I0328 17:47:20.269891 970695 main.go:223] *************************** I0328 17:47:20.270105 970695 main.go:224] Args: [/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/image -root /syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/gvisor_root -watchdog-action=panic -network=none -debug -debug-log=/dev/stderr -platform=systrap -file-access=shared -overlay2=none -network=sandbox -num-network-channels=3 -gso=false -net-raw -watchdog-action=panic -TESTONLY-unsafe-nonroot -ignore-cgroups --panic-log /syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/instance-0/bundle/panic.fifo run -bundle /syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/instance-0/bundle ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race-test-1] I0328 17:47:20.270259 970695 main.go:225] Version 0.0.0 I0328 17:47:20.270328 970695 main.go:226] GOOS: linux I0328 17:47:20.270403 970695 main.go:227] GOARCH: arm64 I0328 17:47:20.270474 970695 main.go:228] PID: 970695 I0328 17:47:20.270532 970695 main.go:229] UID: 0, GID: 0 I0328 17:47:20.270585 970695 main.go:230] Configuration: I0328 17:47:20.270656 970695 main.go:231] RootDir: /syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/gvisor_root I0328 17:47:20.270737 970695 main.go:232] Platform: systrap I0328 17:47:20.270800 970695 main.go:233] FileAccess: shared I0328 17:47:20.270880 970695 main.go:234] Directfs: false I0328 17:47:20.270943 970695 main.go:236] Overlay: Root=false, SubMounts=false, Medium="" I0328 17:47:20.271027 970695 main.go:237] Network: sandbox, logging: false I0328 17:47:20.271116 970695 main.go:238] Strace: false, max size: 1024, syscalls: I0328 17:47:20.271183 970695 main.go:239] IOURING: false I0328 17:47:20.271246 970695 main.go:240] Debug: true I0328 17:47:20.271300 970695 main.go:241] Systemd: false I0328 17:47:20.271364 970695 main.go:242] *************************** W0328 17:47:20.271418 970695 main.go:247] Block the TERM signal. This is only safe in tests! W0328 17:47:20.286242 970695 specutils.go:123] noNewPrivileges ignored. PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS is assumed to always be set. D0328 17:47:20.286860 970695 specutils.go:85] Spec: { "ociVersion": "", "process": { "user": { "uid": 0, "gid": 0 }, "args": [ "/init" ], "env": [ "SYZ_GVISOR_PROXY=1" ], "cwd": "/tmp" }, "root": { "path": "/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/instance-0/image", "readonly": true } } D0328 17:47:20.287079 970695 container.go:511] Run container, cid: ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race-test-1, rootDir: "/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/gvisor_root" D0328 17:47:20.287219 970695 container.go:189] Create container, cid: ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race-test-1, rootDir: "/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/gvisor_root" D0328 17:47:20.287616 970695 container.go:252] Creating new sandbox for container, cid: ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race-test-1 D0328 17:47:20.288237 970695 donation.go:31] Donating FD 3: "/dev/stderr" D0328 17:47:20.296448 970695 donation.go:31] Donating FD 4: "/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/instance-0/bundle/config.json" D0328 17:47:20.296617 970695 donation.go:31] Donating FD 5: "|1" D0328 17:47:20.296681 970695 donation.go:31] Donating FD 6: "gofer IO FD" D0328 17:47:20.296748 970695 container.go:1200] Starting gofer: /proc/self/exe [runsc-gofer --net-raw=true --gso=false --overlay2=none --num-network-channels=3 --root=/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/gvisor_root --debug=true --network=sandbox --ignore-cgroups=true --debug-log=/dev/stderr --panic-log=/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/instance-0/bundle/panic.fifo --file-access=shared --platform=systrap --watchdog-action=panic --TESTONLY-unsafe-nonroot=true --debug-log-fd=3 gofer --bundle /syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/instance-0/bundle --spec-fd=4 --mounts-fd=5 --io-fds=6] I0328 17:47:20.313912 970695 container.go:1241] Gofer started, PID: 970704 D0328 17:47:20.314559 970695 sandbox.go:83] Attempting to create socket file "/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/gvisor_root/runsc-ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race-test-1.sock" D0328 17:47:20.314667 970695 sandbox.go:83] Attempting to create socket file "/var/run/runsc-ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race-test-1.sock" D0328 17:47:20.314818 970695 sandbox.go:86] Using socket file "/var/run/runsc-ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race-test-1.sock" I0328 17:47:20.314866 970695 sandbox.go:684] Control socket: "" I0328 17:47:20.314932 970695 sandbox.go:720] Sandbox will be started in new mount, IPC and UTS namespaces I0328 17:47:20.314968 970695 sandbox.go:730] Sandbox will be started in the current PID namespace I0328 17:47:20.315018 970695 sandbox.go:746] Sandbox will be started in new network namespace W0328 17:47:20.315090 970695 sandbox.go:789] Running sandbox in test mode as current user (uid=0 gid=0). This is only safe in tests! W0328 17:47:20.315137 970695 sandbox.go:790] Running sandbox in test mode without chroot. This is only safe in tests! D0328 17:47:20.315278 970695 donation.go:31] Donating FD 3: "/dev/stderr" D0328 17:47:20.315313 970695 donation.go:31] Donating FD 4: "/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/instance-0/bundle/panic.fifo" D0328 17:47:20.315367 970695 donation.go:31] Donating FD 5: "sandbox IO FD" D0328 17:47:20.315408 970695 donation.go:31] Donating FD 6: "|0" D0328 17:47:20.315448 970695 donation.go:31] Donating FD 7: "|1" D0328 17:47:20.315479 970695 donation.go:31] Donating FD 8: "control_server_socket" D0328 17:47:20.315525 970695 donation.go:31] Donating FD 9: "/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/instance-0/bundle/config.json" D0328 17:47:20.315580 970695 donation.go:31] Donating FD 10: "/dev/stdin" D0328 17:47:20.315607 970695 donation.go:31] Donating FD 11: "/dev/stdout" D0328 17:47:20.315647 970695 donation.go:31] Donating FD 12: "/dev/stderr" D0328 17:47:20.315678 970695 sandbox.go:954] Starting sandbox: /proc/self/exe [runsc-sandbox --debug=true --network=sandbox --gso=false --ignore-cgroups=true --TESTONLY-unsafe-nonroot=true --root=/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/gvisor_root --net-raw=true --platform=systrap --watchdog-action=panic --debug-log=/dev/stderr --panic-log=/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/instance-0/bundle/panic.fifo --file-access=shared --overlay2=none --num-network-channels=3 --debug-log-fd=3 --panic-log-fd=4 boot --bundle=/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/instance-0/bundle --total-memory 202229022720 --attached --io-fds=5 --mounts-fd=6 --start-sync-fd=7 --controller-fd=8 --spec-fd=9 --stdio-fds=10 --stdio-fds=11 --stdio-fds=12 ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race-test-1] D0328 17:47:20.315758 970695 sandbox.go:955] SysProcAttr: &{Chroot: Credential: Ptrace:false Setsid:true Setpgid:false Setctty:false Noctty:false Ctty:0 Foreground:false Pgid:0 Pdeathsig:killed Cloneflags:0 Unshareflags:0 UidMappings:[] GidMappings:[] GidMappingsEnableSetgroups:false AmbientCaps:[] UseCgroupFD:false CgroupFD:0} I0328 17:47:20.323959 970695 sandbox.go:978] Sandbox started, PID: 970705 I0328 17:47:20.436414 1 main.go:223] *************************** I0328 17:47:20.436665 1 main.go:224] Args: [runsc-gofer --net-raw=true --gso=false --overlay2=none --num-network-channels=3 --root=/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/gvisor_root --debug=true --network=sandbox --ignore-cgroups=true --debug-log=/dev/stderr --panic-log=/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/instance-0/bundle/panic.fifo --file-access=shared --platform=systrap --watchdog-action=panic --TESTONLY-unsafe-nonroot=true --debug-log-fd=3 gofer --bundle /syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/instance-0/bundle --spec-fd=4 --mounts-fd=5 --io-fds=6] I0328 17:47:20.436805 1 main.go:225] Version 0.0.0 I0328 17:47:20.436839 1 main.go:226] GOOS: linux I0328 17:47:20.436902 1 main.go:227] GOARCH: arm64 I0328 17:47:20.437099 1 main.go:228] PID: 1 I0328 17:47:20.437136 1 main.go:229] UID: 0, GID: 0 I0328 17:47:20.437396 1 main.go:230] Configuration: I0328 17:47:20.437574 1 main.go:231] RootDir: /syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/gvisor_root I0328 17:47:20.437629 1 main.go:232] Platform: systrap I0328 17:47:20.437682 1 main.go:233] FileAccess: shared I0328 17:47:20.437720 1 main.go:234] Directfs: false I0328 17:47:20.437753 1 main.go:236] Overlay: Root=false, SubMounts=false, Medium="" I0328 17:47:20.437800 1 main.go:237] Network: sandbox, logging: false I0328 17:47:20.437842 1 main.go:238] Strace: false, max size: 1024, syscalls: I0328 17:47:20.437882 1 main.go:239] IOURING: false I0328 17:47:20.438045 1 main.go:240] Debug: true I0328 17:47:20.438079 1 main.go:241] Systemd: false I0328 17:47:20.438123 1 main.go:242] *************************** W0328 17:47:20.438216 1 main.go:247] Block the TERM signal. This is only safe in tests! I0328 17:47:20.494947 970705 main.go:223] *************************** I0328 17:47:20.509968 970705 main.go:224] Args: [runsc-sandbox --debug=true --network=sandbox --gso=false --ignore-cgroups=true --TESTONLY-unsafe-nonroot=true --root=/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/gvisor_root --net-raw=true --platform=systrap --watchdog-action=panic --debug-log=/dev/stderr --panic-log=/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/instance-0/bundle/panic.fifo --file-access=shared --overlay2=none --num-network-channels=3 --debug-log-fd=3 --panic-log-fd=4 boot --bundle=/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/instance-0/bundle --total-memory 202229022720 --attached --io-fds=5 --mounts-fd=6 --start-sync-fd=7 --controller-fd=8 --spec-fd=9 --stdio-fds=10 --stdio-fds=11 --stdio-fds=12 ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race-test-1] I0328 17:47:20.510272 970705 main.go:225] Version 0.0.0 I0328 17:47:20.510337 970705 main.go:226] GOOS: linux I0328 17:47:20.510398 970705 main.go:227] GOARCH: arm64 I0328 17:47:20.510458 970705 main.go:228] PID: 970705 I0328 17:47:20.510522 970705 main.go:229] UID: 0, GID: 0 I0328 17:47:20.510592 970705 main.go:230] Configuration: I0328 17:47:20.510649 970705 main.go:231] RootDir: /syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/gvisor_root I0328 17:47:20.510722 970705 main.go:232] Platform: systrap I0328 17:47:20.510799 970705 main.go:233] FileAccess: shared I0328 17:47:20.510870 970705 main.go:234] Directfs: false I0328 17:47:20.510947 970705 main.go:236] Overlay: Root=false, SubMounts=false, Medium="" I0328 17:47:20.511058 970705 main.go:237] Network: sandbox, logging: false I0328 17:47:20.511159 970705 main.go:238] Strace: false, max size: 1024, syscalls: I0328 17:47:20.511225 970705 main.go:239] IOURING: false I0328 17:47:20.511287 970705 main.go:240] Debug: true I0328 17:47:20.511352 970705 main.go:241] Systemd: false I0328 17:47:20.511426 970705 main.go:242] *************************** W0328 17:47:20.511483 970705 main.go:247] Block the TERM signal. This is only safe in tests! I0328 17:47:20.512595 970705 boot.go:228] Setting product_name: "Google Compute Engine" W0328 17:47:20.519051 970705 specutils.go:123] noNewPrivileges ignored. PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS is assumed to always be set. D0328 17:47:20.520829 970705 specutils.go:85] Spec: { "ociVersion": "", "process": { "user": { "uid": 0, "gid": 0 }, "args": [ "/init" ], "env": [ "SYZ_GVISOR_PROXY=1" ], "cwd": "/tmp" }, "root": { "path": "/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/instance-0/image", "readonly": true } } W0328 17:47:20.524817 1 specutils.go:123] noNewPrivileges ignored. PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS is assumed to always be set. I0328 17:47:20.525081 1 gofer.go:441] Create working directory "/tmp" if needed I0328 17:47:20.525202 1 gofer.go:451] Remounting root as readonly: "/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/instance-0/image" I0328 17:47:20.525557 1 capability.go:66] Capabilities applied: { effective="chown, dac_override, dac_read_search, fowner, fsetid, sys_chroot" permitted="chown, dac_override, dac_read_search, fowner, fsetid, sys_chroot" inheritable="empty" bounding="chown, dac_override, dac_read_search, fowner, fsetid, sys_chroot" } I0328 17:47:20.525649 1 cmd.go:73] Execve "/proc/self/exe" again, bye! I0328 17:47:20.677445 1 main.go:223] *************************** I0328 17:47:20.677659 1 main.go:224] Args: [runsc-gofer --net-raw=true --gso=false --overlay2=none --num-network-channels=3 --root=/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/gvisor_root --debug=true --network=sandbox --ignore-cgroups=true --debug-log=/dev/stderr --panic-log=/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/instance-0/bundle/panic.fifo --file-access=shared --platform=systrap --watchdog-action=panic --TESTONLY-unsafe-nonroot=true --debug-log-fd=3 gofer --bundle /syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/instance-0/bundle --spec-fd=4 --mounts-fd=5 --io-fds=6 --apply-caps=false --setup-root=false --sync-userns-fd=-1 --proc-mount-sync-fd=-1] I0328 17:47:20.677803 1 main.go:225] Version 0.0.0 I0328 17:47:20.677877 1 main.go:226] GOOS: linux I0328 17:47:20.677965 1 main.go:227] GOARCH: arm64 I0328 17:47:20.755269 1 main.go:228] PID: 1 I0328 17:47:20.755381 1 main.go:229] UID: 0, GID: 0 I0328 17:47:20.755457 1 main.go:230] Configuration: I0328 17:47:20.755522 1 main.go:231] RootDir: /syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/gvisor_root I0328 17:47:20.755580 1 main.go:232] Platform: systrap I0328 17:47:20.755646 1 main.go:233] FileAccess: shared I0328 17:47:20.755731 1 main.go:234] Directfs: false I0328 17:47:20.755788 1 main.go:236] Overlay: Root=false, SubMounts=false, Medium="" I0328 17:47:20.755861 1 main.go:237] Network: sandbox, logging: false I0328 17:47:20.755920 1 main.go:238] Strace: false, max size: 1024, syscalls: I0328 17:47:20.755978 1 main.go:239] IOURING: false I0328 17:47:20.756063 1 main.go:240] Debug: true I0328 17:47:20.756148 1 main.go:241] Systemd: false I0328 17:47:20.756202 1 main.go:242] *************************** W0328 17:47:20.756259 1 main.go:247] Block the TERM signal. This is only safe in tests! W0328 17:47:20.760596 1 specutils.go:123] noNewPrivileges ignored. PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS is assumed to always be set. D0328 17:47:20.794736 1 specutils.go:85] Spec: { "ociVersion": "", "process": { "user": { "uid": 0, "gid": 0 }, "args": [ "/init" ], "env": [ "SYZ_GVISOR_PROXY=1" ], "cwd": "/tmp" }, "root": { "path": "/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/instance-0/image", "readonly": true } } I0328 17:47:20.794872 1 gofer.go:249] Process chroot'd to "/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/instance-0/image" W0328 17:47:20.794938 1 extra_filters_race.go:28] *** SECCOMP WARNING: TSAN is enabled: syscall filters less restrictive! I0328 17:47:20.795066 1 seccomp.go:60] Installing seccomp filters for 65 syscalls (action=kill process) D0328 17:47:20.795218 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter eventfd2: [( == 0x0 == 0x0 )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795294 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter epoll_ctl: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795321 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter epoll_pwait: [( * * * * == 0x0 )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795369 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter dup: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795395 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter fcntl: [( * == 0x3 ) ( * == 0x4 ) ( * == 0x1 ) ( * == 0x409 )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795480 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter mknodat: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795505 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter mkdirat: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795529 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter unlinkat: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795553 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter symlinkat: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795579 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter linkat: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795602 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter renameat: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795625 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter fstatfs: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795648 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter ftruncate: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795671 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter fallocate: [( * == 0x0 )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795719 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter fchmod: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795745 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter fchmodat: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795768 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter fchownat: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795792 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter openat: [( ) ( )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795820 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter close: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795843 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter getdents64: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795871 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter lseek: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795905 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter read: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795934 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter write: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.795960 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter pread64: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796011 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter pwrite64: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796046 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter ppoll: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796072 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter readlinkat: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796109 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter fstatat: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796134 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter fstat: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796165 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter fsync: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796189 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter utimensat: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796223 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter exit: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796255 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter exit_group: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796284 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter futex: [( * == 0x80 * * == 0x0 ) ( * == 0x81 * * == 0x0 ) ( * == 0x0 * * ) ( * == 0x1 * * ) ( )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796433 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter set_robust_list: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796460 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter nanosleep: [( ) ( )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796534 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter clock_gettime: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796598 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter clock_nanosleep: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796627 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter sched_yield: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796651 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter restart_syscall: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796676 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter tgkill: [( == 0x1 )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796724 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter sigaltstack: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796748 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter rt_sigaction: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796770 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter rt_sigprocmask: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796798 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter rt_sigreturn: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796827 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter getcpu: [( * == 0x0 == 0x0 )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796876 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter gettimeofday: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796899 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter getpid: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796928 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter gettid: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.796950 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter socketpair: [( == 0x1 == 0x80005 == 0x0 )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.797024 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter accept: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.797048 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter shutdown: [( * == 0x2 )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.797091 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter sendmsg: [( * * == 0x0 ) ( * * == 0x4040 )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.797157 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter recvmsg: [( * * == 0x60 ) ( * * == 0x62 )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.797215 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter brk: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.797238 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter munmap: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.797260 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter clone: [( == 0x50f00 * * * * ) ( )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.797325 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter mmap: [( * * & 0x4 == 0x4 )] => 0x6b696c6c2070726f63657373 D0328 17:47:20.797384 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter mmap: [( * * * == 0x1 ) ( * * * == 0x22 ) ( * * * == 0x32 ) ( )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.797475 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter mprotect: [( * * & 0x4 == 0x4 )] => 0x6b696c6c2070726f63657373 D0328 17:47:20.797515 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter mprotect: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.797543 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter munlock: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.797570 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter madvise: [( ) ( )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.797599 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter getrandom: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.797634 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter memfd_create: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.797664 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter rseq: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.797687 1 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter clone3: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.805111 1 seccomp.go:77] Seccomp program dump: 0: A <- P[4:4] 1: pc += (A == 3221225655) ? 