Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. 2024/08/20 22:30:22 ignoring optional flag "sandboxArg"="0" 2024/08/20 22:30:22 parsed 1 programs 2024/08/20 22:30:23 executed programs: 0 if_delmulti_locked: detaching ifnet instance 0xfffffe0058724800 Aug 20 22:30:23 if_delmulti_locked: detaching ifnet instance 0xfffffe0058724800 ci-freebsd-main-if_delmulti_locked: detaching ifnet instance 0xfffffe0058724800 2 dhclient[828]:if_delmulti_locked: detaching ifnet instance 0xfffffe0058724800 Interface tap1 is down, dhclienif_delmulti_locked: detaching ifnet instance 0xfffffe0058724800 t exiting if_delmulti_locked: detaching ifnet instance 0xfffffe0058724800 Aug 20 22:30:23 ci-freebsd-main-2 dhclient[828]: connection closed Aug 20 22:30:23 ci-freebsd-main-2 dhclient[828]: exiting. 2024/08/20 22:30:29 executed programs: 16 2024/08/20 22:30:35 executed programs: 24 2024/08/20 22:30:41 executed programs: 32 2024/08/20 22:30:47 executed programs: 40 2024/08/20 22:30:53 executed programs: 48 2024/08/20 22:30:59 executed programs: 56 2024/08/20 22:31:05 executed programs: 64 2024/08/20 22:31:11 executed programs: 72 2024/08/20 22:31:17 executed programs: 80 2024/08/20 22:31:23 executed programs: 88 2024/08/20 22:31:29 executed programs: 96 2024/08/20 22:31:35 executed programs: 104 [zone: mbuf_jumbo_page] kern.ipc.nmbjumbop limit reached 2024/08/20 22:31:41 executed programs: 112 Expensive callout(9) function: 0xffffffff845ff750(0xfffffe006e6a4598) 0.004226946 s 2024/08/20 22:31:47 executed programs: 120 2024/08/20 22:31:54 executed programs: 128 2024/08/20 22:32:00 executed programs: 136 2024/08/20 22:32:06 executed programs: 144 2024/08/20 22:32:12 executed programs: 152 2024/08/20 22:32:18 executed programs: 160 2024/08/20 22:32:24 executed programs: 168 2024/08/20 22:32:30 executed programs: 176 2024/08/20 22:32:36 executed programs: 184 2024/08/20 22:32:42 executed programs: 192 2024/08/20 22:32:48 executed programs: 200 2024/08/20 22:32:54 executed programs: 208 2024/08/20 22:33:00 executed programs: 216 2024/08/20 22:33:06 executed programs: 224 [zone: mbuf_cluster] kern.ipc.nmbclusters limit reached client_loop: send disconnect: Broken pipe