panic: trap type 6, code=10, pc=0 Starting stack trace... panic(ffffffff82fda0ea) at panic+0x1d0 sys/kern/subr_prf.c:229 kerntrap(ffff80002a14c850) at kerntrap+0x29b sys/arch/amd64/amd64/trap.c:327 alltraps_kern_meltdown() at alltraps_kern_meltdown+0x7b 0(b,ffff80002a14ca18,3,ffff80002a14cab8,0,b) at 0 rt_clone(ffff80002a14cb28,fffffd806e3899e8,0) at rt_clone+0x98 sys/net/route.c:383 _resolve: somethring odd happenso nd6_resolve: soumething odd happtens denied atteempt to set clock_ back 4263431352m seconds nd6_repsolve: somethinga odd happens matlloc(): allocatihon too large, ty(pe = 29, size = f26140349972 nd6f_resolve: somethfing odd happensf pmap_unwire: wifring for pmap 0xdfffffd806aa641f08 va 0x780f0ba70000 didn't change!6 pmap_unwire: weiring for pmap 03xfffffd806aa641f80 va 0x780f0ba80900 didn't change9! pmap_unwire: dwiring for pmap 00xfffffd806aa641,f0 va 0x780f0ba9f000 didn't changfe! pmap_unwire:f wiring for pmapf 0xfffffd806aa64f1f0 va 0x780f0bada000 didn't chan8ge! pmap_unwire0: wiring for pma5p 0xfffffd806aa6f41f0 va 0x780f0bcab000 didn't chabnge! pmap_unwir1e: wiring for pmcap 0xfffffd806aa2641f0 va 0x780f04bac000 didn't ch,ange! pmap_unwi0re: wiring for p,map 0xfffffd806a0a641f0 va 0x780f)0bad000 didn't c hange! pmap_unwaire: wiring for tpmap 0xfffffd806 aa641f0 va 0x780rf0bae000 didn't ochange! pmap_unuwire: wiring fort pmap 0xfffffd80e6aa641f0 va 0x78_0f0baf000 didn'tm change! pmap_upnwire: wiring foar pmap 0xfffffd8t06aa641f0 va 0x7h80f0bb0000 didn'+t change! pmap_0unwire: wiring fxor pmap 0xfffffd1806aa641f0 va 0x7780f0bb1000 didn0't change! pmap _unwire: wiring for pmap 0xfffffid806aa641f0 va 0nx780f0bb2000 did_n't change! pmapp_unwire: wiringc for pmap 0xffffbfd806aa641f0 va s0x780f0bb3000 diedn't change! pmlap_unwire: wirinsg for pmap 0xfffrffd806aa641f0 vac 0x780f0bb4000 d(idn't change! pfmap_unwire: wirifng for pmap 0xffffffd806aa641f0 vfa 0x780f0bb5000 8didn't change! 0pmap_unwire: wir0ing for pmap 0xf0ffffd806aa641f0 2va 0x780f0bb6000a didn't change!1 pmap_unwire: wi4ring for pmap 0xcfffffd806aa641f0c va 0x780f0bb70010 didn't change!8 pmap_unwire: w,iring for pmap 0fxfffffd806aa641ff0 va 0x780f0bb80f00 didn't changef! pmap_unwire: fwiring for pmap d0xfffffd806aa6418f0 va 0x780f0bb90000 didn't chang5e! pmap_unwire:f wiring for pmapc 0xfffffd806aa64b1f0 va 0x780f0bb1a000 didn't chancge! pmap_unwire2: wiring for pma0p 0xfffffd806aa6,41f0 va 0x780f0bfbb000 didn't chafnge! pmap_unwirfe: wiring for pmfap 0xfffffd806aaf641f0 va 0x780f0dbbc000 didn't ch8ange! pmap_unwi0re: wiring for p6map 0xfffffd806aea641f0 va 0x780f30bbd000 didn't c8hange! pmap_unw9ire: wiring for 9pmap 0xfffffd8065aa641f0 va 0x7808f0bbe000 didn't )change! pmap_un wire: wiring fora pmap 0xfffffd80t6aa641f0 va 0x78 0f0bbf000 didn'ti change! pmap_unnwire: wiring fo_r pmap 0xfffffd8p06aa641f0 va 0x7c80f0bc0000 didn'bt change! pmap_sunwire: wiring feor pmap 0xfffffdl806aa641f0 va 0xs780f0bc1000 didnr't change! pmapc_unwire: wiring +for pmap 0xfffff0d806aa641f0 va 0xx780f0bc2000 did2n't change! pma5p_unwire: wiring0 for pmap 0xffff fd806aa641f0 va 0x780f0bc3000 diidn't change! pmnap_unwire: wirin_g for pmap 0xfffpffd806aa641f0 vac 0x780f0bc4000 dbidn't change! pcmap_unwire: wiriong for pmap 0xffnfffd806aa641f0 vna 0x780f0bc5000 edidn't