1 [3] : 0 [2] 2: ret 2147483648 3: A <- P[0:4] 4: pc += (A == 94) ? 3 [8] : 0 [5] 5: pc += (A > 94) ? 0 [6] : 1 [7] 6: pc += 171 [178] 7: pc += 1 [9] 8: ret 2147418112 9: pc += (A == 54) ? 3 [13] : 0 [10] 10: pc += (A > 54) ? 0 [11] : 1 [12] 11: pc += 105 [117] 12: pc += 1 [14] 13: ret 2147418112 14: pc += (A == 36) ? 3 [18] : 0 [15] 15: pc += (A > 36) ? 0 [16] : 1 [17] 16: pc += 68 [85] 17: pc += 1 [19] 18: ret 2147418112 19: pc += (A == 25) ? 3 [23] : 0 [20] 20: pc += (A > 25) ? 0 [21] : 1 [22] 21: pc += 52 [74] 22: pc += 21 [44] 23: A <- P[24:4] 24: pc += (A == 3) ? 0 [25] : 3 [28] 25: A <- P[28:4] 26: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [27] : 1 [28] 27: ret 2147418112 28: A <- P[24:4] 29: pc += (A == 4) ? 0 [30] : 3 [33] 30: A <- P[28:4] 31: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [32] : 1 [33] 32: ret 2147418112 33: A <- P[24:4] 34: pc += (A == 1) ? 0 [35] : 3 [38] 35: A <- P[28:4] 36: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [37] : 1 [38] 37: ret 2147418112 38: A <- P[24:4] 39: pc += (A == 1033) ? 0 [40] : 3 [43] 40: A <- P[28:4] 41: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [42] : 1 [43] 42: ret 2147418112 43: pc += 383 [427] 44: pc += (A == 22) ? 3 [48] : 0 [45] 45: pc += (A > 22) ? 0 [46] : 1 [47] 46: pc += 24 [71] 47: pc += 6 [54] 48: A <- P[48:4] 49: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [50] : 3 [53] 50: A <- P[52:4] 51: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [52] : 1 [53] 52: ret 2147418112 53: pc += 373 [427] 54: pc += (A == 21) ? 3 [58] : 0 [55] 55: pc += (A > 21) ? 0 [56] : 1 [57] 56: pc += 370 [427] 57: pc += 1 [59] 58: ret 2147418112 59: pc += (A == 19) ? 1 [61] : 0 [60] 60: pc += 366 [427] 61: A <- P[16:4] 62: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [63] : 7 [70] 63: A <- P[20:4] 64: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [65] : 5 [70] 65: A <- P[24:4] 66: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [67] : 3 [70] 67: A <- P[28:4] 68: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [69] : 1 [70] 69: ret 2147418112 70: pc += 356 [427] 71: pc += (A == 23) ? 1 [73] : 0 [72] 72: pc += 354 [427] 73: ret 2147418112 74: pc += (A == 34) ? 3 [78] : 0 [75] 75: pc += (A > 34) ? 0 [76] : 1 [77] 76: pc += 5 [82] 77: pc += 1 [79] 78: ret 2147418112 79: pc += (A == 33) ? 1 [81] : 0 [80] 80: pc += 346 [427] 81: ret 2147418112 82: pc += (A == 35) ? 1 [84] : 0 [83] 83: pc += 343 [427] 84: ret 2147418112 85: pc += (A == 46) ? 3 [89] : 0 [86] 86: pc += (A > 46) ? 0 [87] : 1 [88] 87: pc += 13 [101] 88: pc += 1 [90] 89: ret 2147418112 90: pc += (A == 38) ? 3 [94] : 0 [91] 91: pc += (A > 38) ? 0 [92] : 1 [93] 92: pc += 5 [98] 93: pc += 1 [95] 94: ret 2147418112 95: pc += (A == 37) ? 1 [97] : 0 [96] 96: pc += 330 [427] 97: ret 2147418112 98: pc += (A == 44) ? 1 [100] : 0 [99] 99: pc += 327 [427] 100: ret 2147418112 101: pc += (A == 52) ? 3 [105] : 0 [102] 102: pc += (A > 52) ? 0 [103] : 1 [104] 103: pc += 10 [114] 104: pc += 1 [106] 105: ret 2147418112 106: pc += (A == 47) ? 1 [108] : 0 [107] 107: pc += 319 [427] 108: A <- P[24:4] 109: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [110] : 3 [113] 110: A <- P[28:4] 111: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [112] : 1 [113] 112: ret 2147418112 113: pc += 313 [427] 114: pc += (A == 53) ? 1 [116] : 0 [115] 115: pc += 311 [427] 116: ret 2147418112 117: pc += (A == 68) ? 3 [121] : 0 [118] 118: pc += (A > 68) ? 0 [119] : 1 [120] 119: pc += 31 [151] 120: pc += 1 [122] 121: ret 2147418112 122: pc += (A == 62) ? 3 [126] : 0 [123] 123: pc += (A > 62) ? 0 [124] : 1 [125] 124: pc += 15 [140] 125: pc += 1 [127] 126: ret 2147418112 127: pc += (A == 57) ? 3 [131] : 0 [128] 128: pc += (A > 57) ? 0 [129] : 1 [130] 129: pc += 7 [137] 130: pc += 1 [132] 131: ret 2147418112 132: pc += (A == 56) ? 1 [134] : 0 [133] 133: pc += 293 [427] 134: ret 2147418112 135: ret 2147418112 136: pc += 290 [427] 137: pc += (A == 61) ? 1 [139] : 0 [138] 138: pc += 288 [427] 139: ret 2147418112 140: pc += (A == 64) ? 3 [144] : 0 [141] 141: pc += (A > 64) ? 0 [142] : 1 [143] 142: pc += 5 [148] 143: pc += 1 [145] 144: ret 2147418112 145: pc += (A == 63) ? 1 [147] : 0 [146] 146: pc += 280 [427] 147: ret 2147418112 148: pc += (A == 67) ? 1 [150] : 0 [149] 149: pc += 277 [427] 150: ret 2147418112 151: pc += (A == 80) ? 3 [155] : 0 [152] 152: pc += (A > 80) ? 0 [153] : 1 [154] 153: pc += 13 [167] 154: pc += 1 [156] 155: ret 2147418112 156: pc += (A == 78) ? 3 [160] : 0 [157] 157: pc += (A > 78) ? 0 [158] : 1 [159] 158: pc += 5 [164] 159: pc += 1 [161] 160: ret 2147418112 161: pc += (A == 73) ? 1 [163] : 0 [162] 162: pc += 264 [427] 163: ret 2147418112 164: pc += (A == 79) ? 1 [166] : 0 [165] 165: pc += 261 [427] 166: ret 2147418112 167: pc += (A == 88) ? 3 [171] : 0 [168] 168: pc += (A > 88) ? 0 [169] : 1 [170] 169: pc += 5 [175] 170: pc += 1 [172] 171: ret 2147418112 172: pc += (A == 82) ? 1 [174] : 0 [173] 173: pc += 253 [427] 174: ret 2147418112 175: pc += (A == 93) ? 1 [177] : 0 [176] 176: pc += 250 [427] 177: ret 2147418112 178: pc += (A == 199) ? 3 [182] : 0 [179] 179: pc += (A > 199) ? 0 [180] : 1 [181] 180: pc += 124 [305] 181: pc += 14 [196] 182: A <- P[16:4] 183: pc += (A == 1) ? 0 [184] : 11 [195] 184: A <- P[20:4] 185: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [186] : 9 [195] 186: A <- P[24:4] 187: pc += (A == 524293) ? 0 [188] : 7 [195] 188: A <- P[28:4] 189: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [190] : 5 [195] 190: A <- P[32:4] 191: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [192] : 3 [195] 192: A <- P[36:4] 193: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [194] : 1 [195] 194: ret 2147418112 195: pc += 231 [427] 196: pc += (A == 132) ? 3 [200] : 0 [197] 197: pc += (A > 132) ? 0 [198] : 1 [199] 198: pc += 70 [269] 199: pc += 1 [201] 200: ret 2147418112 201: pc += (A == 115) ? 3 [205] : 0 [202] 202: pc += (A > 115) ? 0 [203] : 1 [204] 203: pc += 49 [253] 204: pc += 1 [206] 205: ret 2147418112 206: pc += (A == 101) ? 3 [210] : 0 [207] 207: pc += (A > 101) ? 0 [208] : 1 [209] 208: pc += 41 [250] 209: pc += 3 [213] 210: ret 2147418112 211: ret 2147418112 212: pc += 214 [427] 213: pc += (A == 99) ? 3 [217] : 0 [214] 214: pc += (A > 99) ? 0 [215] : 1 [216] 215: pc += 211 [427] 216: pc += 1 [218] 217: ret 2147418112 218: pc += (A == 98) ? 1 [220] : 0 [219] 219: pc += 207 [427] 220: A <- P[24:4] 221: pc += (A == 128) ? 0 [222] : 7 [229] 222: A <- P[28:4] 223: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [224] : 5 [229] 224: A <- P[48:4] 225: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [226] : 3 [229] 226: A <- P[52:4] 227: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [228] : 1 [229] 228: ret 2147418112 229: A <- P[24:4] 230: pc += (A == 129) ? 0 [231] : 7 [238] 231: A <- P[28:4] 232: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [233] : 5 [238] 233: A <- P[48:4] 234: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [235] : 3 [238] 235: A <- P[52:4] 236: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [237] : 1 [238] 237: ret 2147418112 238: A <- P[24:4] 239: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [240] : 3 [243] 240: A <- P[28:4] 241: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [242] : 1 [243] 242: ret 2147418112 243: A <- P[24:4] 244: pc += (A == 1) ? 0 [245] : 3 [248] 245: A <- P[28:4] 246: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [247] : 1 [248] 247: ret 2147418112 248: ret 2147418112 249: pc += 177 [427] 250: pc += (A == 113) ? 