SYZFATAL: BUG: simple call failed: {Flags:NUM Signal:[ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR A 2024/01/31 23:29:16 SYZFATAL: BUG: simple call failed: {Flags:3 Signal:[1105029478 1898253493 380414831 2442046236 3133766488 585637827 1267671578 1467661810 3063475826 3154905860 1196761589 498808319 3900650526 3415288469 3213785815 3875530116 1779091096 4118694552 1646286721 809248405 2762429470 2303526345 668354582 1601763951 1994167610 614309011 3627669754 3627669556 2254984952 3191289130 3627671321 1366476319 923490028 1764793619 4126549852 1109485535 896122733 651590504 3154787418 764796046 1128852683 3866971646 875475204 2607695659 1278010081 2865554239 1209312614 2883652159 1641505009 1446474288 2329045212 1008946088 3028327854 2178845184 1607618338 1817697113 1860415045 4090378498 2542857012 421515682 4181284106 1408729133 1998767945 1679931086 1684207483 1777554851 3749331668 2643822381 4106683427 2835059932 1209747052 2591949561 1209753362 531259483 1209317788 1752174351 3319991000 3728485305 3223774826 2769195954 458273670 2175474576 1181529630 2270730946 2261026970 3425553256 398011317 1400701157 3341262615 408344050 1624672106 2217388910 1590964424 1590964468 701003390 4075035552 9558093 111396801 274550298 3355356291 426394172 1528130336 1419599888 708725432 2972683595 2178835211 957593049 4257734589 1278136779 1278137320 2963419572 284163982 339127084 121612502 304007782 664374231 121612542 4019620014 121612300 3902924147 419594728 1961582984 2179747952 4272775083 4156952221 1447536734 1181254532 2190538689 421474872 3091692509 1447538466 4059781855 3890303131 1316955850 359261824 421474515 331667747 2258527589 4022421442 2174604866 1974080045 4228104287 4289153279 1211288592 68120324 548538563 3700776289 1071022995 420583335 595367435 1325174399 1886616570 3876293428 2554053833 3179969133 2848988530 2808211202 1190231403 2967590074 2963087313 665709542 2878212094 2788455211 3680061080 1669664374 92369817 1015313535 802911161 2715356796 1222600596 982078551 3001643604 920461721 2825154340 4026649356 1211300259 3966746647 3706244622 932803077 1983337170 1686700845 2169194641 953845119 170890623 4276747337 934266401 2764790196 1080140345 4142581785 2764792916 1308541886 3644025233 4231350610 4231350593 3350961976 3232842971 1523234275 3432655498 1859951179 953288000 2878011276 2060046171 774968642 286032799 2756575562 1491287967 2364060096 1947925976 2224892479 3732525283 1283478250 332587079 2797904559 1997526380 2797904542 1327049504 1804455327 3801744140 2318275275 428477346 578335804 1464043442 2551339416 114063689 2866545981 4044425930 245707596 1211275102 3491364290 1211274956 3044999837 2990089751 36020928 265801223 4148310600 2226517908 2892160429 6898585 3811367549 1278137310 3074410730 2173278326 1447537051 3695134729 2178839881 1642411151 427490986 3890303517 969766897 202409867 2258526513 3103939954 957410372 619813240 2175479643 4158363161 4061409790 3341266003 3653220375 3506070015 2723604423 4143539350 3596203074 2201551939 3773900600 4051200213 4051200228 3517669153 2860764802 3429017355 3853327914 426407284 4101496595 2285930716 68120335 4243344068 1886616307 842230836 3749331397 1998767192 3653220805 421515634 553072703 749736071 1777554746 2644146404 3729111994 1942193428 1197961959 1209319094 3488324671 245910127 1859951353 2437929001 2878007512 4115213831 441561079 2169197271 1364340717 2316297001 2178590230 2961735705 441560359 428476439 2778248902 3044999782 2594800737 2261257188 2892160468 3841193461 2291976656 1209315845 3359259781 2174605801 737012743 425492489 1302990447 2553718978 933735791 986430387 1887212427 2903726106 1128852884 335839605 2226517588 2107668870 408349208 2881615198 9558084 1806362268 3866971609 2824114682 1947925900 2391794737 2715355903 3230202736 3853052054 2941703421 700709509 421567123 1480971602 2715353841] Cover:[] Comps: Errno:78} Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. 