
Fatal trap NUM: pageJul NUM NUM:NUM:NUM fault in ip6_output

Status: auto-obsoleted due to no activity on 2024/10/19 02:22
First crash: 153d, last: 153d

Sample crash report:
Fatal trap 12: pageJul 21 02:21:22  fault while in kernel mode
ci-freebsd-i386-cpuid = 0; apic id = 00
fault virtual address	= 0x0
fault code		= supervisor read data, page not present
instruction pointer	= 0x20:0xffffffff81a26453
1 dhclient[2989]stack pointer	        = 0x28:0xfffffe0056c8a1c0
SYZFAIL: failed to recv rpc
fd=3 want=4 recv=0 n=0 (errno 9: Bad file descriptor)
frame pointer	        = 0x28:0xfffffe0056c8a6f0
code segment		= base 0x0, limit 0xfffff, type 0x1b
: send_packet: N			= DPL 0, pres 1, long 1, def32 0, gran 1
processor eflags	= interrupt enabled, resume, IOPL = 0
current process		= 2 (clock (0))
rdi: 0000000000000000 rsi: 0000000000000000 rdx: 000000000b0ab260
rcx: fffffe00033eee30  r8: 0000000000000000  r9: 00000000060080fe
rax: fffffe00033eee30 rbx: fffffe006de4bee0 rbp: fffffe0056c8a6f0
r10: aa02000000000000 r11: 000000000000001f r12: fffffe0056c8a4c0
r13: fffffe0056c8a500 r14: 0000000000000000 r15: fffffe00829b7338
trap number		= 12
panic: page fault
cpuid = 0
time = 1721528482
KDB: stack backtrace:
db_trace_self_wrapper() at db_trace_self_wrapper+0xc6/frame 0xfffffe0056c898f0
kdb_backtrace() at kdb_backtrace+0xd0/frame 0xfffffe0056c89a50
vpanic() at vpanic+0x280/frame 0xfffffe0056c89c10
panic() at panic+0xb5/frame 0xfffffe0056c89cd0
trap_fatal() at trap_fatal+0x7f2/frame 0xfffffe0056c89df0
trap_pfault() at trap_pfault+0x179/frame 0xfffffe0056c89f10
trap() at trap+0x648/frame 0xfffffe0056c8a0f0
calltrap() at calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffffe0056c8a0f0
--- trap 0xc, rip = 0xffffffff81a26453, rsp = 0xfffffe0056c8a1c0, rbp = 0xfffffe0056c8a6f0 ---
ip6_output() at ip6_output+0x30d3/frame 0xfffffe0056c8a6f0
sctp_lowlevel_chunk_output() at sctp_lowlevel_chunk_output+0x216c/frame 0xfffffe0056c8a9a0
sctp_send_initiate() at sctp_send_initiate+0x1591/frame 0xfffffe0056c8ab20
sctp_t1init_timer() at sctp_t1init_timer+0x66/frame 0xfffffe0056c8ab70
sctp_timeout_handler() at sctp_timeout_handler+0xb3b/frame 0xfffffe0056c8acb0
softclock_call_cc() at softclock_call_cc+0x395/frame 0xfffffe0056c8ae80
softclock_thread() at softclock_thread+0x200/frame 0xfffffe0056c8aef0
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0xcc/frame 0xfffffe0056c8af30
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0056c8af30
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
KDB: enter: panic
[ thread pid 2 tid 100030 ]
Stopped at      kdb_enter+0x6e: movq    $0,0x23da0b7(%rip)
db> set $lines = 0
db> set $maxwidth = 0
db> show registers
cs                        0x20
ds                        0x3b
es                        0x3b
fs                        0x13
gs                        0x1b
ss                        0x28
rax                       0x12
rcx         0xfffffe00033eee30
rdx                          0
rbx         0xffffffff826f85c0  .str.27
rsp         0xfffffe0056c89a30
rbp         0xfffffe0056c89a50
rsi                          0
rdi         0xffffffff815ca169  printf+0x149
r8                           0
r9                  0xffffffff
r10                          0
r11                       0x17
r12         0xfffffe00542f2000
r13         0xfffffffffffffffe
r14         0xffffffff826f85c0  .str.27
r15                          0
rip         0xffffffff815b5ede  kdb_enter+0x6e
rflags                    0x46
kdb_enter+0x6e: movq    $0,0x23da0b7(%rip)
db> show proc
Process 2 (clock) at 0xfffffe0054211020:
 state: NORMAL
 uid: 0  gids: 0
 parent: pid 0 at 0xffffffff8391a700
 ABI: null
 flag: 0x10000284  flag2: 0
 reaper: 0xffffffff8391a700 reapsubtree: 2
 sigparent: 20
 vmspace: 0xffffffff8391b6a0
   (map 0xffffffff8391b6a0)
   (map.pmap 0xffffffff8391b760)
   (pmap 0xffffffff8391b7d0)
 threads: 2
100030                   Run     CPU 0                       [clock (0)]
100031                   I                                   [clock (1)]
db> ps
  pid  ppid  pgrp   uid  state   wmesg   wchan               cmd
 2992  2985  2992     0  Ss      select  0xfffffe005959c9c0  dhclient
 2989     1  2989     0  Ss      select  0xfffffe005959c5c0  dhclient
 2986   764   764     0  R       (threaded)                  syz-executor
102814                   RunQ                                syz-executor
102908                   S       connec  0xfffffe0077200c1a  syz-executor
102909                   S       uwait   0xfffffe0077f9a900  syz-executor
 2985  2970   424    65  S       select  0xfffffe005959c7c0  dhclient
 2981   767   767     0  R       (threaded)                  syz-executor
101540                   RunQ                                syz-executor
102905                   S       connec  0xfffffe007720085a  syz-executor
102907                   S       uwait   0xfffffe0077f9af00  syz-executor
 2979  2953  2953     0  R       (threaded)                  syz-executor
102889                   RunQ                                syz-executor
102904                   S       connec  0xfffffe006b435c1a  syz-executor
102906                   S       uwait   0xfffffe0077f9bb00  syz-executor
 2976  2289  2289     0  R       (threaded)                  syz-executor
101578                   RunQ                                syz-executor
102901                   S       connec  0xfffffe0077219c1a  syz-executor
102903                   S       uwait   0xfffffe0077f9a980  syz-executor
 2970   424   424     0  S       wait    0xfffffe006dc6a040  sh
 2953     1  2953     0  R                                   syz-executor
 2950     1   764     0  SV      connec  0xfffffe007720a0da  syz-executor
 2947     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0077f99880  syz-executor
 2906     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076246700  syz-executor
 2900     1   767     0  SV      connec  0xfffffe007720985a  syz-executor
 2886     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076246b80  syz-executor
 2866     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076246e80  syz-executor
 2848     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0077f9ad80  syz-executor
 2826     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0077f9c380  syz-executor
 2819     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0079482300  syz-executor
 2814     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0077f9a200  syz-executor
 2763     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0077f9b000  syz-executor
 2747     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0079482100  syz-executor
 2745     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076243580  syz-executor
 2735     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d5a00  syz-executor
 2730     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076246a80  syz-executor
 2719     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d73d00  syz-executor
 2714     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0079482600  syz-executor
 2710     1   767     0  SV      connec  0xfffffe0077d110da  syz-executor
 2703     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076246b00  syz-executor
 2702     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076243300  syz-executor
 2698     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d73a80  syz-executor
 2693     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d72980  syz-executor
 2684     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0077f9be80  syz-executor
 2681     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e5500  syz-executor
 2677     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076246880  syz-executor
 2674     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0077f9bf00  syz-executor
 2672     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0079482000  syz-executor
 2663     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e5980  syz-executor
