akernel panic at kern/arch/x86/thrap/.c:311, from core 1: Proc-ful Page Fault irn the Kernel at 0x000000000000001b!oc-ful Page Fault in the Stack Backtrace on Core 1: t#01 [<0xffffffffc200a3b7>] in backtrace 1#02 [<0xffffffffc2009b7 c>] []_p rdi 0axfffffff0000a3neic a#03 [<0x>]f r8 0x0000000000000000 00 r9 0x0000000000000000 0 r10 0x0000010000000a100040000a4c0 c i0 n r11 0x0000000000000206 trap r12 0xffff800002182ac0 r13 0x0000000020000000 r14 0x0000000000000073 r15 0x0000000000000000 trap 0x0000000e Page Fault gsbs 0xffffffffc8667ec0 fsbs 0x00fsb00000000000000 s err 0x--------00000000 rip 0xffffffffc2058134 0x--- cs 0x-------------0008 - flag 0x0000000000010246 0 rsp 0xfffffff0000a3df8 f ss 0x------------0010 -nel context oBacktrace of kernel context on Core 2: nys_readlink #n's Dungeon on Core 10Ints off): (Ints off): fType 'help' forr a list of commands. adlink #02 [<0c2059149>] in syscalx 1)> fffc2ROS(Core 1)> 059149>] in syscall #03 [<0xffffffffc2059304>] in run_local_syscall at src/syscall.c:2563