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 8 [ 78.862140][ T20] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 22 using dummy_hcd [ 78.881156][ T53] usb 4-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 32 [ 78.945936][ T578] usb 3-1: 2:1 : no or invalid class specific endpoint descriptor [ 78.953656][ T578] usb 3-1: 2:1 : no or invalid class specific endpoint descriptor [ 78.961469][ T490] usb 2-1: new high-speed USB device number 19 using dummy_hcd [ 78.992459][ T53] usb 4-1: config 2 has an invalid interface number: 112 but max is 1 [ 79.000488][ T53] usb 4-1: config 2 has an invalid interface number: 255 but max is 1 [ 79.008548][ T545] usb 5-1: unable to get BOS descriptor or descriptor too short [ 79.016116][ T53] usb 4-1: config 2 contains an unexpected descriptor of type 0x1, skipping [ 79.024734][ T53] usb 4-1: config 2 has no interface number 0 [ 79.030709][ T53] usb 4-1: config 2 has no interface number 1 [ 79.033181][ T578] usb 3-1: USB disconnect, device number 20 [ 79.036524][ T53] usb 4-1: config 2 interface 112 altsetting 11 bulk endpoint 0x1 has invalid maxpacket 1024 [ 79.052278][ T53] usb 4-1: config 2 interface 255 altsetting 12 endpoint 0x8F has invalid maxpacket 62040, setting to 1024 [ 79.063570][ T53] usb 4-1: config 2 interface 255 altsetting 12 bulk endpoint 0x8F has invalid maxpacket 1024 [ 79.073814][ T53] usb 4-1: config 2 interface 255 altsetting 12 has a duplicate endpoint with address 0x1, skipping [ 79.084421][ T53] usb 4-1: config 2 interface 255 altsetting 12 has 4 endpoint descriptors, different from the interface descriptor's value: 3 [ 79.097445][ T545] usb 5-1: config 4 has an invalid interface number: 147 but max is 0 [ 79.105346][ T20] usb 1-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 32 [ 79.110279][ T53] usb 4-1: config 2 interface 112 has no altsetting 0 [ 79.116899][ T545] usb 5-1: config 4 contains an unexpected descriptor of type 0x2, skipping [ 79.125412][ T53] usb 4-1: config 2 interface 255 has no altsetting 0 [ 79.132001][ T545] usb 5-1: config 4 has no interface number 0 [ 79.207252][ T490] usb 2-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 8 [ 79.253478][ T20] usb 1-1: unable to get BOS descriptor or descriptor too short [ 79.272058][ T53] usb 4-1: New USB device found, idVendor=056e, idProduct=5004, bcdDevice=fb.30 [ 79.280951][ T53] usb 4-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 79.288850][ T53] usb 4-1: Product: syz [ 79.292902][ T53] usb 4-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 79.297236][ T53] usb 4-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 79.319327][ T2552] raw-gadget.2 gadget: fail, usb_ep_enable returned -22 [ 79.328503][ T20] usb 1-1: config 129 has an invalid interface number: 249 but max is 0 [ 79.336668][ T20] usb 1-1: config 129 has no interface number 0 [ 79.343118][ T20] usb 1-1: config 129 interface 249 altsetting 247 bulk endpoint 0x81 has invalid maxpacket 32 [ 79.353308][ T20] usb 1-1: config 129 interface 249 altsetting 247 bulk endpoint 0xA has invalid maxpacket 164 [ 79.363522][ T545] usb 5-1: string descriptor 0 read error: -22 [ 79.369465][ T545] usb 5-1: New USB device found, idVendor=04f2, idProduct=b746, bcdDevice=8e.6e [ 79.378314][ T20] usb 1-1: config 129 interface 249 has no altsetting 0 [ 79.385136][ T545] usb 5-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 79.434420][ T545] uvcvideo: Found UVC 0.02 device (04f2:b746) [ 79.441580][ T545] uvcvideo: No valid video chain found. [ 79.486487][ T490] usb 2-1: New USB device found, idVendor=04b8, idProduct=0202, bcdDevice=58.4c [ 79.497250][ T490] usb 2-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 79.505919][ T490] usb 2-1: Product: syz [ 79.510069][ T490] usb 2-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 79.514406][ T490] usb 2-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 79.522495][ T490] usb 2-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 79.534496][ T20] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0424, idProduct=9908, bcdDevice=2e.38 [ 79.543533][ T20] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 79.551334][ T20] usb 1-1: Product: syz [ 79.555467][ T20] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 79.559862][ T20] usb 1-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 79.589160][ T2555] raw-gadget.3 gadget: fail, usb_ep_enable returned -22 [ 79.596286][ T2555] raw-gadget.3 gadget: fail, usb_ep_enable returned -22 [ 79.598713][ T53] pl2303 4-1:2.112: required endpoints missing [ 79.610930][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826706.081:161): avc: denied { create } for pid=2580 comm="syz.2.951" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=can_socket permissive=1 [ 79.638955][ T490] usb 5-1: USB disconnect, device number 20 [ 79.645570][ T53] pl2303 4-1:2.255: required endpoints missing [ 79.660322][ T53] usb 4-1: USB disconnect, device number 21 [ 79.677581][ T2589] uffd: Set unprivileged_userfaultfd sysctl knob to 1 if kernel faults must be handled without obtaining CAP_SYS_PTRACE capability [ 79.759443][ T320] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, device number 19 [ 79.869196][ T20] smsc95xx v2.0.0 [ 79.887464][ T20] smsc95xx 1-1:129.249 (unnamed net_device) (uninitialized): usbnet_get_endpoints failed: -71 [ 79.897712][ T20] smsc95xx: probe of 1-1:129.249 failed with error -71 [ 79.905585][ T20] usb 1-1: USB disconnect, device number 22 [ 79.943218][ T545] usb 3-1: new high-speed USB device number 21 using dummy_hcd [ 80.150923][ T2606] IPv6: addrconf: prefix option has invalid lifetime [ 80.278669][ T545] usb 3-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 has 2 endpoint descriptors, different from the interface descriptor's value: 18 [ 80.292075][ T2620] EXT4-fs (loop1): Ignoring removed nobh option [ 80.298243][ T491] usb 4-1: new full-speed USB device number 22 using dummy_hcd [ 80.305709][ T2623] futex_wake_op: syz.0.971 tries to shift op by -1; fix this program [ 80.307335][ T2620] EXT4-fs (loop1): Journaled quota options ignored when QUOTA feature is enabled [ 80.326487][ T2620] EXT4-fs (loop1): invalid inodes per group: 83886112 [ 80.326487][ T2620] [ 80.372439][ T545] usb 3-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0525, idProduct=a4a1, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 80.381278][ T545] usb 3-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=1 [ 80.389321][ T545] usb 3-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 80.446888][ T320] usb 5-1: new high-speed USB device number 21 using dummy_hcd [ 80.614398][ T308] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 23 using dummy_hcd [ 80.651563][ T491] usb 4-1: config 0 has an invalid interface number: 46 but max is 0 [ 80.651858][ T545] usb 3-1: bad CDC descriptors [ 80.659507][ T491] usb 4-1: config 0 has no interface number 0 [ 80.659553][ T491] usb 4-1: config 0 interface 46 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x2 has invalid maxpacket 512, setting to 64 [ 80.670540][ T320] usb 5-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 32 [ 80.685670][ T545] usb 3-1: USB disconnect, device number 21 [ 80.689336][ T5] usb 2-1: new high-speed USB device number 20 using dummy_hcd [ 80.801153][ T320] usb 5-1: config 128 interface 0 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x81 has an invalid bInterval 0, changing to 7 [ 80.812077][ T320] usb 5-1: config 128 interface 0 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x81 