bisecting fixing commit since 2f166cdcf8a92fcf85524f2b5526cb28e16f0a60 building syzkaller on abf9ba4fc75d9b29af15625d44dcfc1360fad3b7 testing commit 2f166cdcf8a92fcf85524f2b5526cb28e16f0a60 with gcc (GCC) 8.1.0 kernel signature: 28346cb01fab91cb2a591a7828bd19a5234aa404ffd747d90ff3aceb37b6a852 run #0: basic kernel testing failed: failed to copy test binary to VM: failed to run ["scp" "-P" "22" "-F" "/dev/null" "-o" "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" "-o" "BatchMode=yes" "-o" "IdentitiesOnly=yes" "-o" "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" "-o" "ConnectTimeout=10" "-i" "/syzkaller/jobs/linux/workdir/image/key" "/tmp/syz-executor691168344" "root@"]: exit status 1 Connection timed out during banner exchange lost connection run #1: basic kernel testing failed: failed to copy test binary to VM: failed to run ["scp" "-P" "22" "-F" "/dev/null" "-o" "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" "-o" "BatchMode=yes" "-o" "IdentitiesOnly=yes" "-o" "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" "-o" "ConnectTimeout=10" "-i" "/syzkaller/jobs/linux/workdir/image/key" "/tmp/syz-executor881925079" "root@"]: exit status 1 Connection timed out during banner exchange lost connection run #2: OK run #3: OK run #4: OK run #5: OK run #6: OK run #7: OK run #8: OK run #9: OK revisions tested: 1, total time: 20m21.449923458s (build: 9m18.514638456s, test: 10m40.055788318s) error: the crash wasn't reproduced on the original commit