 2651     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d4700  syz-executor
 2639     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e3900  syz-executor
 2636     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e5800  syz-executor
 2622     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d72680  syz-executor
 2615     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d3d00  syz-executor
 2611     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e5a80  syz-executor
 2604     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076244b00  syz-executor
 2594     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d4000  syz-executor
 2588     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e3b00  syz-executor
 2582     1  2289     0  SV      connec  0xfffffe007720e85a  syz-executor
 2576     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d72380  syz-executor
 2569     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d72780  syz-executor
 2566     1  2289     0  SV      connec  0xfffffe0077211c1a  syz-executor
 2558     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e3f00  syz-executor
 2556     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0077f9b780  syz-executor
 2552     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076245400  syz-executor
 2545     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e2000  syz-executor
 2544     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e5600  syz-executor
 2541     1  2289     0  SV      connec  0xfffffe006b42f85a  syz-executor
 2534     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076244780  syz-executor
 2533     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d73780  syz-executor
 2529     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e4800  syz-executor
 2516     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d75100  syz-executor
 2515     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d74a00  syz-executor
 2489     1  2489    65  Ss      select  0xfffffe006d922bc0  dhclient
 2484     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076245800  syz-executor
 2465     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0007c8ec80  syz-executor
 2463     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076244080  syz-executor
 2462     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d73c00  syz-executor
 2451     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d74180  syz-executor
 2443     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d75400  syz-executor
 2441     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076245b00  syz-executor
 2428     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0007c91580  syz-executor
 2425     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d6e00  syz-executor
 2414     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d6900  syz-executor
 2397     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076246000  syz-executor
 2394     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e2100  syz-executor
 2386     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d72900  syz-executor
 2373     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e4d80  syz-executor
 2368     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076246d80  syz-executor
 2356     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0077f9b380  syz-executor
 2351     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0007c8f300  syz-executor
 2350     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e4900  syz-executor
 2344     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0077f9b580  syz-executor
 2333     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d72a80  syz-executor
 2322     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d4500  syz-executor
 2315     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076243000  syz-executor
 2313     1  2289     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e5400  syz-executor
 2301     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d4e80  syz-executor
 2289     1  2289     0  R                                   syz-executor
 2279     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d74980  syz-executor
 2213     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076243400  syz-executor
 2168     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e5c80  syz-executor
 2158     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e5b80  syz-executor
 2154     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076246c80  syz-executor
 2126     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076243100  syz-executor
 2106     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d72000  syz-executor
 2094     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d75300  syz-executor
 2091     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076243e80  syz-executor
 2069     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d72d80  syz-executor
 2057     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076243d80  syz-executor
 2036     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d74400  syz-executor
 2026     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e5e80  syz-executor
 2012     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076244c80  syz-executor
 2000     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d74c80  syz-executor
 1992     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076245d00  syz-executor
 1991     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d72c80  syz-executor
 1981     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d72880  syz-executor
 1973     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d74700  syz-executor
 1967     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d72180  syz-executor
 1964     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d73580  syz-executor
 1955     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d72480  syz-executor
 1952     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076243a80  syz-executor
 1943     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d72b80  syz-executor
 1920     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d6980  syz-executor
 1916     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d74380  syz-executor
 1902     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d74580  syz-executor
 1898     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076243980  syz-executor
 1891     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d73380  syz-executor
 1882     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d74d80  syz-executor
 1875     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d74500  syz-executor
 1867     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d75000  syz-executor
 1860     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d74880  syz-executor
 1844     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d73f00  syz-executor
 1832     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076245000  syz-executor
 1827     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d74b80  syz-executor
 1817     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d74080  syz-executor
 1815     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d5900  syz-executor
 1798     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0007c91780  syz-executor
 1796     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d73e00  syz-executor
 1787     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d74e80  syz-executor
 1769     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076244580  syz-executor
 1763     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d75500  syz-executor
 1752     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076244880  syz-executor
 1749     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e2380  syz-executor
 1736     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076244d80  syz-executor
