
panic: kernel diagnostic assertion "dupe == NULL" failed: file "/syzkaller/managers/multicore/kernel/sys/uvm/uvm_page.c"

Status: auto-obsoleted due to no activity on 2024/10/24 07:27
First crash: 228d, last: 197d

Sample crash report:
panic: kernel diagnostic aWAsRsNIeNG:r tSPLi NoOn "T LdOWuEpeRE =D=  NONU LLSY"S fCAaLilL e1d10 :5 3f ilEeX I"T 0/ sayzk
alStopped at        savectx+0xae:   movl    $0,%gs:0x680
 370026  49256      0   0x8000002          0    1  syz-executor
*420802  56271      0   0x8000002          0    0  syz-executor
savectx() at savectx+0xae
end of kernel
end trace frame: 0x7e7e4b33f2e0, count: 14 describes the minimum info required in bug
reports.  Insufficient info makes it difficult to find and fix bugs.
ddb{0}> set $lines = 0
ddb{0}> set $maxwidth = 0
ddb{0}> show panic
*cpu1: kernel diagnostic assertion "dupe == NULL" failed: file "/syzkaller/managers/multicore/kernel/sys/uvm/uvm_page.c", line 144
ddb{0}> trace
savectx() at savectx+0xae
end of kernel
end trace frame: 0x7e7e4b33f2e0, count: -1
ddb{0}> show registers
rdi                                0
rsi                                0
rbp               0xffff80002a082ee0
rbx                                0
rdx                                0
rcx               0xffff8000ffffca30
rax                             0x34
r8                0xffff80002a082e10
r9                                 0
r10               0x209230607f47878e
r11               0x769a5299a558f399
r12                                0
r13                                0
r14               0xffff8000ffffca30
r15                                0
rip               0xffffffff82ce53ee    savectx+0xae
cs                               0x8
rflags                          0x46
rsp               0xffff80002a082e60
ss                              0x10
savectx+0xae:   movl    $0,%gs:0x680
ddb{0}> show proc
PROC (syz-executor) tid=420802 pid=56271 tcnt=1 stat=onproc
    flags process=8000002<EXEC,PIN> proc=0
    runpri=24, usrpri=78, slppri=24, nice=20
    wchan=0x0, wmesg=, ps_single=0x0 scnt=0 ecnt=0
    forw=0xffffffffffffffff, list=0xffff800029fd9958,0xffff80002db73480
    process=0xffff800029fe8908 user=0xffff80002a07d000, vmspace=0xfffffd80092f2528
    estcpu=28, cpticks=1, pctcpu=0.43, user=195, sys=2056, intr=37
ddb{0}> ps
   PID     TID   PPID    UID  S       FLAGS  WAIT          COMMAND
 61001  163983  31632      0  3   0x8000080  nanoslp       syz-executor
 61001  294319  31632      0  3   0xc000080  fsleep        syz-executor
 61001  516261  31632      0  3   0xc000080  fsleep        syz-executor
 61001  380522  31632      0  3   0xc000080  fsleep        syz-executor
 77972  151702  40972      0  3   0x8000080  nanoslp       syz-executor
 77972  468752  40972      0  3   0xc000080  fsleep        syz-executor
 77972  500352  40972      0  3   0xc000080  fsleep        syz-executor
 77972   23902  40972      0  3   0xc000080  fsleep        syz-executor
 48621   90644  57221  60928  3   0x8000090  nanoslp       syz-executor
 48621  267739  57221  60928  3   0xc000090  kqread        syz-executor
 48621  181883  57221  60928  3   0xc000090  fsleep        syz-executor
 16994  417913   1610      0  2   0x8000000                syz-executor
 16994  223680   1610      0  3   0xc000080  lockf         syz-executor
 16994  140471   1610      0  3   0xc000080  lockf         syz-executor
 16994  284638   1610      0  3   0xc000000  vmmaplk       syz-executor
 16994  330802   1610      0  2   0xc000000                syz-executor
