
Instances [tested repos]:
Name Last active Uptime Corpus Coverage 🛈 Crashes Execs Kernel build syzkaller build Bugs
Commit Config Freshness Status Commit Freshness Status All Only
ci-openbsd-main now 8h10m 7008 41421 38 140554 768408871d94 .config 1d11h 9750182a 1d12h all only
Applied filters: Only Manager=ci-openbsd-main (drop)
upstream (16):
Title Repro Cause bisect Fix bisect Count Last Reported Last activity
panic: trap type NUM, code=NUM, pc=e9439 1 9d04h 9d04h 9d04h
protection_fault: __x86_indirect_thunk_r11 (3) 1 20d 20d 20d
protection_fault: fill_file (4) 1 31d 31d 31d
panic: softclock: invalid to_clock: ADDR (2) 1 33d 33d 33d
panic: free: size too small NUM <= NUM / NUM (ADDR) type shm 1 37d 37d 37d
openbsd test error: lost connection to test machine (3) 1 38d 38d 38d
panic: missing alias (5) 8 3d10h 47d 47d
assert "map->limit == rtmap_limit" failed in rtable.c 15 2h40m 57d 57d
panic: trap type NUM, code=NUM, pc=e6d59 1 59d 59d 59d
openbsd test error: SYZFAIL: failed to recv rpc 81 8d17h 59d 59d
openbsd test error: no output from test machine 89 8d18h 61d 61d
openbsd build error (21) 113 1d00h 108d 108d
panic: vwakeup: neg numoutput 2 31d 111d 111d
protection_fault: sys_semop C 2 37d 191d 191d
uvm_fault: schedclock syz 11 2d13h 370d 193d
uvm_fault: hardclock (5) syz 4 402d 554d 554d