2024/01/31 23:29:12 ignoring optional flag "pprof_port"="0" 2024/01/31 23:29:12 ignoring optional flag "reset_acc_state"="false" 2024/01/31 23:29:12 fuzzer started 2024/01/31 23:29:16 connecting to host at 2024/01/31 23:29:16 checking machine... 2024/01/31 23:29:16 checking revisions... 2024/01/31 23:29:16 testing simple program... 2024/01/31 23:29:16 SYZFATAL: BUG: simple call failed: {Flags:3 Signal:[1105029478 1898253493 380414831 2442046236 3133766488 585637827 1267671578 1467661810 3063475826 3154905860 1196761589 498808319 3900650526 3415288469 3213785815 3875530116 1779091096 4118694552 1646286721 809248405 2762429470 2303526345 668354582 1601763951 1994167610 614309011 3627669754 3627669556 2254984952 3191289130 3627671321 1366476319 923490028 1764793619 4126549852 1109485535 896122733 651590504 3154787418 764796046 1128852683 3866971646 875475204 2607695659 1278010081 2865554239 1209312614 2883652159 1641505009 1446474288 2329045212 1008946088 3028327854 2178845184 1607618338 1817697113 1860415045 4090378498 2542857012 421515682 4181284106 1408729133 1998767945 1679931086 1684207483 1777554851 3749331668 2643822381 4106683427 2835059932 1209747052 2591949561 1209753362 531259483 1209317788 1752174351 3319991000 3728485305 3223774826 2769195954 458273670 2175474576 1181529630 2270730946 2261026970 3425553256 398011317 1400701157 3341262615 408344050 1624672106 2217388910 1590964424 1590964468 701003390 4075035552 9558093 111396801 274550298 3355356291 426394172 1528130336 1419599888 708725432 2972683595 2178835211 957593049 4257734589 1278136779 1278137320 2963419572 284163982 339127084 121612502 304007782 664374231 121612542 4019620014 121612300 3902924147 419594728 1961582984 2179747952 4272775083 4156952221 1447536734 1181254532 2190538689 421474872 3091692509 1447538466 4059781855 3890303131 1316955850 359261824 421474515 331667747 2258527589 4022421442 2174604866 1974080045 4228104287 4289153279 1211288592 68120324 548538563 3700776289 1071022995 420583335 595367435 1325174399 1886616570 3876293428 2554053833 3179969133 2848988530 2808211202 1190231403 2967590074 2963087313 665709542 2878212094 2788455211 3680061080 1669664374 92369817 1015313535 802911161 2715356796 1222600596 982078551 3001643604 920461721 2825154340 4026649356 1211300259 3966746647 3706244622 932803077 1983337170 1686700845 2169194641 953845119 170890623 4276747337 934266401 2764790196 1080140345 4142581785 2764792916 1308541886 3644025233 4231350610 4231350593 3350961976 3232842971 1523234275 3432655498 1859951179 953288000 2878011276 2060046171 774968642 286032799 2756575562 1491287967 2364060096 1947925976 2224892479 3732525283 1283478250 332587079 2797904559 1997526380 2797904542 1327049504 1804455327 3801744140 2318275275 428477346 578335804 1464043442 2551339416 114063689 2866545981 4044425930 245707596 1211275102 3491364290 1211274956 3044999837 2990089751 36020928 265801223 4148310600 2226517908 2892160429 6898585 3811367549 1278137310 3074410730 2173278326 1447537051 3695134729 2178839881 1642411151 427490986 3890303517 969766897 202409867 2258526513 3103939954 957410372 619813240 2175479643 4158363161 4061409790 