change! cpmap_unwire: wirting for pmap 0xf(ffffd806aa641f0 fva 0x780f0bc6000f didn't change!f pmap_unwire: wifring for pmap 0xffffffd806aa641f0d va 0x780f0bc70080 didn't change!0 pmap_unwire: w6iring for pmap 0exfffffd806aa641f30 va 0x780f0bc80800 didn't change9! pmap_unwire: 9wiring for pmap 50xfffffd806aa6418f0 va 0x780f0bc9,000 didn't changfe! pmap_unwire:f wiring for pmapf 0xfffffd806aa64f1f0 va 0x780f0bcfa000 didn't chandge! pmap_unwire8: wiring for pma0p 0xfffffd806aa6541f0 va 0x780f0bfcb000 didn't chacnge! pmap_unwirbe: wiring for pm1ap 0xfffffd806aac641f0 va 0x780f00bcc000 didn't ch0ange! pmap_unwi)re: wiring for p map 0xfffffd806aaa641f0 va 0x780ft0bcd000 didn't c hange! pmap_unwiire: wiring for npmap 0xfffffd806_aa641f0 va 0x780pf0bce000 didn't cchange! pmap_unbwire: wiring forc pmap 0xfffffd80o6aa641f0 va 0x78n0f0bcf000 didn'tn change! pmap_uenwire: wiring focr pmap 0xfffffd8t06aa641f0 va 0x7+80f0bd0000 didn'0t change! pmap_xunwire: wiring f1or pmap 0xfffffd1806aa641f0 va 0xa780f0bd1000 didn 't change! pmap_unwire: wiring for pmap 0xffffftd806aa641f0 va 0cx780f0bd2000 didpn't change! pma_p_unwire: wiringc for pmap 0xffffofd806aa641f0 va n0x780f0bd3000 dindn't change! pmeap_unwire: wirincg for pmap 0xffftffd806aa641f0 va( 0x780f0bd4000 dfidn't change! pfmap_unwire: wirifng for pmap 0xffffffd806aa641f0 v8a 0x780f0bd5000 0didn't change! 0pmap_unwire: wir0ing for pmap 0xf0ffffd806aa641f0 1va 0x780f0bd60002 didn't change!4 pmap_unwire: wiering for pmap 0xffffffd806aa641f0b va 0x780f0bd70080 didn't change!, pmap_unwire: wfiring for pmap 0fxfffffd806aa641ff0 va 0x780f0bd80f00 didn't changef! pmap_unwire: dwiring for pmap 80xfffffd806aa6410f0 va 0x780f0bd95000 didn't changfe! pmap_unwire:c wiring for pmapb 0xfffffd806aa6411f0 va 0x780f0bdca000 didn't chan0ge! pmap_unwire0: wiring for pma)p 0xfffffd806aa6 41f0 va 0x780f0badb000 didn't chatnge! pmap_unwir e: wiring for pmtap 0xfffffd806aac641f0 va 0x780f0pbdc000 didn't ch_ange! pmap_unwicre: wiring for pomap 0xfffffd806ana641f0 va 0x780fn0bdd000 didn't cehange! pmap_unwcire: wiring for tpmap 0xfffffd806+aa641f0 va 0x7800f0bde000 didn't xchange! pmap_un3wire: wiring forc pmap 0xfffffd80b6aa641f0 va 0x78 0f0bdf000 didn't change! pmap_usnwire: wiring foyr pmap 0xfffffd8s06aa641f0 va 0x7_80f0be0000 didn'ct change! pmap_ounwire: wiring fnor pmap 0xfffffdn806aa641f0 va 0xe780f0be1000 didnc't change! pmapt_unwire: wiring (for pmap 0xffffffd806aa641f0 va 0fx780f0be2000 didfn't change! pmafp_unwire: wiring8 for pmap 0xffff0fd806aa641f0 va 00x780f0be3000 di0dn't change! pm2ap_unwire: wirinag for pmap 0xfff1ffd806aa641f0 va3 0x780f0be4000 d1idn't change! p7map_unwire: wiri2ng for pmap 0xff8fffd806aa641f0 v,a 0x780f0be5000 fdidn't change! fpmap_unwire: wirfing for pmap 0xffffffd806aa641f0 8va 0x780f0be60000 didn't change!0 pmap_unwire: wi0ring for pmap 0x2fffffd806aa641f0a va 0x780f0be70010 didn't change!4 pmap_unwire: wciring for pmap 0exfffffd806aa641f40 va 0x780f0be80000 didn't change,! pmap_unwire: fwiring for pmap f0xfffffd806aa641ff0 va 0x780f0be9f000 didn't chang8e! pmap_unwire:0 wiring for pmap0 0xfffffd806aa6401f0 va 0x780f0be2a000 didn't chanage! pmap_unwire1: wiring for pma4p 0xfffffd806aa6c41f0 va 0x780f0bdeb000 didn't cha9nge! pmap_unwir0e: wiring for pm)ap 0xfffffd806aa 641f0 va 0x780f0abec000 