 1730     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076d75200  syz-executor
 1718     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076244380  syz-executor
 1714     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e3280  syz-executor
 1710     1  1710     0  Ss      select  0xfffffe006d922d40  dhclient
 1705     1  1705     0  Ss      select  0xfffffe005959ca40  dhclient
 1686     1  1686    65  Ss      select  0xfffffe005959ccc0  dhclient
 1680     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076245700  syz-executor
 1669     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0007c91200  syz-executor
 1661     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076245200  syz-executor
 1647     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076245a80  syz-executor
 1629     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0007c91300  syz-executor
 1613     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d6c80  syz-executor
 1608     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076246300  syz-executor
 1599     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e4780  syz-executor
 1594     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076245500  syz-executor
 1591     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076245600  syz-executor
 1581     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d6800  syz-executor
 1571     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0007c91a80  syz-executor
 1565     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076245300  syz-executor
 1555     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0007c8e880  syz-executor
 1549     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d6500  syz-executor
 1541     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d6c00  syz-executor
 1514     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e4700  syz-executor
 1504     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e2200  syz-executor
 1499     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e2480  syz-executor
 1494     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0007c8e080  syz-executor
 1487     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d3480  syz-executor
 1478     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d3580  syz-executor
 1470     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076245e80  syz-executor
 1463     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e2e00  syz-executor
 1452     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e2580  syz-executor
 1439     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0007c91980  syz-executor
 1433     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e2c80  syz-executor
 1415     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0076246400  syz-executor
 1413     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d3380  syz-executor
 1388     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e2e80  syz-executor
 1373     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d3080  syz-executor
 1371     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d3180  syz-executor
 1348     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d3a00  syz-executor
 1346     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d3f00  syz-executor
 1262     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e3e00  syz-executor
 1240     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0007c91e00  syz-executor
 1191     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d3800  syz-executor
 1164     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0054219b00  syz-executor
 1146     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0054219900  syz-executor
 1135     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d4a00  syz-executor
 1128     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e4e80  syz-executor
 1108     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0007c8e780  syz-executor
 1106     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e4480  syz-executor
 1092     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d4b00  syz-executor
 1089     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0007c90280  syz-executor
 1074     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e5000  syz-executor
 1034     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0054219f00  syz-executor
  993     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d4300  syz-executor
  954     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e4580  syz-executor
  949     1   949     0  Ss      select  0xfffffe006d922a40  dhclient
  945     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e5300  syz-executor
  940     1   940     0  Ss      select  0xfffffe005959cc40  dhclient
  910     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e3a00  syz-executor
  908     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0054219700  syz-executor
  885     1   764     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe006e0e4380  syz-executor
  858     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe00584d4c00  syz-executor
  819     0     0     0  DL      aiordy  0xfffffe006e0ad040  [aiod4]
  818     0     0     0  DL      aiordy  0xfffffe006e0ad5a0  [aiod3]
  817     0     0     0  DL      aiordy  0xfffffe006e0adb00  [aiod2]
  816     0     0     0  DL      aiordy  0xfffffe006dc69580  [aiod1]
  815     1   767     0  SV      uwait   0xfffffe0054219e00  syz-executor
  767     1   767     0  R                                   syz-executor
  764     1   764     0  R                                   syz-executor
  759   682   759     0  REs                                 sshd
  748     1   748     0  Rs+                                 getty
  747     1   747     0  Ss+     ttyin   0xfffffe00585b04b0  getty
  746     1   746     0  Ss+     ttyin   0xfffffe00585b08b0  getty
  745     1   745     0  Ss+     ttyin   0xfffffe00585b0cb0  getty
  744     1   744     0  Ss+     ttyin   0xfffffe00585b10b0  getty
  743     1   743     0  Ss+     ttyin   0xfffffe00585b14b0  getty
  742     1   742     0  Ss+     ttyin   0xfffffe00585b18b0  getty
  741     1   741     0  Ss+     ttyin   0xfffffe00585b1cb0  getty
  740     1   740     0  Ss+     ttyin   0xfffffe00585b20b0  getty
  686     1   686     0  Ss      nanslp  0xffffffff83971381  cron
  682     1   682     0  Ss      select  0xfffffe006d9231c0  sshd
  495     1   495     0  Ds      biowr   0xfffffe0007e18780  syslogd
  424     1   424     0  Ss      wait    0xfffffe006b47a560  devd
  423     1   423    65  Ss      select  0xfffffe006d923d40  dhclient
  338     1   338     0  Ss      select  0xfffffe006d923540  dhclient
  335     1   335     0  Ss      select  0xfffffe005959ce40  dhclient
   17     0     0     0  DL      syncer  0xffffffff83a8ea60  [syncer]
   16     0     0     0  DL      vlruwt  0xfffffe0057fe0040  [vnlru]
   15     0     0     0  DL      (threaded)                  [bufdaemon]
100080                   D       psleep  0xffffffff83a8d040  [bufdaemon]
100083                   D       -       0xffffffff82e02140  [bufspacedaemon-0]
100097                   D       sdflush 0xfffffe005862dce8  [/ worker]
    9     0     0     0  DL      psleep  0xffffffff83ad8600  [vmdaemon]
    8     0     0     0  DL      (threaded)                  [pagedaemon]
100078                   D       psleep  0xffffffff83abe4f8  [dom0]
100081                   D       launds  0xffffffff83abe504  [laundry: dom0]
100082                   D       umarcl  0xffffffff81d48b40  [uma]
    7     0     0     0  DL      -       0xffffffff836eeb70  [rand_harvestq]
    6     0     0     0  DL      pftm    0xffffffff84277fd0  [pf purge]
    5     0     0     0  DL      waiting 0xffffffff846dc9c0  [sctp_iterator]
    4     0     0     0  RL      (threaded)                  [cam]
100045                   RunQ                                [doneq0]
