ci2 starts bisection 2023-06-03 23:29:08.611009664 +0000 UTC m=+182372.257917332 bisecting fixing commit since 2ddbd0f967b34872290e0f98fae32b91b4de7b87 building syzkaller on 18b586030b9a7e7f4c7208f44be8994740608841 ensuring issue is reproducible on original commit 2ddbd0f967b34872290e0f98fae32b91b4de7b87 testing commit 2ddbd0f967b34872290e0f98fae32b91b4de7b87 gcc compiler: gcc (GCC) 10.2.1 20210217 failed building 2ddbd0f967b34872290e0f98fae32b91b4de7b87: gcc: error: unrecognized command-line option '-mlittle-endian' revisions tested: 0, total time: 34.206470175s (build: 6.708847469s, test: 0s) error: the crash wasn't reproduced on the original commit