Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. 2024/05/22 23:39:18 ignoring optional flag "sandboxArg"="0" 2024/05/22 23:39:18 parsed 1 programs if_delmulti_locked: detaching ifnet instance 0xfffffe0058545000 if_delmulti_locked: detaching ifnet instance 0xfffffe0058545000 if_delmulti_locked: detaching ifnet instance 0xfffffe0058545000 if_delmulti_locked: detaching ifnet instance 0xfffffe0058545000 if_delmulti_locked: detaching ifnet instance 0xfffffe0058545000 if_delmulti_locked: detaching ifnet instance 0xfffffe0058545000 2024/05/22 23:39:19 executed programs: 0 if_delmulti_locked: detaching ifnet instance 0xfffffe0058545000 if_delmulti_locked: detaching ifnet instance 0xfffffe0058545000 if_delmulti_locked: detaching ifnet instance 0xfffffe0058545000 if_delmulti_locked: detaching ifnet instance 0xfffffe0058545000 if_delmulti_locked: detaching ifnet instance 0xfffffe0058545000 SYZFAIL: leak checking is not implemented (errno 0: No error: 0)