100046                   D       -       0xffffffff836b92c0  [async]
100077                   D       -       0xffffffff836b9140  [scanner]
    3     0     0     0  DL      (threaded)                  [crypto]
100042                   D       crypto_ 0xffffffff83ab9ce0  [crypto]
100043                   D       crypto_ 0xfffffe0054091230  [crypto returns 0]
100044                   D       crypto_ 0xfffffe0054091280  [crypto returns 1]
   14     0     0     0  DL      seqstat 0xfffffe0057eb2088  [sequencer 00]
   13     0     0     0  DL      (threaded)                  [geom]
100036                   D       -       0xffffffff83919d20  [g_event]
100037                   D       -       0xffffffff83919d40  [g_up]
100038                   D       -       0xffffffff83919d60  [g_down]
    2     0     0     0  RL      (threaded)                  [clock]
100030                   Run     CPU 0                       [clock (0)]
100031                   I                                   [clock (1)]
   12     0     0     0  RL      (threaded)                  [intr]
100012                   I                                   [swi6: task queue]
100013                   I                                   [swi6: Giant taskq]
100015                   I                                   [swi5: fast taskq]
100032                   I                                   [swi1: netisr 0]
100033                   I                                   [swi1: hpts]
100034                   I                                   [swi1: hpts]
100047                   I                                   [irq24: virtio_pci0]
100048                   I                                   [irq25: virtio_pci0]
100049                   I                                   [irq26: virtio_pci0]
100050                   I                                   [irq27: virtio_pci0]
100051                   I                                   [irq28: virtio_pci1]
100052                   Run     CPU 1                       [irq29: virtio_pci1]
100053                   I                                   [irq30: virtio_pci1]
100054                   I                                   [irq31: virtio_pci1]
100055                   I                                   [irq32: virtio_pci1]
100060                   I                                   [irq33: virtio_pci2]
100061                   I                                   [irq34: virtio_pci2]
100062                   I                                   [irq35: virtio_pci2]
100064                   I                                   [irq1: atkbd0]
100065                   I                                   [irq12: psm0]
100066                   I                                   [swi0: uart uart++]
100070                   I                                   [swi1: pf send]
   11     0     0     0  RL      (threaded)                  [idle]
100003                   CanRun                              [idle: cpu0]
100004                   CanRun                              [idle: cpu1]
    1     0     1     0  SLs     wait    0xfffffe0054212040  [init]
   10     0     0     0  DL      audit_w 0xffffffff83aba740  [audit]
    0     0     0     0  DLs     (threaded)                  [kernel]
100000                   D       swapin  0xffffffff8391a700  [swapper]
100005                   D       -       0xfffffe00542cf100  [softirq_0]
100006                   D       -       0xfffffe00542cf000  [softirq_1]
100007                   D       -       0xfffffe00542cee00  [if_io_tqg_0]
100008                   D       -       0xfffffe00542ced00  [if_io_tqg_1]
100009                   D       -       0xfffffe00542cec00  [if_config_tqg_0]
100010                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fc700  [pci_hp taskq]
100011                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fc600  [kqueue_ctx taskq]
100014                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fc100  [thread taskq]
100016                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fbd00  [aiod_kick taskq]
100017                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fbc00  [deferred_unmount ta]
100018                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fbb00  [inm_free taskq]
100019                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fba00  [in6m_free taskq]
100020                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fb900  [linuxkpi_irq_wq]
100021                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fb800  [linuxkpi_short_wq_0]
100022                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fb800  [linuxkpi_short_wq_1]
100023                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fb800  [linuxkpi_short_wq_2]
100024                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fb800  [linuxkpi_short_wq_3]
100025                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fb700  [linuxkpi_long_wq_0]
100026                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fb700  [linuxkpi_long_wq_1]
100027                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fb700  [linuxkpi_long_wq_2]
100028                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fb700  [linuxkpi_long_wq_3]
100035                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fb200  [firmware taskq]
100040                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fb000  [crypto_0]
100041                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fb000  [crypto_1]
100056                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fa900  [vtnet0 rxq 0]
100057                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fa800  [vtnet0 txq 0]
100058                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fa700  [vtnet0 rxq 1]
100059                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fa600  [vtnet0 txq 1]
100063                   D       vtbslp  0xfffffe0057f9cf00  [virtio_balloon]
100067                   D       -       0xffffffff826fd801  [deadlkres]
100071                   D       -       0xfffffe0058625100  [acpi_task_0]
100072                   D       -       0xfffffe0058625100  [acpi_task_1]
100073                   D       -       0xfffffe0058625100  [acpi_task_2]
100075                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fe100  [mca taskq]
100076                   D       -       0xfffffe00085fae00  [CAM taskq]
db> show all locks
Process 759 (sshd) thread 0xfffffe0007cc0000 (100089)
exclusive rw pmap pv list (pmap pv list) r = 0 (0xfffffe0007798280) locked @ /syzkaller/managers/i386/kernel/sys/amd64/amd64/pmap.c:8658
exclusive sleep mutex pmap (pmap) r = 0 (0xfffffe005421f868) locked @ /syzkaller/managers/i386/kernel/sys/amd64/amd64/pmap.c:8568
Process 495 (syslogd) thread 0xfffffe0059744740 (100096)
exclusive lockmgr bufwait (bufwait) r = 0 (0xfffffe0007e18800) locked @ /syzkaller/managers/i386/kernel/sys/kern/vfs_bio.c:4018
exclusive lockmgr ufs (ufs) r = 0 (0xfffffe006dc1f3f0) locked @ /syzkaller/managers/i386/kernel/sys/kern/vfs_syscalls.c:3581
Process 2 (clock) thread 0xfffffe00542f2000 (100030)
shared rw sctpinp (sctpinp) r = 0 (0xfffffe0077b5b920) locked @ /syzkaller/managers/i386/kernel/sys/netinet/sctp_output.c:4552
exclusive sleep mutex sctp-tcb (tcb) r = 0 (0xfffffe006e165a50) locked @ /syzkaller/managers/i386/kernel/sys/netinet/sctputil.c:1776
Process 12 (intr) thread 0xfffffe0007b67740 (100052)
exclusive rw tcpinp (tcpinp) r = 0 (0xfffffe006dc88020) locked @ /syzkaller/managers/i386/kernel/sys/netinet/in_pcb.c:1439
exclusive sleep mutex vtnet0-rx0 (vtnet0-rx0) r = 0 (0xfffffe005801a000) locked @ /syzkaller/managers/i386/kernel/sys/dev/virtio/network/if_vtnet.c:2202
db> show malloc
              Type        InUse        MemUse     Requests
         sctp_stro          720        76851K         1236
