SYZFATAL: BUG: simple call failed: {Flags:NUM Signal:[ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR A 2024/01/08 12:18:46 SYZFATAL: BUG: simple call failed: {Flags:3 Signal:[1094755766 3543021657 1865614602 1310071274 254194283 1514304636 2304653874 1747037746 3450908190 38070453 4136956931 664683462 2388808212 911766284 914800200 3601853953 2563493600 437954295 4136332006 3320667245 1963353116 850954451 2186640688 3750332475 405803021 2263391309 2167543893 4287290568 2731450135 2167543963 2167544184 701327669 2574737108 3122747258 2335003081 4292637806 4128374445 2543562787 3977718040 368256359 2430771877 1319356683 1519163060 1776839728 2816966256 1156058270 2718467786 695003080 659550867 4257077055 1072834955 1953684176 3767168755 1926273815 1691071758 1545621866 2126289018 3168312402 4277964330 685895386 3375072678 2835516987 2408001835 3806724651 3801114046 3609368774 2922681581 2408001562 779330101 106143236 2539182848 2718491072 228939446 2718472478 2148978339 2718466704 1246848786 3783884159 713921406 872223970 681472951 4157273856 1900564887 132457773 3713240788 2537357654 2237243194 827197152 1862191300 2565424773 4179289611 2446922755 605714338 2381185093 2381185081 2029909585 3160175315 2729580626 1523271819 1108109919 1251576098 729358420 1235197559 2476041325 1709765046 181400742 1926246940 944603159 505572734 3674775447 3674774964 1924945063 852945881 560748452 821316267 3369004670 251828831 821316227 3896221222 821316473 3362294634 823438816 2649367801 2365947474 20280200 1459196798 325195740 2319215709 1922761606 685853280 587550031 325193920 3231783251 71265403 1206677668 1206476921 685854667 205978039 4069802323 1258157797 1923531797 737932915 3026867227 709066028 2701423548 2745322526 3961370171 3017040438 222747727 726793855 881436536 2064870147 4113213364 1724612495 2986337143 3549108943 1615500051 3509112822 2554828306 4280147394 539899963 1023675365 1234018091 350334520 247455260 3883780411 2047774457 1546678221 3733662553 2568336999 2713823896 2852572359 154871465 332491385 1145750683 234955977 2701411887 3368251398 3916145776 3491748917 4027934725 299858990 1922556182 4061179309 3519744777 743266781 2848918518 536817547 3341546990 1089078795 536814187 1961737350 2115336582 3884881327 3884881372 708279737 2138610452 1922325231 2287212597 4153024882 1834930533 1239182989 2922701274 2040295517 3842798012 745865200 298713505 553776141 4019422025 111209557 67285328 4077437369 3525726607 227839313 3304958346 227839296 900566882 3511691588 1500803741 2944208770 682007626 2527903658 3697257245 3985126760 3461507818 1001006316 2154038868 1673457091 2701415538 4211534600 2701415616 1658428508 2645173547 1053838032 3770201651 3244040000 1129377044 3354333746 3907695464 3754674472 3674774946 2950978822 2390707316 325195417 2681928295 1926235230 2748902204 731610098 71266301 633361421 1382351070 4069803367 2495306885 3453884908 1301294339 1900782684 370116298 2964396845 2565518273 2131625086 1323240053 1323240103 2783135482 1303009416 960923656 1545294826 2919485950 1214822364 1214822317 1521443278 1947169142 1526355255 1512661970 729469212 1001200797 3631997907 2745322517 924635003 4113213117 1092881863 685895466 699121843 950624514 3609368767 779329916 3070335143 4092134909 3573074551 2718480826 509090325 2465466962 4153024736 3570869006 1239181881 1600834648 4019421981 2772143575 682259807 1922558800 3624445172 1674758247 1928979697 7454157 682260239 682008575 1882266183 1658428487 76374820 2296071488 3354333739 2906848510 3252395165 2718479977 3009837441 1923534526 1473681146 681033009 655521224 1550795394 2315714920 715277335 4113207141 4123571803 536814380 4040774779 2305784825 553777103 3525149431 4153024835 3223799784 3093269047 556733042 2275274659 46195742 2189283381 1953217767 3430439988 1997756485 2404914511 2040298992 1446769024 2568334311 478603586 3439392297 2130181870 2437594460 2191554978 742856073 2568335110] Cover:[] Comps: Errno:78} Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. 