1 [252] : 0 [251] 251: pc += 175 [427] 252: ret 2147418112 253: pc += (A == 128) ? 3 [257] : 0 [254] 254: pc += (A > 128) ? 0 [255] : 1 [256] 255: pc += 5 [261] 256: pc += 1 [258] 257: ret 2147418112 258: pc += (A == 124) ? 1 [260] : 0 [259] 259: pc += 167 [427] 260: ret 2147418112 261: pc += (A == 131) ? 1 [263] : 0 [262] 262: pc += 164 [427] 263: A <- P[16:4] 264: pc += (A == 1) ? 0 [265] : 3 [268] 265: A <- P[20:4] 266: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [267] : 1 [268] 267: ret 2147418112 268: pc += 158 [427] 269: pc += (A == 168) ? 3 [273] : 0 [270] 270: pc += (A > 168) ? 0 [271] : 1 [272] 271: pc += 22 [294] 272: pc += 10 [283] 273: A <- P[24:4] 274: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [275] : 7 [282] 275: A <- P[28:4] 276: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [277] : 5 [282] 277: A <- P[32:4] 278: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [279] : 3 [282] 279: A <- P[36:4] 280: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [281] : 1 [282] 281: ret 2147418112 282: pc += 144 [427] 283: pc += (A == 135) ? 3 [287] : 0 [284] 284: pc += (A > 135) ? 0 [285] : 1 [286] 285: pc += 5 [291] 286: pc += 1 [288] 287: ret 2147418112 288: pc += (A == 134) ? 1 [290] : 0 [289] 289: pc += 137 [427] 290: ret 2147418112 291: pc += (A == 139) ? 1 [293] : 0 [292] 292: pc += 134 [427] 293: ret 2147418112 294: pc += (A == 172) ? 3 [298] : 0 [295] 295: pc += (A > 172) ? 0 [296] : 1 [297] 296: pc += 5 [302] 297: pc += 1 [299] 298: ret 2147418112 299: pc += (A == 169) ? 1 [301] : 0 [300] 300: pc += 126 [427] 301: ret 2147418112 302: pc += (A == 178) ? 1 [304] : 0 [303] 303: pc += 123 [427] 304: ret 2147418112 305: pc += (A == 222) ? 3 [309] : 0 [306] 306: pc += (A > 222) ? 0 [307] : 1 [308] 307: pc += 83 [391] 308: pc += 24 [333] 309: A <- P[32:4] 310: A <- A & 4 311: pc += (A == 4) ? 0 [312] : 4 [316] 312: A <- P[36:4] 313: A <- A & 0 314: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [315] : 1 [316] 315: ret 2147483648 316: A <- P[40:4] 317: pc += (A == 1) ? 0 [318] : 3 [321] 318: A <- P[44:4] 319: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [320] : 1 [321] 320: ret 2147418112 321: A <- P[40:4] 322: pc += (A == 34) ? 0 [323] : 3 [326] 323: A <- P[44:4] 324: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [325] : 1 [326] 325: ret 2147418112 326: A <- P[40:4] 327: pc += (A == 50) ? 0 [328] : 3 [331] 328: A <- P[44:4] 329: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [330] : 1 [331] 330: ret 2147418112 331: ret 2147418112 332: pc += 94 [427] 333: pc += (A == 212) ? 3 [337] : 0 [334] 334: pc += (A > 212) ? 0 [335] : 1 [336] 335: pc += 38 [374] 336: pc += 11 [348] 337: A <- P[32:4] 338: pc += (A == 96) ? 0 [339] : 3 [342] 339: A <- P[36:4] 340: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [341] : 1 [342] 341: ret 2147418112 342: A <- P[32:4] 343: pc += (A == 98) ? 0 [344] : 3 [347] 344: A <- P[36:4] 345: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [346] : 1 [347] 346: ret 2147418112 347: pc += 79 [427] 348: pc += (A == 210) ? 3 [352] : 0 [349] 349: pc += (A > 210) ? 0 [350] : 1 [351] 350: pc += 10 [361] 351: pc += 6 [358] 352: A <- P[24:4] 353: pc += (A == 2) ? 0 [354] : 3 [357] 354: A <- P[28:4] 355: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [356] : 1 [357] 356: ret 2147418112 357: pc += 69 [427] 358: pc += (A == 202) ? 1 [360] : 0 [359] 359: pc += 67 [427] 360: ret 2147418112 361: pc += (A == 211) ? 1 [363] : 0 [362] 362: pc += 64 [427] 363: A <- P[32:4] 364: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [365] : 3 [368] 365: A <- P[36:4] 366: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [367] : 1 [368] 367: ret 2147418112 368: A <- P[32:4] 369: pc += (A == 16448) ? 0 [370] : 3 [373] 370: A <- P[36:4] 371: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [372] : 1 [373] 372: ret 2147418112 373: pc += 53 [427] 374: pc += (A == 215) ? 3 [378] : 0 [375] 375: pc += (A > 215) ? 0 [376] : 1 [377] 376: pc += 5 [382] 377: pc += 1 [379] 378: ret 2147418112 379: pc += (A == 214) ? 1 [381] : 0 [380] 380: pc += 46 [427] 381: ret 2147418112 382: pc += (A == 220) ? 1 [384] : 0 [383] 383: pc += 43 [427] 384: A <- P[16:4] 385: pc += (A == 331520) ? 0 [386] : 3 [389] 386: A <- P[20:4] 387: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [388] : 1 [389] 388: ret 2147418112 389: ret 2147418112 390: pc += 36 [427] 391: pc += (A == 278) ? 3 [395] : 0 [392] 392: pc += (A > 278) ? 0 [393] : 1 [394] 393: pc += 22 [416] 394: pc += 1 [396] 395: ret 2147418112 396: pc += (A == 229) ? 3 [400] : 0 [397] 397: pc += (A > 229) ? 0 [398] : 1 [399] 398: pc += 12 [411] 399: pc += 1 [401] 400: ret 2147418112 401: pc += (A == 226) ? 1 [403] : 0 [402] 402: pc += 24 [427] 403: A <- P[32:4] 404: A <- A & 4 405: pc += (A == 4) ? 0 [406] : 4 [410] 406: A <- P[36:4] 407: A <- A & 0 408: pc += (A == 0) ? 0 [409] : 1 [410] 409: ret 2147483648 410: ret 2147418112 411: pc += (A == 233) ? 1 [413] : 0 [412] 412: pc += 14 [427] 413: ret 2147418112 414: ret 2147418112 415: pc += 11 [427] 416: pc += (A == 293) ? 3 [420] : 0 [417] 417: pc += (A > 293) ? 0 [418] : 1 [419] 418: pc += 5 [424] 419: pc += 1 [421] 420: ret 2147418112 421: pc += (A == 279) ? 1 [423] : 0 [422] 422: pc += 4 [427] 423: ret 2147418112 424: pc += (A == 435) ? 1 [426] : 0 [425] 425: pc += 1 [427] 426: ret 2147418112 427: ret 2147483648 I0328 17:47:20.805593 1 seccomp.go:88] Seccomp filters installed. I0328 17:47:20.805684 1 gofer.go:294] Serving "/" mapped to "/syzkaller/managers/ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race/latest.tmp/workdir/instance-0/image" on FD 6 (ro: true) I0328 17:47:20.859157 970705 loader.go:574] Platform: systrap D0328 17:47:20.859806 970705 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter futex: [( > 0xffcd13697000 == 0x1 == 0x1 == 0x0 == 0x0 == 0x0 > 0xffcd13697000 ) ( > 0xffcd13697000 == 0x0 * == 0x0 == 0x0 == 0x0 > 0xffcd13697000 )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.860194 970705 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter sched_yield: [( * * * * * * > 0xffcd13697000 )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.860330 970705 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter rt_sigreturn: [( * * * * * * > 0xffcd13697000 )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.860820 970705 stub_unsafe.go:252] stubStart ffcd13696000 stubSysmsgStart ffcd13697000 stubSysmsgStack ffee25128000, stubContextQueue ffee2d12c000, stubThreadContextRegion ffee2d132000, mapLen 901c000 D0328 17:47:20.860950 970705 stub_unsafe.go:253] sysmsg.ArchState{ fpLen 528 } D0328 17:47:20.861035 970705 stub_unsafe.go:254] contextDecouplingExp=true D0328 17:47:20.861146 970705 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter exit: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.861230 970705 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter futex: [( * == 0x0 * * ) ( * == 0x1 * * )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.861349 970705 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter sched_yield: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.861402 970705 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter kill: [( * == 0x13 )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.861493 970705 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter tkill: [( * == 0x13 )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.861567 970705 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter sigaltstack: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.861627 970705 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter rt_sigreturn: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.861680 970705 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter prctl: [( == 0x1 == 0x9 ) ( == 0x26 == 0x1 )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.861827 970705 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter getpid: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.861880 