3341266003 3653220375 3506070015 2723604423 4143539350 3596203074 2201551939 3773900600 4051200213 4051200228 3517669153 2860764802 3429017355 3853327914 426407284 4101496595 2285930716 68120335 4243344068 1886616307 842230836 3749331397 1998767192 3653220805 421515634 553072703 749736071 1777554746 2644146404 3729111994 1942193428 1197961959 1209319094 3488324671 245910127 1859951353 2437929001 2878007512 4115213831 441561079 2169197271 1364340717 2316297001 2178590230 2961735705 441560359 428476439 2778248902 3044999782 2594800737 2261257188 2892160468 3841193461 2291976656 1209315845 3359259781 2174605801 737012743 425492489 1302990447 2553718978 933735791 986430387 1887212427 2903726106 1128852884 335839605 2226517588 2107668870 408349208 2881615198 9558084 1806362268 3866971609 2824114682 1947925900 2391794737 2715355903 3230202736 3853052054 2941703421 700709509 421567123 1480971602 2715353841] Cover:[] Comps: Errno:78} syzkaller build log: go env (err=) GO111MODULE='auto' GOARCH='amd64' GOBIN='' GOCACHE='/syzkaller/go-cache' GOENV='/syzkaller/.config/go/env' GOEXE='' GOEXPERIMENT='' GOFLAGS='' GOHOSTARCH='amd64' GOHOSTOS='openbsd' GOINSECURE='' GOMODCACHE='/syzkaller/jobs/openbsd/gopath/pkg/mod' GONOPROXY='' GONOSUMDB='' GOOS='openbsd' GOPATH='/syzkaller/jobs/openbsd/gopath' GOPRIVATE='' GOPROXY=',direct' GOROOT='/usr/local/go' GOSUMDB='' GOTMPDIR='' GOTOOLCHAIN='auto' GOTOOLDIR='/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/openbsd_amd64' GOVCS='' GOVERSION='go1.21.3' GCCGO='gccgo' GOAMD64='v1' AR='ar' CC='cc' CXX='c++' CGO_ENABLED='1' GOMOD='/syzkaller/jobs/openbsd/gopath/src/' GOWORK='' CGO_CFLAGS='-O2 -g' CGO_CPPFLAGS='' CGO_CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g' CGO_FFLAGS='-O2 -g' CGO_LDFLAGS='-O2 -g' PKG_CONFIG='pkg-config' GOGCCFLAGS='-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fno-caret-diagnostics -Qunused-arguments -Wl,--no-gc-sections -fmessage-length=0 -ffile-prefix-map=/tmp/go-build735483091=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-gcc-switches' git status (err=) HEAD detached at f8902b574 nothing to commit, working tree clean tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified Makefile:32: run command via tools/syz-env for best compatibility, see: Makefile:33: go list -f '{{.Stale}}' ./sys/syz-sysgen | grep -q false || go install ./sys/syz-sysgen gmake .descriptions tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified bin/syz-sysgen touch .descriptions GOOS=openbsd GOARCH=amd64 go build "-ldflags=-s -w -X -X ''" "-tags=syz_target syz_os_openbsd syz_arch_amd64 " -o ./bin/openbsd_amd64/syz-fuzzer GOOS=openbsd GOARCH=amd64 go build "-ldflags=-s -w -X -X ''" "-tags=syz_target syz_os_openbsd syz_arch_amd64 " -o ./bin/openbsd_amd64/syz-execprog GOOS=openbsd GOARCH=amd64 go build "-ldflags=-s -w -X -X ''" "-tags=syz_target syz_os_openbsd syz_arch_amd64 " -o ./bin/openbsd_amd64/syz-stress mkdir -p ./bin/openbsd_amd64 c++ -o ./bin/openbsd_amd64/syz-executor executor/ \ -m64 -static -lutil -O2 -pthread -Wall -Werror -Wparentheses -Wunused-const-variable -Wframe-larger-than=16384 -Wno-array-bounds -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-unused-command-line-argument -fpermissive -w -DGOOS_openbsd=1 -DGOARCH_amd64=1 \ -DHOSTGOOS_openbsd=1 -DGIT_REVISION=\"f8902b5747fbe3d5b860bd782eec63fc9c7da6e7\" warning: rand() may return deterministic values, is that what you want? warning: sprintf() is often misused, please use snprintf()*))): warning: syscall() may go away, please rewrite code to use direct calls