2024/01/08 12:18:42 fuzzer started 2024/01/08 12:18:45 connecting to host at 2024/01/08 12:18:45 checking machine... 2024/01/08 12:18:45 checking revisions... 2024/01/08 12:18:45 testing simple program... 2024/01/08 12:18:46 SYZFATAL: BUG: simple call failed: {Flags:3 Signal:[1094755766 3543021657 1865614602 1310071274 254194283 1514304636 2304653874 1747037746 3450908190 38070453 4136956931 664683462 2388808212 911766284 914800200 3601853953 2563493600 437954295 4136332006 3320667245 1963353116 850954451 2186640688 3750332475 405803021 2263391309 2167543893 4287290568 2731450135 2167543963 2167544184 701327669 2574737108 3122747258 2335003081 4292637806 4128374445 2543562787 3977718040 368256359 2430771877 1319356683 1519163060 1776839728 2816966256 1156058270 2718467786 695003080 659550867 4257077055 1072834955 1953684176 3767168755 1926273815 1691071758 1545621866 2126289018 3168312402 4277964330 685895386 3375072678 2835516987 2408001835 3806724651 3801114046 3609368774 2922681581 2408001562 779330101 106143236 2539182848 2718491072 228939446 2718472478 2148978339 2718466704 1246848786 3783884159 713921406 872223970 681472951 4157273856 1900564887 132457773 3713240788 2537357654 2237243194 827197152 1862191300 2565424773 4179289611 2446922755 605714338 2381185093 2381185081 2029909585 3160175315 2729580626 1523271819 1108109919 1251576098 729358420 1235197559 2476041325 1709765046 181400742 1926246940 944603159 505572734 3674775447 3674774964 1924945063 852945881 560748452 821316267 3369004670 251828831 821316227 3896221222 821316473 3362294634 823438816 2649367801 2365947474 20280200 1459196798 325195740 2319215709 1922761606 685853280 587550031 325193920 3231783251 71265403 1206677668 1206476921 685854667 205978039 4069802323 1258157797 1923531797 737932915 3026867227 709066028 2701423548 2745322526 3961370171 3017040438 222747727 726793855 881436536 2064870147 4113213364 1724612495 2986337143 3549108943 1615500051 3509112822 2554828306 4280147394 539899963 1023675365 1234018091 350334520 247455260 3883780411 2047774457 1546678221 3733662553 2568336999 2713823896 2852572359 154871465 332491385 1145750683 234955977 2701411887 3368251398 3916145776 3491748917 4027934725 299858990 1922556182 4061179309 3519744777 743266781 2848918518 536817547 3341546990 1089078795 536814187 1961737350 2115336582 3884881327 3884881372 708279737 2138610452 1922325231 2287212597 4153024882 1834930533 1239182989 2922701274 2040295517 3842798012 745865200 298713505 553776141 4019422025 111209557 67285328 4077437369 3525726607 227839313 3304958346 227839296 900566882 3511691588 1500803741 2944208770 682007626 2527903658 3697257245 3985126760 3461507818 1001006316 2154038868 1673457091 2701415538 4211534600 2701415616 1658428508 2645173547 1053838032 3770201651 3244040000 1129377044 3354333746 3907695464 3754674472 3674774946 2950978822 2390707316 325195417 2681928295 1926235230 2748902204 731610098 71266301 633361421 1382351070 4069803367 2495306885 3453884908 1301294339 1900782684 370116298 2964396845 2565518273 