970705 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter getppid: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.861954 970705 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter gettid: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.862033 970705 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter munmap: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.862099 970705 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter clone: [( == 0x409 ) ( == 0x2700 ) ( == 0x12f00 )] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.862204 970705 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter mmap: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.862281 970705 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter wait4: [] => 0x616c6c6f77 D0328 17:47:20.862342 970705 seccomp.go:174] syscall filter seccomp: [( == 0x1 == 0x0 * )] => 0x616c6c6f77 panic: prctl(PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS) failed: invalid argument goroutine 1 [running]: panic({0x2b1240, 0xc0001a2010}) GOROOT/src/runtime/panic.go:987 +0x3ac fp=0xc00011d7a0 sp=0xc00011d6e0 pc=0x12b063c gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/platform/systrap.(*subprocess).createSysmsgThread(0xc00003c200, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0?) pkg/sentry/platform/systrap/subprocess.go:1091 +0xd9c fp=0xc00011daf0 sp=0xc00011d7a0 pc=0x1d2042c gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/platform/systrap.newSubprocess(0x54e710, 0xc000385500) pkg/sentry/platform/systrap/subprocess.go:319 +0x448 fp=0xc00011dc40 sp=0xc00011daf0 pc=0x1d1bf98 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/platform/systrap.New.func1() pkg/sentry/platform/systrap/systrap.go:331 +0x3c fp=0xc00011dc90 sp=0xc00011dc40 pc=0x1d26cac sync.(*Once).doSlow(0x331bf80, 0xc00011ddd8) GOROOT/src/sync/once.go:74 +0xb4 fp=0xc00011dd60 sp=0xc00011dc90 pc=0x12f6404 sync.(*Once).Do(0x331bf80, 0x1?) GOROOT/src/sync/once.go:65 +0x44 fp=0xc00011dd90 sp=0xc00011dd60 pc=0x12f6324 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/platform/systrap.New() pkg/sentry/platform/systrap/systrap.go:325 +0x7c fp=0xc00011ddf0 sp=0xc00011dd90 pc=0x1d26bbc gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/platform/systrap.(*constructor).New(0x4d960b, 0xc?) pkg/sentry/platform/systrap/systrap.go:385 +0x24 fp=0xc00011de20 sp=0xc00011ddf0 pc=0x1d26fa4 gvisor.dev/gvisor/runsc/boot.createPlatform(0xc000376780, 0x1?) runsc/boot/loader.go:575 +0x19c fp=0xc00011df10 sp=0xc00011de20 pc=0x1f2519c gvisor.dev/gvisor/runsc/boot.New({{0xffffccbbff9c, 0x25}, 0xc0002939e0, 0xc000376780, 0x8, 0x0, {0xc000392398, 0x1, 0x1}, {0xc0001d55c0, ...}, ...}) runsc/boot/loader.go:319 +0x830 fp=0xc00011e8e0 sp=0xc00011df10 pc=0x1f22660 gvisor.dev/gvisor/runsc/cmd.(*Boot).Execute(0xc000368fc0, {0xc0001c0120?, 0xd?}, 0xc00036bf20, {0xc0003889c0, 0x2, 0xc0002eeff8?}) runsc/cmd/boot.go:402 +0x14ec fp=0xc00011ef90 sp=0xc00011e8e0 pc=0x21c5adc github.com/google/subcommands.(*Commander).Execute(0xc0001c2000, {0x855e28, 0xc0001b2008}, {0xc0003889c0, 0x2, 0x2}) external/com_github_google_subcommands/subcommands.go:200 +0x598 fp=0xc00011f0b0 sp=0xc00011ef90 pc=0x13c3bb8 github.com/google/subcommands.Execute(...) external/com_github_google_subcommands/subcommands.go:481 gvisor.dev/gvisor/runsc/cli.Main() runsc/cli/main.go:254 +0x9090 fp=0xc00011ff50 sp=0xc00011f0b0 pc=0x2207d30 main.main() runsc/main.go:28 +0x24 fp=0xc00011ff70 sp=0xc00011ff50 pc=0x22084f4 runtime.main() GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:250 +0x200 fp=0xc00011ffd0 sp=0xc00011ff70 pc=0x12b30b0 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc00011ffd0 sp=0xc00011ffd0 pc=0x12e7884 goroutine 2 [force gc (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x2367120?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc0000be7a0 sp=0xc0000be780 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.goparkunlock(...) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:387 runtime.forcegchelper() GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:305 +0xb0 fp=0xc0000be7d0 sp=0xc0000be7a0 pc=0x12b3320 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc0000be7d0 sp=0xc0000be7d0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.init.6 GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:293 +0x24 goroutine 3 [GC sweep wait]: runtime.gopark(0x1?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc0000ccf60 sp=0xc0000ccf40 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.goparkunlock(...) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:387 runtime.bgsweep(0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/mgcsweep.go:319 +0x100 fp=0xc0000ccfb0 sp=0xc0000ccf60 pc=0x129e250 runtime.gcenable.func1() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:178 +0x28 fp=0xc0000ccfd0 sp=0xc0000ccfb0 pc=0x12931f8 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc0000ccfd0 sp=0xc0000ccfd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcenable GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:178 +0x6c goroutine 4 [GC scavenge wait]: runtime.gopark(0x242fb86fc31f2?, 0x210a1f?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000192f50 sp=0xc000192f30 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.goparkunlock(...) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:387 runtime.(*scavengerState).park(0x2366580) GOROOT/src/runtime/mgcscavenge.go:400 +0x5c fp=0xc000192f80 sp=0xc000192f50 pc=0x129c19c runtime.bgscavenge(0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/mgcscavenge.go:633 +0xa8 fp=0xc000192fb0 sp=0xc000192f80 pc=0x129c718 runtime.gcenable.func2() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:179 +0x28 fp=0xc000192fd0 sp=0xc000192fb0 pc=0x1293198 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000192fd0 sp=0xc000192fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcenable GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:179 +0xac goroutine 18 [finalizer wait]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc00018ed80 sp=0xc00018ed60 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.runfinq() GOROOT/src/runtime/mfinal.go:193 +0x124 fp=0xc00018efd0 sp=0xc00018ed80 pc=0x1292244 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc00018efd0 sp=0xc00018efd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.createfing GOROOT/src/runtime/mfinal.go:163 +0x80 goroutine 19 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000115f40 sp=0xc000115f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000115fd0 sp=0xc000115f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000115fd0 sp=0xc000115fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 20 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000114f40 sp=0xc000114f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000114fd0 sp=0xc000114f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000114fd0 sp=0xc000114fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 21 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000113f40 sp=0xc000113f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000113fd0 sp=0xc000113f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000113fd0 sp=0xc000113fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 22 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000112f40 sp=0xc000112f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000112fd0 sp=0xc000112f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000112fd0 sp=0xc000112fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 23 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000111f40 sp=0xc000111f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000111fd0 sp=0xc000111f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000111fd0 sp=0xc000111fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 24 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000110f40 sp=0xc000110f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000110fd0 sp=0xc000110f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000110fd0 sp=0xc000110fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 25 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc00010ff40 sp=0xc00010ff20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc00010ffd0 sp=0xc00010ff40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc00010ffd0 sp=0xc00010ffd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 26 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc00010ef40 sp=0xc00010ef20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc00010efd0 sp=0xc00010ef40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc00010efd0 sp=0xc00010efd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 27 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc0004cdf40 sp=0xc0004cdf20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc0004cdfd0 sp=0xc0004cdf40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc0004cdfd0 sp=0xc0004cdfd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 34 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x129e1c4?, 0xa8?, 0xef?, 0x12931f8?