didn't chtange! pmap_unwi re: wiring for psmap 0xfffffd806aya641f0 va 0x780fs0bed000 didn't c_hange! pmap_unwcire: wiring for opmap 0xfffffd806naa641f0 va 0x780nf0bee000 didn't echange! pmap_uncwire: wiring fort pmap 0xfffffd80+6aa641f0 va 0x7800f0bef000 didn'tx change! pmap_u3nwire: wiring fo4r pmap 0xfffffd8506aa641f0 va 0x7 80f0bf0000 didn't change! pmap_sunwire: wiring fyor pmap 0xfffffds806aa641f0 va 0xc780f0bf1000 didna't change! pmapl_unwire: wiring lfor pmap 0xfffff(d806aa641f0 va 0fx780f0bf2000 didfn't change! pmafp_unwire: wiringf for pmap 0xffff8fd806aa641f0 va 00x780f0bf3000 di0dn't change! pm0ap_unwire: wirin2g for pmap 0xfffaffd806aa641f0 va1 0x780f0bf4000 d4idn't change! pcmap_unwire: wirieng for pmap 0xff4fffd806aa641f0 v0a 0x780f0bf5000 )didn't change! pmap_unwire: wiraing for pmap 0xftffffd806aa641f0 va 0x780f0bf6000s didn't change!y pmap_unwire: wisring for pmap 0xcfffffd806aa641f0a va 0x780f0bf700l0 didn't change!l pmap_unwire: w+iring for pmap 00xfffffd806aa641fx0 va 0x780f0bf80b00 didn't changeb! pmap_unwire: 6wiring for pmap 0xfffffd806aa641f0 va 0x780f0bf9000 didn't changXe! pmap_unwire:s wiring for pmapy 0xfffffd806aa64s1f0 va 0x780f0bfca000 didn't chanage! pmap_unwirel: wiring for pmalp 0xfffffd806aa6(41f0 va 0x780f0b)fb000 didn't cha nge! pmap_unwirae: wiring for pmtap 0xfffffd806aa 641f0 va 0x780f0Xbfc000 didn't chsange! pmap_unwiyre: wiring for psmap 0xfffffd806aca641f0 va 0x780fa0bfd000 didn't clhange! pmap_unwlire: wiring for +pmap 0xfffffd8060aa641f0 va 0x780xf0bfe000 didn't 1change! pmap_un2wire: wiring for8 pmap 0xfffffd80 6aa641f0 va 0x780f0bff000 didn'te change! pmap_unnwire: wiring fodr pmap 0xfffffd8 06aa641f0 va 0x7o80f0c00000 didn'ft change! pmap_ unwire: wiring fkor pmap 0xfffffde806aa641f0 va 0xr780f0c01000 didnn't change! pmape_unwire: wiring lfor pmap 0xfffff d806aa641f0 va 0x780f0c02000 diden't change! pmanp_unwire: wiringd for pmap 0xffff fd806aa641f0 va t0x780f0c03000 dirdn't change! pmaap_unwire: wirincg for pmap 0xfffeffd806aa641f0 va 0x780f0c04000 dfidn't change! prmap_unwire: wiriang for pmap 0xffmfffd806aa641f0 vea 0x780f0c05000 :didn't change! pmap_unwire: wir0ing for pmap 0xfxffffd806aa641f0 2va 0x780f0c060006 didn't change!5 pmap_unwire: wiaring for pmap 0xafffffd806aa641f0e va 0x780f0c070010 didn't change!4 pmap_unwire: weiring for pmap 0bxfffffd806aa641f00 va 0x780f0c080,00 didn't change count: 245 End of stack trace. dump to dev 4,1 not possible rebooting... SeaBIOS (version 1.8.2-google) Total RAM Size = 0x0000000080000000 = 2048 MiB CPUs found: 2 Max CPUs supported: 2 SeaBIOS (version 1.8.2-google) Machine UUID 8f385a59-d101-44dd-592e-0bd3fdfaf750 found virtio-scsi at 0:3 virtio-scsi vendor='Google' product='PersistentDisk' rev='1' type=0 removable=0 virtio-scsi blksize=512 sectors=4194304 = 2048 MiB drive 0x000f27c0: PCHS=0/0/0 translation=lba LCHS=520/128/63 s=4194304 Sending Seabios boot VM event. Booting from Hard Disk 0... >> OpenBSD/amd64 BOOT 3.67 boot> set $maxwidth = 0 set: syntax error boot> show panic boot: illegal argument panic boot> trace boot> show registers boot> show proc boot> ps boot> show all locks boot> show malloc boot> show all pools boot> machine ddbcpu 0 machine: syntax error boot> trace boot> machine ddbcpu 1 machine: syntax error boot> trace