           pf_hash            5        11524K            5
            linker          375         4959K          485
          tcp_hpts            7         4801K            7
            devbuf         4192         4324K         4220
          filedesc          377         3018K         4200
               pcb         1758         2617K         9223
         sysctloid        34953         2060K        35024
             vtbuf           24         1968K           46
              kobj          329         1316K          493
           subproc          568         1073K         3324
            newblk           15         1028K         3387
          vfscache            3         1025K            3
         sctp_atcl         1586          595K         5813
          inodedep           99          549K         2472
         ufs_quota            1          512K            1
          vfs_hash            1          512K            1
           callout            2          512K            2
              intr            4          472K            4
              vmem            4          268K            9
         vnet_data            2          224K            2
          acpitask            1          224K            1
            KTRACE          100          200K          100
            acpica         1674          184K        60830
           tidhash            3          141K            3
           pagedep           18          133K         1850
        tfo_ccache            1          128K            1
          IP reass            1          128K            1
           kdtrace          635          115K         5903
            DEVFS1          112          112K          135
               sem            4          106K            4
              umtx          832          104K          832
        gtaskqueue           18           98K           18
         sctp_atky         2306           95K         7059
               bus          995           82K         5165
          mtx_pool            2           72K            2
               BPF           38           71K           57
            CC Mem          278           70K          954
          syncache            1           68K            1
     NFSD srvcache            3           68K            3
            module          518           65K          518
       ddb_capture            1           64K            1
              temp           35           37K         3644
               LRO           32           33K           38
         hostcache            1           32K            1
               shm            1           32K            1
            DEVFS3          128           32K          141
               msg            4           30K            4
            kbdmux            6           28K            6
         sctp_athm         1586           25K         5833
          sctp_map         1440           23K         2472
          routetbl          277           21K          843
            ifaddr           72           20K          100
        DEVFS_RULE           56           20K           56
          freework           68           17K         2158
          freeblks           67           17K         1725
         ufs_mount            4           17K            5
              proc            3           17K            3
             ifnet            9           17K           10
               tty           16           16K           16
           ithread           97           16K           97
           lltable           48           15K           78
            kqueue          237           15K         2995
           pwddesc          236           15K         2993
            bus-sc           34           15K         1687
      eventhandler          162           14K          162
       inpcbpolicy          402           13K         2282
       ether_multi          152           13K          246
              kenv           95           12K           95
              GEOM           61           11K          477
              rman           86           11K          451
         CAM queue            5           11K         1528
          freefile           80           10K         1738
         in6_multi           65            9K           95
         bmsafemap            3            9K         2184
         sctp_timw           33            9K           33
               rpc            4            9K            4
           devstat            4            9K            4
              UART           12            9K           12
              ksem            1            8K            1
             shmfd            1            8K            1
       pfs_vncache            1            8K            1
     audit_evclass          238            8K          300
         taskqueue           63            7K           63
            sglist            6            7K            6
              cred           24            6K          306
           CAM DEV            3            6K          510
            plimit           22            6K          542
         pfs_nodes           22            6K           22
         proc-args          264            6K         4345
               osd          283            5K          967
       ufs_dirhash           24            5K           24
          pf_ifnet           11            5K           34
               UMA          268            5K          268
                vt           11            5K           11
            DEVFSP           65            5K          302
           memdesc            1            4K            1
               MCA           32            4K           32
            dirrem           16            4K         1930
             evdev            4            4K            4
           acpisem           28            4K           28
           session           27            4K           47
             lockf           30            4K           62
          kcovinfo           52            4K           91
          terminal           11            3K           11
             hhook            8            3K           10
             clone            9            3K            9
           uidinfo            3            3K           42
             selfd           33            3K        71530
          sctp_ifa           16            2K           20
        local_apic            1            2K            1
           io_apic            1            2K            1
         ipsec-saq            2            2K            2
            ip6ndp           12            2K           19
            select           15            2K           51
            Unitno           28            2K           62
           CAM XPT           22            2K          543
               msi           12            2K           12
             mkdir           12            2K         3652
          in_multi            6            2K           11
               tun            4            2K            7
         toponodes            6            2K            6
         newdirblk           11            2K         1826
       ipsecpolicy            2            2K            2
           acpidev           20            2K           20
           netlink            2            2K           61
           softdep            1            1K            1
            sahead            1            1K            1
          secasvar            1            1K            1
             nhops            6            1K            8
       vnodemarker            2            1K          310
      NFSD session            1            1K            1
            diradd            7            1K         1957
        CAM periph            4            1K          271
          sctp_ifn            6            1K           20
             ipsec            3            1K            3
               mld            6            1K            9
