
syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (18)

Status: closed as invalid on 2020/09/23 10:15
First crash: 1639d, last: 1504d
Similar bugs (68)
Kernel Title Repro Cause bisect Fix bisect Count Last Reported Patched Status
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (25) 7 298d 359d 0/28 closed as invalid on 2024/01/12 11:33
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (12) 17 1765d 1778d 0/28 closed as invalid on 2020/01/05 12:04
linux-4.14 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (2) 33 1461d 1902d 0/1 auto-closed as invalid on 2021/03/04 21:23
android-5-10 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (4) 20 427d 629d 0/2 auto-obsoleted due to no activity on 2023/12/03 13:19
linux-4.14 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (6) 3 618d 629d 0/1 upstream: reported on 2023/02/14 13:03
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (3) 13 2022d 2022d 0/28 closed as invalid on 2019/04/25 06:05
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (9) 2 1783d 1783d 0/28 closed as invalid on 2019/12/18 17:04
linux-5.15 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 21 427d 595d 0/3 auto-obsoleted due to no activity on 2023/12/13 13:18
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (10) 2 1783d 1783d 0/28 closed as invalid on 2019/12/19 06:34
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (16) 28 1729d 1730d 0/28 closed as invalid on 2020/02/10 14:27
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (24) 216 427d 637d 0/28 auto-obsoleted due to no activity on 2023/10/25 00:32
android-5-10 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (5) 30 43d 161d 0/2 premoderation: reported on 2024/05/27 10:09
android-54 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (3) 2 1729d 1730d 0/2 closed as invalid on 2020/02/10 14:22
android-54 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (2) 1 1741d 1741d 0/2 closed as invalid on 2020/01/29 15:17
linux-6.1 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 21 427d 595d 0/3 auto-obsoleted due to no activity on 2023/12/13 13:18
linux-4.19 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (5) 1 868d 868d 0/1 closed as invalid on 2022/06/20 12:23
android-44 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (2) 2 1829d 1829d 0/2 auto-closed as invalid on 2020/03/01 20:38
android-49 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 9 2001d 2022d 0/3 closed as invalid on 2019/06/04 13:04
linux-4.14 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 1 2022d 2022d 0/1 closed as invalid on 2019/04/25 06:07
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 1 2036d 2036d 0/28 closed as invalid on 2019/04/10 08:23
linux-4.9 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (2) 1 1902d 1902d 0/1 auto-closed as invalid on 2019/12/19 18:29
android-5-10 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (3) 3 868d 868d 0/2 closed as invalid on 2022/06/20 12:30
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (15) 16 1741d 1741d 0/28 closed as invalid on 2020/01/29 15:26
linux-4.4 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (2) 1 1902d 1902d 0/1 auto-closed as invalid on 2019/12/19 18:29
android-54 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (5) 2 1461d 1504d 0/2 closed as invalid on 2020/11/27 07:16
android-54 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (4) 20 1517d 1629d 0/2 closed as invalid on 2020/09/15 06:40
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (11) 4 1782d 1782d 0/28 closed as invalid on 2019/12/20 03:44
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (8) 2 1827d 1827d 0/28 closed as invalid on 2019/11/04 13:01
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (13) 2 1758d 1758d 0/28 closed as invalid on 2020/01/12 13:03
linux-4.19 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (4) 3 1015d 1124d 0/1 auto-closed as invalid on 2022/05/24 19:18
android-5-15 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 20 427d 629d 0/2 auto-obsoleted due to no activity on 2023/12/03 13:19
android-414 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 3 2001d 2022d 0/1 closed as invalid on 2019/06/04 13:03
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (14) 16 1752d 1752d 0/28 closed as invalid on 2020/01/18 20:26
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (2) 12 2022d 2022d 0/28 closed as invalid on 2019/04/23 16:15
android-6-1 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (2) 30 43d 161d 0/2 premoderation: reported on 2024/05/27 10:09
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (5) 1 1902d 1902d 0/28 closed as invalid on 2019/08/22 13:17
android-54 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (8) 2 868d 868d 0/2 closed as invalid on 2022/06/20 12:23
android-49 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (2) 3 1829d 1829d 0/3 auto-closed as invalid on 2020/03/01 20:38
android-54 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (6) 1 1305d 1305d 0/2 closed as invalid on 2021/04/13 06:18
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (22) 66 868d 1144d 0/28 auto-obsoleted due to no activity on 2022/09/18 11:35
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (21) 11 1249d 1274d 0/28 auto-closed as invalid on 2021/09/02 21:34
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (4) 12 2001d 2001d 0/28 closed as invalid on 2019/05/15 08:36
android-5-10 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (2) 1 1015d 1015d 0/2 closed as invalid on 2022/01/24 19:32
linux-4.14 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (5) 1 868d 868d 0/1 closed as invalid on 2022/06/20 12:23
android-54 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 1 1752d 1752d 0/2 closed as invalid on 2020/01/18 20:22
linux-4.9 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 1 2022d 2022d 0/1 closed as invalid on 2019/04/25 06:07
android-54 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (7) 3 1015d 1124d 0/2 auto-closed as invalid on 2022/05/24 19:18
linux-4.14 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (4) 3 1015d 1124d 0/1 auto-closed as invalid on 2022/05/24 19:18