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc0004ccf40 sp=0xc0004ccf20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc0004ccfd0 sp=0xc0004ccf40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc0004ccfd0 sp=0xc0004ccfd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 35 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc0004cbf40 sp=0xc0004cbf20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc0004cbfd0 sp=0xc0004cbf40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc0004cbfd0 sp=0xc0004cbfd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 36 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc0004caf40 sp=0xc0004caf20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc0004cafd0 sp=0xc0004caf40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc0004cafd0 sp=0xc0004cafd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 37 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc0004c9f40 sp=0xc0004c9f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc0004c9fd0 sp=0xc0004c9f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc0004c9fd0 sp=0xc0004c9fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 38 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc0004c8f40 sp=0xc0004c8f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc0004c8fd0 sp=0xc0004c8f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc0004c8fd0 sp=0xc0004c8fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 39 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc0004c7f40 sp=0xc0004c7f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc0004c7fd0 sp=0xc0004c7f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc0004c7fd0 sp=0xc0004c7fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 40 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc0004c6f40 sp=0xc0004c6f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc0004c6fd0 sp=0xc0004c6f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc0004c6fd0 sp=0xc0004c6fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 41 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000129f40 sp=0xc000129f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000129fd0 sp=0xc000129f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000129fd0 sp=0xc000129fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 42 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x129e1c4?, 0xa8?, 0xef?, 0x12931f8?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000128f40 sp=0xc000128f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000128fd0 sp=0xc000128f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000128fd0 sp=0xc000128fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 43 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000127f40 sp=0xc000127f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000127fd0 sp=0xc000127f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000127fd0 sp=0xc000127fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 44 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000126f40 sp=0xc000126f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000126fd0 sp=0xc000126f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000126fd0 sp=0xc000126fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 28 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000125f40 sp=0xc000125f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000125fd0 sp=0xc000125f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000125fd0 sp=0xc000125fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 29 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000124f40 sp=0xc000124f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000124fd0 sp=0xc000124f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000124fd0 sp=0xc000124fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 30 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000123f40 sp=0xc000123f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000123fd0 sp=0xc000123f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000123fd0 sp=0xc000123fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 31 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000122f40 sp=0xc000122f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000122fd0 sp=0xc000122f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000122fd0 sp=0xc000122fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 32 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc0004d7f40 sp=0xc0004d7f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc0004d7fd0 sp=0xc0004d7f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc0004d7fd0 sp=0xc0004d7fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 45 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc0004d6f40 sp=0xc0004d6f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc0004d6fd0 sp=0xc0004d6f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc0004d6fd0 sp=0xc0004d6fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 46 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc0004d5f40 sp=0xc0004d5f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc0004d5fd0 sp=0xc0004d5f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc0004d5fd0 sp=0xc0004d5fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 47 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc0004d4f40 sp=0xc0004d4f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc0004d4fd0 sp=0xc0004d4f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc0004d4fd0 sp=0xc0004d4fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 48 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc0004d3f40 sp=0xc0004d3f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc0004d3fd0 sp=0xc0004d3f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc0004d3fd0 sp=0xc0004d3fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 49 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc0004d2f40 sp=0xc0004d2f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc0004d2fd0 sp=0xc0004d2f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc0004d2fd0 sp=0xc0004d2fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 50 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x129c698?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc0004d1f40 sp=0xc0004d1f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc0004d1fd0 sp=0xc0004d1f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc0004d1fd0 sp=0xc0004d1fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 51 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc0004d0f40 sp=0xc0004d0f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc0004d0fd0 sp=0xc0004d0f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc0004d0fd0 sp=0xc0004d0fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 52 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000513f40 sp=0xc000513f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000513fd0 sp=0xc000513f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000513fd0 sp=0xc000513fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 66 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x129e1c4?, 0xa8?, 0xef?, 0x12931f8?