2025/01/31 16:53:10 GCE initialized: running on ci2, internal IP, project syzkaller, zone us-central1-f, net https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/syzkaller/global/networks/default/https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/syzkaller/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/default 2025/01/31 16:53:10 uploading image /syzkaller/managers/ci2-netbsd-kubsan/latest.tmp/image to syzkaller/disks/ci2-netbsd-kubsan-test-image.tar.gz... 2025/01/31 16:53:48 creating GCE image ci2-netbsd-kubsan-test... 2025/01/31 16:54:59 serving rpc on tcp://30037 2025/01/31 16:54:59 deleting instance: ci2-netbsd-kubsan-test-2 2025/01/31 16:54:59 deleting instance: ci2-netbsd-kubsan-test-0 2025/01/31 16:54:59 deleting instance: ci2-netbsd-kubsan-test-1 2025/01/31 16:55:43 creating instance: ci2-netbsd-kubsan-test-2 2025/01/31 16:55:44 creating instance: ci2-netbsd-kubsan-test-0 2025/01/31 16:55:46 creating instance: ci2-netbsd-kubsan-test-1 2025/01/31 16:56:03 wait instance to boot: ci2-netbsd-kubsan-test-2 ( 2025/01/31 16:56:06 wait instance to boot: ci2-netbsd-kubsan-test-0 ( 2025/01/31 16:56:08 wait instance to boot: ci2-netbsd-kubsan-test-1 ( 2025/01/31 16:56:47 machine check: disabled the following syscalls: openat$dm : failed to open /dev/dm: function not implemented openat$hdaudio : failed to open /dev/hdaudio: function not implemented openat$i2c : failed to open /dev/i2c: function not implemented openat$tprof : failed to open /dev/tprof: function not implemented openat$wscons : failed to open /dev/wscons: function not implemented syz_usb_connect : root failed to open /dev/vhci0: function not implemented syz_usb_connect$cdc_ecm : root failed to open /dev/vhci0: function not implemented syz_usb_connect$cdc_ncm : root failed to open /dev/vhci0: function not implemented syz_usb_connect$hid : root failed to open /dev/vhci0: function not implemented syz_usb_connect$printer : root failed to open /dev/vhci0: function not implemented syz_usb_connect$uac1 : root failed to open /dev/vhci0: function not implemented syz_usb_disconnect : root failed to open /dev/vhci0: function not implemented transitively disabled the following syscalls (missing resource [creating syscalls]): ioctl$CONS_GETVERS : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$HDAUDIO_AFG_CODEC_INFO : fd_hdaudio [openat$hdaudio] ioctl$HDAUDIO_AFG_WIDGET_INFO : fd_hdaudio [openat$hdaudio] ioctl$HDAUDIO_FGRP_CODEC_INFO : fd_hdaudio [openat$hdaudio] ioctl$HDAUDIO_FGRP_GETCONFIG : fd_hdaudio [openat$hdaudio] ioctl$HDAUDIO_FGRP_INFO : fd_hdaudio [openat$hdaudio] ioctl$HDAUDIO_FGRP_SETCONFIG : fd_hdaudio [openat$hdaudio] ioctl$HDAUDIO_FGRP_WIDGET_INFO : fd_hdaudio [openat$hdaudio] ioctl$I2C_IOCTL_EXEC : fd_i2c [openat$i2c] ioctl$KDDISABIO : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$KDENABIO : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$KDGETLED : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$KDGKBMODE : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$KDMKTONE : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$KDSETLED : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$KDSETMODE : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$KDSETRAD : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$KDSKBMODE : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$NETBSD_DM_IOCTL : fd_dm [openat$dm] ioctl$TPROF_IOC_GETINFO : fd_tprof [openat$tprof] ioctl$TPROF_IOC_GETSTAT : fd_tprof [openat$tprof] ioctl$TPROF_IOC_START : fd_tprof [openat$tprof] ioctl$TPROF_IOC_STOP : fd_tprof [openat$tprof] ioctl$VT_ACTIVATE : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$VT_GETACTIVE : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$VT_OPENQRY : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$VT_RELDISP : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$VT_WAITACTIVE : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_ADDSCREEN : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_DELSCREEN : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_DGSCROLL : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_DOBLIT : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_DSSCROLL : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_GBORDER : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_GCURMAX : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_GCURPOS : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_GCURSOR : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_GETACTIVESCREEN : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_GETCMAP : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_GETPARAM : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_GETWSCHAR : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_GET_BUSID : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_GET_EDID : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_GET_FBINFO : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_GINFO : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_GMODE : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_GMSGATTRS : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_GTYPE : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_GVIDEO : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_LDFONT : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_LINEBYTES : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_PUTCMAP : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_PUTWSCHAR : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_SBORDER : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_SCURPOS : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_SCURSOR : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_SETPARAM : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_SETVERSION : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_SET_POLLING : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_SFONT : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_SMODE : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_SMSGATTRS : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_SPROGRESS : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_SSPLASH : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_SVIDEO : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSDISPLAYIO_WAITBLIT : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_BELL : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_COMPLEXBELL : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_GETBELL : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_GETDEFAULTBELL : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_GETDEFAULTKEYREPEAT : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_GETENCODING : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_GETKEYCLICK : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_GETKEYREPEAT : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_GETLEDS : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_GETMAP : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_GETMODE : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_GETSCROLL : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_GTYPE : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_SETBELL : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_SETDEFAULTBELL : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_SETDEFAULTKEYREPEAT : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_SETENCODING : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_SETKEYCLICK : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_SETKEYREPEAT : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_SETLEDS : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_SETMAP : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_SETMODE : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_SETSCROLL : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSKBDIO_SETVERSION : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSMOUSEIO_GCALIBCOORDS : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSMOUSEIO_GETID : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSMOUSEIO_GETREPEAT : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSMOUSEIO_GTYPE : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSMOUSEIO_SCALIBCOORDS : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSMOUSEIO_SETREPEAT : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSMOUSEIO_SETVERSION : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSMOUSEIO_SRATE : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSMOUSEIO_SRES : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSMOUSEIO_SSCALE : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSMUXIO_ADD_DEVICE : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSMUXIO_INJECTEVENT : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSMUXIO_LIST_DEVICES : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSMUXIO_OINJECTEVENT : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$WSMUXIO_REMOVE_DEVICE : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] ioctl$_O_WSDISPLAYIO_SETKEYBOARD : fd_wscons [openat$wscons] BinFmtMisc : context closed while waiting the result Comparisons : context closed while waiting the result Coverage : context closed while waiting the result DelayKcovMmap : context closed while waiting the result DevlinkPCI : context closed while waiting the result ExtraCoverage : context closed while waiting the result Fault : context closed while waiting the result KCSAN : context closed while waiting the result LRWPANEmulation : context closed while waiting the result Leak : context closed while waiting the result NetDevices : context closed while waiting the result NetInjection : context closed while waiting the result NicVF : context closed while waiting the result SandboxAndroid : context closed while waiting the result SandboxNamespace : context closed while waiting the result SandboxNone : context closed while waiting the result SandboxSetuid : context closed while waiting the result Swap : context closed while waiting the result USBEmulation : context closed while waiting the result VhciInjection : context closed while waiting the result WifiEmulation : context closed while waiting the result syscalls : 400/525 2025/01/31 16:56:47 [FATAL] aborting RPC server: execution of simple program fails: context closed while waiting the result