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (19) 21 1369d 1487d 0/28 closed as invalid on 2021/03/05 08:25
linux-4.14 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (3) 1 1305d 1305d 0/1 closed as invalid on 2021/04/13 06:18
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (17) 2 1707d 1707d 0/28 closed as invalid on 2020/03/18 10:26
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (20) 2 1305d 1305d 0/28 closed as invalid on 2021/04/13 06:20
linux-4.4 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 1 2022d 2022d 0/1 closed as invalid on 2019/04/25 06:07
android-5-10 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 1 1088d 1088d 0/2 closed as invalid on 2021/11/12 16:27
linux-4.19 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 1 2022d 2022d 0/1 closed as invalid on 2019/04/25 06:07
linux-4.19 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (6) 3 618d 629d 0/1 upstream: reported on 2023/02/14 13:02
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (6) 2 1840d 1840d 0/28 closed as invalid on 2019/10/22 14:53
android-5-15 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (2) 30 43d 161d 0/2 premoderation: reported on 2024/05/27 10:09
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (7) 14 1829d 1829d 0/28 closed as invalid on 2019/11/03 07:21
android-54 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (9) 20 427d 629d 0/2 auto-obsoleted due to no activity on 2023/12/13 13:18
linux-4.19 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (3) 1 1305d 1305d 0/1 closed as invalid on 2021/04/13 06:18
linux-6.1 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (2) 45 43d 161d 0/3 upstream: reported on 2024/05/27 10:08
linux-5.15 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (2) 45 43d 161d 0/3 upstream: reported on 2024/05/27 10:08
linux-4.19 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (2) 33 1461d 1902d 0/1 auto-closed as invalid on 2021/03/04 21:23
upstream syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (23) 63 641d 741d 0/28 closed as invalid on 2023/02/02 13:56
android-414 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 (2) 1 1829d 1829d 0/1 auto-closed as invalid on 2020/03/01 20:38
android-6-1 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 8 427d 529d 0/2 auto-obsoleted due to no activity on 2023/12/03 13:19
android-44 syzkaller: testing failed: failed to run ["go" "test" "-short" "./..."]: exit status 1 6 2001d 2022d 0/2 closed as invalid on 2019/06/04 13:04
Crashes (265):
Time Kernel Commit Syzkaller Config Log Report Syz repro C repro VM info Assets (help?) Manager Title
2020/09/23 07:22 master d983f305 console log ci2-upstream-usb
2020/09/23 06:36 master d983f305 console log ci2-upstream-usb
2020/09/10 09:08 master 409809d8 console log ci2-upstream-usb
2020/08/22 19:51 master df5c8fa2 console log ci-upstream-kasan-gce
2020/08/22 19:33 master 49a5a1ab console log ci2-upstream-usb
2020/08/22 19:31 master 49a5a1ab console log ci2-upstream-usb
2020/08/20 17:58 master 70160577 console log ci-upstream-kasan-gce
2020/08/10 17:17 master d3694ffb console log ci-upstream-kasan-gce
2020/08/10 17:17 master d3694ffb console log ci-upstream-kasan-gce
2020/08/08 21:17 master f721e4a0 console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/08/07 22:37 master ff51e522 console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/08/06 09:53 master 4ca1c0ea console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/08/02 19:04 master 196277c4 console log ci2-upstream-usb
2020/07/31 15:27 master d895b3be console log ci2-upstream-usb
2020/07/20 20:59 master d88894e6 console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/07/16 14:41 master a3e915fe console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/07/16 07:20 master a3e915fe console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/07/15 23:08 master 561f9a1f console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/07/15 23:08 master 561f9a1f console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/07/15 10:42 master 561f9a1f console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/07/15 10:33 master 561f9a1f console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/07/07 05:30 master 42723355 console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/07/06 15:36 master ef278c73 console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/07/06 13:14 master 4e3820bf console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/07/06 06:32 master ac5a135b console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/07/05 08:59 master 22f87567 console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/07/05 08:59 master 22f87567 console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/07/05 07:17 master 37d770b0 console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/07/04 13:13 master 24d7f505 console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/07/04 10:11 master 4f739670 console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/07/04 06:37 master 0bb19702 console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/07/03 18:45 master 51095195 console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/07/03 11:12 master 6e569755 console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/07/02 09:32 master f30c14bf console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/06/27 00:35 master ffec44b5 console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/06/25 21:51 master aea82c00 console log ci-upstream-kasan-gce
2020/06/25 21:51 master aea82c00 console log ci-upstream-kasan-gce
2020/06/23 14:23 master 8e0c064e console log ci2-upstream-usb
2020/06/22 03:35 master eabcced4 console log ci-upstream-kasan-gce
2020/06/22 03:35 master eabcced4 console log ci-upstream-kasan-gce
2020/06/21 08:49 master 4f2acff9 console log ci2-upstream-usb
2020/06/17 19:02 master d45a4d69 console log ci-upstream-kasan-gce
2020/06/11 16:12 master 1beaee21 console log ci-qemu-upstream
2020/05/11 06:38 master f8f57555 console log ci-qemu-upstream
* Struck through repros no longer work on HEAD.