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000512f40 sp=0xc000512f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000512fd0 sp=0xc000512f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000512fd0 sp=0xc000512fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 67 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000511f40 sp=0xc000511f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000511fd0 sp=0xc000511f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000511fd0 sp=0xc000511fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 68 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000510f40 sp=0xc000510f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000510fd0 sp=0xc000510f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000510fd0 sp=0xc000510fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 69 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc00050ff40 sp=0xc00050ff20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc00050ffd0 sp=0xc00050ff40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc00050ffd0 sp=0xc00050ffd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 70 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc00050ef40 sp=0xc00050ef20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc00050efd0 sp=0xc00050ef40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc00050efd0 sp=0xc00050efd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 53 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc00050df40 sp=0xc00050df20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc00050dfd0 sp=0xc00050df40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc00050dfd0 sp=0xc00050dfd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 54 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc00050cf40 sp=0xc00050cf20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc00050cfd0 sp=0xc00050cf40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc00050cfd0 sp=0xc00050cfd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 55 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc00051bf40 sp=0xc00051bf20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc00051bfd0 sp=0xc00051bf40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc00051bfd0 sp=0xc00051bfd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 33 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc00051af40 sp=0xc00051af20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc00051afd0 sp=0xc00051af40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc00051afd0 sp=0xc00051afd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 82 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000519f40 sp=0xc000519f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000519fd0 sp=0xc000519f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000519fd0 sp=0xc000519fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 83 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000518f40 sp=0xc000518f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000518fd0 sp=0xc000518f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000518fd0 sp=0xc000518fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 84 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000517f40 sp=0xc000517f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000517fd0 sp=0xc000517f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000517fd0 sp=0xc000517fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 85 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x3b0ac0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000516f40 sp=0xc000516f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000516fd0 sp=0xc000516f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000516fd0 sp=0xc000516fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 86 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x242fb86fb7a82?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000515f40 sp=0xc000515f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000515fd0 sp=0xc000515f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000515fd0 sp=0xc000515fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 71 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x242fb870972e9?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000514f40 sp=0xc000514f20 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker() GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xe4 fp=0xc000514fd0 sp=0xc000514f40 pc=0x1294fd4 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000514fd0 sp=0xc000514fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x28 goroutine 72 [sync.Cond.Wait]: runtime.gopark(0xc000195cc8?, 0x1419a40?, 0xc8?, 0x5c?, 0x1419a34?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc000195ca0 sp=0xc000195c80 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.goparkunlock(...) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:387 sync.runtime_notifyListWait(0xc000385b30, 0x0) GOROOT/src/runtime/sema.go:527 +0x14c fp=0xc000195cf0 sp=0xc000195ca0 pc=0x12e319c sync.(*Cond).Wait(0xc000385b20) GOROOT/src/sync/cond.go:70 +0xb0 fp=0xc000195d40 sp=0xc000195cf0 pc=0x12f4040 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/pgalloc.(*MemoryFile).findReclaimable(0xc000385500) pkg/sentry/pgalloc/pgalloc.go:1276 +0xf8 fp=0xc000195e00 sp=0xc000195d40 pc=0x1736b18 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/pgalloc.(*MemoryFile).runReclaim(0xc000385500) pkg/sentry/pgalloc/pgalloc.go:1185 +0x54 fp=0xc000195fb0 sp=0xc000195e00 pc=0x1736204 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/pgalloc.NewMemoryFile.func2() pkg/sentry/pgalloc/pgalloc.go:362 +0x38 fp=0xc000195fd0 sp=0xc000195fb0 pc=0x1731208 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc000195fd0 sp=0xc000195fd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/pgalloc.NewMemoryFile pkg/sentry/pgalloc/pgalloc.go:362 +0x398 goroutine 73 [chan receive]: runtime.gopark(0x1d1b644?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xe0 fp=0xc00018feb0 sp=0xc00018fe90 pc=0x12b34d0 runtime.chanrecv(0xc000198120, 0xc00018ffb8, 0x1) GOROOT/src/runtime/chan.go:583 +0x408 fp=0xc00018ff50 sp=0xc00018feb0 pc=0x1280e18 runtime.chanrecv2(0xc00003c200?, 0x348c80?) GOROOT/src/runtime/chan.go:447 +0x14 fp=0xc00018ff80 sp=0xc00018ff50 pc=0x12809f4 gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/platform/systrap.newSubprocess.func1() pkg/sentry/platform/systrap/subprocess.go:303 +0x58 fp=0xc00018ffd0 sp=0xc00018ff80 pc=0x1d1c168 runtime.goexit() src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 +0x4 fp=0xc00018ffd0 sp=0xc00018ffd0 pc=0x12e7884 created by gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/platform/systrap.newSubprocess pkg/sentry/platform/systrap/subprocess.go:300 +0x394 D0328 17:47:20.915492 970695 sandbox.go:1060] Destroying sandbox "ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race-test-1" D0328 17:47:20.915641 970695 sandbox.go:1069] Killing sandbox "ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race-test-1" D0328 17:47:20.915747 970695 container.go:741] Destroy container, cid: ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race-test-1 D0328 17:47:20.915820 970695 container.go:995] Killing gofer for container, cid: ci-gvisor-arm64-systrap-1-race-test-1, PID: 970704 W0328 17:47:20.919605 970695 util.go:64] FATAL ERROR: running container: creating container: cannot create sandbox: cannot read client sync file: waiting for sandbox to start: EOF running container: creating container: cannot create sandbox: cannot read client sync file: waiting for sandbox to start: EOF