has invalid wMaxPacketSize 0 [ 80.821780][ T320] usb 5-1: config 128 interface 0 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x2 has invalid wMaxPacketSize 0 [ 80.831475][ T320] usb 5-1: config 128 interface 0 altsetting 0 has 2 endpoint descriptors, different from the interface descriptor's value: 5 [ 80.844368][ T320] usb 5-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1b96, idProduct=000a, bcdDevice= 0.00 [ 80.847612][ T491] usb 4-1: New USB device found, idVendor=045a, idProduct=5210, bcdDevice= 1.01 [ 80.853176][ T320] usb 5-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=0 [ 80.870076][ T308] usb 1-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 16 [ 80.875041][ T491] usb 4-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 80.882838][ T491] usb 4-1: Product: syz [ 80.886881][ T491] usb 4-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 80.891214][ T491] usb 4-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 80.896276][ T491] usb 4-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 80.912837][ T2596] raw-gadget.1 gadget: fail, usb_ep_enable returned -22 [ 80.931089][ T5] usb 2-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 16 [ 80.936400][ T491] ums-karma 4-1:0.46: USB Mass Storage device detected [ 80.978054][ T308] usb 1-1: config 0 has an invalid interface number: 41 but max is 0 [ 80.986276][ T308] usb 1-1: config 0 has no interface number 0 [ 80.992310][ T308] usb 1-1: config 0 interface 41 altsetting 2 bulk endpoint 0x4 has invalid maxpacket 16 [ 81.002033][ T491] ums-karma: probe of 4-1:0.46 failed with error -5 [ 81.009693][ T308] usb 1-1: config 0 interface 41 altsetting 2 bulk endpoint 0x82 has invalid maxpacket 64 [ 81.019474][ T308] usb 1-1: config 0 interface 41 has no altsetting 0 [ 81.089963][ T5] usb 2-1: unable to get BOS descriptor or descriptor too short [ 81.150610][ T545] usb 4-1: USB disconnect, device number 22 [ 81.164317][ T320] usbhid 5-1:128.0: can't add hid device: -71 [ 81.170597][ T320] usbhid: probe of 5-1:128.0 failed with error -71 [ 81.178514][ T320] usb 5-1: USB disconnect, device number 21 [ 81.182902][ T5] usb 2-1: config 9 has an invalid interface number: 82 but max is 1 [ 81.192240][ T5] usb 2-1: config 9 has an invalid interface number: 82 but max is 1 [ 81.200021][ T5] usb 2-1: config 9 has an invalid interface number: 135 but max is 1 [ 81.208254][ T308] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0fe6, idProduct=9800, bcdDevice=d1.9a [ 81.217847][ T5] usb 2-1: config 9 has no interface number 0 [ 81.224030][ T308] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 81.231925][ T5] usb 2-1: config 9 has no interface number 1 [ 81.237831][ T5] usb 2-1: config 9 interface 82 altsetting 255 endpoint 0xF has invalid maxpacket 512, setting to 64 [ 81.248637][ T308] usb 1-1: Product: syz [ 81.252564][ T308] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 81.257002][ T308] usb 1-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 81.270252][ T5] usb 2-1: config 9 interface 82 altsetting 255 endpoint 0x8 has an invalid bInterval 22, changing to 7 [ 81.281514][ T5] usb 2-1: too many endpoints for config 9 interface 82 altsetting 83: 87, using maximum allowed: 30 [ 81.292413][ T308] usb 1-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 81.297226][ T5] usb 2-1: config 9 interface 82 altsetting 83 has 0 endpoint descriptors, different from the interface descriptor's value: 87 [ 81.310135][ T5] usb 2-1: config 9 interface 82 has no altsetting 0 [ 81.316658][ T5] usb 2-1: config 9 interface 82 has no altsetting 1 [ 81.316702][ T2629] raw-gadget.3 gadget: fail, usb_ep_enable returned -22 [ 81.330239][ T2629] raw-gadget.3 gadget: fail, usb_ep_enable returned -22 [ 81.462577][ T491] usb 3-1: new high-speed USB device number 22 using dummy_hcd [ 81.480993][ T5] usb 2-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0fd9, idProduct=0020, bcdDevice=ae.6c [ 81.489873][ T5] usb 2-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 81.497679][ T5] usb 2-1: Product: syz [ 81.501760][ T5] usb 2-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 81.506053][ T5] usb 2-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 81.565450][ T308] CoreChips: probe of 1-1:0.41 failed with error -71 [ 81.572868][ T308] usb 1-1: USB disconnect, device number 23 [ 81.630368][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826708.248:162): avc: denied { create } for pid=2651 comm="syz.3.984" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=netlink_rdma_socket permissive=1 [ 81.807305][ T320] usb 5-1: new high-speed USB device number 22 using dummy_hcd [ 81.816617][ T491] usb 3-1: config 1 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 81.827356][ T491] usb 3-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x81 has an invalid bInterval 0, changing to 7 [ 81.874272][ T5] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, device number 20 [ 81.947082][ T490] usb 4-1: new high-speed USB device number 23 using dummy_hcd [ 82.012820][ T491] usb 3-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0525, idProduct=a4a1, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 82.021679][ T491] usb 3-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 82.029733][ T491] usb 3-1: Product: syz [ 82.030949][ T320] usb 5-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 16 [ 82.033969][ T491] usb 3-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 82.043275][ T491] usb 3-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 82.094369][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826708.731:163): avc: denied { create } for pid=2666 comm="syz.0.991" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tclass=netrom_socket permissive=1 [ 82.115748][ T491] usb 3-1: bad CDC descriptors [ 82.174179][ T2672] loop0: p1 p2 p3 p4 < p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 p15 p16 p17 p18 p19 p20 p21 p22 p23 p24 p25 p26 p27 p28 p29 p30 p31 p32 p33 p34 p35 p36 p37 p38 p39 p40 p41 p42 p43 p44 p45 p46 p47 p48 p49 p50 p51 p52 p53 p54 p55 p56 p57 p58 p59 p60 p61 p62 p63 p64 p65 p66 p67 p68 p69 p70 p71 p72 p73 p74 p75 p76 p77 p78 p79 p80 p81 p82 p83 p84 p85 p86 p87 p88 p89 p90 p91 p92 p93 p94 p95 p96 p97 p98 p99 p100 p101 p102 p103 p104 p105 p106 p107 p108 p109 p110 p111 p112 p113 p114 p115 p116 p117 p118 p119 p120 p121 p122 p123 p124 p125 p126 p127 p128 p129 p130 p131 p132 p133 p134 p135 p136 p137 p138 p139 p140 p141 p142 p143 p144 p145 p146 p147 p148 p149 p150 p151 p152 p153 p154 p155 p156 p157 p158 p159 p160 p161 p162 p163 p164 p165 p166 p167 p168 p169 p170 p171 p172 p173 p174 p175 p176 p177 p178 p179 p180 p181 p182 p183 p184 p185 p186 p187 p188 p189 p190 p191 p192 p193 p194 p195 p196 p197 p198 p199 p200 p201 p202 p203 p204 p205 p206 p207 p208 p209 p210 p211 p212 p213 p214 p [ 82.174457][ T2672] loop0: p1 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.263985][ T320] usb 5-1: config 1 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 82.275782][ T2672] loop0: p3 size 16744448 extends beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.287058][ T320] usb 5-1: config 1 has 1 interface, different from the descriptor's value: 3 [ 82.291452][ T2672] loop0: p5 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.303805][ T320] usb 5-1: New USB device found, idVendor=046b, idProduct=0000, bcdDevice= 0.00 [ 82.323090][ T2672] loop0: p7 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.332569][ T2672] loop0: p9 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.340519][ T2672] loop0: p11 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.347386][ T320] usb 5-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=0 [ 82.355786][ T2672] loop0: p13 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.366558][ T545] usb 3-1: USB disconnect, device number 22 [ 82.366826][ T490] usb 4-1: New USB device found, idVendor=03da, idProduct=2820, bcdDevice=52.3c [ 82.381885][ T490] usb 4-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=0 [ 82.386440][ T2672] loop0: p15 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.393100][ T490] usb 4-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 82.402169][ T2672] loop0: p17 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.410665][ T2672] loop0: p19 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.413592][ T320] usb 5-1: 0:2 : does not exist [ 82.418243][ T2672] loop0: p21 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.429804][ T2672] loop0: p23 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.437013][ T490] rndis_host 4-1:0.0: skipping garbage [ 82.444789][ T490] usb 4-1: bad CDC descriptors [ 82.454702][ T2672] loop0: p25 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.463022][ T2672] loop0: p27 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.473007][ T2672] loop0: p29 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.483267][ T2672] loop0: p31 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.491803][ T2672] loop0: p33 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.501633][ T2672] loop0: p35 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.511271][ T2672] loop0: p37 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.520856][ T2672] loop0: p39 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.529619][ T2672] loop0: p41 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.536890][ T2672] loop0: p43 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.544395][ T2672] loop0: p45 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.551541][ T2672] loop0: p47 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.558883][ T2672] loop0: p49 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.565940][ T2672] loop0: p51 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.573390][ T2672] loop0: p53 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.580336][ T2672] loop0: p55 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.587478][ T2672] loop0: p57 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.594526][ T2672] loop0: p59 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.601678][ T2672] loop0: p61 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.608986][ T2672] loop0: p63 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.615950][ T2672] loop0: p65 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.623966][ T2672] loop0: p67 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.627225][ T578] usb 4-1: USB disconnect, device number 23 [ 82.631507][ T2672] loop0: p69 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.643042][ T320] usb 5-1: string descriptor 0 read error: -71 [ 82.643532][ T2672] loop0: p71 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.651542][ T320] usb 5-1: USB disconnect, device number 22 [ 82.664353][ T2672] loop0: p73 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.671410][ T2672] loop0: p75 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.678676][ T2672] loop0: p77 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.685648][ T2672] loop0: p79 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.692873][ T2672] loop0: p81 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.702460][ T2672] loop0: p83 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.709486][ T2672] loop0: p85 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.716707][ T2672] loop0: p87 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.723834][ T2672] loop0: p89 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.730904][ T2672] loop0: p91 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.737810][ T2672] loop0: p93 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.745085][ T2672] loop0: p95 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.752198][ T2672] loop0: p97 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.759215][ T2672] loop0: p99 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.766149][ T2672] loop0: p101 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.773310][ T2672] loop0: p103 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.780436][ T2672] loop0: p105 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.785794][ T490] usb 2-1: new high-speed USB device number 21 using dummy_hcd [ 82.794768][ T2672] loop0: p107 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.801852][ T2672] loop0: p109 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.809455][ T2672] loop0: p111 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.816670][ T2672] loop0: p113 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.827321][ T2672] loop0: p115 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.834907][ T2672] loop0: p117 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.842120][ T2672] loop0: p119 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.849141][ T2672] loop0: p121 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.856502][ T2672] loop0: p123 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.863869][ T2672] loop0: p125 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.878418][ T2672] loop0: p127 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.885594][ T2672] loop0: p129 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.892778][ T2672] loop0: p131 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.900422][ T2672] loop0: p133 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.907561][ T2672] loop0: p135 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.914670][ T2672] loop0: p137 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.923076][ T2672] loop0: p139 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.930176][ T2672] loop0: p141 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.937530][ T2672] loop0: p143 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.945244][ T2672] loop0: p145 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.952243][ T2672] loop0: p147 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.959334][ T2672] loop0: p149 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.966541][ T2672] loop0: p151 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.973795][ T2672] loop0: p153 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.980865][ T2672] loop0: p155 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.988075][ T2672] loop0: p157 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 82.995312][ T2672] loop0: p159 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.002465][ T2672] loop0: p161 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.010056][ T2672] loop0: p163 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.017169][ T2672] loop0: p165 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.024340][ T2672] loop0: p167 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.031111][ T490] usb 2-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 16 [ 83.031812][ T2672] loop0: p169 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.043218][ T2672] loop0: p171 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.050453][ T2672] loop0: p173 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.057594][ T2672] loop0: p175 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.064704][ T2672] loop0: p177 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.071967][ T2672] loop0: p179 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.079172][ T2672] loop0: p181 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.086278][ T2672] loop0: p183 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.093285][ T2672] loop0: p185 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.100776][ T2672] loop0: p187 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.108290][ T2672] loop0: p189 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.118272][ T2672] loop0: p191 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.130026][ T2672] loop0: p193 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.140605][ T578] usb 3-1: new high-speed USB device number 23 using dummy_hcd [ 83.148898][ T2672] loop0: p195 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.156390][ T2672] loop0: p197 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.163966][ T2672] loop0: p199 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.168662][ T490] usb 2-1: config 1 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 83.175733][ T2672] loop0: p201 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.185113][ T490] usb 2-1: config 1 has 1 interface, different from the descriptor's value: 3 [ 83.188276][ T2672] loop0: p203 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.203676][ T2672] loop0: p205 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.210881][ T2672] loop0: p207 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.216243][ T2718] EXT4-fs (loop3): unsupported inode size: 4096 [ 83.223859][ T2718] EXT4-fs (loop3): blocksize: 1024 [ 83.224494][ T2672] loop0: p209 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.236565][ T2672] loop0: p211 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.243715][ T2672] loop0: p213 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.250891][ T2672] loop0: p215 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.258258][ T2672] loop0: p217 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.265581][ T2672] loop0: p219 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.272952][ T2672] loop0: p221 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.280007][ T2672] loop0: p223 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.287284][ T2672] loop0: p225 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.294647][ T2672] loop0: p227 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.301899][ T2672] loop0: p229 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.309116][ T2672] loop0: p231 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.310041][ T2721] Quota error (device loop3): v2_read_file_info: Number of blocks too big for quota file size (2103296 > 6144). [ 83.316291][ T2672] loop0: p233 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, [ 83.327625][ T2721] EXT4-fs warning (device loop3): ext4_enable_quotas:6467: Failed to enable quota tracking (type=1, err=-117, ino=4). Please run e2fsck to fix. [ 83.327983][ T2672] truncated [ 83.333979][ T2721] EXT4-fs (loop3): mount failed [ 83.350151][ T2672] loop0: p235 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, [ 83.350917][ T490] usb 2-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0101, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 83.355850][ T2672] truncated [ 83.361525][ T490] usb 2-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 83.370677][ T320] usb 5-1: new full-speed USB device number 23 using dummy_hcd [ 83.373341][ T490] usb 2-1: Product: syz [ 83.381997][ T2672] loop0: p237 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, [ 83.388574][ T490] usb 2-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 83.398512][ T2672] truncated [ 83.403012][ T490] usb 2-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 83.406750][ T2672] loop0: p239 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.417655][ T2672] loop0: p241 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.424826][ T2672] loop0: p243 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.432019][ T2672] loop0: p245 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.439259][ T2672] loop0: p247 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.446360][ T2672] loop0: p249 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.453505][ T2672] loop0: p251 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.460634][ T2672] loop0: p253 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.470553][ T2672] loop0: p255 start 150994944 is beyond EOD, truncated [ 83.504152][ T578] usb 3-1: config 27 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 83.514241][ T578] usb 3-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0582, idProduct=0014, bcdDevice=bb.9d [ 83.532086][ T578] usb 3-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=0 [ 83.627650][ T792] udevd[792]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop0p3, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 83.628471][ T321] udevd[321]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop0p2, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 83.638163][ T468] udevd[468]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop0p4, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 83.648744][ T321] udevd[321]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop0p20, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 83.657539][ T358] udevd[358]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop0p6, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 83.670427][ T321] udevd[321]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop0p22, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 83.676104][ T441] udevd[441]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop0p8, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 83.691545][ T793] udevd[793]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop0p18, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 83.696682][ T794] udevd[794]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop0p16, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 83.716792][ T795] udevd[795]: inotify_add_watch(7, /dev/loop0p10, 10) failed: No such file or directory [ 83.727267][ T320] usb 5-1: config 0 interface 0 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x81 has an invalid bInterval 0, changing to 10 [ 83.738411][ T2733] EXT4-fs (loop0): Ignoring removed nobh option [ 83.744521][ T2733] EXT4-fs (loop0): blocks per group (1280) and clusters per group (8192) inconsistent [ 83.755776][ T490] usb 2-1: 0:2 : does not exist [ 83.761494][ T320] usb 5-1: config 0 interface 0 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x81 has invalid wMaxPacketSize 0 [ 83.781236][ T320] usb 5-1: New USB device found, idVendor=07c0, idProduct=1125, bcdDevice= 0.00 [ 83.790369][ T320] usb 5-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=0 [ 83.800776][ T320] usb 5-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 83.809939][ T578] snd-usb-audio: probe of 3-1:27.0 failed with error -2 [ 83.817013][ T490] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, device number 21 [ 83.823453][ T578] usb 3-1: USB disconnect, device number 23 [ 83.840766][ T2726] F2FS-fs (loop3): Invalid log blocks per segment (83886089) [ 83.853128][ T2726] F2FS-fs (loop3): Can't find valid F2FS filesystem in 2th superblock [ 83.873861][ T2726] F2FS-fs (loop3): invalid crc value [ 83.901230][ T2739] EXT4-fs (loop0): Test dummy encryption mode enabled [ 83.908252][ T2739] EXT4-fs (loop0): Test dummy encryption mode enabled [ 83.918426][ T2726] F2FS-fs (loop3): Found nat_bits in checkpoint [ 83.928977][ T2739] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_find_inline_data_nolock:163: inode #12: comm syz.0.1021: inline data xattr refers to an external xattr inode [ 83.963805][ T2739] EXT4-fs (loop0): Remounting filesystem read-only [ 83.978029][ T2739] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): ext4_orphan_get:1400: comm syz.0.1021: couldn't read orphan inode 12 (err -117) [ 83.996253][ T2739] EXT4-fs (loop0): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: test_dummy_encryption,init_itable=0x0000000000000000,nolazytime,sysvgroups,prjquota,norecovery,barrier=0x000000000000000b,errors=remount-ro,auto_da_alloc,test_dummy_encryption, [ 84.019487][ T2726] F2FS-fs (loop3): Try to recover 2th superblock, ret: 0 [ 84.026525][ T2726] F2FS-fs (loop3): Mounted with checkpoint version = 48b305e5 [ 84.109329][ T320] usbhid 5-1:0.0: can't add hid device: -71 [ 84.115144][ T320] usbhid: probe of 5-1:0.0 failed with error -71 [ 84.123868][ T320] usb 5-1: USB disconnect, device number 23 [ 84.317885][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826711.123:164): avc: denied { read } for pid=2778 comm="syz.2.1038" name="usbmon7" dev="devtmpfs" ino=171 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:usbmon_device_t tclass=chr_file permissive=1 [ 84.341868][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826711.123:165): avc: denied { open } for pid=2778 comm="syz.2.1038" path="/dev/usbmon7" dev="devtmpfs" ino=171 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:usbmon_device_t tclass=chr_file permissive=1 [ 84.373878][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826711.188:166): avc: denied { create } for pid=2782 comm="syz.2.1040" name="file5" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:object_r:user_tmpfs_t tclass=blk_file permissive=1 [ 84.398083][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826711.209:167): avc: denied { unlink } for pid=297 comm="syz-executor" name="file5" dev="tmpfs" ino=1158 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:object_r:user_tmpfs_t tclass=blk_file permissive=1 [ 84.421658][ T578] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 24 using dummy_hcd [ 84.448538][ T2791] EXT4-fs (loop2): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 84.455238][ T2791] Quota error (device loop2): find_block_dqentry: Quota for id 0 referenced but not present [ 84.465386][ T2791] Quota error (device loop2): qtree_read_dquot: Can't read quota structure for id 0 [ 84.474608][ T2791] EXT4-fs error (device loop2): ext4_acquire_dquot:6219: comm syz.2.1044: Failed to acquire dquot type 1 [ 84.485799][ T20] usb 4-1: new high-speed USB device number 24 using dummy_hcd [ 84.486371][ T2791] EXT4-fs (loop2): 1 truncate cleaned up [ 84.498834][ T2791] EXT4-fs (loop2): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: barrier,,errors=continue [ 84.566203][ T497] usb 2-1: new high-speed USB device number 22 using dummy_hcd [ 84.593936][ T2807] EXT4-fs (loop2): barriers disabled [ 84.601385][ T2807] JBD2: no valid journal superblock found [ 84.607273][ T2807] EXT4-fs (loop2): error loading journal [ 84.649892][ T578] usb 1-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 8 [ 84.725023][ T20] usb 4-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 32 [ 84.799627][ T578] usb 1-1: unable to get BOS descriptor or descriptor too short [ 84.807954][ T2822] F2FS-fs (loop2): Fix alignment : internally, start(4096) end(16896) block(12288) [ 84.808574][ T497] usb 2-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 8 [ 84.817937][ T2822] F2FS-fs (loop2): invalid crc value [ 84.827766][ T2822] F2FS-fs (loop2): invalid crc value [ 84.833064][ T2822] F2FS-fs (loop2): Failed to get valid F2FS checkpoint [ 84.855110][ T5] usb 5-1: new high-speed USB device number 24 using dummy_hcd [ 84.873707][ T578] usb 1-1: config 7 has an invalid interface number: 130 but max is 0 [ 84.881668][ T578] usb 1-1: config 7 has no interface number 0 [ 84.887898][ T578] usb 1-1: config 7 interface 130 altsetting 253 has an invalid endpoint descriptor of length 6, skipping [ 84.899148][ T578] usb 1-1: config 7 interface 130 altsetting 253 has an invalid endpoint with address 0x0, skipping [ 84.909756][ T578] usb 1-1: config 7 interface 130 altsetting 253 has 3 endpoint descriptors, different from the interface descriptor's value: 2 [ 84.922748][ T578] usb 1-1: config 7 interface 130 has no altsetting 0 [ 84.948276][ T20] usb 4-1: config 0 has an invalid interface number: 4 but max is 0 [ 84.956153][ T497] usb 2-1: config 2 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 84.966095][ T20] usb 4-1: config 0 has no interface number 0 [ 84.972160][ T497] usb 2-1: config 2 interface 0 altsetting 8 endpoint 0xA has invalid maxpacket 29873, setting to 64 [ 84.983152][ T497] usb 2-1: config 2 interface 0 has no altsetting 0 [ 85.022516][ T24] audit: type=1326 audit(1739826711.874:168): auid=4294967295 uid=0 gid=0 ses=4294967295 subj=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t pid=2826 comm="syz.2.1059" exe="/root/syz-executor" sig=31 arch=c000003e syscall=202 compat=0 ip=0x7f43d2921de9 code=0x0 [ 85.078956][ T578] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0d5c, idProduct=a002, bcdDevice=6d.33 [ 85.087907][ T5] usb 5-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 32 [ 85.092775][ T578] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 85.100653][ T578] usb 1-1: Product: syz [ 85.104549][ T578] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 85.109081][ T578] usb 1-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 85.125905][ T2749] raw-gadget.0 gadget: fail, usb_ep_enable returned -22 [ 85.163160][ T20] usb 4-1: New USB device found, idVendor=17ef, idProduct=721e, bcdDevice=d5.18 [ 85.172071][ T20] usb 4-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 85.180164][ T20] usb 4-1: Product: syz [ 85.184257][ T497] usb 2-1: New USB device found, idVendor=04e2, idProduct=1412, bcdDevice=ca.21 [ 85.193073][ T20] usb 4-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 85.197425][ T20] usb 4-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 85.201888][ T497] usb 2-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 85.209751][ T5] usb 5-1: config 1 interface 1 altsetting 1 endpoint 0x1 has an invalid bInterval 64, changing to 7 [ 85.220497][ T5] usb 5-1: config 1 interface 1 altsetting 1 endpoint 0x1 has invalid wMaxPacketSize 0 [ 85.221239][ T20] usb 4-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 85.234884][ T497] usb 2-1: Product: syz [ 85.238876][ T497] usb 2-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 85.243287][ T497] usb 2-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 85.330832][ T491] usb 3-1: new high-speed USB device number 24 using dummy_hcd [ 85.396080][ T5] usb 5-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0101, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 85.405074][ T5] usb 5-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 85.413006][ T5] usb 5-1: Product: syz [ 85.417997][ T578] usb 1-1: USB disconnect, device number 24 [ 85.424311][ T5] usb 5-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 