Warning: Permanently added '[localhost]:4205' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. bash-4.3$ kernel panic at kern/src/ns/chan.c:331, from core 0: cclose 0x0000000000000000 Stack Backtrace on Core 0: #01 [<0xffffffffc200a33c>] in backtrace #02 [<0xffffffffc2009b3d>] in _panic #03 [<0xffffffffc203194a>] in cclose #04 [<0xffffffffc2033329>] in walk_symlink #05 [<0xffffffffc2033314>] in walk_symlink #06 [<0xffffffffc2033314>] in walk_symlink #07 [<0xffffffffc2033314>] in walk_symlink #08 [<0xffffffffc2033314>] in walk_symlink #09 [<0xffffffffc2033314>] in walk_symlink #10 [<0xffffffffc2033314>] in walk_symlink #11 [<0xffffffffc2032e32>] in walk #12 [<0xffffffffc2033509>] in __namec_from #13 [<0xffffffffc20340ef>] in namec #14 [<0xffffffffc203df1d>] in sysrename #15 [<0xffffffffc2055da2>] in sys_rename #16 [<0xffffffffc2059569>] in syscall #17 [<0xffffffffc2059734>] in run_local_syscall #18 [<0xffffffffc2059c69>] in prep_syscalls #19 [<0xffffffffc20ab5fa>] in sysenter_callwrapper Entering Nanwan's Dungeon on Core 0 (Ints on): Type 'help' for a list of commands.