              igmp            6            1K            9
              pfil            6            1K            6
            isadev            6            1K            6
             mount           16            1K           89
          pci_link           10            1K           10
            crypto            4            1K            4
 encap_export_host           12            1K           12
          procdesc            4            1K           16
              cdev            2            1K            2
       lkpikmalloc            8            1K            9
    chacha20random            1            1K            1
            biobuf            1            1K            1
            soname           14            1K         7650
            vnodes            1            1K            1
      NFSD lckfile            1            1K            1
     NFSD V4client            1            1K            1
             DEVFS            9            1K           10
           CAM SIM            2            1K            2
            feeder            7            1K            7
           tcpfunc            3            1K            3
        loginclass            3            1K            5
            prison            6            1K            6
          nexusdev            8            1K            8
            apmdev            1            1K            1
          atkbddev            2            1K            2
               aio            4            1K            4
          pmchooks            1            1K            1
          CAM path            4            1K         1034
     CAM dev queue            2            1K            2
 CAM I/O Scheduler            1            1K            1
          sctp_vrf            1            1K            1
         cryptodev            1            1K           97
              vnet            1            1K            1
               pmc            1            1K            1
          filecaps            4            1K           98
           entropy            2            1K           40
          acpiintr            1            1K            1
              cpus            2            1K            2
    vnet_data_free            1            1K            1
           Per-cpu            1            1K            1
          p1003.1b            1            1K            1
      tcp_pcm_rack            0            0K           60
       tcp_do_rack            0            0K            0
      tcp_fsb_rack            0            0K          120
        sctp_mcore            0            0K            0
        sctp_socko            0            0K         1920
         sctp_iter            0            0K           21
         sctp_mvrf            0            0K            0
         sctp_cpal            0            0K            0
         sctp_cmsg            0            0K            0
         sctp_stre            0            0K            0
         sctp_athi            0            0K            0
         sctp_a_it            0            0K           21
         sctp_aadr            0            0K          767
         sctp_stri            0            0K            0
            ipcomp            0            0K            0
               esp            0            0K            0
                ah            0            0K            0
           filemon            0            0K          125
            mqdata            0            0K            0
          pf_table            0            0K            0
           pf_rule            0            0K            0
           pf_altq            0            0K            0
           pf_osfp            0            0K            0
     pf_krule_item            0            0K            0
           pf_temp            0            0K            0
        madt_table            0            0K            2
          smartpqi            0            0K            0
               ixl            0            0K            0
        ice-resmgr            0            0K            0
         ice-osdep            0            0K            0
               ice            0            0K            0
              iavf            0            0K            0
             axgbe            0            0K            0
       fpukern_ctx            0            0K            0
          xen_intr            0            0K            0
           xen_hvm            0            0K            0
         legacydrv            0            0K            0
            bounce            0            0K            0
            busdma            0            0K            0
            qpidrv            0            0K            0
      dmar_idpgtbl            0            0K            0
          dmar_dom            0            0K            0
          dmar_ctx            0            0K            0
              isci            0            0K            0
      iommu_dmamap            0            0K            0
     hyperv_socket            0            0K            0
           bxe_ilt            0            0K            0
        aesni_data            0            0K            0
            xenbus            0            0K            0
     vm_fictitious            0            0K            0
           UMAHash            0            0K            0
         vm_pgdata            0            0K            0
           jblocks            0            0K            0
          savedino            0            0K         1525
          sentinel            0            0K            0
            jfsync            0            0K            0
            jtrunc            0            0K            0
             sbdep            0            0K          157
           jsegdep            0            0K            0
              jseg            0            0K            0
         jfreefrag            0            0K            0
          jfreeblk            0            0K            0
           jnewblk            0            0K            0
            jmvref            0            0K            0
           jremref            0            0K            0
           jaddref            0            0K            0
           freedep            0            0K            0
          freefrag            0            0K            9
        allocindir            0            0K            0
          indirdep            0            0K          766
       allocdirect            0            0K            0
          ufs_trim            0            0K            0
           mactemp            0            0K            0
     audit_trigger            0            0K            0
 audit_pipe_presel            0            0K            0
     audit_pipeent            0            0K            0
        audit_pipe            0            0K            0
      audit_evname            0            0K            0
         audit_bsm            0            0K            0
      audit_gidset            0            0K            0
        audit_text            0            0K            0
        audit_path            0            0K            0
        audit_data            0            0K            0
        audit_cred            0            0K            0
          ktls_ocf            0            0K            0
        MLX5EEPROM            0            0K            0
        MLX5EEPROM            0            0K            0
        MLX5EEPROM            0            0K            0
        MLX5EEPROM            0            0K            0
        MLX5EEPROM            0            0K            0
      MLX5E_TLS_RX            0            0K            0
        MLX5EEPROM            0            0K            0
         MLX5E_TLS            0            0K            0
        MLX5EEPROM            0            0K            0
        MLX5EEPROM            0            0K            0
        MLX5EEPROM            0            0K            0
