
assert "to->to_kclock == KCLOCK_UPTIME" failed in kern_timeout.c (3)

Status: fixed on 2024/02/24 08:21
Fix commit: 0a34672fd384 timeout: make to_kclock validation more rigorous
First crash: 370d, last: 370d
Similar bugs (2)
Kernel Title Repro Cause bisect Fix bisect Count Last Reported Patched Status
openbsd assert "to->to_kclock == KCLOCK_UPTIME" failed in kern_timeout.c (2) 1 565d 565d 0/3 auto-obsoleted due to no activity on 2023/10/30 09:37
openbsd assert "to->to_kclock == KCLOCK_UPTIME" failed in kern_timeout.c 1 706d 706d 0/3 auto-obsoleted due to no activity on 2023/06/11 05:06

Sample crash report:
panic: kernel diagnostic assertion "to->to_kclock == KCLOCK_UPTIME" failed: file "/syzkaller/managers/multicore/kernel/sys/kern/kern_timeout.c", line 527
Starting stack trace...
panic(ffffffff8286167a) at panic+0x16f sys/kern/subr_prf.c:229
__assert(ffffffff828e6a67,ffffffff82932550,20f,ffffffff828ba047) at __assert+0x29 sys/kern/subr_prf.c:157
timeout_bucket(fffffd8068551e78) at timeout_bucket+0x1f4 sys/kern/kern_timeout.c:530
softclock_process_kclock_timeout(fffffd8068551e78,0) at softclock_process_kclock_timeout+0xed sys/kern/kern_timeout.c:680
softclock(0) at softclock+0x11a sys/kern/kern_timeout.c:754
softintr_dispatch(0) at softintr_dispatch+0xfb sys/arch/amd64/amd64/softintr.c:90
Xsoftclock() at Xsoftclock+0x27
acpicpu_idle() at acpicpu_idle+0x312 sys/dev/acpi/acpicpu.c:1206
sched_idle(ffffffff82d10ff0) at sched_idle+0x41e sys/kern/kern_sched.c:183
end trace frame: 0x0, count: 248
End of stack trace.

Crashes (1):
Time Kernel Commit Syzkaller Config Log Report Syz repro C repro VM info Assets (help?) Manager Title
2024/02/11 13:58 openbsd 5a77c2f75946 77b23aa1 .config console log report ci-openbsd-multicore assert "to->to_kclock == KCLOCK_UPTIME" failed in kern_timeout.c
* Struck through repros no longer work on HEAD.