  2713  144931  56271      0  3   0x8000002  biowait       syz-executor
 40972  168133  56271      0  3   0x8000082  nanoslp       syz-executor
 99639  151945  56271      0  3   0x8000002  biowait       syz-executor
 57221   65951  56271      0  3   0x8000082  nanoslp       syz-executor
 46554  187400  56271      0  3   0x8000002  biowait       syz-executor
 31632  179483  56271      0  3   0x8000082  nanoslp       syz-executor
 49256  370026  56271      0  7   0x8000002                syz-executor
  1610  167660  56271      0  2   0x8000482                syz-executor
 37514  505361      1      0  3  0x18100083  ttyin         getty
 86920  268350      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         sosplice
*56271  420802  34976      0  7   0x8000002                syz-executor
 34976   40680  75327      0  3   0x810008a  sigsusp       ksh
 75327   64578  37374      0  3  0x18000098  kqread        sshd-session
 37374  170050  53825      0  3  0x18000092  kqread        sshd-session
 53825  428088      1      0  3  0x18000088  kqread        sshd
  3626   86130  39051     74  3  0x19100092  bpf           pflogd
 39051  391116      1      0  3  0x18000080  sbwait        pflogd
 79460  327727  74473     73  3  0x19100090  kqread        syslogd
 74473   23776      1      0  3  0x18100082  sbwait        syslogd
 41244  449048      1      0  3  0x18100080  kqread        resolvd
  1712  523948   4305     77  3  0x18100092  kqread        dhcpleased
 37408  373697   4305     77  3  0x18100092  kqread        dhcpleased
  4305  408888      1      0  3  0x18000080  kqread        dhcpleased
 61563   39829      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         smr
 95591  308231      0      0  2     0x14200                zerothread
 46169  164660      0      0  3     0x14200  aiodoned      aiodoned
 57108   19074      0      0  3     0x14200  syncer        update
 47259  124236      0      0  3     0x14200  cleaner       cleaner
 20117  193833      0      0  3     0x14200  reaper        reaper
 57544  272785      0      0  3     0x14200  pgdaemon      pagedaemon
 75813  334627      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         viomb
 19438  236203      0      0  3  0x40014200  acpi0         acpi0
 91332  208589      0      0  3  0x40014200                idle1
 77321  272693      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         softnet3
  8276  366771      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         softnet2
 31578   27678      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         softnet1
 18554  392645      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         softnet0
 86679  410224      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         systqmp
 28323  108140      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         systq
 50358   84806      0      0  3     0x14200  tmoslp        softclockmp
  5083  137996      0      0  3  0x40014200  tmoslp        softclock
 19340  491855      0      0  3  0x40014200                idle0
     1  492073      0      0  3   0x8080082  wait          init
     0       0     -1      0  3     0x10200  scheduler     swapper
ddb{0}> show all locks
CPU 0:
exclusive mutex &pmap->pm_mtx r = 0 (0xfffffd806d1398d0)
#0  witness_lock+0x5b8 stacktrace_save sys/sys/stacktrace.h:37 [inline]
#0  witness_lock+0x5b8 sys/kern/subr_witness.c:1151
#1  mtx_enter_try+0x178
#2  mtx_enter+0x60 sys/kern/kern_lock.c:239