            MLX5EN            0            0K            0
        MLX5EEPROM            0            0K            0
        MLX5EEPROM            0            0K            0
        MLX5EEPROM            0            0K            0
          MLX5DUMP            0            0K            0
        MLX5EEPROM            0            0K            0
        MLX5EEPROM            0            0K            0
        MLX5EEPROM            0            0K            0
       simple_attr            0            0K            0
          seq_file            0            0K            0
           lkpiskb            0            0K            0
             radix            0            0K            0
               idr            0            0K            0
          lkpindev            0            0K            0
           lkpimhi            0            0K            0
            lkpifw            0            0K            0
         lkpi80211            0            0K            0
               NLM            0            0K            0
    ipsec-spdcache            0            0K            0
         ipsec-reg            0            0K            0
        ipsec-misc            0            0K            0
      ipsecrequest            0            0K            0
            ip6opt            0            0K            3
       ip6_msource            0            0K            0
      ip6_moptions            0            0K            0
       in6_mfilter            0            0K            0
             frag6            0            0K            0
            tcplog            0            0K            0
        tcp_hwpace            0            0K            0
        ip_msource            0            0K            0
       ip_moptions            0            0K            0
        in_mfilter            0            0K            0
              ipid            0            0K            0
         80211scan            0            0K            0
      80211ratectl            0            0K            0
        80211power            0            0K            0
       80211nodeie            0            0K            0
         80211node            0            0K            0
      80211mesh_gt            0            0K            0
      80211mesh_rt            0            0K            0
         80211perr            0            0K            0
         80211prep            0            0K            0
         80211preq            0            0K            0
          80211dfs            0            0K            0
       80211crypto            0            0K            0
          80211vap            0            0K            0
             iflib            0            0K            0
              vlan            0            0K            0
               gif            0            0K            0
           ifdescr            0            0K            0
              zlib            0            0K           19
           fadvise            0            0K            0
           VN POLL            0            0K            0
            statfs            0            0K          197
     namei_tracker            0            0K            0
       export_host            0            0K            0
        cl_savebuf            0            0K            9
               lio            0            0K          622
               acl            0            0K            0
          mbuf_tag            0            0K            0
              ktls            0            0K            0
              accf            0            0K            0
               pts            0            0K            0
           timerfd            0            0K            0
               iov            0            0K        18190
          ioctlops            0            0K          339
           eventfd            0            0K           31
           Witness            0            0K            0
             stack            0            0K            0
              sbuf            0            0K          288
          firmware            0            0K            0
        compressor            0            0K            0
              SWAP            0            0K            0
         sysctltmp            0            0K          859
            sysctl            0            0K            3
              ekcd            0            0K            0
            dumper            0            0K            0
          sendfile            0            0K            0
              rctl            0            0K            0
             cache            0            0K            0
      prison_racct            0            0K            0
       Fail Points            0            0K            0
             sigio            0            0K            1
filedesc_to_leader            0            0K            0
               pwd            0            0K            0
       tty console            0            0K            0
         boottrace            0            0K            0
        isofs_node            0            0K            0
       isofs_mount            0            0K            0
     tr_raid5_data            0            0K            0
    tr_raid1e_data            0            0K            0
     tr_raid1_data            0            0K            0
     tr_raid0_data            0            0K            0
    tr_concat_data            0            0K            0
       md_sii_data            0            0K            0
   md_promise_data            0            0K            0
    md_nvidia_data            0            0K            0
   md_jmicron_data            0            0K            0
     md_intel_data            0            0K            0
       md_ddf_data            0            0K            0
         raid_data            0            0K           72
     geom_flashmap            0            0K            0
         tmpfs dir            0            0K            0
        tmpfs name            0            0K            0
       tmpfs mount            0            0K            0
     tmpfs extattr            0            0K            0
           NFS FHA            0            0K            0
         newnfsmnt            0            0K            0
  newnfsclient_req            0            0K            0
   NFSCL layrecall            0            0K            0
     NFSCL session            0            0K            0
     NFSCL sockreq            0            0K            0
     NFSCL devinfo            0            0K            0
     NFSCL flayout            0            0K            0
      NFSCL layout            0            0K            0
     NFSD rollback            0            0K            0
      NFSCL diroff            0            0K            0
        NEWNFSnode            0            0K            0
         NFSCL lck            0            0K            0
      NFSCL lckown            0            0K            0
      NFSCL client            0            0K            0
       NFSCL deleg            0            0K            0
        NFSCL open            0            0K            0
       NFSCL owner            0            0K            0
            NFS fh            0            0K            0
           NFS req            0            0K            0
     NFSD usrgroup            0            0K            0
       NFSD string            0            0K            0
       NFSD V4lock            0            0K            0
      NFSD V4state            0            0K            0
       msdosfs_fat            0            0K            0
     msdosfs_mount            0            0K            0
      msdosfs_node            0            0K            0
            DEVFS4            0            0K            0
            DEVFS2            0            0K            0
            gntdev            0            0K            0