2131625086 1323240053 1323240103 2783135482 1303009416 960923656 1545294826 2919485950 1214822364 1214822317 1521443278 1947169142 1526355255 1512661970 729469212 1001200797 3631997907 2745322517 924635003 4113213117 1092881863 685895466 699121843 950624514 3609368767 779329916 3070335143 4092134909 3573074551 2718480826 509090325 2465466962 4153024736 3570869006 1239181881 1600834648 4019421981 2772143575 682259807 1922558800 3624445172 1674758247 1928979697 7454157 682260239 682008575 1882266183 1658428487 76374820 2296071488 3354333739 2906848510 3252395165 2718479977 3009837441 1923534526 1473681146 681033009 655521224 1550795394 2315714920 715277335 4113207141 4123571803 536814380 4040774779 2305784825 553777103 3525149431 4153024835 3223799784 3093269047 556733042 2275274659 46195742 2189283381 1953217767 3430439988 1997756485 2404914511 2040298992 1446769024 2568334311 478603586 3439392297 2130181870 2437594460 2191554978 742856073 2568335110] Cover:[] Comps: Errno:78} syzkaller build log: go env (err=) GO111MODULE='auto' GOARCH='amd64' GOBIN='' GOCACHE='/syzkaller/go-cache' GOENV='/syzkaller/.config/go/env' GOEXE='' GOEXPERIMENT='' GOFLAGS='' GOHOSTARCH='amd64' GOHOSTOS='openbsd' GOINSECURE='' GOMODCACHE='/syzkaller/jobs/openbsd/gopath/pkg/mod' GONOPROXY='' GONOSUMDB='' GOOS='openbsd' GOPATH='/syzkaller/jobs/openbsd/gopath' GOPRIVATE='' GOPROXY=',direct' GOROOT='/usr/local/go' GOSUMDB='' GOTMPDIR='' GOTOOLCHAIN='auto' GOTOOLDIR='/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/openbsd_amd64' GOVCS='' GOVERSION='go1.21.3' GCCGO='gccgo' GOAMD64='v1' AR='ar' CC='cc' CXX='c++' CGO_ENABLED='1' GOMOD='/syzkaller/jobs/openbsd/gopath/src/' GOWORK='' CGO_CFLAGS='-O2 -g' CGO_CPPFLAGS='' CGO_CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g' CGO_FFLAGS='-O2 -g' CGO_LDFLAGS='-O2 -g' PKG_CONFIG='pkg-config' GOGCCFLAGS='-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fno-caret-diagnostics -Qunused-arguments -Wl,--no-gc-sections -fmessage-length=0 -ffile-prefix-map=/tmp/go-build611249660=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-gcc-switches' git status (err=) HEAD detached at 5bb700144 nothing to commit, working tree clean tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified Makefile:32: run command via tools/syz-env for best compatibility, see: Makefile:33: go list -f '{{.Stale}}' ./sys/syz-sysgen | grep -q false || go install ./sys/syz-sysgen gmake .descriptions tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified bin/syz-sysgen touch .descriptions GOOS=openbsd GOARCH=amd64 go build "-ldflags=-s -w -X -X ''" "-tags=syz_target syz_os_openbsd syz_arch_amd64 " -o ./bin/openbsd_amd64/syz-fuzzer GOOS=openbsd GOARCH=amd64 go build "-ldflags=-s -w -X -X ''" "-tags=syz_target syz_os_openbsd syz_arch_amd64 " -o ./bin/openbsd_amd64/syz-execprog GOOS=openbsd GOARCH=amd64 go build "-ldflags=-s -w -X -X ''" "-tags=syz_target syz_os_openbsd syz_arch_amd64 " -o ./bin/openbsd_amd64/syz-stress mkdir -p ./bin/openbsd_amd64 c++ -o ./bin/openbsd_amd64/syz-executor executor/ \ -m64 -static -lutil -O2 -pthread -Wall -Werror -Wparentheses -Wunused-const-variable -Wframe-larger-than=16384 -Wno-array-bounds -fpermissive -w -DGOOS_openbsd=1 -DGOARCH_amd64=1 \ -DHOSTGOOS_openbsd=1 -DGIT_REVISION=\"5bb7001449cd1dae6cbff2d660374d6d17cbd2c4\" warning: rand() may return deterministic values, is that what you want? warning: sprintf() is often misused, please use snprintf()*))): warning: syscall() may go away, please rewrite code to use direct calls