
multicore build error (19)

Status: upstream: reported on 2024/08/20 12:43
First crash: 123d, last: 19h30m
Similar bugs (18)
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Sample crash report:
failed to run ["/bin/sh" "-c" "set -eux\nOVERLAY=\"/syzkaller/userspace/overlay\"\n# Cleanup in case something failed before.\nsync\ndoas umount /altroot || true\ndoas vnconfig -u vnd0 || true\n\ndoas /sbin/vnconfig vnd0 image\ndoas mount /dev/vnd0a /altroot\ndoas cp kernel /altroot/bsd\ntest -d \"$OVERLAY\" && doas cp -Rf \"$OVERLAY\"/. /altroot\nsync\ndoas umount /altroot\ndoas vnconfig -u vnd0\n"]: exit status 1

Crashes (9):
Time Kernel Commit Syzkaller Config Log Report Syz repro C repro VM info Assets (help?) Manager Title
2024/12/20 23:08 openbsd 4ac905947408 d7f584ee .config console log report [disk image] [bsd.gdb] [kernel image] ci-openbsd-setuid multicore build error
2024/12/16 10:24 openbsd f88109403c5e eec85da6 .config console log report [disk image] [bsd.gdb] [kernel image] ci-openbsd-setuid multicore build error
2024/12/09 05:38 openbsd 380ecedd40b2 9ac0fdc6 .config console log report [disk image] [bsd.gdb] [kernel image] ci-openbsd-multicore multicore build error
2024/11/23 13:51 openbsd f6177fefd64d 68da6d95 .config console log report [disk image] [bsd.gdb] [kernel image] ci-openbsd-multicore multicore build error
2024/11/17 17:38 openbsd a921796a245d cfe3a04a .config console log report [disk image] [bsd.gdb] [kernel image] ci-openbsd-setuid multicore build error
2024/11/02 16:36 openbsd c2bab48d0d27 f00eed24 .config console log report [disk image] [bsd.gdb] [kernel image] ci-openbsd-setuid multicore build error
2024/10/10 10:10 openbsd 9f5322440471 d44647df .config console log report [disk image] [bsd.gdb] [kernel image] ci-openbsd-setuid multicore build error
2024/09/28 18:54 openbsd 7eb67ff9a029 ba29ff75 .config console log report [disk image] [bsd.gdb] [kernel image] ci-openbsd-setuid multicore build error
2024/08/20 12:42 openbsd 46c0d5d12ecd 9f0ab3fb .config console log report [disk image] [bsd.gdb] [kernel image] ci-openbsd-setuid multicore build error
* Struck through repros no longer work on HEAD.