       privcmd_dev            0            0K            0
        evtchn_dev            0            0K            0
          xenstore            0            0K            0
               xnb            0            0K            0
          xen_acpi            0            0K            0
              xbbd            0            0K            0
               xbd            0            0K            0
           Balloon            0            0K            0
          sysmouse            0            0K            0
            vtfont            0            0K            0
            pvscsi            0            0K            0
            USBdev            0            0K            0
               USB            0            0K            0
            twsbuf            0            0K            0
       tcp_log_dev            0            0K          111
      midi buffers            0            0K            0
             mixer            0            0K            0
              ac97            0            0K            0
             hdacc            0            0K            0
              hdac            0            0K            0
              hdaa            0            0K            0
       SIIS driver            0            0K            0
               PUC            0            0K            0
          ppbusdev            0            0K            0
            sr_iov            0            0K            0
               OCS            0            0K            0
               OCS            0            0K            0
              nvme            0            0K            0
               nvd            0            0K            0
            netmap            0            0K            0
            mwldev            0            0K            0
        MVS driver            0            0K            0
          mrsasbuf            0            0K            0
          mpt_user            0            0K            0
          mps_user            0            0K            0
            MPSSAS            0            0K            0
               mps            0            0K            0
          mpr_user            0            0K            0
            MPRSAS            0            0K            0
               mpr            0            0K            0
            mfibuf            0            0K            0
        md_sectors            0            0K            0
           md_disk            0            0K            0
           malodev            0            0K            0
               LED            0            0K            0
          ix_sriov            0            0K            0
                ix            0            0K            0
            ipsbuf            0            0K            0
         ciss_data            0            0K            0
         BACKLIGHT            0            0K            0
           ath_hal            0            0K            0
            athdev            0            0K            0
           ata_pci            0            0K            0
           ata_dma            0            0K            0
       ata_generic            0            0K            0
       AHCI driver            0            0K            0
               agp            0            0K            0
           acpipwr            0            0K            0
         acpi_perf            0            0K            0
         acpicmbat            0            0K            0
        aacraidcam            0            0K            0
       aacraid_buf            0            0K            0
            aaccam            0            0K            0
            aacbuf            0            0K            0
              zstd            0            0K            0
            XZ_DEC            0            0K            0
            nvlist            0            0K            0
          SCSI ENC            0            0K            0
           SCSI sa            0            0K            0
         scsi_pass            0            0K            0
           scsi_da            0            0K           69
            ata_da            0            0K            0
           scsi_ch            0            0K            0
           scsi_cd            0            0K            0
           nvme_da            0            0K            0
           CAM CCB            0            0K          523
     CAM ccb queue            0            0K            0
db> show uma
              Zone   Size    Used    Free    Requests  Sleeps  Bucket  Total Mem    XFree
   mbuf_jumbo_page   4096    8622     776       35384       0     254   38494208        0
      malloc-16384  16384     190      82        2098       0       1    4456448        0
              mbuf    256    9912     757      300942       0     254    2731264        0
           tcp_log    416    4066    2036        7407       0     254    2538432        0
         sctp_asoc   2256     720     300        1236       0     254    2301120        0
       malloc-2048   2048     968      88        4679       0       8    2162688        0
      mbuf_cluster   2048    1016       0        1016       0     254    2080768        0
          BUF TRIE    144     213   11575        2674       0      62    1697472        0
        RADIX NODE    144    9818    1433       56792       0      62    1620144        0
        malloc-384    384    4157      43        4173       0      30    1612800        0
        malloc-128    128   12074     171       12970       0     126    1567360        0
           sctp_ep   1152     866     408        4577       0     254    1467648        0
       UMA Slabs 0    112   12300       6       12300       0     126    1378272        0
       malloc-4096   4096     332       4        1052       0       2    1376256        0
         VM OBJECT    264    3849    1281       38125       0      30    1354320        0
       malloc-4096   4096     237      85        3053       0       2    1318912        0
         vmem btag     56   20984      79       20984       0     254    1179528        0
            socket    960     604     412        8128       0     254     975360        0
         FFS inode   1168     712     100        2450       0       8     948416        0
         MAP ENTRY     96    6854    2722      128871       0     126     919296        0
      malloc-65536  65536      13       1          16       0       1     917504        0
            THREAD   1824     397      19        2909       0       8     758784        0
        sctp_raddr    736     860     163        1236       0     254     752928        0
       malloc-1024   1024     689      15        1241       0      16     720896        0
        malloc-384    384    1639     131        5948       0      30     679680        0
         tcp_inpcb   1304     278     163         954       0       8     575064        0
          lkpicurr    168       2    3094           2       0      62     520128        0
              pbuf   2624       0     198           0       0       2     519552        0
              PROC   1376     236      94        2992       0       8     454080        0
        256 Bucket   2048     187      13        2053       0       8     409600        0
             VNODE    448     751     149        2494       0      30     403200        0
       tcp_bbr_pcb    896     270     162         793       0      16     387072        0
     FPU_save_area    832     399      33        4646       0      16     359424        0
         filedesc0   1072     236      93        2993       0       8     35

Crashes (1):
Time Kernel Commit Syzkaller Config Log Report Syz repro C repro VM info Assets (help?) Manager Title
2024/07/21 02:21 freebsd-src 90818083d795 890ce4f3 console log report ci-freebsd-i386 Fatal trap NUM: pageJul NUM NUM:NUM:NUM fault in ip6_output
* Struck through repros no longer work on HEAD.