85.428762][ T5] usb 5-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 85.510641][ T497] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, device number 22 [ 85.546389][ T20] usb 4-1: USB disconnect, device number 24 [ 85.563424][ T491] usb 3-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 16 [ 85.694442][ T491] usb 3-1: config 0 has an invalid descriptor of length 0, skipping remainder of the config [ 85.704392][ T491] usb 3-1: config 0 interface 0 altsetting 0 has 0 endpoint descriptors, different from the interface descriptor's value: 1 [ 85.777854][ T5] usb 5-1: 2:130: cannot set enable PITCH [ 85.817830][ T5] usb 5-1: USB disconnect, device number 24 [ 85.890072][ T491] usb 3-1: New USB device found, idVendor=4752, idProduct=0011, bcdDevice=32.4f [ 85.898969][ T491] usb 3-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 85.906710][ T491] usb 3-1: Product: syz [ 85.910758][ T491] usb 3-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 85.915135][ T491] usb 3-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 85.920135][ T491] usb 3-1: config 0 descriptor?? [ 85.960321][ T2836] futex_wake_op: syz.0.1072 tries to shift op by -1; fix this program [ 85.971630][ T491] snd-usb-audio: probe of 3-1:0.0 failed with error -2 [ 86.036168][ T2844] exFAT-fs (loop3): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0x00000005) bogus content (0x00000001) [ 86.046411][ T2844] exFAT-fs (loop3): failed to load upcase table [ 86.057914][ T2844] exFAT-fs (loop3): failed to recognize exfat type [ 86.156008][ T5] usb 3-1: USB disconnect, device number 24 [ 86.327703][ T320] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 25 using dummy_hcd [ 86.374158][ T20] usb 2-1: new high-speed USB device number 23 using dummy_hcd [ 86.383455][ T491] usb 4-1: new full-speed USB device number 25 using dummy_hcd [ 86.411446][ T497] usb 5-1: new high-speed USB device number 25 using dummy_hcd [ 86.588933][ T320] usb 1-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 32 [ 86.663162][ T497] usb 5-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 8 [ 86.711596][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826713.698:169): avc: denied { mount } for pid=2878 comm="syz.2.1083" name="/" dev="ramfs" ino=22179 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:ramfs_t tclass=filesystem permissive=1 [ 86.719134][ T320] usb 1-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x81 has an invalid bInterval 0, changing to 7 [ 86.734229][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826713.698:170): avc: denied { unmount } for pid=297 comm="syz-executor" scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=system_u:object_r:ramfs_t tclass=filesystem permissive=1 [ 86.744546][ T20] usb 2-1: config 27 interface 0 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x8B has an invalid bInterval 0, changing to 7 [ 86.775119][ T491] usb 4-1: unable to get BOS descriptor or descriptor too short [ 86.782989][ T320] usb 1-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 bulk endpoint 0x3 has invalid maxpacket 1024 [ 86.792884][ T20] usb 2-1: config 27 interface 0 altsetting 0 endpoint 0xB has an invalid bInterval 255, changing to 11 [ 86.803957][ T320] usb 1-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 has 3 endpoint descriptors, different from the interface descriptor's value: 22 [ 86.812933][ T491] usb 4-1: not running at top speed; connect to a high speed hub [ 86.816792][ T20] usb 2-1: config 27 interface 0 altsetting 0 endpoint 0xB has invalid maxpacket 59391, setting to 1024 [ 86.835468][ T20] usb 2-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0582, idProduct=0014, bcdDevice=bb.9d [ 86.844341][ T20] usb 2-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=0 [ 86.846291][ T2881] exFAT-fs (loop2): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0x00000005) bogus content (0xfff8ffff) [ 86.862455][ T2881] exFAT-fs (loop2): Filesystem has been set read-only [ 86.869150][ T2881] exFAT-fs (loop2): failed to load upcase table [ 86.869165][ T2857] raw-gadget.1 gadget: fail, usb_ep_enable returned -22 [ 86.875200][ T2881] exFAT-fs (loop2): failed to recognize exfat type [ 86.882139][ T497] usb 5-1: unable to get BOS descriptor or descriptor too short [ 86.896668][ T491] usb 4-1: config 2 has an invalid interface number: 212 but max is 1 [ 86.904697][ T491] usb 4-1: config 2 has an invalid interface number: 226 but max is 1 [ 86.912676][ T491] usb 4-1: config 2 has no interface number 0 [ 86.918648][ T491] usb 4-1: config 2 has no interface number 1 [ 86.924774][ T491] usb 4-1: config 2 interface 212 altsetting 9 endpoint 0x1 has invalid maxpacket 512, setting to 64 [ 86.934190][ T320] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0525, idProduct=a4a1, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 86.935543][ T491] usb 4-1: config 2 interface 226 altsetting 0 has a duplicate endpoint with address 0x1, skipping [ 86.944699][ T320] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=1 [ 86.954915][ T491] usb 4-1: config 2 interface 226 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x85 has invalid maxpacket 37745, setting to 64 [ 86.962928][ T320] usb 1-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 86.974241][ T491] usb 4-1: config 2 interface 226 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x7 has an invalid bInterval 0, changing to 10 [ 86.988916][ T491] usb 4-1: config 2 interface 226 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x7 has invalid wMaxPacketSize 0 [ 86.990292][ T497] usb 5-1: config 8 interface 0 altsetting 7 endpoint 0x3 has invalid wMaxPacketSize 0 [ 86.998557][ T491] usb 4-1: config 2 interface 226 altsetting 0 has 3 endpoint descriptors, different from the interface descriptor's value: 2 [ 87.020892][ T491] usb 4-1: config 2 interface 212 has no altsetting 0 [ 87.024914][ T497] usb 5-1: config 8 interface 0 altsetting 7 bulk endpoint 0x3 has invalid maxpacket 0 [ 87.037171][ T2853] raw-gadget.0 gadget: fail, usb_ep_enable returned -22 [ 87.044054][ T497] usb 5-1: config 8 interface 0 has no altsetting 0 [ 87.050900][ T320] cdc_acm 1-1:1.0: Control and data interfaces are not separated! [ 87.059124][ T320] cdc_acm 1-1:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device [ 87.146185][ T578] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, device number 23 [ 87.185578][ T491] usb 4-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0738, idProduct=4540, bcdDevice=c6.ce [ 87.194634][ T491] usb 4-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 87.202412][ T491] usb 4-1: Product: syz [ 87.206427][ T491] usb 4-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 87.210830][ T491] usb 4-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 87.222657][ T497] usb 5-1: New USB device found, idVendor=07fd, idProduct=0001, bcdDevice=6a.e5 [ 87.231892][ T497] usb 5-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 87.239700][ T497] usb 5-1: Product: syz [ 87.244004][ T497] usb 5-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 87.251340][ T497] usb 5-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 87.255912][ T320] usb 1-1: USB disconnect, device number 25 [ 87.297125][ T5] usb 3-1: new high-speed USB device number 25 using dummy_hcd [ 87.530226][ T5] usb 3-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 16 [ 87.549400][ T491] input: Mad Catz Beat Pad as /devices/platform/dummy_hcd.3/usb4/4-1/4-1:2.226/input/input5 [ 87.564876][ T491] usb 4-1: USB disconnect, device number 25 [ 87.576963][ T497] usb 5-1: selecting invalid altsetting 0 [ 87.583128][ T497] snd-usb-audio: probe of 5-1:8.0 failed with error -12 [ 87.592348][ T497] usb 5-1: USB disconnect, device number 25 [ 87.642558][ T5] usb 3-1: config 1 interface 1 altsetting 1 endpoint 0x1 has an invalid bInterval 0, changing to 7 [ 87.660486][ T5] usb 3-1: config 1 interface 1 altsetting 1 endpoint 0x1 has invalid wMaxPacketSize 0 [ 87.676306][ T5] usb 3-1: config 1 interface 2 altsetting 1 endpoint 0x82 has invalid wMaxPacketSize 0 [ 87.745185][ T2897] EXT4-fs (loop1): feature flags set on rev 0 fs, running e2fsck is recommended [ 87.832511][ T5] usb 3-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0101, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 87.843268][ T5] usb 3-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 87.860501][ T5] usb 3-1: Product: syz [ 87.865578][ T5] usb 3-1: Manufacturer: syz [ 87.870005][ T5] usb 3-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 88.009827][ T2932] EXT4-fs (loop1): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 88.019548][ T2932] Quota error (device loop1): v2_read_file_info: Can't read info structure [ 88.028088][ T2932] EXT4-fs warning (device loop1): ext4_enable_quotas:6467: Failed to enable quota tracking (type=0, err=-5, ino=3). Please run e2fsck to fix. [ 88.042700][ T2932] EXT4-fs (loop1): Cannot turn on quotas: error -5 [ 88.049334][ T2932] EXT4-fs error (device loop1): ext4_validate_block_bitmap:438: comm syz.1.1108: bg 0: block 64: padding at end of block bitmap is not set [ 88.063655][ T2932] EXT4-fs error (device loop1) in ext4_mb_clear_bb:5645: Corrupt filesystem [ 88.074099][ T2932] EXT4-fs (loop1): 1 orphan inode deleted [ 88.079643][ T2932] EXT4-fs (loop1): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: ,errors=continue [ 88.153654][ T2948] EXT4-fs (loop1): ext4_check_descriptors: Inode bitmap for group 0 overlaps superblock [ 88.174664][ T2948] EXT4-fs (loop1): ext4_check_descriptors: Checksum for group 0 failed (29254!=20869) [ 88.196479][ T24] audit: type=1400 audit(1739826715.286:171): avc: denied { create } for pid=2954 comm="syz.4.1117" dev="anon_inodefs" ino=22306 scontext=root:sysadm_r:sysadm_t tcontext=root:object_r:sysadm_t tclass=anon_inode permissive=1 [ 88.227006][ T2948] EXT4-fs (loop1): journal inode is deleted [ 88.315092][ T5] usb 3-1: USB disconnect, device number 25 [ 88.434166][ T2973] futex_wake_op: syz.4.1125 tries to shift op by -1; fix this program [ 88.518630][ T321] udevd[321]: error opening ATTR{/sys/devices/platform/dummy_hcd.2/usb3/3-1/3-1:1.0/sound/card0/controlC0/../uevent} for writing: No such file or directory [ 88.521731][ T2977] FAT-fs (loop4): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck. [ 88.583175][ T491] usb 2-1: new high-speed USB device number 24 using dummy_hcd [ 88.640152][ T2984] FAT-fs (loop2): bogus number of FAT sectors [ 88.646591][ T2984] FAT-fs (loop2): Can't find a valid FAT filesystem [ 88.679809][ T2982] EXT4-fs (loop4): Ignoring removed bh option [ 88.686998][ T2982] EXT4-fs (loop4): feature flags set on rev 0 fs, running e2fsck is recommended [ 88.695873][ T2982] EXT4-fs (loop4): mounting ext2 file system using the ext4 subsystem [ 88.705524][ T2982] EXT4-fs (loop4): warning: checktime reached, running e2fsck is recommended [ 88.714458][ T2982] [EXT4 FS bs=4096, gc=1, bpg=32768, ipg=32, mo=a042c02c, mo2=0002] [ 88.722279][ T2982] System zones: 0-2, 18-18, 34-34 [ 88.728731][ T2982] EXT4-fs error (device loop4): ext4_orphan_get:1400: comm syz.4.1130: couldn't read orphan inode 15 (err -116) [ 88.740706][ T2982] EXT4-fs (loop4): Remounting filesystem read-only [ 88.749952][ T2982] EXT4-fs (loop4): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: block_validity,bh,noquota,usrjquota=,init_itable=0x0000000000000004,errors=remount-ro, [ 88.807056][ T491] usb 2-1: Using ep0 maxpacket: 16 [ 88.852742][ T3005] fuse: Bad value for 'fd' [ 88.867412][ T2997] EXT4-fs error (device loop0): mb_free_blocks:1524: group 0, inode 16: block 41:freeing already freed block (bit 41); block bitmap corrupt. [ 88.882171][ T2997] EXT4-fs (loop0): Remounting filesystem read-only [ 88.888600][ T2997] EXT4-fs (loop0): 1 orphan inode deleted [ 88.894231][ T2997] EXT4-fs (loop0): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: errors=remount-ro,sysvgroups,dioread_lock,nolazytime,noauto_da_alloc,resgid=0x0000000000000000,barrier,init_itable=0x0000000000000100,usrquota, [ 88.903779][ T3010] FAT-fs (loop4): bogus logical sector size 0 [ 88.919138][ T2997] ext4 filesystem being mounted at /222/file1 supports timestamps until 2038-01-19 (0x7fffffff) [ 88.920543][ T491] usb 2-1: too many endpoints for config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0: 255, using maximum allowed: 30 [ 88.936313][ T3010] FAT-fs (loop4): This doesn't look like a DOS 1.x volume; DOS 2.x BPB is non-zero [ 88.941004][ T491] usb 2-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 endpoint 0x82 has invalid wMaxPacketSize 0 [ 88.950209][ T3010] FAT-fs (loop4): Can't find a valid FAT filesystem [ 88.959801][ T491] usb 2-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 bulk endpoint 0x82 has invalid maxpacket 0 [ 88.975754][ T491] usb 2-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 bulk endpoint 0x3 has invalid maxpacket 8 [ 88.976799][ T3015] EXT4-fs (loop2): Invalid log cluster size: 38 [ 88.989143][ T491] usb 2-1: config 1 interface 0 altsetting 0 has 3 endpoint descriptors, different from the interface descriptor's value: 255 [ 89.017680][ T3018] EXT4-fs (loop3): orphan cleanup on readonly fs [ 89.024342][ T3018] ================================================================== [ 89.032248][ T3018] BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in __ext4_iget+0x3a0/0x41f0 [ 89.039087][ T3018] Read of size 8 at addr ffff88812f402bc8 by task syz.3.1143/3018 [ 89.046794][ T3018] [ 89.048968][ T3018] CPU: 0 PID: 3018 Comm: syz.3.1143 Not tainted 5.10.234-syzkaller-00148-g6686f2996d23 #0 [ 89.058693][ T3018] Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 12/27/2024 [ 89.068584][ T3018] Call Trace: [ 89.071713][ T3018] dump_stack_lvl+0x1e2/0x24b [ 89.076218][ T3018] ? bfq_pos_tree_add_move+0x43b/0x43b [ 89.081531][ T3018] ? panic+0x812/0x812 [ 89.085448][ T3018] print_address_description+0x81/0x3b0 [ 89.090810][ T3018] kasan_report+0x179/0x1c0 [ 89.095156][ T3018] ? __ext4_iget+0x3a0/0x41f0 [ 89.099659][ T3018] ? __ext4_iget+0x3a0/0x41f0 [ 89.104174][ T3018] __asan_report_load8_noabort+0x14/0x20 [ 89.109640][ T3018] __ext4_iget+0x3a0/0x41f0 [ 89.114188][ T3018] ? __kasan_check_write+0x14/0x20 [ 89.119107][ T3018] ? xas_find_marked+0xae6/0xb80 [ 89.123906][ T3018] ? vprintk_default+0x26/0x30 [ 89.128475][ T3018] ? ext4_get_projid+0x140/0x140 [ 89.133246][ T3018] ? printk+0xd1/0x111 [ 89.137202][ T3018] ? __ext4_msg+0x118/0x210 [ 89.141488][ T3018] ? panic+0x812/0x812 [ 89.145391][ T3018] ext4_enable_quotas+0x56f/0x9f0 [ 89.150252][ T3018] ? ext4_fill_flex_info+0x5b0/0x5b0 [ 89.155372][ T3018] ? __ext4_abort+0x4a0/0x4a0 [ 89.159886][ T3018] ? proc_create_single_data+0x1de/0x240 [ 89.165352][ T3018] ? ext4_mb_seq_groups_show+0xab0/0xab0 [ 89.170815][ T3018] ? ext4_feature_set_ok+0x204/0x250 [ 89.175939][ T3018] ext4_orphan_cleanup+0x2d7/0xd50 [ 89.180888][ T3018] ext4_fill_super+0x888c/0x9150 [ 89.185660][ T3018] ? ext4_mount+0x40/0x40 [ 89.189827][ T3018] ? vscnprintf+0x80/0x80 [ 89.193993][ T3018] ? sb_set_blocksize+0xa8/0xf0 [ 89.198683][ T3018] mount_bdev+0x262/0x370 [ 89.202845][ T3018] ? ext4_mount+0x40/0x40 [ 89.207010][ T3018] ext4_mount+0x34/0x40 [ 89.211026][ T3018] legacy_get_tree+0xf1/0x190 [ 89.215524][ T3018] ? ext4_chksum+0x210/0x210 [ 89.219962][ T3018] vfs_get_tree+0x88/0x290 [ 89.224202][ T3018] do_new_mount+0x2ba/0xb30 [ 89.228539][ T3018] ? do_move_mount_old+0x160/0x160 [ 89.233534][ T3018] ? security_capable+0x87/0xb0 [ 89.238169][ T3018] ? ns_capable+0x89/0xe0 [ 89.242334][ T3018] path_mount+0x56f/0xcb0 [ 89.246501][ T3018] __se_sys_mount+0x2c4/0x3b0 [ 89.251015][ T3018] ? __x64_sys_mount+0xd0/0xd0 [ 89.255616][ T3018] ? debug_smp_processor_id+0x17/0x20 [ 89.260822][ T3018] ? irqentry_exit_to_user_mode+0x41/0x80 [ 89.266379][ T3018] __x64_sys_mount+0xbf/0xd0 [ 89.270804][ T3018] do_syscall_64+0x34/0x70 [ 89.275076][ T3018] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x61/0xcb [ 89.280788][ T3018] RIP: 0033:0x7fc887dd258a [ 89.285041][ T3018] Code: d8 64 89 02 48 c7 c0 ff ff ff ff eb a6 e8 de 1a 00 00 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 0f 1f 40 00 49 89 ca b8 a5 00 00 00 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 c7 c1 a8 ff ff ff f7 d8 64 89 01 48 [ 89.304570][ T3018] RSP: 002b:00007fc88643ae68 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 00000000000000a5 [ 89.312809][ T3018] RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00007fc88643aef0 RCX: 00007fc887dd258a [ 89.320619][ T3018] RDX: 0000400000000040 RSI: 0000400000000000 RDI: 00007fc88643aeb0 [ 89.328429][ T3018] RBP: 0000400000000040 R08: 00007fc88643aef0 R09: 0000000000004517 [ 89.336255][ T3018] R10: 0000000000004517 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 0000400000000000 [ 89.344084][ T3018] R13: 00007fc88643aeb0 R14: 00000000000004b3 R15: 0000400000000d40 [ 89.351871][ T3018] [ 89.354028][ T3018] Allocated by task 457: [ 89.358120][ T3018] __kasan_slab_alloc+0xb1/0xe0 [ 89.362801][ T3018] slab_post_alloc_hook+0x61/0x2f0 [ 89.367832][ T3018] kmem_cache_alloc+0x168/0x2e0 [ 89.372519][ T3018] f2fs_alloc_inode+0x26/0x420 [ 89.377118][ T3018] iget_locked+0x14f/0x870 [ 89.381371][ T3018] f2fs_iget+0x55/0x50a0 [ 89.385539][ T3018] f2fs_fill_super+0x63b6/0x7d90 [ 89.390314][ T3018] mount_bdev+0x262/0x370 [ 89.394479][ T3018] f2fs_mount+0x34/0x40 [ 89.398570][ T3018] legacy_get_tree+0xf1/0x190 [ 89.403091][ T3018] vfs_get_tree+0x88/0x290 [ 89.407328][ T3018] do_new_mount+0x2ba/0xb30 [ 89.411664][ T3018] path_mount+0x56f/0xcb0 [ 89.415831][ T3018] __se_sys_mount+0x2c4/0x3b0 [ 89.420342][ T3018] __x64_sys_mount+0xbf/0xd0 [ 89.424768][ T3018] do_syscall_64+0x34/0x70 [ 89.429020][ T3018] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x61/0xcb [ 89.434742][ T3018] [ 89.436913][ T3018] Last potentially related work creation: [ 89.442478][ T3018] kasan_save_stack+0x3b/0x60 [ 89.446985][ T3018] __kasan_record_aux_stack+0xd3/0x100 [ 89.452280][ T3018] kasan_record_aux_stack_noalloc+0xb/0x10 [ 89.457924][ T3018] call_rcu+0x135/0x11f0 [ 89.461997][ T3018] evict+0x8e8/0x9c0 [ 89.465730][ T3018] iput+0x632/0x7e0 [ 89.469378][ T3018] f2fs_put_super+0x5eb/0xb90 [ 89.473892][ T3018] generic_shutdown_super+0x147/0x320 [ 89.479101][ T3018] kill_block_super+0x7e/0xe0 [ 89.483610][ T3018] kill_f2fs_super+0x2f9/0x3c0 [ 89.488208][ T3018] deactivate_locked_super+0xad/0x110 [ 89.493421][ T3018] deactivate_super+0xbe/0xf0 [ 89.497929][ T3018] cleanup_mnt+0x45c/0x510 [ 89.502184][ T3018] __cleanup_mnt+0x19/0x20 [ 89.506436][ T3018] task_work_run+0x129/0x190 [ 89.510864][ T3018] exit_to_user_mode_loop+0xbf/0xd0 [ 89.515906][ T3018] syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0xa2/0x1a0 [ 89.521276][ T3018] do_syscall_64+0x40/0x70 [ 89.525532][ T3018] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x61/0xcb [ 89.531258][ T3018] [ 89.533428][ T3018] The buggy address belongs to the object at ffff88812f4026a0 [ 89.533428][ T3018] which belongs to the cache f2fs_inode_cache of size 1520 [ 89.547835][ T3018] The buggy address is located 1320 bytes inside of [ 89.547835][ T3018] 1520-byte region [ffff88812f4026a0, ffff88812f402c90) [ 89.561111][ T3018] The buggy address belongs to the page: [ 89.566616][ T3018] page:ffffea0004bd0000 refcount:1 mapcount:0 mapping:0000000000000000 index:0xffff88812f405a20 pfn:0x12f400 [ 89.577949][ T3018] head:ffffea0004bd0000 order:3 compound_mapcount:0 compound_pincount:0 [ 89.586108][ T3018] flags: 0x4000000000010200(slab|head) [ 89.591416][ T3018] raw: 4000000000010200 dead000000000100 dead000000000122 ffff8881029ca180 [ 89.599836][ T3018] raw: ffff88812f405a20 000000008013000c 00000001ffffffff 0000000000000000 [ 89.608247][ T3018] page dumped because: kasan: bad access detected [ 89.615017][ T3018] page_owner tracks the page as allocated [ 89.620575][ T3018] page last allocated via order 3, migratetype Reclaimable, gfp_mask 0x1d2050(__GFP_IO|__GFP_NOWARN|__GFP_NORETRY|__GFP_COMP|__GFP_NOMEMALLOC|__GFP_HARDWALL|__GFP_RECLAIMABLE), pid 457, ts 37671446284, free_ts 0 [ 89.640894][ T3018] prep_new_page+0x166/0x180 [ 89.645298][ T3018] get_page_from_freelist+0x2d8c/0x2f30 [ 89.650681][ T3018] __alloc_pages_nodemask+0x435/0xaf0 [ 89.655977][ T3018] new_slab+0x80/0x400 [ 89.659883][ T3018] ___slab_alloc+0x302/0x4b0 [ 89.664308][ T3018] __slab_alloc+0x63/0xa0 [ 89.668472][ T3018] kmem_cache_alloc+0x1b9/0x2e0 [ 89.673159][ T3018] f2fs_alloc_inode+0x26/0x420 [ 89.677763][ T3018] iget_locked+0x14f/0x870 [ 89.682019][ T3018] f2fs_iget+0x55/0x50a0 [ 89.686095][ T3018] f2fs_fill_super+0x63b6/0x7d90 [ 89.690873][ T3018] mount_bdev+0x262/0x370 [ 89.695038][ T3018] f2fs_mount+0x34/0x40 [ 89.699023][ T3018] legacy_get_tree+0xf1/0x190 [ 89.703545][ T3018] vfs_get_tree+0x88/0x290 [ 89.707874][ T3018] do_new_mount+0x2ba/0xb30 [ 89.712303][ T3018] page_owner free stack trace missing [ 89.717502][ T3018] [ 89.719672][ T3018] Memory state around the buggy address: [ 89.725146][ T3018] ffff88812f402a80: fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb [ 89.733050][ T3018] ffff88812f402b00: fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb [ 89.740945][ T3018] >ffff88812f402b80: fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb [ 89.748836][ T3018] ^ [ 89.755094][ T3018] ffff88812f402c00: fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb [ 89.762988][ T3018] ffff88812f402c80: fb fb fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc [ 89.770880][ T3018] ================================================================== [ 89.778778][ T3018] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint [ 89.789672][ T3018] EXT4-fs warning (device loop3): ext4_enable_quotas:6467: Failed to enable quota tracking (type=0, err=-13, ino=3). Please run e2fsck to fix. [ 89.804127][ T3018] EXT4-fs (loop3): Cannot turn on quotas: error -13 [ 89.811120][ T3018] EXT4-fs (loop3): 1 orphan inode deleted [ 89.817204][ T3018] EXT4-fs (loop3): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: ,errors=continue [ 89.826213][ T491] usb 2-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0525, idProduct=a4a1, bcdDevice= 0.40 [ 89.835339][ T491] usb 2-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=1 [ 89.843633][ T491] usb 2-1: SerialNumber: syz [ 89.860670][ T2963] raw-gadget.0 gadget: fail, usb_ep_enable returned -22 [ 89.879696][ T491] cdc_acm 2-1:1.0: Control and data interfaces are not separated! [ 89.887582][ T491] cdc_acm: probe of 2-1:1.0 failed with error -12 [ 90.090308][ T5] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, device number 24