#3  pmap_do_remove+0xa9 rcr3 machine/cpufunc.h:139 [inline]
#3  pmap_do_remove+0xa9 pmap_map_ptes sys/arch/amd64/amd64/pmap.c:430 [inline]
#3  pmap_do_remove+0xa9 sys/arch/amd64/amd64/pmap.c:1815
#4  uvm_unmap_kill_entry_withlock+0x274 sys/uvm/uvm_map.c:1865
#5  uvm_unmap_remove+0x6a2 sys/uvm/uvm_map.c:2004
#6  uvm_mapanon+0x5f9 sys/uvm/uvm_map.c:805
#7  uvm_mmapanon+0x1d0 sys/uvm/uvm_mmap.c:1020
#8  sys_mmap+0xa96 sys/uvm/uvm_mmap.c:421
#9  syscall+0xbb6 mi_syscall sys/sys/syscall_mi.h:179 [inline]
#9  syscall+0xbb6 sys/arch/amd64/amd64/trap.c:577
#10 Xsyscall+0x128
CPU 1:
exclusive mutex &pmap->pm_mtx r = 0 (0xfffffd806d1396e0)
#0  witness_lock+0x5b8 stacktrace_save sys/sys/stacktrace.h:37 [inline]
#0  witness_lock+0x5b8 sys/kern/subr_witness.c:1151
#1  mtx_enter_try+0x178
#2  mtx_enter+0x60 sys/kern/kern_lock.c:239
#3  pmap_enter+0x246 rcr3 machine/cpufunc.h:139 [inline]
#3  pmap_enter+0x246 pmap_map_ptes sys/arch/amd64/amd64/pmap.c:430 [inline]
#3  pmap_enter+0x246 sys/arch/amd64/amd64/pmap.c:2755
#4  uvm_fault_upper+0x376 sys/uvm/uvm_fault.c:1056
#5  uvm_fault+0x1b2 sys/uvm/uvm_fault.c:608
#6  upageflttrap+0xa9 sys/arch/amd64/amd64/trap.c:188
#7  usertrap+0x2d8 sys/arch/amd64/amd64/trap.c:436
#8  recall_trap+0x8
Process 16994 (syz-executor) thread 0xffff80002f5742c0 (330802)
uvm_fault(0xfffffd80092f2528, 0x200000012, 0, 1) -> e
fatal page fault in supervisor mode
trap type 6 code 0 rip ffffffff825e91ed cs 8 rflags 10202 cr2 200000012 cpl d rsp ffff80002a082a50
gsbase 0xffffffff83413ff0  kgsbase 0x0
panic: trap type 6, code=0, pc=ffffffff825e91ed
Starting stack trace...
panic(ffffffff82fd066b) at panic+0x1d0 sys/kern/subr_prf.c:229
kerntrap(ffff80002a0829a0) at kerntrap+0x29b sys/arch/amd64/amd64/trap.c:327
alltraps_kern_meltdown() at alltraps_kern_meltdown+0x7b
witness_ddb_list(ffff80002f5742c0) at witness_ddb_list+0x12d witness_list_lock sys/kern/subr_witness.c:1836 [inline]
witness_ddb_list(ffff80002f5742c0) at witness_ddb_list+0x12d witness_list_locks sys/kern/subr_witness.c:1961 [inline]
witness_ddb_list(ffff80002f5742c0) at witness_ddb_list+0x12d sys/kern/subr_witness.c:2107
db_witness_list_all(ffffffff82ce53ee,0,ffffffffffffffff,ffff80002a082b20) at db_witness_list_all+0x42c sys/kern/subr_witness.c:2168
db_command(ffffffff835c5130,ffffffff83275160) at db_command+0x647 sys/ddb/db_command.c:293
db_command_loop() at db_command_loop+0x132 sys/ddb/db_command.c:724
db_trap(1,0) at db_trap+0x2af sys/ddb/db_trap.c:56
db_ktrap(1,0,ffff80002a082db0) at db_ktrap+0x303 sys/arch/amd64/amd64/db_interface.c:151
kerntrap(ffff80002a082db0) at kerntrap+0x1dc sys/arch/amd64/amd64/trap.c:323
alltraps_kern_meltdown() at alltraps_kern_meltdown+0x7b
savectx() at savectx+0xae
end of kernel
end trace frame: 0x7e7e4b33f2e0, count: 245
End of stack trace.

dump to dev 4,1 not possible

Crashes (2):
Time Kernel Commit Syzkaller Config Log Report Syz repro C repro VM info Assets (help?) Manager Title
2024/07/26 07:27 openbsd 5d846028a9ec 3f86dfed .config console log report [disk image] [bsd.gdb] [kernel image] ci-openbsd-multicore panic: kernel diagnostic assertion "dupe == NULL" failed: file "/syzkaller/managers/multicore/kernel/sys/uvm/uvm_page.c"
2024/06/25 22:07 openbsd 00aa7573f64b 34889ee3 .config console log report [disk image] [bsd.gdb] [kernel image] ci-openbsd-multicore panic: kernel diagnostic assertion "dupe == NULL" failed: file "/syzkaller/managers/multicore/kernel/sys/uvm/uvm_page.c"
* Struck through repros no longer work on HEAD.